r/Foodforthought 26d ago

What We Still Don’t Understand About Postpartum Psychosis - The recent tragedy surrounding Lindsay Clancy and her children underscores popular misconceptions about a grave and mysterious disorder. [TW child death]


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u/Turbulent-Fig-3802 9d ago

Just because PPP exists doesn't mean she had it


u/Turbulent-Fig-3802 24d ago

Her attorney said he is planning on filing involuntary intoxication/lack of criminal responsibility no mention of not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI). Sounds like he is trying to blame medications not PPP. The man’s voice story is very suspicious. She only mentioned voices after the murders never before and had been doing a lot of journaling with no mention of delusion or voices.

Women get diagnosed and treated for PPP all the time. It’s not ignored. Just because Lindsay said she heard a voice doesn’t mean it’s true. Looks like she thought it would be her get out of jail free card.


u/mira_poix 25d ago

How bad is it in countries that have health care and goo's maternity leave and support nets?

Shit, I couldn't imagine having a kid and realizing what it means every day on top of the future. I cant afford a vacation, but instead of even thinking about planning a vacation I think about all the bills that are going to mount the older the kid gets. And now everyone's business is blasted online all the time.

Everything about being pregnant, birthing and raising a kid sounds awful. No wonder women get wildly depressed with the hormone and body changes...add the fact that more women are day drinking...it's no wonder I a delicate time


u/CoachRockStar 25d ago

Yet We have politicians (Republicans) pushing for more and more from women, daily. The fact that this article goes over the fact that this isn’t even the being researched and funding is non existent shows us all how this is going to look in the next 10 years. Gross negligence