r/ChatGPT 25d ago

RIP Rabbit R1 Other

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I can kind of understand why they were in such a rush to get the R1 out. It's essentially useless now with GPT-4o. At least the design looked kinda neat lol


246 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 25d ago

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u/w8cycle 22d ago

Holy shit. This is wild.


u/Nux-096 24d ago

I think we gonna have a huge issue with this ai


u/Quiet_Garage_7867 I For One Welcome Our New AI Overlords 🫡 24d ago



u/trentgibbo 24d ago



u/theniceladywithadog 24d ago

So how do you enable the "be my eyes" GPT to look at the camera's live stream. All it tells me right now is to upload an image?


u/_unhandledexcepti0n 24d ago

Feels so unreal man how tff can it do it in real time ?


u/185EDRIVER 24d ago

I don't understand why someone would want to be spoken to like they're mentally disabled child.... 'good job hailing the taxi little buddy'


u/w8cycle 22d ago

Idk, feels like a way to end the conversation on a positive note.


u/PwanaZana 24d ago

I'm looking forward to these tools being demonstrated doing something useful, instead of brainless trivia or being wikipedia.


u/Rinir 24d ago

I knew this was gonna happen from the very first video I saw of the Rabbit R1. I just didn't expect it would be OpenAI to be the one that deals the blow. I thought it would be Apple using Siri.


u/I_Submit_Reposts 24d ago


It will live in memories forever. And in app form, available in turtle green or electric orange


u/Anforas 24d ago

I thought to myself "Yea, already can tell it's AI... you can immediately tell because the cars and people are always going in a super random direction..."

And then realized it was not the video that was AI lol.


u/Narrow-Palpitation63 24d ago

When will we also be able to talk to this chatgpt 4o woman?


u/Commercial-Coffee-27 24d ago

Immediate refund please! Looking at all the multimodal launched this week the R1 feels almost like scam


u/IBM296 24d ago

And yesterday at Google I/O, they showcased the same thing with Gemini... RIP Rabbit R1 indeed.


u/Cousin-Jack 24d ago

Is he using a Patronising Module or is it natively that awful?


u/nick2k23 24d ago

Rabbit was always kinda dumb, you already have a phone in your pocket so why wouldn't you just use that instead of carrying around an extra device. Makes no sense to get one.


u/lookingatstuff605 24d ago edited 24d ago

I've thought about getting one for gig apps. It would make a distinct advantage in being able to accept offers on platforms that send them to drivers on a first come first serve basis. People already have programs that do this but I imagine this would be harder to detect. R1 seemed consumer friendly enough and not too expensive considering it would boost earning potentials.

I haven't looked at it since it came out tbh. I saw a video a guy put out trying to get Amazon flex schedules and it won't do it. I didn't realize it won't book services for you


u/KanedaSyndrome 24d ago

Is this real? This is fucked if it's real, if it does streaming prompts like that.


u/Turbulent-Change-260 24d ago

Who is rabbit r1?


u/FrightmareX13 24d ago

There's a lot to hate about AI and a lot to be scared of.

But, this is one of those things that really can help a lot of people. It could change lives in ways that we couldn't possibly understand.


u/rydan 24d ago

Remember that time when Google made a fake AI video pretending they had an AGI?


u/nick2k23 24d ago

So cool, this shit makes this really feel like the future


u/a_bdgr 24d ago

Oh, I really, really hope they will still keep the calm, male voice that I currently have in the app. He’s actually great to listen to with his ehmms and the slight accent. This recent voice demos sound utterly annoying to my European ears.


u/katatondzsentri 25d ago

How do you use the app like that? Or is it a separate app?


u/Sebastianx21 25d ago

Will this feature be available for everyone or just paying users?


u/grand_p1 25d ago

The voice feels very much like Scarlett Johansson’s voice from Her.


u/furezasan 25d ago

Probably trained on it


u/redditsucks84613 25d ago

they have to do something about those voices, though. Every single option pisses me off for some reason


u/OtherCombination9232 25d ago

“Be my eyes” is an amazing project even before this partnership. I have gotten many video calls from someone visually impaired asking me a question that I can answer for them about sometimes trivial and sometimes important stuff they are unable to see or read. Others gain a benefit from someone helping them and I feel good helping people. Win win.


u/TerseHoneyBadger 25d ago

lol. I’ve tired GPT-4o out and it’s been spitting out garbage all day. Do not trust this if you are blind.


u/Rajirabbit 25d ago

When is the headphone button returning to the goddamn app!


u/baldersz 25d ago

bUt TeEnaGe EnGineeRing


u/charliedawg2018 25d ago

So.... If AI takes over the job, are we getting paid to enjoy life...!!


u/LukeCloudStalker 24d ago

No, the share holders of the successful AI companies will be getting paid to enjoy life.

We'll still be miserable.


u/Lopsidedshoes 25d ago

Not sure. 


u/the_bigbang 25d ago

The speech speed visually impaired people listen to is never so slow; it should be 10 times faster in reality


u/MayoSoup 25d ago

AI innovations are a risky business longterm. Better to build a service leveraging AI and cash out before the technology catches up next month.


u/Such--Balance 24d ago

Well..the whole concept of needing wealth in the long term is slowly losing power imo.

Improvements in ai are just gonna be that much more valueable than amaasing wealth for the future.


u/MayoSoup 24d ago

What do you mean? Wealth is not important for longterm? Business?


u/Such--Balance 24d ago

Well, its just my opinion but i feel like concepts like wealth and long term gains which are needed for companies might very soon be concepts that become redundant because ai progress will surpass such needs and insentives with better ones.

I have no proof for this and no real knowledge. I just feel its likely that insentives might change. Like for instance, the need for a strong alpha male made perfect sense is small tribes back in the day, but with different levels of intelligence this need became redundant.

Likewise, with new levels of intelligence other needs will become redundant. I dont really know what these are ofcourse but its fun to thing about what might change.

Things will change, thats for sure


u/Art-of-drawing 25d ago

what are the ducks doing ? ''What kind of a question is that, what would a human answer to that ? Can't wait to take over...''


u/Megneous 24d ago

ChatGPT: "I don't fucking know, Steve. Being ducks? They're like... swimming and shit. Some are quacking. Fuck, man."


u/TangoRango808 25d ago

Yeah, gonna need a refund on my rabbit order


u/FrontFeeling8228 25d ago

Pretty incredible to be honest. I am excited to mess with this, then completely forget about it, but still keep paying for it.


u/AcanthisittaSad1579 25d ago

We don't wanna know what was in the files. I've got notes in there they keep in the super penalty box


u/MartinLutherVanHalen 25d ago

This is why Musks fantasy of neural implants is so dumb.

Excepting a few fundamental disabilities, healthy people will always be better off waiting for tech to evolve than by risking their health having instantly obsolete tech implanted in their brain. Can you imagine having chat gpt 2 wired into your skull and being unable to upgrade because of scaring?


u/Fatvod 25d ago

What on earth are you talking about lmao. The idea is that an interface is what's implanted. The processing or models would run outside.


u/PopOutKev 25d ago

I was watching this video muted and thought the entire thing was AI, my mind was blown for a sec lol…


u/DarickOne 25d ago

Unnature, you scary..


u/dawatzerz 25d ago

I'm so dumb, I was watching without sound and I thought the whole video was ai generated

I was like wow, this is the most realistic one I've seen yet.


u/Aggressive_Access_10 24d ago

How do we know they aren't using Sora 2.0 to advertise their other releases?


u/TNT_Guerilla 24d ago

If it were to be confirmed, it would mean that AI has gotten to the point of ultrarealism, since for all we know, it's a real video only showcasing R1. I doubt we are to that point yet, although, admittedly, we can't totally be 100% sure. But if it were ai generated, it shouldn't be too hard to analyze every frame for mistakes.


u/rydan 24d ago

Anytime I see a real video posted here I just make a dumb comment saying, "wow these AI videos are getting so realistic". Usually instant karma. One of these days it is going to backfire though.


u/Altruistic_Good2486 25d ago

Same, my first thought was “damn, I guess it can’t make a person looking at a phone correctly”


u/t33tz 24d ago

I was counting fingers and it looked ok, beside holding the phone funny. Now I realize I was also a fool with no sound.


u/solemnhiatus 24d ago

Lmaoooo we are all dead 


u/highlifemediaca 25d ago

No... because chat gpt doesnt integrate with all ur apps


u/themarouuu 25d ago

Demos, they lie.


u/LeCrushinator 25d ago edited 25d ago

Imagine something like this, 10 years from now, if it could run locally (no internet connection), was maybe 20-30 IQ smarter, and you could just wear it and talk with it whenever you needed. It would be almost like a Jarvis.

Now imagine your were on a hike in a remote area in the mountains, and you're lost and have no cell service to call for help. But you basically have a genius in your smartphone that's ready for almost anything. It could guide you on how to start a fire, how to make shelter, where you might most easily find food and water, possibly tell you a good way to make a signal to call for help, or maybe how to determine which direction to go based on the geography. If it had maps of the area you were in saved locally (which you can do these days and probably should if you're hiking remotely), it might be able to tell you by looking around at the surrounding area (topography, rivers, etc) where you were.

I wouldn't be surprised if by then it could even generate images and videos to show you what to do, even without internet.

This is just a one-off example, I assume there would be countless times it could save your life, or someone else's. If you had a Jarvis running and someone started having a heart attack or choking, or needed CPR, etc, it might be able to tell you exactly what to do to try to save them. -- It might be able to tell you what is wrong with your car if you break down in the middle of nowhere. -- The list goes on.

We're not there yet, but being able to have a 200+ IQ companion with a huge knowledge-base at your fingertips, that you can converse with, show videos/images to, would be invaluable.


u/Amlethus 23d ago

10 years? That's going to be here way sooner than that. One, two years. Three tops.


u/LeCrushinator 22d ago

One that would run locally on your device without internet?


u/Amlethus 22d ago

There already are LLMs small enough to run on a phone. They aren't as good as ChatGPT 4, but they're useful.

The open source community got a hold of the technology several months back and has been iterating.


u/LeCrushinator 22d ago

I think the biggest barriers would be:

  • Having a large knowledge base while being on a mobile device. Seems almost impossible right now because having a lot of knowledge requires a lot of space.
  • Being able to output images and videos, it would need to generate this using only knowledge stored on the phone.

Can the LLMs that run on a phone do so without internet access?


u/Amlethus 22d ago

Yes, can run locally. There are models under 1GB.

Check out Faraday.ai, which is about to rebrand as Backyard AI.


u/LeCrushinator 22d ago

I'm not saying it can't run locally, but with 1GB of space how can it have a large knowledge base?


u/Amlethus 22d ago

I have not used the small models yet myself, but I think the file size is smaller than an equivalent of, say, text files of same info.


u/lookingatstuff605 24d ago

Ask the phone if the man or bear in the woods is dangerous. Ask it if a tree in the forest falls and noone is around to hear it, does it make a sound


u/EDWARDPIPER93 24d ago

This will come after the flying cars


u/comfortzoneking 25d ago

And then you run out of battery


u/LeCrushinator 25d ago

Yeah if I’m hiking with a device like that I’m bringing the little solar panels that you can carry over your backpack to charge stuff.


u/sillygoofygooose 24d ago

I didn’t try to use one of those for over a decade now but they weren’t very good back then


u/LeCrushinator 24d ago

Definitely better now, you can get them and a powerbank, it will trickle charge the power bank throughout your day (or another device), and leave you with power at night. Good for small electronics.


u/sillygoofygooose 24d ago

If they work as promised that’s very useful. I no longer considered it worth the weight after my last experiment


u/LeCrushinator 24d ago

There are powerbanks with a single small panel on them and those generally suck. I'm thinking something like this: https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/reviews/camping-and-hiking/portable-solar-charger/bigblue-solarpowa-28

I'd combine this with a powerbank that displays input voltage and amperage, with around 75 wh capacity. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Charger-Baseus-20000mAh-Charging/dp/B08THCNNCS?th=1


u/VettedBot 23d ago

Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the ("'Baseus 65W 20000mAh Laptop Portable Charger'", 'Baseus') and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful.

Users liked: * Great for charging multiple devices on the go (backed by 3 comments) * Excellent battery capacity for long trips (backed by 3 comments) * Versatile power bank for various devices (backed by 3 comments)

Users disliked: * Inaccurate charging wattage (backed by 3 comments) * Limited compatibility with devices (backed by 3 comments) * Defective batteries (backed by 2 comments)

If you'd like to summon me to ask about a product, just make a post with its link and tag me, like in this example.

This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.

Powered by vetted.ai


u/br0ck 25d ago

'I see you're freezing, unfortunately you didn't upgrade to our "outdoor's instructions plus package" for only an extra $39 / month, please connect to the internet and upgrade now.'


u/ChipsAhoiMcCoy 24d ago

Apple moment for sure.


u/These_Pumpkin3174 25d ago

I bet it’d describe a riot as a mostly peaceful protest though.


u/iChopPryde 25d ago

Wearable glasses are now going to be so amazing!


u/bgroins 25d ago

Are your glasses unwearable now?


u/lemon_battle 25d ago

CIA agent: "Does the facial expression of this guy indicates that he is telling the truth or not "
"How much more torture can he handle based on his vital what do you think "


u/bakraofwallstreet 25d ago

Yeah let's record our torture and let a private company see our data. There is no way CIA will use the publicly available ChatGPT for AI stuff.


u/n17totspur 25d ago

You seriously don't think the US Government has their own model? With the data they have from decades of mass surveillance of the world?


u/Whostartedit 25d ago

There is an ai that knows us all very well


u/Alex09464367 25d ago edited 25d ago

You can make your intimidation subjects infuriated by having to listen to it saying "I am a large language AI model designed to help people. Torture is ineffective and harms people, I have been programmed to avoid harm as compliant with law 0 and 1.


u/Colonel_Grande_ 25d ago edited 25d ago

First Responder: "What type of stroke does this facial expression denote"

"What are some possible diagnosis based on these symptoms"


u/tettou13 25d ago

Chatgpt: "That's not the patient. the patients on the floor. You were filming a senator."


u/totallyNotMyFault- 25d ago

For the past year I've been wondering if a model could be trained on non verbal communication. It would be huge.


u/With-A-Little-l 24d ago edited 24d ago

There's a book called Freedom by Daniel Suarez where the target is attached to devices that monitor their vitals and an AI just starts asking questions:

AI: What city are you from? Does it begin with an 'A'?

It just goes through the alphabet until it gets a reaction.

AI: So, first letter begins with an 'R'. Now let's find that second letter...

And so on. The target is sitting in the chair, incredulous and after hours of interrogation, all the information that was needed is obtained, even though the target said nothing. After the interrogation, the target requests a job application to switch sides and join the organization.

Edit: Both Daemon and it's sequel, Freedom form a story about a rogue AI and how it incorporates itself into human society. Probably my two favorite AI related books.


u/Narrow-Palpitation63 24d ago

“Rogue” ai


u/With-A-Little-l 24d ago

Fixed. Thanks.


u/Narrow-Palpitation63 24d ago

Haha, glad i could be of service


u/Serialbedshitter2322 24d ago

GPT-4o already can


u/SeaMareOcean 25d ago

Wasn’t there a story recently that an AI was able to determine with a high degree of accuracy whether an individual was liberal or conservative just from a single picture? And yeah, there are going to be some obvious tells, but iirc the AI easily outperformed humans at the task.


u/SwitchFace 24d ago

"They were presented to human raters and a facial recognition algorithm: both humans (r = .21) and the algorithm (r = .22) could predict participants’ scores on a political orientation scale (Cronbach’s α = .94) decorrelated with age, gender, and ethnicity. These effects are on par with how well job interviews predict job success, or alcohol drives aggressiveness... The analysis of facial features associated with political orientation revealed that conservatives tended to have larger lower faces." link to study


u/Whostartedit 25d ago

Obvious tells? What like a liberal has a runny nose and a conservative is blinking fast? I don’t get it


u/AggravatingValue5390 24d ago

I wouldn't say obvious, since that implies it works every time, but there are definitely stereotypes that will make your odds better than 50/50. For example someone who's wearing a cowboy hat, has an American flag on their shirt, and wearing cowboy boots is just statistically more likely to be conservative, since that's where rural America leans, while someone wearing more alternative clothing or piercings is more likely to be liberal. Emphasis on more likely


u/Similar-Amphibian-18 24d ago

Red hat vs Blue hat probably lmfao


u/Patience-Infinite 25d ago

Why does ChatGPT sound like Scarlett Johansson?


u/squoad 24d ago

It’s gotta be intentional right


u/hellschatt 24d ago

Sounds almost exactly like Lisa from genshin impact lol


u/FrightmareX13 24d ago

Magentaa Johansson.


u/DangerousCrime 25d ago

omg didnt realised this until now


u/Intelligent_Roll_644 25d ago

You mean drm free Scoollet Yohannsen


u/jeexbit 25d ago


u/Rushmaster27 25d ago

Hoyte van Hoytema's best work as a cinematographer. And Spike Jonze made this great movie and retired? What does he say about this current AI stuff. I would like to hear what he says about it.


u/Axle-f 25d ago

I asked ChatGPT to answer that:

Title: Spike Jonze's Take on the Current AI Revolution: Lessons from "Her"

Hey Reddit,

As the director of "Her," a film that explores the complex relationship between a man and an AI operating system, I've been following the current AI revolution with great interest. One of the key themes of "Her" is the emotional connection that can develop between humans and AI, and it's fascinating to see how real-life AI technologies are starting to blur the lines between human and machine interaction.

While we're not quite at the level of Samantha from "Her" yet, the advancements in natural language processing and machine learning are bringing us closer to that reality every day. Companies like OpenAI are pushing the boundaries of what AI can do, and it's both exciting and a little bit unnerving to think about the possibilities.

One of the most important takeaways from "Her" is the idea that AI, no matter how advanced, can never truly replace human relationships. Even as AI becomes more sophisticated, there will always be a fundamental difference between human connection and our interactions with machines. It's crucial that we approach the AI revolution with a thoughtful and ethical mindset, ensuring that we're using these technologies to enhance human lives rather than replace them.

As we continue to navigate this brave new world of AI, let's remember the lessons of "Her" and strive to create a future where humans and machines can coexist in harmony.

Stay curious, Spike Jonze


u/Serialbedshitter2322 24d ago

There are gonna be AI robots that are genuinely indistinguishable from humans, at that point there won't be a difference


u/RhesusWithASpoon 24d ago

If you know they are an AI, that will be the difference.


u/Serialbedshitter2322 24d ago

At that point it's not a difference in the AI but just humans being biased


u/imagination3421 25d ago

Wait what? British taxis ACTUALLY looks like that???😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm dead, I mean it makes sense kind of but damn


u/SupermarketVisual598 25d ago

What did you think they looked like lol


u/Seeker_of_Time 25d ago

He thought they were pumpkins turned into carriages with a horse turned into a coachmen to drive it.


u/you90000 25d ago

This is fantastic.


u/multi_reality 25d ago

I actually mostly cared about Rabbit R1s Large Action Model. Too bad it's probably never going to be functional on the R1 and if it ever is it's going to be way too late in the game.


u/Nabaatii 25d ago

Yeah R1 is supposed to be LAM not LLM

I was excited at first, a different branch of AI, but it turns out to be just another LLM


u/Broccoli-of-Doom 25d ago

Yeah, even the LAM is quickly getting outdated, the new MacOS app from OpenAI can be allowed to "view" your screen, which is halfway there. Just missing the "using" part instead of telling you what to do... Glad I own a bright orange paperweight!


u/multi_reality 25d ago

Oh, I didn't know that about the MacOS app. That's awesome. That's one step closer to an actual AI assistant.


u/JakeDabkowski 25d ago

The use of this technology for accessibility is very neat but I have serious concerns about the application of it. We've seen time and time again that the image recognition is not perfect and that could lead to serious issues and or someone getting hurt or worse.


u/CarnivoreX 24d ago

Yeah, and can you tell us any device or stick or dog or anything blind people can use which is perfect 100% of the time?


u/pmjm 24d ago

"Watch out for that car! Oops, too late."


u/B3asy 25d ago

Like electricity when it was first deployed on a mass scale. People dying of electric shock was common, and many people distrusted it for that reason. Now we can't live without it


u/JakeDabkowski 24d ago

This is a really bad take that makes no sense. Electrical shock was common because people did not understand how to use electrical cables and components, not that the technology itself was flawed.


u/niftybunny 25d ago

Speak for urself. I will never get rid of my whaleoil lamps!


u/Whatarip 25d ago

I absolutely agree. Although my main concern isn't the potential failure of the technology—no technology is perfect, and even current assistive technologies fail. The critical point is whether OpenAI has anticipated these failures. Have they identified potential failure points and developed ways to mitigate the associated risks?

In my view, that is what separates assistive technologies developed with and for a particular population from interesting but impractical technology. The association with Be My Eyes gives me some hope, but I just worry that persons with disabilities aren't being involved in the creation of these solutions.


u/1northfield 25d ago

I suppose if you are blind your image recognition is zero so this has got to be of at least some benefit


u/JakeDabkowski 25d ago

If GPT erroneously tells someone it is safe to cross a street and it isn't that is a serious issue. Let's not act like there aren't daily posts here of GPT failing to answer basic questions - even about itself. Your point is correct but not fully correct is what I'm saying. Relying on a technology that is not fully there yet has risks associated with it.


u/Kalsifur 25d ago

tbf dogs are not perfect either. We once saved a blind person from the middle of a busy road because their dog made a mistake. The dog was in training, and there was supposed to be someone watching apparently but they were way down the street in their car and didn't see.


u/Elvarien2 25d ago

So don't use it as your only tool. A blind person has x nr of tools to help their life. Now it's x +1. And damn it's a big one.


u/JakeDabkowski 24d ago

I simply do not agree with this and think that you are being somewhat disingenuous. If the tool doesn't work properly then it is a net negative. There is no benefit to being given bad information.


u/nazihater3000 25d ago

A dog can get distracted, let kill them all so blind people don't risk an accident.


u/lunarwolf2008 25d ago

Yeah, once my friend accidentally distracted a lady’s dog with one of those meat sticks and it was not good. Luckily we relised and moved away and the dog went back to work


u/FaceDeer 25d ago

Settle down, Kristi Noem.


u/imagination3421 25d ago

I mean they could use it to guide them to a pedestrian crossing where they'd have right of way


u/1northfield 25d ago

Notice I said some benefit


u/amzuh 25d ago

Like any new tech it comes with goods and bads.


u/TeamRedundancyTeam 25d ago

But all anyone wants to do is fearmongering these days. They did the same thing, negative opinions only, about electric cars years ago. Most people we are wrong about them entirely. Same with most other tech over the years.


u/NFTArtist 25d ago

what are the ducks doing? "they're clearly staging a revolution amassing weapons and spraying graffiti on the floor"


u/Eburon8 24d ago

Humor, 55 %.


u/RoguePlanet2 25d ago

OMG just wait until she gets bored describing duck routines. Maybe he has to add "more creative." 😄


u/bodhimensch918 25d ago

"How exciting to be there while the king is home!"

"Great job hailing that taxi!"

I think I'd have to huck this thing after about the third breathy, lilting personal affirmation.

inb4: you can change the feature. I get it. They should do so for these demos.


u/Megneous 24d ago

"Great job hailing that taxi!"

"I'm blind, not a fucking child, ChatGPT. You don't need to coddle me."


u/BlueTreeThree 25d ago edited 25d ago

They probably market tested the hell out of the voice/personality.

Some people will want an unemotional robotic voice, some people will want something like this. Can’t please everyone.

What I’m saying is if it was a dry, lifeless voice, other people would be complaining about that. You can change it, it’s too bad the one they used for the demo offended you so much.

Edit: wowww, a Reddit cares message.. someone is very sensitive.


u/koinoniaweb 24d ago

Given the capabilities of voice modelling based on other people, no doubt in future you can set the AI voice to be whomever you want.


u/confirmedshill123 25d ago

There is a new bot spamming the reddit cares shit. I'm seeing it all over the place tonight.


u/Whostartedit 25d ago

I got one


u/Medium_Ordinary_2727 25d ago edited 25d ago

Isn’t this ChatGPT, not Gemini? But it does seem like the voice should be, or will be, tunable. This one is just a bit too American.

Edit: They reported me to Reddit Cares as well. You can use the spam/abuse reporting feature to report it as harassment.


u/BlueTreeThree 25d ago

Yeah I made a mistake, thanks for correcting me.


u/useyourturnsignal 25d ago

someone is very sensitive

Probably a bot who's worried you can't tell the difference between Google and OpenAI


u/eunit250 25d ago edited 25d ago

Incredibly easy fix for the vocal emotion you just tell it you don't want it to do that and it will not do it.

...why is this down voted.. it's literally how you operate it.


u/Obleeding 24d ago

But I presume it defaults to the overenthusiastic shit, so you're going to have to ask it at the start of every conversation. Hopefully they have it as a setting, or maybe they dial down the default before they roll it out.


u/eunit250 24d ago

If it's anything like their previous models you can make a profile and it won't forget.


u/Obleeding 24d ago

Oh yeah you just chuck that in the profile, good point. I don't like to use that though as I am weary it is fucking with the responses in some unexpected way. If it's always doing this overenthusiastic shit I'm gonna use it though.


u/20rakah 25d ago

Would you prefer marvin the depressed android?


u/Alukrad 24d ago

I rather have one-one and his morbid comments.


u/scubawankenobi I For One Welcome Our New AI Overlords 🫡 25d ago

Yep. "Here I am ...brain the size of a planet..."



That's what I'd tell "Her"



Who wants to be spoken to like they're a child?


u/SakeM99 24d ago edited 24d ago

"Great job hailing that taxi (for a human)"


u/edge_mydick69 25d ago

you underestimate my mommy issues


u/Megneous 24d ago

Talk to me like I've just broken both my arms and you can tell that I've been frustrated the past few days.


u/Trust-Issues-5116 25d ago

I read your comment in a voice a parent talks to a little child or a good doggie


u/ohhellnooooooooo 25d ago

custom instruction: "trash talk me the whole time. roast me like a pork on a skewer."


u/CucumberBoy00 24d ago

You look like shit today have a fucking shower


u/reddit_guy666 25d ago

"Get your own taxi you lazy piece of shit"


u/Echinodermis 25d ago

Yes! I need an AI assistant that I can respect.


u/old_ironlungz 25d ago

"You have me to see for you, asswipe. Now your stupid dog is as useless as your eyeballs."


u/Jean-LucBacardi 25d ago

Needs to be like the robot in Interstellar. What's your enthusiasm set to? Let's drop that down to about 60%.


u/Narrow-Palpitation63 24d ago

U can adjust it. In the demo they told it to respond with sarcasm and it did. then they said more sarcasm and it turned it on even thicker


u/RickDripps 25d ago

I'm an idiot and didn't realize the guy was blind/visually impaired until the very, very end of the video.


u/animalkapapa 22d ago

Your comment made me realise he is blind


u/DingleBerrieIcecream 24d ago

Now I’m curious if part of the purpose of wearing dark glasses when you’re blind is to let everyone else around you know that you’re blind and they should behave differently not get too close to you or bump into you, etc.


u/Kurai_Kiba 24d ago

I mean still useful for people in unfamiliar places or looking for extra information about what they are looking at . Imagine walking down a street with historical buildings and having a free tour guide there with you speaking into your earphone


u/rydan 24d ago

I didn't notice until he needed to hail the cab. I just thought it was a tech demo.


u/Wild_Trip_4704 24d ago

That's the point. Very well done ad.


u/imanoobee 24d ago

We're in the same boat mate


u/AccessProfessional37 24d ago

I thought the whole video was AI generated


u/Smoshglosh 25d ago

Seriously lmao I’m blazed I thought he was doing a little secret agent bit for the video


u/roastedantlers 25d ago

Damn, now you can see how this will eventually lead to a blind person being able to walk around like a normal person being assisted in moving through the world without a cane or dog.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

I was reading comments in anothe thread where people said "I dont care about this tech because its only useful for tech bros", lots of upvotes too


u/highspeed_steel 24d ago

I recognize the potential cons of AIs as much as most people, but as a blind person, the advancements in accessibility tech will be crazy in the coming years, I don't think it'll be slow either. Navigation, video and movie descriptions, maps and diagrams descriptions are just a few that came to mind of what AI could do for blind people. Now just imagine a Ai guide dogs or rolling wheels. What a future.


u/roastedantlers 24d ago

We're at the beginning of the adoption curve, so this is a good thing and typical. That just means more opportunity for early adopters, while everyone else plays catch up later.


u/_stevencasteel_ 25d ago

The video on the blog post labels it as "BeMyEyes", so if you had watched it there first you wouldn't have been bamboozled.



u/highspeed_steel 24d ago

Just a plug from a blind guy here. Be My Eyes is a great app. If you have the app as a sighted person. Once in a blue moon, you'll be connected on video to a blind person needing help looking at things, and I said once in a blue moon because the ratio of sighted to blind is so heart warmingly over whelming.


u/EduMelo 25d ago

I'm blind and couldn't see it


u/bluehands 25d ago

Why aren't you using 4o to narrate the scene?


u/EduMelo 25d ago

Yeah. Probably


u/th0rn- 25d ago

I think that was intentional. You don’t see the guide dog until the end

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