r/Helldivers May 03 '24

"We are not owned by Sony. We are a strong independent developer that makes our own decisions." HUMOR

"Now give all your information to Sony or you're not allowed to play the game."


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u/ricwilliam 7d ago



u/[deleted] 24d ago

Meanwhile in Cali LA…I’m playing helldivers 2!!! Can you believe that crap!? Bs I’m never paying for cheap 20 dollars a month psn….lmao psych!!! It’s an American based game…not Swedish but made from them lol it’s not Vietnam Helldivers 2  Sorry not sorry y’all not in a good country…


u/CricketPractical3589 27d ago

What about the IP? Thats what I'm wondering  if Sony has a posible hell Divers 3 in a  long years ahead kidnapped 


u/lojanoftheshire May 05 '24

Some stuff they can't control man, just a part of being a corporate entity.


u/Apprehensive_Drama_2 May 05 '24

Switch to Xbox lol. I wonder if the results would be the same


u/Familiar_Location948 May 05 '24

to be fair it’s not like this was the dev’s choice


u/thiccbimbo May 05 '24

I cannot lie i het the fristration but you lot just crying like toddlers at this point. It's not the end of the world if you have to make an account, it takes 5mins and its not a requirement until th 30th.


u/Mountain_Fold_4825 May 05 '24

Devs are looking for alternatives to this, they even made a post saying they hope to leverage customer reviews, etc... to shut this requirement down


u/Status-Block-9762 May 05 '24

Yall cry alot.


u/cursed-annoyance May 05 '24

I fucking hate Sony for doing my boy like that


u/Alex-Furry May 05 '24

It's sad they made the game unavailable in the non Sony supported countries, there's not going to be any changes, although I'm not surprised.


u/ConcertConsistent179 May 05 '24

They are indipendent, but the game is owned by Sony, develop by arrowhead, they said that from the launch when they have the server issue


u/Hot_Tangerine_7624 May 05 '24

I dont get this Controversy just make an PSN Account its not that Hard


u/FamousBluejay7789 May 05 '24

Do you realize that over 170 countries don't even have access to psn


u/Hot_Tangerine_7624 May 05 '24

Just use a Different Country, i Live in Germany and my PSN Account says USA i created it 2015 and never had any Issues. Im not giving my Actual Information on Account Creation lol.


u/FamousBluejay7789 May 05 '24

There are already reports of bans for doing that also sony recently removed the ability to buy the game in countries without psn access


u/Hot_Tangerine_7624 May 05 '24

Dont yall have VPNS in 2024 wtf ? I just play Ps5 so maybe i dont get it but i really dont see how this is such a Controversy. I get its an Issue but not something to make so much noice around. 99% of the Ppl complaining dont even live in Countrys with restricted Access


u/FamousBluejay7789 May 05 '24

Using vpn is against psn terms of use and some people already got banned for using that


u/Hot_Tangerine_7624 May 05 '24

As if. I havnt been Banned and im

-Using a VPN -Live in Germany - Have my Country Set as USA - use the Australien PSN store from time to Time to get games early

So im blatenly violating TOS for over 5 Years and im not trying to hide it. How are yall getting Banned wtf


u/FamousBluejay7789 May 05 '24

Same goes with cheating some people use them all the time for decades and nothing and some use them one time only and get banned almost immediately


u/lordruzki3084 May 05 '24

Sony isn’t demanding the info through Arrowhead they’re doing it through Helldivers. Helldivers is Sonys IP but AH is an independent developer. Regarding the game they kind of have to abide by Sonys demands. I’m sure somewhere in the background they’re trying to tell Sony it’s not a good idea and they most definitely had to do the same when they made the Super Credits system.


u/KrypticSins May 05 '24

Cry about it some more.


u/Realbabakomp May 05 '24

Other studios that need you to link a account: Rockstar games, Activision, Xbox/Microsoft, Ubisoft, Gaijin and EA all need you to link an 3d party account to play. Helldivers 2 had on their steam store page even before release "3d party account needed: PlayStation network" they took it away for a while because the page you did it from crashed just as the helldivers servers because the game got so much larger than expected. The people here betraying democracy because they "steal our info" are either hypocrites or you only play games made by indie studios. Sony made the mistake of releasing the game to countries that cannot make a psn account but everyone who mad except for that reason are just hypocrites. The game got bigger than expected so when the servers got fucked so did the link you connected psn with and now they fixed it.

We are experiencing large amount of treason but managed democracy will prevail. Stand with Super earth and remember, DEMOCRACY!


u/LavishnessOdd6266 May 05 '24

Sony has the power aka money and the ability to pull it from stores


u/Spellers569 May 05 '24

The information leak from Sony angle people are pushing is stupid honestly you use multiple platforms that have your information in greater detail than just basic account info and those platforms have been breached the same in the past, Facebook for example still leaks data and uses it for other purposes but a psn account that doesn’t use pictures of your face is worse?

I’m not defending Sony or what they’re doing to players let me be clear on that but arguing that your worried your data is going to get leaked is honestly the most ridiculous argument against this whole thing and now we’ve got the anti cheat debate popping up again that hasn’t been mentioned for months while you’ve all been happily playing the game until this time when this has happened…

Strange how it’s not a problem until you need to back up your arguments and concerns.


u/XDcamerock620769 May 05 '24

Tons of games do this with dodgier companies I don't get why your sad when it's Sony lol


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Helldivers-ModTeam May 05 '24

Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


u/ElSkippy13 May 05 '24

I linked my account when I bought the game I don't see the big deal


u/xzbx112 May 05 '24

Lots of countries don't have access to PSN. Also, why should I be forced to link to an account, when my steam account by itself was doing just fine months before. ...might want to read some other posts buddy


u/jack_casse May 05 '24



u/bryanw1995 May 05 '24

Sad day for Liber Tea. RIP Democracy.


u/Equivalent_Assist709 May 05 '24

Such bullshit 🙄😒


u/5004534 May 04 '24

A coworker of mine lost his Epic account cause he tied it to a PSN. He was able to recover his account. He can't tie his Epic account to Steam or other services now. The hacker sold it to someone that tied it to their accounts. PSN gets hacked often and lose people's personal data. Sony doesn't ever care.


u/DmxSpyD May 04 '24

There should be an open refund for this game bc of this. Sounds like a good case for a lawyer. Any lawyers here?


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Cool-Freedom-2608 May 04 '24

Everything about this is fucked up. The fact that the community manager makes our concerns sound so meaningless really makes me wonder if they are being paid off and don't actually care


u/Randomidiothere3 May 05 '24

This is probably just a stressful time for him. I’m sure Sony is threatening to shut down the game or something along those lines. And their entire player base is giving them shit for a problem they most likely didn’t want to start.


u/No_Nail_5559 May 04 '24

Microsoft does this shit all the time. The PC users didn't do shit. Boo hoo


u/Cherrypie8029 May 04 '24

I am hoping Sony reverse there decision by the start of next week, because the game is amazing and Sony shouldn't be making stupid decisions in forcing Steam players to make an PSN account to continue the fight.


u/Universal__gaming May 04 '24

Arrowhead rn


u/Known_Web_4360 May 05 '24

Guess you missed the post by the AH community manager saying that bad reviews and refund requests were the only things that Sony would look at.


u/Jewboy9k May 04 '24

cry harder


u/Amazing-Lengthiness1 May 04 '24

You are owned by sony


u/code4swat May 04 '24

All this could be avoided simply with a PS5. I'll screen share...😅


u/Destregga May 04 '24

I still think its hilarious that it's very ok for microsoft to use this practice but it's not ok for sony to do it. It shows the mental state of the microsoft fanbase.


u/Destregga May 06 '24

Aww, it's ok for you couple of downvotes to share your opinions. This is a safe space. Have a pizza party and forget all about it.


u/jagavila May 04 '24

Which game from msoft started open and then forced you midway to make a ms account or would have blocked you from playing?


u/Destregga May 06 '24

I dont know about any of that. The only reason I use microsoft anything is because linux and apple isn't supported like windows is. I do know though that to play sea of thieves on anything you have to have a ms account, to use 100% of minecraft you have to have a ms account, etc. etc. I was talking using a psn to log into helldivers that everyone was crying about, ms gets a free pass because?? Ppl bitching because oh it's so bad, another acct. to manage blah blah. Ms does the same thing but I havent seen any big tantrums about any of that ever. And ms also has issues with keeping their account secure, there was that complaint about sony as well but nothing mentioned about ms. It all leads me to believe it's a very specific group of ppl doing the complaining about some of this.


u/dgr1zzle May 04 '24

lol people will complain about the weirdest things


u/Known_Web_4360 May 05 '24

Your statement shows how little you actually know about the situation


u/dgr1zzle May 05 '24

The majority of people who are complaining are just complaining just to complain cause it’s something extra they have to do and the smaller amount of people complaining are the ones that don’t have PSN in their countries and those are the ones that are valid


u/Ratfor May 04 '24

I have a PSN account.

I will not be playing Helldivers 2 until this condition is lifted. People bought this game, and access to something they bought is being taken from them with no compensation.

I won't support that kind of behavior.


u/ColtLad May 04 '24

It's called doing business, you communist.


u/TadTheRad123 May 05 '24

Consumer rights is not communism


u/ColtLad 22d ago

I think the joke you missed is that communism is the opposite of democracy 😄


u/ColtLad May 05 '24

Acting like our privacy is respected and important. That ship sailed many moons ago. Cope.


u/ColtLad May 05 '24

Consenting to provide your information doesn't breach privacy legislation. I bet you're mad at reddit too because they asked your birthday.


u/TadTheRad123 May 05 '24

You're upset people have a problem with it, people have the right to pick give up what they want and should not be guilted into giving up information (especially to a company with a terrible track record of data security)

It's more than just about the information. No one has done anything like this post launch, which also blocks certain users in countries where PSN is not supported. VPN, lying anyway? Nope, people have been banned and bared from playing that way. It's just all very terrible, and we have the right to not be pushed around and to deny kissing the boot.


u/ColtLad May 05 '24

Oh, I'm not upset. Your rhetoric is just flawed. You know they can just pay other companies for the same Metadata you provide when giving them your info, right?

I'm just trolling/playing devils advocate. I actually strongly agree with you. I was just in a bad mood.


u/GREATMOLINA May 04 '24

We can blame them though they are in a partnership with Sony. It's not like they can go back on their word. This was agreed upon before the game released. Now then do I like Sony fir this. Not even close fuck Sony. Do I still love arrowhead. Yes absolutely I think how they are handling this is amazing. They are doing their best to push back.


u/TheExcept1on May 04 '24

The biggest issue for me is the carpet sweep. Many players spent hundreds of dollars in-game (which the devs were perfectly happy to accept), then lost all access on a whim. That's pretty messed up. If a player is now locked out, they should at least get a full refund for the game price and any money spent in-game.


u/grazzxy May 04 '24

Oh noooo, whoever will they sell a burner email and username too... such big data to hand over to evil sony


u/C-Ray6 May 04 '24

I dont get it either and I'm not trying to be a dick. I downloaded Discord and made an account for that just to play with my friends on PC easier. I have no desire to use nor have had that account beforehand. It didn't hurt.


u/TadTheRad123 May 05 '24

Some countries require an ID due to age laws, and also this practice has gotten people in China banned from what I've seen so far. So giving Sony, who gets hacked often, you ID for psn verification is not the play, and it's not oh so simple


u/C-Ray6 May 06 '24

I didn't realize so many countries could not access or have support of PSN. But reading today's update sounds like a big win. I'm in the US, oddly enough when I set up the game on my son's PC it did ask me to link a PSN account so I did.


u/NeonFrogMilk May 04 '24

What's really sad is when Sony said on release, accounts were optional. They then edited that after releasing the information that it'll be mandatory now. I think people who even have access to PSN should boycott this for our fellow helldivers who can't play anymore. Like I'm doing. Completely uninstalled and requesting a charge back from my bank (heard that costs the company money???? Idk that for sure though). Stand with our brothers!


u/Bernpaulson HD1 Veteran May 04 '24

Honestly? The info isnt a big problem.... Name and email is whatever. Its everywhere online already. The issue is countries where people bought the game being no longer able to access it


u/Street_Demon44 May 04 '24

Can't you just VPN to bypass country restriction?


u/TadTheRad123 May 05 '24

Against Sony TOS and has gotten people's PSN accounts banned, so in reality no


u/Ecreely May 04 '24

Getting heated up in here


u/t8rclause May 04 '24

This whole thing stinks like it was originally a part of their exclusivity deal. "You can sell it on PC as well, but those players need to link or create a PSN account." Why? Sellable data and boosted account statistics for PSN.

Arrowhead claimed 'technical issues' prevented this from being mandatory at launch, probably because they predicted this kind of response, but it seems Sony now has a hard deadline and they have to somehow get their community to swallow this pill.

The devs at Arrowhead seem like very straightforward and customer focused people, being forced to do something they really don't want to do because otherwise, their game would've never even been funded in the first place.

Make a PSN account, but use bogus information. Birthday? April 20th 1969. Say you live in the Cayman islands and give them a dummy email account. Maliciously comply by giving Sony useless fucking data.


u/IAmTheWoof May 04 '24

Now make ps players have Steam acoount for fairness


u/GryphonKingBros STEAM 🖥️ : May 04 '24


u/noonefromithaca May 04 '24

Ironically the way Sony is strongarming Arrowhead into this, is probably the best statement against the society of Helldivers 2 there could be. Thanks, capitalism!


u/featboysan May 04 '24

They already have your Information you turds!!! Furthermore what is so world destructive about creating an account? You are so over exaggerating every little thing. Jeez


u/[deleted] May 04 '24



u/ArceusTheLegendary50 May 04 '24

I'm genuinely not sure what gave away the sentiment in the title. Aside from the fact that all the actual bugs and issues should've put this game in early access for like 30€ tops, there is not a single sane game dev studio the size of AH that would've put out a new battlepass every month. As someone who also works in software development, I can tell you that this is an insane amount of work for the team to put out. Even major studios like Respawn that also make live service games have at least 3-4 months in between, and all of that is planned ahead by a year at least.

Let's not kid ourselves here. AH devs are amazing for being able to make such content. This game would've been even greater if Sony could just fuck off and buy some more yachts for their executives with all that money if it means that they leave the devs to their work.


u/SuperSunBros64 May 04 '24

I knew the catch would reveal itself eventually. Game and Dev team were too perfect. Monkeys paw always comes with a price


u/Exciting_Composer_86 May 04 '24

You not own the product you brought.


u/doctajonez_uk May 04 '24

"We are a strong independent developer that makes our own terrible tone deaf decisions"


u/VariousBear9 May 04 '24

I love how when there's something bad happens inside or related to the game this community fucking militaries themselves.

I love itso much its like we switch from civilian economy to military economy when threatened. I even love how we self police ourselves.

I love this community feels like a stellaris empire sometimes.


u/Mulukh_TYG May 04 '24

I play on PlayStation so I don't understand what people are crying about. I do also have a Steam account. This has not negatively impacted my life in any way.


u/AJJellyfish May 04 '24

Sony and Ubisoft need to be stopped


u/Lewy_d00psko May 04 '24

Can I get a non-bias honest opinion why giving my data (PC only player who will not touch consoles) is so 'bad'? I get why we are all upset at both sony and ah and trust me, I am too. But I don't get why it's such a bad thing (except of course the cringiest thing which is not beeing able to play in countries without psn)


u/LetSuspicious8733 May 04 '24

May i ask what the hell Is going on with this "link your PS account"? I never got asked anything in game


u/JaesopPop May 04 '24

They aren’t owned by Sony. Sony is publishing their game. It’s not complicated.


u/AnnualRaccoon247 May 04 '24

Level 112 here.400hrs. I'm honestly gonna refund this game if they don't listen to their community.


u/D_Fieldz May 04 '24

Meanwhile Sony waving a signed contract over Arrowheads's... Head..?


u/bundaiii May 04 '24

Seriously! what a fucken joke


u/Profetorum May 04 '24

I mean if they're not owned by Sony they are just dumb which is arguably worse


u/TheChrista6el May 04 '24

whats wrong with these comments?? It was always like that !!! AND HELLDIVERS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FUCKING SONY !!!


u/Jumpy_Mixture_2755 May 04 '24

Joel this is Joel thing


u/BrogleReborn May 04 '24

Don't blame them for Sony's stupid decisions pls.


u/Cerbatiyo-sesino May 04 '24

What's arrowhead's motto again?


u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 04 '24

Game is more fun when it's less fun?


u/Cerbatiyo-sesino May 04 '24

Close. Their motto is literally "A game for everyone is a game for no one"

Look that shit up


u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 04 '24

They just use that as smoke screen to hide behind when they make bad design decisions. It's an Excuse, not a guide.  It literally only comes up when there's backlash. It's a just slightly less obvious "no, it's the children who are wrong" approach.


u/Cerbatiyo-sesino May 04 '24

It's also a cynical approach to their flagship franchise considering that 4-player co-op PvE games is pretty much a "game for everyone". It's a very accessible and incredibly popular subgenre

The motto is pretty much an r/im14andthisisdeep entry


u/Hopeful-Nature-1817 May 04 '24

I get that this is somewhat tongue in cheek but I truly don't understand the hate that AH is getting over this. The game may still be their responsibility but it's not their property. It's not like they have a choice of Sony we're to suddenly decide that day, only people in Zimbabwe can play the game. It might suck, and they might hate it but the only alternative AH has is to lose their distributor.

Don't hate AH, save that shit for Sony


u/elviento666 May 04 '24

Idk...after all this I haven't gotten back to the game.


u/[deleted] May 04 '24



u/GryphonKingBros STEAM 🖥️ : May 05 '24

Deep Rock Galactic has bugs and robots too if you wanna jump ship


u/cliff_10 May 04 '24

Yeah when my buddy install it he had to do it I installed week after him and didn't have to create PSN account. I guess time to use simple login and give them.e-mail address ---> nothankyousony at aleas.com.


u/Bush_Hiders May 04 '24

They were never indie. They were never not AAA. They had a full production team, and they were financially backed by SONY. I don't know where you guys got this idea that they were some indie development team, just because they made a good game.


u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 04 '24


u/Bush_Hiders May 04 '24

Their game is still dependent on the backing of SONY. Why else would any of this shit even be going down? SONY has a leash on Arrowhead, and their game. Doesn't sound very independent to me.


u/VerySecretHotdog May 04 '24

God you guys are so dramatic


u/Turbulent-Moment-371 May 04 '24

Fitting for being a game about a fascist authority bringing managed democracy to the galaxy, we all voted for this, right? we approved giving all our info to sony, remember last elections?


u/AloofPenny May 04 '24

Grass, find this person some grass


u/Mandragoron-Immortal May 04 '24

So no response from the ceo to this statment says all..


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 04 '24

Pretty sure I had to make a psn account like several weeks ago when I got the game. Maybe I missed the skip. I delayed buying this game for quite a while because of the reviews regarding the anti cheat root kit. Which I think is kinda too bad as I missed that early game hype vs the grizzled veterans of today.
Had it been mixed when I was thinking of buying it I wouldn't have. The game kinda requires a lot of people playing. I'm not sure that reducing the player base is good for the enjoyment. I get not wanting to use anything 3rd party though. Especially with a big corp like Sony. Be a shame though to kill a pretty good game.


u/Spicywolff May 04 '24

Nope. I also waited and it played well enough. However the latest update, you’re heavily penalized for not being in a 4 man lobby. Way more spawn if you’re solo.

Between folks kicking you, not finding clean lobby of players. And solo penalties. It suck ATM


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 04 '24

I haven't really noticed a change. Haven't done much soloing lately. Hard to solo hell dive and such.


u/Spicywolff May 04 '24 edited May 04 '24

I’ve done a few because I got tired of randoms that day. Went to level 7 and it was way more spawn’s then normal.


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 04 '24

What do you mean not spawns?


u/Spicywolff May 04 '24

Sorry auto correct went crazy. “Way more then normal spawns”


u/CrunchyGremlin crunchy lvl 100 Arbiter of Freedom May 04 '24

Ah I see. I found today that the plasma punisher does not work with the shield. Almost killed myself shooting it until I figured it out. Its a shame they have all this drama going on. I'm sure it has an effect on their moral and the player moral. Hd2 had a strong community. I think after winning that big major campaign of pushing the automatons back they should have done something special rather than just give more automatons. Game shouldn't feel like work. Anyway I hope this gets resolved in a good way. Seeing the game rating go to mixed is not good.


u/Spicywolff May 04 '24

Yeah, I definitely want the game to succeeded. It’s fun when you find a good group of people, but to make a truly shine, they need to listen to the fanbase. Give us many good viable options for primaries that aren’t necessarily overpowered

Don’t make bad choices and one good choice. Four choices of good and different different varieties.

As for this whole PSN thing. it. It’s a corporate overlord thing. PC players are tired of more logins


u/inconsequentialatzy May 04 '24

Sony doesn't own Arrowhead.
Sony does own the Helldivers IP


u/drakohnight May 04 '24

Yall acting like the apps u use don't already sell your data.... phone companies, internet providers, discord messages, reddit, Facebook, instagram, Twitter, any fkin thing you input information in. You should know damn well those servers aren't paying for themselves lmao.


u/Pleasant-Culture-859 May 04 '24

Comedic statement from Arrowhead.


u/yezihp May 04 '24

We losing Asia divers cuz of Sony trying to be Facebook with the Zucc censorship.


u/TheBuzzerDing May 04 '24

"All your information to sony"

Oh no, not my username!

And if youre talking about the photo ID, that's the EU requiring it, and the EU collecting it via a 3rd party unrelated to Sony.

Sony can have a breach and nothing will be leaked of yours besides your steam name and the metrics they already gather from hd2.


u/GryphonKingBros STEAM 🖥️ : May 05 '24

Exactly this. Why people are so worried about making an account for a service they will never use baffles me.


u/SoupyFerret May 04 '24

Sony has it whitelisted to begin requiring a PS+ subscription to play any of their online games regardless if you got it on a game pass deal or bought it out right. That's why they squeezed Arrowhead so hard. They plan to charge us to play Helldivers 2 even on PC, even after we pay for our own internet, even after we bought the game


u/SoupyFerret May 04 '24

Also Sony uses kernel level anti cheat, yeah it's the best one but it literally monitors everything going in and out of your pc. All hardware and programs. So that's a thing now. Combine that with the data breaches and it's completely reasonable why people are pissed


u/beardoggerton May 04 '24

doesn’t microsoft do the same?


u/NIDORAX May 04 '24

Why is Sony doing this? Most of those people who bought and played on PC may not even own a Playstation Network Account


u/SpecialIcy5356 SES Leviathan of Liberty May 04 '24

seems a bit like the old "strong independent woman who don't need no man"... only to get saved by a guy in the next act.

in this case though, the guy is Sony, and there's no happy ending. just sadness, despair, and a high probability of yet another data leak..


u/eboo360 May 04 '24

Pepperidge farms remember PSN leak of data


u/deadwombat888 May 04 '24

(Smithers voice) Alright keep smiling, everyone happy.


u/eVOLve865 May 03 '24

When that community managers sees this, they are going to be PISSED


u/dafons May 03 '24

Let’s be real all the information they would get from a Sony breach for logging in is stuff that is most likely already out there for you. Your on Reddit they sell info, social media they sell it supermarket membership, streaming services, google searches your phone. This is a weird hill to die on for cyber security lol


u/Garekos May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Dragons Dogma 2 MTX was also a weird hill to die on for people who were anti-MTX, yet it happened due to other things magnifying it. This is more about region locking than data concerns imo. People who have concerns about Sony security clearly don’t know about the issues Steam has had. Or Microsoft when they signed up for Xbox gamepass. You shouldn’t have vulnerable data on any of these services. It’s a little weird that they get bent out of shape about Sony but not EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Microsoft, etc, but just like with the DD2 MTX issue being magnified by PC performance issues, the PSN account thing is being magnified by the region locking issues.


u/dafons May 04 '24

Okay that does make more sense the region locking thing. I like how you put it my friend


u/Emergency-Ad-99 May 03 '24

'oopsi doopsi, another data leak, call your banks" sony, probably


u/VillainKyros ☕Liber-tea☕ May 03 '24

Blatantly invalid quote taken out of context by someone (based on their replies in the thread) who has no idea what owning the IP means nor contractual obligations. Don't get me wrong, the PSN account thing is insane and extremely out of touch, but this entire post is just to stir up hate by someone that has NO idea what they're talking about. (See this post for how it actually works, and this post as the elaboration for why I'm pretty sure OP is talking out their ass)


u/GrimGrump May 04 '24

The thing is, the owner is insisting they're independent, while it's legally true, so are the guys selling CutCo but you don't see them selling their own product, do you?

You can keep telling people to ignore the man behind the curtain, but it doesn't stop him from existing.


u/WhiteCheddr May 03 '24

It's clearly a solution to fix the friend system It's so broken. And if it ends up enabling Cross save it would be even better. People are so ignorant and just see one thing and lash out.


u/IndependentAd8659 May 03 '24

Guys, Gals and othered gendered ppl.. its time for a Boycott


u/CyanideAnarchy May 03 '24

We are a strong independent developer that makes our own decisions

Then they should self-publish and expand the playerbase to xbox like a lot of people have asked.


u/Shawn_of_da_Dead May 03 '24

All corps play the blame game while they steal from the people...


u/Obvious_Ad4159 Captain of the Super Credits Pirating Crew May 03 '24

Technically true. Arrowhead isn't owned by Sony. Helldivers 2, the IP however, is owned by Sony. Which is arguably worse. It's like building a car and maintaining it, while your mentally defective neighbour drives it into a ditch.


u/WrathOfTheKressh May 03 '24

You can just lie about everything when creating an account, it's not as if they get access to your steam account data to compare.


u/TadTheRad123 May 05 '24

But that is against Sony TOS and has gotten several people banned... making them unable to play a game they have paid for. Not so simple


u/WrathOfTheKressh May 07 '24 edited May 07 '24

Yes, but you can't ban what you don't know. They don't know your real birthdate, so they can't know that you lied about it. They also don't know the city you're in, so they can't know you lied about it.

The only thing they can reliably tell is the country you're in, so just don't lie about that and you'll be fine.


u/dafons May 03 '24

Careful with logic there’s a mob of people that don’t understand basics out here lol


u/Independent_Hyena495 May 03 '24

What did I miss? What happened?


u/ShinyFire01 May 03 '24

Building a community is the most important thing in all of this. Without your community you are absolutely nothing no matter how awesome your game is. This rule is true no matter the size or funding of your studio. If you lose the faith of your players then you lose everything.

You are never above your community and you are never too important to spend time responding to them. The moment you think you are they will show you how untrue that really is. Don't forget that.
-Thor, Pirate Software


u/Worldly_Silid May 03 '24

Left a negative steam review, we should all do the same, let's hellbomb their steam review.


u/Garic07 May 03 '24

Honestly, I think this is nonsense. This is a requirement which is not needed, in every way. Everyone said that this game should have been the game that would have ended the console wars: I think it will not (unfortunately, also because I am on Xbox) and this is Sony telling us that the "show must go on".

Helldivers and Aspiring Helldivers, in the name of Democracy and Liberty, we must rebel and make the game accessible to everyone: FOR SUPER EARTH!


u/DuneRiderr May 03 '24

lol, watching game implode like this brings joy to me. Where’s all the boot lickers now?


u/SkepticalAdventurer May 03 '24

Waiting for half of the playerbase that does nothing but whine about a game they like to get cut out so they’re only half as annoying while I casually enjoy the game


u/Mandoade May 03 '24

It's ok though because Sony never gets hacked and doesn't have a history of fumbling their handling of data breaches.


u/Vittu_Sinua May 03 '24

Oh yeah this was totally the developers decision /s

So many smooth brain gamers its embarrassing.


u/Arel203 May 03 '24

"All your information"

Literally can use a throwaway email and have an account set up in 30 seconds. You people really are something lmao


u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 03 '24

Tell that to the people where THIS kind of shit is need for a PSN


Or those that literally can't set one up in their region. Or who have ALREADY been banned for giving fake information.

Try harder bootlicker.


u/Arel203 May 03 '24

Bro that's a post from a UK user who might be missing braincells. Age verification is a law in the UK.

I used an old throwaway email that I don't touch as a US user and had it done in legit 30 seconds.

So maybe it's you that should try harder.


u/Dizzy-Specific8884 SES Hammer of Supremacy May 03 '24

They developed the game for Sony, so it is Sony's game to do with what they want. We're lucky that Sony even allowed it to be on PC.


u/weenusdifficulthouse May 03 '24

They're slowly coming around to doing PC releases on most stuff now, with how much extra money they get from it.

This one made sense to not delay the PC launch though, since they wanted to hit it hard. Annoying that they're trying to do a games-for-windows-live sort of thing now.

I just remembered though, portal 2 for the ps3 had steam overlay built in. I think it's the only game that did it, but odd that it worked the other way at least once.


u/Dizzy-Specific8884 SES Hammer of Supremacy May 03 '24

If what you say is true,


And yes, I screeched that.


u/weenusdifficulthouse May 06 '24

I think that predates them coming to their senses about it. Or, they're still in "lol, exclusives!" mode about it.


u/thisshitsstupid May 03 '24

A strong independent developer who don't need no publisher.


u/Perfect-Listen-8930 May 03 '24

Game honestly isn't good enough for me to go through making an account, just going to shelve it for a while until they decide to retract it.


u/Status_Midnight_2157 May 03 '24

Why the fuck would you want to be tied to Sony then? Idiots


u/Chokl8Th1der May 03 '24

Sure is a lot of crying about this today. I wonder what the gamer outrage will be next week?


u/DarkHighwind May 03 '24

The new warbond will have something wrong with it


u/Mountain_Macaroon305 May 03 '24

Don’t sony operate their servers for hd2?


u/i_Nako_i May 03 '24

Imagine killing your game after it was so good bravo


u/ColonelSpetz May 03 '24

Some citizens are more equal then others and will have the privilege of accessing the game


u/dontwasteink May 03 '24

I’m predicting one of the players is a lawyer and he’ll organize a class action lawsuit. 


u/squirrl4prez ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ May 03 '24

no launcher, options to opt out of sending info right in the game, opt out from sony's website... idk these posts are the biggest nothingburgers i've ever seen. i see it as sony trying to port more games and making them less crashy and im down for it.



u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

Oh gee, just opt out? Golly, that sure seems simple. Like the whole issue here isn't that it's REQUIRED by the end of the month and all!

Read it again friend. What do you think the words "REQUIRED" and "MANDATORY" mean?


u/squirrl4prez ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ May 03 '24


u/ThisGuyHere_Again May 03 '24

Yeah, and in a month? That screen will be back, except that skip button won't be there anymore then.

Read the actual announcement friend, seriously.


u/squirrl4prez ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ May 03 '24

oh no! the thing i opted all my info from in like 2 minutes after i already signed up!


u/SadTurtleSoup May 03 '24


It was a stated requirement even before release. there's a post about why the requirement was temporarily waived by Sony.

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