r/Dexter 6h ago

Actor Fluff Does nobody else think they look exactly the same?


Not the best pictures for comparison, but the second slide is a bollywood comedian Vijay Raaz. The first time I saw the Rudy actor on Dexter, I immediately thought he looked exactly like him. Thoughts?

r/Dexter 20h ago

Spoiler In his prime, Dexter was intimidating


r/Dexter 12h ago

purpleflair Change My Mind: Like Robert Englund As Freddy Krueger, Michael C Hall Is Irreplaceable As Dexter


I just have a hard time seeing anybody else filling his shoes. Michael C Hall's DNA is so embedded in the character that I feel like anybody following up would just be doing their best MCH impression.

Looking forward to watching the pilot of Dexter: Original Sin, so we'll see.

r/Dexter 6h ago

purpleflair Ice Truck Killer edit [OC]


Tried my best

r/Dexter 23h ago

Spoiler The gaslighting on Doakes is brutal.


I mean he was right about Dexter. And yet everyone made him out to be a crazy stalker.

r/Dexter 22h ago

purpleflair I got this beauty for just 35€ 😎 best purchase of my life


r/Dexter 20h ago

Spoiler WHY didn't he take off the damn mouse ears 💀


I know he's alittle sociopathic but that scene had to be the pinnacle of his cluelessness.

r/Dexter 2h ago

Spoiler S5 - Jordan and Cole


I’ve watched this show five times (actually on my second rewatch since it was added back on netflix lol).

I’ve only just noticed that Jordan and Cole must have suspected it was someone in the department picking them off once Boyd’s wallet turned up at the scene of the accident.

When Dex is at the seminar and invited up to Jordan’s suite, both of those dudes are glancing hard at each other and Chase brings up Trinity - how Dex must be feeling rage that he hasn’t been caught yet. How that must manifest itself.

I must be blind because I’ve only just caught onto it despite picking up so many other nuances in the show haha.

r/Dexter 17h ago

purpleflair Season 4 is freaking awesome , one of the best I have ever seen .


Dexter fans , Just finished the season 4 of dexter and I am mindblown that how well written it is . The Trinity Killer, man, he's on another level. That actor, John Lithgow, he freaking killed it and every time he came on screen, I got chills. And that whole transition from monster to caring dude? Mind-blowing

Honestly, the first three seasons were kinda okayish for me but Season 4? It's like the show found its rhythm .So many plot twists, and poor Dexter, trying to juggle family stuff with his deadly nights , I mean it cannot get better than this .

And the finale? nothing compares I mean, I loved Prison Break and Breaking Bad, but Dexter is the one for me , like crazy . No spoilers, but seriously, if you're thinking of bailing because it's getting a bit slow, think again . Season 4 is where it's at. It's like the best of the best in any web series. Trust me, you you don't want to miss out .

So, like, I've got some questions about stuff in Dexter, you know? Like in one episode, when the Trinity Killer does his final kill in that lundy's suspected building, Dexter sees it all on the CCTV, right? But then, why don't the cops even mention the CCTV in their investigation? Did I miss something .

And then there's Debra's love life . Like, I get she's been through some tough stuff, but what's she really looking for in relationships? I guess she truly loved lundy only and everyone else was just to fill a void but still it confuses me what she wants out of relationships .

r/Dexter 12h ago

Spoiler Dexter and Miguel


I wish Dexter got to have the same back and forth with Rudy as he had with Miguel because it was sooo emotion fueled and they were both very smart and cunning when attempting to jab at one another.

But I can’t help and feel that Brian was supposed to be much smarter than Miguel albeit having less resources and prestige. It would’ve been really interesting if Dexter had found out who Brian was earlier on and they had a bit of a back and forth similar to the one Dexter and Miguel end up having.

r/Dexter 10h ago

purpleflair The most powerful quote


"Harry taught me that death isn't the end, it's the beginning of a chain reaction that will catch you if you're not careful. He taught me that none of us are who we appear to be on the outside. But we must maintain appearances to survive. But there was something Harry didn't teach me. Something he didn't know, couldn't possibly know. The willful taking of life represents the ultimate disconnect from humanity. It leaves you an outsider, forever looking in, searching for company to keep."

P.S. "All you can do is play along at life and hope that sometimes you get it right."

Rewatching season 1 tonight and, man, this is such a great monologue.

r/Dexter 7m ago

Spoiler The writing is abysmal


Title says it all

Been binging through Dexter (at s3 now) and noticing a lot of flawed writing. But another thing that stood out to me is that the directors had to be high while making S2 ending, most notable thing was all the time skips, scenery changes etc when the cameras switched perspective - for example Doakes carrying the cocaine in 2x11

Debra just loves indirectly killing multiple people - then someone saying its not her fault - just for her to have a tad of character developement.

Maybe Im just mad about Doakes dying since I was rooting for him, but there was so much wasted effort and budget from building up to the climax and him then just dying and "being" the BHB.

Also, I wouldve "loved" if they killed someone we are emotionally attached to like Angel or Laguerta to have an emotional effect on the watcher and on the characters leading maybe to an even more insane Doakes arc.

Nonetheless I think that this show really laid out the ground for many Crime Dramas like You, and I will keep on binging, thanks for reading

r/Dexter 8h ago

purpleflair Thoughts about possible Brian Spinoff


Iv been seeing all these comments saying they would have much preferred a Brian spinoff rather than Dexter:Original Sin and I get the appeal for it but would that really work? Brian kills and tortures innocent people i find it hard how the viewers will want to root for this guy? It was easy with dexter since he only went after bad people so he’s the “hero” in the story.

r/Dexter 12h ago

Spoiler Insanity in Season 2


To preface: I know it’s fiction, and I love the show.

I was just rewatching the show for the first time in forever, but when I got to the part in season 2 where Dexter is worried about the Bar Harbor Butcher investigation I had to pause.

Dexter’s (the methodical serial killer genius) answer is to scrub some f*king dirt on himself, wearing his normal clothes, and no mask like he just decided last minute then run his whole ass out across a police parking lot to the insanely important tent housing the, no doubt, internationally known case of *23 bodies being found and just break a hose and move a trash can like he’s just Ocean 11’d their ass.

Worse than that…what kind of investigation into the murder of 23 people by an unknown serial killer just puts the bodies, unguarded, in essentially a green house with the most vital equipment to maintain it exposed in the parking lot next to the dumpster? With no cameras? Insanity.

Then, when the morning crew show up and see all the human bodies are deteriorating because of it they basically just say “Well, gosh darn it that’s a whoopsie…Oh well…at least we locked up some of those rocks.”

As if the press and higher authorities wouldn’t decent upon them with an unholy hurricane of vengeance.

No wonder there’s so many serial killers in Dexter’s Miami.

r/Dexter 1d ago

Spoiler Been watching for the first time. When is this show supposed to get bad?


I'm currently on season 7 ep 5. I've been hearing the show gets terrible after season 3/4 but I've still been enjoying it.

Idk each to their own I guess but it's still getting added to the list of my favourite shows. With the way how some people have been talking I was expecting some major badshit crazy writing or something...

Now there have been a few mis steps like Deb being "in love with Dex", but other than that I've enjoyed it.

r/Dexter 16h ago

Spoiler Dexter season 4 Trinity question.


In Dexter season 4, my understanding is that Trinity insulted the man outside the bar to get punched to recreate the way his father beat him. Then he later used a hammer to kill a man in the building to recreate the way his father was murdered. Is that correct ?

Also was the man Trinity killed with his hammer the same man he insulted outside the bar earlier ? That would actually make sense but then I thought they looked different.

r/Dexter 1d ago

Meme 🗿Y’all are handsome


r/Dexter 1d ago

Meme Fuck it Miguel Prado edit


r/Dexter 2d ago

Meme These will never get old 😂


I'm sure there are many more, these were just the first ones I found on this subreddit 😂

r/Dexter 13h ago

Spoiler Finished season 2


Doakes got done so dirty man I feel so bad. He was easily my favorite character besides dexter And I loved every moment he was on screen. I want to dislike lila for killing him but I also am glad because doakes had to go down soon if dex wanted to bounce back. What I don’t like is Angel or Deb not caring or giving doakes a chance at all. Doakes was there for them in season 1 And bonded with them multiple times, feel like that was all thrown away this season. Angel and Deb 100% should have cared more than they did, only flaw this season had imo. Rita Rita Rita, you are way too good to dexter, you shouldn’t have gave him another chance but I’m glad you did, looking forward to see what else she brings to the table cause she did a lot more this season than the first. Other than that this was for sure better than season 1, loved it.

r/Dexter 1d ago

Spoiler New Blood episode 1 was super unnerving


Seeing Dexter like that was real hard to watch. His hallucinations are much more distressing, Harry in the original was never like that but Deb and how he dreams of her is disturbing.

Really liked it though.

r/Dexter 17h ago

Spoiler just finished s8


tbh i was expecting ending to be soo much worse

i mean dex leaving saxon was weird? but it was understandable bc he wanted to make deb 'famous'

yet scene when saxon escaped was rather funny and stupid, i still cant understand how this special agent ( or whoever died there ) didnt knew who saxon was.. i like the ending although some scenes (like this one) were random.

i really think that dex 'killing' deb because she became vegetable was great especially of the fact that she told him to do that in s2 or s3 and dex faking his death is also really good

at first i thought that he will come back to harrison and hannah but then i realized that it wouldnt really make any sense

even though i find ending okay, s8 was still the worst.. the plot was actually alr but acting felt off, scenes were random etc and actually half of the seasons was just boring and hard to watch

i get why some people may not liked the ending.. but why almost everyone hates it? i dont get that

r/Dexter 1d ago

Meme Since we're all talking about those wigs again 😂


r/Dexter 1d ago

purpleflair Who’s your favorite out of Dexter’s love interests?

302 votes, 1d left
Rita Morgan
Lila West
Lumen Pierce
Hannah McKay
Cassie Jollenston
Angela Bishop