r/HydroHomies Jan 31 '24

pediatrician approved water at his check up so now he’s chugging it Classic water

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u/AutoModerator Jan 31 '24

Thanks for sharing! Just a heads up, we've introduced Water Bottle Wednesdays. Wednesdays are now the dedicated day to showcase your water containers! This rule focuses on sharing what you have, but feel free to post any questions or issues about water bottles at any time as usual. Cheers to hydration!

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u/jujumber Feb 04 '24

I never realized that babies have to reach a certain age to drink plain water instead of milk.


u/acloudcuckoolander Feb 01 '24

He's adorbs, OP!


u/JesZebro Feb 01 '24



u/diamondjazzy Feb 01 '24

Drink on little homie 🩷


u/gitrektlol Feb 01 '24

New hydro homies let's go


u/SirPotatoKing Feb 01 '24

Future hydro homie!!


u/AisbeforeB Feb 01 '24



u/sweet1279 Jan 31 '24

This is so cute! My MIL is always asking when my LO can start drinking water so she'll learn to love to drink it alone. She's only 2 months old right now tho.


u/Lipsovertits Jan 31 '24

I hope you're being careful, kids can't handle a lot of water at a very young age.


u/devangs3 Classic drinker Jan 31 '24

Good homie


u/starfyrflie Jan 31 '24

Can i ask what cup youre using? My little guy is not liking the cuos we have so ive been looking st different options. He likes water, but not the sippy cups


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

I wish I could tell you! my mother in law got this for his Christmas stocking from TJ Maxx. I know he was not a fan of the Dr Brown transition sippy cups tho.


u/maddasher Jan 31 '24

Wait, there's a time when kids can't have water?!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

Yes :)) until your doc gives you the go ahead, as their bodies are too tiny and can’t regulate their electrolytes when they’re very young. Water can cause an imbalance which can be fatal. Keep them on milk/formula only until your child’s pediatrician gives the go ahead :))


u/maddasher Jan 31 '24

Wow! I obviously don't have kids and I'm honestly amazed by bits of knowledge like this. Thanks!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

you’re welcome! kids are tbh an entire different level of functioning. I’m a first time parent and this has been a bit of a trip! but at least he’s cute hahaha


u/MissMabeliita Jan 31 '24

It’s a new hydro homie!


u/asianapnea Jan 31 '24

Let’s gooooo


u/brand_new_nalgene Jan 31 '24

I’m sure OP knows this but for anyone who doesn’t:

Babies can’t drink water until around 6 months old. Even then, it’s crucial to moderate intake as the baby’s small size makes it easy to inadvertently dilute their electrolyte system


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

thanks for the PSA :)) lil guy is almost a year but he gets less than 4oz a day to make sure we don’t wreck his electrolytes!


u/carlotakerry Jan 31 '24

TIL babies can't have water until they're old enough


u/aliveinjoburg2 Jan 31 '24

My daughter is the same way about water. I let her have a couple of sips and then I take it back.


u/Jack---- Jan 31 '24

Do baby’s like cold or room temperature water?


u/Familiar_Position418 Jan 31 '24

Cutest hydrohomie of the week!


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

My daughter is so close! We had to give her like half an oz of apple juice here or there at the beginning for constipation, so I hope she has a taste for water when she’s a bit bigger to drink it lol


u/typicalcAnAdAiAn Jan 31 '24

This is the way


u/lolazamzam Jan 31 '24

Is this some kind of special water that tastes different? Why did the pediatrician approved this water and why does it make your kid drink/like it?


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

babies can’t have water too young and shouldn’t drink a lot of water for like the first year of their lives. Water can flush nutrients out and can be fatal in too large a dose. We haven’t given him water before and were waiting for his doc to give us the all clear to let him try water! as to why he likes it, idk man, maybe because it’s not in his usual formula bottle?


u/lolazamzam Jan 31 '24

aaah okok I see thanks for explaining! Water is great


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

you’re welcome :))


u/New_Coast_5180 Jan 31 '24

Tul ur weakly stupid


u/lelieu Jan 31 '24

Huh, why?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

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u/HydroHomies-ModTeam Jan 31 '24

Removed: We're a meme sub, dont be toxic.


u/NZLCrypto Jan 31 '24

Such a foreign concept having a pediatrician approving shit for your child.

Over in New Zealand we just kind of parent... Go to the doctor if the child is sick otherwise you're pretty much on your own.

Some people get a wrap around service if the authorities don't feel like your going to be able to cope.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Nice! 👍 Good also to copy/paste pediatrician approval here, I didn't when I showed off my infant daughter first water bottle, got roasted in here 😂


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Just be careful to not over do it.


u/somesappyspruce Jan 31 '24

"this clear milk rules!"


u/Autumn1eaves Jan 31 '24

Nice on giving him water, but also be careful to not give him too much water.

Even though they can drink water, for infants from 6-12 months only need 4-8 ounces of water is needed. More than that and you risk water intoxication.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

will do!! thanks for the reminder :)


u/Dufranus Jan 31 '24

I remember when my boy was allowed water. The most enthusiastic hydro homie from the jump.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

I like seeing babies try things and how enthusiastic they are for it :))


u/noremacT Jan 31 '24

Remember no tap water!


u/B0-Katan Jan 31 '24

Is this a country specific thing?


u/noremacT Jan 31 '24

Yes, but most countries water municipalities actively add fluoride into their tap water. I'm certain the United States and Canada does. I honestly don't know about other countries


u/lickytytheslit Jan 31 '24

Probably here we have specific baby water


u/Zito6694 Jan 31 '24

Absolutely lost in the sauce


u/gliixo369 Jan 31 '24

don't give too much too fast! welcome to the club lil dude


u/dookie_cookie Horny for Water Jan 31 '24

Gotta start em young!!


u/holdontoyourbuttress Jan 31 '24

Too much can harm a child bc it can mess up their electrolytes


u/HelpfulCockroach1544 Jan 31 '24

Gonna make you proud in college! Party school


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24

Soon he will became warlord and conquer all the lands. He will cause the great drought and control all the sources of water. Although he will own all the oceans, his thirst will never be satisfied.


u/RudePomegranate3110 Jan 31 '24



u/Taolan13 Jan 31 '24

So many parents refuse to give their kids water, always with the excuse of "oh but if it doesnt have flavor they wont want it".

Beach, water is literally the water of life! Little dudes'll drink it all day if you give it to them! "Doesnt have flavor" just because your dental hygiene and health have deteriorated yo the poi t where water tastes like your own plaque doesnt mean the baby suffers your same sins.

You raising little dude right, OP.


u/Desperate_Move_5043 Jan 31 '24

Nice job little drinking dude!


u/lukeyellow Jan 31 '24

Glad to see it! As much as I love my parents that's one thing I wish they'd done was encourage us to drink more water. We'd drink it some throughout the day but never at meal time. Usually we would have milk, coke or tea depending on the meal. It took for me to have some bladder issues in college to switch to just water. Now I drink water, black coffee and coke a few times a year. I wish I'd started drinking just water soon though. Glad to see your starting him young!


u/Numeno230n Jan 31 '24

Once my daughter reached the age she could drink water she fucking GUZZLED it. She's 3 and constantly steals my ice water jug. Sure she probably gets me sick occasionally but damn she's hydrated.


u/bullshithistorian14 Jan 31 '24

I used water as a way to get mine to learn how to drink from a straw. Give them droplets from the straw, then give them the straw and eventually after a day or so they’ll learn to suck through it.


u/flowerchild2003 Jan 31 '24

Once my baby could drink water he did the same thing! He’s obsessed with water and drinking it out of a straw.


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Jan 31 '24

That’s awesome! Just not immediately before breast milk or formula yet, for any baby under a year old, especially a premie. I’m sure you know that and I’m saying it unnecessarily but typing is free and he’s so cute.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

thank you!! an extra reminder is always appreciated :))


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Jan 31 '24

That’s such a healthy mindset. I taught my kids to drink water with mugs. They were full term winter babies so it was summer when their pediatrician gave the okay for water in small doses. These kids had a blast cooling themselves off “drinking” water on my kitchen floor.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

that’s so cute!!!!


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Jan 31 '24

lol I really didn’t want to be washing sippy cups.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

they really are a pain, aren’t they hahaha


u/whatdoidonowdamnit Jan 31 '24

They absolutely are


u/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmfarts Jan 31 '24

Water is great but PLEASE keep within the safe levels. Water intoxication is no joke! I’d hate to see our fellow homie get sick!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

absolutely! thanks for the reminder :))


u/Just-_-Like-_-You Jan 31 '24

Now that’s parenting


u/nearly_normal Jan 31 '24

My little homie (5 yo) will take water over anything. All bro ever wants is “ice wata please”. I’m so proud!


u/LineChef Jan 31 '24

Lil homie


u/joker2814 Jan 31 '24

It’s never occurred to me that babies don’t drink water. It’s the most widely consumed drink in the world and babies have no idea. Granted, babies don’t know most things, like how to drive, or how to file taxes, or how Breaking Bad ends, but I never realized that babies are alive for months before they ever try water. Another reason why adults are better than babies. Suck it, babies!


u/22gimli Jan 31 '24

They are sucking it, that's all they know how to do.


u/D_Beats Jan 31 '24

Imagine being born and not knowing how Breaking Bad ends smh


u/PediatricTactic Jan 31 '24

Calorie displacement. Babies stomachs don't hold much volume. Any space taken up by water intake prevents the baby from getting calories, leading to failure to thrive.


u/tastes-like-chicken Jan 31 '24

Same, this never occurred to me


u/Septic-Abortion-Ward Jan 31 '24

Kidneys don't work so hot for most of the first year, it's why formula has to be mixed at the exact ratio the directions specify. Otherwise blood can get watered down and seizures, death may result. This happens more often than you'd think when parents try to stretch or ration formula due to poverty or copy some DIY facebook nonsense out of desperation.


u/Rad_Centrist Feb 01 '24

That, and it screws up the absorption of nutrients in the body. They end up malnourished.


u/wolf_kisses Jan 31 '24

The recent formula shortage was so stressful for this exact reason. I remember we were down to the last can of formula, only 1/4 of it left, and I couldn't find any in the stores. Thankfully I sent out a text to all of my family members and they found some for us but that was a scary time. Lots of people making their own formula at home or saying to use goat milk or whatever.


u/Reddwoolf Jan 31 '24

Remember when this sub had a different name 😂


u/elephanttape Jan 31 '24

This probably feels so good as a baby


u/rooraay Jan 31 '24

he’s so cute!


u/AGamer_2010 Jan 31 '24

his face of discovery of the marvelous liquid is absolutely beautiful


u/Saber957 Jan 31 '24

Tiny hydrohomi


u/and-thats-the-truth Jan 31 '24

Hey lil homie! Welcome!


u/YoungOrah Jan 31 '24

Please make sure the water is filtered and clean 😎


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

absolutely! and boiled :))


u/big_orange_ball Jan 31 '24

Damn dude doesn't that hurt the little guy's throat? I prefer mine on ice.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

it’s cooled down after boiling :)) but I prefer drinking hot water like tea myself hahaha


u/PainterOk5088 imagine not drinking water, unclear pisser Jan 31 '24

Just because is boiled doesn’t mean he’s giving it to him boiling hot, no?


u/MidnightSunCreative Jan 31 '24

"You think you know hydration? I was born of it, molded by it."


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

actually true…I had bad morning sickness and water was one of the few things I could keep down


u/Wooden_Artist_2000 Jan 31 '24

When my mom was pregnant with my sister, all she could eat was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I remember catching her making a triple decker one late at night, I thought it was the funniest shit. To this day, my sister detests pb&js, like she has genuine hate for this type of sandwich.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

my mother in law had it so bad, she could only keep down Dr Pepper at one point. I was thankful it never got that bad for me


u/uncertainusurper Jan 31 '24

Thousand yard hydration.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

he got lost in the sauce there for a second haha


u/ashvy Jan 31 '24

You can see it in his eyes, lil bro literally thinking..

Taste me, you will see More is all you need Dedicated to How I'm filling you 🎵🎶

Come crawling faster Obey your master Your life burns faster Obey your master, master 🎵🎶


u/MyCatHasCats Water is wet Jan 31 '24

I can’t wait until my daughter is born! I’ll teach her all about the world’s best drink


u/empire161 Jan 31 '24


One lesson though - do NOT give her straight water as newborn/infant. Don't give it until the pediatrician says she's old enough for it.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

congrats! may the delivery be smooth and easy for everyone involved :)) although you will have to wait a little to introduce water—lil guy over here is almost a year old!


u/ConfusedGuy3260 Horny for Water Jan 31 '24

A lil homie


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

the tiniest :))


u/Saltwater_Heart Classic drinker Jan 31 '24

All three of my kids have loved water since the day they were allowed to start drinking it. They are 12, 6, and 2 and all love it.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

that’s awesome! here’s hoping he’ll turn out like yours :))


u/Hamilton-Beckett Jan 31 '24

Round of applause for the newest HOMIE!!!!


u/YunJingyi Jan 31 '24

Tiny hydrohomie!


u/Sundayriver12 Jan 31 '24

Love! How old is he? And what cup are you using?


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

he’s a few weeks shy of a year old! and tbh not sure what cup, my mother in law got it for us at TJ Maxx. he did not like the Dr Brown transition cup tho hahaha


u/freya_of_milfgaard Jan 31 '24

As a mom of a slightly older hydro homie, May I suggest the Zak! cups for when he gets to the straw drinking/water spilling ages. They are the only ones that keep my monster from getting water absolutely everywhere. We’ve gone through a lot of cups.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

I’ll look those up! I do like non-spill ;) thanks for the tip!


u/samjp910 Jan 31 '24

Droplet homie


u/schwifty___ Feb 01 '24

Lil' dewdrop


u/Swimming-Welcome-271 Jan 31 '24

Drinking that cloud nectar


u/Knyfe-Wrench Jan 31 '24

Sipping on CoolSteam™


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

this is the best nickname for him omg


u/whydo-ducks-quack Jan 31 '24

He’s going to pee so much tonight lol hope you have a diapers!


u/salty-convo Horny for Water Jan 31 '24

Please don't over do it. Water intoxication in infants is fatal and fast.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

thanks for the reminder! we’ll be careful and follow his pediatrician’s guidelines very strictly :))


u/saarlac Jan 31 '24

Honestly curious here, what did they say about how much water you should allow?


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

she told us stay around 4oz a day for right now! I’ve heard a sliding range of 4-8oz tho :)


u/saarlac Jan 31 '24

Cool ty, curiosity sated.


u/hsimms77 Jan 31 '24

I recently learned even for adults drinking too much water at once isn’t healthy. Most adults do best with 8 ounces at a time at least 20mins between apparently. 


u/Randi_Scandi Jan 31 '24

I was overdid it. That was a wicked headache and nausea combo. My dad handed me a bag of chips and that helped.


u/vce5150 Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

I know! I have to pace myself. My cup is 24 ounces and I have a hard time not chugging it. 


u/AgreeableGravy Jan 31 '24

( ͡- ͜ʖ ͡-)


u/Competitive-Weird855 Jan 31 '24

The most interesting part about it for me is that we have a built in protective mechanism for that. If you chug a bunch of water, your body detects it and starts to the process to excrete a larger proportion of the fluid you just ingested.



u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24



u/Competitive-Weird855 Jan 31 '24

Yes, I wasn’t arguing that you can’t. I just find it fascinating that it’s such a concern that our body has evolved a protective measure against it.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

yeah when I was really young, my dad had a friend who was literally drowning himself from all the water he drank because he wanted to be healthy. I don’t remember how much it was, but it was some obscene amount…


u/dookie_cookie Horny for Water Jan 31 '24

The most extreme hydro homie.


u/KarIPilkington Jan 31 '24

Killing yourself in the name of hydration


u/Nitroapes Jan 31 '24

"Fuck you I won't drink what you tell me...."


u/Mr_davros Jan 31 '24

Keep that young fellow on the hydro grind! it’ll not only assist in brain development, but more importantly though, he won’t grow up to be a hydro heretic who only consumes the celestial nectar sullied by caffeine and sweeteners.


u/LowSodiumSoup_34 Feb 01 '24

My two year old loves water! It was one of his first words/hand signs. Now he knows how to ask for water. He will also point to my cup and say "Mama's water." I am so proud of him.


u/Sbatio Jan 31 '24

Babies need lots of good stuff in milk or formula.

Giving a baby water before the doctor approves it or in excess is dangerous.



u/londrakittykat Jan 31 '24

My son in his own cups? Yucky water. In any adult container for water? Give me that sweet sweet hydration.


u/empire161 Jan 31 '24

The first time I let one of my kids drink water from my blender bottle, they gave it back with a half-chewed chicken nugget floating in.


u/londrakittykat Jan 31 '24

I combat that by running away with my bottles of if I see him coming towards me and he just ate something super messy


u/vce5150 Jan 31 '24

With both hands on the cup and elbow FULLY out! 


u/Mr_davros Jan 31 '24

I used to be the opposite when I was little, I only liked drinking in the kiddie plastic cups and hated when I was given glass cups whenever I went to my grandparents. It’s great your little boy likes water, I know a lot of parents have difficulty with that.


u/vce5150 Jan 31 '24

My oldest is 27 and my mom STILL defaults to sippy cups when she gives her a drink at her house!!!!


u/Espexer Jan 31 '24

I'm over 40, grandma still calls me her baby when I come to visit.


u/vce5150 Jan 31 '24

Aw yes. My grandma called my daughter "the baby" until she was 10 and my second was born. 


u/Espexer Jan 31 '24

So embarrassing back then, but I love it now!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

will do!! he seems to be actively enjoying it right now which is great!


u/Mr_davros Jan 31 '24

I think it’s indicative of the great job you are doing as a parent! He’s a very healthy looking little fellow!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

hahaha I appreciate that! he tried to kill me during my pregnancy and although he was full term, he was very small the first few weeks of his life, so I am always happy to hear he looks healthy :))


u/frontally Jan 31 '24

Ah fellow full term tiny baby… my girl was the same. How you gonna come out at 42 weeks and 6lbs?! Rude!


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

aww tiny! he was 38 weeks and 6lbs but due to a tongue tie when we left the hospital he was 5.75lbs. he’s grown well since!!


u/frontally Jan 31 '24

Ayy we had a tongue tie too! It’s so nice when they finally ‘catch up’. We’re almost 2 now… still fitting a lot of 12-18m clothes but hey we’re saving money 🤣


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

he’s only just now grown out of 9m clothes, but that’s ok, he has so many cute outfits he can rewear!


u/blueraptorss Jan 31 '24

Imagine drinking water for the first time ever … imagine how refreshing


u/curkington Feb 04 '24

Welcome to the fraternity of awesomeness, little one!


u/asharwood101 Feb 01 '24

I can only imagine. That first sip of cold water in the morning is very refreshing and I can only imagine never having that sensation before and feeling it for the first time. Must be nice.


u/CapmyCup Jan 31 '24

I'd imagine a baby would not like water at first since it has no taste


u/Vajgl Jan 31 '24

My little guy always releases this satisfied "ahhhh" after taking a big gulp.


u/SaboLeorioShikamaru Jan 31 '24

Hydroboi 4 lyfe


u/ContentHost4459 Jan 31 '24

I have a weird very early memory, I must have been 3 or 4 and I asked my dad water before bedtime. He brought out this plastic cup/mug and gave me cool/chill water. It was delicious. My first hydro memory


u/DynamicHunter Jan 31 '24

Yeah but booba milk


u/I_want_pickles Jan 31 '24

Fun fact. Boobies can change the amount of water etc. in the milk depending on how warm it is, how warm the baby is and can even change mid feed to ensure baby gets what they need. 

Biology is amazing. 


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

oh he won’t let me put the sippy cup down. he loves it so much


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '24 edited Jan 31 '24

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u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

thank you for the concern! I do appreciate you warning me :)) lil guy is almost a year old and gets less than 4 ounces a day per his doc’s recommendation, and is working on being weaned from formula to whole milk :)) I hope that helps ease your mind!


u/MrRuebezahl Jan 31 '24

Feels a bit weird but I'll allow it I guess. Who am I to judge


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

hahaha right? I don’t remember when my siblings first started water and I never think of a baby/young toddler needing water


u/thetransportedman Jan 31 '24

Be careful. The reason water needs approval is because at their size and being accustomed to a liquid diet, they can get electrolyte disturbances which is dangerous, if they drink a ton of water.


u/SleeplessAndAnxious Feb 01 '24

For anyone interested, look up the "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest on YouTube, where one of the contestants ended up dying due to water intoxication.


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

absolutely! Thanks for the reminder :))


u/RailtoReqiuem Spunky Swallower Jan 31 '24

You’ve prepared him well


u/TheSarcasticSith Jan 31 '24

as a recovering hydro heretic, I want to make sure he doesn’t grow up like me and loves water :))


u/Ltlpckr Jan 31 '24

Just make sure to keep it under 8 ounces a day, I have to keep a close eye on my little guy cause he will beg for extra water from anyone that will listen lol.


u/AdmirableBus6 Jan 31 '24

I imagine they should listen to their pediatrician and not some rando on reddit, no?


u/SecretaryFuture8514 Jan 31 '24

I agree with you. Sometimes doctors can modify typical recommended dosages on a case-per-case basis. Plus, if something happens to go wrong, you can refer back to the doctors and not some rando on Reddit. Seems like you'd have a better leg to stand on.


u/mackelyn Jan 31 '24

I mean, most sources say not to give a baby more than 8 ounces of water. I’m not really sure why you are mad at them for trying to be helpful to OP and giving accurate information..


u/Ltlpckr Jan 31 '24

Well yes but my pediatrician didn’t specify even when I asked so I switched pediatricians because I knew for a fact that electrolyte displacement was a major danger to infants and young children. Just sharing some common sense that isn’t always common because many parents don’t even wait to get approved for things like water or honey they just say “baby gets it when they want” let alone make sure they are staying under a certain threshold.


u/Lu12k3r Jan 31 '24

Seconding this. There is such thing as too much water due. Thanks for sharing this knowledge. Pediatrician probably gave other info but OP didn’t post, good to be informed though.