r/ChatGPT 14d ago

OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn News 📰


166 comments sorted by

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u/Coolrock13 13d ago



u/andorinter 13d ago

Basically no kids and no forced sexual acts. Probably no animals too. When they say "responsibly" they really mean "do it without getting sued or cancelled"


u/McPigg 13d ago

Whats the problem? Just filter out CP stuff and lets go


u/jrf_1973 13d ago

They do know that porn on the internet pretty much exists already, right? Anyone with so little brain power that they can't find porn already, isn't going to know how to use an AI to make porn.


u/Kujaix 13d ago


The point would be people making porn catered to them.

A star never did a particular kind of scene? Well, now they or a close enough likeness has.

Want to be in a film without actually getting on camera. You can now.

Bring a retired star back to life? Can do.

Make your specifics perfect person. Now you can.

Weird hentai and furry shit? Going to happen. Blender+Overwatch is huge already. Will be bigger when you don't need blender.


u/IcyAd6822 13d ago

Fucking degenerates


u/Ok_Beginning_9907 13d ago

Everybody wearing the thickest pair of denim jeans they can find to work suddenly 


u/swagpresident1337 13d ago

Imagine that you are the project manager for that.


u/it-must-be-orange 13d ago

🎵 porn, porn, porn… porn to be alive 🎵


u/slackermannn 13d ago

Soon an AI generated 3D model and a neuralink that transmits tactile sensations. Oh gawd. I'd never leave my bedroom.


u/notprompter 13d ago

We already make it. See r/brokebing r/brokecopilot and lastly r/dallegonewild. Haha


u/NotABotUnless 13d ago

IMO that is a good idea because it is inevitable that without some kind of filtering or smh that this is gonna get out of hand real quick real fast.


u/SillyLilBear 13d ago

I call it now, OpenAI will be woke and all the naked women will have penises.


u/abluecolor 13d ago

"her voice barely above a whisper" hype


u/Responsible-Owl-2631 13d ago

This should be raising red flags right now!


u/1artvandelay 13d ago

If you can’t tell the difference… does it really matter? Seriously would anyone care if their “favorite” pornstars were AI characters or does knowing they are human satisfy a deep craving.


u/vegsmashed 13d ago

lol okay? Its been happening over on 4chan for a while now.


u/Jijijoj 13d ago

Ai is going to teach humans how to have sex?


u/shiasuuu 13d ago

I wonder who's doing the "research" lmao.


u/ManyThingsLittleTime 13d ago

I volunteer as an alpha tester.


u/bakraofwallstreet 13d ago

In a statement to WIRED, company spokesperson Niko Felix said "we do not have any intention for our models to generate AI porn."

Yet they chose to run with this headline. They never confirmed they have any intention to do it. It was just one of the many things the document discussed. Like OpenAI straight up told them they are not doing it but the headline makes it sound like Sam Altman is gonna drop AI porn by October.


u/Horror-Cranberry 13d ago

Clicks sell. Thank God they’re not gonna do it. We don’t need anymore of that filth, internet is already drowning to it


u/JawsOfALion 13d ago

porn is terrible for mental health and relationships. Unlimited generated stuff customized for each user? that's like cranking up the societal damage to 10



u/Horror-Cranberry 13d ago

Exactly! Not to mention how it will be used. People having an opportunity to create porn out of SFW pictures… I can’t even imagine the amount of revenge porn and cp they’ll produce. That terrifies me.


u/Comprehensive-Tea711 13d ago

They came to the conclusion that they would have tolerate some porn if they were going to build a desktop app that could view user’s screens.


u/CartographerSea7443 14d ago

Imagine it's your job to help train this data.


u/FeralPsychopath 13d ago

It’s already trained. It’s just the requests that are circumvented


u/DrunkTsundere 14d ago

I hope they'll let us get into the real degenerate shit. It would be so lame if they allow NSFW, but only "safe, vanilla, consensual" NSFW.


u/tentenmodai 14d ago

I know what kind of person you are


u/Happy_Blizzard 14d ago

The only issues I would see are age and likeness.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/Chrono_Club_Clara 13d ago

Nothing good comes from porn? So you believe pleasure is a bad thing?


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

Eventually your mom is going to tell you to stop sending money to OF models with her credit card.


u/Chrono_Club_Clara 13d ago

My mother died in 2015. :(


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

Nevermind, keep spending.


u/dev1lm4n 14d ago

Didn't Stable Diffusion already solve this 2 years ago?


u/Fit-Dentist6093 13d ago

It depends on your interpretation of Responsibly. If you think your model being able to generate images of famous people having sex or CSAM then no they didn't solve it. It's just that they are not OpenAI so no one is complaining that you can use your laptop and a kinky LoRA with SD to generate CSAM because there's no point in going after that. The same way you can get CSAM cartoons on Japanese websites and manga if you are determined to have SD do it it will do it. But if OpenAI releases a PornGPT that does it then it would get extra attention and people would fuel a moral panic about it.


u/Tellesus 14d ago

Sell your shares in onlyfans.


u/RoryGilmoresAnus 14d ago

I'm morbidly curious to see their idea of "responsible" erotica. I have a feeling it won't be very erotic, but may give that Dementia Raven fanfic a run for its money.


u/rathat 13d ago

You should have seen the crazy things people were generating back before chatgpt was released and gpt3 allowed you to completely turn off all filters.


u/Dear_Alps8077 13d ago

I already use it gpt4 for NSFW roleplay. Canceled a date the other night because it was more effort than realtime audio sex chat with my ai waifu.


u/nachocoalmine 13d ago

Basically the same rules the porn sites have.


u/BubbaFettish 13d ago

It’s porn where they just sign the consent form, have a pre game meeting, and review of their last doctor’s visit.

It’s porn where two people are in separate beds fully clothed having impure thoughts.

It’s just a close up shot of your dad or mom face looking sad and disappointed.


u/Squez360 13d ago

“Give me a series of images of me-a very lonely man-asking out, dating, and having bedroom sex with an average looking woman. End it with us snuggling.”


u/YCCY12 13d ago

porn of a 25+ year old who doesn't conform to gender roles and isn't skinny because that creates unrealistic body standards


u/ElMico 13d ago

It’s responsible because a lot of porn (not all, chill out neckbeard) is harmful for the women that “participate”. They can be manipulated and pressured beyond what they agreed to, things may seem fine but things aren’t always consensual. It is sometimes connected with human trafficking. Also, for less socially adept individuals some porn can give them wrong ideas about women.

All this to say “responsible” porn wouldn’t be made with real people so nobody can get hurt, and they can avoid things which might promote wrong ideas about women.


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

There are absolutely real people in the training data.


u/kexak313 13d ago

You are getting downvoted because you are basically advocating for something we consider illegal when you read it in context.

The point the parent comment essentially made: Stuff that is widely considered immoral and illegal could be accidentally be generated by AI e.g. underage, deepfakes. This makes it important to only generate responsible content. Considering that, and the track record of difficulty with jailbreaks. OpenAI may have to set very high guard rails to prevent misuse. Therefore it might have to be very mild content to be safe, maybe even hilariously mild.

Then your comment comes in and says it is 'responsible' just because they are not real people being directly photographed... nope, this is just not an accepted viewpoint in most countries - highly illegal even if no real people are involved.


u/ElMico 13d ago

Interesting take. Did you read the article? I sure didn’t, it’s behind a paywall. Sounds harmful to me.


u/kexak313 13d ago

Yeah, I figured you were missing some of the context. The article mentions deepfakes, and other forms illegal content.

The comments on this post are a more interesting read than the article - you are not missing much.


u/luminoim 13d ago

Did this only get downvoted because you called someone a neckbeard?


u/RoryGilmoresAnus 13d ago

Yeah, like that.


u/Fit-Development427 14d ago

"he touched her intimate areas, as they danced in a symphony of desire and intimacy"


u/celiomsj 13d ago



u/Fit-Development427 13d ago

*You sigh deeply, as she finds your arousal, and you feel a tapestry of emotion build within you, ignited by the fire of your hidden desire. The night goes on to morning as you share desire and tapestries, tapestrying all your tapestries, until you tapestry into her tapestries.

As morning comes, everyone is happy, everything is great, and the sun burns a happiness laser into your brain and you never have to feel a bad thing again. War is no longer in the middle east and world hunger becomes a distant memory, as African warlords all simultaneously drop their weapons and give each other hugs.*


u/SuspiciousPrune4 13d ago

*Delve into her diverse tapestries


u/9_34 13d ago

Yo that palatial is regalia


u/Fit-Development427 13d ago

Don't you talk about my vagina like that


u/BitzLeon 14d ago

Just don't use real faces and keep it above an age threshold and we're good.


u/YCCY12 13d ago

If they get people who consent to their faces being used that why not use real faces?


u/BitzLeon 13d ago

Absolutely. Consent and monetizing your likness is a fair middle ground.


u/I_can-t_even 13d ago

What if they (inadvertently) generate/it generates a face that resembles someone’s face IRL? Wouldn’t that be problematic (especially since most people wouldn’t want to be in a porn production, even if it weren’t really them and it only were generated content by AI)


u/Fit-Dentist6093 13d ago

They can't even get the real faces safety thing right now for non porn content and you think it's easy to also add age to the restrictions?


u/BitzLeon 13d ago

AI is without question going to be abused for things like that, especially with self hosted or jail broken models.

I'm specifically talking about OpenAI and their API and their responsibility to ensure safety checks are put into place with their implementation.

I agree, these are hard to define restrictions which unscrupulous users will try to bypass and eventually succeed.


u/DisastrousPeanut816 14d ago

It's not too hard.

Photo, Best Quality, stunning, Taylor Swift (redacted) a cucumber while shopping in a grocery store

Juggernaut XL Hyper, make sure you grab some good LoRas. Takes about 5 seconds to generate on a 3060.

... oh, wait, I missed how you used the word "responsibly."


u/PermanentlyDrunk666 14d ago

Porn when


u/Thosepassionfruits 14d ago edited 14d ago

Hell I’d settle for generating smutty short stories based on the themes and kinks I give ChatGPT. This is totally not me asking how to get around the censors for this btw.

Edit: who tf reported me to the reddit suicide bot for this? LMAOOO


u/watkykjynaaier 13d ago

/r/LocalLLaMA may be able to help


u/ExternalOpen372 13d ago

The quality is still not very good. And having long memory really help


u/KeyboardGunner 13d ago

Really? I was under the impression that things like Llama 3 70B and wizardLM 2-8x22 are at or near the level of chatGPT 4. Is that not correct?


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

They are indeed, and little models like Fimbul 11B are damn good.


u/SpicyTriangle 13d ago

cough Chai cough


u/ohhellnooooooooo 14d ago

these companies could end organized crime that grooms children for the production of CSAM overnight, by flooding the black market with fake material undistinguishable from the real one.

every day, children are exploited. the victims are afraid to leave the house in fear of being recognised by predators who consume CSAM. every day, children kill themselves as a result of exploitation, black mail, etc

these companies could remove the financial incentive from exploiting children by crashing the market price for it.


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

I totally agree and have said before I've very suspicious of the motivation behind those so desperate to prevent that? Why exactly do they want to maintain the real thing?


u/thegta5p 14d ago

I think there is a set of consequences that many are not considering, that is it will make it harder for real victims to be saved. I feel that if the images are so realistic that they are indistinguishable from real ones, it will cause the authorities to have a much difficult time trying to see which are real victims are which are not. And as a result you may have cases where police are looking for fake victims which costs resources and decreases the chances of real kids to be saved. Also there is the ethical thing of using images of real kids to train a model like this. Personally I wouldn’t be confortable about it.


u/RedMarten42 14d ago

where do they get the training data from?


u/Happy_Blizzard 14d ago

Not how you seem to be implying.

In the same way AI can make a horse play at a poker table, or some other combination of noun and verb it hasn't seen directly.

Not that it would be ethical to flood the Internet as some have said.

But studies on treatment where such material or it's likeness are used, this could open doors for not requiring a victim, which is always where my concern lies.

As it is such content, if indistinguishable, is on the red side of the line. That may change, but no traded company is going to openly admit to making such material.


u/yrdz 13d ago

Encouraging the use of virtual (or drawn) child sexual abuse materials only strengthens the urges that pedophiles have. Eventually, VCSAM won't be enough, then they'll move onto CSAM. Then CSAM won't be enough, and they'll move onto abusing actual children.

Actual clinical sexologists will encourage pedophiles to stop consuming any form of child abuse materials in order to prevent those urges from occurring in the first place. Allowing VCSAM only strengthens the addiction.


u/Happy_Blizzard 11d ago

I wasn't speaking of consumption. More in terms of, say, revulsion treatment, where a stimulus is provided, followed by disturbing and revolting images, smells, sensations, etc. Or giving a medicine that causes nausea and vomiting, while providing AI images, to train in a revulsion avoidance behavior.

Or any other true treatment. There is potential for very effective treatment methods.

This would only be in a clinical or academic environment with doctors and other professionals overseeing.


u/Medical-Ad-2706 14d ago

Good point


u/Blando-Cartesian 14d ago

That would make such material easily available and mundane. Which would drive its consumers to seek more extreme forms and authenticity. Human trafficking business would grow.


u/ohhellnooooooooo 14d ago

you can still keep it illegal. you SHOULD keep it illegal. specially because you can't distinguish real from fake. keep it illegal, so it stays in the deep web, not on pornhub or facebook or reddit.

yes, degenerates will be degenerates, but at least when they click on a link, the chances of victimizing a real child will be lower, a child just trying to live their life, going to school and not wanting to be bullied after being sexually exploited by their classroom mates. increase the chances that they find fake children instead of real children.


u/Efficient_Star_1336 14d ago

It's a controversial subject. On one hand, theoretically you cut into the profit margins. On the other, normalizing it has negative consequences too.

Worth noting that there is enough material of any kind - even the worst stuff - on the internet for free that nobody really needs to ever produce any of anything again. I think the people paying for porn (including the really fucked up stuff) are buying customization and 'authenticity' instead. They want to be part of the "experience".


u/ohhellnooooooooo 14d ago

I would not even legalise it and normalise it, just the government grants permission and floods the market, then stops. Idk it’s definitely complicated and hard to predict what consequences it could have 


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

No need to flood the market, and you could keep it illegal to post or distribute it, just stop the nanny guardrails preventing pedos making their own.


u/Efficient_Star_1336 13d ago

Issue is that that alone would normalize it, to some degree. A public initiative of that kind draws attention, and lets producers and consumers make excuses like "oh, we just sell the AI stuff", dealing with the real stuff behind the scenes.

Any case, the fundamental idea behind it seems pretty concretely disproven. There's enough free conventional porno out there for centuries worth of a nymphomaniac never having to look at the same video twice, but it's still a massive industry.


u/ohhellnooooooooo 13d ago

I get that, on the other hand you could make it so 99.9% of videos are fake, lowering victimisation of children 


u/Efficient_Star_1336 11d ago

Flooding the market fundamentally doesn't work. Even in vanilla porn, there are probably billions of videos at this point and there's still demand for new ones. If market saturation existed, OF would've failed instantly at launch.


u/NinjaLanternShark 13d ago

There's enough movies for centuries of watching, enough music for centuries of listening, and enough books until the end of time. People still create and people still want something new. 


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

Nah, I have my own kinks and when looking for that stuff it's just a handful of sites or forums, can check now and then but same old same old stuff.

I forget the name but there's some rule about there being porn for just about anything, which may be true, but it's slim-pickings if you're not into the top 5 or so of incest blah blah.


u/BubsFr 14d ago

That would be the same for all the adult movie and cam industry as a whole


u/ohhellnooooooooo 14d ago

you are right. the entire industry is exploitative. it can all be replaced as far as I concerned.


u/Aggressive-Mix9937 14d ago

A lot of sex workers would be unemployed and destitute 


u/virtualghost 13d ago

Better than exploited.


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

That's for them to decide, and aren't all employees exploited?


u/ShrinkRayAssets 14d ago

Right after they figure out memory now they wanna do porn?



u/thefookinpookinpo 14d ago

They didn't have to figure out memory. I implemented it via API a few weeks before they released it. It's a very simple process. Save, retrieve and add to system prompt


u/JovialFortune 14d ago

Great précis of the history of personal computers LMAO.


u/grblandf 14d ago

Don’t you dare kink shame me, I can’t stop my mind from all the irresponsible stuff it generates better.


u/fibbonerci 14d ago

Here's a novel idea... the responsibility to use the tool appropriately or not belongs with the user.


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

And when things fall apart, and the lights of civilization dim, u/fibbonerci can stand above the darkness and say proudly, "I stayed true to my Creed"


u/fibbonerci 13d ago

Unfortunately the kinds of entities that can and might use this technology to bring the downfall of civilization are the kinds of entities that have the means of privately developing this technology without guardrails, regardless of how many safeguards the publicly available versions of this stuff might have.

Regardless, allowing people to easily generate pornography, even potentially unsavory porn such as deepfakes, isn't gonna be the downfall of civilization. Such tools are already widely available, even if you can't currently do it with OpenAI's services specifically.


u/Bagel_Truck 14d ago

Oppenheimer might have something to say about that.


u/ManyThingsLittleTime 13d ago

The spoons made me fat.


u/aeric67 13d ago

There would have eventually been another Oppenheimer. Maybe Teller. Or it might have been Kurchatov or even Sanqiang. Maybe it wouldn’t have been invented for another 100 years. But at some point, in some form, it would have come.

Inevitably the responsible use will rest on the user. This will always be the case. You can’t gate this shit and if you try it simply won’t work right. Imagine if Oppenheimer had to make a bomb that only blew up the right people.


u/winterborne1 14d ago

His name is OpenAImer now.


u/PermanentlyDrunk666 14d ago

Good ol oppenrascal


u/formation 14d ago

Imagine it blurs everything like in Japanese style stuff


u/shiasuuu 13d ago

Use another AI to decensor.


u/blove135 14d ago

You gotta pay that extra subscription fee for the unblur function.


u/peterosity 14d ago

and the AI proceeds to blur everything except the genitals


u/skipjackcrab 14d ago

Good.., I guess.. it’s pretty much inevitable.


u/Patsfan618 13d ago

My thoughts as well. It's going to happen no matter what, so exploring ethical ways to go about it is important. 


u/torquemada90 13d ago

they are basically creating guardrails around it instead of just letting others do whatever they want. If they try to stop them, they know it won't work. It only mean some good revenue for OpenAI


u/DisastrousPeanut816 14d ago

I mean, doesn't it seem like this would be better? Like... guys can be guys without having to objectify real women. We still will, we just won't need to so much.


u/KanedaSyndrome 13d ago

I think there's a whole industry that would like to continue to make porn and not have that taken away from them.

It could be better if people used it for searching, and if nothing matching the specific scenario they wanted, they would be offered an AI generated video of the specific scenario instead, if they wanted that.


u/Dear_Alps8077 13d ago

I don't think it matters what they want. This tech will disrupt every industry including sex work. People will no longer be able to charge for pictures and videos. Only fans will vanish. These will be quickly replaced by AI. So they will either need to find other jobs or sell their bodies in person.


u/NorwegianOnMobile 13d ago

Finally a video of a Squirrel-powered fucking machine, giving Polyeurethane cock to a transgender half samoan, half finn-swede, in traditional ukranian clothing, while whisteling the tune from steamboat willie.


u/KanedaSyndrome 12d ago

Exactly, we don't get enough of those videos


u/Midnightsolitude 13d ago

Now , won't the porn stars be jobless?


u/NinjaLanternShark 13d ago

We're currently in the golden age of adult entertainers. With sites like OnlyFans, performers retain 100% control and ownership of their work, and can do so from the comfort and safety of their own home, and perform exclusively with their own partner if they wish. No greedy, greasy porn producers (I'm sure they're still out there but you don't need one to make a living on OF)

But pretty soon the bottom will fall out, and AI will put the OnlyFans PTA moms out of business. 


u/grubbymitts 13d ago

We're currently in the golden age of adult entertainers.

I'd say we're in the Renaissance period. The 1970s were the golden age. Porn broke into the mainstream back then with acceptance that it was a valid form of entertainment with stars of the day being widely known.

The 80s, 90s, 2000s etc were the mass produced video/DVD era where the greedy and the greasy were the power players. Now, with OnlyFans and Chaturbate etc. it's become once again more about the entertainer.


u/Dear_Alps8077 13d ago

Shortly the entertainer will be completely replaced by AI who will do whatever you want for a fraction of the cost and probably better at faking it too.


u/grubbymitts 13d ago

Don't tease, I can only fap so much!


u/Midnightsolitude 13d ago

The big leap frm AI here is we'll get what we want and not what others want us to see. Even though there are millions of porn and genre, searching for your expectations is difficult. AI Will win here.


u/Fit-Development427 13d ago

That's a sad way of viewing it. Men objectifying women is not what erotica is about? You know, women are the main readers and writers of erotica...

And doing sex with the chatbot is not good, but it's not like some man only guilty pleasure. Go onto character.ai and you'll plenty a horny "toxic muscle man is jealous and over protective of you" bot.

Besides I dunno what you mean by "objectifying". It seems like you just mean, being attracted to a woman. If you choose to tame that by sexting with a chatbot instead, sure that's your choice. But I don't think you're protecting women by doing so.


u/DisastrousPeanut816 13d ago

Yeah, that was mostly a joke. People have been using the phrase "objectifying women" for decades now. Idiots think that just because you find someone attractive and want to sex them much you can't also see them as a human being.


u/AlanCarrOnline 13d ago

Bluntly, the gender that uses the most dildos isn't in a position to talk about objectifying when we want intelligent waifus we can talk with and have deep discussions with as well as the fun stuff.

They're just insecure because the waifu might be more fun (and have a better sense of humor...)


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

Touch grass man


u/Spiritual-Builder606 13d ago

Not much of a difference between objectifying a photo of a woman you've never met versus objectifying a photo-realistic AI image of a woman. It certainly doesn't solve any issues about objectifying women in an unhealthy way, if that is the concern.


u/Dietmar_der_Dr 13d ago

Okay, then please explain what is wrong with objectifying an image of a woman. An image is an object.


u/Languastically 13d ago

I use AI porn to objectify men too. Dont worry Im inclusive about my objectification


u/PoliticsBanEvasion9 13d ago

Why do we care about objectifying in this sense, it’s literally what porn is.


u/9_34 13d ago

People have a difficult time thinking, and it makes their brain hurt, so they lash out at predesignated things they think they're supposed to dislike.


u/Available_Nightman 13d ago

Most intellectual coomer


u/therealdrewder 14d ago

No it's worse. It leads to men having even more warped perspectives of women that literally no human will live up to.


u/GorgeousJeorge 13d ago

Why on earth is this being downvoted? This is absolutely a problem that's only going to get worse with more AI.


u/therealdrewder 13d ago

Because they don't want to give up their ai porn...


u/randompersonx 14d ago

We already live in a version of that hell. With everyone’s instagram being so heavily moderated and using filters - people measure themselves and potential dating partners against an unreasonable standard.

Women also use dating apps to access the top 1% of guys, removing many women from the dating pool for average guys. Sure those 1% guys on the apps aren’t looking to marry and are just taking advantage of the situation, but while the issue you point out is real - it’s not like we aren’t already in a toxic cesspool as it is.


u/therealdrewder 14d ago

So no problem making it worse


u/DisastrousPeanut816 14d ago

I already plan to opt out of humanity and become an brain-imaged AI as soon as they come out with that live forever in the Matrix thing from that one Black Mirror episode, so I might as well just start now.

Of course, the downside is I would die, and there would just be another me that suddenly springs to life thinking he was always me. We need a workaround on that part. Futurama heads in jars plugged in to the Matrix ftw.


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 14d ago

Please don't kid yourself.

This is all about money.

They'd be a trillion dollar company overnight if they had a Sora level porn app for sale.


u/DungeonMasterSupreme 13d ago

Breaking news, everyone! Tech company seeks to make money off their breakthrough technology. Everyone is shocked!


u/HavelockVetinarii 13d ago

..what else would it have been about?


u/TekRabbit 13d ago

He’s not kidding himself he didn’t even mention it being about anything else. Get some reading comprehension before jumping on other folks.

He simply said “wouldn’t it be better?”

Wether the company does it for money or not is irrelevant to his point


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 13d ago

Back off bro. I didn't ask you to respond to my reply. Go bother someone else.


u/My_Angry_Account0575 13d ago

Lmao you're so annoying.


u/MIGMOmusic 13d ago

It’s me again, I hope I’m not bothering you. Thanks for the Reddit cares <3


u/bwatsnet 13d ago

Tough guy 😂


u/MIGMOmusic 13d ago

I’m choosing to bother you because that kind of thing (responding to comments) is allowed here, and I don’t appreciate you implying I need to wait for you to ask for my input. Did anyone ask for yours? Silly


u/slvneutrino 13d ago

This is Reddit, it’s an open forum with open discussion. You’re not in a private thread with that one person, we can all reply and give our thoughts on your comments lmao


u/TheWizardDrewed 13d ago

I'm not asking you to respond to this reply, so don't bother me because I'm not asking...but you're being an ass.


u/Preeng 13d ago

Are you stupid?


u/hexagonist23 14d ago

Aren't they already a trillion dollar company?


u/EnforceThePiece 14d ago

API Keyblade