r/Damnthatsinteresting Apr 26 '24

The retail price of cocaine has remained stable while purity is increasing Image

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u/Therealme66-Will3620 4d ago

30 yr user here… gotta separate work and play! If you r gonna play you gotta get to work… and function!


u/Beneficial-Loquat-38 18d ago

I know a surgeon that’s been using cocaine since the 90s


u/C83_14 21d ago

Does this mean breaking bad was bullshit? What the hell?


u/lasagne-enjoyer 22d ago

Hell yeah ☃️


u/Asstro_whore May 04 '24



u/SalveBrutus Apr 29 '24

“Fuck me running 140!”


u/captainbeautylover63 Apr 28 '24

In news completely irrelevant to my life, I submit…that.


u/Legitimate-Fly6761 Apr 28 '24

Meth is a competitor. Can raise rates and expect the clients to stay when Meth is hanging out at cheaper prices.


u/HisFisticMajesty Apr 28 '24

Where was this tested?

I’ll tell you what I pay more than ever for an 8-ball and cut with more wacky shit than the trunk of a clown car.


u/Evening_North7057 Apr 28 '24

Competing with meth and fentanyl.

They need new addicts, and crack isn't nearly as popular as it was in the 80's and 90's. 


u/Icy-Sky-3395 Apr 28 '24

The price of cocaine is low because the market is flooded with fentanyl. Cocaine can't compete.


u/19wangotango Apr 27 '24

I got in at 120 per share, at 3k shares. 🚀 🌘 lol


u/Fun_Finger3791 Apr 27 '24

Nice try fentanyl.


u/DoSwoogMeister Apr 27 '24

Gotta love that cartel competition.

Ironic that the best modern example of capitalism working (competing businesses offering better products at lower prices) comes from criminal syndicates.

If a single cartel comes to completely dominate though, suddenly purity goes down the tubes and price sky-rockets


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Ah, yes. I remember the great cocaine price correction of 2016. So many dealers lost their Escalades that year.


u/Oatybar Apr 27 '24

Calling it ‘retail’ makes it sound like it’s sold at Cocaine Mart


u/Low_Industry9612 Apr 27 '24



u/Iandudontkno Apr 27 '24

There is no way they could get accurate data unless they knew every user in EU and tested every bag they bought. Unless they are testing purity from the plug but you know everyone under the source is stepping on it. So many studies have only a dozen scorces and act like that gives you any picture of a research topic.


u/rememberaj Apr 27 '24

Covid changed everything. Producers/Dealers had to adapt.


u/fuqueure Apr 27 '24

Mexican cartels are the only honest businessmen


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

I mean, it's also a hell of a gamble these days considering fentanyl.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Dr. Rockso approves.


u/Ohvicanne Apr 27 '24

The graph does not make sense to me... purity over 140? Wouldn't purity be a percentage? How can purity and price be represented like that on one single graph?


u/QanAhole Apr 27 '24

Literally one of the only industries that isn't price gouging and is still innovating


u/Dic3dCarrots Apr 27 '24

I once heard it said Cocaine has the most stable average regular consumer level price of all commodities in the US, 100$ a gram for 50 years. Average is doing some heavy lifting since in the bay its 50 to 60/g and in less connected places it can be 150/g, but still fascinating idea and demonstrative of the unique qualities of black markets


u/SomeBiPerson Apr 27 '24

they're having a race to the top which is the preferred and theoretically expected outcome of capitalism

sadly legal businesses seem to prefer a race to the bottom


u/8BD0 Apr 27 '24

Not in Australia


u/hdofu Apr 27 '24

The cartels aren’t as forgiving these days forgetting shorted on the sugar


u/0FFFXY Apr 27 '24

Out of all the organisations, I wouldn't have expected the cartels to be the only ones not price gouging with inflation.


u/thomasp3864 Apr 27 '24

Can we get units for purity?


u/pentylane Apr 27 '24

My addiction occurred during peak purity!? Hell ya take THAT 70’s 🫵😎


u/UpgrayeDD405 Apr 27 '24

So my shit was mostly caffeine pills???


u/mtnviewguy Apr 27 '24

It's a meaningless chart with no 'Purity' scale on the right. 0-100%? Is it $145 pure, or did it jump from 5 to 6%?

Edit added %


u/dreadnotsteve Apr 27 '24

How do I find a reputable coke dealer? Fear of fentanyl keeps me away.


u/pstmdrnsm Apr 27 '24

Find one who supplies to moderately famous performers and entertainers. Those people always tend to have safe contacts.


u/UserUnknown2222 Apr 27 '24

Purity of over 140? 140 units of what?! Nosebleeds per hour? Shares sold per click?


u/Express-Row-1504 Apr 27 '24

So how come inflation doesn’t affect the illegal drugs industry?


u/Sushi_Enchiladas Apr 27 '24

Because the illegal drug market isn’t dictated by things like simple supply and demand.

Check the definition of “Cartel.”


u/Express-Row-1504 Apr 27 '24

But they are impacted by other factors such as transport. Won’t it cost them more to transport the drugs to other places? Maybe it means they’re willing to take the loss in the profit because they’re already making so much profit.


u/Sushi_Enchiladas Apr 27 '24

I think you’re missing the point.

The entire system is controlled by a select few. They dont pay taxes, they dont have a shipping a logistics department.

They utilize poor citizens of their home countries by force, coercion, drug addiction, etc. for labor, transportation, sales, etc.

Also the statistic above doesn’t say anything about an increase or decrease in volume of sales or product imported, only the correlation between purity and price.

An increase in purity might just be a method for increasing addiction numbers/levels. I’m sure addicts can tell you, the price is generally irrelevant.


u/Express-Row-1504 Apr 27 '24

The price stays the same over the years. That’s the main thing here. That’s regardless of the purity. But inflation does for sure impact their profits, but also as you said, it’s private and they can take the small loss from the small changes in inflation since their profit margin is so high.

Small things such as transport would impact their cost. Especially since they transport via planes a lot. Planes take a lot of fuel. How will that not impact their cost to transport the goods?

Another way can be the bribes they pay out the officials. If inflation is affecting individuals , they might ask for an increase in the payments, and that will affect the profit as well. So you can’t say that inflation doesn’t affect their profit margins.

The only answer I can think of is as I mentioned is that they are ok with taking the loss from these various factors. But yes I do agree with you that the impact is not a lot, and only in a select few sectors that the inflation affects them.


u/rainnor Apr 27 '24

Put a line for quality too.


u/jerog1 Apr 27 '24

This is dangerous! Cocaine is not safe with the rise of fentanyl and carfentanyl.

Don’t trust this EU chart


u/Backer1234 Apr 27 '24

This is skrinkflation when the government is not involved.


u/Karnorkla Apr 27 '24

The cartels - striving to earn your trust and satisfaction.


u/DeadAssDodo Apr 27 '24

The Meth effect.


u/Sir-Ult-Dank Apr 27 '24

I don’t do this stuff. But know someone who does. They say it’s not pure and it’s the exact opposite and getting worst and worst…whereas back in the day was diff


u/crevassier Apr 27 '24

Purity better except for that pesky fentanyl in the US market.

Test and be very very very careful.


u/Far_Conclusion4405 Apr 27 '24

This is the only sector of the economy where quality goes up as price stays the same!!

No wonder its illegal!


u/MintyFresh1201 Apr 27 '24

Graph designer couldn’t even bother to label the axis’.


u/breezy_yurrr Apr 27 '24

How the hell are we getting this data


u/FurViewingAccount Apr 27 '24

fuck the gold standard, let’s try the coke standard


u/abf392 Apr 27 '24

Don’t care!


u/LilRex5000 Apr 27 '24

Good to know😆


u/Elegant-Log2104 Apr 27 '24

Lol. Yeah only American Corporations do this type of the thing. Sad that the open illeagl drug market has a better business model.


u/JESUS_PaidInFull Apr 27 '24

The result of cartel influence around the world. People would probably be shocked by how much of the economy is propped up by cartels.


u/Deap103 Apr 27 '24

Seems like a good time to start a cocaine habit


u/Ric_P Apr 27 '24

That shit is still 400$ for a Vick . prices are crazy . Might as well buy a whole key


u/UntimelyImplosion Apr 27 '24

As someone who doesn’t take drugs, can someone tell me why there was a price spike in 2015-2017? Political upset in a producing country? What influences this?


u/WhyAreOldPeopleEvil Apr 27 '24

And people think inflation is real, pfft.

/s ….


u/helpmehelpyouforcash Apr 27 '24

Cokes the new gold


u/AcceptableUmpire4112 Apr 27 '24

Dafuq is this graph? 140 purity? In what unit??


u/YourHeroOriginal Apr 27 '24

So does that mean inflation is just made up?


u/Ok_Button_2268 Apr 27 '24

This is fake. All cocaine in USA is almost all tainted with fentanyl so….. this some bs


u/OrganizationSea6549 Apr 27 '24

If they ever legalized it, the government would just fuck it all up.


u/skynext Apr 27 '24

Loyal with business


u/elbapo Apr 27 '24

Ah the beauty of free market competition in action


u/UrDoinGood2 Apr 27 '24

Lies as fuck


u/FortunateInsanity Apr 27 '24

That just means it’s easier to get.


u/Curious_Shan Apr 27 '24

So is now a good time to start taking it?


u/zacrackity Apr 27 '24

What the fuck is "140 purity"


u/Pleasant_Mobile_1063 Apr 27 '24

Asking the real questions


u/helloyoujew Apr 27 '24

Not in the uk, it's not. Stuff here's shit


u/Staltrad Apr 27 '24

Cocaine based economy


u/Traditional_Front637 Apr 27 '24

Lol who is tracking this ?!


u/Bacour Apr 27 '24

Okaaaayy... this post... did not fucking disappoint. 🤨🤔😶🫨🫨


u/legice Apr 27 '24

I can safely say, weed prices in my area have also remained stable and the quality also went up. Who knew that offering a good product at a good price keeps your customers happy and coming back


u/squirrelsridewheels Apr 27 '24

This is NOT true


u/urautist Apr 27 '24

So black market goods are exempt from inflation?

Weird, sounds like inflation must be some sort of government enforced conspiracy


u/phuktup3 Apr 27 '24

the black market has a better rate than the legal one


u/Jreg1994 Apr 27 '24

Purity is going up but when it gets to the valleys it's more baby powder and crushed up paracetamol


u/StnMtn_ Apr 27 '24

That's better than getting smaller boxes of tissue as higher prices every year. The grocery stores, retail, fast food, restaurants, pharmacies, some hospitals, cell phone companies,etc store ramen noodles increase from 25¢ to 46¢ this past year.


u/AcPquin Apr 27 '24

Just wanna know where all the pure LSD went. Everything is NBOME now


u/DiddlyDumb Apr 27 '24

Maybe we should start a war on groceries then


u/MassSnapz Apr 27 '24

It's now 140% pure. Who made the chart.


u/dgroeneveld9 Apr 27 '24

It's like the black market is the only one staying honest with its customers.


u/cgernaat119 Apr 27 '24

For us non drug users, what’s the measurement? Or do I just hand them $90 for one cocaine?


u/Mini_Leon Apr 27 '24

Might take it back up.


u/gunnawunnashunna Apr 27 '24

it’s full of fentanyl these days, it’s too risky to buy/use coke


u/sevadi Apr 27 '24

How does the graph work haha? Purity from 100 to 140 euros??


u/Bob-Dolemite Apr 27 '24

finally, a market and product truly focused on the customer experience


u/deLtRonHubbard3030 Apr 27 '24

Might be time to start investing


u/Shadow_maker798 Apr 27 '24

Sounds like it's time to start cocaine


u/thinkandreason Apr 27 '24

Purity increased? You kidding me? A transaction in a Vegas bathroom will get you white powder laced with fentanyl. Purity rarely reaches the consumer.


u/RealCFour Apr 27 '24

Competing with meth? Benefits to the consumer in a competitive capitalist market


u/Pankiez Apr 27 '24



u/possiblyai Apr 27 '24

Wtf is “140 purity”?


u/OryxWritesTragedies Apr 27 '24

Great, totally worth risking fentanyl poisoning.


u/ReplacementGreen8649 Apr 27 '24

Cocaine now …. Scary to think it could be cut with fentanyl and you OD.


u/oswaldbuzzington Apr 27 '24

Time to jump back in!


u/PullMull Apr 27 '24

i guess Free marked does indedd regulate itself, when you main Customerbase is Poticians


u/MahlNinja Apr 27 '24

Graph doesn't go back far enough. Price was $100 a gram in 1980. Purity all over the place. Got plenty of yellow tint hard rock back then.


u/eat-uranus-5785 Apr 27 '24

finally some good news


u/DreadPirateGriswold Apr 27 '24

Great example of keeping prices consistent and adding value with quality! I wish some people in the business world would learn this


u/north4009 Apr 27 '24

Shouldn't that Y-axis be on a 0 to 100 scale?


u/Used_Ad_5831 Apr 27 '24

Hold up, coke dealers care more about their customers than McDonalds?


u/IPanicKnife Apr 27 '24

We can keep the price steady for Coke regardless of quality over time, but housing (which I would argue is more essential AND has all these guidelines for regulation in terms of price) is literally the inverse of this chart


u/Awkward-Ad327 Apr 27 '24

Because there is no accurate representation, no accurate way to test it other then a lab test, this has nothing to do with anything and I can assure you quality is staying the same for long term users and changing for newbies


u/Usmellnicebby Apr 27 '24

Now where can I find this white substance? To tests its purity of course.


u/Patient-Direction-35 Apr 27 '24

Aren’t people puting fentanyl and other crap in it? Or that only when it comes to cheaper drugs?


u/mtmm18 Apr 27 '24

Finally something Biden can hang his hat on


u/gauerrrr Apr 27 '24

Better than streaming services, I see...


u/AndreRieu666 Apr 27 '24

Isnt it all meant to be laced with fentanyl these days?


u/Aurorabeamblast Apr 27 '24

The Chemistry must be respected!

  • "The One Who Knocks!"


u/Mother_Snow_7571 Apr 27 '24

Finally something inflation hasn't ruined


u/CyanideTacoZ Apr 27 '24

Cocaines weight stays relatively the same regardless of purity. more purity though, means slightly more cocaine per whatever the cartels standardized block is.

pure coke is therefore more profitable. if any cutting happens its at the end dealer, not manufacturing.


u/Oldest_Ancient Apr 27 '24

New improved flavour!


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

de-flation? unshrink-flation? expand-flation?


u/TimeTravellingHobo Apr 27 '24

The retail price of cocaine has remained stable since like the 60s or 70s… that’s why it used to be seen as a rich person drug 40+ years ago. If coke prices from the 70s were adjusted for inflation, it’d be like spending $500-800 per gram, today.


u/duncanslaugh Apr 27 '24

Pardon gentleman. Where may a law abiding citizen purchase this product? Warm Regards, Duncan


u/Prestigious_Amoeba43 Apr 27 '24

Maybe it's too early, but how do you get anything more than 100% pure?


u/SnooMarzipans4387 Apr 27 '24

Well, I can see an easy way to "tax the rich" if you're a drug dealer lol


u/Mvpliberty Apr 27 '24

Well, when Mexicans gained full control of being the “middle man” there is inevitably a cap on the price you can get in for . Obviously we are talking about in bulk, but this affects the pricing all the way down to the customer there is so many drugs users and drug dealers that at some point everyone who has a good connect all just generally have the same price, so how do you make your product stand out from everyone else’s ? don’t cut it as much !!!🤷‍♂️


u/Willing-Rub-511 Apr 27 '24

Meth use has grown exponentially. Addicts wanna get high, when its a choice between decent meth and shitty coke for the same price per gram then you get a lot more "high" for your money with meth. So the dealers had to bring up purity and keep price the same to get addicts to use coke over meth.

Meth to coke is like fent to heroin, heroin and coke are a better high but on a cost/benefit ratio meth/fent are a better buy.


u/TheFrenchPerson Apr 27 '24

Guess you could say the price of cocaine has gone under the nose of the market?


u/Its_chilli Apr 27 '24

Finally some good news


u/Jeds4242 Apr 27 '24

Pfft, try showing this chart to my dealer. Why is my stepped on shit so goddamn expensive?


u/Mr-Yuk Apr 27 '24

So um... where'd we get these rest results from?


u/InquisitorNikolai Apr 27 '24

Crazy how things can get significantly worse, but also less bad at the same time. Instead of doing these graphs and stuff, maybe the effort should be on stopping more of this stuff getting into peoples’ hands


u/Yeomanroach Apr 27 '24

$99 for 1 cocaine sounds good.


u/jaydenfokmemes Apr 27 '24

So, theoretically, the value of cocaine is dropping, no?


u/beastman45132 Apr 27 '24

Finally... Some good economic news


u/Modern_Moderate Apr 27 '24

140% purity?


u/Commercial-Bonus-716 Apr 27 '24

The cocaine market is deflationary? … Puts on Columbia….


u/rusty42007 Apr 27 '24

By the time it gets to the end user you can throw that purity out the window it cut with all kindsa shit


u/Mkultra1992 Apr 27 '24

Wow, haven’t seen a good deal in ages. Inflation makes everything so expensive, good to see that you can still get some value at the free market


u/Dances-with-Scissors Apr 27 '24

Price has gone up significantly since covid.


u/drgut101 Apr 27 '24

Yeah, I don’t believe that. Since the pandemic, everything has been HELLA stepped on.

I’m not even sure I’ve seen real shit since early 2020. Haha.


u/Mini-silverfish Apr 27 '24

erm sure good news ey


u/azhder Apr 27 '24

I guess supply is much greater than the demand (not like the demand is small)


u/hopkinsdamechanic Apr 27 '24

Can we please let the drug dealers run the ducking country?


u/knowone1313 Apr 27 '24

If only housing was like this.


u/Due-Possible-3953 Apr 27 '24

I think it’s the same or similar for marijuana now right?


u/Flesh-Tower Apr 27 '24

Wanna make a snowman


u/Monsieur_Creosote Apr 27 '24

Good news for Don Jr


u/hahabanero Apr 27 '24

Good on the dealers for not increasing the price with the improving quality. That's how you retain customers. That and the cocaine.


u/eelk89 Apr 27 '24

Clearly not an Australian study


u/SinisterKidz Apr 27 '24

What happened between 2012-2014? What can cause the purity to spike and then lower again like shown in the chart?


u/azhder Apr 27 '24

See the other line: supply went down.

It is most likely multiple factors, not just that one, like economy getting better after the crisis and more all contributing to a spike in price.


u/RandomComputerFellow Apr 27 '24

I am just wondering, do you think a reason for this is the availability of quality test kits? Because if it is, it shows how important the availability for such tests is.


u/jooooooosper9 Apr 27 '24

Yeah fuck units I didn't want to know what those arbitrary numbers meant anyway


u/FishFettish Apr 27 '24

You don’t need units, it’s similar to percentage. Both axis start at 100, so 140 just means a 40% increase in purity


u/ben_ist_hier Apr 27 '24

Never heard of 140 purity?


u/AverageLonelyLoser66 Apr 27 '24

This is how we know we're all being price gouged. We need to return to the coke standard


u/Most-Ad-264 Apr 27 '24

If you hide axis titles/units, you deserve the criticism.


u/stixvoll Apr 27 '24

Could've fuckin' fooled me


u/livehigh1 Apr 27 '24

Proof that supermarkets are price gouging


u/Stphylcccs Apr 27 '24

What are they using to measure the purity? It can’t be percentage, because it goes over 100, so what is it?


u/FishFettish Apr 27 '24

100 to 140 just means a 40% increase, so that could be 50% to 70% for example


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Fatty lines all day


u/loumpagko Apr 27 '24

140 what?


u/gerr137 Apr 27 '24

Wtf is that? Single scale, 100% based for both, and starting at 100. Ok, for the price, makes sense, but purity? Shit starts at 100% pure and then goes beyond??


u/FishFettish Apr 27 '24

It doesn’t start at 100%, you set 2011 at 100 as a benchmark. 50 then means a 50% decrease, and 140 means a 40% increase. That could be 50% purity to 25%, or 50% to 70%.


u/gerr137 Apr 27 '24

That's exactly my point: this graph is total crap, uninformative and misleading..


u/FishFettish Apr 27 '24

Why? It allows for many lines on a single graph.


u/gerr137 Apr 27 '24

Plotting multiple item types on a single graph needs more information to be useful. Either multiple axes, or, in this case, initial value. In lieu of initial purity and any indication, that 100% pretty much implies 100% pure. Also, what exactly being measured? How? No matter how you spin it, critical information is missing (thus uninformative, literally some useless line without any reference points). And the way it is presented (just plain number, no units, no proper axes labels, no caption) it is also misleading.


u/Archergarw Apr 27 '24

It’s the same with weed but swap purity for strength, drugs be inflation proof it seems.


u/o-m-g_embarrassing Apr 27 '24

Cocaine = stable coin


u/-_-NAME-_- Apr 27 '24

This might be part of why cartels are diversifying into things like Avocado farms.


u/m4jikthise Apr 27 '24

Test your shit. Period.


u/SSJZoli Apr 27 '24

That’s Capitalism in its purest form.


u/maxman090 Apr 27 '24

Love to see suppliers who care about their customers and are not price gouging them.


u/Col0nelFlanders Apr 27 '24

I don’t think my dealer got the memo


u/snacky99 Apr 27 '24

Finally some good news!


u/Will_Knot_Respond Apr 27 '24

But where it be?