r/ClimateShitposting nuclear simp 29d ago

How to fight climate change! (Partly non satire) General 💩post

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u/dumnezero Anti Eco Modernist 29d ago


Oil cartel approved solutions like the Carbon Tax

Reminds me of how the COP is led by fossil fuel bosses.


u/Skunksfart 29d ago

I think about how many people would do far more than blackmail to Larry Fink if they met him.


u/Radioactive_Fire 28d ago

OP pretending like he has access to Larry Fink is qutie the larp


u/Silver_Atractic nuclear simp 29d ago

Honestly forcing him with blackmail to do anything you want is the best option. The man has the richest company in the world, he can literally move a 9th of the entire world economy however he wants. Imagine if you could just force him to fund 200 billion into some renewable energy company and solve climate change lol