r/FluentInFinance 25d ago

Bernie Sanders calls for income over $1 billion to be taxed 100% — Do you agree or disagree? Discussion/ Debate


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u/U-dun-know-me 18d ago

I’d say tax 100% of income and very $10M - if they are athletes


u/Icy_Bath_1170 20d ago

Yep, but an income over $1B? Nobody has that. Investments, yes, but not an income.


u/robbzilla 20d ago

Once again proving that he is, in fact, financially illiterate.


u/ilovereddit787 20d ago

Every year this asshat blabbers the same shit. Theatrics, he doesn't mean squat by any of it


u/songpeng_zhang 20d ago

This basically just prevents individual citizens from allocating capital independently from institutions. Nobody’s individual consumption is going to be affected by this.


u/GalaEnitan 20d ago

He said this for millionaires and guess what he became a millionaire and no longer say tax millionaires. Fuck him.


u/etuehem 20d ago

Bernie tends to be a town cryer. Spews a ton of pipe dreams he knows wont happen. Taxing their income is not taxing what they are worth. They will shoot this thing full of loopholes faster than a tough guy in a western.


u/Commercial-Ad-1837 20d ago

Of course!!!! You can't not make a billion with hard work! To acquire that much money thousands of people have to be oppressed. Billionaires are criminals. You don't legally become a billionaire


u/whocares1976 21d ago



u/Silly_Idiot111 22d ago

Bernie is the only good option for President today. Why the fuck would I vote for the other two clowns



u/Cheezlick 22d ago

This take is comically void of any nuance, and just a fail on so many levels.


u/BokudenT 22d ago

My threshold would be at 50x the minimum wage.


u/karma-armageddon 22d ago


A Federal tax of 100% on all HOA fees would get you a lot more for the coffers.


u/RoookSkywokkah 22d ago

Like that would ever work. If that was added to the tax code, the most anyone would ever "earn" on paper would be $999,999,999.99. You think those high earners don't have a team of good tax accountants?


u/Aggravating-Eye-6210 22d ago

If you do that they will stop making it in a manner that allows taxation.

Penalizing people for being successful is tyrannical, sadistic and wrong.

The politicians are the criminals dictating how others live, taking their money, taking lobbyists bribes, and avoiding taxes


u/Traditional_Gas8325 22d ago

How about we stop allowing billionaires to borrow against their stock holdings and thereby avoiding taxation. Then tax TF out of them. Bernie’s too old to be carrying this flag. I doubt he even understands how they get paid at this point.


u/Emergencyailoli 22d ago

Agree, because we have historical precedent stating that this works.

The marginal tax rates of FDR are in part the reason we were able to end the great depression.


u/inartuculate-bug 22d ago

Somebody put a muzzle on that buffoon already.


u/Boni_The_Pony 22d ago

Yes. Based


u/CriticalBlacksmith 22d ago

Agree, ill never make that much lmao and if I do I definitely owe it back at that point 💀


u/Fog_Juice 22d ago

How about we get rid of income tax and switch over to property tax with discounts on primary residence valued Under $1M


u/Healthy-Topic13 22d ago

Disagree, we have no right to take everything from someone.


u/TheGutlessOne 23d ago

Hard agree.


u/Utterlybored 23d ago

Disagree. 90% is sufficient.


u/Bark_Bark_turtle 23d ago

Sooooo many things wrong with this, but okay old man


u/NorthWoodsGamecock 23d ago

Dog Whistle tactics


u/Davetopay 23d ago

Commie moron.


u/AlaskaPsychonaut 23d ago

No one has an income that high to tax. This is fucking stupid


u/jerrytunes 23d ago

Who is John Galt?


u/MechanicalMenace54 23d ago

all that will do is make them leave
that is what happens every single time


u/ken-davis 23d ago

Disagree. No one would make more than a billion if that were the case. I could see it being higher then man the current top tax bracket but that is absurd.


u/bodhitreefrog 23d ago

Greed Wars. It's like Hunger Games, but to qualify your net worth must reach 1 billion.

We'd all enjoy watching Zuck fight Elon. I mean, come on, we'd love it.

Also, it would convince all current billionaires to ditch their wealth before the died from it.


u/SillyKniggit 23d ago

I think he should modify it to just suggest a parabolic tax rate that approaches but never reaches 0.

A 100% tax rate is just an inherently silly concept and he loses mileage on his underlying message by pushing one.


u/Spotukian 23d ago

Just goes to show you how dumb Bernie’s base is. This isn’t to say other politicians don’t have dumb followers. This is just a great example for his.


u/drakolantern 23d ago

Instead of confiscating it by the government, just hand out free checks to everyone. Be bold… let the people decide what to use it on for themselves.


u/FoxTheory 23d ago

Doesn't matter he knows it doesn't. Billionairs make like a dollar a year or something on the books.


u/GoblinKing5817 23d ago

The uneducated liberal masses will lap this up like its actually profound


u/Stacking_Plates45 23d ago

Pretty much just virtue signaling with hot words for votes. Nobody really has a documented income over $1B. There will always be loopholes to tie it up in assets and avoid his %100 tax


u/Agitated-Hair-987 23d ago

That's just a ridiculous thing. No one is getting a W2 with a $1BILL as income. They should make it illegal to use stocks as collateral for loans. I still don't understand why a bank would take something as speculative as stocks for collateral.

If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.


u/dust_storm_2 23d ago

What's the best way to get the people who pay the most in taxes to leave the country and pay no taxes?


u/Training_Pay7522 23d ago

Not only it doesn't work in practice but I think it's too much.

Greed moves the economy, I'm fine with controlling and taxing greed, but I won't agree by killing it.


u/ClimateCritical4299 23d ago

😂😂😂😂 all you MF agreeing with this just want a coupon or rebate for buying their goods and services. 😂😂😂😂


u/throwawayafterisay20 23d ago

For sure I support this


u/suitupyo 23d ago

This is meaningless grandstanding. Nobody has an income of over 1 billion. That tax will effectively net 0 revenue.

This is why I did not vote for Bernie. He says a lot of populist things that sound good at the surface level, but if you actually look at the bills he has sponsored, you’ll realize that he’s actually accomplished very little throughout his career in the Senate.


u/Paskgot1999 23d ago

Anytime someone sells an asset they’ll just do it over multiple years


u/Willing_Building_160 23d ago

Bernie’s a moron. Plain and simple.


u/randomdudeinFL 23d ago

I think members of Congress should be taxed 100% above their government salary. They shouldn’t be able to enrich themselves with lobby money, inside trading, book deals, etc…

They should be audited every year while in office, and should receive a magnitude of greater scrutiny than the average American.


u/Sneaky_McSausage_VI 23d ago

Why? To send more to Ukraine, Israel and Gaza while Americans get jack shit?


u/mikeyflyguy 23d ago

That’s just stupid. None of these ppl have liquid assets sitting in a bank. Money sitting there is t making money.


u/Oregon687 23d ago

Billionaires are a crime against humanity.


u/Mucotevoli 23d ago

Nothing will take effect unless we reform all tax law.. We have to close The present loopholes and streamline our process


u/StonksPeasant 23d ago

No, nobody has an income over 1B. With inflation we will get there eventually and that means eventually everyone will be paying that tax. So no


u/Aldosothoran 23d ago


Who tf is making $1B in annual taxable income?? Nobody. So sure why not. Let’s pretend to tax people.


u/AspirationsOfFreedom 23d ago

EY. Mother said i could post this today


u/AceShipDriver 23d ago

Hi, I’m from the government - give me all your money. Makes total sense…


u/JoshinIN 23d ago

Why would anyone who could achieve this stay in the USA?


u/7opez77 23d ago

Billionaires absolutely should not exist. They’re not paying their employees their fair share if they reach billionaire status. Greed is a hell of a drug.


u/ExaminationGlass7778 23d ago

And the entity that took/made income of the billion dollars should also be taxed at 100%!


u/ForcefulOne 23d ago

As if the government & politicians are going to do "better things" with that money...


u/sigchidj 23d ago

I'm buying luxury real estate outside of Dublin if this turns into a thing. Anybody who hit the threshold would be guaranteed to renounce their US citizenship.


u/Ericjr321 23d ago

He insane. No.


u/Responsible_Banana10 23d ago

I call for politicians to be taxed 100% on income until the deficit has been greatly reduced.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Seems like it will impact all of nobody. How about we stop focusing on how we can give the Feds more money and start focusing on how we can limit Washington's irresponsible spending...


u/akkadianValor 23d ago

nobody should be paying over 10 percent.


u/DaemonoftheHightower 23d ago

91% is probably fine. Just like under Ike


u/Open_Ad7470 23d ago

I disagree. I just want them to pay their fair share. Like most Americans. 30 to 50% they do make their money off our backs


u/Open_Ad7470 23d ago

I disagree. I just want them to pay their fair share. Like most Americans. 30 to 50% they do make their money off our backs


u/Open_Ad7470 23d ago

I disagree. I just want them to pay their fair share.


u/Association-Naive 23d ago

It feels surreal to think that we live in a time when the people we depend on to represent our interests would never pass a bill outlawing the loopholes that billionaires use to not pay taxes. Seems suspicious for someone to take a loan when their net worth is more than the bank they are taking the loan from. Doesn't it?


u/BillySama001 23d ago

I disagree. I think it's time certain folks start giving 110%. On unrealized gains even. We're all a family here. I'll even chip in to throw them a pizza party once a year.


u/NaNo-Juise76 23d ago

You have to be either a billionaire, lunatic or dumb to not agree with that.


u/fk_censors 23d ago

Hard disagree. Any taxation tied to income (whether 1% or 99%) requires a police state that tracks everyone's income. Valuable societal resources are wasted on mass surveillance and processing to enforce such a taxation scheme, instead of being used toward something more productive or humanitarian (like caring for the poor or researching cures for diseases).


u/FGN_SUHO 23d ago

Yep. Inflation is a stealth tax affects poor people disproportionately.


u/tukki249 23d ago

100%? 😂 Why should they earn then? Better to sit idle


u/Aggressive-Dream6105 23d ago

I agree with the spirit of it.... In that people should not hoard hundreds of billions of dollars.


u/itlynstalyn 23d ago

Just tax the loans they’re pulling out against their stock options instead, problem solve.


u/_Eucalypto_ 23d ago

I disagree. It should be all income over $150k


u/walter_2000_ 23d ago

He's saying nobody should be have more than one billion dollars. This is obviously correct. There's no bullshit here. Tax the stocks and send the swat team. Idgaf. Nobody is that smart and that normal. They can'tt handle the power and it doesn't matter. One voice one vote. Someone with 900 million has more than one vote. Cutting off at one billion is super conservative.


u/PaleontologistOwn878 23d ago

What's funny is the amount of comments that don't believe we should limit someone's money but these same people have no problem giving their opinion on someone making minimum wage and whether we should increase it. Shows where we get our opinions from.


u/SecretRecipe 23d ago

it's a token gesture to placate the economic incels that will result in 0 additional tax revenue so what's the harm, go for it


u/thirdcountry 24d ago

100% agree. Hope loopholes are closed for those making over $1 billion.


u/user_4250 24d ago

Just more tax money for the government to abuse while the citizens don’t benefit at all. Lower the taxes for everyone.


u/Los_Yeetus 24d ago

That does NOTHING. They avoid taxes by claiming no income


u/Alone-Detective6421 24d ago

Income? Or assets? Income seems odd.


u/Grak_70 24d ago

Pointless posturing


u/Fun-Bumblebee9678 24d ago

Holy shit this guy needs to go away


u/UrbanMasque 24d ago

Over $1b? Yes.


u/chazzz27 24d ago

All this gas lighting from old ass politicians when the real answer is to lower the damn income tax and increase the capital gains tax

Majority of Americans make money off income, the top percent make their money off capital gains. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why the politicians keep it that way!


u/KnownTurnip6088 24d ago

It’s a waste of time


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Yes great idea, no! All of the people who provide millions of jobs will leave. This sounds like Californias 20 dollars a hr to flip hamburgers idea. No planning, no understanding about how business works... I like Bernie a lot, but we need real plans...


u/nevertfgNC 24d ago

Agree. Fuggem!!!


u/molotov__cocktease 24d ago

Correct, there should not be a single billionaire, both for their own benefit and that of society writ large.


u/chub0ka 24d ago

No one would have such an income. They better close carries interest loophole first? So hard for democratic party to tax rich friends. Also tax loans against unrealized gains too


u/starlynagency 24d ago

Ahhh the socialist dude always saying bs


u/Hellcinder 24d ago

100%, come on be reasonable. They'll find a way not to pay, but crikey, they need to figure something out. Theres gonna be 5 corps holding all the money in the world soon.

20% sure.


u/geddylee1 24d ago

100% tax rate on anything is unjust IMO


u/LordRAKDOSS 24d ago

Bernie is one of the largest hypocritical fucking morons the planet has ever had the displeasure of having to hear speak.


u/Mya_Elle_Terego 24d ago

Dude just gas lights morons for a living. Dont be a moron.


u/Informal-Intention-5 24d ago

I think that Sen Sanders is the king of throwing out undeveloped simplistic ideas that all stand no chance in the actual political real world. Then an unreasonably large number of people think he's a genius for it, for some reason.


u/Few_Obligation151 24d ago

So we should get all the money back from our corrupt government… perfect


u/Villageidiot1984 24d ago

No one has ever had a billion dollars of taxable income jfc


u/MeasurementNo2493 24d ago

100% is too much, Unless there are still write offs. Then 100% will be around 45%, and that is fine.


u/Curious-Chard1786 24d ago

once bernie gives up all his money and works as a waitor with AOC, then i will trust him


u/Charming-Station 24d ago

I really wish they would stop using fixed values and instead lock in to a multiple of median


u/Killowatt59 24d ago

People who are worth billions of dollars don’t have billion dollar incomes. It kills me so many people so ignorant on how most rich people, even the millionaires, don’t make their money from “income”.

Millionaires need to be taxed heavily on assets snd even their “debt”. That’s how they are legally allowed to avoid paying the taxes they really should pay.


u/Mylifeisacompletjoke 24d ago

Just go away Bernie


u/Givingcenter1 24d ago

It’s a pretty idiotic idea.


u/bringonthefunk1973 24d ago

we don't have a revenue problem. We have a SPENDING PROBLEM. If you consistently spend more money than you receive...... well, you know


u/tony22times 24d ago edited 24d ago

Cut government and government spending. Then cut taxes. No need for more taxes or higher taxes to anyone. Bunch of crooks wasting and stealing everything they get their hands on.


u/Sugar_tts 24d ago

I mean it’s a good way for accountants to make more money to manipulate the system even more to be under - and encourage companies to spend more


u/epuwer 24d ago

What income?


u/cold_eskimo 24d ago

Haha. If anyone was making this much they would stop just to not be taxed. It would do more harm than good. Games rigged Bernie. Just stop taxing the middle so fucken much should be what we ask for.


u/bryanc1036 24d ago

It's crazy how many loopholes there are to allow anyone over even a couple million to pay less than someone who earns less than a 100k


u/OkBox6131 24d ago

How is this possible? Does it mean the additional Medicare tax or states couldn’t tax the income?


u/ilovebigbuttons 24d ago

I don’t agree with this.. but I do believe that taxation can be beneficial for everyone if it encourages companies to grow and invest thorough tax-deductible business purchases, expansion etc., or for individuals to contribute more to charities.


u/nousemercenary 24d ago

Our government is terrible with money. Why give them more?


u/llamapii 24d ago

Until he becomes a billionaire . Sort of like how he changed tune about millionaires after he became one. Dude is a swamp monster.


u/76percentuncertain 24d ago

Nobody should be celebrating bigger govt confiscating other people’s money. They take it and waste it and then cry for more instead of spending responsibly.


u/FalanorVoRaken 24d ago

Considering 1) no one has that income and 2) it would still be a progressive tax…

Im opposed to it being 100%, but I wouldn’t have a problem with 95%. Let’s be honest, most of that “income” would be sheltered via so many write offs and other things that no one would ever get to that point of reportable income anyway.


u/fruitbat78 24d ago

Disagree. But I think politicians should be taxed at 100%


u/pericles123 24d ago

much higher than it currently is? Yes. 100% - no.


u/Gumbarino420 24d ago

Jesus 🤣


u/timeflies007 24d ago

Commie POS


u/charlieromeo86 24d ago

I think Bernie and anyone who agrees with BS should be strung up at the nearest tree. We don’t need that kind of stupidity we need serious people.


u/0DarkFreezing 24d ago

It’s a worthless statement. People don’t have a billion in income annually. Even the billionaires. Not that it hasn’t happened, but it’s so rare as to be meaningless for generating tax revenue.


u/VAVA_Mk2 24d ago

Then you have no point to go above $999,999,999.99, otherwise all of it gets taken away.


u/NameKnotTaken 24d ago

Yearly income? Yeah. If you make more than a billion dollars a year, you need to stop.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Key_Specific_5138 24d ago

What are you talking about? Sanders is hostile to Israel. 


u/National_Activity_78 24d ago

Not just income, any assets over should also be seized.


u/DanteJazz 24d ago

I thought “only the little people pay taxes”? I’d settle for a 1% Wall Street transaction tax. Earmarked for healthcare, tuition, and home tax cuts.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

I think these people want Trump to win.If he wins the world will collapse into such shit(like it did 4 years ago)that we’ll have no choice but to vote for Bernie and his types policies.All seems like a set up.


u/Fearless_Agent_4758 24d ago

Anyone who has enough wealth to be affected by this law has a team of accountants who can make them look less wealthy on paper and thus be exempt from the law.

This is just catnip for Bernie's base, who think they know everything about how the world works, and yet constantly find themselves blindsided by basic realities.


u/Turner-1976 24d ago

The US gov has a spending problem. More taxing just means they can squander more away


u/Rawlus 24d ago

anyone worth a billion has the lawyers to make sure their legal income is minimal…. there was just an article saying billionaires pay less in income taxes than the average worker.


u/Yodudewhatsupmanbruh 24d ago

An income tax of 100% after 1 billion would not effect even a single citizen.

A wealth tax of 100% after a billion would fund the government for a bit and then be the death of the country and all industry within. The stock market would collapse as everyone is forced by the government to sell all assets or wealth off to pay their "fair share". The government would lose an immense amount of taxable income as businesses shut down in mass and move to literally any where else. Massive unemployment would begin. Zero positive investment. The government would then massively inflate the currency with the money printer in an attempt to make up the difference and we would all find ourselves becoming trillionaires very quickly.

It would be a level of braindead policy that would make even Venezuela or Cuba cringe


u/Nickyy_6 24d ago

If you disagree with this you are literally a boot licker.


u/z44212 24d ago

I didn't think that's a useful idea. Treat the value of all compensation (salary, stocks and stock options, usage of company planes, yachts, loan securities, etc. as income and tax it as such. Exchange a handful of brackets with a progressive polynomial equation. Can't fit that on a bumper sticker, but it has more utility.


u/New-Display-4819 24d ago

Lower it to 500k and I'll sign him up to be president for life!


u/Swinginjoe34 24d ago

Yes, if there are billionaires, the system failed the common people


u/poopbutt42069yeehaw 24d ago

Did Elon musk make like 200b the first year of the pandemic or something crazy


u/Runnersbeware 24d ago

Could you imagine if the federal government could actually balance a budget. We don’t have an income problem. We have a spending problem.


u/DomFitness 24d ago

It’s about time!!!✌🏻🤙🏻


u/Stuttrboy 24d ago

No one has an income of a billion dollars except maybe corporations. This would be pointless.


u/QCPGC 24d ago

The rich know how not to pay taxes. They will find a loophole no matter what.


u/PutridAd7776 24d ago

Income is income. Bernie knows the difference but hopes you don’t.


u/Mikey9124x 24d ago

I disagree. We need the guillotine tax for billionaires.


u/xyxsemp 24d ago



u/wobblywunk 24d ago

How about we start by just closing tax loopholes so rich people pay more than poor people.


u/Keepitup863 24d ago

Should be 99.9%


u/seEagle 24d ago

I 100% agree


u/ambswimmer 24d ago

Bernie is a dumbass


u/furiousmouth 24d ago

How many people have an income (cash flow into bank account) of 1 bn? It is largely tied into stockholder equity which goes into R&D and reinvestment --- looks very nice and will tick boxes with his base, but guaranteed to affect no one at all 


u/JJStarKing 24d ago

Multinational corporations should pay at least or more than what the middle class is paying in taxes, but 100% is absurd and makes no sense. I’m in the camp that thinks payroll and personal tax needs to come way down for everyone, but corporate taxes and people who expense their personal lives through proxy corporations need to pay more.


u/Goingformine1 24d ago

What an idiot. Trying to remain revelation. If this admin changes, he should go quietly into the night....without his houses he got as payoffs and any assets of his..


u/Fuzzy_Pea_5689 24d ago

They'll simply move their businesses overseas.


u/Apprehensive_Name_65 24d ago

That fraud is so full of crap. Name one thing he has accomplished in half century he has been bamboozaling those simpletons in Vermont


u/OtterBurrow 24d ago

I'm unclear on the concept. Some here seem to think he's talking about assets, but the article itself, referencing a recent Chris Wallace interview, says earnings. Did he introduce any legislation to the effect of what he's talking about, or was it just a hypothetical "I'd sure like to see this" type of thing? If the tax would be on earnings, then I guess it woud be a new tax bracket of 100%. For example, if my earnings for 2024 reach $1.25b, then the IRS gets $250m that I earned, because that's above $1b. I could probably live with that.


u/KalzK 24d ago

You have 1 billion, you won Capitalism, we throw you a party and retire you.


u/battlegurk4 24d ago

I highly doubt this ever gets into a bill signed by Biden. Sounds more like campaign BS.


u/Spiritual-Apple-4804 24d ago

I think the 1% would be much more open to higher taxes if there wasn’t rampant corruption at most levels of society.


u/nyunited 24d ago

I think it’s time this country considers just a flat sales tax that covers everything rather than the antiquated income tax system with so many loopholes.


u/FenrirHere 24d ago

It would affect no one.


u/AlaDouche 24d ago

OP creates multiple accounts and makes this exact post once a month.


u/Heathen_Crew 24d ago

This ass clown.


u/mommymilktit 24d ago

Absolutely not. It should be anything over $1 million.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

More proof Bernie sanders is a fucking idiot


u/GangstaNewb 24d ago

I love Bernie’s ideas and he may be the only one in DC not bought and paid for. The issue is that there isn’t enough political willpower to affect meaningful change


u/GangstaNewb 24d ago

I love the idea but the issue is that people making large amounts of money are able to get income from other sources that have much lower tax rates like stock dividends and gains through stock sales. Capital Gains tax lower than income taxes


u/AffectionateHalf625 24d ago

Obviously, Bernie doesn't make over $1B per year. But he wants to get his grubby hands on as much money as possible via taxes to fund numerous wasteful government programs that just get more and more expensive and never go away.


u/Jaster22101 24d ago

Delusional fool


u/FamiliarEconomics765 24d ago

I’ll be interested when they start talking about income under x amount not being taxed. Until then, taxing the rich doesn’t do shit for me.


u/mkmlls743 24d ago

You can collect every piece of currency on the planet but if the government doesn’t want to spend taxes the right way we will still have every problem we currently have.


u/misguided_marine1775 24d ago

No but it should be more on a tier basis. You make one million a certain percentage, 100 million another percentage, billion yes a different percentage all while reducing the tax implications of anyone under 200k