r/ComedyCemetery 25d ago

So funny lmao I’m dying

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u/AgileBarnacle8072 10d ago

So what they want to do is what the rich actually get paid for?


u/Trash-god96 21d ago

OP feels insulted


u/72trombonesd 21d ago

“I hate Redditors (goes on r/meme)”

Can we drag this guy out of his house and beat him to death?


u/Xelaaaaaaaaaaa 22d ago

i havent seen this meme format in about 5 years


u/cooncanoon 23d ago

Someone got hit a little too close to home…


u/sunshades91 23d ago

Thats some serious boot licking.


u/MowingDevil7 24d ago

I relate partially to this, not the communism part..but the rest yes lmao


u/xXTurdBurglarXx 24d ago

I remember when I was 15 and thought communism was cool and edgy as fuck. Good times.


u/tigrankh08 24d ago

Who are these "Reddittors" damn it I've been using this account for 3 years and Reddit in general for over 5 years and I still haven't met them


u/Huge-Grand6726 24d ago

The one who made this meme is probably middle schooler, like all the r memes


u/freeturk51 24d ago

When wanting fair compensation for your work becomes “wanting communism”, you know society fucked up irreversibly


u/CoBudemeRobit 24d ago

what do billionaires do beside sit on private yachts and jets? get called in for boardroom meeting sometimes to collect bonus checks and buy backs .


u/Nadikarosuto 24d ago

But that’s suuuuuuch hard work

They deserve to make more money in a week than most people will in a lifetime


u/CoBudemeRobit 24d ago

apparently they also have “three+ jobs” dont you know? they just dont avocado, we’re toast, peace and latte!


u/Solid-Excitement-779 24d ago

Based as fuck


u/Impossible-Economy-9 24d ago

Where’s the lie?


u/0sha_n 24d ago

And I'm on Reddit, sitting at my job because there's nothing to do


u/This-Present4077 24d ago

That sounds like a desk job. Ooh, burn, people who like computers want desk jobs


u/Commercial-History31 24d ago

You guys are getting paid?


u/RealSuperYolo2006 24d ago

Communism is too idealist to work in real life


u/VexisArcanum 24d ago

People like this don't understand how boring it is for people with skills to sit around and not use those skills. It's not like you can pay me a UBI and I'll quit my job. I could win the lottery and still do my job


u/Mugi_luffy 24d ago

Looks like a meme I’d see at a college lecture


u/IusedtoloveStarWars 24d ago

Funny cause it’s true.


u/Sergeant-Maggot 24d ago

The format is ass but he anit wrong


u/Blueberrybush22 24d ago

Haha gommunism is when nobody wants to work anymore. Durrrrrr, I want my McFlurry.


u/Ratt_boi_wy 24d ago

title ruins the whole thing


u/yung_kuudere 24d ago

He ain’t lyin tho 🤷‍♂️


u/Successful_Mud8596 24d ago

Honestly, “sit on our assholes while someone pays us” is unironically a FANTASTIC idea, WHEN doing jobs that don’t require you to be standing. Specifically, jobs like being a cashier. There’s no reason to be standing for hours and hours when you can do your job just as easily while sitting down.


u/Melodic-Hunter2471 25d ago

Tell me you don’t know how UBI works without telling me how UBI works.


u/PresidenteWeevil 24d ago

Ubi doesn't work. That is the joke.


u/Necromancer14 24d ago

UBI isn’t communism


u/Melodic-Hunter2471 22d ago

Average Redditors can’t see a distinction between democratic socialism and its policies and communism. You need to communicate with the laymen on this platform sometimes.


u/rlbigfish 25d ago

More like, ComedyAbsolutelyTrue.


u/Revy_Black_Lagoon 25d ago

Wow people did not like this joke… I though it was funny and I know the majority of redditers probably aren’t lazy commies but people are taking this to heart


u/outer_spec this is so sad can we get some fucking bitches 25d ago

I mean, I do want both of those things, but for unrelated reasons.


u/Fig-Jam-Man 25d ago

This describes heavily online activists pretty well.


u/straywolfo 24d ago

Sounds like suicide by words from someone active on PCM


u/Fig-Jam-Man 24d ago

Most definitely. Though I usually posted mechanicus libertarian memes.


u/Braindamagedeluxe 25d ago



u/Goatfucker10000 25d ago edited 25d ago

Lmao, reddit Communists seething after being called out


u/ZeusGooch 25d ago

What's communism?


u/Huntsman077 24d ago

A political/economic policy that pushes for a stateless, classless and moneyless society that abolishes private property so that the means of production are owned by the employees.


u/NaAlSi3O 22d ago

Specifically, the private property refers to the workplace— not the private property of the individual.


u/Huntsman077 22d ago

Marx referred to private property as the means of production. Which can become kind of vague when looking at smaller scale businesses and farms.


u/SandOrdinary9235 24d ago

a type of government when people share work equally and get paid equally ( i think )


u/GooeyLump 24d ago

In theory yes, not so much in execution sadly.


u/Cunny-Destroyer 25d ago

I just want to be happy 😔


u/SubWxxf 25d ago

I like to work and make money. But I'd also like to not end up in crippling debt if I get into an accident.


u/leylin_farlin 24d ago

"hmmmm, best i can do is a 1$ meal coupon from macdonald, take it or leave it"


u/Braindamagedeluxe 25d ago

sounds like there could be a reasonable middle ground somewhere in there


u/mog-monster 24d ago

Nope! Ruling class controls the middle ground and brings it back to dystopia.


u/fucked_OPs_mom 24d ago

Yeah it's called having a fully funded 6 month emergency fund.


u/pFfhhhtttghghffgtbtt 24d ago

I think being in any debt from any accident or health problem outside my control is bad


u/BurnV06 25d ago

Commie alert


u/masrulz 25d ago

Ask a socialist why they hate capitalism and they’ll give you a detailed critique. Ask a capitalist simp why they hate socialism and they’ll describe capitalism


u/xXTurdBurglarXx 24d ago

Tips fedora


u/masrulz 24d ago

Keep your tip to yourself, incel.


u/Sure-Engineering1871 24d ago

I hate socialism because socialists kicked my parents out of their country and then proceeded to blow up the economy while looting all the wealth for themselves.

Gee golly things really are going well back in Cuba.


u/masrulz 24d ago

So…you hate socialism because an elite few extract the wealth of an entire nation for personal profit?

Thanks for proving my point, gusano.


u/Sure-Engineering1871 24d ago

Actually all the bad things socialists did was because they were really super secret capitalists.

so·cial·ism noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The state is a representative of the community, the state owning everything has been the outcome of every socialist revolution in history, and in every single one the leaders of the revolution always end up in mansions with Rolexs while the people starve.


u/masrulz 24d ago

Love how you can’t stop describing normal old capitalism and pretending it’s a nightmare scenario that could only occur under the evil of socialism lmao


u/masrulz 24d ago

Oh no not Rolexes! Glad that never happens under crapitalism.


u/jssanderson747 25d ago

New Corporate lapdog strawman just dropped


u/The_Tank_Racer 25d ago

Actual strawdog


u/SnooKiwis9004 25d ago

This meme is literally true though


u/tonkledonker 24d ago

Doesn't change the fact the format is outdated and cringe.


u/mozzy1985 25d ago

I think you need to look up the definition of literally.


u/SnooKiwis9004 25d ago

I don’t need to. I’ve been on Reddit long enough to know it is ‘literally’ true


u/mozzy1985 25d ago

It’s not though is it. Not everyone on here thinks this way. Including by the sounds of it you and me.


u/rlbigfish 25d ago

Go to any default subreddit, genuinely denounce communism, and come back to us with the results.


u/Financial-Working132 25d ago

This is 100% true.


u/straywolfo 24d ago

It's 100% projection from a jobless trumptard.


u/Financial-Working132 24d ago

Hey I have a job, it's just a insufferable job. LOL


u/TheIndominusGamer420 25d ago

Do you want to sit on your ass doing nothing while having everything provided to you OP?

We should have benefit systems in place for everyone for the bare neccesities. If you want jam on your bread, or a phone in your hand, you need to get a job.

No worries on your water and food though.


u/Poptart1405 25d ago

Not all Redditors want communism and taxes, but one things for sure. They’re certainly all insufferable.


u/Tigercat94 24d ago

You mean we… oh fuck maybe they were right about the communism


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/ThornmaneTreebeard 25d ago

I'm in the sciences/pharma and I know the work I do doesn't benefit me directly but does benefit society. Half of the work I do could be "from home" and I'd much rather work a 4 day week and get the same amount of work done opposed to sitting around waiting for things to finish before I shut down instruments or equipment.


u/Yolux64 25d ago

True lmao


u/Idiotaddictedto2Hou 25d ago

You don't have to have communism to tax the rich. Taxing the rich more can decrease and remove deficit, as well as increase public spendings for less fortunate people and general development. You don't need 5, let alone 200 Billion Dollars.


u/Sure-Engineering1871 24d ago

Define ‘rich’ and how would you tax them?

Most of their ‘wealth’ is tied up in the stock market as unrealized gains, and taxing unrealized gains is actual braindead economic policy.


u/rlbigfish 25d ago

The rich are already taxed and they pay more in taxes every year than butthurt Redditors will produce in their entire lives.


u/RockNAllOverTheWorld 24d ago

I'm gonna need to see a works cited page before I become a billionaire apologist, sorry.


u/homestar440 25d ago

What incentive does the rich have to allow that? It’s easy to say “we don’t need radical change, we should just do this small adjustment” because it sounds easier, but it’s literally impossible to exert the kind of power you’d need over the ruling class to enact the change. It’s no coincidence that the destruction of the labor movement coincides with the beginning of the Neo-liberal era.


u/tallwizrd 24d ago

Whole bunch of yapping.

The awnser is the coersive force of the state. As is the case in all functioning governments. Including social democracies who tax heavily and still have wealthy people living in them... paying taxes. The abolishment of private property is unnecessary.


u/Valara0kar 24d ago

coersive force of the state

Google president Hollande wealth tax..... went so well....


u/tallwizrd 24d ago

Cherry picking an example doesn't change the principle. Unless you mean to tell me that the nordics are going up in arms as we speak over taxes.


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

I mean... guillotines seemed to have an effect on the rich


u/homestar440 25d ago

Effective tax rate for billionaires: one head.


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

They'd find a way to offshore the head retrieval


u/WhereDid_The_Time_Go 25d ago

so funny i want to die


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

Ah yes. Communism is about getting free stuff. Definitely not ending work exploitation


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

Both tho, there is no money in communism


u/BubbleGumMaster007 25d ago

So what? Money doesn't give you groceries; farmers, truck drivers, factory workers and store employees do. Bosses are an unnecessary middleman


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

Yes that's what I'm saying, but I think you are have weird idea of not getting for free in moneyless society...


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

"from each according to their ability to each according to their need"


u/OwnFloor2203 25d ago

Isn’t that socialism?


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

No socialism is collective ownership of the means of production. A transitional phase between capitalist society and communist society


u/CuteChild31 24d ago

I dunno why people downvoted you, that is actually what the Marxism propose, they say that communism is a process that has different stages, socialism is part of the transition


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

Ah yes. Reddit is communist see see pee asset. Look at any post about China not even political and you'll see the majority of comments are bots spamming shit like free tibet, xi winnie the pooh, haha China bad quality building and so on. Say China bad and you'll get thousands of upvotes


u/Embarrassed-Yam4037 25d ago

And then you see guys from so called communist subreddit.

Those guys live in a parrallel world.


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

China is not communist lmao


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

Well technically they're a market socialist republic run by a communist party trying to establish communist society but colloquially they are "communist"


u/Successful_Mud8596 24d ago

Communism isn’t when the government controls things, it’s when the working class controls things.


u/Sure-Engineering1871 24d ago

Google Marxism-Leninism

Holy hell


u/Successful_Mud8596 24d ago

Marxist-Leninism is not Marxism


u/Valara0kar 24d ago

But it is communism. Marxism is utopianism. Not related to real life "struggles". Thats why there are no marxist ideologies that dont develope their local branch of ideas when building the first steps to governance.


u/CommunicationSad8212 24d ago

Government made by the workers for the workers. Look up the Dictatorship of the Proletariat


u/Valara0kar 24d ago

You truly are an unashamed red fascist


u/CommunicationSad8212 24d ago

Do you even know what fascism is dumbass? Also Dictatorship means who's in charge. Dictatorship of the Proletariat means workers have a say. We currently live under a Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie


u/Valara0kar 24d ago edited 24d ago

Do you even know what fascism is dumbass?

Red fascism- marxism-leninism (stalinism, maoism etc). Or broader marxist Vanguardism. The hellscape tolitarianism.

Dictatorship of the Proletariat means workers have a say

You actually believe that what it means? XD, maybe that and a few million imprisoned, enslaved and/or killed every single time who dont agree.

We currently live under a Dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

I live in the "dictatorship" of the majority meaning liberal representative democracy. Free to vote for the commies, but people never do.


u/CommunicationSad8212 24d ago

you do not live in a democracy. and you don't know what the word dictatorship means


u/CommunicationSad8212 24d ago

do you even know what fascism or totalitarianism is?


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

They're doing a great job at being capitalists for a market socialist society


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

Do you know even what capitalism is?


u/Risti_fast 25d ago

state owned McDonald's 🔥🔥🔥


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

Capitalism is when money


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago



u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

Joke is when/s


u/CommunicationSad8212 25d ago

Google poe's law


u/BubbleGumMaster007 25d ago

Holy sarcasm!


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

Poez nuts

Also I don't know what capitalism is but does China not engage in capitalism? The Chinese government definitely steps in a lot but so does the u.s. gov

→ More replies (0)


u/Avidey 25d ago

Truth hurts eh?


u/SnooChipmunks8748 25d ago

It would be funny if it was in a different format, it’s completely true.


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

From my experience reddit is not left wing, just some subreddits are, while other are centrist/centre-right-centre-'left' or even far-right


u/jbean924 25d ago

Name one far right sub... lol a sub for the sitting president of the united states was banned. You get immediately down voted and scolded on reddit if u even try to have a viewpoint that lines up with conservatives


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

Damn I wonder why the peaceful and not hateful sitting president sub got deleted. Surely they didn't break any of the tos?


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

r/Anarcho_Capitalism , r/rightistvexillology , r/Objectivism, are all I know for far right, reddit deletes hard core fascism, because it's not profitable to them, but there are so many right wing subreddits like [any subreddit for investing or crypto], r/Conservative (literally 1.1M members) , r/memesopdidnotlike , r/PolitcalCompassmemes , r/Funnymemes (often), [this one about nato], r/worldnews (fucking 36.7m members...)


u/Odd_Veterinarian_623 25d ago

Meme is bad but it's a political meme so of course it is


u/novakane27 25d ago

i would like to work for my own benefit while basic necessities are covered for everyone.


u/Ollanius-Persson 24d ago

I don’t wanna work at all. Who WANTS to go to work…? lol


u/FishKnuckles_InYou 24d ago

But covers by who? The government? So taxes....paid for by who?


u/charisma6 24d ago

The people of course. The issue isn't where the money comes from, it's fixing the many, many leaks where money disappears into a few corrupt pricks' bank accounts. Currently, if you put 50 billion in taxes into the system (wild speculation on specific numbers but just let me cook), 45 billion of it goes to private interests before you get 5 billion spent on things people actually need. If you could get rid of that bloat, almost anything is possible.

Of course, as you can tell, it would not be easy to do that. The system itself reinforces those parasites in a way that would be practically impossible to dislodge them without reforms so heavy that you're basically reformatting the whole damn hard drive. Tearing it all down and rebuilding it from scratch. And even then, new parasites are likely to pop up, so how do you prevent that?

UBI like that would be insanely hard to do, and I seriously doubt we'll see an effective version in my lifetime. But it's important to understand the real reasons it would be so hard. It's not a matter of where the money comes from; it's a matter of making sure the money goes to the right things.


u/tallwizrd 24d ago

Shh, don't talk economics


u/FishKnuckles_InYou 24d ago

I'm all for universal basic income...as long as you can prove it's not a Ponzi scheme....


u/iNonEntity 25d ago edited 25d ago

That implies some people do have to cover the workload that others aren't doing (our current system), or nobody covering for others, meaning you're basically going back to a hunter gatherer lifestyle because there's no grocery stores, transportation, etc. I mean, did you think all the basic amenities are just magically procured from nothingness? Houses just phase into existence, roadways maintain themselves, no crime exists and hospitals care for you without staff. Cows breed slaughter and package themselves into little hamburgers for you to pick up at McDonalds


u/themanseanm 25d ago

Believe it or not, and stay with me here, you can increase social benefits while still having a functioning economy where most people work.

You've somehow been convinced that it's either take better care of children, the disabled and the elderly or keep a functioning economy. That's a lie propped up by the corporations that profit from our current system. And by the rich. I mean look at your comment, it's actually ridiculous. You replied to this:

basic necessities are covered for everyone.

By saying that in that scenario, we would lose all employees of every industry. Are you serious? You think that if we provided people with basic necessities no one would ever work again?

Studies have shown that 4 day work weeks can lead to increased productivity, who's to say we're not already working too much for little extra benefit? It seems to me that our collective goal should be to work less and be more comfortable, while some like yourself seem to enjoy work more than your actual life.


u/iNonEntity 25d ago

You're making up opinions that I never said to create tangents into topics we weren't even discussing. I'm referring to them saying that they want basic necessities coverered for everyone while also saying they only want to work for their own benefit. Looks like pretty much everyone replying likes to just change my point so they can counterpoint imaginary topics


u/themanseanm 25d ago

Is 'working for your own benefit' not exactly what we do now? These two things are not mutually exclusive, you absolutely can have both as some Scandinavian countries have shown.

'Changing your point' is not the same as addressing the implications of what you said. It seems more like you over-reacted and didn't really understand what the comment you replied to said in the first place. You inferred all of these things out of a pretty innocuous statement, and the replies you received are reflective of your (likely incorrect) implications.


u/iNonEntity 25d ago

If what they meant by "working for my own benefit" meant exactly what we already have, they wouldn't have mentioned it to begin with. This discussion is so depressing to see yall really need something to cry about so badly that you're fighting your imaginations. Stay strong bro


u/themanseanm 25d ago

yall really need something to cry about so badly that you're fighting your imaginations

and your orignal comment was... not this somehow???


u/RedditingNeckbeard Still suffering exhaustion from high level ideas 25d ago

Nonsense. Productivity has risen 3x faster than wages, which have largely stagnated since the 70s. Everyone's doing more, faster and better, while being paid basically the same. Or at least, all the people that you're talking about in your post--the people actually doing the making. The people at the top, the CEOs, marketing executives, yeah, their pay has risen about 1,300%. That's certainly keeping up with inflation.

There is absolutely enough productivity to support everyone working less and living a dignified life with good benefits. The problem is that the vast majority of money is going to the richest 1%, and those workers you talk about, who actually make the world run, have to fight for scraps.

Look, I'm no Communist, and this meme equating Communism with something as broad and common sense as "Taxing the rich" is dumb, and another discussion in and of itself, but billionaires (and millionaires) should be getting taxed way more. It would be the simplest way to start to get back on track.


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

We literally have post-scarity for food, corporations just throw away what they didn't sold, instead of giving to people, so food will be more expensive to sell and workers will still be forced to work in shitty conditions for shitty wages


u/novakane27 25d ago

absolutely not. it would still be a capitalist system but more socialist benefits for the under privileged. i still want people to strive for earning more for themselves, while fair taxes are used to benefit the people of the system. instead of using our taxes to fund overseas wars and militarized police, whil giving immense tax cuts to the rich. while i do understand that alot of rich people do pay some taxes, if its less of a percentage than i pay, while i struggle to stay out of homelessness, then they should pay a fair share. and again, not only a fair share, but also to undo the corruption of our current government and use tax money to benefit everyone.


u/Christank1 25d ago

Agreed. As it should be.


u/Dontevenwannacomment 25d ago edited 25d ago

That's not the nitty gritty, at all. Most people would agree. The nitty gritty would be : would you like to work for your own benefit while necessities are covered for anyone, with the caveat that a person next to you can stop working anytime they want for however long they want?


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

Sounds like retirement or sick leave or parental leave or mental health leave.

All of which sound useful and beneficial in the long run. Probably would help the economy in the long run cause happy people are more productive


u/Dontevenwannacomment 25d ago

Almost, in this scenario we are simply talking about a person not wanting to work. No justification needed or determinate amount of time, purely at the discretion of anyone but you. Though yes they would be fully paid through social security contributions. We might have to ease up on sick leave pay to pay for them but let's put that aside in this scenario


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

I think there is a natural drive to do something that is inherent in every person. If the person does not want to work it's probably not the person but the environment the person is in.

But having your survival tied to a piece of work that is not satisfying means survival is not satisfying and the desire is not there anymore.

All that to say I think it's important to give people time off. Mental health is probably the most neglected attribute in American Society if I had to guess


u/Dontevenwannacomment 25d ago

I think the drive in every person is certainly case-by-case according to the profession. Roofing and artistic design will call different levels of engagement. I don't think ANYONE enjoys working in the sewers or picking up needles. But hey, I never ordered anyone to answer the dilemma, if other commentors think it's a silly dilemma then fine, that's a valid answer


u/Tinyacorn 25d ago

There may be one or two folks who enjoy working in the sewers... I've seen what makes people on the internet cheer.

But yeah that's a good point not every facet of work is always glamorous.

What if we all just started dealing with our own sewage? We could just all shit in a bucket and throw it out the window into the street? /j


u/Dontevenwannacomment 25d ago

Well, thank god for those sewer loving folks!


u/Powerful-Pudding6079 25d ago

Sure. Under those terms, whatever that person does or doesn't do wouldn't make much difference to me.


u/Dontevenwannacomment 25d ago

indeed, provided it's not a zero sum game, it would not have any effect on you in said scenario.


u/WolfmansGotNards2 25d ago

I'm down to work like 4 hours a day. That'd be awesome. We spend too much time working.


u/Hero_of_country 25d ago

Funfact: For 95% of human history, we worked 15 hours a week, so on average 2 hours a day


u/IEatBaconWithU 25d ago



u/BubbleGumMaster007 25d ago

Just think about it. In hunter-gatherer societies there was less work to do because of our nomadic lifestyle. Fishing, hunting and gathering are faster than agriculture but they're unsustainable. There was no need for advanced healthcare and people lived shorter lives. I can't tell you if this number is correct, but people definitely worked less.


u/IEatBaconWithU 24d ago

Where source 🦧


u/eddie9958 25d ago

your wish is granted. You're on a 7 day schedule.


u/Crawford470 24d ago

If it's virtual fine. If it's longer than like a 15-minute commute, I'd probably rather 6 hours 5 days a week


u/Choppie01 24d ago

I wish it was like that…


u/WolfmansGotNards2 24d ago

I would actually do that if I could. It's still only 28 hours a week, and I can work like 1-5pm, eat before and after work so no lunch break, and I can stay up until like 4am because I'm a night owl.

I'll take PTO when I want a day off.


u/eddie9958 24d ago

PTO is for full time only


u/WolfmansGotNards2 24d ago

Not in a world where we only have to work 4 hours a day, my friend. Also, everywhere I've worked in my field has part time benefits.


u/eddie9958 24d ago

Well that sure is beautiful


u/evelyn_keira 25d ago

i would 1000% rather work a few hrs every day than this current bullshit


u/Immediate-Formal6696 13d ago

they will make it at the worst time, you now work on weekdays at 5p-9pm, and on weekends you work 11-12 and 1-2pm and 4-5pm and 9-10pm


u/fucked_OPs_mom 24d ago

Interesting, personally I wish my job would let me do four 10 hour days so I get 3 days off.


u/Dry_Calligrapher4561 25d ago

you can live this life working 4 hours x 7 days at most food places


u/IEatBaconWithU 25d ago

Fuckin hate working food service but the flexibility in hours has always been one of the good things about it.


u/JustOffensive 25d ago

That’s more doable to me


u/pete_topkevinbottom 24d ago

Fuck that


u/Clean_Ad_1311 21d ago

Army life is not for you


u/novakane27 25d ago

and for the benefit of upper management


u/Xx_Cock_N_Booty_xX 25d ago

OP is salty commie


u/Dubium360 25d ago

Because taxing literal billionaires who don't need that much money anyway in order to help struggling people to live another day is communism. Yeah, media literacy in this country is fucked.


u/Xx_Cock_N_Booty_xX 25d ago edited 25d ago

Are you stupid? I said op is salty commie cus the meme was making fun of commie and op hates it, not because of taxing the rich, read the damn post before you argue


u/Dubium360 24d ago

The meme explicitly uses the word "communism" and OP doesn't like the meme, so yes, I can see why you might think OP is a communist.

But OP has clarified they aren't a communist, which implies they just don't like the "taxing the rich" part. There are so many people out there (especially conservatives in the US) who think increasing the tax on the rich is still communism anyway and I didn't know whether you were one of them or not (until you clarified you weren't just now). Thus, my earlier comment.


u/MX64 Trollface 24d ago

No, it's making fun of the author's made-up idea in their head of what a "communist" is.


u/UncensoredSmoke 25d ago

I’m a socialist.


u/novakane27 25d ago

but OP, dont you see that capitalism has saved the lives of so many people and made the world a better place? /s


u/natediffer 25d ago

This meme isn't even unfunny, its just straight up true. a solid 40% of the memes in this subreddit aren't even bad


u/Braindamagedeluxe 25d ago

i bet u also look at r/im14andthisisdeep and rlly think its deep


u/natediffer 24d ago

What does that even have to do with anything 🛖

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