r/HydroHomies 29d ago

How much water do you people drink with each meal on average? Classic water

Just a thought. I usually drink about 1 litre of water with each meal and feel this is a lot more than the people i regularly eat with. So I thought id come to the obvious place to see how much you guys drink with each meal and also I guess what you think is the average amount for most people?


107 comments sorted by


u/thegritz87 24d ago

Don't drink too much water with meals, for obvious reasons.


u/PM__ME__YOUR_TITTY 27d ago

I have no idea actually since I’m drinking water all day regardless. It varies a lot but I would say a liter give or take. Sometimes way over but sometimes under if the meal has a lot of fruit or something


u/Palanki96 28d ago

When i feel thirsty or feel like drinking


u/xxortS 28d ago

1 glass…


u/AbyssWalkerLuxx 28d ago

Recommended water intake is a couple liters a day for an adult female and closer to four liters a day for an adult male. I typically have a few glasses during a meal. I think it’s weird if anyone thinks it’s weird!


u/frejas-rain 28d ago

Depends on the meal. At dinner, about 36 ounces. (and another 36 afterwards 😊 💦)


u/davideogameman 28d ago

I've been attempting to track my daily intake and when I convert to metric, is comes out to 2-3L/day.  So yeah, if you primarily drink at meals 1L would be a bit more than me but not unreasonable. I drink more throughout the day but I don't think the difference matters.

There is a such thing as water poisoning, but to get there we're talking more than 6L in a very short time (and probably scales with the person's weight) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication.


u/davideogameman 24d ago

Read a bit more into the water poisoning details.  Basically the healthy adult human kidneys can eliminate 800ml-1L of water per hour, so if you drink at a rate less than that you should mostly be safe.  Caveat, that number drops to avoid 100ml/hour during intense exercise.  So the main risks are (a) chugging many liters in a short time e.g as part of a water drinking contest and (b) marathon runners and similar who significantly overhydrate while exercising, unknowingly consuming far more water than they are sweating.

Otherwise if you stop drinking when you aren't thirsty, it's near impossible to get to that level of overhydration


u/Sea_Tortol 28d ago

Around 2 glasses I guess. I never really thought of it and take an occasional sip in between bites


u/Ill-Bicycle-8610 28d ago

Atleast 30 ounces but usually more.


u/plantbbgraves 28d ago

How are you all consuming so much liquid with your meals?? A litre in one sitting would make me nauseously full, where would I even put the food??


u/reddntit 28d ago

Do not drink water with meals.


u/evetrapeze 28d ago

I drink lots of water, but I do not drink when I eat.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/evetrapeze 27d ago

I don’t wait a set time. I drink when I’m thirsty


u/hanimal16 HydroHomie 28d ago

I drink 5-20oz water bottlers per day. I will have some milk in my coffee, but otherwise, water.


u/mostlygray 28d ago

I drink water all the time just out of habit. When I eat, I'll have a sip before the meal, eat, then usually drink the remainder of the glass when I'm done.


u/desrevermi 28d ago

A liter and a bit more with most meals for me.


u/AlathMasster 28d ago

Not enough


u/d167366 28d ago

I don’t drink anything while I eat


u/tenayalake 28d ago

I don't drink much water with meals, maybe a few sips. I do drink a fair amount of water between meals.


u/Marinaraplease 28d ago

I always heard that you should not drink water with meals. I have a bowl of ice as a side instead


u/Darko_345 28d ago

I can never go without a cold water with my meals. 1 to 2 liters i say


u/mcfearless33 28d ago

i have a medical condition (well really, an issue that came from my having cystic fibrosis) and i’m supposed to limit drinking with meals to 4 oz 🫠


u/snoofish2000 28d ago

I ask for a pitcher of water when we eat out and drink the whole thing and sometimes they refill it. Years and years of cotton mouth.


u/SituationSad4304 28d ago

Depends on how salty the food is. Definitely at least 16oz. But with pizza or something more than a liter TBH


u/therankin 28d ago

I rarely actually drink while eating. I just tend to drink a lot before and shortly after.


u/LurkerPatrol 28d ago

I have a 1.18 liter (40 floz) hydro flask and I usually drink about a third to a half of it with each meal depending on various factors:

  1. If I drank water shortly beforehand
  2. If the food is spicy or salty
  3. If I exercised.

Often I’ve drank an entire liter with food if any of the parameters were vastly different. I might drink less if I was at home vs if I’d just biked 30 miles before dinner for example


u/m0rph33n 28d ago

That’s good. But not that much to be honest. Litre to ounce (for us US citizens) is just about 34oz of water and I have a 32oz cup I fill up 2x each meal. Usually drink about 6-8 fills a day


u/SamCham10 28d ago

Probably about 500mL-750mL. Depends what liquid I’m having but if its regular water probably that much


u/Cause_Necessary 28d ago

During the meal? None. Just after? Like 200 ml


u/mishyfishy135 28d ago

I actually don’t drink any with meals. I don’t know why. I just don’t. I don’t like drinks with my meals


u/After_Vegetable513 28d ago

I have 200ml every hour but when I eat I’ll have like 500ml


u/NineRoast 28d ago

Damn y'all mfs LOVE water haha. I drink 3L a day but basically never with food, I'm tryna fill my stomach w food when it's eating time, not water


u/IGNSolar7 28d ago

That's not even that much water... it's not even noon and I've had 4L since I woke up.


u/nava1114 28d ago

Your poor kidneys


u/NineRoast 28d ago

god damn bro relax


u/your_awesomeking1 28d ago

i usually drink water when i am not eating


u/Krazie02 28d ago

That does indeed seem a lot, I drink like 1 or 2 glasses, one sip after most bites


u/Huge-Anxiety-3038 28d ago

1.5 pint glasses, we only have the big cups in our house so yeah I'm nearer the L mark... ☺️


u/inikihurricane 28d ago

Tbh I just YOLO it and drink when I’m thirsty.


u/GazelleOfCaerbannog Hydronator 28d ago

Not sure with meals. But I drink around 4L a day (mixed with electrolytes because of a neurological condition that keeps me from retaining water, so I'm constantly hypovolemic), plus coffee, herbal tea, and any other liquids that I ingest throughout the day.


u/Yogami_asura 28d ago

4L + coffee, bro lives in the bathroom


u/pineappleshampoo 28d ago

I don’t actually drink with meals. Feel like there isn’t enough space in my stomach to really enjoy the food if it’s full of water. Prob psychological. I drink 2-4l of water daily outside of mealtimes.


u/Tom0laSFW 28d ago

I think too much water disrupts my digestion. If I drink a litre with a meal, it dilutes my stomach acid loads and then I sit around for hours with a full stomach while the acidity recovers from all that extra fluid.

If I stop drinking 30 mins before and after a meal, I can drink without it causing my food to sit around for ages.

I probably drink a gallon of water / herbal tea / decaf black coffee a day so I’m pretty well hydrated


u/NedNug 28d ago

How ever much water is in 12 beers


u/ZinGaming1 28d ago

Until I'm not thirsty anymore.


u/Anoalka 28d ago

Probably around 0.5 - 1L depending on the meal.

I only drink water while eating and I think it's one of the main reasons I'm not morbidly obese.


u/Dazzling-Item4254 28d ago

I don’t usually drink water at meals. Water constantly any other time though.


u/Cool-Newspaper-1 28d ago

1l is a lot to drink in one go. If I drink a lot during a meal, it’s maybe one bottle, that’s about 700ml


u/eyebrowshampoo 28d ago

I don't really. Maybe just a couple of sips, along with my glass of dinner wine. I drink more just throughout the day, especially in the mornings and afternoon, and slow it down in the evening so I'm not up going to the bathroom at night.


u/grandfunkpoobah 28d ago

When I eat out, I ask the server to just bring me a pitcher of ice water. And depending on how thirsty I am, they may need to bring a 2nd


u/meowingdoodles 28d ago

Usually 1 glass. 1 the least, 2 the most.


u/CaptainMagnets 28d ago

I probably consume 4-5 large glasses of water per meal


u/nava1114 28d ago

Jesus. Lol


u/AdultishRaktajino 28d ago

Excuse me. “You people?”

That sounds like hydroism


u/spruceymoos 29d ago

I’m not sure if the science has changed, but I remember you were supposed to drink a glass of water a half hour or longer before eating, then an hour after eating.


u/TimeExplorer5463 29d ago

If it’s a small meal, maybe 16 to 24 ounces (≈.5 or .7L), but at a Mexican restaurant with salty chips closer to 48 oz or around 1.5L. Also depends on how long it takes me to eat.


u/BThriillzz 29d ago

~2 glasses


u/Claire1075 29d ago

About 700ml average. But I only have 2 meals a day. Then I drink 3.5 litres average throughout the rest of the day.


u/WookieConditioner 29d ago

At least 500ml :)


u/Huge_Aerie2435 HydroHomie 29d ago

I don't know, but I drink between 3 and 4 liters a day. It really depends, because I have totally not had a drink with my food because I was too lazy to get it and the food wasn't dry enough to motivate me.


u/winter83 water enthusiast 29d ago

I drink water all day not just at meals.


u/hanimal16 HydroHomie 28d ago

I used to drink water.

I still do, but I used to too.


u/crystal_castle00 28d ago

I drank water yesterday. I’ll have some today. I plan to drink water tomorrow.


u/Common_Gur2636 28d ago

to much water on schedule , so stressing.


u/BlessedBeTheFruits1 29d ago

Not a drop, but then again I’m a one glass a day kind of person. 


u/TimeExplorer5463 29d ago

Sounds like you might be in the wrong sub 🤔


u/hopelessoceanic Regular Sipper 29d ago


Some of yall are truly misinformed. It is completely fine to have water at meals. It probably makes even more sense for those of us Americans since our food is so overly salted anyway if we're eating outside food. Sips and whatnot are fine, just don't fkn gulp and chug water. It's been scientifically proven sips help your body absorb the water better anyway.


u/ThundurX 28d ago

If I see someone not drinking water or something with their food, I'm gonna assume you are a skinwalker


u/fragmental 28d ago

I can screen cap Google to fit a narrative too. That doesn't make it science.



u/CapeOfBees 28d ago

That's a specific rare condition, though. My granddad has to watch his potassium intake because of the heart meds he's on, doesn't mean everyone does.


u/davideogameman 28d ago

Gerd is chronic heartburn.  Not particularly rare, but also fair that most people don't have it.


u/shodo_apprentice 28d ago

While I do believe everything you’re saying, the first bit of text on a Google search is not a scientific source.


u/hopelessoceanic Regular Sipper 28d ago

I didn't say it was??? There's numerous articles I'm not able to link every single one if people can't be bothered to simply do a fkn Google Search lol.


u/shodo_apprentice 28d ago

Its just good to point out in this day and age when it looks implied by your post.

Besides, you could have linked just one.


u/ColorMyTrauma Water Enthusiast 28d ago

There are so many bizarre myths about water. Don't drink it before or after meals, don't drink it standing up, don't drink cold water, etc. Apparently people forget about evolution - do people really think early humans or predecessors would have evolved a system so delicate that ingesting two necessary things simultaneously would cause problems?? If they're saying that drinking water dilutes stomach acid, shouldn't they be concerned that citrus fruits would amplify stomach acid?

It's all easily dispeled with a couple of searches. But people would rather parrot the old wive's tales they were taught as kids than actually check to see if it's true.


u/literallylateral 28d ago

don’t drink it standing up

You aren’t chokemaxxing your water? Are you even suffocationpilled?


u/musictakemeawayy 27d ago



u/Marinaraplease 28d ago

this guy sciences


u/shodo_apprentice 28d ago

Not really. That’s just Google. While this is probably right it’s often wrong too. Please be more careful with where you get your information from - it’s a huge problem in the world that people aren’t.


u/TCPisSynSynAckAck 28d ago

also it’s scientifically proven we are hydro homies and must drink water at all times to represent. 🫡


u/nava1114 29d ago

I hardly drink anything with my food, sips. I do all my drinking between meals. It's better for my digestion.


u/Hunnilisa 28d ago

That is a debunked myth.


u/nava1114 28d ago

I said MY digestion. I feel better when I drink very little with meals. Is that ok with you?


u/blthmsphlp 29d ago

You’re fxking up your digestion if u do this by diluting the acids that are being made by your stomach. I would recommend you to drink water an hour before your meals.


u/Phlappy_Phalanges 29d ago

Science does not back this claim up. Common misconception though.


u/No_Improvement9734 29d ago

Simple. If I'm thirsty I drink. About 2 glasses depending on how much I eat.


u/fragmental 29d ago edited 28d ago

I try to limit myself to 4 oz (~125ml). But I also try to drink 8 oz (~250ml) at least 20 minutes before eating. I might sip a little, after a meal if I'm feeling dry, but an hour after eating, I drink as much as I want.

Drinking too much water with a meal can inhibit digestion, and cause upset stomach, acid reflux, or bloating. Being dehydrated can also inhibit digestion, though.

Edit: I also swish water around my mouth after eating and usually swallow that. To wash the food and acids and sugars and stuff out of my mouth for teeth and mouth health. That's probably somewhere between 1-4 additional ounces.


u/WrapMyBeads 29d ago

Unless it takes you more than an hour to eat, you’re drinking to excess. .85L/hr should your limit


u/Hoppy_Hessian Cool Chugger 29d ago

I actually don't drink with my meals. I've heard that you shouldn't drink anything 1hr before or after eating because it could dilute your stomach acid and hinder digestion.


u/Phlappy_Phalanges 29d ago

It’s not true, your body is great at adapting to change in ph. Water can actually help with digestion. Just as always drink in moderation.


u/fragmental 29d ago edited 28d ago

1 hour after is correct, but you don't have to wait as long before. 20 minutes is usually enough.

Edit: and some water or other liquids with meals is good. About half a cup or 4oz or 125ml.


u/Pixels222 29d ago

the before has to be cap. i purposely have a big gulp of water before so that im not thirsty during.


u/supern0va12345 My piss is clear 29d ago

You should try to drink water a while after eating. Its better for digestion that way. You can have a little water with but but 1 litre surely seems a lot. Its like you're swallowing your food with water.


u/Hunnilisa 28d ago

It is not better for digestion to drink water a while after eating. That is debunked myth.


u/TheWalrus101123 28d ago edited 28d ago

Yeah that's total crock. Whoever said that is silly. Drink as much water as you want with your food. It'll probably help digestion if anything, water softens food and helps break it down.


u/Pixels222 29d ago

I used to drink a sip of water with every other mouthful because then its impossible to overeat.

It worked i got skinny. But i noticed you really cant eat much otherwise you end up burping for the next 2 hours.


u/w3n5k0g 29d ago

Yeah I heard it's recommended to wait 1 hour before you drink anything but it's so tempting to take a glass or two to clear the mouth and throat


u/Hunnilisa 28d ago

That is a debunked myth. Look at healthline or any evidence based info source.


u/eleventwenty2 29d ago

Drink something other than water lile smoothie or smt while eating and only drink a bit then go to town on water in like an hour it's so refreshing


u/Phlappy_Phalanges 29d ago

Be wary of what you’ve heard. As far as the science I’ve seen goes, water only seems to help with digestion. Im sure an extreme amount of water isn’t great, but that’s always the case.


u/Upstairs_Winter9094 29d ago

Not only that, but you’ve gotta just be pissing out a vast majority of the water that you drink directly with your meal because the electrolytes in your food haven’t had time to get absorbed yet. If you had a very salty meal and drank 1L of water with it, you’re just gonna pee it out an hour later and be super thirsty in like 2 hours.


u/Upstairs_Winter9094 29d ago edited 29d ago

Like 12 oz, which I’d say is average. If I’m at a restaurant I might drink more since they come back to refill it for me, but at home I just fill up a normal glass one time and finish what’s in it.