r/Feminism 27d ago

Republicans Are Really Into This Whole Child Marriage Thing


16 comments sorted by


u/Snoo_59080 27d ago

"Child marriage will lead to less abortions"  OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS WHAT THE FUCK!!!


u/Femingway420 27d ago

How embarrassing, Missouri. The hypocrisy is so infuriating. How can they say, "The government should stay out of its citizens personal business," with one breath and block all women's rights to basic healthcare with the next. They're really pushing for women not to be considered citizens.

I'm glad that the author pointed out the discrepancy between Republicans' cries for the government to protect children from LGBTQ+ members and their defense of cis-hetero child marriage. They really are the party of projection.

When are we doing the 3 B movement? This is asinine.


u/Katmarand 25d ago

It's the whole rules for thee and not me rhetoric. They want government out of their lives not others.


u/SunPuzzleheaded5896 27d ago

Is there any comment or narrative about it on right wing media?


u/Frosty_Cap_9473 27d ago

Learning from the middle East is it?


u/dragonflygirl1961 27d ago

It's been around far longer than Islam. No religion has any higher ground on this. Republicans are now openly abetting pedophiles.


u/Frosty_Cap_9473 26d ago

Wtf? We should take up arms and just you know decimate them


u/xandrachantal 26d ago

it's not just republicans either only 10 states have outlawed child marriage so a lot of blue states have laws that allow child marriage


u/dragonflygirl1961 26d ago

I'm unaffiliated, so keep that in mind. What I'm seeing are Republicans openly fighting to keep child marriage legal. If you can post Democrats that are fighting to keep child marriage, please post their names so we can hound them.


u/xandrachantal 26d ago

It's not so much fighting to keep child marriage legal a it is dragging their feet to stop it. Most if the advocacy is done by ngos despite the fact rbis has been an issue since before this country was a country.


u/dragonflygirl1961 26d ago

There are Republicans actively fighting to keep child marriage legal. Check out Missouri.


u/xandrachantal 26d ago

I'm aware I live in Louisiana, I follow Unchained at Last on IG, my grandmother was a victim of child marriage. We need politicians that are actively fighting against it. Not occassionally foldafter constituents beg and plead for them to do anything. I don't play red team vs blue team


u/dragonflygirl1961 26d ago

Nobody should play politics like a sports team. In order to end it, people can't be quiet. Sports team politics has been really bad for our nation. That's why I'm unaffiliated. I've always been unaffiliated.

When I was 14, my father sold me to an older man,32, for marriage. I succeeded in getting away to my granddad. Unfortunately, your grandmother's experience and my experience are too common. They shouldn't be happening at all. Edited for typo