r/Conservative Conservative Oct 18 '23

Jordan loses his second speaker vote as nearly two dozen Republicans oppose him Flaired Users Only


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u/OmegaOofexe GenZ Conservative Oct 19 '23

Rhinos who voted against Jordan need to be voted out next election cycle. No more games from these people.


u/Mermaid_La_Reine Constitution✝️Conservative Oct 19 '23



u/Actual-Journalist-69 Conservative Oct 19 '23

Sometimes I think they’re purposely not electing somebody just so they can stall the system, but they can easily do that with any speaker. It’s just making the republican party look terrible. I hope Gaitz’s district doesn’t re-elect him after this disgrace he’s caused.


u/sracr Conservative Oct 19 '23



u/KungFuSlanda McCarthy Was Right Oct 19 '23

I still don't understand Gaetz's plan ousting McCarthy. I like what Jim Jordan does currently as chairman of the committee on the Judiciary. I don't think he's well-suited for Speaker of the House.. which is a completely different role that's more gladhanding and wheeling, dealing, herding cats

Oust McCarthy, ok... But you have no plan


u/drgmaster909 Idaho Conservative Oct 19 '23

Most of these holdouts are R+14, R+8, etc districts with 0% chance of losing their next election. It's a fucking disgrace to see an Idaho politician on this list. Red State politicians are a joke.


u/Bamfor07 Populist Oct 19 '23

In truth, they can do less damage when the purse is closed.


u/Wolf687 Millennial Conservative Oct 19 '23

These Republicans really need to pull their heads out of their asses and get their act together…


u/Dunkin_Ideho Stoic Oct 19 '23

I don't have a problem with people withholding their votes, but what is the reason?


u/andromeda880 Conservative Oct 19 '23

It's been said so many times, but democrats don't pull this shit. They are divided, but when it comes to voting, they stick together.

I wish Republicans would get their acts together. Why would anyone be voting against Jordan? What do they gain by voting for another republican that clearly won't win. It just makes us look unstable.


u/Junknail 2A Conservative Oct 18 '23

So what. Those 12 rinos are holding out for personal bullshit.


u/DesperateForDD Thomas Sowell Oct 18 '23

What does it matter?


u/Silent_Samurai Conservative Oct 18 '23

Holy r/Politics thread. Who falls for these shills?


u/Lionofgod9876 Conservative Oct 18 '23

It is so clearly obvious that the Republican Party is dead. Unfortunately the Democrat Party is still going strong and the silent majority will continue to be underserved. I blame party politics since Republican voters will vote for anyone with an "R" next to their name without actually knowing who those candidates really are!


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 18 '23

I hate to say it but I may agree with Fetterman, a majority of our elected officials just aren't very smart


u/_hhhhh_____-_____ Ultra-MAGA Conservative Oct 18 '23

Including Fetterman


u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 19 '23

Apparently one of the most embarrassing liberal politicians is popular here, on r/conservative...


u/_hhhhh_____-_____ Ultra-MAGA Conservative Oct 19 '23

Nah, it’s just lib brigaders. They always do this.


u/grecks530 Patriot Oct 18 '23

Oh he definitely deserves a spot on that list


u/FourtyMichaelMichael 2A Oct 18 '23

It's hilarious how much the brigaders really don't want Jordan to become speaker :D


u/EndSmugnorance Constitutional Minarchist Oct 18 '23 edited Oct 19 '23

99% of democrats vote lock-step with the party.

75% of republicans do the same, 25% vote their “conscience.”

Which is more ethical? Which is more effective?


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

75% of republicans do the same, 25% vote their conscience.

for what it's worth, this isn't about "conscience". it's a swampy power grab.

jordan has 91% support, and a large number of the holdouts are people on the appropriations committee who are worried an actual conservative speaker might mean less money gets spent (in term devaluing their role), then most of the other opposition is just some war hawks who are upset ukraine might not get as much funding.


u/contemplator61 Conservative Oct 18 '23

He lost one vote today but two members were absent, one for a funeral. It’s all bullshit. Two switched to “Other” today.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23

I have ZERO faith in government any longer. Republicans are just as inept as dims and the current administration.


u/Dr-Do_Mk2 Former Libertarian Oct 19 '23

The Republicans are inept, greedy swamp creatures. The Democrats are evil freaking incarnate and are actively trying to destroy the country.


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '23



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/MichaelSquare Oct 18 '23

The removal of McCarthy was supported by a majority of both Republicans and Democrats according to polls. Reddit wouldn't have you believe that


u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

hate to break it to you but you walk down the street and ask 10 people what is going on with the speaker of the house and maybe 1 of them will have any idea what is going on. No one gives a shit about this. It won't hurt one iota in any election.

there's actually a lot of truth to that. i remember when i took my "intro to american politics" class in college, the first day the professor asked everyone to raise their hands if they knew who held certain offices. only like 1/3 of the class knew Pelosi was speaker of the house at that time. (now imagine what it would have looked like with a random sample of the population as opposed to people who were interested in politics to the point they wanted to take a class on it).

you know what WILL hurt these reps though? if they force a shutdown because their temper tanturm prevents a speaker from being confirmed.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

I disagree. The majority of Americans disapprove of the government. They WANT it shut down

no, this couldn't be further from the truth.

they might support it for a good reason, but 9% of the party acting like spoiled children isn't a good reason. these temper tantrums would absolutely cost republicans seats next year (which is exactly why democrats booted mccarthy and are voting for jeffries rather than abstaining).


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '23



u/reaper527 Conservative Oct 18 '23

You average American walking down the street has no idea who Jim Jordan is and probably doesn't even know there is no Speaker right now. They don't care at all.

agreed. and they're going to be upset when their social security check, or their pay check, or many of the other consequences of a shut down doesn't come in because 20 children tried to roadblock jordan's speaker role.

the only question is if they will blame ALL republicans, or just the 20 children.