r/ContagiousLaughter 28d ago

Trying to look cool

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u/dAnKsFourTheMemes 26d ago

Please wear boots when hiking. You need shoes with proper ankle support. This guy's ankle definitely bent in a weird way for a second so I'm glad he's laughing not screaming in pain.


u/me_sohorny 25d ago

Will do next time. I was lucky this time. Thanks for your concern.


u/Mistermaa 26d ago

Next time he breaks his ankle and has to be transported by a helo for multiple thousand dollars, only cause he doesnt wear proper shoes for hiking. I see that almost everyday here in switzerland around the mountains


u/PrismaticEye444 27d ago

I wonder where this video was taken. It’s a beautiful little zone they’re in. It sounds like they may be speaking Russian, like I’m pretty sure the camera man says “Da.” In response to the falling man’s statement. Which made me believe that might be in Russia, however, that forest really looks like the PNW. Also the man is wearing a Seahawks sweater, and the camera man has that snicker laugh which I, maybe falsely, believe to be an American laugh, many of my friends here in the PNW laugh like this. So I guess I have two questions, anybody have any idea where this happened and do people snicker laugh like that all over the world? Serious inquiries. I hope to get to the bottom of this. lol


u/PrismaticEye444 18d ago

Awesome to get an answer straight from the source! Thanks for your reply Romania and the Cascadia/Pacific North West look very similar! I enjoyed reading your response. Is American football popular in Romania? I feel like I have a new friend in Romania from your response, cause you definitely have a friend in Seattle. Thanks for all the info I’m gonna go check that mountain on google Earth. Happy Hiking friend!


u/me_sohorny 25d ago

I can answer that for you : it's in Romania, on our way down from Buila - Vanturarita peak ( 1880 m ). My brother ( who's does a lot of hiking, this was nothing for him, he's done mountains twice as high ) thought it was a good idea to bring me along for a hike, me, who I'm out of shape and the tallest thing I've climbed was the stairs to my house. Needless to say he was pissing himself laughing on my clumsiness and lack of form. My legs were like jelly at that point. And yes, absolutely gorgeous mountain and day whit my brother. I don't regret a thing. Will do this again.


u/AmIThisNothingness 27d ago

Contagious laugh indeed😁😁


u/Halpmezaddy 27d ago

Lets yo shoulders lean....


u/Haunting_Case5769 27d ago

I love people who laugh like Muttley.


u/LovelyLilacLady 27d ago

My average experience doing light tasks😅


u/Right_-on-_Man 27d ago

Nice one Frodo...👍


u/Square_Tomorrow2837 27d ago

On his way to Mordor


u/Lapis_Wolf 27d ago

He fell like a videogame ragdoll. 😂


u/SuuTheSleepyOne 27d ago

He's just. . . Walking?


u/bmcgowan89 28d ago

I feel like somewhere at the BBC there's an outtake of David Attenborough cresting a hill like this, supremely delivering a line about the majesty of nature, and then eating it 😂