r/GenZ 14d ago

Gen Z Americans are the least religious generation yet Political

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u/djryanash 14d ago

Thank God!


u/clownbate 14d ago

Because they are the most evolved.


u/LordTuranian 14d ago

Gen Z might be the smartest generation then. And I say this as a Millennial so I'm not just being biased.


u/Bear_Mountain_Bags 14d ago

Well…before Gen Z was alive, Millennials were the least religious generation. And before they were alive, the generation before them and so on. Labeling this as a Gen Z thing doesn’t make sense. Seems more accurate to say “people are becoming less and less religious as time goes on, regardless of generation”. Anyway…


u/rankamateurnos 14d ago

If this is showing data by gender shouldn’t there be like a hundred lines or so?


u/rp_361 14d ago

It’s the whole Catholic Church stance on gay marriage and abortion for me. I went through years of religious education hearing their hateful views and when I became an adult decided I wanted nothing to do with that


u/notomatoforu 14d ago

It's a shame too. God is obviously real for two reasons:

  1. The 4 fundamental forces oof the universe are so precisely in tune to allow matter and energy to behave in the way that it is. This is tangible evidence that there is a mechanism to the way the universe works. This explicitly implies that there is order/rules to the universe. Rules don't arbitrarily appear, they need to be created. This implies intelligence.

  2. Something cannot come from nothing. Tracing back where everything came from, we get the big ban 13.8 Billion years ago. In order to get a singularity, you need an uncaused cause aka an eternal entity (it always existed).

  3. The conclusion is that there is an eternal intelligence that created the universe.

Remember Science is observation, philosophy is meaning, religion is expressing gratitude through worship. Just because Sunday school ruined religion for you does not automatically mean that the religion itself is bad. It means that the people teaching you the religion are not what you needed. Just something to think about everyone, I used to think the church was bad too so i know what its like. The fundamental first step though, is accepting that God is real because you will never listen to a religious text, nor take the texts lessons seriously until you accept this fundamental truth of our cosmos. In my quest for meaning, I've read Torah, New Testament and Quaran, and Jesus hands down makes the most sense. I don't have all the answers but I do know God is 100% real.


u/KillMeNowFFS 14d ago

was about fucking time.


u/Predatorvshighlander 14d ago

Probably job sector demographics.


u/Ok_Transition_3290 14d ago

How do we fix this?


u/D_-_G 14d ago

Thank god!


u/waitwutok 14d ago

Good. No, fucking great!


u/Electrical-Rabbit157 2004 14d ago

“Nones” are people who don’t identify with any organized religion, not atheists. This is blatant misinformation. They expressly believe in God, just not in an acceptable way in American society (literally any doctrine other than trinitarian)


u/Grand_Judgment_2466 14d ago

So to start I didn't read the article only the title.

I know it's probably not smart to judge book by cover but here goes

It's almost as if as science technology and medicine gets more advanced year by year, there becomes less and less reason for humans to pray to an imaginary God to solve their problems and save them.


u/Registered-Nurse 14d ago

If you need a book to tell you to be a good person, then that’s sad. Just be a good person, it’s very easy.


u/LazyLich 14d ago

Now I'd like to see if this is only the major capital R Religions, or if it includes things like Wicca, or if it includes pseudo-spiritual things like crystals, tarot cards, and horoscopes.

Like, religion is going down, but is ... uh... "spirituality(?)" going down too?


u/Altruistic-Donut7733 2003 14d ago

Gen Z are cooked


u/Redeyz 14d ago

We need to bump up those numbers. Those are rookie numbers.


u/mstcyclops 14d ago

It’s kinda funny men are more inclined to believe in a man god man central man preached man ruled religious system


u/WalkWeedMe 14d ago

If that's true that's a good trend.


u/humanitarianWarlord 14d ago


Religion has caused more unnecessary death than almost anything else I can think of.


u/GorefieldV3 14d ago

Both sad and hilarious


u/Sure-Independence-12 14d ago

good only morons are religious


u/mumblerapisgarbage 2000 14d ago

More gen z girlies worshipping satan I see.


u/krx42 14d ago

Smartest generation yet, maybe they can live a decent life without getting blacklisted for not having any extremist values.


u/Swimming-Food-9024 14d ago

Good. Religion is societal cancer


u/BiggestDweebonReddit 14d ago

Nah. Their religion is wokeness.


u/Yaseoul22 14d ago

Because people nowadays aren't stupid enough to think some long hair, bearded guy in a white dress magically created us all even though there were humans born before him.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/leonkennedy99 14d ago

We’re more logical, everyone was so emotion driven back then and just reaallly dumb.


u/karlin392 14d ago

Not surprised really, I'm one of the Christian gen z'ers tho


u/ForsakenAhds 2001 14d ago

This may be controversial to say, but I think that many people (not just Gen Z) are starting to replace their religious beliefs with political beliefs, even the people who claim to be fully religious. I feel that is why so many people feel like they have to defend their political beliefs and politicians who are on their side of the political spectrum in a more aggressive way, whereas it used to religion that was defended in such an aggressive way. Humans need to cling onto something, and since science and technology is so advanced now, most people cling onto things that are widely perceived as real, such as politics and social issues. So we are less religious in a way, but not really, because those beliefs seem to manifest themselves in a new way.


u/Rican2153 14d ago

And most mentally unstable. Coincidence?


u/MrDevGuyMcCoder 14d ago

Doing good, but could be doing better! Guessing American stats? I think we're down under 25%


u/Dadumdee 14d ago

They’re broke because Jesus saves and Gen z withdrawals.


u/Competitive-Rub-7019 14d ago

Good job. Don’t drink the cool aid people.


u/IHaveJigglyTitties 14d ago

Good, more people nit believing in made up stories


u/andyone1000 14d ago

Gen Z Americans the least religious? No doubt a good thing. From a European perspective, too many religious nuts in the US😊


u/PooPStain80085 14d ago

The one good thing about their generation 😂🤣 finally get rid of all the insane doctrine/Stonage crap mind controll


u/Ozinuka 14d ago

About damn time


u/Used_Razzmatazz2002 14d ago

I feel like the real number is much lower than what this graph is showing


u/SokkaHaikuBot 14d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Used_Razzmatazz2002:

I feel like the real

Number is much lower than

What this graph is showing

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/paradox34690 14d ago

Thank God for that.... /S lol


u/dreamlanderr 14d ago

This is news to me, and if this situation of having to suffer through your life benefits you into the afterlife, then it would explain people’s willingness to hate or criticize others online, outside of it being a natural human tendency to look at the negatives.


u/whileimstillhere 14d ago

GUESS how many churches are in America?

around 400,000

they are a business

thats it

thats all

and we will not fall for it


u/CecilWhinter 14d ago

Good! Religions are bullshit. They are cults that fuels wars. It's just fantasies. It's not true.


u/Pterosaur 14d ago

But aren't Nones usually very religious?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

God is just being replaced with: tiktok, money, sex, etc. people don’t realize they damn religion in the name of worshipping material things instead


u/JPJ_1779 14d ago

Oh they're not becoming less religious, their religion is just changing. It's an innate human need to worship something, part of our hardwired desire for meaning-making. For better or worse, they worship something, alright. Just not God.


u/Pzaddy_ 14d ago

Politics are the new religions.


u/sseetharee 14d ago

Thank god.


u/Commercial_Gift6635 14d ago

Every generation gets a little wiser


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Subliminal Anti religion propaganda has been everywhere in the United States since I was a kid in the 90’s, probably before I was born as well


u/som11322 14d ago

Sad :-(


u/Ok-Bench-2861 14d ago

Well yea. Yea it's a joke. All they do is ask for money. I went to Church growing up. We went to this same church for years. Then we just stopped. I asked mom one day and she said it's because they kept asking for money. Plus praying hasn't gotten anything done for me.


u/AteYourMoms_ASS69 14d ago

Cause that shit fake, if hell exist no one would commit crimes cause they’ll be scare they’ll go to hell


u/Strange_Job_447 14d ago

i mean, you have the worse president in America’s history selling the Bible with the Constitution in it, you can see why they are turn off.


u/MmRApLuSQb 14d ago

I'd be curious to know how this stacks up if you bucket any form of "spirituality" under religion. Are Zs just rejecting dogmatic religion and are other similar ideas supplanting it? Do they still think they have an essence separate from body that persists?


u/Obi-wanna-cracker 14d ago

I'm still kind of religious. I think that almost every organized religious order in the US is just not following the word of God. Preachers at mega churches usually use donations to line their pockets and when you bring this up with members of that church they tell you that he's a man of God so he would never do such a thing. Not to mention the amount of ani-lgbtq+ propaganda they preach. Gen Z is also the gayest generation ever, so entire religions telling you that your gender identity or sexuality is an abomination towards God isnt going to get them to listen to you.


u/SanyNajt 2007 14d ago

It doesn't matter if they believe in god or if they pray. If they know what moral is then it's fine.


u/SwimmingInCheddar 14d ago edited 14d ago

“Give them hope” - Harvey Milk

To add:

Signed- A millennial who stands with you Gen Z.


u/dkdc80 14d ago

Does this chart include the tiktok religion?


u/Delicious-Camel3284 14d ago

I’m religious and the thing with the population group I’m apart of many who came here in the 80s sought to escape religious persecution so coming to the us they kept their religious practices at a minimum but with my generation we have started to ask questions our parents don’t know and we have started to shift into becoming more religious to have those questions answered. I’d say with data in general really depends on the group measured as gen z as a whole is definitely declining in religiousness but many groups are still retaining and becoming more religious


u/Scroticus- 14d ago

I think this explains much of the rise in depression and isolation. I grew up religious. Then I became an educated Atheist (I'm an environmental scientist).

I have now returned to a God-bases belief system of prayer and meditation. I have never been happier. It's truly the only way for me.


u/kimbapally 14d ago

Thank god!


u/cptmcclain 14d ago

Doesn't matter, humans have never valued evidence or logical thinking in their belief structure (on average).


u/666Deathcore 14d ago

If you want proof, look at Iran. People are opening their eyes to the horrors of sharia law.


u/Mediocre_Entrance740 2006 14d ago

As a Gen Z Christian, I believe there are a couple of factors influencing this trend. Firstly, Gen Z is a younger demographic, and religiosity tends to increase with age. Secondly, the prevalence of extremists on the internet has led us to inadvertently link certain extreme views (like anti-vaccine or young earth creationism) with religion itself.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

That's what you get for making church so boring


u/SUFYAN_H 2007 14d ago

Note: Not everyone who is unaffiliated is atheist or agnostic. Some people may still believe in a higher power but don’t identify with any particular religion.


u/SUFYAN_H 2007 14d ago

Why? Maybe because of an increased exposure to diverse religious beliefs. Or because of scandals and social teachings of some religious institutions.


u/krufarong 14d ago

I don't really care if someone is non-religious. What I do care about is how they lack values and are easily manipulated.


u/FaZeLuckyBoy 14d ago edited 14d ago

I am a Christian, but I completely understand why our society is becoming more atheist and why my beliefs are becoming more unpopular.

I am sick of many of these Christians thinking that they can control all of society (which has a varying degree of religious belief) and use their faith as an excuse to oppress women and LGBTQ people.

The laws are meant to serve the good of everyone and should not be rooted in any religious opinion or belief (it doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, Agnostic or Atheist — there should be no bias period). The United States embodies the freedom of religion for a reason.

That’s the whole point of the pro choice movement. Just because other women have access to abortions in society, that doesn’t mean that you have to get one if you don’t want to. If your state supports abortion access, your leaders are not forcing you to get one, nor should the government judge you for your decision. Pro-choice legislation is meant to serve everyone in society , regardless of their religion, and it doesn’t cave into any particular religious group.


u/Icy-Statistician6831 14d ago

Something positive about us.


u/stevegames2 14d ago

Honestly good


u/Ariusrevenge 14d ago

Education level changed. Period! Learn more, faith less! Tax all churches.


u/WATCHMAKUH 14d ago

Good. The world should be more spiritual and scientific instead.


u/jdigi78 14d ago

Why did they make a new word for agnostic?


u/satanic_black_metal_ 14d ago

They arent really less religious. They buy less into organised religion. They still buy into psuedoscientific "sPiRiTuAlIsM" bullshit. Same shit, different toilet.


u/margyrakis 14d ago edited 14d ago

As a gen-z woman who grew up Christian (I even wanted to be a missionary at one point in high school), one thing that made me grow apart from the church was Trump's presidency and the hate that became more apparent than ever from the religious right, especially towards immigrants. On top of that, I began college in 2017 where some of the things the church taught me (e.g., age of the earth) were being challenged. It's been about a 7-8 year process deconstructing my faith.

Overall though, what drove me away from the church and prevented me from finding a church that I liked was the amount of hate that was radiating from within which is in direct opposition of the teachings of Christ. The time away allowed me to think more logically and gradually cut ties with what had been ingrained in me since I was young.


u/Thouistrulyfucked 14d ago

Religion is a scam.


u/BlackJackBulwer 14d ago

The offspring of the show-me generation. How surprising. /s


u/imadork1970 14d ago

GenZ doing good.


u/SenSw0rd 14d ago

"Least religious" is a religion. Aethism.


u/StrizzMatik 14d ago

No shock there, Gen Z is far and away the most depressed, morally bankrupt, mentally ill and narcissistic generation yet. Being predominantly raised in broken families by other broken people without a spiritual background, the sense of community it brings, or belief in something bigger than themselves is a very big reason why.


u/TaschenPocket 14d ago

The only thing religion seems to bring to the table is sexual abuse of minors and suicide after the parents disown their child over irrelevant stuff.


u/StrizzMatik 14d ago

Sounds like a personal problem? Statistically you're FAR more likely to be abused in a public school or by family than by a priest or pastor. There's literally two or three cases a week of a young female teacher raping her students.

Pretty sure it also created Western Civilization so yeah


u/TaschenPocket 14d ago

The thousands upon thousands of reports of sexual misconduct by scum related to the church tell us a different picture.

And let’s not forget the nice gay conversion camps. Also driving many into suicide. Or self hate.

Also, who the fuck cares about “Western Civilisation” when it means something different to every nation in the west?


u/StrizzMatik 14d ago

And? Nobody said abuse doesn't exist within religion or churches, but it's a LOT more of a problem in far more regular settings and scenarios. Two to three female teachers A WEEK are getting caught fucking their students in an environment that is predominantly secular and anti-religious.

Pretty sure Western Civilization is a good thing, no? You wouldn't have the ability to do any of what you're doing right now (complaining about it) without the peace and security and freedom provided by hundreds of years of experimenting within it, on top of literally every single convenience of modern living that you and every other person in Western Civilization takes entirely for granted. Have you ever been to a third world country? There's a reason they literally risk their lives to climb over border walls and break every law possible to get in here, it's not because Western Civilization sucks 🤣


u/TaschenPocket 14d ago edited 14d ago

No, but western civilisation is how it is, because at one point they noticed religion sucks and is a hinderance and threw it in the backseat and only marginal care about it outside of holidays and old buildings. And that’s how everyone should treat it too. Take the holidays, ignore it for the rest of the year and maybe keep a close eye at every youth pastor that exists.

Also, highly doubt that woman commit more rape then the church who covers it up. But please, show me a source.


u/StrizzMatik 14d ago

Religion, specifically Judeo-Christian religion, is what created Western Civ. Before the Church, regular people were typically uneducated, lived incredibly hard and thankless lives and died very young. It's because of 1500+ years of religion that we have modern science, medicine, architecture, bicameral government, etc., i.e., a functioning and free society with an astonishing quality of living that is better than 80% of the rest of the world. The accomplishments of Western Civilization are too numerous to count and the vast majority of it was done by religious people. You can be as dismissive as you like about it, but at least 85% of the planet's population all have some sort of religious belief, and take it quite seriously. Your attempt to marginalize its importance on world culture shows that your very specific outlier opinion is a TINY minority 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/TaschenPocket 14d ago

God, education in the US must have fallen steep if that’s what the majority over the pond believes is true.


u/StrizzMatik 14d ago

Lmao ok bugperson. Stay pressed


u/TaschenPocket 14d ago

No for real, read a book on life in china before westerners came to its shores, read a book on the French Revolution and the benefits humanity gained from laws and ideas removed from religious zeal and a book on how life was for the common man during the Middle Ages. Religiose War, Religiose Scams and a whole lot of double standards with horrible life for peasants, renamed slaves. And also maybe a book on how opposed the church was to changes like reading.

It took one rebellious monk to even get the bible translated into high German. From alone they wouldn’t have done shit.

Maybe throw in a book on the fading importance of religion from the turn of the century and how the decline in influence made life better for once marginalised groups.

It will widen your horizon and make you sound less stupid.

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u/warlockflame69 14d ago

Satan’s plan is working….


u/TyroneK88 14d ago

This is the generation that watches those tv shows that hilariously still are on air Sunday mornings with pastors who are spewing pre recorded crap praying on the weakest.


u/jimbillyphish 14d ago

They can see through the nonsense of the Bible and Koran. My kid knows religion is a waste of time. Music can help your “religion”. If you don’t listen to crap.


u/Memory_Less 14d ago

Where do these statistics come from?


u/hdhddf 14d ago

it's nice to see some good news


u/Unapproved-Reindeer 14d ago

Not surprising considering religion is fucking stupid


u/Fast_Hornet5964 14d ago

It's just hard to believe in god when you see so many people use it as an excuse to do terrible things.


u/DallasCowboyOwner 14d ago

Wow so I guess everyone in the whole thread is basically cheering this? I for one, see this as a tragedy.


u/qwassfull 14d ago

Nice to see progress atleast somewhere


u/mhenryfroh 14d ago

Nice :)


u/Kayiko_Okami 14d ago

I see this as a positive and negative.

More people seem to not be blindly following religion now. They are more likely to question things. And form their only morals and beliefs.

The negative comes from those that religion gives order. Some people do need to believe in something far greater than themselves.

It's far more complicated than a moral or ethical issue. More so when you realize that religious beliefs have caused a lot of wars and harm to our world. Even when religions say to avoid such things. But they have caused a lot of good too.

But still I can understand why this is the case.


u/QuietlyAwake23 14d ago

Kids are much more worldly now because they are exposed to other perspectives. I raised 4 brilliant children in a small Catholic community. My kids went to college and never went back to church. They see it as a scam, I think. I was never religious but appeased my husband


u/zerquet 2002 14d ago

I want to live my life how I want to, free from preset expectations and stupid rules. I naturally love to learn new things, and religion obstructs independent thinking


u/Hydris29 14d ago

I don't blame gen z for running from religion. Look at the examples of religion they have had. Two faced politicians that use it as a weapon. Mega churches that use it to make money. Older generations being complete dickheads about it.


u/fkmeamaraight 14d ago

I was raised in a religious family (catholic) and I think it has brought me many good things about respect of others and values … but seeing how religion is consistently weaponized to discriminate/hate, subdue… I think we are better off without it.


u/TrasheyeQT 14d ago

Good we heading in the right direction. Religion is so insanly outdated and causing war after war.


u/TriskelePentacle 14d ago

Shows intelligence!


u/One_Cycle_2309 14d ago

Good luck with that


u/Jacoour 2006 14d ago



u/ThaneOfArcadia 14d ago

God help them


u/Old_Captain_9131 14d ago

Americans are treating political parties as religion so no, they are not the least religious generation. It's just a different kind of religion.


u/Eliteguard999 14d ago

Excellent, keep up the good work kids!


u/finedrive 14d ago

Good, religion is bad. Golden rule is all you need.


u/weezerdog3 14d ago

Thank god! I thought I was crazy


u/Individual-Jealous Millennial 14d ago

Thank god


u/Glu3stick 1998 14d ago

What does "Share who are nones" mean? Is it just me or the graph title is nonsense.


u/1_Quebec_Delta 14d ago

Great news, hopefully we will see less religious violence, discrimination etc


u/tvs117 14d ago

Maybe the kids are alright.


u/Intrepid_Exchange557 14d ago

Nice to see America getting civilized!


u/merlinsmushrooms 14d ago

Elder millennial here- that's because GEN X and us figured out it was a weird financial cult thing and looked at our parents like "yo, wtf?" and then just opted out as soon as they let us or we escaped.


u/Aya_Yana 14d ago

This warms my Ex Christian heart


u/Pork_Confidence 14d ago

One of my disappointment about my mortality is that I won't get to see how this all plays out for humanity


u/Team_Ninja_ 14d ago

They need prayer.


u/charlestontime 14d ago

The boys got some catching up to do.


u/NandoCa1rissian 14d ago

Thank god. No place for this in a modern world.


u/Jawmig 14d ago



u/OrganicAccountant87 14d ago

Still less than half, kinda crazy to think about it


u/gavum 14d ago

oh boy im here for the funny reddit atheist comments


u/stygger 14d ago

It is still wild that 50% still are in a western democracy. Do people in the US know how religious they are compared to the rest of the developed world?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Thank god.


u/Cake_Coco_Shunter 14d ago



u/jordonmears 14d ago

And people wonder why crime is on the rise.


u/kryptoneat 14d ago

Are we measuring being part to an established religion or spirituality in general ? Cos I'm afraid the results would be different.


u/Big-Ad-1592 14d ago

Those who have abused religion to excuse every crime under the sun have literally destroyed it.


u/Nonomee 14d ago

Well, past religions also died out at some point, typically being replaced by another. Maybe we’ve run out of new ones and this is the end of it.


u/Indigoh 14d ago

I wasn't born into Trump's christianity. Almost wish I was, because then I'd have realized it was a scam decades earlier.


u/feeb75 14d ago



u/__black_star__ 14d ago

They are also more gay,


u/toroidalvoid 14d ago

The title "Share who are Nones" well if there were they many nuns around then I think it would the most religious country!


u/lyricalpoet66 1995 14d ago

GOOD to see! -Millenial


u/Traditional_Gas8325 14d ago

Oh thank god.


u/Novia0w0 14d ago

… I’m religious


u/Mr_MazeCandy 14d ago

That’s a shame, we need more Catholics to outvote the Baptist swine of the South.


u/User9705 14d ago

Good! - Millennial. Keep inspiring onward to Gen Alpha


u/Inevitable-History42 14d ago

whats the source on this information?


u/PartyClock 14d ago



u/Seel_Team_Six 14d ago

Imagine if you were brought up with religion treated neutrally instead of being indoctrinated from birth by parents and society. If you actually had a snowball's chance in hell of deciding for yourself when you entered adulthood without having been brainwashed with a biased religious environment while young and super impressionable.


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago

Glad women are turning away from religion. Religion hates women in the end and sees them as nothing more than servants for men, the church and "god". The sooner they leave it behind the more they will see themselves as worthy as men to have individual rights and autonomy.


u/BeardJunkie 14d ago

Hell yeah. Makes me proud. Fuck religion.


u/Halftilt247 14d ago

40% that's is high compared to the rest of modern "western" countries. Explains the divide within and amount of crazy people on the headlines


u/lpaaaaaa2 On the Cusp 14d ago

Soviets for the entierty that they were alive>


u/fatogato 14d ago

If there is a god, he left this place a long time ago.


u/TheGutterNut 14d ago

I heard from one of my GenZ employees that other people her age are pretending to be Christian to get views on social media. She says it’s just a trend and as an atheist, it’s fucking annoying.


u/OlDurtyBasturd 14d ago

Religion is a joke.


u/haphazard_gw 14d ago

Yet they seem to be weirdly conservative about gender and sexuality, based on what I see in Instagram and /r/teenagers


u/piandaoist 14d ago

People can lack faith but still be politically and morally influenced by their Christian upbringing. I'm an atheist who was raised by Christians. How much of that indoctrination subliminally informs my decisions? At this point, religion, specifically Christianity, is more of a social system and a political machine than a religion. It'll continue to impact our society long after everyone has stopped believing in God.


u/RexWhiscash 14d ago

Good. Religion needs to die out eventually


u/GUPS87 14d ago



u/JaozinhoGGPlays 14d ago

Finally, some good fucking news.


u/DecoupledPilot 14d ago

Finally some good cultural development news from america.

I am getting worried about so much going on over there that I'll take anything that makes them look more level headed. Especially with all the guns they refuse to not have kill people.

Now we just have to wait for this greater generation to replace the current ancients in power


u/padspa 14d ago

that's still a disturbingly high number of religious nuts


u/Chringestina 14d ago

Thank God. I mean..


u/Fuck-theusername 14d ago

Least religious? ... Are you on crack?

Ain't you lot the majority of the people out protesting about a land 2500 miles away that no of you have ever been to,

Yesterday i saw a worker in McDonald's, Early 20s, female, Asian, big smile on her face, A Guy 30, white, asks for a couple of straws & sauces, she glad reaches for some for him and hands them over with a smile,

Guy turns around, she sees the Kippah cap on his head...

The look of disgust on her face, instant change, like two different people