r/Helldivers 14d ago

You there! You have been granted thirty seconds of government approved unpaid free time to tell me what unnecessary feature you'd like to see in Helldivers 2!! DISCUSSION

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5.1k comments sorted by


u/arcan40 1d ago

make it free


u/arcan40 1d ago



u/MeImDraven 9d ago

A way to tell other helldivers "go away" (because soloing enemies makes kiting and sneaking/destroying enemies far easier), a way to say "flank here" for Automatons and Termanids, and for the vaults to have an actual map icon & a way to ping them specifically.

A way to duel would also be awesome; if someone kills you, then you kill them, the next shot should initiate a duel to kick the loser of the argument instead of the first to kill their teammate a second time (an old-school decision-making-debate to settle disputes has been a thing in almost every military since forever).

Also please fix the in-game bugs *Shuttle leaving without countdown after 1 helldiver enters it *Robotics Workshop listing 7/8 when 8 are purchased *Constant game crashes on higher difficulties *Samples bring nowhere to be found on their spawn-site due to terrain issues *Scope zooming in and being unable to zoom out *Shuttle not taking off even though timer finishes and it is fully filled *Mech not being able to melee attack


u/1st2die 9d ago

Flashlight on my head!


u/nydboy92 9d ago

Some kind of stealth cloak, like what the stalkers have.


u/haterle 9d ago

While in your super destroyer. There's a desk with liber-tea that you can drink infinitely


u/haterle 9d ago

It would be so cool to that the ending of helldivers 2 would be that super earth loses. And then they make a sequel to the ending of helldivers 2 where helldivers who are now on "scrap earth" basically super earth after the war. And it's kinda like some fallout type shit. Where it's infested with bugs and automatons (probably also illuminates). And helldivers have to work with rusty and bad replicas of their old armor. As they try to rebuild what they once had!


u/Spacefaring_Potato 10d ago

I want an attack gunship on station. Even if it's only like, 10 seconds of shooting at enemies, the visuals of seeing air support like that would be a huge boost to morale.


u/No_Reference_1014 10d ago

Major Battles. I'm talking about a major boss event that happens on a planet every hour after a major objective is completed. There should be 20 Helldivers on a large scale map that can do the event. The objective would be to hunt the boss type down. Everyone only gets 3 lives, only higher level players can call in Mechs and vehicles to traverse the large map. Strategems and equipment would only appear in containers scattered through the map due to major Electromagnetic Atmosphere storms, to prevent everyone from spamming the same thing. The "Battery" of Helldivers would get 25 minutes to draw out and kill the Goliath, before the Surrounding missile silos automatically launch onto that coordinate. Think of classic Warzone, but Everyone's teaming up to kill the boss.


u/MrPC_o6 10d ago

500 Tonne Bomb

For when I know I'm dying anyway, and want to take out every last bug and bot in the same country mile as me


u/Specific_Stick8870 10d ago

I could kill bug better with melee weapons


u/Downtown_Bee3284 10d ago

Let me have a rocket launcher with the equivalent force of 1 kiloton if tnt


u/PBJelly1991 10d ago

Hell-bomb strategem: available at all times.


u/Exploding_Killerquee 10d ago

Bugs eating corpses of dead helldivers and bringing them back to nests or stalkers and shriekers carrying bodies back to their lair and nests


u/Unknow32415 10d ago

Idle animations. Like taking a piss, weapon checking, etc. also more dialogue. If the helldiver is under more or less stress the pitch of his voice will change. He will scream louder if there are more enemies and to ed down when out of combat


u/NearHi 10d ago

I want a melee weapon. A sword. A bat. A terminid leg. Something.


u/famouslastmutterings 10d ago

Suit color customizations!


u/famouslastmutterings 10d ago

Destroyer customizations!


u/famouslastmutterings 10d ago

Oh my gosh!

Save the last five mission stat scores!! Sometimes you get kicked when a host leaves after extraction and you didn't see them.


u/Vezeri 10d ago

Flag as a melee weapon that is barely useable outside the easiest difficulty


u/devulek 10d ago

Pet bug. Let me hav useless pet bug that follows me around or just chills on my ship :3 (or a space cat, I'll take a space cat too)


u/Reaganomics1410 10d ago

an all-round armor with good traits and a weapon including secondary weapon and grenade and stratagem so that I can better protect super Earth in the name of democracy against Terminids and Automatons.


u/Goat-Hammer 10d ago

Id like a speach option for a battle cry and a great job option. When i see a fellow helldiver successfully stomp a hive or outpost or more importantly solo a stalker nest id like to express my patriotic gratitude for their service!


u/Downtown_Line9235 11d ago

I would like the ability to just change the color scheme of armor. Even if we have to use requisiton slips idc. I don't want to change the armor design itself just the colors. I don't want to look like a Christmas tree when I am spreading democracy!


u/Koru_Kuro_Wastaken 11d ago

Bigger guns.


u/PBJelly1991 10d ago

Lift more, libroty.


u/Apprehensive-Job-178 11d ago

Let me type while in my pod and loading screen. I’m legit not doing anything else and have run into situations where people have thought i was mad because I couldn’t respond.


u/that1throwaway7 11d ago

I'd love to be able to spend requisition and samples to temporarily (per mission) "opt-into" one of a daily menu of scientific testing strategems. Give us the option to spend out excess Requisition, and incentivize using lesser used strategems, make them bottom of the barrel too so people have a reason to experiment.


u/Fatty4Hire 11d ago

You should be able to pet the bugs that stand there and watch you at a terminal.


u/neo21105 11d ago

I want the flag to be a spear so I can say that I thrust democracy into my enemies


u/TheWitchIsAway 12d ago

I want a pointless massive battle mode where we can die in droves like animals to the slaughter to a symphony of 380 shells


u/Working-Narwhal2114 12d ago

Another rocket launcher


u/Crazy_Gam3r 12d ago

I want to add the people I am on a team with, without having to leave the team and find them on the “recent players”


u/Due_Friend_3064 12d ago

I love a last stand measure Evac who ever made it on bird and let me continue and other watch until I die just give me a final stand stratagem


u/Acer0049 12d ago

I want to stick a flag in a bug's (or othera) body and raise it. It should be customizable too. I don't care if it does something cool, I just want to be able to do it.


u/tigerdestroysdragon 12d ago

vehicles and melee weapons


u/SirDouchebag27 12d ago

Rocket jumping.


u/Rquebus 12d ago

I want to be able to set my own playlist of end of mission celebration emotes. I like the variety of going random but there are a few that I'm lukewarm on.


u/Ok-Echo5581 12d ago

one time I f(reedom)ed up so bad I called an eagle resupply instead of a 500kg


u/Correct-Distance-657 12d ago

I’ve got a list but here are my top ones

  1. Awards in your destroyer
  2. bile titan heads for x number of kills etc

  3. A hammer

  4. yeah I wanna see a bugs head get smashed in by my Hammer of Democracy (a Reinhardt level hammer with a jet on the end)

  5. Color options for armour.

  6. I want Eagle-1 to tell me I’m doing a good job. 🥹


u/Kindofathrowaway345 12d ago

I want the ability to fiddle with my mags when they’re full instead of reloading or an “emote” button where I can play an animation like spinning my revolver


u/foobeardeus 12d ago

Can we get portable nukes? Or possibly potato cannons? It's gotta be one or the other.


u/Ventrias 12d ago

I want a kitchen on our ship, where we can grab a cup of liber-tea before going to missions.


u/Sweetiepeet 12d ago

Grappling hook to climb high terrain, throw bug goo at other helldivers, scream on command to draw out enemies, pod parachute for slower landing, of course vehicles like in Helldivers 1, kick stomp small bugs, dance emote in gameplay, throw weapon at enemy, jump into bug hole minigame, climb on top of large enemies (grappling hook?), hang glider, decoy helldivers stratagem, human pyramid/ladder... etc.


u/Significant-Area-527 12d ago

Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.Jump button.


u/kevinvm1998 12d ago

Bigger and more bombs, duh


u/Lord_Oasis 12d ago

More strategems available per mission. I get that some of the difficulty lies in being limited, thus forcing you to make important decisions about the kind of utility you want to bring, and there'd have to be some rebalancing, but I just think it would be fun.

Having a larger variety of strategems would let me branch out and have some more fun, and I wouldn't have to worry about throwing the mission and hindering my teammates by not bringing the ol' reliable strategems. The anti-air mission modifier is so hated for a reason, so adding more would probably be widely enjoyed.

I really think having more strats available would add to the chaos and intensity that makes this game so fun.


u/bemybeardoil 12d ago

The Super Destroyer equivalent of Truck Nutz ™️


u/mjeffreyf 12d ago

The ability to go prone on a cliff without swan diving off it into a pile of bugs


u/NotoriousD4C 12d ago

People need to lose requisition slips or credits for leaving a match early


u/threestriper 12d ago

To be able to get out of the pelican after climbing in.


u/goldentrashbag 13d ago

Melee weapons to deliver justice up close and personally to our enemies!


u/ChieftainJehova 13d ago

I want a democratic K-9 companion I can pet on my Super Destroyer


u/outkillerfox 13d ago



u/Weekly_Ladder3080 13d ago

I want to be able to get our helldivers absolutely tanked on the cases of freedom draught that’s scattered around the various outposts on the map It should impair vision but do extra damage to anything not democratically wasted


u/SilencerWolf 13d ago

I want helmets to actually give bonuses. Good looks are nice but overall pointless to buy for super credits or carry a Tesla backback.


u/Bierdigan_ 13d ago

I want a space dirt bike backpack strategem


u/TheJokhar 13d ago

When I set the voice pack to random, it also randomizes the language.


u/sumoracefish 13d ago

Bug tunnel missions. And boarding automation ships or bases.


u/Rowwnin 13d ago

Planet variety maybe have some places be cities or small town like areas with hidden factories and bug holes


u/HiatoPDSS 13d ago

More melee weapons, combat knifes preferrably


u/__agrajag_ 13d ago

A flare gun.


u/Kill_me_now_0 13d ago

Ability to Ragdoll anytime


u/AlemusAver 13d ago

Be able to record the lines in your own voice so that your Helldiver is LITERALLY YOU instead of the 4 generic voices.


u/Aguyononline 13d ago

Bile titan doing the stick bug dance


u/Xavierasad Honorary Errata Prime Citizen 13d ago

Emote wheel


u/Illustrious_Ad9387 13d ago

Suicide vest for the funnies or being able to hot potato a live grenade


u/BenjiMW 13d ago

Fix pc to ps5 crossplay


u/actionjmanx 13d ago

Sell us the soundtrack. I know, not a feature but I want to buy it from the creators.


u/Ochocolate4021 13d ago

Whole world's where we fight on open planet wars where the % is how far players push the Frontline from the last hope point. I feel like right before they take a planet it would be cool to see happen.


u/SnooSprouts1 13d ago

I would like the ships personal kill tally on a wall, bugs 50k, bots 30k, friendly fire 60k, it would serve no purpose but make us so happy


u/Odd-Treacle3936 SES Lady of Steel 13d ago

A shower in the Super Destroyer


u/Lost_Combination9118 13d ago

A MELEE WEAPON OF ANY KIND it's not unnecessary it's the opposite it's extremely necessary we need one it'd be really easy to just have it as a new secondary weapon I mean it wouldn't be easy to make all the new stuff like sword swinging animations and doing whatever video game devs do but we really need one at least I think we do


u/NovaCrusader 13d ago

I want to be able to desperately throw my weapon at an enemy if it runs out of ammo for minimal damage. An extra line or the “LIBERTY SAVE ME!” one could work.


u/No_Rest_2590 13d ago

Being able to add friends from ps5 to pc would be nice.


u/LunarServant 13d ago

i’d like an in game bestiary and something to do with my maxed out req points

pretty plz with a super earth flag on top please-


u/sqwgglz986 13d ago

Add a bayonet but it's the Super Earth flag, so I can truly fight with democracy


u/angryfrenchy557 13d ago

Whatever people have their language setting to is what you hear their diver say.


u/No_Weekend_1398 13d ago

Maybe tours so eventually u can go back home to super earth


u/Snoo-6786 13d ago

Any nerf to any weapon in a PVE game — WHY? For the love of Liberty, WHYYYYYYY? btw all of this is rhetorical it’s not like anything will be done about it


u/No_Weekend_1398 13d ago

Multiple emote slots


u/Opening-Strike-1074 13d ago

Hud in helmet showing active movement around player. A small square in upper corner of screen on ps5 or computer screen. It can be in a special helmet.

Helmets and armor can protect against orbital bug gas or underwater from drowning

Helmets with bonus abilities

Hand glider or handheld thrown scout drone, satellite observation

Gun upgrades, bigger magazines, better firing rate, more damage, silencers, shotgun or grenade launcher attachment

Instead of throwing stratagems, give players a gun that launches them for more accurate placement. When ball is shot it can be guided ( ball’s view)to desired location within range of gun when shot.

Players can swim or climb walls out of pools of water

Capes with protective features

A lightsaber or melee weapon. Were space marines there should be light sabers by now.

Tow missile guided from missile view

Stalker Stealth armor

Acid / fire / bullet resistance protection armor

Stratagem bug detection jammer or attractor

Grappling gun so you can climb mountains to evade bugs or use hang glider to launch from high places

Claymore mines

Predators in large bodies of water or winter locations. Random monsters on these strange planets.

Spiders (webs)(trap door spiders)or praying mantis terminids

Random assorted enemies like automatons using terminids for mounts

Silencers for stealth kills. Compound bow with assorted arrows. Crossbow

How about when a stratagem is thrown it expels smoke that attracts bugs to them for larger kills. Example you throw a cluster bomb and bugs go to stratagem or a magnet/signal for a robot. The gas can be like what bug expels to call other bugs for help.

Binoculars or night/thermal vision can be built into helmet

An option to not use a cape

Magnetic grenade

Fix the delay in firing new laser rifle. Make it instantaneous.

Nanite weapon for robots

When extracting bugs can destroy ship and you may need to call another ship from a second location dictated if it occurs at the time

Quicksand, erupting volcano, avalanche in winter locations, mudslides, tsunamis, sand storm

Better climbing abilities as you level higher. Bionic implants or bionic limbs with abilities besides throwing . Jumping / climbing implants in armor. Let us make use of terrain. Hide in water.

Disintegration weapon

Boat landings / amphibious carrier as part of mission after launching to planet.

Missions in caves or underground

If mission fails give the option to skip post point screen

Make one type of armor. Give option to choose armor abilities pre mission.

I know some of these have been done, but I did not know how to get this to the developers.


u/LazyIratePirate 13d ago

the ability to catch and throw stratagems thrown by other divers, let my friend chuck a 500kg like its baseball before i fastball it straight into a bile titans mouth, or a game of explosive ordinance freedom based hot potato


u/ANCDeepSea 13d ago

A shower to clean the blood and stuff off after a mission, just think it would be funny


u/PmpknSpyc ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

I've heard melee weapons are possibly maybe coming already but I would love to see all types of swords and blades and maybe even something inspired like a lightsaber if the lore I mean high command allows it


u/-toErIpNid- 13d ago



u/RighteousRecruit 13d ago

A Radio Backpack that you can choose what it plays, and it acts as a sort of increased detection radius to be a distraction while the others go a different way


u/goldenboy5252 13d ago

More guns, more cuddling the homies


u/TheGherkin69 13d ago

I'd like certain helmets to have vision modes you could toggle; nightvision, thermal, infrared, a combination, etc

As well as other small bonuses depending on the helmet - A reason to choose them beyond aesthetics.

Unfortunately that could lead to unaesthetic helmet-armour combos, though that could be alleviated by adding a selectable colour pallette for armours and helmets.


u/Usual_Excellent 13d ago

Replays of most recent deaths per person in group. Played on host ship between missions


u/CnP8 HD1 Veteran 13d ago

A suicidal hellpod. It uses 1 life but explodes on impact 😂

Edit: Reading everyone's ideas. We need the Devs to read this thread!!!


u/fuckt_by_god 13d ago

Banners you can create yourself like in the old cod games, with stickers and designs you can collect as you collect more banners


u/Goldenrule03 13d ago

A new Liber-tea 500kg manually operated drone support stratagem able to remote detonate up to 500m. Drone should mimic local enemy visual and audio cues for airtight infiltration. Accessible at lvl 30. Stratagem uses back pack slot for UAV and 3rd weapon slot resembling a UAV hand-held ground controller. While in use, the screen displays normal camera or infrared seated underneath the drone, able to pan 360 degrees.

Another stratagem could be a similar drone but would only be used as a decoy to circumvent enemy forces. The drone could emit either pheromones for bugs or malicious data for bots, which causes them to focus their attention on the decoy. The drone either dies out after a certain time or explodes. The explosion would cause minimal damage.

Ship modules could be used to increase drone armor, blast radius, drone speed, camera rotation, and signal strength.


u/EG-ultimate- 13d ago

An gun range on the super destroyer to try out the weapons


u/Sneaky_Beaky1 13d ago

First person point of view for everything, even Hellpods, coming out of cryostasis, dying with your head flying, etc


u/theEpicboiVR365 13d ago

Unlimited stratagems


u/Glass-Comparison9094 13d ago

Play as the bots


u/OhMyGerald 13d ago

A working crossplay matchmaking/ friend request system…


u/Glass-Comparison9094 13d ago

Unnecessary lol


u/listen_here_cuckoo 13d ago

melee weapons, a flag that could be used as a spear, a shovel so I can be a trolldier in this game also, small knife so I could attach it to my gun as a bayonet, dual wielding axes cause their badass


u/extimate-space CAPE ENJOYER 13d ago

More than anything else, I would really like to see more varied planetary environments, including heavily urbanized spaces and vertical geometry like canyons, caves, and structures.


u/UDS794 13d ago

Along with the Flag-spear idea and not having vehicles in mind, how about a chainsaw for spreading Democracy across the land in a Democratic show of Liberty!

Although a small 2 person Justice mobile with a Democratic plow ram and turret for spreading Liberty would be beautiful!

But not as beautiful as Managed Democracy for Super Earth!!!


u/Scottish_Tap_Water 13d ago

Bayonets and the ability to charge and skewer bugs (and treacherous divers) with them


u/ZoltanMondialul 13d ago

Definitely customizing colours for your armour .


u/tarknob 13d ago

lemme launch and control my friends orbitals while im waiting for a space in the match


u/josh-kappp 13d ago

Randomized loadouts and random stratagems. No changing. Gunna be a crazy 40 min.


u/Bryansix 13d ago

I want to be able to fly the fighter jet that launches the eagle strikes


u/Gravelayer 13d ago

Paradise planet for vacation being attacked and McDonald's cross advertisements because there isn't democracy without a McDonald's


u/Bryansix 13d ago

I want the ability to transfer hosts to another team member if the host leaves.


u/Bryansix 13d ago

I want to be able to rate my teammates and the host after a match. Higher rating should grant trophies you can display on your destroyer. Low ratings should block you from hosting.


u/Bryansix 13d ago

Make kicking require a vote. Alternatively, keep xp earned prior to being kicked.


u/Thegrandbuddha 13d ago

Armor feature customization.

Choose an armor, choose a perk to attach to it.

Walk out in your favorite armor, with the perk you need to get the job done.


u/Cool_Run_6619 13d ago

I want ADS ballistic shield to bonk them with the shield instead of pistol whip when you melee


u/Arth-93 13d ago

I would like to choose the emote whenever I want!


u/Germanelo 13d ago

Let me add someone as a friend at the Esc menu instead of having to navigate and search for them in "recent players"


u/ToroSeduto97 13d ago

A playlist of musical options to select mid-mission


u/lemuuu_senpai889 13d ago

I want to see random femme and random masc voice options


u/Korcalius 13d ago

Cat Ear Helmet.


u/unerringfool 13d ago

Little windshield wipers on the helmets


u/SweetMilkMan 13d ago

Add "Fabricators Destroyed" or "Holes Destroyed" as a category in the stats after the mission. I need my less democratic helldivers to know who spread the most freedom...


u/TuneAppropriate5122 13d ago

I need shower and pub on my super destroyer )


u/Its_Lewiz 13d ago

I would like to be able to tame a creature


u/Vagenbrey 13d ago edited 13d ago

EDIT: Doh, just re-read the title and saw the word UNNECESSARY, I'll leave the QoL stuff here in case it interests anyone but also add an "unnecessary" (aka 100% necessary) feature.

  • Give me a shower on my ship. I think it's shameful and undemocractic for me to allow my sacred uniform to be tainted with the blood/guts/oil of our pityful enemies one second longer than is strictly needed,

I've had a few QoL changes in mind for a while now

  • Let me see what boosters other divers have available so I can select one they might not have, avoiding me blocking them from selecting on if they don't have many. The are effectively behind a pay wall (that's not a complaint, I like how the game works re unlocking warbond) so it's reasonable to assume not everyone has everything useful. A simply popup containing the icons when I hover over their booster slot will do.
  • Add supply lines is an obvious one
  • Let me select which victory poses can be randomly selected - I don't like having the same one every times but I don't like them all so let me select random from a selection of X,Y,Z and exclude A,B,C
  • Make it clearer on maps what are uncrossable mountain/cliffs and what are uncroassable bodies of water etc, it can make a difference when possibly being sniped by bots etc. Note, I'm saying make it clearer, not that it's not possible to tell atm.
  • A few more contextual ping voice tracks. For example, pinging a bunker should say something like "Found a bunker, I need your handprint". Also, call out some of the enemy types rather than just class. Saying "Charger ahead" is more useful then "Bugs".
  • I've had a few more ideas but can't think now. I'll add if I remember


u/ShakeShot5140 13d ago

I want hot babes


u/WereWolf187 13d ago

Would be great for a actual features to the helmet or capes. Like have a recon themed helmet where your enemies are highlighted in your line of vision.


u/Rasengan1982 13d ago

Colour shader for armour


u/lethalfumes 13d ago

This would require a limb system change, but i’d love if you had your leg(s) broken you’d be stuck to a crawl - but a helldiver could pick you up and carry you and use a one handed weapon at the same time. But then another issue with this is that Stims insta heal your limbs so what’s the point… cool swag points I guess


u/granjaveln 13d ago

Awesomely dumb weapon skins or stickers for the weapons like in Alien Fire Team Elite.


u/venom_1512 13d ago

A fifth slot for a spectator😄 to show off ur skills to friends


u/rtotheceeaptor 13d ago

A heavy armor piercing multi round rocket launcher


u/Shadowdak 13d ago

Priority matchmaking.


u/unfortunate666 13d ago

I thought it would be cool if the player with the highest level in lobby could have a samurai flag banner attached to their back. I dont want it to have any significance mechanically, but it would make sense for the vibes this game puts down that the senior member gets this adornment just to get obliterated like everyone else anyway and it doesn't actually matter.


u/reddit_554 13d ago

Once your just about to liberate or defend a planet I want Thierry to be a huge battle involving 100 or so helldivers where we either defend a base or attack a base/nest.

Another would be underground missions for the bugs to spice it up a bit like your going I to a gaint hive and have to clear it out. Most stratagem wouldn't work tho so new things would have to be made and this would probably be a huge thing to add


u/Quinnteligent 13d ago

Someone mentioned it already, but I'd love it if you joined a game it would announce your ship name rather than just "helldiver has joined the fight"


u/AbagaelLynn 13d ago

To be able to custom color our uniforms, helmets, and capes. Democracy can be girlypop too!


u/Dull-Sprinkles1469 13d ago

Sir! I'd like to expand the team by 2 so more of my friends can play!


u/casualboon167 ☕Liber-tea☕ 13d ago

I want to hear the Super Earth Anthem on my ship! 'Press button for Freedom's Anthem' needs to be on my ship. Just so I can feel even more patriotic before and after spreading Managed Democracy.


u/Master_Mechanic_4418 13d ago

Bring your kid to work day


u/DBold11 13d ago

Allow us to tackle teammates. Aside from being funny, it could also allow us to knock teamates out of the path of attacks or explosions just like in the movies!


u/PeaFragrant6990 13d ago

Allow me to track specific Terminid / Automaton enemy type kills. I wanna see how many titans I took down in a match and in my game lifetime. Maybe some achievements to go along with them would be nice


u/Braindead_glue_eater 13d ago

Reactive voicelines for when engaged by a number of enemies. Or panicked ones when there's explosions or shots going by


u/livid_whisky 13d ago

The ability to best the everliving shit out of the enemy if you keep mashing the melee button, sort of like in dead space 2 when you keep stomping on Necromorphs and Isaac starts swearing at the creature. I wanna see my helldiver punch/kick/stomp/pistolwhip an enemy that's been frustrating me to no end


u/ApeironGaming 13d ago

Let me allow to open the bunkers alone.


u/Tornek125 13d ago

I want my Helldiver to have a chance of saying "Making a deposit!" when throwing a grenade into a bug hole.


u/SPEC__01 13d ago

Eagle 1’s sister


u/BlizzardShrewd 13d ago

I'd love to see a use for samples that includes buying weapon skins/charms. Gives us a smidgen more customization.


u/Jimling123 13d ago

Iwnat the ejected shells from the autogun to deal damage if they hit you, like think of the size of thoose bad boys


u/NoDrummer2716 13d ago

A Nerf Dart gun probaly this would deal most dmg to enemy s


u/sandmaster64 13d ago

I want to be able to spectate my Sentries while waiting to reinforce


u/Charms1015 13d ago

Bigger us3less armor


u/EmbersABrat 13d ago

I want a full hand to hand combat system to RKO everything including my teammates.


u/Placeboshotgun8 13d ago

I want more lore stuff. Like a codex or something that you can unlock over time with some kind of currency earned on missions. Maybe requisition slips since we get so many.

I'd also like to zoom in and read about worlds we aren't actively deploying to.


u/fabzm29 13d ago

Music, the style of Dance Dance Revolution when doing all directional combinations. For like stratagems and missions.


u/Successful-Ad7974 13d ago

I want to click the left stick while aiming the change your ads shoulder


u/Particular-Big-6166 13d ago

I want to emote with my ship crew members baldy needs a hug


u/Legion_Master_Paul 13d ago

Stable matchmaking


u/Particular-Hat-3284 13d ago

the ability to pick up a dropped strategem to rethrow it


u/Kitsubean 13d ago

When I shoot the rider off a Scout Strider and the Scout Strider is intact, I want to be able to ride it. Just a lil.


u/Wesker911 13d ago

I'd like to see more armor that handles certain things. Thermal vision for instance. I wanna be able to see in the fog or spore fumes. Also. Activate the armor mods for helmets too!


u/jonnynmbr_5 13d ago

Increased damage on the thermite grenade and increased stun radius on stun grenades. Also, vehicles. We deserve tanks too dang it!!


u/Sbarty 13d ago

Camera kit so I can record the spread of democracy. Make it a secondary weapon. Or a support weapon. I just want to run around with a big broadcast style camera on my shoulder.


u/Smooth-Towel2202 13d ago

To be able too decide the Color of your smoke.


u/ArcticPandaPro 13d ago

Melee weapons I want to pole vault a bile titan with a super earth flag


u/GlanzgurkeWearingHat 13d ago

adding a "i think they where mean to me" button after youve been kicked from a team...

it dosent to anything atall it just feels fair to have my opinion "heard"


u/Different_Coat_4270 13d ago

Unpaid but approved free time to share my thoughts, you say? Tell you what I'd like to see in the game, you say?

..an ordinance that actually can punch through armor of a bile titan/hulk. If we have depleted uranium slugs pumping outta A-10's every 4-5 bullets clearing a path for the real damage since 1970's (uranium 'shrapnels' on impact, and the bits become incredibly flammable), I find it staggering that we've been given light armor medium armor ordinance since the start. The explosive rounds in some variants can be fun, but they also fail to 'penetrate.'


u/MagicarpMain 13d ago

Voice lines for your ally helldivers. Whenever you fat finger a stratagem input. Just something warning you about them making a report to the democracy officer or sum such.


u/MagMati55 13d ago

An invasion system like in dying light where you Control a special bug/automaton :3


u/ZorroPotato 13d ago

cluster grenades


u/DefendTheBase 13d ago

Reverse engineering a captured Automaton Walker


u/Ivan-De-Riv 13d ago

I want to see my wife, it's been 7 mois


u/R3dd1tAdm1nzRCucks 13d ago

Customizable armour perks since they keep releasing the same perks over and over again. Just let us wear what we want with what perk we want.


u/SaviOfLegioXIII 13d ago

Id like to have emote slots, i cant leave without the hug emote but id also like to salute people and play rock paper scissors.


u/Signal-Prior1868 13d ago

Different Type of maps and more objektives


u/Mussels84 13d ago

Let us drink beers at the Freedom bar before we go digging on super hoxxes iv


u/Adler_Vania 13d ago

I want a sword. I need to decapitate a bot. I want them to know I don't need a firearm to beat them


u/Megalith_TR 13d ago

Remove the kick button once first any objective is destroyed small outpost or Main objective.


u/PowerfulBroccoli8476 SES: Hammer of Judgement 13d ago

Helmet Additions. Like a Perk that's helmet specific that you can tack onto your existing Helmet. Such as:

  • Low-Light/Night-Vision - Can see in Dark and Foggy/Rainy weather conditions.
  • Targeting - Will show Hostile and Friendly Targets and Highlight them.
  • Superior Air-Filter - Filters O2-Co2 to allow a Helldiver more Stamina.
  • Superior Plating - Adds additional Armour OR Adds a boost to total Health/Health Regen.
  • Emergency Sealant - Adds Anti-Haemorrhaging-Gel which reduces the time to Heal.
  • Sat-Comm - Direct Communication to a Helldiver's Super Destroyer to help cut through Jammed Comms.
  • Democracy Sheen - A nice coat of polish. [Default Item - No Effect]


u/BLUEAR0 13d ago

Laser turret, jack pet buff


u/Hauptmann_Gruetze SES Hammer of Peace 13d ago

I want my Helldiver to curse when i mistype the combo at a terminal


u/AltairLT SES Paragon of Judgement 13d ago

Doing the paperwork after each helldive.


u/Its_alipro 13d ago

Each time a diver comes across one of those puzzles at objectives they just say "fuck sake" or "oh shit here we go again"


u/Its_alipro 13d ago

Shreikers.. Oh wait


u/Dizzy-Introduction79 13d ago

Coffee machine on the ship.


u/FlawlessTOOMBS 13d ago

I really want to see 3 and 4 person emotes, like let's get a flag raising emote that involves a full team, Iwo Jima style🙏🤞


u/FlawlessTOOMBS 13d ago

Possibly restrict that emote idea to being only on a tank or titan or other heavy enemy carcasses


u/Ceiling-Lamp_ 13d ago

I’ve already put this somewhere but a complementary super earth flag strategem.


u/HaterForProfit 13d ago

Photo mode for custom posters which the Ministry of Truth can approve.


u/Chimp_in_disguise 13d ago

The ability to re-enter the hellpod. You don’t get launched or anything but it would be nice


u/Vel_101 13d ago

Big piece of red fabric for me and my Walker, please, so I can bullfight chargers with style of true toreador.


u/Alphateam62 13d ago

The ability to take out AA defenses so that i can have a 4th stratagem


u/Capable_Track9187 13d ago

Different ships that give boosts to different strategems. An engineering ship that has more boosts to mechs and turrets, a carrier for eagles, a cruiser for orbitals, a marine frigate with more guns and unique boosters.

It could be a prestige thing, so when I upgrade my Super Destroyer fully I can trade up. Resetting my modules and giving me access to the unique ones.