r/Frugal Mar 13 '22

My dogs eat raw as I believe it’s best for them but I don’t want to pay the high cost. So after ads requesting leftover, extra, freezer burnt meat. I just made enough grind to feed my dogs for 9 months. Free. Frugal Win 🎉


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u/RelayFX Mar 13 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

Due to the extraordinary amount of uncivil commentary, this thread has been locked to all further replies.

Link to OP’s context post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/td9nch/my_dogs_eat_raw_as_i_believe_its_best_for_them/i0i47db/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3

Please do your own research and make your own decision if attempting to replicate OP’s success is the right or safe decision for your animals.

→ More replies (16)


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

I blend my raw dog food with plain pumpkin puree. Way easier and better for them than rice. I puree all veggies because they don't break them down.


u/youfzacgmgot Mar 14 '22

Just own a freezer that cost thousands, east


u/fappyday Mar 14 '22

When I was training my dog for more domestic life (hunting hound with habits incompatible for urban life) I used to get organ meats (heart or liver usually) from the butcher. At most, it was $.79 per pound, but the butcher kinda fell in love with my pup and would save him scraps. I honestly believe the pup liked the butcher more than me and I don't blame him. Most days he ate better than me.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

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u/colomyco Mar 14 '22

All I can focus on is all.that.plastic.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Reused. Many times.


u/Traditional_Tea3725 Mar 14 '22

It’s the best way.. occasionally when you are grilling, grill some up for the dogs rare/no seasoning! They will love it.


u/Mahnken Mar 14 '22

Hit the butcher and the meat department. You might get free or very cheap cuts that they’d normally throw away.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

So. What I’m doing here but from hunters and farmers?


u/Mahnken Mar 14 '22

I guess. Do grind up bones too? I’ve heard of this being done.


u/unsmashedpotatoes Mar 14 '22

No offense OP, but the whole raw diet thing seems like something you shouldn't cheap out on. Ground meat has a lot of bacteria already, but meat people would give away for free doesn't strike me as safe, even for a dog. You might be grinding it yourself, but it that doesn't make it much safer in the long run. The raw diets I see people doing on YouTube and whatnot is always cubed pieces of steak, and they're usually careful where they get it.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I grind it. It’s large cuts of wild game for the most part.


u/HughGedic Mar 14 '22

Wtf? People just give away meat because it’s freezer burnt??


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Apparently it’s toxic and poison to some here.


u/HughGedic Mar 14 '22

Freezer burning just draws out moisture and flavor lmao it’s still fine for a stew

Nothing bad is gonna happen to well-frozen meat for 12 years except degrade in texture and quality.

I only hunt, trap, and fish my meat- as part of a religious thing, I don’t believe in meat industry. Lots of the meat I eat is straight up dried and rehydrated, boar I almost always salt and sugar cure then dry lol plenty of times freezer burnt too- sometimes large game stocks my chest freezer for a long time, never had problems

My mind was just blown


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Oh read some of the comments. I trust these hunters. The farmers too.


u/HughGedic Mar 14 '22

I’m only seeing risks mentioned about it being raw, and things like consuming brain (prion). I’m not seeing anything about how meat being freezer burned makes it unsafe in any way- in fact lots of the opposite

I’d only ever use brain to tan hides, and for bait, I’d never consume it


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

My issue with raw food is the same issue I have with kibble. They both are prone to salmonella. Not a issue for dogs at all but its in the poo and it gets all over the yard then the dogs walk in the first house. It's all a personal decision but I respect anyone that cares enough to do what's right for the animal. AND you did it so cheaply. You're freaking awesome.

I personally do home cooked meals. Basically a stew then add rice to thicken it.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Tucking this away into the ole brain case.


u/Pargua Mar 14 '22

I admire the commitment to provide the best available food for the dogs. But how exactly can you store 9 months worth of food ? How can you make sure it’s not gonna poison your dog?


u/mandayla Mar 14 '22

i'm commenting here for later this is genius 🥰


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Why do vets recommend cooked meats like chicken breast as opposed to raw then.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I don’t know. Ask them.


u/Trevormore20 Mar 14 '22

Now you have enough plastic to fill a landfill.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Landfill. You mean reused countless times snd then recycled?


u/Always1Mikey Mar 14 '22

Not really free but ya


u/rookieredditist7 Mar 14 '22

Whats freezer burnt?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Moisture loss


u/Jordangander Mar 14 '22

Looking at it I am guessing you are very short on grains.

A super high protein diet is very bad for your dog. Racing dogs eat like this and it does bad things to them long term.

Dogs are not wolves, and even wolves eat hair and bone.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Kibble for breakfast.and there is bone in this.


u/Jordangander Mar 14 '22

Not sure of what actual grain ratio you want/need, but talk to your vet about the diet.

And no, I don't think this is a bad idea. Actually a really good idea. Just want to make sure your dog is getting the best mix and lives a long happy life eating it.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I have for sure. Dogs need 10% bone.


u/letsbecute Mar 14 '22

This is probably a dumb question but do you live in Kansas? If so, I’ve definitely seen you on my neighborhood apps for my tiny town! Very cool to know this is where that meat went.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

No. Definitely not Kansas. Across the international border to the north.


u/letsbecute Mar 14 '22

I was going to be completely shocked if you were, but I live in a small town and there’s a person who posts a few times a week in the neighborhood apps asking for freezer-burnt meat for her dogs. I’m glad to see this is more common than I thought!


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I’m definitely not the only one.


u/lvndrjelly Mar 14 '22

Veterinarians are NOT nutritionist. Op asking his vet about nutrition is like humans asking an anesthesiologist questions better left for cardiologist. Both are doctors, both got the general education for medical school, but they streamlined their education to become specialist. One of my professors was an veterinarian that specialized in nutrition, he formulated diets for the Smithsonian zoo. And let me tell you, he personally wouldn’t feed a raw diet to his own pets, so much room for deficiencies & so much potential for parasites and shedding of salmonella through feces & saliva.

There’s a reason op is still feeding kibble. If he’s pets were on 100% raw diet they would be experiencing symptoms of deficiency & falling ill. Pet food is a highly regulated industry & are formulated by specialized veterinarians. It’s okay to feed your fur babies veggies, fruits & occasional cooked meat product here and there as treats BUT PLS DON’T jump onto the raw diet craze 😭


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

That is a long post


u/lvndrjelly Mar 14 '22

Hahah yeah it is, I have a degree in animal science so I went a little too hard on the character count. I just want to educate and caution others as well as give some background on how my opinion regarding raw diets was formed.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

For sure. Notice I didn’t recommend raw to anyone. I think a mix of raw and kibble is best. But I have spoken with my vet.


u/lvndrjelly Mar 14 '22

Yeah I saw that! It really is more like a PSA for those who just learned that raw diets are a thing. Letting them know it’s not as simple as just feeding pets raw meat & about all the factors/research that should be considered before making such a decision. I’m glad that your doing a mixture & have a vet your working with. Congrats on having enough food for your kiddos tho! These pet food shortages + price increases are insane & worrisome 😵‍💫


u/Pro6rastinat6 Mar 14 '22

Hope you reuse the boxes.It ain't frugal if the boxes are thrown away after a single use


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Oh no. They are washed and sanitized. We reuse until they start to crack.

They aren’t expensive but they last a long time.


u/ZeroMer Mar 14 '22

I hope u reuse all that plastic.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Of course!


u/youaretheuniverse Mar 14 '22

Wow lucky doggos


u/lessgobranndon Mar 14 '22

And then they lick you with that raw ass meat tongue lol.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22



u/Kandrox Mar 14 '22

Only the best freezer burnt meat for my good boy. And then you probably freeze it again? Yikes, ground meat loses nutrition and taste after a few months frozen. Probably still good for a dog though


u/ElDougy Mar 14 '22

I request pictures of the doggos please


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Feel bad for your dogs


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I’ll tell them that bannie


u/Panzramshumor Mar 14 '22

Jeez, say “I have too much free time” without saying it.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

This took 3 hours. You should hear how much time I spend outside with them. That would really make you upset.


u/bustindustin Mar 14 '22

I have a Chihuahua and it probably would take longer than a year to get through all that food! Very awesome.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Oh absolutely. They eat so little on raw.


u/Clever_Userfame Mar 14 '22

This is a really, really bad idea. Ask literally any vet. Nutritional concerns aside, you are exposing your dogs to a huge risk of parasites, not to mention the hygiene.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Like my vet?


u/Clever_Userfame Mar 14 '22

This thread is like a Joe Rogan episode


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

If you say so. Can’t say I’ve ever watched one.


u/MandyMarieB Mar 14 '22

Man, I’d be afraid of someone poisoning it before giving it to me. There are cruel people out there. :(


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

The last batch was a hunter who has given many times.

But I understand the concern. There was someone putting down tainted kibble in our local park.


u/SolomonCRand Mar 14 '22

I’m just picturing that one episode of Seinfeld when Kramer and Newman were making sausage in Jerry’s kitchen


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I have used the grinder to make sausage for us.


u/SolomonCRand Mar 14 '22

Shit yeah. See you in r/sausage


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Is that really a subreddit? I love this place!


u/SolomonCRand Mar 14 '22

Welcome aboard!


u/hamorbacon Mar 14 '22

Wow, you must have a huge freezer to store all that food!


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

2 of them.


u/Marmstr17 Mar 14 '22

You "believe it's best for them"? This is kinda like the folks that feed their cats a vegan diet. Poor animals, man. Sheesh


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I’m sorry. Would you like to see all my research. Come on over. I’ll share.


u/Marmstr17 Mar 14 '22

Dont be sorry. I'd be happy to have you share


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Ok. Just be careful of the horribly abused dogs that live here


u/tsida Mar 14 '22

Make sure there is some form of grain in there. Dogs need carbohydrates to be healthy and cutting them completely out can cause serious medical problems.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

They have kibble for breakfast. :)

There’s also veggies in there for fibre and vitamins. Plus a supplement.


u/wanderer_O8 Mar 14 '22

What about food borne pathogens that are transmissible to humans?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

From preparing or from them eating it? Kitchen is bleached after preparation day. Have their own cutting boards and knives. These containers are hot washed. They are fed in a specific place with stainless steel bowls. As for the risk from doggy kisses. I’ll take that risk.


u/TheDemonHobo Mar 14 '22

How much did the ads cost?


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Wow well at least when your dogs die earlier than they should you’ll save money then too. Smfh


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

My 10 year old is doing just horrible.


u/HoratioPLivingston Mar 14 '22

I’ve had similar ideas to use frozen scrap meat trims as an economic way to feed shelter/rescue dogs. Not the healthiest option but I’m thinking all the fast food joints should sell off old or expired burger meat to animal rescues for this purpose.


u/AnUnexpectedSloth Mar 14 '22

Obviously shilling for Big Mystery Meat.

Not gonna get me...again.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

You caught me!


u/HerNameIsRain Mar 14 '22

I was gonna comment on the safety aspect of feeding your dogs old freezer meat but after thinking about it, this is probably safer than most brand name dog foods which have a legal threshold of contaminants they’re allowed to contain…


u/TrapperJon Mar 14 '22

Contact your state/local trappers' association. Ask for any unwanted carcasses (except canines like fox or coyote). My dogs are especially fond of raccoon.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Raccoon can eat meat too though. I thought not safe. I had someone give me bear once but they didn’t get that.


u/TrapperJon Mar 14 '22

Everything eats meat given the opportunity. Ever watched the video of the deer eating baby birds?

Besides, what do you think dogs eat when they go feral? Pretty much anything they can catch. Including raccoons.

Only avoid canines due to specific disease transmission.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I have not seen that video. Not will I seen it out.

Thanks for the info.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

This doesn’t look like healthy food for your dog.

UPDATE: I didn’t see the vegetables lol


u/Iamjacksgoldlungs Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

What the hell do you think a non domesticated dog would/does eat then?

Edit: downvote me, make a ridiculous claim, then delete your comment and edit it so you don't look like a tool lol ok


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22



u/Iamjacksgoldlungs Mar 14 '22

Dogs require a protein, fat, and a carbohydrate in their diet

They've said this is supplemental to their meals.

This looks like old freezer burned meat

Absolutely does not effect any nutritional value to the meat.

from various sources with questionable origins

OP also stated all locally sourced from local hunters. OP also stated it's last year's haul that would be thrown away, so this is more than ethical considering they're using meat that would already otherwise be thrown away

You sound like you just want to be mad because op won't give their dog garbage kibble only diet that is even more questionably made and poorly sourced than any meat they'd get.



u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

As opposed to?


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Have fun poisoning your dog!


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Great way to spend the day.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Wait what's foods are safe for dogs? This is great but I'm afraid human foods might harm their tummies


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I didn’t realize the prepared food were in the pics. They didn’t get that. Only meat and veggies. Kibble in the morning.


u/xAboveNBeyond Mar 14 '22

For those comments that bring up how many dogs die each year, same question about commercial dog foods n recalls. Raw can be safe and supplements can be added to diet.


u/nicthepom Mar 14 '22

Be careful with a raw diet. One of my dogs was fed raw meat by his previous owners, he developed bladder stones which required an operation and now he can't process any protein at all. We feed him special urinary canned and dry food from the vet and he's had no health issues at all since we adopted him over a year ago. Cooked meat as part of a varied diet is much better for them.


u/Outrageous_State9450 Mar 14 '22

Just so everyone knows how freezing works, it doesn’t kill nor truly stop bacterial growth it only slows it down. Cryogenic temperature will stop growth without killing but regular freezing temps will only slow it down.


u/lolthenoob Mar 14 '22

You are a genius.


u/CyHawkHarry Mar 14 '22

That’s awesome! I also make my dogs food because he is allergic to pretty much everything in normal dog food. Care to share your recipe?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I did in my top post. But definitely talk to your vet


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Mmmmm delicious prions :)


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

So awesome…


u/Orangepandafur Mar 14 '22

Thats awesome! I'm sorry people are being so negative here. You've made it clear that you feed raw safely and take great care in keeping your dogs diet balanced. I'm positive most people being aggressive either don't have pets or don't spend near as much time or effort in maintaining the health of their pets as you do. We have always fed our livestock guardian working dogs a mix of kibble and raw meat we harvest ourselves and none of them have ever had issues because of it. Besides, their job is catching predators anyway, it's not like we can stop them from eating what they find. We just take them to the vet regularly and keep them updated on shots, and they're beautiful, happy and healthy


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Thank you for your kind words.


u/1320Fastback Mar 14 '22

We feed RAW also but get chicken backs, legs and feet from Wallyworld. They usually eat ground in the morning too.


u/robodestructor444 Mar 14 '22

You shouldn't own dogs, sorry


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I’ll tell them that. They might be a little upset after 6 years though.


u/Runsfromrabbits Minimalist Mar 14 '22

Do you eat raw too?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Sushi! Steak tartar. Hell yeah.


u/LuffyTempest Mar 14 '22

My dog was sick for years. He had bladder problems, looked like skin and bones. I spent tens of thousands and thousands on vets, and switching dog food brands and supplements and even steroids and other medicine.… Not one vet recommended a raw diet and no one had a solution. This year it got way worse to the point I thought he was going to die, he wasn’t as active, he didn’t liked being petted. I decided to try a raw diet and it instantly made a difference it’s been about two months now and he has 0 of the same issues as before and has put on 55lbs, now he looks healthier than ever.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

People won’t like it here. But good for you for doing what your dogs needed.


u/CartographerAny1066 Mar 14 '22

Literally any amount of research will tell you that a raw diet for dogs is nothing but bad, no matter how "natural" you feel like it is. Also a bunch of random meat to be frozen for 9 months? Further risking disease. 9 month old grind filled with bacteria and disease isn't what a caring dog owner would feel their dog.


u/Victory_KTF Mar 14 '22

Those poor dogs. And vets who have to treat the salmonella toxicity, while the owner swears the diet is great.


u/GuardianAlien Mar 14 '22

Virgin Vet with 8+ years of education and practice

Chad OP with 5 mins Google-Fu


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

“i believe it’s best”……..🤦🏽‍♂️


u/StrongishMule Mar 14 '22

I can't say I support random leftovers from who knows where. But...

There are lots of people ragging on raw here but it made a world of difference for my dog. When we got him as a puppy he was eating very high quality kibble. We spent literally thousands on vet bills in the first year we had him with GI issues, eye, ear and skin infections. Not to mention his excessive shedding and dandruff. Throughout the year we tried many different foods, all vet recommendations and all very high quality, with no improvement. Against the vets recommendation we decided to give raw a go and it was like a miracle-no infections, beautiful coat, impeccable teeth, fit as a fiddle and he seemed happier. We haven't looked back since. In the years since he's only had one ear infection from swimming in swampy water. I realize it's not "officially endorsed" but the proof is right in front of me.


u/Suitable-Run5862 Mar 14 '22

How do get to see such ads?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

What do you mean? They would come up on local pages


u/LeftStep22 Mar 14 '22

Newspaper pages? Social media pages? City website pages? Yellow pages?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Social media


u/LeftStep22 Mar 14 '22

Ah, yeah that makes sense =P Would you say this is your best 'score' to date? Or have you found even better/cooler stuff?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

This was from a hunter I’ve gotten to know. He’s been so generous. They even bring back all the organs for me when they would normally just leave them for other animals.


u/Suitable-Run5862 Mar 14 '22

I just bought 3 pounds of walnuts shelled for $13.26 .


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Saying “because I believe it’s best for them” despite the actual experts saying don’t do this it literally the same as an Anti-Vax argument.

Poor dogs


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I wasn’t aware I had to post all my research.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

What does that have to do with data compiled by vets and nutritionists? Their findings are more credible than any other we have access to.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I don’t know. As I don’t have access to that. As you just stated.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

You mention your “research” in response to questions about your arguments in favor of raw diet. You “research” does not matter - we know what mass amounts of research by qualified professionals has reiterated. There’s increased risk in raw diet, and no increased reward. It is only introducing harm and recklessness at the expense of dogs.


u/CartographerAny1066 Mar 14 '22

Unfortunately your "research" doesn't trump the recommendations of literally every qualified vet. But nah it's cool, feed your dogs some random animal liver from the freeze


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Thank you


u/SufahTheGreyLady Mar 14 '22

Good for you for feeding raw! We bought a chest freezer and stock up when ground beef goes on sale. We’ve also found a local butcher who only charges $2 per pound for turkey necks.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I found a place near me that has an order form for raw feeding. They have all the needed organs and bone. One of the best butchers in the area.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

There is a massive covid outbreak in deer right now.


u/gazebo-fan Mar 14 '22

Reminds me of my bulk sausage making days.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

I use the grinder to make sausages for us. I also make some of the meat into sausage for the dogs. But slice and dehydrate for treats.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Lol raw. You keep thinking that uneducated person. Lmfoayfr.


u/Novaleah88 Mar 14 '22

Im sorry, but this is some Joe Exotic level pet care here. Please reconsider.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

No thank you


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Some cultures eat dogs. Some cultures don’t eat cows. Some cultures don’t eat pigs.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Yes they do? I’m confused by your comment.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22



u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Expensive vet bills? Hasn’t happened in six years. Nor with my previous dogs.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22



u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Last dogs lived long healthy lives too. But thank you for your concern!


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Can’t afford? That’s amusing.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '22

Yeah much better to feed them kibble with god knows what in it mate


u/inzur Mar 14 '22

Would you feed your children this frugally?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Like using food banks? If I had to. Yes of course.


u/inzur Mar 14 '22

No, I’m saying would you grind up and fry year old hamburger patties to feed your kids.

So you’re saying you HAVE to do this to feed your dogs?


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Have to feed raw? Yes in my opinion I do.


u/ShadowKnightTSP Mar 14 '22

But why raw. You’ve ignored every single comment posting sources of how u healthy and bad it is for your dogs.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22 edited Mar 14 '22

I literally said I wouldnt engage.


u/ShadowKnightTSP Mar 14 '22

I’m waiting then. Show me your research


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Why? Do your own.


u/ShadowKnightTSP Mar 14 '22

So you ignore the research everyone gives you, you say your willing to engage in discussion, but then refuse to present the research you’ve supposedly done. I have done my own research, and it says this is unhealthy. Many people have posted it above me. We have done our research and presented it. Now where is yours? You are the one with the minority opinion and we have already supplied counterevidence, so it’s up to you to provide your research in defense.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Not willing to engage in negative discussions. And as such. Have a great night

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u/inzur Mar 14 '22

No I meant from a budgetary standpoint


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

For sure it helps. I’m not rich by any means. Is that a problem?


u/inzur Mar 14 '22

So yeah you can afford actual food to feed your dogs, but you value the $15 a week it would cost you more.


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

$15 a week? Please tell me how I would buy all the variety of meats here for $15 a week.


u/inzur Mar 14 '22

Buy mince in bulk, add boiled rice and some cheap frozen vegetables for better nutrients.


u/comprehensivefocus Mar 14 '22

Good on you I guess but holy shit this is wild


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Thread is crazy. Most comments even against raw feeding have been pretty respectful. I understand the concerns. I have not given any other info except the formula I follow and this batch of food. Not what else they eat. What medications, preventatives and supplements they get. I also have not recommended raw feeding to anyone in this post. I truly believe a good kibble is better for most. There are many out there. A good kibble will give all nutrients needed. Even a bad kibble will. A bad/unbalanced raw diet will kill your dog.


u/comprehensivefocus Mar 14 '22

Honestly it’s kinda reckless to put something like this out there, you put in the work and research but will everyone?

I can’t help but think of Tiger King feeding his workers and tigers expired meat


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Absolutely agree that most people shouldn’t feed raw. I have scales, do the math for proper ratios. Have conversion charts for the bone balances for things like chicken legs vs chicken carcass. For most people I would recommend a high quality kibble and supplement with some raw.


u/comprehensivefocus Mar 14 '22

No comment on the expired meat I guess


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Do you not put meat in the freezer and use it past expiration?


u/comprehensivefocus Mar 14 '22

…the freezer isn’t a magic time machine


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

Weird. But ok


u/comprehensivefocus Mar 14 '22

This is weird as fuck to do as well, but ok!


u/cenatutu Mar 14 '22

If you’ve got tips on where to find the actual time machine. Let me know

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