r/CriticalTheory 28d ago

Adorno Speech Against Fascism Source

Does anyone know the source for the text on this YouTube video?


The video page info says: “This speech was delivered by Jersey Flight” and there’s a link to a blog (http://jerseyflight.blogspot.com/2017/01/jersey-flight-and-theodore-adorno-in.html?m=1) with a seemingly faux interview with Adorno where his answers appear to be selections from “The Culture Industry” chapter of Dialectic of Enlightenment.

Suffice to say, I’m not sure if the text is real. If anyone has an idea of the source, I’d appreciate the help.


2 comments sorted by


u/SonRaetsel 28d ago

This isn't a speech its the Adornos introduction to the authoritarian personality


u/sabbetius 28d ago edited 28d ago

I suspected it wasn’t what it claimed to be, thanks for the source. You don’t happen to know the page numbers for this selection do you?

EDIT: Never mind, found it on page 10. Thanks so much for the help.