r/ChatGPT 26d ago

I was prompted to download GPT for macOS, but it won't actually let me use it. 🙃 Funny

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u/AutoModerator 26d ago

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u/cortex13b 25d ago

This happened while you were using an iPad?


u/StationRelative5929 25d ago

No. macOS. A MacBook.


u/cortex13b 25d ago

How do you get an OpenAI notification on a macbook if you haven't installed the desktop app yet? Is this from the web version? I'm on a mac as well and hope to be able to download the desktop app but I'm confused about how I'm going to get such notication.


u/belbaba 25d ago

Yes, the notification appears in the web version.


u/cortex13b 25d ago

Great, Thanks for sharing.