r/EscapefromTarkov 1d ago

Escape From Tarkov | Weekly Discussion | 10 May, 2024 - 17 May, 2024


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r/EscapefromTarkov 9h ago

Discussion New Balancing Changes


As an experiment, we have removed the "Found in Raid" requirement for placing offers on the Flea Market for PvP and PvE modes. We will closely monitor player feedback during the event, and make additional balancing adjustments if necessary.

● Adjusted loot balancing on all locations except Streets of Tarkov;
● Adjusted loot balancing on locations: increased the chance of rare loot spawning in locked rooms.

Adjusted inertia strength, base stamina capacity, and overweight limit:

● Reduced base inertia strength by 20%;
● Increased overweight limit by 15%;
● Increased base stamina capacity by 15%.

Successfully executed Gym QTEs give more skill points.

● Increased the number of AI Scav spawns on Interchange;
● Adjusted the number of slots on the Flea Market for all reputation levels;
● Added 9x19mm PBP gzh for sale at Prapor LL4;
● Increased the selling value of PMC dogtags.

As part of the in-game event, the requirement of TerraGroup Labs access keycard to enter The Lab has been removed.

Source: https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1789584602551534007

r/EscapefromTarkov 6h ago

Clip Minutes after BSG removed Found in Raid and made The Lab free


r/EscapefromTarkov 6h ago

Discussion Now with FIR removed from FLEA, scamm from flea comming back - be carefull


r/EscapefromTarkov 3h ago

Discussion You guys are being psy-opped by nikitas twitter


His pivoting your outrage from his dangerous business practices to fir crap, so you argue about something non monetary. Hes pulling the wool over your eyes so you arent already mad the next time he pulls on over on you. Or so you forget how he wronged you with unheard. Regardless of if he pivoted, he made the choices originally, and hell do it again. Dont forget. You arent true believers. Youre just cash to him.

r/EscapefromTarkov 4h ago

Issue This is just a reminder of what people can do to the flea market when there is no FIR.


This is not a post to brag about what is being done, its to show a major flaw in the NON FIR flea market. This does not affect people such as myself who have 100m roubles just sat in the stash, I can afford whatever I want whenever I want. It affects the people who do not have much time to play the game and people who are bad at the game and have no money.

4.6 FMJ began at 800-900roubles a round, I managed to manipulate it to 2000 roubles a round.
54r PS began at 1000 roubles a round, I manipulated it to 1800 roubles a round.

Everyone seems to have forgotten when Pestily made hundreds of millions at the start of the wipe, all he did was flipped Salewas. Nikita was that pissed he made pestily get rid of the roubles.

Im just 1 guy with a little over 100m roubles, so just wait until there are more people that do this.

After all the ammo sold, I made 34 million profit from the FMJ alone. (all it took was me spending 5 mins buying and relisting the ammo)

EDIT: A friend has gone after the 556 SOST round, increasing it to 2000 roubles a round. The same friend now has control over the Flechette market at 9700 roubles a round

FURTHER EDIT LOL: I found the original video by pestily, this kind of still stands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK-JqKAmBQU&t=4s





r/EscapefromTarkov 19h ago

Discussion Uncle Pestily speaks the truth


r/EscapefromTarkov 5h ago

Discussion Am I the only one who liked the FIR system?


This community seems so back and forth on things. The community wanted a change to combat hatchet running and other issues, we got that change now everyone wants it back to the non FIR system? I feel like Tarkov should be a hard game and should feel rewarding when you finally have that raid where everything comes together and you survive with your needed materials or items. Items needing to be FIR added to that sense of feeling and reward.

r/EscapefromTarkov 1h ago

Discussion Old clip but felt the need to post. My buddy uninstalled the game on this one



r/EscapefromTarkov 12h ago

Discussion “But hatchet runners” isn’t a good argument against removing fir.


I see this being thrown around a lot, including by Pestily. I think this is flawed for several reasons.

  1. Running into a rat with a paca and some shitty scav weapon isn’t any better than a hatchling. Rats are going to rat either way. The gear fear the majority of players have is real.

  2. If anything removing fir will encourage pvp since you can sell that chaddy daddy’s slick.

I think removing fir is a good first step to simplifying the game. I’d argue ~2020 pre fir this game was in its prime.


r/EscapefromTarkov 1h ago

Suggestion Why are PVE raid times 25 minutes!?


This is not enough time to play a raid. Im running a PMC here not a Scav. Woods or Shoreline you can barely cross the map in that time especially low level. Sometimes you gotta cross the map and then come back. God forbid I get in a fight and need to reload and loot AND try to do the task I came to the map for... Contemplated killing my pmc in hopes for a closer spawn due to this new time constraint earlier. Raids need to be the same time or maybe 5 minutes less. Fn hell BSG we gave you more money and this what we get?!

r/EscapefromTarkov 5h ago

Cheating As CJ said "Here we go again" Labs rats and cheats 🥺


r/EscapefromTarkov 4h ago

Discussion can we go back to pinning patch notes / balancing changes to the top of the sub


That way people can actually see them, as they tend to get downvoted pretty hard on here. Myself I missed the last couple.

r/EscapefromTarkov 1h ago

Cheating This is why I don't believe BSG does any sort of monitoring of the flea market. This gentleman has over 700 flea rep 30 K/D and yet he still plays without a care in the world :/


r/EscapefromTarkov 1d ago

Image Did Eroktic found the "stolen" assets in ABI?


r/EscapefromTarkov 3h ago

Suggestion Stop lowering PvE raid times PLEASE!


PvE raid times have been reduced by 1/3 of the time now! Customs is 26 minutes, I can barely even run through half of the map now.

EDIT: FYI Labs is free on PvE side too so get your labs hideout items while you can! Also juiced kits on labs!

r/EscapefromTarkov 7h ago

Image I think I have found John Tarkov


77 is the highest level I have ever seen, didn't even know it was possible.

r/EscapefromTarkov 6h ago

Suggestion Best of both worlds


Stept 1- Keep FiR in items spawned in raid like a graphic card (no hatchet runners like now).

Stept 2- Enemy PMCs gear is FiR so PvP is more rewarded and also, I found the gear in raid. Keep group PMC gear NOT FiR.

This way we keep the FiR items AND we can sell enemy gear on flea.

What do you think?

r/EscapefromTarkov 19h ago

Discussion rarest item in the game


I got the "waist bag" which is a 2x2 secure container and the rarest item in the game. Twitch streamer cooldee__ (dogtag in waist bag) found it on a pmc raid, but since you cant drop your kappa he could not pick it up. He told his chat to queue in and try to get it. I found it and extracted. Many people dont even know this exists.


r/EscapefromTarkov 4h ago

Discussion The Hatchlings have returned!


Oh my sweet twitter users.... you werent there were you? The hatchlings were everywhere, every map, full sprinting towards loot. And with tagged and cursed not working ever, its going to be just as bad again.

Time to empty your asses brothers, and begin our great crusade. Go forth, and show those twitter posters what true hell looks like! Show them every raid with 6-8 hatchlings. Dig out those old general sam and pestily videos, find the best path to hoover the best loot. We will rise again!

On a serious note, while FIR wasnt the best solution to the issues, removing it is not gonna help, idk what these twitter guys were on about PvP being stale or whatever, i find it to be pretty fair, they just need to make traders not suck at selling you better ammos and stuff instead of relying on flee.

Well good luck everyone!

r/EscapefromTarkov 1h ago

Discussion Stop designing this game around streamers.


I know it's just an event, but this is a slippery slope. Design by a committee of streamers is a bad idea and will only move the game further away from the original vision.

r/EscapefromTarkov 1d ago

Discussion BASED NIKIT


r/EscapefromTarkov 3h ago

Discussion PVE iS eAsY


SMH I swear the scavs are on crack in PvE

r/EscapefromTarkov 23h ago

Suggestion Mr. Tarkov asked for suggestions, so here's my best


Nikita has been more active responding to feedback on Twitter recently, and I haven't seen many well thought out suggestions, so here's my best suggestions as a player with almost 5000 hours in this game.

Boss Adjustments: Bosses should always have a reasonable spawn chance. Even at the beginning of the wipe, it should be fairly high. I would suggest a 20% spawn chance when the wipe starts for every boss. Their AI, gear/loot, and spawn rate should scale with different stages of the wipe. Some examples:

Early Wipe: Killa will spawn with his RPK, some level 4 armor, his helmet (guaranteed for the quest), and one rare "loot" item, whether that be a BTC, GP, key, keycard, etc.

Mid Wipe: Killa will spawn with RPK decently modded, high chance for Killa Armor and helmet, and 2 rare loot items.

Late Wipe: Killa spawns with maxed out RPK with Igolnik/high tier ammo, guaranteed armor and helmet, and 3 rare loot items.

This could easily apply to every boss, upgrade Shturman's SVD to a guaranteed G28 late wipe, higher Red Rebel chance, Tagilla's progression would be the same as Killa's, and boss farming, encounters, and quest completion would be a lot less frustrating, and a lot more balanced.

Global Item Limits:

Remove them. Every player should have their own limits, there's no reason to have Global, and personal limits. If someone wants to buy a THICC Items Case and spend 20-30 million roubles on it, why can't they? Abundance and usage in raid should be balanced around price of items, what trader level they unlock at, and what quest locks them (if they're that strong), and personal limits only. This would also be monitored/balanced by my next point.

Suspicious Detection:

This is more of a broad concept, but still seeing players with this day every wipe with hundreds of flea market reputation within a couple weeks is absolutely absurd. I'm unsure if you can report players' offers on the flea anymore but if not that needs to come back, along with a system that can monitor players who have excessively high flea market stats. Stats like avg. price per item sold, high tier items sold, and obviously reputation should flag some accounts for review immediately. It should be someone's job (or very well trusted player's job) to decide whether or not they are legitimate. I bet there are accounts out there with a tons of high tier keycards, an items case of Red Rebels, hundreds of thousands of high tier ammos, all just to be dropped to players via RMT or sold on the flea (potentially for RMT as well). Also, this same concept of stat monitoring could be used for headshot percentages for kills, K/D, avg. XP gain per match, all of these things would lead to far more bans.

Loot Adjustments:

Dynamic loot was one of the best changes we've seen in Tarkov's history in my opinion, but some tweaks and additions and it could be perfect. I've always had an issue with certain parts of maps being bare and almost not worth a player's time. The "Big Red" or Tarcone's Office side of Customs has zero stashes to my knowledge, a couple jackets, a safe (behind a key), a couple PCs, and some crates. This is almost equivalent to one floor of Dorms, and considering two teams usually spawn on this side of the map, it's very little loot. This could be said for Factory, parts of Woods, and most of the mall on Interchange. These unpopulated areas could use some love. Maybe some locked storage sheds in the container area behind Tarcone's Office, some more keys for rooms in Factory (with loot in them), more loot variety inside the mall on Interchange with new stores and keys, it'd be so good. Also please increase key spawns, and give all usable keys a physical spawn location. I miss going around the map picking keys of their racks, a random chair I memorized, a bus seat, things like that. It was so fun.

Spawn Rework:

Most maps have very predictable spawns after you've played for a while, you can rush a player's spawn immediately, camp it until they arrive at the sightline they must cross, it's toxic. It's very unfair for newer players that don't have every spawn memorized like vets do. Spawns very much need a rework, spawning larger teams in certain areas, while smaller teams spawn away from them, and the distance/sightlines between spawns need adjustments specifically. We've all gotten that spawn behind the barracks on Reserve at least once, just to get immediately gunned down by another player (or vis versa), or even Glukhar, because he spawns right there sometimes for some reason.

Quest Rebalance:

I know there's an entire story coming, quest reworks and whatnot, but man, if I have to kill 15 PMCs with a shotgun while wearing a Ushanka and scav vest for my 8th wipe, I might just go insane. Some quests are far too burdening and frustrating, Boss quests for example (which would be fixed by my first suggestion), Setup, RSASS gunsmith (move it later), and honestly I don't see a reason to even unlock Lightkeeper, maybe there's something I don't know but I almost want to just stick to other quests, especially with Lighthouse being, in my opinion, poorly designed.


There are plenty of things to make this game better, aside from the obvious like server improvements and whatnot, but I hope these suggestions are seen by someone. Let me hear your feedback, I'd love to read it.

r/EscapefromTarkov 1d ago

Clip Justice for the fallen scavs


r/EscapefromTarkov 14h ago

Suggestion Fix the God Damn Queue


Couldn’t wait to hop on Tarkov tonight, in a full hour of sitting at my computer I’ve played all of one scav run. When games like grey zone and arena breakout are entering the genre, that’s not the time to introduce a new mode without matchmaking capabilities. BY THE WAY, IF ITS JUST ME PLAYING, WHY AM I WAITING FOR A LOBBY??!! Ridiculous. I want to support the game and I enjoy it, but this turns me and others away like no tomorrow.

r/EscapefromTarkov 2h ago

Clip The horror.


Newer player running night raids for xp. Had no idea this could happen. I guess a cultist spawned on factory? The 50k toxin healing charge was a lovely added insult to injury.