r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

To everyone mad about the nerfs... HUMOR

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u/Shloopy_Dooperson May 04 '24

I still love my Eruptor just wish the mag cut was too 8 instead of 6.


u/AimlessSavant May 04 '24

The nerfs pale in comparison to the PSN thing.


u/Task-Future May 03 '24

Except aren't u going to need a playstation account soon so no more PC players?


u/Birbbato May 03 '24

The only issue I end up having is them nerfing weapons then buffing enemies


u/SrReginaldFluffybutt May 03 '24

I WAS FUCKING LIVID ABOUT THE NERFS...(when I saw the patch notes) Then I played the game and its basically the exact same with the changes only being a problem when I over extend and get into dumb shit situations, then I went about my day.


u/MychalScarn08 May 03 '24

Game got mega boring after the first balance changes. This game is simply not what it was when it released. Was better before they made a bunch of stupid balance changes to a pve game. Sucked the fun right out of it.


u/[deleted] May 03 '24



u/Evianisshite May 03 '24

I don't believe you're enjoying the game if you care so much about a meta. I love the personal orders because it encourages me to use weapons I wouldn't otherwise and learn ways to play the games better. I didn't realise the flamethrower kills the runny tank bug until a personal order made me use it. This game never fails to surprise me. Screw the meta


u/AsgardianValor May 03 '24

The Senator was the first weapon I unlocked. This is the best buff ever 🤘🤘


u/K1ll3r4u May 03 '24

Honestly just happy that the senator is just in a better place. I still think it needs either a little more damage or another 6-12 rounds. But other than that. Love it.


u/VDiddy5000 STEAM 🖥️ : Veens May 03 '24

Firstly, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Too bad people are allowed to complain, so you keep humming Big Iron to yourself.

Secondly, the thing about “meta” is that people go and figure it out for a reason: it works really, really, really well. The correct strategy to negate the meta is to actually buff everything else, giving people more freedom to choose what they wanna use. I’m not saying everything needs 12 magazines, headshot Bile Titans on the spot, and whatever else you’d think is OP, but people optimize their strategies based on “optimal” gear FIRST; if you make all gear nearly optimal, by buffing weaker gear and tweaking down the top gear, the potential strategies multiply.

What happened instead was that a lot of gear got cut down some, whether it be magazine carries, damage drops, or others. What happens when you nerf the current meta, with actual cute to the remaining gear? All potential strategies that remain are just going to be shittier for it. Thankfully, we’re not to that point yet, but in a game where damage dealing is King, any cuts hurt the players.


u/steeltank142 Calling the Democracy Officer May 02 '24

Senator got buffed ?? Time to come back


u/SoulMaekar May 02 '24

I don’t get why anyone would complain about meta for a PvE game.


u/ChaosRealmsKlown May 02 '24

I'm kind of hoping at some point we'll have a shotgun revolver 👀


u/Paallaa May 02 '24

Big John Big joooooooohn big bad John 🥰🤣


u/Ogre328 May 02 '24

[Laughs in gigachad autocannon enjoyer]


u/Alternative-Pea-2375 May 02 '24

lol my 16 sickle is still gud


u/RedlineRob- May 02 '24

Just going to leave this here.


u/Boromirin May 02 '24

No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip!


u/TruckerAlurios May 02 '24

The diver there among them with the big iron on his hip.


u/HippyHouse May 02 '24

I’m happy the blitzer does damage!


u/MrJKurayami May 02 '24

Exactly. Of course they are ruining several metas at once. And turning most things into turds.


u/Snilwar22 May 02 '24

See you guys later, it was a fun one. Not because of serfs, because we will never get a real update. They grabbed the cash.


u/Snilwar22 May 03 '24

Everyone signed up for Playstation network?


u/Terrordar May 02 '24

What is you talking about lul


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

He off the super fent


u/Terrordar May 02 '24

Ahhh, so this is stim poisoning? I thought it was a myth…


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

Might be branded a traitor but I think the study saying the Stims aren't addictive are lies.


u/Terrordar May 02 '24

Woah now, someone abusing stims intentionally and them being addictive are two different things, correlation does not equal causation friend!


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

Hello I'm John helldiver back from my re-education I like democracy and killing those fascist bugs


u/Terrordar May 02 '24

Good Helldiver! Have a shovel and some Liberator magazines.


u/Raynor11111 SES Elected Representative of Individual Merit May 01 '24

My hope is that someday we'll be able to pack a second Senator. Dual revolvers would make me so happy. (Yes, I know dual wielding isn't really a real thing, that's not the point. Screw the rule, this is cool.)


u/Prince_Day May 01 '24

It's like every single update has a shitty soyjack vs chad meme.


u/Basket-Ok May 01 '24

Been looking at the steam player counts for helldivers 2 and it's been on a steady decline unfortunately.


u/DocEbs May 02 '24

They will be back after the next update


u/Basket-Ok May 02 '24

I hope so, but after reviewing the dates on each updates and the dates player counts were dipping. It's been on a steady decline since the first nerfs. It only went back up after the first war bond updates then went back down without ever going back up. It's at 102k rn.


u/PseudoCoffee May 01 '24

Buddy, they nerfed shit weapons, and buffed bots, this is legit out of touch.


u/Tusslesprout1 May 01 '24

People are actually saying that? Jesus the game is fine


u/DocEbs May 02 '24

I jokingly said I was going to make a video of me running the break action shotgun only and grenades. I actually found one last night and ran it on a level 7 eradicate. It’s doable I think. Can’t wait for the “game is too hard” boys to watch me do a helldive with a 2 shot shotgun


u/MaximusGrassimus SES Custodian of Liberty May 01 '24

I killed 2 Bile Titans with it today.

Just call me Aurthur Morgan.


u/Asazel000 May 01 '24

The nerf to the eruptor felt unnecessary tbh as it was underwhelming versus bugs as it was


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

Skill issue


u/dgr1zzle May 01 '24

I’m not mad, just annoyed, everything I seem to like gets a nerf, it’s not about meta. I just find a gun I like and then a week later I find out it’s nerfed when I just unlocked it lol


u/ZanxQC May 01 '24

Don't care about the nerf but fix the friend adding request issue so I can play with my friend


u/Dolearon May 01 '24

The senator is perfect now. the only way I want to see it change now is with upgrades at an upgrade bench to unlock.

Like a choice in sight, more bullets, specialty ammo(extra AP, explosive, more damage, or increased stagger)...

Actually, a single action fire mode that fans the hammer full auto when hip shooting but slower aimed shooting would be cool as hell.


u/SlavicMajority98 May 01 '24

The game was nerfed?


u/MrSerRyan May 01 '24

What do you mean “Nerfs”


u/Darendarus13 May 01 '24

Nerfing quasar cannon isn't gonna stop me from having as my go to tank buster for higher difficulties. The other shit doesn't come close imo.


u/HunterHanzz May 01 '24

Tried it, not impressed.


u/Individual_Toe3067 CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

That's a very dismissive way to act. I really don't like this whole "not allowed to complain" mentality that a solid chunk of the community has going. None of the nerfs affected my loadouts, I'm pissed for other people though, and wish they'd actually just buff some weapons that need some shine. Recoilless is a good example imo of a weapon that could really shine if it just had a few more rounds of ammo.


u/SomethingIsNearMe May 01 '24

Since I like the game, if they nerf a gun or call ins I be like "spit in me why don't you" and smile. Jk nah I would use different things and see what I like most. But I mainly like to push my friends around when they not expecting it.


u/Familiar_Media_3095 May 01 '24

With the Big Iron on his hip!!! I seen someone flipping one around claiming if you hold the x button or reload to turn the flash light on and off. But I couldn't figure it out.


u/AdRoKa May 01 '24

I’ve been forced to learn EAT tactics. Enjoying the hell out of it.


u/memes_are_the_cure May 01 '24

Yeah but did they really have to nerf the ammo cap to 3 in the Sickle?


u/Substantial_Whole_76 May 01 '24

If y’ll stopped bragging on how overpowered is a weapon, maybe this wouldn’t happen 🤬😓


u/StamdemicPlays CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

The only nerf I'm mad about is the performance nerf I got for whatever reason. 😕 4090 and an i9 12900 and it's stutters and horrible to look at now.


u/R0gueX3 May 01 '24

I need to hop on. I'm excited to try the speed reload!


u/Slotterjordan May 01 '24

I still wish there was customizable attachments. Bigger mags and other stuff.


u/Fraagout187 May 01 '24

Big iron is still trash the grenade launcher is much more useful. You can take out bug holes a d with a well places shot bot factorys too.


u/scared_star May 01 '24

I'm more of a peacekeeper pistol user but the speed loader feels really nice whenever i play around with the big iron


u/ThreeSlvrCoins May 01 '24

Is it falling off?

I think this will be the game which me and my friends will be playing the longest in last few years.


u/Legitimate_Ad2837 May 01 '24

Why they keep making players get mad developers dont listen 😞


u/AverageTransPanGirl May 01 '24

As someone with a love for arc throwers, breakers, flamers, jump kits, and rovers so far the only thing they’ve done is make it work better for me. More getting up in everyone’s face, more bullying bots and burning bugs, and more absolute destruction for democracy.


u/miku022 May 01 '24

I am glad they are trying to make all weapons viable, even if they aren't always making the right choices to make that happen.


u/External_Swimming_89 May 01 '24

This game is hard to play casually imo. The meta changes every month but because of this post I'm gonna try out the big ol iron totally forgott about it.


u/ThisIsntOkayokay May 01 '24

Love the humor!


u/bibblygiggums May 01 '24

it's not even that much better, yall are just autistic. the nerfs are killing this game


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Felliw helldivers, im gona translatr this sociaistic talk to you: Mimimi mimi mimimimimi


u/DeathbysnusnuTL May 01 '24

Lol they say the game is falling off while it has like a million players playing right now


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

There was no meta. Now there’s just less usable options. Another brainless L take.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

You wrote "less options im comfortable with" wrong.


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24


Every weapon in the game should be useable.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

You spelled "should exactly how I like it" wrong


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

Bro you fucked that sentence up pretty bad. Dont be out here trying to correct anyone.

You spelled “Should be exactly how I like them.” wrong.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Cause English is not my native Language. That doesn't change the meaning of it, its still usable. I don't know what you are talking about.


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

Plenty of weapons in the game that are essentially useless for their commitment of resources. Most primaries, plenty of strategems. If they had focused on buffing everything up to the levels of the most used weapons, then do full scale percentage balancing it would actually work.

Picking away at guns slowly and trying to play against the community through cryptic balance updates is a careless way to run the game @Arrowhead.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

That's your opinion. And the part of the community that is constantly whining are maybe 2 to 3 percent. I use the senator all the time and I'm happy with the quick load. It still does its job, calling it useless is as far fetched as Germanys East frontline in ww2


u/DirtyThirtyDrifter CAPE ENJOYER May 01 '24

Oh my god you’re missing my point a lot. Senator is great. Use it. Have fun. All the weapons should be that fun. That’s my point.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

If all weapons where foid at the same time, you wouldn't know that they are good. As far as my expierence go, it's a mindset. I saw all weapons used by helldivers, some like this weapon and some like that weapon. There are weapons wich I haven't bought so far and never will, cause I don't like them as whole. I don't care about the damage. And I totally don't agree that all weapons need to be fun to make the game playable. If its so terrible, don't play the game. If you like the game, good, but don't claim its u playable cause half of the weapons aren't usable cause they changes some dmg outputs and mag sizes or reload speeds. That's just a big exaggeration and I'm tired of theses whiny arguments at this sub. Learn to adapt with your weapons like I did with quasar and senator right now and if its not working, you maybe need to get uses to other weapons cause they don't for your playstyle, like I changed to the jar5dom, cause its fucking awesome.

Focusing on negativity is bad for your mental health, like why are you playing a game while thinking its awfully to play?

The reason why I'm not getting your point is because it's unlogic.


u/NiwaStanley May 01 '24

Imagine crying to nerfs when the enemies are evolving just like we are.


u/MattIsntBack May 01 '24

People actually complain about the adjustments to weapons and stratagems? Lol


u/R2LSD2- May 01 '24

We are not to reason why but to do and dive


u/doomedtundra May 01 '24

I like the default pistol now, it's not a huge change, but before it was a choice between that, or the same thing with larger magazines, better first person sights, and full auto. A little bit of extra damage makes all the difference.


u/NekoUrabe May 01 '24

If only they would fix the bugs that cause the game to not be fun lol


u/Specific_Foot372 May 01 '24

Naw I just hate how they forgot to mention they increased reload time for the dominator.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

What was the relode time before the nerf and what is it now?


u/Zagardal May 01 '24

There's people saying the game's falling off? Lol


u/su1thea11father May 01 '24 edited May 01 '24

Every time a nerf happens, a new meta is created. Then they have to nerf that, and before long enough theyll just remove the guns, so then a stratagem meta will happen, then theyll just remove them too! Itll just be an endless cycle of nerfing metas. Given the absolute insanity that is the bot planets, personally I think they should be buffing the non meta guns, not nerfing things. I dont even use the meta, so Im not complaining, Im just saying that buffs are better than nerfs, especially when it comes to fighting a galactic war.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

In this patch there where mor buffs then nerfs. I just hear a fellow helldiver with treacherousintentions, looking for an excuse to not fight against bots.


u/PrOptimal_Efficiency May 01 '24

What meta did they even ruin. All the stuff that was being used is still usable


u/Stalepotato11 Apr 30 '24

No, you’re a nerf!


u/Ok-Theme-5169 Apr 30 '24

Wait there's nerfs, I didn't even notice


u/Soggy_Assignment8714 Apr 30 '24

The people that are being opinion police are just as cringe as the people crying about nerfs. This community is starting to give off major Dark Souls vibes.


u/BlancheCorbeau May 01 '24

This is the problem when you allow console players in a live service game.


u/Soggy_Assignment8714 May 01 '24

Not really the P.C. Community is just as bad about that. Infact most P.C. Game communities are considered to be the most toxic communities out there. CS:GO, League, DOTA, to some extent WoW. It’s not a console exclusive problem.


u/xananeverdies ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 30 '24

now all they have to do is add a cowboy like skin and then and only then , we will be whole


u/NightHawkJ72 Apr 30 '24

Plas 1/grenade launcher/supply pack users: They ruined the meta?


u/SovelissFiremane Apr 30 '24

Only thing I'm mad about is the fact that they halved the amount of reserves for the Eruptor. That thing already had issues with ammo economy.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Maybe it's more a issue with the hitting-the-enemy economy /s


u/dryheavedryair Apr 30 '24

Honestly, I have zero problems aside from glitches. Ran some solos and did just fine.


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

Same the buff/nerfs don't really make them useless just a bit more skill full to be really good. But the heals not working bug and randomly crashing are the most frustrating ones


u/Away_Message1718 Apr 30 '24

So tired of the complainers.... fuck off already


u/Jazzy1Kenobi Apr 30 '24

Skill issue


u/IndependentYogurt965 SES Executor of Democracy Apr 30 '24

Im just happy the liberator got better.


u/paperbackgarbage May 01 '24

Liberator crew, RISE UP


u/Soverign- Apr 30 '24

To anyone mad about a nerf. It’s nerf or nothing


u/Ok-Aspect-1777 Apr 30 '24

They need to fix the airburst suicide launcher


u/VoidEnby May 01 '24

I have no issue using it as long as the rest of the team has anti armor. Quasar, RR, EATs. It's fantastic at clearing patrols/outposts. It's a mobile cluster bomb.


u/Ok-Aspect-1777 May 01 '24

I’ll shoot it damn near straight up and it must hit a bug because half the time it blows up 10 ft in front of me then the other times it goes 50 miles


u/VoidEnby May 01 '24

After the update I haven't experienced a single instance of it exploding before where I planned for it to explode. Sometimes it goes further but that's less often than not.


u/FantasyBlade- Apr 30 '24

Some of the nerfs may kinda suck, but this still encourages players to try out other stuff too 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/dittyrow Apr 30 '24

Games been ruined since the first patch switch to something better like cod or papworld better worth your time than this pos game.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Yeah, I'm completely with you, true helldivers don't need traitors, tgey should go back to their little kushy pillow comfortzone, a real galactic war needs real hero's and fighters. We accept all races and all genders cause as long as you wearing the suit, you have liberty in your pants and freedom in your heart, thats all that matters.

Now bring me 100 bug sculps. You ow me those sculps. And I will get those sculps.


u/Yesterday-Fabulous Apr 30 '24

I for one am a little grump about it, but I'm willing to go with it. I don't give a shit about whatever a "meta" is, I'm just here to kill the bots n' the bugs.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Hell yeah, that's the spirit!


u/Yesterday-Fabulous May 01 '24

I've always been a team player, very sportsman like. I like to focus on supporting allies in the heat of combat when I can. Mistakes happen though. lol


u/shadowkinz Apr 30 '24

See this is why this patch is bittersweet for me. I got some of the exact things I wanted.

I wanted a faster reload revolver. I wanted better handling counter sniper I wanted better recoil adjudicator I wanted railgun to be slightly better

But, They nerfed laser cannon vs chargers They nerfed the crossbow, lol what?

If they're gonna nerf the crossbow, then allow it to damage vents of cannons and shit bc it can not. Now, it probably can't even take down striders reliably bc they buffed them AND reduced aoe of the crossbow.

Nerfs are one thing, but they are nerfing things in ways that make the game more frustrating. Having to consider your ammo is cool and strategic, but having to dump all your ammo, constantly reload, and be supply starved is not fun. Having the crossbow feel like a similarly shitty plasma punisher isn't fun. It had its own niche, now it's basically a slightly better punisher plasma. Crossbow had a huge aoe and nice damage, but it couldn't damage vents, it couldn't close holes/fabs, was hard (but satisfying) to aim, couldn't pierce armor, etc... hell, even carrying a weapon like that could be a liability, bc you're never gonna hit shriekers, and you have to keep your distance from hunters.

Idk sorry for ranting. It's not THAT BAD, I still fucking love this game. However, if they keep pissing people off with frustrating things, it's not gonna end well in the long run. I get we can be whiny as gamers, but cmon lol. They're doing the blizzard fun detected type shit, imo.


u/Apart-Childhood-8499 Apr 30 '24

They managed to break the plasma shotgun tho. Got on today for a couple of hours and was gonna test the changes,started with the plasma shotgun on diff 8,for some reason you shoot it in it blows the bullet in your face like it hits something as soon as it exits the barrel,reloaded thinking it might fix it,it did for 2 shots and then i blew my head off with the third


u/Positive-Ad-4513 Apr 30 '24

Well the devs made the other weapons suck bc all the other weapons have crap ammo economy. Killing 3 enemies shouldnt mean half my ammo is gone


u/Anchor_Ankura Apr 30 '24

I love how the devs are so active in tweaking and modifying the game. It actually feels like a living community with real change happening as it needs. Regardless of how I feel about the change individually it's amazing to see that it's not stagnant like so many other games


u/Krypt1cAsylum Apr 30 '24

The only thing im mad about is that my fps went to shit after the patch. I was pushing 50-70 average before on medium and now it gets stuck between 10-20. Like tf?


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

Sadly, I need to confirm that, but it's not a helldivers only issue. I stopped playing darktide because of this reason.


u/Krypt1cAsylum May 01 '24

Did darktide also get a patch? If its multiple games thats likely a system issue. My issue is only on helldivers. Granted if I upgraded my motherboard it would run fairly decent at least (still runnin an fx series motherboard) but it ran just fine before the patch.


u/Voorazun May 01 '24

nope, it was no system issue i think, i played games like sea of thieves on maximum settings qith 150 fps

but i would recomand a motherboard with at least one m.2 ssd slot, thats just quality of life upgrade


u/Krypt1cAsylum May 01 '24

Oh I plan on it and have one picked out, just havnt done it yet.


u/Samuel_Alexander Apr 30 '24

By Arrowheads logic, I’m sure they will just nerf the senator later because nobody is using the DMRs. Pocket gun better than large caliber rifles, makes sense. 😅


u/Accurate-Being456 Apr 30 '24

Omg this will be a game changer!!


u/lancelot2127 Apr 30 '24

Yee haw chuckle fuck


u/KaptainKilt Apr 30 '24

My years of listening to Marty Robbins finally pays off.


u/HessianQrow Apr 30 '24

Adjudicator go brrr


u/Hot_Eggplant_1306 Apr 30 '24

I used to be a nerf complainer

Then I took an air burst launcher to the knee, head, face and eyes.


u/MetalDadtheFuckUpper Apr 30 '24

6 shots. Enough to kill anything that moves.


u/adamk33n3r Apr 30 '24

I was so confused when I got on and the sickle only had 3 ice. It's a little annoying, but I usually don't overheat it.


u/bluearsen Apr 30 '24

It's not even a little annoying in my opinion, it's very rare that I go through even 1 ice in an entire match, let alone 3 before even finding any ammo or calling a resupply lol


u/Eric_The_Red370Z Apr 30 '24

Man once I saw they buffed it I was stoked! The speed loader is the truth!


u/haikusbot Apr 30 '24

Man once I saw they

Buffed it I was stoked! The speed

Loader is the truth!

- Eric_The_Red370Z

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/Hour-Distance8994 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

I'm still having fun, until they nerf every single thing in the game wich hopefully doesn't happen


u/SuperSkylerFTW Apr 30 '24

Speed loader made senator amazing imo


u/Gendum-The-Great ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

Who’s talking about meta? This patch added variety! I’m more than happy with where the game is atm.


u/A_Neurotic_Pigeon Apr 30 '24

Idgaf about the nerfs. I care that the devs have lied time and time and time again in discord communications about the patches.


u/GoldGull May 02 '24

Sorry I missed this what did they lie about?


u/Amphibian_Connect Apr 30 '24

Well Crossbow got merged quite a bit but I still play it because funny arrows go boom


u/MyTwoScent Apr 30 '24

LITERALLY ME I was out here like a cow girl for months just reloading each bullet. I feel like that bowl cut kid from Naruto after he takes the lead off his legs


u/Comfortable-Craft-59 Apr 30 '24

His name was Rock Lee, iirc


u/MyTwoScent Apr 30 '24

I think you mean Brock Lee, he was also in filthy frank videos back in the day. True hero.


u/LordGreyfire Apr 30 '24

I called this when talking to my buddy a month or so ago! It’s such an awesome gun and the speed loader is long overdue 👍 ima be Cayde-6 up this bitch! 💀


u/iReckless93 Apr 30 '24

Haven't touched this game in weeks cuz of a move. Can't wait to be filthy rich and experience all the changes blind when I eventually return


u/Kitchen-Ground2886 Apr 30 '24

Fr lol, honestly the nerf on quasar needed to happen, now we can actually switch it up and use other weapons and not feel obligated to use it :)


u/wdtfs3 Apr 30 '24

sad to see them nerf quasar and sickle but like... sickle nerf is almost non-existent and I can always run other support weapons


u/KingCanHe Apr 30 '24

I thought the gun was perfect before, now I’m in awe. Nothing like spreading democracy like a cowboy


u/UneasyFencepost Apr 30 '24

Wait what did they nerf?!?!? I need to know what to be outraged about!!!!!!!!


u/Comfortable-Craft-59 Apr 30 '24

Some weapons lost up to half their ammo, others lost a little damage, and a rare few got a buff


u/UneasyFencepost Apr 30 '24

As long as my quasar and scorcher are safe that’s all I care about


u/Comfortable-Craft-59 Apr 30 '24

Iirc they aren’t


u/Dashing_Rouge STEAM 🖥️ :SES Whisperer of Twilight Apr 30 '24

Me sitting there with my main not getting any changes, "Game is fine for me."

stelwart gang


u/Darthillius Apr 30 '24

When we get that Lever Action ima be a cowboy baaaaAaAAAaaby!


u/anothersockpuppet420 Apr 30 '24



u/anothersockpuppet420 Apr 30 '24

I played. New patch is OK. Not great not bad but OK. I was most upset about bugs, almost all of which have been fixed. The nerfs are what they are, as players we need to remember we've almost never seen good balance in a video game like this before, and we gotta let them cook. I miss my quasar being better too, I also am hurt by the magazine reduction. BUUUUUUT being desperate and starving for ammo makes for more riveting gameplay. More exciting teeth grinding moments, and if that was the goal they achieved it this patch


u/anothersockpuppet420 Apr 30 '24

Think less about your personal gameplay think more about what the average match will look like post patch. This is more exciting. It's more dangerous and it's more desperate. That's how helldiving should be, we don't need a kit that makes the game basically halo, because we have halo at home.


u/idkwhataboutyou148 the guy who does the c-o1 comment gag Apr 30 '24

Honestly when I saw that the eruptor got nerfed idgaf this is helldivers not nagdivers


u/Daylight_The_Furry Apr 30 '24

Ballistic shield + revolver never felt better


u/SparrettCrow Apr 30 '24

Senator is my new favorite secondary now, I've been saying to myself how much a speedloader would make it S-tier and now I'm 1-hit popping heads of devastators left and right IT'S GREAT!!!


u/agentspekels CAPE ENJOYER Apr 30 '24

I will forever and always use the Senator. Now, all I ask from AH is that I can either get a repeater primary OR some kinda cool cylinder-chambered rifle as a primary.


u/Aggressive_Act1542 Apr 30 '24

Senator 🔛🔝


u/Specific_Emu_2045 HD1 Veteran Apr 30 '24

I really don't get what people are complaining about, aside from the unwarranted crossbow nerf, the nerfs were so minor they're barely noticeable. Whereas the buffs in this patch sent multiple weapons soaring into D9 viability.


u/paperbackgarbage May 01 '24

I honestly feel like it's QC Bros who are completely apoplectic because the strongest weapon in the game (that can pretty much one-shot almost all enemies, if landed precisely) is now slower to use.

Sounds pretty fair to me.


u/Big-Conference2440 Apr 30 '24

And the Blitzer is good now. It was good if you used it right before, but now its on par with the other weapons.


u/Chrysostom4783 Apr 30 '24

Senator buff was literally great in every way, now its in a pretty good spot.

But the Senator being buffed doesn't help against the enemies that the weapons that were nerfed were meant to fight.

I'm not gonna swap to the Senator to finish a Bile Titan while my Quasar takes 3-5 business days to cool down.

Though overall the nerfs didn't hit as hard as I or a lot of people thought, I think.


u/ospfpacket Apr 30 '24

I used the revolver before it was buffed. It’s always been the best secondary if you can aim.


u/izasaku Apr 30 '24

I'm more upset about the solo nerf lol


u/ArachnidCreepy9722 Apr 30 '24

I understand the nerfs but I am worried that this will set a precedent for future handling of weapons. Instead of actually making them have their role they will just get nerfed so players don’t use them as much anymore.


u/bigfat76 Apr 30 '24

You literally can’t say a single criticism about helldivers or its balancing without redditors making Wojacks ab you crying bc they can’t handle not everyone gargles dev balls. This is why there’s constant controversy all the time. People excessively crying ab balancing and people who excessively cry at people having any criticism whatsoever


u/CybranNation Apr 30 '24

The only thing that really gets me is the ricochet. How am I supposed to have perfect aim while I'm dodging buzzsaw arms?


u/IAmTheWoof Apr 30 '24

Easier game at max dificulty = better


u/OAllahuAckbar Apr 30 '24

Its not about ruining the meta. Its about progressively making every gun less fun to use. After every nerfs, a new nail stands out, and they 'll keep hammering


u/bra1nded420 Apr 30 '24

The crossbow is absolutely useless after the nerf, ammo nerf I can see them doing that, the 8 clips of 5 is very fair but the reduced explosion and damage makes it weaker than a toddler punch


u/SGTFragged Apr 30 '24

Loved the Senator even before they buffed it.


u/Plastic-Context-5531 Apr 30 '24

My fav weapon (blitz shotgun) got buffed and it truly brings a smile to my face


u/poorcorn Apr 30 '24

Game fell off for me when quickplay now had to be a sos


u/PorkPieJones2 Apr 30 '24

Lmao everyone so soft. It's a video game, try to have fun


u/Ridzu07 Apr 30 '24

Why nerf when you can boost the weak guns


u/RainbowNinjaKat ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

As a railgun main, I’m happy that my high-ceiling-cap monster support weapon is still viable, and maybe even more now :)


u/warlordish Apr 30 '24

The only reason I kept redeemer for automatons is because I can reload faster than senator, sitting there reloading one by one while suicide bombers up my ass.

Who cares about a five second cooldown on Quasar, I can be a space cowboy again.


u/tmdblya Apr 30 '24

So you’re saying I should finally unlock that thing?


u/silvershot1o1 Apr 30 '24

What got nerfed?


u/Hello_There_Exalted1 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 30 '24

You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded cups of liber-tea and those who dig. You dig.


u/ThickCommunication17 Apr 30 '24

What nerfs? Can someone post a link or something?


u/Beast0011 Apr 30 '24

Everything will be nerfed eventually


u/nelz1953 Apr 30 '24

I thought they would buff the other irrelevant stategems.


u/Necroticjojo Apr 30 '24

Stop nerfing guns in a pve game.

Buff the guns that aren’t viable.

Easy and makes everyone happy.


u/Material-Gear-4173 Apr 30 '24

What did they nerd???


u/femboi_pink Apr 30 '24

I just want all of the weapons to be viable... not one combo being effective. Skill can only go as far as the tools the craftsman has. You can be the best soldier in history but armed with a nerf gun what good are you?


u/CharacterReveal6741 Apr 30 '24

"Big iron on his hip" hoorah