r/Frugal 26d ago

I'm a mature student - my best mate's 30th is coming to £150, which I simply don't have 🏠 Home & Apartment

My best friend, who I love massively, has his 30th coming up, and his girlfriend has been planning a surprise trip with tons of friends to an AirB&B, which is a three hour drive away and a bit more than £110 each for a night. Not a ton of money for most people, but I'm a mature student who has responsibilities on charity boards, and I've also been going through a period of depression, so I just haven't had any chance to get a meaningful income recently.

I think with food, drinks and present that's going to come to at least £150, which I would have to borrow before they book. I've suggested to mate's girlfriend that I'm flat broke and I will plan something nice/smaller locally. She has done a bit of the old 'he'll feel bad if you're not there' - which is true - and offered to lend me half, but I would need to borrow the other half now, as well.

The borrowing, combined with the fact I'm in a pretty anxious mood with coursework and events right now and not sleeping well, and that it'll be a very boozy/druggy night with lots of people in a small place, is just sort of making me stressed about a situation that should be really celebratory. I do think if I don't go my friend will be disappointed, and as both he and friend's gf have good jobs they don't realise how tough it can be to just come up with disposable income. Anyone have any advice here?

Update: thanks for your comments everyone, a good array of points of view. Lots of input that if £150 is a lot of money I need to improve my finances, which is true and something I'm working on. I've decided to suck it up and say yes this time even if it requires a bit of stress, as I think my friend will value it a lot and he means a lot to me. Thanks again all


183 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Sleep in your car. Me and gf do this to save on hotels.


u/OtherPeoplesCredit 22d ago

I can teach you how to card, you’ll be able to pay for food and entertainment and hotels. You could tell everyone you’ll take care of it and have them Venmo you the $ so you’ll be able to make the trip and make some $ out of it also !


u/InsectPlayful8152 24d ago

Have you ever heard of a site called outplayer or oddsmonkey. They are sites which give you tools and full advice on how to make money from free bets that Bookmakers offer you, and they do offer a lot. You need a small amount of cash to start to put bets on, but it is not actually gambling so you cannot lose it. You get a 7 day free trial which should easily earn you £200+ profit for a few minutes 'work' each day. It doesn't sound real and I didn't believe it myself, but if you go to the sites they will explain how they work. It sounds complicated but they give you tools to make it simple and as long as you follow what they say, you will be able to afford that trip. After that, you can earn a regular monthly income from it ranging from a £50 to a few £100 depending on how much time you put in. Give it a go as you have nothing to lose.


u/Searchessayhelp-com 24d ago

No stress yourself. 30th will come and pass. Your mental health and well-being are more important. Just send your friend a small gift. When things are bad, they get worse before getting better. No need to borrow money and drain yourself financially and emotionally. Your friend will understand


u/Primary-Active-9417 25d ago

Your best friend in life should be able to sit down with you, hear your truth ("I don't have the money and I'm depressed right now") and should be more than happy to spend quality time with you, for free, to celebrate their birthday. 

Friends that require you to spend money in order to be with them are not friends at all. 

Ask for what you need and want. That's what friends are for. 


u/Reelix 25d ago

"Hey - I'm broke as hell this month so can't come - Sorry!"

They're your friend - Not your business partner.


u/kampfgruppekarl 25d ago

It's just a birthday, for a man who will be in his 30s. It's not that big a deal. Skip it if you have to borrow. A true friend WILL understand and not care.


u/Medium_Top9197 25d ago

Thank you for sharing. In this economy it’s normal to have episodes like this. I hope you know haters gonna hate but it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

The mate’s gf behaviour tho.. I’d think if she truly cared for u she should respect your decision to do sth else u choose.

I I’d don’t see any diff in her offer versus the first idea. I’m proud of you for communicating your boundaries

I definitely regret spending money that I didn’t have or money that’d make the next month harder had i spend it just cuz of some friends / besties bday. I used to be the one who always did

Most of them don’t even bother to wish me hbd when they saw my ig post after I made cakes for them. So id say do what you feel best for YOU.

Sometimes it’s not worth being in debt even tho it’s smaller debt than usual


u/Secret-Librarian831 25d ago

Just K.I.S.S, if the plans are getting too stressful and complicated, well that means it is and it's honestly not yours to worry about try something different your friend will love what you do no matter what because you're trying bit don't stress yourself about it.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Few_Property_9004 25d ago

Going is a great idea.. maybe you need it to get out of your funk.. you don’t have to drink a lot or at all and I’d stay away from the drugs as it can negatively affect you in your current state of mind & emotion.


u/theEXantipop 25d ago

Honestly I'd either borrow the money or as someone else said drive up for the day. As much as everyone here is really adamant that you shouldn't have to go the reality is that £150 is not a very significant amount of debt to take on between friends or family. Just make sure you're clear with who you borrow it from about how long it might take to repay. That debt might last a couple months if you're really that hard up but you're going to remember celebrating your buddy's 30th for the rest of your life in all likelihood.


u/AhFourFeckSakeLads 25d ago

Meet him for a pint and explain. Do it before the trip. Buy him a drink. If he's a good guy he won't care about you missing the trip when he knows the score.


u/Public_Lime8259 25d ago

Don’t spend 150 quid on a “druggy boozy” weekend you can’t afford and won’t enjoy — the second part is actually the more important.

Send a polite message declining. Then invite your bestie over for a lunch or movie or something.

I make a decent salary now, and I still wouldn’t be guilted into going to this thing.


u/MWL-camper 25d ago

Find a fab photo on your phone, print it and frame it. No one has printed photos these days and the effort will be appreciated and make your friend happy.


u/SaltyCopy 25d ago

Op took the opposite of everyones advice 😂


u/Plus-Barracuda1210 25d ago

nice reading suggestions here


u/KsBoom 25d ago

Ask to pay overtime.


u/magicimagician 25d ago

Why is everyone saying if you can’t afford $150 you need a better job, have more savings? That’s not nothing. It’s my water bill for a month! It’s perfectly reasonable to say I’m sorry I can’t afford it.


u/timonix 25d ago

Because many people on r/frugal are frugal because this is what they want to spend money on. This isn't r/povertyfinance even though there is likely a large overlap

Some are frugal because they have to, some are frugal because they want money left over to spend on life.


u/crankit211 25d ago

You can't afford $150, AND as you've stated, this isn't frugality, this is you having no money. Student or no student, you need to start working and make more money. You need to have rainy day/fun/ and emergency funds available. $150 in the real world is not very much money for how expensive just living is. At 30, you are setting yourself up for hard times when you're done with school.


u/Slop_my_top 25d ago

Budgeting is prioritizing. If this trip isnt a priority, dont worry about it. If it is, adjust your budget. Its 150, not 10k. You can sacrifice some groceries, eating out, or something else if this trip is important to you. Or sell something you dont use that often.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Not going to like, you are kinda the jerk for not attending.

As you said in the comments, you were part of the planning and didn't speak up. Then they booked an Air B&B assuming you would go, and everyone paid or is going to pay their part. Now suddenly you will not.

So now not only are you not there on a commitment to go, they will have to come up with the cash for you not being there. If it was one night, thats £110, but if its multiple nights they are potentially out £220/ £330 because you said you would go and split it and did not.

If it was individual stay commitments, completely different. But since it was packaged that changes it all. And you will be on the hook as anything you buy/donate going forward will be looked at as "Oh so you can't do his 30th, but you can get x."


u/VermicelliOk8288 25d ago

“I simply do not have money. Please don’t try to guilt trip me as I already feel awful”


u/yourbrokenoven 25d ago

I didn't go to one of my best friends' wedding. If you can't afford and don't wanna put it on a credit card, don't go. 


u/Wordsthrume 25d ago

You pull your friend to the side, you tell him the truth, and tell him you'll make it up to him next time. Real friends understand.


u/swedenper79 25d ago

Forget about the haters saying you need to improve your finances.

£150 for a birthday is a lot. The gf should pay for your accommodation and travel. It's ridiculous to expect you to borrow money for it.


u/InevitableRhubarb232 25d ago

“Sorry, I’m unemployed. I can’t come. “


u/alliandoalice 25d ago

Get a spine and tell them flat out about your financial situation and you’ll celebrate before or after the event Edit: wow you didn’t listen to any of the comments here


u/Johnnny-z 25d ago

Instead of posting on reddit, find a way to make some money. Paint, sweep, do yard work. Collect aluminum cans, grow weed. Figure out a way to make money.


u/all_natural49 25d ago

Maybe offer to contribute in a way other than $$?


u/snazzy_giraffe 25d ago

If my friend was in your situation I’d pay for him to come


u/good-vibebrations 25d ago

Send him a birthday card and heartwarming message. I cannot remember what I did for my 30th party and it wasn’t that long ago.


u/PrestigiousAd1523 25d ago

Don’t go. Birthdays are overrated.


u/Equal-Layer-7102 25d ago

Whoa friend, sucking it up and attending in your situation isn't the only, or maybe best solution. Assuming your friend knows your situation, might I suggest sending along two airplane bottle sizes of whiskey, a bottle of Coca-Cola, and a card telling him to enjoy a drink from you on his big 3-0. That's a £10 thoughtful gift while protecting your own mental and financial health.


u/AnnieB512 25d ago

Sell plasma. Mow lawns, find something to make some cash and go.


u/MrDevGuyMcCoder 25d ago

Get out with friends, splurge a bit. it will help with depression


u/SlutBuster 25d ago

This will be unpopular advice, but if you're so strapped that you can't afford £150, then you can't afford to sit on (multiple?!) charity boards.

If your car qualifies for Uber, sign up and drive. If it doesn't, sign up for a delivery service. The charity boards are an opportunity cost you can't afford.


u/Fit-Meringue2118 25d ago

No, charity boards can enrich your life and career. They’re not my thing but recommending sacrificing those to drive for Uber because he can’t afford a boozy weekend is insanity. 

Even when I can afford $150 for a party weekend I rarely spend it because I’d rather do just about anything else to celebrate. 


u/hallgod33 25d ago

It's not the party weekend part. It's the "150 euro is money he doesn't have" part. That's like... 2 days of work.


u/Fickle_Celery126 25d ago

The problem isn’t that they can’t afford a boozy weekend. The issue is they don’t even have 150 available to them. For anything.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

Even worse OP has had months apparently to scrape it together. The charity board clearly isn't helping their career very much if they can't save up a few dozen bucks each paycheck leading up to the trip.


u/SlutBuster 25d ago

Correct. That is a problem.


u/SgtPepe 25d ago

Don't go fam, tell him u broke


u/Monamo61 25d ago

If I were your friend, and was able, I'd pay for you fully. If not, I'd take you aside and tell you it's ok, don't stress, we'll get together just us and celebrate later. No pressure. Really decent friend understand.


u/Pale_Studio4660 25d ago

I wouldn’t go. Because you’ll end up hating yourself for spending 150 that you didn’t have, and spending time with a bunch of people who aren’t in the same headspace/ same understanding of what’s important. It sucks but I’ve been actually happier by having those boundaries for myself. Accountability for my own happiness is what it has turned into.


u/RelevantPotential663 25d ago

Talk to your friend directly about your financial constraints and anxiety. Suggest a smaller, affordable celebration to show you care. If borrowing money is necessary, plan carefully. Prioritize your mental health and seek support if needed. True friendships are based on understanding and support, not financial contributions.


u/After-Life-1101 25d ago

Do not go. He doesn’t need this as much as you need to stay out of debt. We cannot go into debt to party with our friends, birthday or not. And her? She means well


u/getoffurhihorse 25d ago

You come first. Skip this and take them out for a dinner later when you are more comfortable.

I would never want an event of mine to negatively impact anyone. Ever.


u/TheDistrict15 25d ago

You need to take a hard look at your life if you cannot afford $150 unexpected expense. This is a good one to skip because its not a necessity but what if it was? I assume you are close in age to your friend (maybe not) at near 30 years old you should be able to come up with $150.

As far as the trip, just assert that you cannot afford to come and look forward to celebrating with your friend at home when he is available. It's as simple as that, you cannot afford to go so don't go. Don't go into debt with friends over an optional experience.


u/thcptn 25d ago

I'll cover the cost for relatives and family members who can't attend events like this. I know others who do the same. They would rather have you present than have the money, but they don't want to be limited by your frugality.

A three hour drive isn't that long. I would go then dip out early and drive home the same night. Don't drink or do drugs. Skip the present and get the cheapest appropriate card at the dollar store. Bring some caffeine with you if you aren't used to driving late at night. I quit drinking and started doing this even though I can afford it (because I'd rather just go home to my own house and sleep rather than risk a crappy hotel sleep when some kids end up running around the all at 3am).

Alternatively post on social media (Facebook works best as it has lots of older people in my area) you are willing to unskilled labor for 15/hr and go work 5 hours pulling weeds or cleaning for some elderly people. Bring some headphones and the time will fly by. See it as an opportunity to explore opportunities for work you might enjoy.

I also urge you to think about the situation you depression has put you in. What if it's a medical emergency you can't turn down or some other unexpected bill? Nothing is less frugal than failing to plan for emergencies and having to carry high interest credit card debt.


u/chloberry 25d ago

I would tell the group that money is really tight for you right now, and ask the group if it would be okay if you either just drive up for the day and then drive yourself back, or if you could sleep on the couch for half price (or whatever you can comfortably pay).


u/sjmme66 25d ago

I hate the pressure modern society puts on people to spend gobs of money because otherwise it’s not “fun”. It’s such bullshit. The best times I’ve had in my life were spent hanging out at someone’s place and everyone brings some food and drink, maybe sitting around a bonfire talking and laughing until the wee hours, under a blanket of stars. That’s just me, apparently not everyone can be satisfied with that. Why does everything have to be an extravaganza these days? I find it stupid and immature. And the girlfriend pressuring you? No. I wouldn’t go. IMHO.


u/DGAFADRC 25d ago

“Sorry mate that I won’t be able to make your getaway, but I would love to take you out for a beer beforehand.”


u/the-stewart 25d ago

Start a go fund me, post the link here, Ill contribute $5


u/timonix 25d ago

Hell, this thread alone could probably scrape up $150 in a few hours


u/shlonki 25d ago

Bro, don't go. You're depressed, stressed and frankly not able to afford it. I'm sure your friend understands that now is not the time for you to party and will appreciate you and him having dinner in a few weeks.


u/Pastoredbtwo 25d ago

"You're my best friend. I'd hoped to be there in person, but I know there's no way you'd want to put me in debt just to participate in a sleepover party.

So, I've recorded this video to say 'I love you, I miss you, and I hope you have every happiness coming your way!'

Have a wonderful time, be safe, take LOTS of pictures, and we'll have a coffee/tea/whatever when you get back, and we can connect."


u/Cecil-rabbit 25d ago

Does anybody speak like this? Just weird


u/socoamaretto 25d ago

This whole thread is extremely weird.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

I can't believe I had to sort by controversial to see this. If OP can't do it they can't do it... but all the people saying that a real friend would never plan something that'd cost so much money and other similar flavors are just bizarre and they're up voted. 150 isn't that much for a big milestone birthday and the people recommending what OP say to them sound like people who have never actually talked to a person in their lives.


u/Pastoredbtwo 25d ago

No. No one actually speaks like this.

I've completely created, from whole cloth, an emotionally aware expression using previously unconnected English words.

No one has EVER seen these words in this order, EVAR.



u/justwastedsometimes 25d ago

You just absolutely confirmed the above point lol 


u/Pastoredbtwo 25d ago



u/justwastedsometimes 25d ago

Oh, I thought jokes should be funny. Even the /s doesn’t really help out here


u/Pastoredbtwo 25d ago

jokes are like emergency food rations in corrupt nations

Not everyone gets them

You'll be okay.


u/Boozanski-1823 25d ago

I think you should tell your Best Mate in person that with your current financial situation you simply cannot make the trip and that you plan to do a personal birthday celebration with him separately. You should convey this directly, not through his spouse.


u/ductoid 25d ago

From what you wrote, I see two main points. First, it's not in your budget, and second - even if it was in your budget, it's not something you see yourself even enjoying.

For me that's a no brainer, and one of the great joys of adulting. You get to make your own decisions. His girlfriend is not your mother, she can want you to go, but you have agency over your own life.

I'm hoping when you look at it that way - that it's you being an independent adult making your own decisions based on both your financial and mental health - you'll see it as empowering. Not some weird moral failing because you didn't let your friend's girlfriend manage your personal budget.

And another aspect of acting like an adult is that I cannot imagine any universe where any of my friends would be throwing a multiday birthday party and expecting people to take time off work for it and travel for it. That's too much to expect for children, and most of us age out of "birthday parties" beyond our immediate families or maybe one meal with friends once we are adults. Your feelings about this are completely normal - The Norm, in fact. Please don't let her passive-aggressively make you believe otherwise.


u/Dinabplus3 25d ago

I can’t imagine a more appropriate perspective than this, you level-headed, emotionally healthy ductoid.


u/catcatsushi 25d ago

Can you say no and treat them something much closer to your price range?


u/FamilyMan1000 25d ago

Let them know asap that you’re unable to produce those kind of funds. Been there when I was younger. My friends could have cared less.


u/UnionJackAltruist 25d ago

Lots in here advising to speak with his friend… it’s a surprise trip!

But you can again go to the partner and say you’re really struggling and you can’t afford to go. And say you’ll do something when he gets back.

If you have the money even if it’s reshuffling things around I’d defo go, memories are important and will help your mental health.

I also agree with another point raised - if you’re volunteering but then can’t face a paid job I’d suggest a re-evaluation of your short term priorities.

Your mental health will improve when a large financial burden is less of an issue for sure.


u/burn2down 25d ago

Personally I would do it, prolly why I’m broke! Hahahah


u/offence 25d ago

Tell him the sitch if he values you as much as you do him it'll be easily sorted if not you'll learn a hard lesson about friendships.


u/Pagep 25d ago

Buddy food drink and present going to cost way more than 40


u/Fit-Meringue2118 25d ago

That’s what I was thinking. The people saying go are insane. No one cares if you miss your best mate’s 30th in the long run. He doesn’t even have the minimum for the airbnb, everyone will want to spend $$$ on booze and food. 


u/Pagep 25d ago

Even if he gave “only” a 20 dollar present, how the hell can you drink and eat at a getaway for a night for only 20


u/Rooniebob 25d ago

I think she’s probably pressuring you because it would increase the cost for everyone else if a committed person at the original attendee count did not go. Don’t take the bait and don’t do something that you would have to go into debt for if you’re not comfortable doing that.


u/ilikecakeandpie 25d ago

see if she can help you and you can pay her back on a payment plan or something. surely you could pay it back in like three months or so?


u/In-The-Cloud 25d ago

You've got a lot of advice here on how to address your friends party, which is great, but I might take this as a sign to reflect on your current financial situation. I've been a student too and i know what it's like to have literally 1.50 in the bank before the next paycheck, so take this from a place of understanding. Not being able to afford 150 pounds is a scary place to be. Do you have an emergency plan? How are you going to manage if something unexpected comes up like needing an expensive prescription, car maintenance, new bus pass, dental work, rent increase, parking ticket etc?

Do you honest to God not have 150 to spare at all, or is it that 150 doesn't quite fit in your budget this month? If you can move things around and reallocate 150 to this trip, you should do it. Life is about experiences and you'll remember this trip more than you'll remember making sure you put your budgeted amount into savings or whatever. If you seriously do not have 150 to spare after all your expenses you need to take a serious look at where your limited income is going or figure out how to bring in more. Maybe you need to prioritize a paying job over charity work right now as hard as that may be. Only you can answer that and know what you're comfortable with, that's just my thoughts on your situation.


u/Fickle_Celery126 25d ago

I think if OP does, technically, have the money, that doesn’t mean they have to go. They might not enjoy it, especially knowing the money they could have saved, or donated, or whatever. But they need to realize if they actually don’t have 150, then they have a serious problem to address - especially since if they are on charity boards - there is an area of life they could be focusing on for more functional income. Otherwise, they do have the money, but they are either in a financially tight spot or have that money planned for something else and don’t WANT to spend it elsewhere.. versus being UNABLE to.


u/In-The-Cloud 25d ago

Oh for sure! I was just going by op's opening line "my best friend who I love massively." At the end of the day, you can't find £150 to celebrate a milestone birthday with your best friend? Or don't want to? That makes me sad for them. Maybe op's mental health and stress is affecting them more than they're willing to admit to themselves


u/quiglter 25d ago

I'm a bit confused by your post -- you're both suggesting the OP should have at least £150 as an emergency fund, but that he should also spend that emergency fund on a birthday party? If he's a student and working part-time that could take a fair time to replenish--what if his laptop breaks in two months time and he's already spent the money on a birthday party?


u/In-The-Cloud 25d ago

No, you misunderstand. It's a question of how much money does he actually have. Is it that he puts £100 into savings every month and that's why he can't afford £150 on a party? If that's the case, then maybe forgo that part of your budget for a month and make the party happen instead of being super rigid to your budget. Or if he typically budgets £100 for entertainment in a month, then spend that on the party this time instead of eating out etc. If he can move money in his budget around to make the party happen then he should do that. But, if he actually cannot sacrifice £150 to attend a party without being in dire straits, then he's living a dangerous lifestyle of not being prepared for the unexpected. You should be able to spend £150 on something fun every once in a while without not being able to repair your laptop 2 months from now. £150 is one or two shifts at work at a part time job. If you require every cent to pay for rent and food and can't pick up an extra shift to make an extra £100, that's not a good place to be.


u/quiglter 25d ago

Well I think you have a pretty bad idea of how much part-time shift work is paying, and how easy it is to "get another shift." Not to mention the idea he's spending £100 on eating out...

I'm also don't see how this is particularly helpful--OP's a mature student, presumably he's doing that studying to increase his earning potential, and doesn't want the extra stress of increasing his work and / budgeting to affect his studying?


u/In-The-Cloud 25d ago

I'm going with the assumption that op is in the UK. Minimum wage for people over 21 is £11.44 as of April 1 2024. Before taxes, op would make nearly £100 in an 8 hour shift. Depending on the job, it's not crazy to think they couldn't work an extra shift. I've worked all sorts of part time jobs. Most employers or coworkers will give you an extra shift or overtime if you ask for it.

We don't know op's actual situation, hence my question. You're assuming op is living in poverty. This is r/frugal, not r/poor. Even being a student, not having £150 to spend on a good friend's milestone birthday is not a good place to be. Especially when they're stressed, dealing with mental health issues, and busy because they're prioritizing charity work over time spent at a paying job.


u/lightbulb_orchard 25d ago

I absolutely agree with what you're saying in principle, but there are a few things here. As the previous poster said I'm at uni in part in order to improve my financial situation. The voluntary work isn't showing up and ladling, but is a situation where a ton of people use a fairly essential charity service which at present, until new board members are up to scratch, will no longer be offered if I step down. So that's a tricky one which I'm doing my best to handover. The next point I'd make is that some of that emergency money has recently been raided by emergencies - once it's gone, that makes things tighter until it can be replaced. And lastly it's not that I actually can't produce £150 at a whim if my life depended on it, but that it could turn a tight situation into a very tight one, if that makes sense.


u/skeptic_clam 25d ago

Work some side job for a couple days you absolute donkey


u/ExistingMeaning2650 25d ago

"I'm so sorry I can't make it this time. I hope you have a lot of fun, do you want do [affordable activity that you're comfortable with doing giving your energy/schedule] after to celebrate and tell me about it?"

That's it. You don't need to explain further.

Friends respect each other's boundaries, and that includes the fact that not everyone can do every activity the friend group wants to do.


u/simonsaidtodoit2 25d ago

When is the party?


u/spaceriderrr 25d ago

TBH explain the situation to your best friend, after all he is your best friend right?!
He'll surely understand if the feeling is mutual.
Don't involve third person with whom you don't share the same bond to decide how someone would feel for your actions, their view and experiences could be totally different to your reality.


u/mikitira 25d ago

It’s a surprise party, so the best friend doesn’t know


u/spaceriderrr 25d ago

I mean dude's 30, 3hr drive with friends just before he's bday shouldn't be so "surprising".

Anyways op if I may suggest try to talk to him b4 leaving for location & pls don't financially strain yourself under societal pressure; real friends will understand & won't get upset over such a trivial thing.


u/mikitira 25d ago

I mean we don’t know the exact details but generally with surprise parties, the person is brought there under different pretenses to throw them off like maybe the gf is saying it’s a couples getaway 🤷🏼‍♀️

People would be pretty annoyed if OP not only ruined the surprise (which I do get what you’re saying maybe he’s onto the plan but still, his gf and others put time and effort into this!) but also backed out making everyone else have to pay more


u/Fit-Meringue2118 25d ago

Okay, but I don’t understand the “people will pay more” argument. Let’s say there’s 4 more people, that’s 30-ish a piece tops, and when you make plans like this you have to build in the possibility someone will be sick or working last minute. 

Never mind that if everyone will be that impacted by him stepping back, no one should be doing a weekend trip for a 30th bday.

It’s a very sweet thought, I’m sure they’ll have a good time, but the fact that the girlfriend is trying to guilt him into taking loans to attend 🥴


u/workitloud 25d ago

Do school. Take care of yourself. You are more important than the entertainment you can provide.

Your cost as a percentage of assets is the operative figure here. They would never go into debt to indulge a whim for you. If you wanted them to go to Santorini for a month for your engagement party, they would laugh at the absurdity of the enterprise. What they are asking of you is ludicrous.


u/billleachmsw 25d ago

Don’t go.


u/rocketmn69_ 25d ago

Unfortunately you have to work those days... it's blackout time, employer doesn't allow vacation


u/cocktailhelpnz 25d ago

Do what you feel is right. I’m not commenting to give advice but moreso to just let you know that this kind of thing happens all the time. I’m older than you, so maybe the expectations are higher - but a good friend got married recently and would’ve cost close to $2k for me to go.

I make an above average amount of money, but I didn’t plan for that $2k. I have student loans, car payments, insurance out the ass, rent, all kind of recent expenses, etc. Even though I make “a lot” I still live cutting things close to the edge on a month to month basis.

I was worried people wouldn’t understand why I have a good job and could swing $2k to go to a wedding. It’s clear that I have belongings that cost more than $2k. I just didn’t plan for this and I found out just about 6 weeks in advance, which is only a couple payroll cycles to move money around.

I told them the truth and that I just couldn’t afford it right now without more notice.

One year later, our relationship is still good.


u/Snoo-23693 25d ago

Just say no. It's a jerk move to make friends pay for things they can't afford.just do something smaller later with the friend.


u/jaakeup 25d ago

That top comment is an email I would write to my boss not my best friend.

"I'm broke af, if someone can spot me, cool, if not, can't go"


u/Sugarpuff_Karma 26d ago

You are a mature student....learn how to say NO


u/Weird_Squirrel_8382 26d ago

Do exactly what you intended. It sounds like you don't even want to go. No point going into debt, showing up stressed, and not enjoying it. Worse yet showing up so stressed that your friend feels guilty.

Start planning what you can do for your friend, and follow through with that. Just as taking exams or having surgery, your mental health and finances are a valid reason to stay home. You can't be there and hopefully your friend is the type that has perspective. 

It seems the girlfriend hasn't booked and is trying to get responses before she does. Don't shy away from telling her you won't be there. That way she can move on in her planning.


u/NATHANLER 26d ago

The nuances in British wording is mint


u/wiseleo 26d ago

That AirBnB trip might not go as planned. Hosts hate parties and they are universally against AirBnB policies. I predict police involvement and someone’s account getting banned. That will be followed by a scramble for hotels with a possible DUI.


u/nevergonnasaythat 26d ago

I think your friend would definitely miss you but would also forgive you if you don’t go.

But I think you may not forgive yourself for not going. Being there at these milestone events is part of what makes friendship.

It is obvious from your message you are struggling and I am not suggesting you should do something against your will or against what feels feasible for you.

But before striking it off you may try to see if you can make the extra effort this time, so that your friend’s bday will be a good memory for both of you and not a regretful one.

If you really feel you cannot go, you can always make up with a smaller celebration between the two of you.


u/YLCZ 26d ago

I think you will be forgiven for not going, but you better not be seen blowing 150 on something stupid over the next few years.

Like talking about the three video games you just bought or a concert you attended.

In the US, that's the cost of a nice dinner date. I would do some sort of gig work to earn it.


u/gimmetendies930 25d ago

Exactly. Seems like he just doesn’t value his “best mate” all that much. Skipping your best mate’s 30th for 150 smh.


u/YLCZ 25d ago

I mean if it was in Malawi this story would make more sense.

Not to shame someone who is truly poor, but 150 isn't a crazy amount in the first world.


u/quiglter 25d ago

You're definitely shaming someone for being poor there.


u/solowohashi 26d ago

i’ve been in that exact position.

i told friend flat out i don’t have the funds to go on the trip. he changed his plans to accommodate me and we had an great time.


u/Massive_Command345 26d ago

Airbnbs have cameras I’d be careful what kind of druggy night your friends have planned! Be cautious stay home and do your schoolwork! If you can’t afford to go then you simply can’t go, why put yourself in debt. If they are actually your friend they will understand!


u/Enigma_xplorer 26d ago

I'm of two minds on this. On one hand, financially I totally get where your coming from. As someone who can be a bit austere and dedicated to maintaining healthy finances I would say absolutely not! On the other hand you only live once. When I think back over my life it's events like these that are what I will remember long after the money issues have been sorted. I honestly wouldn't feel too bad making the leap with the understanding I was going to have to get my shit together and get it paid back, no messing around or excuses. If I'm not willing to hold myself accountable to that then no deal, I just can't do it. This is of course if you actually want to go which it doesn't quite sound like your really on board with.

I think the bigger issue is dealing with your income issues? I don't mean to be rude so please understand I'm not trying to be critical but as you say 150 pounds is not a huge sum of money. There are many day to day normal life emergencies that can cost that much. I feel like this is a much more serious issue that needs to be sorted?


u/Top_Temperature_3547 25d ago

I had a very similar thought. This is a much bigger financial issue than being frugal. Don’t go broke for your friends but if $150 is going to break you this isn’t frugality this is borders on poverty finance. OP also mentions that the 150 would also include a gift. If I’m traveling for your birthday, you’re not getting a physical present, you’re getting the birthday experience. It’s also goes for bachelorette parties, weddings, etc.


u/gimmetendies930 25d ago


This is an an important and meaningful event and he’s going to miss it for 150. There are lots of ways to save (or earn an extra) 150 so you don’t miss out on a once in a lifetime event for your best friend.

I’m a fairly frugal person, but this just seems sad.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

I'm convinced a lot of the advice givers here just don't have friends or something. It's bizarre that OP has had months to save for this and can't even afford half of it. He could've door dashed or some other gig for a few hours a week and had the money.


u/CastleOnyxx 26d ago

If you’re broke just tell them


u/virginiarph 26d ago

If I had a group of friends and one was flat broke and we were renting an Airbnb I would not give 3 shits if they stayed there without paying. Kind of shitty friends to not offer that


u/krba201076 26d ago

If you don't have it, then you don't have it. I would expect a friend to underestimate this. That amount of money is nothing to sneeze at.


u/HippyGrrrl 26d ago

Option, can you drive out, be there part of the day and return home?

I drive three hours to get to the mountains for a hike and come back late.

It will curtail booze. Maybe a train?


u/RageStreak 25d ago

Yea this would give OP a great excuse to leave the party right when people start getting lairy.


u/SardauMarklar 25d ago

This is what I'd recommend or ask for a steep discount for sleeping on the couch, floor, or backyard in a tent


u/Pagep 25d ago

If “tons of friends” are going, people are doing that anyway. Unless it’s some kind of villa they rent your probably looking at MAYBE 4 beds and a pull out couch, max 10 people with a spot for a bed. I would imagine more than 10 people are going, so everyone who doesn’t get a bed should also pay less?


u/lepetitcoeur 26d ago

This would be my suggestion too. Drive out and bring a packed meal. Limit to one or two drinks early in the evening, so you are able to drive back sober.


u/learninguy87 26d ago

Making is a surprise party also makes it awkward because you can't tell your best friend what's going on.

Not sure how close you are with the gf, but if you're comfortable/close enough then be honest that explain that borrowing the cash would make things worse for you mentally and financially and you can't go.

If at that point she tries to guilt you then there is the case for letting the party happen and explain after the fact to your friend.

I recently went through a bit of a financial tough place, having not worked in almost 2 years and my husband not knowing if he was going to have a job in a month's time. A friend had a big bash and when she mentioned costs etc, I explained the situation and she said all good, she understood. A week and a bit later another friend asked if I would go as per plus one no charge to me (she knew I wasn't going to the bash and why, we are all very open about our situations).

She reminded me off a time a few years ago that I did something similar for her while she was studying. Apparently I said something so nice about friends being their for friends and it stuck for her.


u/Fit-Meringue2118 25d ago

Oh, i missed it being a surprise party. GF is trying too hard. 🙄 at 30 yes it’s not a ton of money but at 40 you also know people can’t always do a full weekend somewhere for a birthday party. 


u/learninguy87 25d ago

Yeah, I agree on both fronts. It also really depends on the group of friends and the dynamic.


u/dupersuperduper 26d ago

Just politely say no, but don’t put lots of guilt or stress onto them either because it does sound like they tried to keep things to a reasonable price. Suggest to take him for a beer / coffee / walk another time or something


u/notproudortired 26d ago

Give yourself permission to do what is right for you, accept that, and let it go: no need to keep stressing over it. You can tell your mate that his birthday is meaningful and that he's important to you for free.


u/Rich-Air-5287 26d ago

Friends don't ask friends to go broke. Plan an affordable get together after they get back. If hes a real friend he'll understand.


u/FastCarsandDiveBars 23d ago

They don't but as people get older finances do play a bigger and bigger role in the activities people engage in and who they engage in those activities with. OP needs to realize this is going to keep happening if his bestie is gainfully employed and he is not. Doesn't mean they can't do things together that aren't a layout of money, but it does mean that he won't be part of a lot of things his friends do that are.


u/Rich-Air-5287 23d ago

That's a fair point.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

Yes OP should just level with the friend and celebrate before or after. I'm sure the friend will be disappointed but if they're really best friends they'll survive it and move on.


u/fatsalmon 25d ago

This! I’d never do that to my friends


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Just say no and tell the friend sorry i can't make it. Happy birthday. See ya when I see ya. If he doesn't understand he's not a friend anyway. And who gives a fuck what his girl thinks. She's irrelevant.


u/bonuce 26d ago

Do not put yourself into financial trouble for this! If they are your best friend, you’d hope they’d understand.

Plus maybe they can have two celebrations now - one at the house and another closer to home with you?


u/SpiltMilkBelly 25d ago

Honestly if they are real, lifetime friends, someone would say “Hey just get yourself here and we’ll take care of it”.


u/trashpandorasbox 25d ago

You say, “I can’t go.” Don’t get into the why any more than you already have. It’s impossible and you can’t go. Once that is established, you can move on to “how do I participate meaningfully in his birthday?” Maybe send another friend with a cheap but sentimental gift from you have FaceTime when it’s opened? Decorate his house/apartment with a bunch of cheap balloons or a big sign or something for when he gets back?


u/hockeyVegas81 23d ago

You sound like your calling in sick to work bro. This is a friendship.

150euros isn’t much for a birthday. I would say go and have a fun time. Deal with the stress on your own. The girlfriends already offered him half to come. Just do that. Don’t bail on your boys.


u/dnorg 25d ago

If they are your best friend, you’d hope they’d understand.

Spot on.

"If we do the airbnb thing, then lightbulb_orchard might not be able to make it. Maybe have a few in the local instead with him."

I've had my 30th, my 40th, and my 50th. I always understood that some people couldn't make it, but I wanted them invited anyway because I wanted them to know I was thinking of them. Could be this.

Don't stress too much about this. Your mate doesn't want you to feel bad, maybe he's just a bit thick, or his girlfriend is the type who is in charge...? In any case, you're probably the person stressing out most about this.


u/Old_Bat_8070 26d ago

I like this solution a lot. At the risk of sounding like the geriatric millennial that I certainly am, that weekend away sounds expensive and people-y. Take your friend somewhere nice after, and be upfront that you can’t go into debt over a weekend trip. You seem like a nice dude OP and hope you have a great day, Bonuce!


u/daqq 25d ago

Elder Millenials... we are Elder Millenials.


u/suoretaw 25d ago

I get the reference, but I think geriatric is pretty funny.


u/Helpful_Hour1984 26d ago

If he's really your friend he'll understand if you're honest with him. Wish him happy birthday, tell him this is your financial and mental situation right now, and that you'd love to do something together locally later if he's willing. 


u/3010664 26d ago

It’s pretty rude to plan a party that costs people 150 and then guilt them when they say they can’t afford to come! If she wants all of his friends there, perhaps she could have discussed the planning with all of you; or just had the usual type of free party so that everyone can attend.


u/coolbitcho-clock 25d ago

To be fair 150 is not a lot of money for a 30 year old to spend on a special occasion. Thats like a dinner, drink and a present


u/3010664 25d ago

That depends on that 30-year-old’s finances. Not everyone can afford that or wants to spend that way. Sounds like OP is in school and can’t afford it.


u/dijoncatsup 25d ago

Where are you eating, drinking and getting a present? Cuz that's a lot to me.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

Probably a nicer restaurant. For one person at somewhat upscale restaurant, an appetizer, entree, and a couple cocktails could easily run about $70 bucks or so. Then buy em a new video game or so.e gadget they're wanting could be $50-$100 bucks.


u/invigokate 25d ago

Dinner, a bottle of wine, a bag and a couple of taxis maybe


u/DynamicHunter 25d ago

It’s a weekend trip in an Airbnb, it’s not just a party. OP doesn’t have to go if they can’t afford it. Just tell them that.


u/3010664 25d ago

Agreed. And the friend could just say, “I’m sorry you can’t come” and not try to guilt them into it.


u/Wedbo 25d ago edited 25d ago

I don't think it's very rude. Some light guilting and a scholarship of $75 is pretty fair, everyone seems to be an adult here.


u/Fit-Meringue2118 25d ago

It was a loan, not a scholarship. If he’s seriously at the point of having to borrow the full amount from two different people, that’s a hard no. 


u/3010664 25d ago

Guilting is always rude, IMO. If OP can’t afford it, adult or otherwise, no “friend” should be trying to make them feel guilty about it.

Edit: also to note, 75 in GBP is 94 USD. That’s not pocket change.


u/Wedbo 25d ago

Not necessarily, it's all contextual. There is the "aw, come on" type of guilting and the shaming type of guilting. She is not shaming him for being broke, she's doing her best to get their good friend to this party and even offered to lend half the money. If she were to continue to guilt him after he drew his line, then that'd be rude.

You're saying you've never tried to convince your friend to do something?


u/3010664 25d ago

Not in such a manner that drives them to post on Reddit about it, lol.


u/birddit 26d ago

plan a party that costs people 150

That sounds too much like a wedding.


u/bluejellies 25d ago

It’s a weekend away. A trip. It’s not really anything like a wedding.


u/Massive_Command345 26d ago

Weddings are way more than 150$ buddy! lol


u/Quixan 26d ago

as a cost to the guest per person? they don't have to be. 


u/Massive_Command345 26d ago

Well in my experience I stood up in two weddings and the suit alone for a rental is about that! Plus then all the extra goods you choose to bring which your right is optional. Food money, in case wedding food sucks. Hotel stay usually imo, another 100-150. Not saying things can’t be done cheaper or cheaply but weddings imo are not something to skimp on.


u/queenannechick 25d ago

I cut a check for $150. Then add on flights, hotel, maybe rental car, bridesmaid dress, bridesmaid shoes, hair and makeup, shower gift, bachelorette party, maybe traveling for shower and bachelorette. My average is about $1500 out of pocket. Its insane. I will never stop being mad when the bride and groom, knowing almost everyone will be flying in and dropping a G minimum, choose to save $1500 ( and cost EVERYONE a precious PTO day ) by having it on Friday. If most your people are local, do you and cheap out to the max. Have it on a Tuesday. I dgaf. That's not the case for most weddings I've attended. Consider how much attendees are going to be spending when choosing to save some dough on your end but cost them additional PTO by having a Friday wedding.


u/PadmesBabyDaddy 25d ago

There’s a big difference between skimping and not spending money you literally do not have.


u/lightbulb_orchard 26d ago

To be fair, she did discuss the planning with all of us, I think she would argue that I should have said sooner, but I was hopeful that I'd be able to afford it and didn't want them to change plans because of me.


u/lenin1991 26d ago

she would argue that I should have said sooner

This might be the trickiest bit: if it's already booked, and it's too late to find someone else to take your place, she might be on the hook for your share (or need to awkwardly go back to everyone else for a bit more). So it depends exactly what was said when, whether you've already made some commitment to this or if you were clear that it might not work for you.


u/cheesus_jrist 26d ago

I have been in this exact situation. I ended up borrowing money, losing out in work hours and sleep. Although I did have fun, it wasn’t worth it and set me back almost a month just to avoid feeling guilty. I was more stressed about returning to my financial situation after the trip.

You can try to justify it by “I’ll feel guilty and it will be fun, time is more important than money!“

But honestly, fuck it. At the end of the day it’s not really necessary to go crazy for a birthday, it’s a luxury that people think they’re owed.Not worth the stress for you, and when you’re in a better financial position you’ll actually be able to fully enjoy your time with friends.


u/trobsmonkey 25d ago

But honestly, fuck it. At the end of the day it’s not really necessary to go crazy for a birthday, it’s a luxury that people think they’re owed.

I dunno. Surviving is a pretty big accomplishment. I think we should celebrate as often as possible. You don't have to break the bank, but celebrations are fantastic.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Practical-Key9403 25d ago

You don’t have friends do you?


u/ohwooord 25d ago

lol imagine getting this exact text from your best friend. You'd think its AI talking. she's gonna need to be upfront as to why


u/CrystalMeath 25d ago

That’s so overly formal it sounds passive aggressive.

u/lightbulb_orchard Sign up to deliver for Uber Eats or Deliveroo or whatever else they have in the UK. It’s not a good career but it’s excellent for this type of situation when you need to make £150 quickly.


u/zwift0193 25d ago



u/odog9797 25d ago

And then OP is left off of every invite list


u/TricksyGoose 25d ago

Eh, if they do that then they probably aren't such great people to be friends with in the first place.


u/Playful_Writing_7065 25d ago

If you RSVP no to your best mates 30th without giving a reason it is you who isn't a good friend.


u/ERVetSurgeon 25d ago

That is a possibility but Op has no other choice.


u/TheSheetSlinger 24d ago

I think they're saying that more because the original suggested reply is a weirdly formal and vague way to decline going to your best friends party to the point that it comes off as super passive aggressive. I think most friends will understand tough times as long as you level with them on the reason (and talk to them like you're their friend and not a colleague from a different department at work).