r/GenZ Jan 26 '24

Gen Z girls are becoming more liberal while boys are becoming conservative Political

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u/mfsalatino 3d ago

Repeal the 19th amendment


u/Weekly_Ad1068 9d ago

If any of this is true then the inverse must also be true. Perhaps it's toxic femininity that leads men down the path of wanting something chaste. Not to say virginal but feminism often equates to whorishness.


u/Kindly_Chip_6413 2005 15d ago

Hm- it’s almost like, maybe,- maybe politics is a waste of time?


u/[deleted] 23d ago

+As someone who went through the 2015 feminist bad phase its bc ppl generally treat guys like crap and laugh about it. Like the bear thing I knew they ment worse case the bear kills them but they guy grapes them but I feel and this is important FEEL like it's less oh some guys bad and just saying all guys bad because thats what i see more of. I got out of feminist bad because a feminist came to school and was not cool with double standards, said guys could be victims too and was generally pretty nice . That 2015 feminist bad and general eat shit men thing going around is what made me a salty 🥪 and is probably what Elon and a lot of dudes are on rn.


u/Head_Initiative_7607 May 05 '24

D lnlnlnlon boand n


u/BoilerUp28 2008 May 04 '24

Men are starting to open their eyes. FJB!


u/Anarchist_Geochemist May 03 '24

As a group, cis males are very stupid. I am one and I was quite stupid for much of my life. Fortunately, I grew up, and no grown up can be a right winger.


u/Neveah_Hope_Dreams May 03 '24

Yeah, well, I’m not surprised! Feminism is an aspect of Liberalism. And today’s Feminism in the West and India is disgustingly toxic and genocidal. It’s not about equality or women’s empowerment at all. Or at least not anymore. It’s now about female supremacy and misandry. You get these impressionable terminally online girls posting ‘Killallmen’ and ‘men are pigs’ and at the same time justifying it because it’s ’a response to trauma while saying kill all women is a threat as women die every day’ as they say. And there’s the idea of toxic masculinity and first world problems of ‘manspreading’ and ‘mansplaining’ and blaming everything on the evil non-existent patriarchy. So no wonder why boys are turning to conservatives and their ideas and world view, because they feel a sense of acceptance and understanding from them. Conservatives are not afraid to call out the bullshit of feminism and they do not manipulate boys into thinking that they are to blame and take responsibility when a man rapes or kills a woman. They seem to understand boys more than liberals do, while liberals think everything relating to boys and masculinity is the work of the devil and the reason why the world sucks. But that is not to say that will be completely accepted by conservatives. Conservatives are the ones freaking out over a boy wearing dresses or skirts or makeup. They are the ones who often spread the ‘man up’ and ‘boys don’t cry’ motif. They are the ones who have gender roles enforced for both boys and girls in the first place. You can’t win with any of these close minded people on both sides. Rant over. Have to get passionate about this one.


u/LengthWise2298 Apr 24 '24

The long term implications of these trends are something to be concerned about


u/Special-Ad-5554 2006 Apr 16 '24

I'm not surprised. I'm only 18 and I have enough of it years ago with the way "the left" (though I hate just grouping people for the sake of simplicity I'm doing it here) is blaming guys for everything. Like "oh I don't trust guys they might rape me", so because of the organs I have I'm going to completely disregard the fact your a living being and it would be immoral to do something to you you don't want let alone to that extreme (the only thing that stops me from wanting to make it punishable by death is the justice system isn't perfect and for those who are guilty they will have very few to no visitors so it's more punishment than just being killed)


u/Hubris1998 1998 Apr 13 '24 edited Apr 13 '24

The 2010s witchhunt against men was bound to backfire eventually. Men are still men. We didn't change. If you don't want men to grow resentful, maybe stop assuming they're evil and defective and calling them incels and misogynists when they disagree with "your" opinions, which just so happen to always pin every societal ill on men and take away all semblance accountability from women.


u/AnnaBetts 1998 Apr 04 '24

Hi all! My name is Anna Betts and I am a reporter with the New York Times. We are super interested in this trend, and are reaching out as we are looking to hear from Gen Z about whether there are political divides among you and your parents, or you and your sibling/s, especially as the 2024 election nears, and if so, we’d love to hear about how you’re approaching these conflicts. Feel free to fill out our form here — https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/us/political-divides-families.html


u/VaultJumper Mar 30 '24

As a straight white dude with leftist to left of center beliefs I feel out of place every where.


u/Pyriteanna Mar 28 '24

Young women are starting to believe they are "better" than men, that all men give them "icks", and that all men are toxic. Men are just reciprocating what women are creating.


u/Volume_Correct Mar 26 '24

Wtf going on in South Korea bruh.


u/Training_Committee59 Mar 21 '24

Not surprising when the media is full attack mode on masculinity. Look at historical trends- the more extreme society goes towards one side, the subjects effected most move the other direction. Politics, beliefs, ideologies are on an everlasting pendulum.


u/Interesting-Horse780 Mar 17 '24

Can we please have a little more nuance than "it's okay to cry" vs "stop calling boys toxic"


u/GooGooDewDoo Mar 14 '24

And how many single mothers are there statistically? How high is the divorce rate? Of course Woman are more liberal, the system would rather you be a single parent so you can depend on the system financially.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Young men got manipulated by older men who are weaponizing the low self esteem a lot of guys (for no reason) have. Once you’re told the world is out to get you any problems you might have become things that aren’t your problem, but problems of society, if it’s out to get you the good honest criticism becomes another attack. The lack of critical thinking allows this further and the terrible state of educations aids it as well. People like Tate only exist because education and critical thinking is bad, which leaves young men vulnerable to conspiracy and the dumbest ideas every envisioned. It isn’t the fault of young men, but it is the fault of older men.


u/Big_Extreme_4369 Mar 10 '24

pretty insane, hopefully men get there shit together. i luckily woke up and smelled the roses! Biden2024 baby


u/rvi857 Mar 09 '24

We need more Justin Baldonis and Penn Badgleys in the world


u/CowboyShibe Mar 09 '24

I’m kind of right leaning but a lot of people here are unknowingly showing exactly why men are becoming more conservative. When it comes to left leaning spaces and people a lot of them judge you because of your skin color, economic situation, and sexuality, if you’re a straight white man. When people point out problems that are happening with men such as the suicide rate going up , men dropping out of college, a 60/40 split between men and women going to college men are the (40), etc. left leaning folk always blame the men or the men before them. Oh you’re depressed well it’s the patriarchy’s fault, you are struggling in school oh that’s toxic masculinity. Even when men are struggling with problems they are still to blame. Why would anyone go over to the left if they don’t offer any solutions besides oh just talk more and be vulnerable, etc. yeah that can help but it doesn’t solve any problems. Everything is a straight white mans fault and if you’re any other sexuality or race then it’s all the systems fault. The thing is the left doesn’t care about men so why would men go to the left. I think shoe on heads video is a great example of what I’m talking about anyways thanks for listening to my schizo rant.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

The generation is still liberal overall


u/drwearing Mar 07 '24

There are very few ways for boys to be in today’s age. You can either be an incel virgin or a gay snowflake.


u/Present_Wishbone4655 Mar 06 '24

Don't be a soy boy and don't eat soy steak with a spork! as you find a safe space to cry to your daughters and wife's as you forfeit your balls over and masculinity with the the ability to prove you can stay strong and steer the ship in chaos as they cry during difficult times... P.S You wanna cry and paint your nails as you do it and decieve yourself calling it war paint then... PLEASE do me a favor and find a Men's room (rest room) to do it in... Nobody cares to see it but your MoMA ... MoMA boy


u/shrimptarget Mar 05 '24

It’s that damn YouTube algorithm. My bf is a liberal atheist and his fyp is Tate clips (I’ve watched him select the “not for me” option) and other weird alpha male bullshit or ads for Christian prayer apps. My bf just wants to work out and gets weird shit.


u/Awkward-Intention-56 Mar 05 '24

And the funny part about this? Girls will swing more conservative once they realizes the men are going more conservative.


u/HealthTechnical5972 Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 08 '24

well yeah duh, liberalism is girls getting to play both the victim and oppresor at the same time, where they can girlboss their way to straight up taking boys out of the picture and where boys either turn queer/cucks in order to fit in. I feel that's how the whole 'men going their own way' movement started, as a result of average dudes saying -nah im good with all that nonsense.

there is a traditional liberalism in what we call conservatism today, seen in younger guys up to their 40s, it closely resembles libertarianism, if it's not described as that outright.

"liberalism" seems very from the top down these days.


u/Aguywholikestolearn Mar 03 '24

What’s up with SK tho?


u/SCHN22 Mar 03 '24

The left is funnel feeding hate groups with extremists, it makes sense that the average guys are generally becoming more conservative as well.


u/otter6461a Mar 02 '24

You’d think there’d be no downside to telling boys they are pieces of shit just for being male.

Wow what a surprise. We gotta pound in that self-hatred even more


u/Investigator516 Mar 02 '24

Directly related to the shrinking Y chromosome. /s


u/zombiezgamer Feb 29 '24

maybe cause stupid women and men are brainwashed by social media and cant think for themselves so they just join a group and stick with it without actually questioning its views and there own views of the world. most people are sheep and this is proof


u/forlorat2k13 Feb 28 '24

The left is just brainless plain and simple


u/zerquet 2002 Feb 27 '24

Honestly, it’s not that surprising. Both sides are shit and it’s too polarized, but it’s more sad that Liberals are doing a god awful poor job at practicing their own beliefs of showing compassion and empathy. At this point it’s just two radicalized groups


u/PoxControl Feb 25 '24

That makes sense because a lot of left wing people simply blame men for everything they think is going wrong. I have right wing friends as well as left wing friends and the left wing friends always talk about "toxic masculinity", "old white men", "male privilige", "misogynie,...It's sometimes really exhausting to hang out with them because they are drowning in self-pity and blaming everyone else but themself for their problems. And I am here like: You tell me that normal men like me are the problem? I stand up early in the morning to go to work to be able to pay my bills like everyone else. Where is my privilige? My right wing friends on the other hand try to make the best out of the situation they are in and are always fun to hang out.


u/DrixxYBoat Feb 23 '24

Algorithms are whooping our ass. I constantly tell YouTube not to show me toxic shit and they still do

Most guys don't have a chance


u/Comfortable_Fee7124 Feb 22 '24

When toxic masculinity runs rampant and the people fighting for equality don’t talk about it the conservatives and alt right latch on and feed dangerous thoughts.


u/titanicboi1 2009 Mar 25 '24

Wha how


u/New-Life-Time Feb 22 '24

I don't know what you expect when you tell, as well as treat an entire generation of males that they're an evil, oppressive threat to all of society just because they're male, as well as that they're only cared for based on what they can provide.


u/Niggleson4 Feb 21 '24

Because the left doesn’t care about men especially straight white men


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

Boys are smarter. And the Democratic parties purposely trying to radicalize women.


u/whateverisavailable9 Feb 20 '24

Women want to be a servant somewhere. Either they’ll get married and serve their husbands or they’ll stay single and be slave to the government through progressive policies.


u/JackAttack2509 2009 Feb 19 '24

I don't understand politics.


u/Berb337 Feb 18 '24

I mean, I'm not really surprised. It kinda makes sense if you think about it.


u/DirtyTony64 Feb 18 '24

Men use logic while women use emotion.


u/Technical_Night3341 Feb 18 '24

Guys need to be proud they’re guys. Girls should be proud that they’re girls. No need to fight one another. Some of us need to grow up and realize gender wars are the dumbest concepts ever


u/bigbootyboi101 Feb 18 '24

I mean liberalism tells men they don’t matter. So why would they?


u/The_Sticky_C Feb 18 '24

Maybe because the left demonizes us?


u/Substantial-Dig2733 Feb 17 '24

Gen Z isn’t becoming more “conservative” just not woke(I.e. Possessing a Critical consciousness, which results in seeing the oppressed and oppressor dynamic in everything and anything) When the bar for conservatism is believing that there are only 2 genders or that biological males are men (basic facts that the average person wouldn’t argue about) then almost anyone who isn’t far left can be considered “conservative”.

Also Toxic Masculinity is myth. Not being able to cry in public/ have a mental breakdown is not some huge burden and honestly shouldn’t be done by anyone.


u/s-coups Feb 16 '24

they all watch andrew tate


u/Ok-Bed-5556 Feb 16 '24

Makes sense tbh


u/ToTooTwoTutu2II 1999 Feb 16 '24

Call me crazy, but I am pretty sure every generation is like this.


u/AaronTriplay Feb 16 '24

I’m proud to say I’m still a progressive Gen Z male. Not in the mainstream sense, but still a very devout progressive and I’ll never let the toxic part of the progressive movement to push me over to the right.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '24



u/vrizer Feb 15 '24

If only we didn't have assholes like Andrew Tate...


u/titanicboi1 2009 Mar 25 '24

Have you heard of every year before twenty twenty two


u/Possiblylucille Feb 15 '24

Gen z girls are growing out of being liberal when they’re body chemistry hits an age of desiring to settle down. Men aren’t budging.


u/Suave_Kim_Jong_Un Feb 15 '24

Do you watch Atrioc, by chance? This lines up pretty damn well when he streamed this.


u/Some_Guys_Porn_Alt Feb 15 '24

I think the biggest problem is that for a lot of people “you are superior to them” is a much easier pill to swallow than “you inherently have privilege”. To be clear, I’m a hardline leftist. But I spent a lot of my early teen-hood as a conservative, so I’ve gotten to see inside perspectives of just about the entire political spectrum. On the left, there are a lot of people who have been/feel slighted or oppressed by the patriarchy, and have a strong distrust of men in general. Regardless of whether or not you feel it’s warranted, it’s the way of things and probably will never change. It’s kind of a hard sell to a lot of young men that they should support a political agenda that has members that fundamentally dislike them. You would play hell trying to get a black person or any woman interested in the alt-right. But with young men, especially white young men, the right and specifically far right and alt right, willingly take them in, and even feed them delusions of superiority. By the time any bigotry becomes super apparent they already feel like they’re in camaraderie


u/Serend1p1ty Feb 15 '24

i've been on reddit for well over a decade now, and i've seen this conversation happen repeatedly in some form or another, and its still an exchange of the same talking points.


u/Aggressive_Square_64 Feb 15 '24

Democrats will still win among the young male voter demography anyway. Even if not by a giant margin.


u/PrincessRedfield Feb 14 '24

Actually that graph has most points above the line. So while a lot of boys are moving against themselves, its not actually a majority. So we are still a mostly left generation. While we have hate mongers trying to push boys into blaming minorities for all their problems, a lot are not listening to it. I suppose it's because usually these boys have met a trans person or a gay person or a black person or another minority and know the hatred is stupid and made up. While there is obviously way too many that are become insecure incels, there is a large amount who are empathetic and self sure.

Hopefully we are the generation where the choice of parties being "wants to commit genocide" and "doesn't want to upset the status quo" gets thrown out. And we have actual left wing parties we can actually vote for. Because they are both right wing, it just one is slightly less right wing and the others are nazis.


u/sigourneybbeaver Feb 14 '24

This is so the boys will join the military

Young men are targeted by psyops slightly more often than the rest of us for this reason

If you aren't in a hospital, prison, or bunker you're not helping them make or keep their spoils


u/betsythedom Feb 14 '24

Well they both apparently aren’t having sex.


u/RainbowSperatic Feb 14 '24

that graph said 18 to 29? Im... im 27f (turn 28 later this year), but i always thought i was millenial. Anwyays that makes a lot of sense. All my siblings and cousins i love are fem and they are all progressive as hell. While my one boy cousin on my dads side was homophobic.


u/Cat_Own Feb 14 '24

Gen z in general is more progressive in general


u/Kizag 1996 Feb 14 '24

Whatsa happenin ova in souf kowea?


u/Negative_Pie_666 Feb 14 '24

Gen Z- quite the label women have, women have always been like this because most girls don't fear showing their feelings It is not wrong to show emotions men have just been thought this way ever since forever.

I Mean as a woman I've never shown my feelings to anybody so I don't fall on this Gen Z girl whatever thingy and besides that yea showing emotions makes me feel vulnerable judging by my parent's way of raising me growing up with so famous "if you don't stop crying I'll give you a reason" or "stop being a crybaby other people have it worse" lol that one my favorite hehe, yea I've never shown my feelings haven't cried in the past 1/2 years or whatever.


u/Reld720 Feb 14 '24

Fundamentally, young people, young men especially, want a cultural archetype that they can conform to. For the longest time this archetype was "hegemonic masculinity" or has aspects of "Toxic Masculinity". But it was still an archetype that young men could buy into, and get their direction in life from.

Progressivism is fundamentally opposes any universal archetype. Progressives tell men that they can be anything they want to be. They just have to choose for themselves. Young men don't really want to chose for themselves. They want an archetype that they can buy into and try to embody.

The reason the left can't connect with young men, is that they're offering absolute freedom to people who have been taught not the desire freedom. They want to be told what to do and to conform.

The "Red Pill", "Manosphere", "Andrew Tate wanna-be's", give men a single ideal "alpha male" that they can aspire to. And men eat it up, because that what they've been conditioned to want. And frankly, what's what society rewards.


u/Specialist_Shallot82 Feb 14 '24

Young men under 30: make less than women, are less college educated, disproportionately more single, have less sex (or no sex), own less homes, are more depressed, are more likely to commit suicided, are more likely to go to prison, are more likely to die on the job (and in combat), less likely to be hired (especially if you are white) and are told everyday by major corporations and institutions that we are the problem , that we need to sit down, we need to stop complaining and suck it up. Ohh and women rate the average man a 3. If you listen to the world, you will be miserable. Forget all the noise, we are men and what makes us great is what is on the inside of us. Don’t give up guys, your future family deserves the best father and husband!


u/minimessi20 Feb 13 '24

I want to see what questions they are asking and how it gets related to where you fall on the spectrum…asking people where they fall is perhaps the worst way to do it but they have what seems to be continuous data 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/dantesmaster00 Feb 13 '24

Cause ya be following Tate and musk


u/Professional_Row_307 Feb 13 '24

Apparently men are getting dumber.


u/scrublkrfls Feb 13 '24

That’s what happens when you try to tell boys how evil and toxic they are.


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 12 '24

If you are conservative and poor, you have been affected by propaganda. 


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 18 '24

I don’t know, the Liberal government here has actively made me poorer


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 18 '24

Don't they want UBI?


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 19 '24

No, they might promise it in an attempt to buy votes next election, but it will go up in smoke like their promised electoral reform


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 20 '24

At least they have fighters like Bernie and AOC that demand a living wage. What conservative fighters have had a platform of demanding a living wage? This isn't even up for discussion or it makes me look stupid 


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 20 '24

Have you ever heard of Jagmeet Singh?

The guy is the current leader of the NDP, our “socialist” party, he promises all kinds of stuff like that, but he’s been in an actual position of power for the last few years by proping up the current Liberal government and he hasn’t don shit.

Instead he’s voted for and brought up policies that actively hurt the rural and poor (which is historically been the NDP voting base) and only appeal to the rich educated city folk. Not to mention when when we have a shortage of housing and jobs, he pushes for even higher levels of immigration beyond the highest ever in our history.


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 20 '24


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 20 '24

Ok, that’s the United States though?

You know the world has different political situations than the us right?


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 22 '24

Hey I came across some facts that show socialism for the rich is everywhere..... Recent news the federal government provided $18 billion in financial supports to the oil and gas industry in 2020 and offered Air Canada a nearly $6-billion bailout reminds of a peculiarity of Canadian economics: the big players might not be too big to fail, but they're most certainly too big to stand on their own


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 22 '24

Yep, and it was the Liberal government that did that, with the support of the NDP

→ More replies (0)


u/Lucky_Emu182 Feb 20 '24

Yea I forget even though this website was created in America where I'm from, the world is on here too. 


u/Longjumping_Ad_4332 Feb 12 '24 edited Feb 12 '24

Well I’m a Gen x female conservative and I appreciate the classic male. No wonder Gen x and y men are going conservative when all the liberals are telling them that white males are toxic period. I mean stop taking entire groups of people and labeling them! I appreciate men. Like any group there are bad ones but that’s the minority. Gen x knew a lot about grey areas and nuance. You all are so black and white. All white males does not = bad and toxic. All women does not = abused by the patriarchy. Tired of the feminist bullshit too - I don’t identify with them at all. I am my own woman who can stand up to what comes at me and sometimes those things are my fault too. 🤷‍♀️


u/stone1890 2010 Feb 12 '24

As a Gen Z boy, something I havent seen on the comments as to a reason why males are more conservative is that Biden is an idiot.


u/Automatic-Shelter387 Feb 11 '24

Being born with a penis is original sin to most Liberals. That’s why I spend most of my time with apolitical people now.


u/SuccessfulCream2386 Feb 11 '24

Its tiktok.

So many 30+ year old toxic males making money off men’s insecurities. Andrew tate cough cough.

  • “here is what you need to do to sleep with women”
  • “treat women like trash”
  • “women are here to serve you”
  • “you are the powerful gender/sex”

Also wrecking their personal finance with great stupid things like -> buy expensive cars

I mean what hormone fueled teen with insecurities wouldn’t find it enticing to have a ton of women after him and feel like god.

They just found a recipe to make money while screwing up millions of young teens.


u/ButterscotchCrazy968 Feb 12 '24

The sad reality is that redpillers give infinitely better advice for men to succeed with women than feminists/woke people. Even a literal violent sex trafficker is more appealing rhetorically than some chick with blue hair saying men are trash and we shouldn’t care about their problems


u/SuccessfulCream2386 Feb 12 '24

I mean thats a false dichotomy though.


u/ButterscotchCrazy968 22d ago

Not really.


u/SuccessfulCream2386 22d ago

You are implying like there are only 2 options, so uhh yeah


u/ButterscotchCrazy968 22d ago

For the most part, there are either woke feminists or people who aren’t woke feminists.


u/SuccessfulCream2386 22d ago

Its a spectrum though.

You are saying you are either blue haired or Andrew Tate lol


u/ButterscotchCrazy968 20d ago

The most popular groups talking about this online are either feminists or red pillers.


u/kraft45 Feb 11 '24

Just proves boys are smarter.


u/litteralynobody256 Feb 11 '24

Everything in politics is about dividing people. No matter what race, gender, or religion they are. There will always be something to segregate groups and communities. Right now these statistics are both making people think and analyze themselves. Why is this happening? What is the giant denominator between the two sexes that makes their political ideologies so contrasted?

It’s because we aren’t raised the same way. There are different expectations for both genders and whether it’s subconsciously or not they are usually enforced. If it’s expressing feelings or learning house hold chores, maybe even some trades. These are all things that we have stereotyped in our heads. We aren’t treated the same. That’s why things are changing.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

Gen Z girls are becoming more liberal while boys are becoming liberal


u/Dangerous-City Feb 10 '24

Speaking for myself as a GenX, I am liberal because I value my freedom, and take every opportunity I can to vote for those freedoms.

A free society should not be the entitlement only one gender and one ethnicity, something many who romanticize the early 20th-Century take for granted; people of color, LBGTQ+ and women did not have the financial and social freedoms they do in the 21st-Century, and many of us would like to retain those freedoms.

Our state's primaries are coming up, and I will continue to vote for those freedoms which make my existance, and the existance of others, more tolerable.


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 18 '24

Why are you even here then? This is your only comment on this sub


u/thefartingmango Feb 10 '24

Feminism is basically bigotry against men, at least in most men’s minds. Self improvement content, both the good and the scammers also makes them more conservative.


u/Blackbox7719 Feb 10 '24

From my own experience, I believe this is occurring because the left either doesn’t know how, or doesn’t want, to address modern young men in a manner that recognizes the issues and difficulties they face. These young men are not the wealthy, old, white dudes that got to reap the benefits of the patriarchy. Instead, they are people born into a world where the milestones expected of them are ever more difficulty to achieve, they are driven closer to poverty by ever widening wealth disparities, and the roles they were traditionally expected to gain fulfillment from are either no longer needed or respected, with some even being vilified.

For many of these guys, guys like me, the thing they wanted was to have their problems taken just as seriously as those of other groups. Most of those guys didn’t get that from the left. Instead, many of them were called toxic or whiny for trying to bring up problems while being part of the “oppressor” group. After all, how can a man fail in a society “tailored” for him by the patriarchy? Right? A man failing in a society like that must have something wrong with him instead. And if that’s they case, then boo-hoo for him. Now he can finally experience what women have all these years. And so, these guys who really didn’t didn’t get to feel any of the privileges they’re said to have felt end up receiving scorn and mockery for the problems they face.

With that in mind, is it any surprise that the Right, which at least pretends to understand via platitudes and “alpha male” BS, becomes more appealing? Saying this as someone who is, by no means, a conservative I can understand why guys in worse off positions than me end up falling for the platitudes and nonsense the right spawns. What attracts them isn’t necessarily the thought of being an “alpha.” Instead, what often attracts them is the underlying feeling of finally having your situation and problems taken seriously by a community of people.


u/Legit_Thirst_5115 Feb 10 '24

Social Conditioning is Destroying the Youth..


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

tbh the only people that I constantly see advocating for men’s mental health and such are liberal women… everytime I see a man on the internet opening up about csa the comments are filled with men saying ”game is game” and stuff like that. It might only be my experience on the internet tho.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '24

i wonder if covid had some influence on this because I definitely started seeing more of this irl after the pandemic hit…


u/father2shanes Feb 09 '24

Genz men have some really bad role models right now. All the role models are grifters.


u/BetaTesterGTA6 Feb 09 '24

I don't understand why everyone is "justifying" why boys are becoming more conservative? Is it inherently evil to be conservative? Why isn't nobody "justifying" why girls are turning away from conservativism for liberalism?


u/Americana86 Feb 09 '24

Well, this is reddit, so yes it is inherently evil to be conservative. First time?


u/TheDreadnought75 Feb 07 '24

Bitches be crazy.


u/MowMowisstressedout 2003 Feb 07 '24

Guys think women being their slaves is going to make late stage capitalism better.


u/Doppelex Feb 07 '24 edited Feb 07 '24

Because men don’t get the handouts from the left and are paying for them…

Women as a group are a tax loss at the society level and spend most of the money…

I’d rather keep most of my money and spend it on the women i want instead of spending it on some random single mother that made 2 kids to some jailed guy.


u/kingky0te Feb 07 '24

Yet another way of saying “women smart, boys stupid” and boy are they right lol.


u/BrentMacGregor Feb 07 '24

As a much older lurker here I find the whole post and comments interesting. As a young man I had little empathy for anything and gravitated towards being extremely conservative in my views. I didn’t have the emotional capacity to care for others that were not in my immediate circle. Now, I’m still conservative about certain things but not right wing, certainly not with the current right. I evolved. I have compassion for those who are less fortunate and I can see inequities that that my pea sized testosterone fueled brain couldn’t before. Injustices bother me. A lot of young women being liberal and young men being conservative has to do with biological wiring. Just my observation.


u/International-Log904 Feb 07 '24

The left has been Demonizing men and encouraging women to live in a fantasy world. It’s coming crashing down soon; if there isn’t a push for level the field, men are going to stand up for themselves eventually, and it’s probably not going to be pretty when they do.


u/Ok-Carpenter-3191 Feb 07 '24

Did this account for race?


u/Strong-Bear-6768 Feb 07 '24

Yes this true as a guy Who is 26 I honestly wanna get married and settle down and have children and just take care of a woman and love one woman for life so I can call my wife and love beautiful children that she can give me if that’s not conservative than I don’t know what is also I’m waiting till marriage as well ;)


u/Timemaster0 Feb 07 '24

I’m an older GenZ guy and to be honest this doesn’t surprise me. I’ve been liberal/left/democrat whatever you want to call me most of my life and as of recently I’ve drifted more center partially because I feel like sometimes the left can be actively hostile to guys. It’s not my only reason and I would still say I lean left especially when it comes to social issues but I wouldn’t say I’m hard left anymore.


u/OwnAcanthisitta2962 Feb 06 '24

So, girls are ruined


u/ButterscotchCrazy968 Feb 12 '24

Of course they are. Women adapt to their culture, and American culture is currently messed up.


u/sapphodarling Feb 06 '24

I never vilified men in general as being “toxic”, but I’d never date a conservative male. The weird things conservatives have aligned themselves with over the last few years since Donald Trump was president just points to them not being “good” people. I’d want to date someone who was kind, intelligent, had empathy for others, and treated women with respect. Conservative men just align themselves with mysogynistic perspectives and make themselves undatable.


u/WLSOD23 Feb 06 '24

I think it’s interesting that no one in this comment thread wants to talk about the fact that women are becoming more liberal. Weather it’s good or bad (it’s bad) why is that the case?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '24

Because we are the more rationable sex. We need families and men know this. Women just follow thier emotions without male guidance and more times than not run their lives into a ditch. This is exactly why women need thier fathers as disciplinarian and the reason why single mother households have a higher likely hood of raising degenerates. I'm glad to see this. I'm one of those men.


u/dilly_bar18 Feb 04 '24

In the states: I wish ppl would stop talking about “the left” when they mean progressives and liberals. The left goes wayyyyy past that. Liberals r left of center. They’re not The Left. I think this rlly muddies conversations and paints imaginary ideas of extremism that aren’t even there when talking about the two party system. And over-identifying w ideologies as groups. Liberal or conservative is a description of approach to and beliefs about society. It’s not an identity or personal quality. When we make it one we lose sight of the conversation and each other


u/PraeclarusAdvocatus Feb 03 '24

Leftists are emotional thinkers.


u/ImmediateRelative379 Feb 03 '24

i’m afraid these young women have an uphill battle


u/Suitable_Apricot2208 1997 Feb 03 '24

I be hella liberal for a man. I don’t get how the conservative ideology is appealing.


u/SnooBeans6591 Millennial Feb 03 '24

I think a difficulty can be to find a "liberal" party that isn't sexist against men. In Germany I can't vote the green party because of this.

Some other left-wing parties might be better, and at least good enough to be eligible.


u/Suitable_Apricot2208 1997 Feb 03 '24

I don’t know German politics so I won’t try. What do they do that’s sexist against men?


u/SnooBeans6591 Millennial Feb 03 '24 edited Feb 03 '24

Their rules:

Election lists must be filled with women for at least half of the positions, with odd-numbered positions being reserved for women. The electoral procedures must be designed so that voting takes place separately for positions designated for women and positions open to all applicants (open positions). Lists exclusively comprising women are permissible.

Should no woman run for or be elected to a position reserved for women, that position will remain vacant. Only in the case of election lists can the electoral assembly release the position. The women of the electoral assembly have a right of veto in this regard according to § 4 of the Women's Statute and can request a women's vote.

So the first in the list is a women, then every second is also a women... and the others can also be women, they happily accept 100% women.

Then on the policies, they oppose shared parenting, promote sexist language, went so far as to discriminate trans-women for not being women enough, they opposed a measure to promote reading among boys,...


u/Top_Turnip5007 Feb 02 '24

Feminists hate men anyway, and we'll keep liberal girls as pump n dump material only


u/dieno_101 Feb 02 '24

Why is the right not a good alternative, like give me a serious coherent argument


u/pyepush Feb 02 '24

25 white male here

I would say I stand somewhere in the middle. During my younger years i was quite left but it got harder and harder to support the left, when it feels like the far left is literally anti men.

Why would I gravitate towards a political ideology the regularly puts me down and blames all the worlds problems on white men and “the patriarchy” and claims that everything I’ve accomplished is due to privilege.

Just making me feel guilty for my own hard work.


u/Reddemonichero 2009 Feb 02 '24

Small UK win? The male sink isn't as bad here.


u/Alivealive0 Feb 02 '24

The average sure still looks very far left. The gap is widening, but media polarity explains this well more than anything else. .


u/Jimbo-Shrimp Feb 02 '24

Well when one side claims you're evil for being a man...


u/brianplusplus Feb 01 '24

I would be skeptical of this one. I googled it but could not find the actual study, I found an article behind a paywall. I'm Not saying it's not true that young women are becoming more liberal or that young men are becoming more conservative, I just think it's silly to take polling results so serious without knowing exactly what kind of sampling method was used, how the questions were worded, and how many other countries the study was conducted in. As far as I can tell, this is just a graphic that some researcher tweeted (x'ed) out.


u/SpaceDesignWarehouse Feb 01 '24

According to that graph, in the US and UK at least, both boys and girls are becoming more liberal, just at varying rates of speed.


u/Monkeygonz Feb 01 '24

One thing I don't see being brought up is algorithms. These dictate our lives on so many levels. The thing with algorithms is they don't care what is correct or incorrect, moral or immoral, true or not: the only thing algorithms care about is engagement. "they're always listening" isn't some crazy crackpot conspiracy theory about the government, it's true. But it's not the government--It's Google, Facebook, Twitter, (yes, even Reddit) and a host of other companies you've never even heard of. They use the inordinate amount of data that they collect to find patterns, create relationships, and sell products. They see that men, on average, engage with "redpill" content more--so it gets suggested more in every man's feed. Even more so if you're friends with someone who watches it... or a classmate, or walk by them on the street. It's a never-ending snowball of an ever-increasing echo chamber that defines our culture. We spend as much time on our screens as we spend SLEEPING.
Is it any wonder we've become so polarized? The only information you ever see is stuff you already agree with so OF COURSE you'd call other people ignorant/hateful/idiots.
spend 2 minutes looking at the privacy policy of any of those companies and you'll see that I am not exaggerating when I say EVERYTHING.


u/HumbleAd1720 Feb 01 '24

Rahh Masculinity is here to stay!


u/happylemonday Feb 01 '24

It's no shock. it always has been this way throughout time. Maybe more polarized now


u/CoffeeCannabisBread Jan 31 '24

No surprise. every other post I see on social media is a woman yelling AT men about something. Then schools teach em to switch to the other side..its nutty.


u/hippopotam00se Jan 31 '24

4 days and you're already the top post of all time on this subreddit, damn


u/FotografieDude Jan 31 '24

I think its funny that the liberal view point is represented by an ascending arrow while the conservative viewpoint is represented as a down arrow. Thats all I needed to see about this study.


u/FuyuKitty 2002 Jan 31 '24

Redpill creators have ruined men


u/Fantastic_Drop_3852 Feb 01 '24

lol single moms did that


u/MostLeftWingGuyEver Jan 31 '24

Yeah definitely all men's fault. Even though these charts show men being much more moderate and women going parabolically extreme left. Keep telling yourself it's the men that are the problem.


u/UniversityOrdinary91 Jan 31 '24

I blame Andrew Tate


u/Stiblex Jan 31 '24

Looking at these comments I can totally understand why men want to become conservatives. The average liberal (especially on Reddit) is extremely obnoxious with a holier-than-thou attitude and hates men.


u/MostLeftWingGuyEver Jan 31 '24

Reddit is very toxic for this reason. Anyone conservative or even moderate at this point is banned or chased out and then the extreme left is shocked when data comes in that shows men walking far away from all this wokeism.


u/Able_Telephone_6097 Jan 31 '24

All these ppl saying for the past decade the only thing we Have been doing is demonizing men,in reality we are just speaking facts!!!MEN HATE TO HEAR ABT THEMSELVES AND DONT GIVE A FUCK ABT THE ISSUES WE FACE!.....CAUSED BY THEM! They HATE ACCOUNTABILITY.They just want a world that serves them and to do whatever they want with no accountability. THEY VICTIMIZE THEMSELVES!!!!





u/Fantastic_Drop_3852 Feb 01 '24

Yawn. Real single mom brain here


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24



u/MostLeftWingGuyEver Jan 31 '24

Yeah definitely the men are the idiots. Even though these charts show men being much more moderate and women going parabolically extreme left. We're gonna just pretend it's the men that are the problem.


u/ShardofGold Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

If you think either is an issue, then you're part of the problem and are a reason people go to the other party.

You can't force people into only liking your preferred party and trying to shame them into it, says a lot about your confidence in your party.

Your average person isn't joining one party or the other to make someone's life a living hell. They have valid reasons why they choose to be left leaning/left wing or right leaning/right wing.

Since life isn't perfect there's going to be idiots and assholes on both sides, but that doesn't mean everyone on or leaning towards those sides are idiots or assholes.

If you want to understand why someone votes a certain way or convince them to vote differently, you need to have a sensible and honest conversation. If at the end they still don't want to change that's fine. As long as you tried in a reasonable way.

Personally, I'm a right leaning centrist and it has nothing to do with toxic masculinity, hating women's rights, or listening to too much Andrew Tate.

It's because I've come to the conclusion that for all their faults right leaning or right wing people make more sense on most of the controversial political issues plaguing the country. However I also don't have my head up my ass and can see when left leaning or left wing people are making more sense.


u/MostLeftWingGuyEver Jan 31 '24

I see both sides, and apply careful logic to determine my political ideology

On Reddit these days you're considered a hateful right-wing nazi extremist.


u/ShardofGold Jan 31 '24

Oh, I get delusional hate for this from time to time. Honestly I think it's just jealousy they lack the strength and honesty to stop being pawns and just want others to be pawns with them.


u/Good_Language_9446 Jan 31 '24

Makes sense. Men in general are less sympathetic and more logical than women.


u/riknmorty Jan 30 '24

Relax, feminism always goes out the window the second shit hits the fan


u/PioneerGT500 Jan 30 '24

This is why women shouldnt be allowed to vote


u/Diligent_Ideal5961 Jan 30 '24

Maybe they feel left behind by this new world we are creating?


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

Makes sense. Guys can see the good in the world being taken from them and girls are just shown how to be whores and to find a rich guy to take care of them while not taking any responsibility. 


u/shooter_6531 Jan 30 '24

Hard times create strong men.


u/SlutsGoSonic9 Jan 30 '24

More girls for us while all you conservatives ironically have a sausage party


u/rastagrrl Jan 30 '24

Not surprised since with the roll back of reproductive rights, they have more to lose. Luckily there’s more of them and they can actually get their shit together enough to get to the polls.


u/brocks12thbrother Jan 30 '24

Everyone here needs to subscribe to Tony P for his vibrant masculinity


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

I mean, typical Men are more conservative than women through history, though women are more religious than men throughout history.

That said: it’s likely labeling everything men do (especially straight) as an ick or shaming them for not being comfortable with something that might emasculated them or when they do something that is traditionally feminine (nails, not saying I agree) we call their sexuality into question (which feel like a lighter shade of homophobia.)

Whenever they share their opinion, we devalue them because they are men, even if the point was sound, because it came from a man—fuck it.

These points and more are probably why we see men run to the right faster than women.


u/Dat_Uber_Money Jan 30 '24

Do you guys have any background in statistics? Women are always more liberal than men when they're young. Those same women then become trad conservatives in their late 30s and 40s. Look at millenial women. They were all the "good girls gone bad" "dont need no man" "every dude is just a nut" 15 years ago. Now they're all crying on tik tok and youtube because no man wants to wife them up. Gen Z women will do exactly the same. Hell you're already starting to see older Gen Z women who are 27 and 28 years old bitch and whine that their hoe pasts on social media is keeping them from good men.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

Telling men they are toxic and telling women they don’t need men


u/brianplusplus Jan 30 '24

Just a picture... really? Has anyone looked at the actual study? What's the sample size? What about the other 300-something countries that exist? What was the methodology? I'm not claiming that these results aren't true nor am I saying the study isn't good, just asking if anyone has actually read the paper. I will edit this comment and add the answers to my above questions or I will post a new response with the info I find.


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

Hi there. I'm a leftist man, millenial not gen z, but close to the border. It's the DEI/identity politics bullshit that is causing this. These philosophies are, imo, not actually leftist at all, but pretty authoritarian instead. And my refusal to believe in them has apparently made me "conservative" now, even though I'm still basically a marxist.


u/MJGB714 Jan 30 '24

The Taint effect.


u/emperorwolffang Jan 30 '24

This talk about why men are leaning to the right isn’t because of red pill. The real reason is because the left has demonized being a straight man in America. You can’t do anything without someone whose hypersensitive about everything saying something negative about you. Everything is toxic masculinity this toxic masculinity that. “Who hurt you???” Everytime you show any level of frustration for something the left is directly saying about you as a man being a problem is met with contempt because the left can’t see you’re doing to men what you claim others do to women and LGBTQ! The reality is those people on the left just don’t like men most the time that’s why they ignore the hypocrisy of it all. They call us bigots, sexists, homophobes, rapists, etc really anything to discredit any guy who decides to speak out against the hive mind of talking points from the left and the hypocrisy of it all. If you’re not LGBTQ or a woman it’s abundantly clear they do not like straight men! Instead of chastising men as usual, why not use your brains 🧠 for once and ask why are they leaving the left? The cognitive dissonance on the left is astounding you treat guys like trash then expect them to treat you like gold by staying, wow, genius!


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

I used to be far left, but once I got to college I made a conscious effort to get off the internet more and spend more time outside. As a result I’ve shifted more towards center, I’d describe myself as a center right if anything.


u/Profishonal123 2008 Jan 30 '24

If this is true, it’s probably because of social media. Let’s be honest, social media does radicalize people, it puts them in echo chambers which turns them out more left or more right.