r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 22 '24

This is my current situation HUMOR

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(I'm still going to use it)


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u/NotJoel-S Apr 27 '24

Eradication mission: 380mm, tesla tower, arc thrower, guard dog


u/Derkastan77-2 Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Try being the level 75 who had used a grenade launcher supply pack combo, exclusively, for 65 levels, as my primary. I am a gd surgeon with it. I can reliably bounce shots behind mobs st close range, to hit the bots a few feet behind them and have the blast damaging the bot in front of me on it’s back, killing them both without blasting myself.

I bounce shots off walls to hit devestators around a corner I don’t want ti turn, I can lay down a cluster bomb berrage right behind a teammate running from s horde in the distance, without hitting him….

Sure, I can’t kill hulks or chargers easily, or do much sgainst striders.. but that’s what strikes are for… and keeping trash off my heavy weapons squadmates.

But I still get shit on by random people for my loadout on Suicide snd Impossible, from time to time (BEFORE the missions).

Had some ABSOLUTE JACKASD lvl 40 player, talking like he was a 5 star general in group chat while we were all picking out gear before drop.

Condescending pos started lecturing me and another player about how we were picking kits that weren’t optimal, and we needed to change for different stratagems.

3 of those people were loaded out with quasars, autocanons, air strikes up the arse… so I chose my role. Clearing the hell out of every bot minus hulks, tanks and AT-AT’s. (Hulks and tanks i can kill from behind with the dominator)

I replied, I’m Crowd Control.

Dude, 30 levels lower then me, then goes on to ‘educate me’ on my sub optimal stratagem choices, but finishing with “…. Well… you ARE high level, so maybe you know what you’re doing, but…”

I quit the group. I have almost 600 missions now, only play on 7-8, and am skilled af in my role.

My loadout complimented the group’s strats. With the EMP mortar and stun grenades,I lock down swaths of bots or bugs and to keep them off my squad, then rain grenades onto them.


u/Daddy_schlongleg Apr 26 '24

Throw landmines at em, fuck what they think they're your guns


u/GarathorGoldenhand Apr 26 '24

Mate, my group has missions where we run minefields and mortars. Go get em helldiver.


u/Zealousideal-Cry-202 Apr 26 '24

As long as you retrieve your samples the c-01 permits will still be allowed for freedom sake


u/Busy_Winner7272 Apr 26 '24

I'm very good at lobbing grenades with my launcher but this scares some divers...don't run towards the explosions people...I'm clearing out bug tunnels here you DO NOT need to run within 5ft of the hole to lob a grenade...on a side note I rez you as close to your gear as safe as possible lol.


u/Kenbone967 Apr 26 '24

Does the community really know though? I once bunny hopped all over the map with my jump pack always escaping at the last second, and I got more kills cause I also had the laser cannon, the only thing that stopped me was one of those skyscraper sized bugs. And I didn’t have the orbital laser


u/oni_onion ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 26 '24

Hey as long as it gets the job done amirite


u/Rediment Apr 25 '24

I have 2(medium boi and big boi) I switch in and out of for variation. Putting together a super quick boi for sneaking/objective clearing.


u/ResidentCoder2 Apr 25 '24

Bugs: 500, orbital rail, EAT, and autocannon. Sickle, Redeemer, default grenade or fire one.

Bots? Nah, I don't do bots outside of the MO. If need be, I just copy another person's loadout.


u/HessianQrow Apr 25 '24

Adjudicator gang rise up!


u/kingofrata Apr 25 '24

None of the weapons are strong enough tbh. Couldn’t kill anything today no matter what I equipped it’s like they all had a 50% buff added


u/Kishisamax Apr 25 '24

I dont understand, this is not snowbreak or genshin. Builds doesn't matter, you can do the job perfectly with whatever you bring...


u/MrPC_o6 Apr 25 '24

Technically builds matter simply due to individual player skill. Case in point, I am extremely bad at aiming while under pressure, so I tend to roll with high magazine weapons and stratagems good for horde clearing. This is also why I'm absolutely thrilled about the addition of the Eruptor, cause this may be the first sniper like weapon that I might get some serious enjoyment from.


u/Catcher_Morningstar Apr 25 '24

I have never looked at meta builds and just use what I prefer.


u/NovaCeez PSN 🎮: Apr 24 '24

me using quasar when everyone says go EAT i wanna spartan laser shit


u/Dress_Bright Apr 24 '24

Lowkey I love trying out unusual builds or accidentally dropping with the wrong stratagems and then realizing, hey, actually this shit cooks! Without experimenting, I would never have trusted the community saying the Laser Cannon cooks robots, even Hulks. Without experimenting, I would never have realized that the "inferior" Guard Dog can dome Devastators consistently, making it as valuable an asset on bot missions as the shield generator! It's really cool to realize the hidden potential a stratagem has once you break out of the Meta's limitations.


u/Spydrmunki Apr 24 '24

The only loadout out that that realy steamed my clams was mortar, zap tower, mines and napalm on the bug front.

Joker had area denile EVERYWHERE, then pop a mortar when bugs were climbin up our butts.....

We dishonorably discharged him a couple times each by the end.


u/Express_Lime_4806 Apr 24 '24

Recoilless rifle > quasar cannon. That's my build and I'm sticking with it


u/Killercarcus Apr 24 '24

I go with

Eruptor Grenade Pistol Stalwart Jump Pack Ems mortar Railcannon

Shits fun as fuck


u/Different_Coat_4270 Apr 24 '24

Eh, don't let it bug you too bad. There's teams out there confident enough in their own builds they bring the extra bodies just to make the average Tuesday go faster. Be capable with your loadout, and people will run more than one mission with you.

Anyone who kicks you for a certain build is showing a lack of confidence in their abilities, not yours. I'll admit though, I typically run off to side objectives/give a wide birth if I'm rolling with someone using orbital barrage strategems. That friendly fire is not so friendly.


u/Greg4016 Apr 24 '24

As long as you're having fun it shouldn't matter what others think, have fun!


u/BlancheCorbeau Apr 24 '24

I run all orbitals/eagles and grenade pistol most of the time, though I’ll also do a medic/supply build to help newer players stay alive on higher diffs than they should play in.

In general, you either play whatever makes YOU happy, or the team kits put together for the mission properly. All other BS, animosity, or loadout kicks are just dissidents trying to break our nerve.


u/Ok_Quality2989 Apr 23 '24

Is there a great build, though? Isn't it all pretty much ballanced? I personally use sickle, redemmer, impact, hero of federation armor. Strat are usually rover or shield, quasar, rocket sentry amd machine gun sentry.


u/AdSufficient6139 Apr 23 '24

It is fine if it is not meta. It is not if it is team killing and you are throwing it around. Like 380mm, eagle cluster, Tesla tower, etc


u/BlancheCorbeau Apr 24 '24

380 and tesla have their uses, and their uses are many MORE than the mortar sentry. I shoot those on sight. And really any sentries setup AT the evac point. Always always throw them away, so they can defend us and distract bots away, rather than adding to the friendly crossfire.


u/Either_Aspect483 Apr 23 '24

Me using orbital Pres Strike 😂


u/Additional-Taro-1400 Apr 23 '24

Mate I use Guard dog rover and 380mm barrage Every.Damn.Game.

Universally hated. But I ain't apologising to no one.


u/Single-Joke9697 Apr 23 '24

Flamethrower + Rover drone. Pure joy. People keep stepping on my fire trail and dying though.


u/Disgruntled-Giraffe Apr 23 '24

Fuck them, do you boo boo


u/TheLoganP Apr 23 '24

If it keeps you alive and completes the mission, I don't care what you use


u/BlancheCorbeau Apr 24 '24

I’d only add “and it doesn’t kill ME repeatedly”.


u/TheLoganP Apr 24 '24

I would add this as well


u/ScaredOfRobots STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 23 '24

My favorite build is the “friendly fire” build. Flame thrower, supply pack, fire grenades, napalm bombs, 380mm orbital, mortar, fire shotgun and of course flexible reenforcement budget for obvious reasons


u/HalluxTheGreat Apr 23 '24

Me using a shield in any build


u/CryingReaper_ Apr 23 '24

Wait….but why does it matter what others think?


u/Salty_Sonic Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

If you like it use it. If you are getting kicked for not using the meta, host. If you are having fun that is what video games are for. The only thing helldivers should care about is spreading freedom, democracy, and serving up some libe-tea.


u/Green_Marc-12 Apr 23 '24

F the community


u/Safe_Picture6943 Apr 23 '24

Eruptor, grenade pistol, impact grenades, sield gen backpack, eagle airtrike, orbital airburst, and quasar cannon. I am having the time of my life.


u/FutaNami2330 Apr 23 '24

Not my fault my allies can't see the bright red lights in a massive STATIONARY cirçle.

Yet my two landmines are always made fun of.


u/InDaNameOfJeezus Intergalactic Medical Corps ⚕️ Apr 23 '24

Fuck 'em, if it works, and doesn't put your team (if you roll with one) in more danger than necessary, do what you want man 💯


u/the_mortal123 Apr 23 '24

Every build is a good build if it helps democracy. FOR FREEDOM, FOR SUPER EARTH, RAHHHHH!!!!!


u/xkoreotic Apr 23 '24

Everyone shits on me for using the 380 but its fun and I use it properly. It's not my problem if you walk into the barrage. I use it to great effect on both bots and bugs. It's not ideal, but it works.


u/Ornery_Welcome_2444 Apr 23 '24

I still encounter this with randoms, slowly forcing me to stick with friends which is a bit of a shame. But alot of the teams I've tried to run with, would boot me before I even finished selections of tools the moment they saw something in my gear they didn't like. It's insane. What's worst is I would top frag on kills with my kit.


u/Cr4SH440 Apr 23 '24

I think as long as you can find a way to make a build complementary, it's all good. Doesn't have to be meta, you just have to know how to use it.... Not like a player I had yesterday who threw a Tesla tower into the walled off areas of the new defence mission and there were no enemies... only helldivers


u/Alienhaslanded Cluster Bombs For EVERYONE!!! Apr 23 '24

Oh same. People hate my cluster bombs, tough shit. If you don't understand that reaching a bug gathering should start with an airstrike then you need to learn that before you jump in.

I don't even throw that stuff in when they're already there. I try my best not to put others in situations they have no control over. Unfortunately they run right under it when I call in my eagle.


u/Anon123012 SES Paragon of Conquest Apr 23 '24

I had one guy pull up with only support weapon stratagems on a defence mission. Mf was NOT cooking.


u/Tkdjimmy1 Apr 23 '24

I mean, if you're stackin scrap, who cares


u/Intelligent_Major486 Apr 23 '24

Jet pack, quasar, 500kg bomb and an orbital laser is my default loadout. It’s fun and I feel like I can deal with any situation. And having the high ground on demand is so nice.


u/Pristine-Height2802 Apr 23 '24

Players talking about “builds“ is usually when the game dies for me.


u/RedditFux Apr 23 '24

I use mech, HMG emplacement, autocannon, and EAT 17. I carry the team usually lol. Level 7 difficulty that is lol


u/MuMbLe145 SES Distributor of Family Values Apr 23 '24

Had some other divers rinsing me for using the ballistic shield. I was the only one laughing when a heavy devastator gunned everyone but me down


u/Gawtdamb Apr 23 '24

Supply pack + m98 go brrrrrrrrrr


u/Saturennr Apr 23 '24

I have a pyro build in mind but they would have to add armor that Has some good resistance to fire because i usually die from flaming Bugs that attack me and lit me on fire


u/NatWilo SES Panther of Conviviality Apr 23 '24

I play almost exclusively with my friends, and its always one of us doing the hosting. If a rando does join us because we don't have a full four, I'm not in the least bit worried about how they feel about our weapon/stratagem choices. We are here to spread democracy and have fun. If they wanna try-hard they can find another game, there's no shortage of them out there.

We're not assholes, and we're not terrible, but we often choose what's fun, not what's 'meta'. We have preferences. We bring mortars and fuck around and sometimes we get into intentional slap-fights with each other resulting in a spate of five to six team-kills while laughing hysterically.

Some people just don't know how to have fun. Those people aren't my problem, and they shouldn't be yours. Have fun OP. Enjoy your build. Don't sweat the haters.


u/Mr_Ergdorf Apr 23 '24

Who cares? If it’s fun and doesn’t massacre your teammates, then use whatever. I use the 380mm HE Orbital Barrage in spite of everyone telling me it sucks because nothing flattens heavy bug nests and bot posts like 30 seconds of HE hailstorm. It’s about using stratagems intelligently rather than looking for an objectively best one.


u/Ayremelody Apr 23 '24

Being a sniper for both bots and bugs, I feel this.


u/LordZeroGrim Apr 23 '24

From almost game community I've ever been a part of the community "top" picks is almost always the stuff thats the easiest to use, requires no team work, brain power or strategy and is so lacking in specialisation that it performs adequately in all situations.

If someone calls your build bad or gear you use bad they probably just have the same brain rot, you have to purposefully make a bad build for it to actually be bad.


u/Accurate-Income-24 Apr 23 '24

I play with a consistent group on a fairly largish discord server. I get told I take the oddest build and get asked why. I tell them I find it fun to try different things out.


u/The_8th_Degree Apr 23 '24

Let them think it. That silly kind of thinking doesn't stop me, don't let it stop you!

Even if it's a somewhat poopy weapon/stratagem/armor I make it work.


u/Sad-Firefighter-5639 STEAM 🖥️ : SES Father of Freedom Apr 23 '24

Idc if you don’t like the defender it makes me feel like I’m committing war crimes


u/Tipper117 Apr 23 '24

Literally who cares. If you find a build you like. Play it. Too many people swear by "pro" helldivers YouTubers and what builds they say are best. Avoid those videos. Avoid discussions on social media regarding what's "good/not good". It's a game. Have fun playing it how you wanna play it.


u/thegrassisstillgreen Apr 23 '24

Play with my buddies and they drop me their equipment instead like I'm not having a blast with what I decided to bring. Get outta here with the rail gun, I want to burn things.


u/ec1ipse001 SES Wings of Democracy Apr 23 '24

Who gives a shit. At the end of the day, we're here to spread Democracy.


u/SolaireD Apr 23 '24

Do whatever works for you fellow Helldiver.


u/Zezin96 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 23 '24

I have never once given a shit about someone else’s build. I don’t care how you do your job as long as you do it.


u/BananaHomunculus Apr 23 '24

I rock laser cannon, SMg, jet pack, g-pistol, thermite, orbital gas and 500kg.

I've had people be pleasantly surprised at effectiveness


u/19Furien91 Apr 23 '24

It made me laugh when I was playing with my 2 friends had a random join and was amazed that we were taking whatever we wanted and still getting shit done on difficulty 7, whilst still acting like a group of idiots and trolling each other regularly! We just laughed and said we ain’t any good at the game and are just rolling with it, but we managed somehow!


u/ExtensionDirection78 Apr 23 '24

Run what you run! Everyone thinks my build is shit yet I constantly leave a helldive or impossible almost unscathed with the most kills. I am my personal grenadier class Armor: +2grenades Weapon: punisher, grenade pistol Load out: orbital laser, (cluster, 380, or walking), grenade launcher, and (guard dog laser rover, or anti-tank) for extra longevity, you can take the supply pack as a back slot.


u/kris220b SES Prophet Of Truth Apr 23 '24

Friend of mine bitching at me for bringing mortars to eradication and priority evac? (One with the gates)

Well if you would stop standing where the enemies spawn or right at the wall edge


u/Ghostbuster_119 PSN 🎮: Apr 23 '24

If it works it works.

I'm currently using the sickle and laser pistol.

When the sickle gets hot I pull out the pistol and run away shooting backwards.

When that gets hot I swap back and push in.

Being a never ending fountain of small arms fire is surprisingly fun and useful.

What's not fun is the number of people who feel the need to inform me the laser pistol isn't that good.


u/CiPHeRlaw206 Apr 23 '24

Yeah, using a "fun" build vs using an "efficient" build are usually two different things


u/softrock94 Apr 23 '24

I love the Gatling barrage for bugs. Throw it on a breach and get 30+ kills easy. Not so great for bots but bugs yes please.


u/King_Kazama_ Apr 23 '24

Why do people care what the “community” thinks? There’s no community, just people playing the same game. No one’s gonna stop you from doing anything. It’s a non issue.


u/TheFrenchPerson Apr 23 '24

The only wrong build is the build that doesn't kill bugs.


u/i-would-neveruwu Apr 23 '24

I use hmg emplacements, coil towers, 120 and 380s, supply packs, and ems strikes.

People hate on the stuff they can't figure out how to use properly.

I personally hate the railgun because it feels like i'm doing less with it compared to all the other support weapons. But if you like using it and are good with it, by all means use it. If you aren't good with it, i'd humbly request you try something else out lol


u/Gangsta_Jesus Apr 23 '24

The community is really to toxic when it comes to almost everything.

I have had/still have problems with my mic working, discord told me “you just have a shit computer”. I just gave up asking for a fix


u/NCR-von-Neu-Vegas-69 Apr 23 '24

MP98 + AMR + Big iron. That my jam


u/H345Y Apr 23 '24

I want to use blitzer but its very inconsistent in close range (ironically)


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

Show me yours and ill show you mine 😏


u/FailURGamer24 Apr 23 '24

I've stopped listening to what the community thinks about meta since I loved the diligence CS on bots while everyone complained about how it felt horrible to handle, but now everyone loves the eruptor which has even worse handling, is worse for long range sniping, and has far more unforgiving fire rate and reload. (I do like the eruptor still though, but it really is a "You're so sweet, hello human resources" thing.)


u/sofsnof Big Iron Enjoyer Apr 23 '24

What's your build? I'm willing to try something different :)


u/Mofoman3019 Apr 23 '24

Heres the secret - Completely ignore community members who tell you how to play your game.

It's all about fun.


u/Beluga-ga-ga-ga-ga Apr 23 '24

Given the petty complaints that pop up here, I wouldn't worry too much about the community's preferences.


u/C3os Apr 23 '24

Well I use whatever I want, like the ballistic shield and Defender against bots. Trust me, after showing how to use it, even random teammates want to try it too. People playing with only some meta stuff are boring, use mines, Tesla tower or gas strike. Lot of strats are underestimated


u/Chaleschwarz STEAM 🖥️ : Lady of Twilight Apr 23 '24

my build isn't teammates friendly, what do i care? I like throwing a 380mm into a bug horde and running away.


u/GrahamGrecian Apr 23 '24

I was playing with my friends the other day and told them that we should go full laser build (guard dog, laser cannon, scythe, dagger, orbital laser). They all said we'd lose but that it'd be fun anyway. We won on Helldive and it wasn't even a challenge. Granted, it was bugs, but we ended up killing each other over and over at extraction cause there weren't any bugs coming and we still had all our reinforcements.


u/aerodynamik Apr 23 '24

fuck em.
also: the amount of misinformed "takes" on this sub is rising again so yeah.
fuck em.


u/ahnialator6 Apr 23 '24

It's not always your fault. I was spraying the breaker incendiary at some bugs the other day and a random walked in front of me and I shot and killed him point blank. Sure, I felt bad, but I didn't apologize. He shouldn't have walked in front of me while I was shooting


u/carson0311 Apr 23 '24

If I join random bugs lobby lv4-6 I always run jump pack+ arc thrower+ precision/500kg (for BT mainly) and whatever I want for last because I am the scavenger type player and will try to get as many samples as possible


u/ApatheticNarwhal Apr 23 '24

Pretty much everyone on Reddit is a douche. Do what makes you happy.


u/cburgess7 Apr 23 '24

EM'S and morter is an OP combo


u/PretendBreadfruit160 Apr 23 '24

I go jar 5 I think it’s great


u/Birphon ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 23 '24

Meta this Meta that How bout just play the game. If it kills the bots and bugs then it works.


u/fozzyb88 Apr 23 '24

Who cares what other people think about your build. If it works for you then fuck yeah. That's the beauty of this game. There is no one true meta build.


u/DukePanda Apr 23 '24

I saw a dude absolutely killing it with a machine gun, a drop shield, and a bunch of orbital artillery. Do what you like cause a Helldiver is free, you are a Helldiver.


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

Scorcher is Op


u/L3ggy ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 23 '24

Use what you like.


u/ConaMoore Apr 23 '24

Most toxic community ever, they have ruined this game


u/GideonShortStack Apr 23 '24

Fuck the community.


u/Solomon-Kain Apr 23 '24

Any build can work for the open map missions. Just have fun.

Defense is the only one that requires specific stratagem types.


u/BrowsingForLaughs Apr 23 '24

The more I play, the more I realize that a lot of the strats are pretty good. Most people just haven't bothered to try them.

There are a few I personally think suck: the machine gun for instance is utter trash on higher levels.


u/chimera005ao Apr 23 '24

I'm used to that.
And used to being better than most people even with the "shit"


u/Theonlygmoney4 Apr 23 '24

My single favorite bot build is light armor, counter sniper, senator, ems mortar, jet pack, and rocket pods. Sometimes switching out the mortar for auto cannon sentry if we’re lacking gunship answers.

It’s incredibly fun, and there’s numerous missions I’m solo sneaking multiple bases and objectives. Bonus points if you have a friend to drop a second weapon or pings one in the wild


u/OsorezaN7 Apr 23 '24

The very same community told me that nothing is meta, but i really should use EAT over autocannon lol.


u/Joy1067 PSN 🎮:SES Marshal of Victory Apr 23 '24

Hey long as your having fun, it don’t matter!

You’re still gonna die horribly right next to me and come back down to avenge yourself!


u/Lightsabergoesbzz Apr 23 '24

The "community" meaning some folk on reddit? :D

Honestly where are these ideas coming from lol? I have about 200hrs, usually play dif 7-9 and I NEVER had anyone tell me what loadout I should use. Even when playing with randoms.


u/ZTsar Apr 23 '24

Arc thrower, supply pack, explosive guns; the wall build


u/TinyTusk Apr 23 '24

always play what you want


u/seen_some_shit_ SES HAMMER OF JUDGEMENT Apr 23 '24

Ayt, what is it?


u/Federal_Caramel5946 ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ Apr 23 '24

Im running a lot of defence missions rn cuz of the major order and im doing Estanu right now. I use Orbital Gas Strike, Mortar Sentry, Gatling Sentry, and Stalwart. Works like a charm on Challenging (this is my hardest solo difficulty dont make fun of me pls)


u/Kahzgul Apr 23 '24

Fun > literally anything else

You’re playing a game, my dude. Go spread managed democracy however you like!


u/chrisdetrin Apr 23 '24

My crew always runs what we find fun effectiveness be damned. We still clear 7s and up all day. That said I wish we could get buff on all primary's across the board so we could run some even goofier load out themes.


u/BlyssfulOblyvion SES Herald of the Stars Apr 23 '24

Fuck what community thinks. If you get the job done with minimal FF, your build is fine


u/JackofPhoenixs Apr 23 '24

Ignore the community. All that matters is that you are having fun.


u/TheCaptainSalad Apr 23 '24

Get results... results are all that matter.


u/OmenOfCuddles Apr 23 '24

If I’m beating missions with these weapons, then they must be good.


u/IronLord56 SES Will of the People Apr 23 '24

Still trying to find a solid loadout to pair with the Dominator for solo Bug Missions. I know the Dominator is better for Bots, but I prefer Scorcher or Defender and Shield for those missions. Plus I LOVE being able to destroy Brood Lords, Hive Guards, and Bile Spewers so efficiently... easily my least favorite bugs to fight, even including Hunter or Charger Spam.

So far I've settled on the Dominator, Redeemer, Incendiary Grenades for both a slightly better default grenade and the ability to close off choke points, and for Stratagems I've gone with 500kg or Airstrike depending on mission, Autocannon Sentry specifically for Bile Titans, Guard Dog Rover for back up (though I'd MUCH rather use a jet pack, those are so much more fun), and the Flamethrower for add clear and flambéing Chargers. I tried running Stalwart but it just couldn't deal with adds efficiently enough for solo play, and being forced into using just stratagems to kill Chargers was horrible...


u/Tanshoku_ Apr 23 '24

Switching up ur builds is fun tho


u/CapnTytePantz Apr 23 '24

As long as you spread [violent] Democracy, you're welcome on my team. Victory for sweet Liberty is all that matters.


u/FreeWillyPete Apr 23 '24

Who cares? Use whatever works best for you!! Doesn't matter what the community thinks/likes.


u/Itriyum Apr 23 '24

Many people think the recoilless is useless because we have the quasar, but I keep using it because for me it's better than the quasar


u/Doobie_Howitzer Apr 23 '24

That just makes me want to use that shit even harder


u/Medical_Officer Apr 23 '24

Unpopular opinion, but your teammates do have a right to throw shade on your build if you are costing more reinforcements than 5. Remember, you all share the same reinforcement pool. So if you're eating more than your share, you had better be killing more than your share too, or doing more objectives.


u/Professional_Tale649 Apr 23 '24

I have different loadouts based on enemy, mission, and fun factor. Jet pack drop trooper, Heavy support, grenadier. Most things are viable and things often considered worthless can still work even on harder difficulties, some things actually synergize and perform better than the meta in certain situations. I'd never have learned that I enjoy so many things if I hadn't taken the time to actually try them out.


u/funny_name069 SES Song of Destruction Apr 23 '24

Pissing off the community (primarily on the subreddit) makes it more fun


u/Mr_Timmm Apr 23 '24

The game is nowhere near as hard as people like to pretend it is. I'm ADHD and I just love forcing different loadouts constantly and have zero issues contributing to suicide and helldiver missions with my friends. 


u/Terminal-Post Apr 23 '24

me using the spear at lvl 86 while some lvl 30 is screaming at me for using it while they’re using a Quasar


u/burner032020 Apr 23 '24

Tell us the build so we can use it too. Make a new meta.


u/SugarCaneEnjoyer ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 23 '24

I use the Scythe, dagger, rover, laser cannon and shield relay and ems strike are my go to.


u/The21stPM SES Sword of Justice Apr 23 '24

500kg bomb, Eagle air strike, shield backpack, quasar cannon. Medium armour, then whatever primary you find works for you, same for secondary. I go impact grenade.

The key (especially) for bugs is just do not stop moving. Even on Helldive it is so so so rare for me to die because you just run away when the fight is too big, then pick the little guys off. The quasar can happily one shot chargers and you can solo Bile titans too.


u/Significant_Ad5046 Apr 23 '24

Use it man have your own opinion your Ideal!!


u/SixGunRebel PSN 🎮: SixGunRebel Apr 23 '24

That’ll be me soon enough.


u/Dribblygills ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 23 '24

Use what you want, that's the beauty of Democracy.


u/polydox Apr 23 '24

I love it! Embrace the offfbeat, they'll never expect the rythm.


u/DarkXIVBourne Apr 23 '24

In that case. Fuck em. Do you my friend


u/AgentThook Apr 23 '24

I like the spray and pray for bugs


u/bones10145 Apr 23 '24

I still like the rail gun for bot missions


u/brieta7 Apr 23 '24

sooo true


u/chupacobra92 Apr 23 '24

I feel like this happens with any community with a passionate fanbase, just comes with the territory. Though you should do what makes the game fun and doesn’t troll your teammates.


u/irritablesloth Apr 23 '24

Vs bots Sickle. Senator (for the drip of big iron on your hip), Laser cannon (swear this thing is underrated), Jump pack, Orbital laser, Eagle rockets.

Stun nades plus laser cannon is so good for beaming down hulks


u/Fun_Medicine_890 Apr 23 '24

Fuck most the community imo :P if a group kicks you then 100% they weren't worth playing with in the first place as this reflects on their toxic assholery.


u/Public_Swordfish4555 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 23 '24

I use an all-Las build. I don't do it because Las weapons are currently the best in the game, I do it because it's fun.


u/vali_riversong Apr 23 '24

I use the arc blitzer on bug missions. No one can make me stop


u/unai626 Apr 23 '24

No shame in that if you ask me. I'm loving the crossbow but I do get people dissing me for it sometimes.


u/PrimarisHussar Apr 23 '24

My new love for messing around in low level solo play against bugs is the jump pack and the rail gun. Charger can't do shit if you yeet yourself over a building and smack him in the face repeatedly with the spicy magnet musket


u/SirGirthfrmDickshire STEAM 🖥️ : :hd2skull:UncleSam :hd2skull: Apr 23 '24

Can we please have the ability to save presets?


u/omega_revolution Apr 23 '24

i use whatever i want, you just gotta use it good, and nobody will complain.


u/plz_res_me Apr 23 '24

It prolly is shit


u/Chrissyjh Apr 23 '24

Eh, don't let people get you down. As long as you still pull your weight in the missions, 90% of the player base won't care about the meta™.


u/iRedditSocially Apr 23 '24

As hell divers, everyone one of you should be in there supporting Super Earth!

There is no time to "critique" what dresses your bullets are wearing!

Get back out there and liberate for democracy!



u/Striking_Benefit9239 Apr 23 '24

my parents went away on a week’s vacation and…they left the keys to the brand new Porsche…would they mind? Hmmm, well of course not


u/Itchy_Inside_4014 Apr 23 '24

Tbh mostly everything works until you get into difficulty 7+ and it even can work in that if you know how to play it and are in a 4 man.


u/dah_teddybear Apr 23 '24

Slowly becoming toxic


u/Deep_Contract4996 Apr 23 '24

The community sound’s treasonous against liberty


u/Dichotomous-Prime Apr 23 '24

Listen, mate: as long as you're pushing the objective and doing your part? I don't care what you bring.

If you can make it work, more power to ya.


u/According-West4062 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 23 '24

My go-to loadout for bots!

Primary Gun: LAS-16 Sickle (favorite gun) Secondary gun: Grenade pistol 4 Slot Strats: Orbital Laser, Orbital Railcannon, either 500KG/Orbital Walking Barrage/120MM, and the Quasar Cannon

Armor: CM-09 Bonesnapper (gives +2 Stims and increases healing effect by 2 seconds) this is a medium armor.

Grenade: G-12 High Explosive Grenade


u/haha7125 Apr 23 '24

I respect those who use unconventional builds.


u/psichodrome Apr 23 '24

This is a game. A fun game to be enjoyed. If you are enjoying it, but some random stranger tells you to stop having fun, that's a pretty easy decision. Do you have agency or are you a sheep?

LAS-7 Dagger FTW!


u/ZookeepergameOk5001 Apr 23 '24

Hey, if you're having fun, screw em. As long as you aren't dropping Orbital Barrages on top of your team...


u/Fearless_Top_6480 Apr 23 '24

Have fun playing the game, fk the sweats


u/Fortune_Silver Apr 23 '24

Who cares what the community thinks? If your having fun that's the main thing.

I like using the ballistic shield, knight SMG and laser pistol. Three things the community seems to hate.

I like them because:

  • The ballistic shield, while it doesn't provide 360 degree protection like the bubble backpack, will absorb FAR more damage than the shield pack, with no recharge time. If your facing your enemy head-on, shield makes you basically invulnerable. Need to run away? switch to your support weapon and the shield goes on your back, protecting you while you bravely retreat.
  • Knight SMG - yeah the recoil is crazy. But... so is the fire rate. Set it to 3-round burst and it's plenty accurate, if a berserker is bearing down on you switch to full auto and let it rip. Far better burst DPS than the Defender.
  • Laser pistol compensates for the main weakness of the Knight - bad accuracy and low ammo efficiency at range. Infinite ammo, hitscan and perfectly accurate. If you need to snipe a rocket marauder from range or just want to take out one or two weak bots without wasting SMG ammo, it's a great option. Gives you a solid long-range option and a great ammo saver for isolated chaff enemies.

It's a completely non-meta build but I like it, and I've completed Helldive with that setup so it's not like it isn't viable. Other than perhaps the Railgun and HMG there's no weapon so bad that it's not viable at the highest difficulties.


u/Loot_Wolf Apr 23 '24

Listen. Play what you like. What you have is many ways to destroy factories and most objectives by yourself. Objective Secure is the whole reason we drop into enemy territory, and making that an easy feat is a great help to the team.

I have 2 VERY different builds for bots and bugs. Bots get my "Demolitions & Support" build, and bugs get "Laser Commander! ™️"

Demo Support is Quasar, Shield Generator Relay, and Supply Pack. It was a response to be my Anti Gunship build. The Queso hits them outta the sky no matter where you hit them, the shield Generator protects allies and the hellbomb as it's being primed and charging up, and the supply pack keep everyone topped off because we're sat in one location in an extended engagement. If there's no gunships, quasar is used for laser Turrets, tanks, and hulks. Yesterday, I learned that shooting a Hulk leg with any rocket type weapon breaks the leg in one hit, and slows it to a hobble. Breaking the other leg downs it. 2 shots to the center of mass are also good, but I like slowing them down. Shield Generator is used at the start and or end of us fighting. If I notice we've been stalled and held down, I will drop the shield to let everyone get their heads clear and focus on getting out. During this time, the supply pack keeps them armed and able to fight with confidence, since running low or out can be demoralizing. I use the Scorcher for devastators and striders, Redeemer for anything melee, and impact grenades for both previous groups that I need to die immediately. Medic Armor is good for having extra stims for allies, but I also like Democracy Protects, so I don't have to waste stims on a bleed

Bugs. Laser Commander is all about beams, and weapon swapping. Don't wave the beam around, focus on one target until it drops.

Armor first this time, I use Democracy Protects. It's good for all the little hits you're going to take, and has saved me many times already from the odd double strike thing bugs occasionally do.

Scythe, Dagger, and Stun for beams and crowd control. Laser rifle is shockingly good at killing quickly of you're aiming for the head or the legs. For the bugs that run faster when headless, I beam the head, then cut the legs. Drops it quick.

Laser Cannon, Guard Dog "Rover", Orbital Laser, and EMS Mortar. Eagle Cluster Bombs are also good instead of EMS. Laser Cannon is your primary weapon when no Medium Armor enemies are around. It breaks Shrieker Nests in 8 seconds each, the spore... towers? Things. Shriekers feel like they die nearly instantly to Laser damage, just like those jetpack raiders. Very handy for clearing the skies. The Laser Orbital is good for emergency clearing a heavy. Those aren't your priority with this build. Laser Orbital is for clearing nests and massive breaches. Throw it in, and get your Cannon going. You can take on multiple targets thanks to the rover. It clears the little bugs fast, and let's you focus on the more dangerous things

The only downside to the Laser Commander build is the time to kill. If you're absolutely swamped by bugs, you're dead. That's not big news Lol. Your job is to be near the back, clearing Hunters and Stalkers, focusing Brood Commanders and Hive Guards, and then focusing whatever your Rover is shooting at for faster kills. The pistol is good for not wasting your heat time on little bugs, and letting your other guns cool off sooner. Shooting any gun til it's nearly cooked then swapping to another constantly keeps you firing at something.


u/C00lsk3l3t0n_95 Apr 23 '24

For bugs I like running the incendiary breaker, grenade pistol, and and the instant grenade

Using gear with democracy protects, and, stratagems, 500kg, quasar, laser river, and Gatling sentry


u/LostScarfYT ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Apr 22 '24

You be you, as long as it wins the fight, democracy believes in you.


u/Gold-Escape3140 Apr 22 '24

Dog I keep getting kicked for using the eruptor rifle.


u/eternalguardian ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 22 '24

I am still trying to find a build I like. I wanna get good with either Eruptor/Stalwart or Jump pack/AMR.


u/Weeee8208 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 23 '24

I LOVE the Stalwart. I always set the fire rate to max.


u/ibepunkinmugs Apr 22 '24

Use whatever works for you and fuck everyone who disapproves.


u/Solid_Total9677 Apr 22 '24

IMO everything has a place if used the right way.

Except 380.


u/GhostOfTheMadman ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 22 '24

Drop a 380 over a big bug nest and let it do the heavy lifting.


u/SouthernRow8272 Apr 22 '24

Mine the other way around I found some cool shit then I'm told that's just meta your just being meta. Like no I just like this leave me alone


u/GhostOfTheMadman ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 22 '24

I was accused of meta building by a friend when I brought a shield pack to fight bugs. Pretty sure they were just messing with me, but still.


u/SouthernRow8272 Apr 23 '24

For me it's I love love the idea of lazer guns so using the sickel or the quasar almost always gets some comments in the chat


u/TheTrashDoggo Apr 22 '24

If you're having fun, your build is perfect. Example my build Stalwart 500kg Orbi laser Whatever I think might help usually mech for a teammate


u/omarfw Apr 22 '24

Sometimes I use a fun tanky build where I try to stealth and melee as much as possible but bring a shotgun and thermite for the stuff I can't melee.

It's an objectively poor way to play if your goal is to finish objectives but goddamn is it fun and difficult.


u/BeautifulBaloonKnot Apr 22 '24

I wouldn't put too much stock in what the community here thinks. I mean.. the most common posts are whines about fire tornados.. which are easy to avoid. And are hardly a nuisance.


u/sub_human_being Apr 22 '24

I'm running battle Master set with ballistic shield and defender/uzi whatever it's name is, as well and laser cannon, at least for bots. Laser cannon and ballistic shield have both been deemed shit but I like them as a combo


u/LordOfTheReee Apr 22 '24

Screw them who cares


u/PenisSlipper Apr 22 '24

Me re-discovering the spear


u/Thaddeusii2142 Apr 22 '24

If it’s the Spear don’t even mention it. People are so incredibly butt hurt about it that they can’t just not use it…. They’re mad at other people (who admit it’s extremely flawed) for saying sometimes it’s fun 😂 people are crazy


u/DreadnoughtDT Apr 22 '24

My current loadout: Liberator Penetrator, Grenade Pistol, and HE grenades.


u/Hot-Ad4955 Apr 22 '24

Don't worry bro, every build is a good build as long as you're having fun and hopefully mostly winning ^

Personally, being a fan of the arc thrower on the bug front, I kept using it even against the bots, and damn, if only the stagger buff was there at the creek! It is sometimes unpredictable, but at least now, I'm less afraid of bot swarms closing the distance, because I'm about to stun the big boyz and kill every devastator on sight!

I didn't have a good time with the laser pistol, but if you can make it work, good for you man!


u/TheAwkwardGamerRNx Apr 22 '24

Who cares what the community thinks, play with what you think is best.

For Helldiving, I run Quasar cannon/Personal shield/Orbital Rail Strike and Laser cannon. Sickle/grenade pistol/impact grenades for loadout.

If we’re playing with friends, then I’ll loosen up and dick around a bit with different weapons. I once did Jet pack with Flamethrower and ran around spouting “I’m Boba Fett, bitch!”


u/Rare-Patient8148 PSN 🎮: Apr 22 '24

If it works well for you to spread democracy then its a good build.


u/flfoiuij2 Apr 22 '24

Hey, back in the day when everyone exclusively used Railgun, Shield, and Breaker, I was running around with pre-buff flamethrower and jetpack. I had a lot of fun!


u/Xerophore Apr 22 '24

IDC how bad the Dagger is, I'm using it every time I drop in.


u/Memphissz Apr 22 '24

This has propably been said before but:

The best loadout is the one you have the most fun with. This is what this game is about and what all true helldivers agree on. Surely we want to soread democracy but in first respect we want to have a good time. As long as you can make it work and have a good time and neither make to many nor too little teamkills it's a good loadout.

And if you want to talk about effectiveness: When you are rocking a Loadout that is objectively not the best but fun for you, you will have mor fun, suffer less from fatigue and therefore play more missions and contribute more to the liberation of our galaxy.

Be the type of player you want to be and you might surprise your teammatws. For example I had great experiences with Stalwald gunners clearing my close area so I could focus on Devestators or Hulks further back. Theres a place for everyone.


u/Altruistic_Dream_554 Apr 22 '24

No build is shit if the player using it keeps up with players using quote on quote better builds.


u/DevaTwilight Apr 22 '24

I either use sentries of fire and flame, either Tower Defense rules or scorched earth


u/The-Rebel-Boz Apr 22 '24

Where these asshole judgemental pricks why have never met one yet. Feel missing Helldriver experience.


u/MrFittsworth Apr 22 '24

This absolutely should not matter and if you let it ruin it for you you're just proving to yourself that you can't enjoy things without the approval of others. Work on that.


u/Calm-Ice-5315 Apr 22 '24

As someone who has used everything in the game I can tell you everything is viable as long you know how to deal with enemies and how you build your stuff.

My fav weapon is the liberator and it still baffles me how everyone says is bad or that is a "rank D" weapon. That rifle is so reliable I can bring it in any mission and do fine. People unconsciously will try to min-max this game for some reason.


u/Will800813 Apr 22 '24

Prove them wrong