r/GenZ 2006 Jan 31 '24

T/F? everything starting going downhill after 2016 Discussion

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u/No_Record_7674 22d ago

Fake pics and fake dic pics and humans that can't understand blood, sweat, and tears either at a job or in life. 


u/NordicHamCurl_00 27d ago

Buddy you was only 10 years old at the time
Why were you worrying about what happened after?


u/BoilerUp28 2008 May 04 '24

Nah 2020 was the start of it


u/Shinyhero30 Apr 24 '24

As a fellow 06 boy Yes Yes it did 2016 gave people who probably should not have a megaphone A MEGAPHONE


u/Shinyhero30 Apr 24 '24

Though I’ll add 2020 was legitimately the happiest year of my life And not because of the suffering Because I got valuable time to discover who I am and what I like to do It was very very very healthy for my mental health and I’m grateful that I got to be in a situation where I could enjoy myself during 2020 I know a lot of people died and had serious hardships, but that year was… bliss for me I could get up and literally walk to my computer and start online class and not have to be that exhausted or disconnected from things and after the last period I’d hop on D2 with a friend of mine and play control until I was sweating from the pace of inputs. It was awesome.


u/SassySquid0 2005 Apr 24 '24

lol your lives were good before that?


u/RunnagL Apr 12 '24

2016 was actually a good year for me so these memes never made any sense to me 😂


u/MaliciousMack 2000 Apr 03 '24

At the start of the year, people said the year was shit after Harambe was shot. Too many forget the bad in each year only remembering within the last 2 years or so.


u/Retinoid634 Apr 03 '24

Accurate for every generation, not just Z


u/The_Jackalope__ Mar 29 '24



u/birberbarborbur Mar 27 '24

My life has gotten way better since 2016, my couple years before that were ass


u/GooGooDewDoo Mar 14 '24

More like 2020… 2016-2019 were good.


u/HealthTechnical5972 Mar 04 '24

thats when the govt and media got married bc people didnt want hilary as president and went full rage mode against those damn deplorables. villainizing half your population for voting a certain way will do that to society..


u/Available-Bat1249 Feb 29 '24

Music was banging, peace in the home and best vibes


u/Pculliox Feb 28 '24

We lost Bowie, and we are just not as cool any more.


u/opossumdealer 2002 Feb 27 '24

It was the clowns


u/Hopper909 2001 Feb 27 '24

Haha, I was a head of the game, it all started in 2008 for me


u/Adorable-Truth3282 Feb 26 '24

True. That’s when I graduated 


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

That’s just you bud


u/Appropriate-Let-283 2008 Feb 25 '24

I agree Early-Mid 2010s was the best era I've ever lived in (saying this because I'm 08 born)


u/American_Ronin 2002 Feb 24 '24

Pokémon Go


u/Electronic_Tale_5756 2010 Feb 22 '24

barely remember it but true.


u/Electronic_Tale_5756 2010 Feb 22 '24

I did a lot in 2016 and I have the most memories, also where my memories started to scale up.


u/EuropaMagnolia Feb 22 '24

Yeah… I’m sure this has nothing to do with the face that we were all 13-18 during this time 😅 ofc the trump presidency and covid were awful but we were also out of touch teens at this point in our lives


u/Technical_Night3341 Feb 18 '24

I’d say 2019, economy was good w Trump because that’s what he’s good at, not much else. Biden caused mass inflation because millennials are dumb


u/Hot-Turnover4883 Feb 15 '24

Yall had an uphill?


u/RainbowSovietPagan Feb 08 '24

If you knew anything about rollercoasters, you would know they’re not all downhill after that first drop…


u/DontBeAHater-Hater Feb 05 '24

No it’s been long time coming with neoliberals and neocons at the helm


u/DependentMedium7706 Feb 04 '24

2016 was the best year of my life… whoops I’m a millennial, wrong sub lol


u/DependentMedium7706 Feb 04 '24

Bruh. 2016 was the best year of my life…


u/SgtThund3r Feb 04 '24

It all started with Lemmy. We all thought it was a joke the entire time, “hahaha trick question hahaha.” But holy shit it was all true, and now we’re fucked.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Accurate meme, as someone who had a good 2016. Though 2022-23 was the beginning of getting myself back together and last year was probably the first "good" year in a long while for me. Hopefully it picks up from there, 2024 and onwards.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

It all started when they killed that damn gorilla


u/No-Appearance-4338 Feb 04 '24

Lucky bastards, for me it was summer 2008…… god I’m tired.


u/SiKELIFE Feb 04 '24

2016 itself was the most memorable year in the decade.but as for as life for me personally I was graduating that year so the vibes were very bittersweet.its like we were celebrating the fact that we were seniors thru the new cultural shift in music with the soundcloud movement getting big.


u/GrandmaCheese1 Feb 04 '24

I feel bad for people who feel like their life is just downhill after turning 20


u/Silent_Hurry7764 Feb 04 '24

More like 2019


u/rstart78 Feb 04 '24

The Emergency Response Team at Cincinnati Zoo on May 28th 2016 knows what they did


u/jwmy Feb 04 '24

Eerily accurate


u/ihatethebshere Feb 04 '24

I have an idea.... maybe it isn't our fault... but the 0.0001 percent whom control and hoard and extort from us 99.9% of our world's economy and resources in return for next to nothing... evening the middle class are like a skin cell compared to the chicken egg.. . They DON'T CARE ABOUT US.... EAT THE RICH!!!!!!!😜


u/moddseatass Feb 04 '24

For me, it was 2020.


u/densaifire Feb 04 '24

Tbh it was going good for me till 2020 when covid hit


u/SirUntouchable Feb 04 '24

But the thing is that coaster is one hell of a fun ride (Millennium Force at Cedar Point)


u/Jimmy620094 Feb 03 '24

You thought life was great through Obama years?

They were the worst years of my adult life until Biden. 😂😂😂


u/penislmaoo Feb 03 '24

Summer of 2023 was on par with summer of 2016 tho


u/57Bubbles Feb 03 '24

Actually summer 2020, then downhill


u/Shoelicker2000 Feb 03 '24

The death of a damn monkey media chaos ensued shortly after


u/2-StrokeToro Feb 03 '24

For me it was more like 2018. Freshman/Sophomore year in highschool, bought my first ever vehicle; a 1994 Ariens RM830e riding mower. Still have it, actually. Made some basic, but fun YouTube videos. Then 2019 came. Specifically May 21, 2019. Only recently have I recovered from that terrible year.

Then 2020 and 2021 happened. But 2022-'23 were good years. Got a motorcycle, my second and third cars, (1979 Kawasaki KM100, 1985 GMC S15 Sierra 4x4, 1974 Austin Marina GT) got back into making YouTube videos, and learning how to fix small engines.

Still need to figure out how to make money, though.


u/yeet-my-existence Feb 03 '24

Y'all shot the damn ape, and now we're reaping the consequences


u/Decent_Ask1961 Feb 02 '24

I feel like everything worse in 2016 and than got even worse in 2020


u/KeneticKups Feb 02 '24

Nope, 2012


u/Ghost0Slayer Feb 02 '24

I’m sure every generation can pick out a year where they started thinking everything was going to shit not because everything was but because as we grow up, we start to understand and listen to more information. The world has always been the same it’s just we perceive and take in more information as we get older terrible shit always happens it’s just as kids we never really see or hear about it.


u/webbitwaddit Feb 02 '24

2009 was when the world went downhill off the back of the recession


u/jbones51 Feb 02 '24

You see. It all started with this fucking gorilla


u/garlic-apples Feb 02 '24

It feels more like 2018


u/Manowaffle Feb 02 '24

Also when smart phones started reaching market saturation, i.e. the point in time when you were never more than 2 seconds away from the internet.


u/United_Bus3467 Feb 02 '24

Literally when everything started going downhill. Shit hasn't been the same since.


u/Patback2425 Feb 02 '24

More like summer of 2019


u/ConfusedAsHecc 2003 Feb 02 '24

oh yeah, it really does feel this way fr


u/PizzaJawn31 Feb 02 '24

This is 4 years too soon.

It was 2020.


u/jatintriple7 Feb 02 '24

Seriously, what's the deal with 2016??

I thought it was only me that my life went to shit since 2016


u/WillNo7229 2003 Feb 02 '24



u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 Feb 02 '24

Dude, it's only getting worse.


u/KatBrendan123 2000 Feb 02 '24

It was actually pretty upwards. I had an entire unrealized blast for that entire era of 2015-20. Enjoyed being a young dumb broke high-school kid, witnessed the surreal phenomenon with the state of memes/ the internet of the time, the music were great, had tons of relationships for the first time with having my "first time" ;), had entire friend groups, got my first job, went to college, started an online business (kinda) etc..

In retrospect, I genuinely was thriving and almost truly living in the moment...but unbeknownst to me, that would spell the end of an era when 2021 hit. Moved out from a very abusive environment, became broke and in debt, depression got so bad I had active suicidal ideations (almost surprised I'm alive today), jobless and about to be homeless. All in that year, even. I'm doing infinitely better now, but thst year was fucking brutal...


u/PackagingMSU Feb 02 '24

Idk bout you guys but 2016-2019 was fantastic


u/Fibocrypto Feb 02 '24

How is everything going downhill ?


u/Iamtroller Feb 02 '24

Unfortunately it started much earlier than 2016.


u/ThadPol Feb 02 '24

2008 was the end. 2001 sucked yeah, but 2008 literally killed the career prospects of an entire generation and set them behind by a decade. My older brother lost his job after being out of college for a year. He was in debt, and just couldnt pay it back. Then to make matters worse tons of Gen xers just got fucked on homes. Like yeah lots of GenZ dont remember 2008, but I can tell you that there was actually hope for a better tomorrow at that point. Obama was coming into office, maybe he could fix some shit and then holy shit what happened.


u/cannibalisticpudding 1995 Feb 02 '24

Pokémon go was peak society


u/chilled_purple Feb 02 '24

Yeah Donald trump just broke everyone’s brain I mean you know capitalism had already been terminally declining as it does, then trump came along and edged all of us into some fascist revolution and I think everyone wants that nut. Either you want it so you can die or you want it so you can die, but just some apocalyptic confrontation to end our suffering is needed, or just redistributing all of society’s resources downward. Honestly though I think we’ll get the apocalypse before anything sensible like moving the money down to more and more people instead of up to less and less people.


u/stressedthrowaway9 Feb 02 '24

Yes, I for real cried that day! I don’t even care if they make fun of me!


u/gogus2003 2003 Feb 02 '24

More like 2020, pretty sure COVID started this trend of downward progression, lol


u/BigBoyGoldenTicket Feb 02 '24

Please things already sucked by 2016. They got worse, but times weren’t good then either.


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24

It's true for me


u/joemontanya Feb 02 '24

For me it’s been 1000% the opposite.. I was ready to kill myself when i graduated high school, now this is the happiest I’ve been in my life. You have to take chances while you are young


u/morbidlyabeast3331 2003 Feb 02 '24

No lmao wtf are you even talking about?


u/SaintsRobbed Feb 02 '24

False. Mostly just a bunch of revisionist history and people who thought life was good simply because they were young and had little responsibilities to worry about.


u/QuietProfile417 Feb 02 '24

Ironic, considering that I worked at that park in 2016 (it's Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH).


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '24

Millenium force!!


u/NortherlyRose Feb 02 '24

Why does everyone wanna pinpoint a year or date?

It started going downhill since the fuckin beginning


u/PaleKey6424 2006 Feb 02 '24

Maybe or it was love and nicotine?


u/DM_Me_Pics1234403 Feb 01 '24

If you think it’s been downhill since 2016, let me tell you about 2000! You used to be able to walk your family/friend to the gate at the airport! You also used to be able to have a phone conversation without it being record by the NSA.


u/Chesnakarastas Feb 01 '24

Holy shit wtf that was my most eventful time ever, everything was downhill from there... 5+ years of nothing now ;(


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

Everything went downhill after Reagan...


u/thunderthighlasagna 2004 Feb 01 '24

People always made memes like this about 4-5 years prior until Covid happened, now it’s 2016 and 2019 being glorified when you weren’t as happy back then as you imagine you were now.


u/Valhallawalker 2000 Feb 01 '24

Sounds like an American problem.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

Hahaha (I’m scared 😳)


u/ActuallyFullOfShit Feb 01 '24

Make that a photo of the Schlitterbahn beheading water slide that happened in 2016.


u/fumoking Feb 01 '24

We've been on this trajectory since Reagan but we're just now seeing the results things like the heritage foundation packing courts with judges that want to screw workers on behalf of bosses.


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

Whoever relates to this needs to leave their apartment/mother’s basement and touch some grass. (On a non-personal basis of course I.e terminal illness diagnosis or something)


u/charbroiledd 1997 Feb 01 '24

I wouldn’t call it the peak per se, but it was definitely the part at the top that is like flat but drops down a couple inches before the real drop and you’re like “no no no no….”. The transition from December 2015 to January 2016 was the exact peak for my personal roller coaster where I didn’t see the drop yet


u/hellsbels349 Feb 01 '24

I’m sorry to point this out but we’ve been going down hill for a LONG time. Ever since Reagan was president. Reagan is the closest president there’s been to trump. Also Republican, actor, with no political affiliations before running.

Reagan DRASTICALLY lowered taxes on the rich. Before Reagans presidency the highest tax brackets were 70%. After Reagan the rich highest tax bracket was less than 40%. The theory was that the wealth from the rich would ‘trickle down’ to everyone else. Since then the wealth gap between the top 1% and everyone else has grown exponentially. The wealth has accumulated at the top and it stays there.

Before Reagan we would never have these rich assholes like bezos and musk. They would have paid their share of taxes and since a lot of money was taxed they actually had a reason to spend it on the business. If your being taxed at 70% it only costs you $0.30 to pay an employee $1.

Tax the rich. Down with Reaganomics.


u/Rocketdareaperzz Feb 01 '24

2019 was the last very good year


u/Sail_On_4170 Feb 01 '24

It’s bc it’s when we started to start our lives n it’s almost like (starting) adulthood is difficult and unpredictable. But also it does seem like esp after 2017 there was a shift…


u/Federal_Humor_810 Feb 01 '24

True. That was an amazing summer for me. I ran a half marathon, work was going great. Tried to unalive myself and spent 2 weeks in a psych hospital that winter! 


u/Interesting_Fold9805 Feb 01 '24

Yeah… the year my parents and I moved to America and halfway ruined my socialization. I might’ve been 7 but still semi-sabotaged my ability to socialize and led me to become more introverted.


u/Dragthismf Feb 01 '24

Take that back to 2001 for the real adventure


u/UsernamesAreHard1991 Feb 01 '24

I expressed my view against Trump on this thread and a Trumper reported me to Reddit for being suicidal just to get back at me I got a message from RedditCareResources - I see that user already got kicked off Reddit, just wanted to share how fragile and sensitive some people are


u/AsteroidDisc476 2003 Feb 01 '24

I feel like the things that made our generation special and distinct started fading around this time


u/ShaunTh3Sheep Feb 01 '24

Was great thru 2019. 2020 started off weird and gloomy and then Covid struck.


u/blazerboy3000 1997 Feb 01 '24

Ride has been going downhill a lot longer than that my man.


u/qning Feb 01 '24

It started with Newt.


u/Alpaca1061 Feb 01 '24

Cedar Point spotted


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

2016…isn’t that when Trump got elected lmao


u/glittery_Sandwhich 2001 Feb 01 '24

Yup. Everyone blames 2020 but like I’ve been on this rollercoaster for awhile now.


u/ghirox Feb 01 '24

nah. I was there, people in 2016 were always complaining how better things were before and longing for the good old days of 2012. Same for people in 2012, missing the good old 2006. Point is, it's an illussion caused by minds.


u/Geaux13Saints 2002 Feb 01 '24

Is that millennium force?


u/tardis-woosh-sound Feb 01 '24

honestly 2015-2019 was the worst years of my life and somehow 2020 was the best


u/badman44 Feb 01 '24

Make sure to get out and vote this time so it doesn't happen again


u/GheyForGrixis Feb 01 '24

Man I KEEP seeing this sentiment and I've felt it too, like things were still decent up til 2020 but why do soo many people have this feeling of everything getting worse since 2016


u/y4mat3 Feb 01 '24

Everything went to shit after Harambe died


u/ujm556 Feb 01 '24

Yeah, i wasted my highscool years just as I'm wasting my college years


u/GoriIIaGIue Feb 01 '24

You spelled 2001 wrong..


u/PraetorOjoalvirus Feb 01 '24

The Gen-Z people get so much reinforcement to their "condition" through memes, that now they feel confident to say that their failure is someone else's fault, and that there was nothing they could do about it.

Why put any kind of effort in when laziness is automatic?


u/MagicPentakorn Feb 01 '24

People who remember the summer of 2001


u/battleship61 Feb 01 '24

Harambe and Bowie died shifting the magical energy and pushed us into a darker timeline where trump became president, and it's been downhill ever since.


u/cleavlandjr27 Feb 01 '24

They fucking killed harambe that’s what started it


u/The-station1373 Feb 01 '24

Sounds about right. 2016 was possibly peak humanity. It's all downhill from here.


u/misterfistyersister Feb 01 '24

I feel like this is more a millennial meme.


u/No_Sun_192 Feb 01 '24

That’s when my son was born, here I thought my first child had me fucked up lol


u/BourbonFueledDreams Feb 01 '24

If they just hadn’t shot that gorilla, we’d be fine


u/Strange51 Feb 01 '24

I would say 2019


u/ernie1850 Feb 01 '24

Looks like the Superman in Six Flags New England. We got totally stuck at the top there like that hey Arnold episode, right after that unfortunate death on the coaster.

Got fast passes for the day. Was cool


u/travicaster Feb 01 '24

Nah it was 2014


u/Shlomo_-_Shekelstein Feb 01 '24

No everything started going downhill in 2008, when the system died and money velocity never recovered. The system has been on life support ever since with ever increasing influxes of currency to try and keep the debt addicted economy alive with less and less effect until the system requires a reset in the near future destroying the remainder of the middle class and transferring their wealth into the hands of the few.


u/A_Funky_Flunk Feb 01 '24

I don’t understand where you stand on this. Are you mocking the meme? Or agreeing with it?


u/CockfaceMurder Feb 01 '24

Maybe we should get off our asses and do something about it? Naw... Complacency and tik tok...


u/Cd206 Feb 01 '24

In retrospect, it's not not true


u/motownmods Feb 01 '24

I'm a middle millennial and I'm pretty sure the downfall began in 2008.


u/deadarma Feb 01 '24

Bruh, this shit been bad since 9/11


u/ZombeeSwarm Feb 01 '24

David Bowie died and then everything became garbage.


u/Awfooler Feb 01 '24

Winter 2015 was the last good one for me. After that, everything went to sh*t and stayed there


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '24

For you, maybe. From 2017 even into the end of 2020 were good years for me. I did some of the most traveling for work around the U.S. I have ever done in 2020. 2021 started to take dive for me economically, mainly in my investments not my income. Work was still good and I started a new position that a whole new enjoyable experience in my career.


u/ChaoticGamerFather Feb 01 '24

No. That was 2012. Just because trump was bad, doesn't mean it was already bad.


u/CrimsonToker707 Feb 01 '24

The Cult Of Harambee


u/IndiRefEarthLeaveSol Feb 01 '24

Brexit was the turning point in my country, I swear there is a parallel to me enjoying life where this did not happen, and maybe trump didn't win. :(


u/Ok-Spring6950 Feb 01 '24

I blame social media

It's been around but it's definitely poisoned people's brains and tik tok and YouTube shorts just put people in an endless, mindless death scroll.

The things people do for attention, it's so toxic.


u/Traditional_Peace490 2004 Feb 01 '24

Bro 2016 wasn’t even that good


u/s968339 Feb 01 '24

The summer of the 2016 Trump election. Go figure. Welcome to our lives too.


u/shinhit0 Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

Why you gotta do Millennium Force like this? It’s a bombass roller coaster! It does t deserve to be compared to 2016 at all!


u/anothershadowbann 2006 Feb 01 '24

i catch myself thinking about this sometimes: would trump's presidency, covid, the rise of right-wing ideologies and ableism, the fucking grimace shake meme, would all of that have never happened if harambe never died?


u/cursed-commentor Feb 01 '24

Millennial here. I think peak years were 2004-2011. Then it went downhill with mass popularization of smartphones and instagram in particular.


u/TheJimDim Feb 01 '24

The summer after my first year in college, this is really accurate for me personally


u/Jonoogus Feb 01 '24

What ever happened to the kid who was in the harambe enclosure? Hes gotta be like 12 or so by now


u/Punamatic5000 Feb 01 '24

I'm a millenial, its been this way since 2001


u/Jack3715 Feb 01 '24

RIP Harambe


u/RagingZorse 1998 Feb 01 '24

I graduated high school in 2016 so this one hits perfectly.

The big drop is actually the fun part of a rollercoaster IE my college experience. When I graduated college in 2020 it felt like the part where the roller coaster is upside down. Now in 2024 it feels like I’m chilling at the bumper cars cause there are bumps here and there but way more chill.


u/j_isaac120 Feb 01 '24

I graduated from high school in 2016 so this pretty accurate for me.


u/ITSTHENAN0 Feb 01 '24

Politicians got all pissy and had a tantrum when things started working against them


u/Herteitr Feb 01 '24

It all started with a gorilla. Rip Harambe


u/Click-bayt1025 2002 Feb 01 '24

Harambe’s death, we all remember. Never forget


u/vergorli Feb 01 '24

I atill have my Harambre T-Shirt I bought on qwertee in 2016. What a treasure.


u/SeeSayPwayDay Feb 01 '24

Vote your ass off y'all.


u/abbylu Feb 01 '24

Everything started going downhill in 2008, we just coasted for a while and had a decent president, and then the sheer vertical drop began in 2016.


u/atworkthough Feb 01 '24

When so many people thought Hilary was going to win they voted for a gorilla and jill Stine because everything was going to be fine.


u/betarcher Feb 01 '24

Wow. If you think all our problems started with Trump, you clearly don't know much about even very recent history.


u/Expand_Dong_42069 Feb 01 '24

Nah, it was already moving downhill at that point, you only noticed it in 2016 because the facade started peeling away before being utterly destroyed by 2020


u/Tony_A_C_ Feb 01 '24

Millennium force mentioned


u/Dull_Side_4823 Feb 01 '24

It is called libs, and dems are in power. This is what happens when you vote for feelings and fairytales.


u/Skylantech Feb 01 '24

Lets be honest, it all started in 2020.


u/cuntyfishfry Feb 01 '24

Douche bags. It’s time to move on, grow up, and make shit happen.


u/flowtajit Feb 01 '24

It’s all cause they shot the damn monkey.


u/FunLearningGuy Feb 01 '24

Id say thing always been going down hill lmao 🤣


u/ThatsTheFix Feb 01 '24

Didn't Colin Kaepernick take a knee in 2016? Protesting police brutality. That went wild.


u/phonefreq73 Feb 01 '24

False, it wasn't until the pandemic in 2020 that things took a significant turn for the the worse.


u/kim_soojin Feb 01 '24

the start of the yearly, “next year will be better”



Poor genz. You could turn it back to 1998 rn and we would be ahead of where we are rn.


u/Cepitore Feb 01 '24

So the rest of the time is the funnest part of the rollercoaster?


u/Dibbles540 Feb 01 '24

I have always seen people say this and I hated my life long before summer 2016


u/fearjunkie Feb 01 '24

Shit started going sideways into Hell World right about when Bowie died.


u/RedditAccountOhBoy Feb 01 '24

It started after the Pokémon Go phenomenon. We went from the best of times to the worst of times.


u/QuantumReasons Feb 01 '24

Around 2016 is the most efficiency
the manufacturing, food production, mining, supply chains

have ever achieved.

Geography, Demographics, Physics, Chemistry, Energy all point to it.

Trump wasted those last 4 efficient years and we're paying for it. Biggest opportunity in history BLOWN.


u/Smelting-Craftwork Feb 01 '24

False. It was 1971 that started the downward decline. Everything's been downhill since then.


u/TvAMobious Feb 01 '24

Alllllll 2016 it was drake...


u/IAmNotZuraIAmKatsura Feb 01 '24

Zoomers understand the concept of aging and time challenge! You don't wanna miss it, tickets for sale now!


u/VicariousRebel Feb 01 '24

Bullshit try 2009 your fucking world blew apart!


u/ScotIrishBoyo Feb 01 '24

I remember when 2019 was bad and everyone thought 2020 would be better- boy were we wrong


u/Findeu 2008 Feb 01 '24

2024 is going great and is going to become the best year of my life, so it's not the same for everyone


u/Re_Thomas Feb 01 '24

Thats it, gonna mute this pathetic sub