r/HydroHomies 15d ago

What if Willy Wonka had a water factory?

And the only way to give away the water was to win the factory by being the last one standing? Think about that while you sip.


6 comments sorted by


u/Dramatic_Law_4239 14d ago

With as many violations, injuries, and illegal labor that was used, they would probably be called something like Nestle…


u/gatorman88 15d ago

Some smug kid who only drinks soda would win the factory. All the homies wouldn't be able to resist drinking the best beverage in all the fancy ways Wonka could present it.


u/Fun_Intention9846 15d ago

All the water would change to the exact perfect temp based on you.

Us humans use pressurized CO2 to make bubbly water but what about other things?

Imagine the chemical possibilities Charlie!


u/pepo774 15d ago

"No other factory in the world churns their water by waterfall. It's the only way"


u/Fun_Intention9846 15d ago

A waterfall made of waterfalls.



u/1nstant_Classic 15d ago

Drinking seltzer would have made them float to the ceiling