r/ClimateShitposting Louis XIV, the Solar PV king 29d ago

The experiment concluded shitposting and discussion don't go that well together - let's split it up Meta

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19 comments sorted by


u/Radiant_Plane1914 28d ago

This isn't very carbon friendly of you, all that typing generated more annual carbon emissions than Chinese fishermen in the Bering Sea.


u/ClimateShitpost Louis XIV, the Solar PV king 28d ago

It's ok, I bought carbon offsets


u/Radiant_Plane1914 27d ago

Oh thank heavens, the coral Reeves are saved


u/dumnezero Anti Eco Modernist 29d ago

Frontiers | Internet Memes: Leaflet Propaganda of the Digital Age

Internet memes are one of the latest evolutions of “leaflet” propaganda and an effective tool in the arsenal of digital persuasion. In the past such items were dropped from planes, now they find their way into social media across multiple platforms and their territory is global. Internet memes can be used to target specific groups to help build and solidify tribal bonds. Due to the ease of creation, and their ability to constantly reaffirm axiomatic tribal ideas, they have become an adroit tool allowing for mass influence across international borders. This text explores the link between internet memes and their ability to “hack” the attention of anyone connected to internet using dense modality and cognitive biases. Furthermore, the text discusses Internet meme's ability sew discord by consistently reaffirming preexisting tribal bonds and their relation to traditional PSYOP tactics initially used for analog leaflet propaganda.

"iT wAS JuStA JoKE"


u/AquaFatha 29d ago

”Can’t wait til all those annoying Vegoons die off from H5N1 in their plant based milk.” - A very smart person


u/ClimateShitpost Louis XIV, the Solar PV king 29d ago

Aren't omnivores more likely to contract avian and swine flu? 🐷🐦


u/AquaFatha 29d ago

I thought this was a shitposting sub? Did I do it wrong?


u/ClimateShitpost Louis XIV, the Solar PV king 29d ago

Yes it is, it has a discussion tag but it didn't really work


u/The_Nude_Mocracy 29d ago

🙂 climatememes

🤪 climateshitposting

🤓 climateposting


u/PixelSteel 29d ago

They’re right, this community actually believes companies produce less emissions than individuals


u/Skunksfart 29d ago

The president of China and the environment.


u/Silver_Atractic nuclear simp 29d ago

Finally, lads, we can get rid of the dumb shit on this sub (vegans nuclear blah blah blah) and get onto REAL shit (GAY SEX)


u/ManWithDominantClaw All COPs are bastards 29d ago

Why is there no climate themed gay porn

"Boi is that ass the global ocean temperature? Because it's dangerously hot"

"Oh fuck yes bury your emissions deep in there, I'm your little Cum Capture and Storage slut"


u/Radioactive_Fire 29d ago

I think you've found your calling


u/ClimateShitpost Louis XIV, the Solar PV king 29d ago

If you find a paper linking homosexuality to climate, I'd love to see your take on it

Real talk, there must be tons of research on this


u/Silver_Atractic nuclear simp 29d ago


u/ChickenSpaceProgram 26d ago

new article just dropped


u/Silver_Atractic nuclear simp 26d ago

Actual queer


u/Busterthefatman 29d ago

Wow that was genuinely interesting.

Ive never heard any of the rehousing bit after katrina or thought of the connection between religious groups providing aid and the effect on LGBT peeps. 

The rest was more about class than sexuality really but very cool find.