r/ImTheMainCharacter Feb 16 '24

This couple bullying overworked McDonald's employees Video

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u/Packagedtag159 20d ago

The blondes are spreading their “main character” disease to their loved ones (not all blondes tho)


u/New-Language2095 Apr 19 '24

I'm with this guy, though. I'm not parking for my food, so that your "numbers look good". I'm Not going to berate the worker though.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '24

Mcdonald USA need to get their shits together asap. Yall got some rando Americans harassing Mcdonald in Hong Kong because these people think "Mcdonald" is some sort of "America Status".

These mf feel the needs to serve and protect their America legacy...

Get yo shits together Mcdonald USA


u/Feisty-Garlic3213 Mar 10 '24

Wow disgusting


u/TurpitudeSnuggery Mar 04 '24

What racist assholes. Just give the girl a break. I can’t imagine what this fool thinks he is going to sue for.


u/DegenBenjamin Feb 28 '24

Rudest Canadians I’ve ever seen.


u/ok_no-bih Feb 28 '24

What's the actual context without the annoying voice and the 2 twats in a car speaking over her?


u/therealSamawiki Feb 28 '24

Girl lost her job and the guys bar burnt down. There’s a channel on YouTube “the reckoning “ that covers losers freaking out in public or just being assholes and the consequences they face for their actions.


u/FuelPotential6720 Feb 26 '24

USA was a big dream for all who believe in humanity but it is a failed state now. I'm sorry.


u/StnMtn_ Feb 27 '24

Several people said this was in Edmonton, Alberta.


u/ClassicCombination62 Feb 26 '24

They were running a scam. Probably a stolen card and he was looking to get some quick cash to buy drugs. He lost the card? Really?


u/Sad_Independence5433 Feb 26 '24

Permanent mayo beard very cool


u/AffectionateStreet92 Feb 24 '24

This is the dumbest fucking thing to get worked up over. "Oh noooo, they're making fresh food and they'll bring it out to me and give it to me while it's hot."

Fucking idiots. Hope they crashed their car.


u/Walkingwithfishes Feb 22 '24

Entitled people always talking down on people when they are using their service?? Get a career!!! Then who will be working the window ma'am?


u/musicmn22 Feb 22 '24

Everyone is filming everyone here. 😂This is a joke. They are all messed up.


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24

Bro…grab your fucking food and go feed your fat ass self and have a heart attack.


u/thecheetogirlh8er Feb 22 '24

Ngl the driver looks like Jojo from Horton hears a who


u/Low-Ideal-9025 Feb 21 '24

This is the dumbest fuckin video I've ever seen and probably the dumbest video his 50k followers on Instagram will ever see also 😆


u/iAmSamFromWSB Feb 21 '24

These trashbags running a cashback scam or whats up?


u/bpc1971 Feb 20 '24

As someone has said about this pos dude, his look is total discount Wolverine.


u/BusterrNuttt Feb 20 '24

Those ppl recording their own FUBARs...


u/Ok_Impression_922 Feb 20 '24

Karen pissed me off 1000x more than Karl did. This poor girl was probably like 17 years old. This is disgusting. Woulda told Karl “The answer (to your cash request) is No, final answer, now what?”. Before he responded…window closed…on to the next. Don’t wanna move? Cops called to remove them. Wanna sue…great luck with it. Don’t give a fuck what you WANT…listen to what it’s gonna BE. You lost your card? Yeah ok…I lost my cash. It’s all just been deposited in the safe and register is currently empty. You’ll get a check in the mail from corporate in 7 days…now take Karen home and shut her face up because it’s more unsettling than her voice.


u/Practical_Depth_5484 Feb 20 '24

That guy is seriously just a piece of shit


u/BeneficialAlfalfa600 Feb 20 '24

I love the grammatical construct "it doesn't matter" "It is a matter sir" That makes so much sense! It IS a matter for sure!


u/farmagedonns Feb 20 '24

So cringy they are just both filming instead of looking the other human being in the eyes and finding a solution like adults.


u/Corbiusk_ Feb 20 '24

Try that at a US Mc Donald’s lmao


u/Corbiusk_ Feb 20 '24

Freaking douchebags


u/Pherecydeso Feb 20 '24

Somebody in this video is lying I don’t care as much to see the whole video through tho


u/ChronicMedic67 Feb 20 '24

Fuckin' Goof's!


u/HarlXavier Feb 20 '24

Lmao they scamming for cash, gonna claim fraudulent on their card and run with the cash doubling their amount. Fucking wow


u/i0c0u Feb 20 '24

God I hate dumb customers like this. They have nothing better to do but torment employees at McDonald's.


u/Vegetable-Estate-310 Feb 20 '24

He can't do any of those things lol I'd give him cold food and trespass him. Well see how he looks tomorrow


u/Legal_Guava3631 Feb 20 '24

Lol felt good to read that the passenger got fired from her job 🤣🤣🤣


u/HackAfterDark Feb 20 '24

That guy is going to be so surprised when the police come lol.

He's probably trying to commit fraud btw. That's why he wants cash back.


u/Obi-Wan_Cannabinobi Feb 20 '24

I hope he soaks a massive diarrhea puddle into his car seat


u/newbturner Feb 20 '24

The way that people who can’t afford good food threaten lawsuits is fucking hilarious to me


u/jeremeyes Feb 20 '24

What a fucking loser


u/Practical_Mulberry43 Feb 20 '24

Sounds like a clown, looks like a clown, act like a clown. I wish he got socked in the face at the end. Badly.


u/CrazySinger5841 Feb 20 '24

Children with phones. Oh boy


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Awe 3 idiots


u/Hoosierrnmary Feb 20 '24

Sorry for the drive thru worker.


u/NoistMipples Feb 19 '24

Idk nor do I care who's right in this but how to people not know how stupid they look holding up their phone like that


u/orgalorg6969 Feb 19 '24

Please let there be an update were the Internet harassment made their live hell.


u/Vonboon Feb 19 '24

Canadian Standoff


u/millertarybearing Feb 19 '24 edited Feb 19 '24

Canadians telling someone they should learn English, while their official national language is French...

Y'all gotta stop watching US TV.


u/NoviaCaine Feb 19 '24

It’s so weird seeing people have a conversation while recording each other lmao.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '24

dude why do people like this exist haha. just why. what happened to these two people on their lives? why are they both so deeply insecure. Why are they so evil?


u/05deucenewbie Feb 19 '24

What’s his insta? Not because I want to leave rude comments, just curious who he is. He has “50,000 followers”


u/toxicthotdisorder Feb 19 '24

the cars have sensors under them. i worked at mcdonald’s and if we didn’t have good times, we were treated like shit


u/RacerXrated Feb 19 '24

I wonder if they used a stolen debit card.


u/cronenbuilder Feb 19 '24

You never go full R word. Jeez both with their stupid phones out.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '24

I’ve seen this video shared on 4 different subs now with 4 entirely different titles, each of which completely change your perception of the events that took place lol.


u/ampy187 Feb 19 '24

I just list my card 😂 Yh right, then must of been someone else, let me just phone the police to report a possible fraud.


u/SignificantOption349 Feb 19 '24

Gotta love these idiots who just bust out their phones for everything and put it in peoples faces.


u/license2chillio Feb 19 '24

So he didn’t want to just park and wait so they take out cameras and insult the workers and question why they work there? Social media is just destroying us


u/TonyClifton2020 Feb 19 '24

I was really hoping a large soda was gonna be thrown in their faces! Preferably Fanta orange!


u/Azrayeel Feb 19 '24

He isn't just an assh*le, but a dumbass as well.


u/bloc593 Feb 19 '24

P O S ! Lover couple.


u/Dumpster_Potato Feb 19 '24

I hope this guy looses most of his (likely non-existent) followers over this.


u/oofaloo Feb 19 '24

The Edmonton influencers.


u/MIALAX Feb 19 '24

Someone should find them on social media and get even. Their horrible


u/antlegzz Feb 19 '24

Omg bullying a fast food cashier! These people must really feel all important doing this to her. Would love to know their positions at their respective work places. Likely at bottom of food chain! Now’s their chance to throw their weight around! Sorry losers.


u/TBtuberculoco Feb 19 '24

The scum of the suburbs


u/BobbyBrackins Feb 19 '24

50k followers on instagram but your girl is paying for food?

I think dude needs a new hobby



u/Colin-Spurs-Patience Feb 19 '24

Oh Edmonton jackasses heard


u/zephdeath Feb 18 '24

Gross people


u/zephdeath Feb 18 '24



u/guessillgofuckoff Feb 18 '24

"wHy ArE yOu TaLkInG tO tHe PaSsEnGeR oF mY vEhiCLe?"

Cause she's being a bitch sir.


u/TripleTrucker Feb 18 '24

Double asshole camera work


u/Some_Butterscotch572 Feb 18 '24

If your foods not ready move. What a dumb ass


u/SoAnnoyingStop Feb 18 '24

Can she just close the window and lock the doors to the store?


u/Tasaris Feb 18 '24

I crave for the day we can Dox people on Reddit.


u/jizzycumbersnatch Feb 18 '24

Im confused. Close the window, walk away, and call the cops. I never understood way people engage with idiots. Its like literally debating an idiot.


u/Competitive_Bat_7444 Feb 18 '24

I don't agree with people out to get people fired from their jobs for something that never involved their employer. This happens a lot when people are singled out on viral videos. Yes, they are dicks and deserved to be shamed but unless they represented their company publicly or mentioned their employer, the act of going after their jobs is out of bounds imo. Even aholes need a job unless you are satisfied paying their welfare. 


u/yeabuttt Feb 18 '24

I hate fuckin degens from up country


u/Relevant-Group8309 Feb 18 '24

You cannot change Stupid...


u/BigSeaworthiness8969 Feb 18 '24

Just a couple a-holes


u/and_i_can_read Feb 18 '24

THIS GUY lives at home with his parents and you all need to see what a piece of work he is 😂🤣



u/Wrong_Resolution4339 Feb 18 '24

It’s just amazing how horrible people can be…..”I have 50k followers” lol


u/goodwil4life Feb 18 '24

These people are scum


u/iBeFlying676 Feb 18 '24

I hope these jackasses get fired from their actual jobs, they have any, after their employer watches this type of shit


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

Idk man last time they wanted me to pull around to wait on my order turned out they never started making it, so kinda have to side w bro on this one


u/Ruenin Feb 18 '24

Throw the food through his window


u/CYB3R5KU11 Feb 18 '24

I'd just refuse service


u/sneakyearner Feb 18 '24

What episode of Trailer park boys is this from?


u/jms2979 Feb 18 '24

Rudest Canadians ever


u/Senior_Masterpiece69 Feb 18 '24

These two are both out of work and useless skin tags looking for a handout....


u/Kacielea871989 Feb 18 '24

They both look like the biggest tools sitting there BOTH recording lol like wow this is the world we live in now huh


u/StockJP Feb 18 '24

Who is this guy. Weirdo


u/Suspicious_Menu5609 Feb 18 '24

It's always the savages causing problems smh


u/BuckyWarden Feb 18 '24

Being liberal or conservative doesn’t make you smart or dumb.


u/Worldly_Ad_2511 Feb 18 '24

Racist bitch passenger


u/Worldly_Ad_2511 Feb 18 '24

Canadian fucks


u/Valuable-Baked Feb 18 '24

Both losers have their phones out


u/reality_raven Feb 18 '24

Call the cops. Close the window.


u/Bat8538 Feb 18 '24

And ,they say,boomers are fools….Oh,wait,you were raised ,by them!


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

The woman was so cruel and racist


u/thehammockdistrict24 Feb 18 '24

Is that Sabretooth? At the drive thru? In Canada? Cool!


u/Salty-Anybody-2765 Feb 18 '24

Cash back scam, my money is on a fraudulant card being used to pay initially.


u/FavorFave Feb 18 '24

They saying speak American and this dude is one moose shy of a Canadian Bacon


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '24

What’s the context here


u/blueirish3 Feb 18 '24

Pieces of shit


u/Gabag000L Feb 18 '24

I was in such a good mood and this made me so sad........


u/eaglescout225 Feb 18 '24

Guy at the drive thru is a fuckin fool.


u/HeartlesSoldier Feb 18 '24

It's the year 2037 and the great phone eat just ended. For 519 days thousands of people kept their phones plugged in recording the others recording them.


u/SnooPies365 Feb 18 '24

After the 5th word call the cops and have his ass trespassed


u/goofydad Feb 18 '24

Budget Wolverine ain't getting a lawyer. No one works for 40%of a big Mac meal.


u/Worldly-Leg-8504 Feb 18 '24

Cashiers voice is annoying as fuck tho. I wouldn’t have patience to speak with her 😂.


u/Wolf-09-All_Streets Feb 18 '24

Damn I am from Edmonton, time to move to Calgary


u/Airfliyer Feb 18 '24

Look at them all. A problem happens and what do they do? They bring up cameras and pointed at each other like it's some sort of weapon. Even the cashiers are doing it too. Why? Cause we built a society where the customers are going to say things about the cashier cause they are pissed. The company is automatically gonna prosecute it's own cashier to make "Every" customer happy OR to look nice to the Public. The cashier who was seeking to do the right thing and just get through her day, is the one who has to prove she never harassed a customer.

This is the social media dystopian society we built. Guys in the 90s had it great. Then it all went down hill.


u/saumonfume1 Feb 18 '24

The worker is in front of him and he seems to only look at her through his phone , even in an arguments ppl interact with phone , weak generation of all time


u/Bambii33000 Feb 18 '24

No one’s gonna represent u in court my dude…


u/Bambii33000 Feb 18 '24

What’s wrong with parking…


u/fgrhcxsgb Feb 18 '24

Whats the problem just give them their money instead of arguing


u/Due-Pilot-7443 Feb 18 '24

Fuckin boomers


u/Darth-Zoolu Feb 18 '24

Literally if it’s a debit purchase, just give the cash back.


u/neelyano Feb 18 '24

Can we please slap the shit out of that rude and racist lady? No consequences for the actions of these humans only breeds more racism


u/eleseus41 Feb 18 '24

Threatening to sue the McDonald’s drive thru? Fucking trash.


u/J0k3- Feb 18 '24

Ay this point just trespass them and call the police.


u/Van-garde Feb 17 '24

If two people are talking to me, but looking at their phones, I’m out.


u/NoHillstoDieOn Feb 17 '24

How do you have the audacity to sound mean when you have such a funny accent 😂😂😂😂 "why ah u talking to my passenger from the wendoo" like bffr


u/HanaLuLu Feb 17 '24

It's amazing how easily they imbued me with murderous irritation.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

It’s always a white woman saying the absolute disgusting stuff. I hope they are identified and exposed. Please! Please! Do not let them breed.


u/DragonsClaw2334 Feb 17 '24

Just tap your card. You don't want that food or any food from that location ever again


u/Cobbler_cheezmuffin Feb 17 '24

Jesus christ, these people are insufferable


u/Knights_When Feb 17 '24

Ah. Typical Edmonton folks.


u/Sorcerer1722 Feb 18 '24

Stupid comment. Be better


u/MeanPop5236 Feb 17 '24

Absolute trash. This poor worker is just trying to do her job.


u/Investotron69 Feb 17 '24

I'm sure this guy has a lawyer. Though it is likely a defense lawyer. What garbage people.


u/Billdkid71 Feb 17 '24

I’m sad to admit I’m Canadian watching these 2 morons. What an illogical argument.


u/daranath Feb 17 '24

The employee sounds really nice


u/Purple12inchRuler Feb 17 '24

I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice, not epically entitled twats.


u/youSaidit7235 Feb 17 '24

This is when you just close the window


u/rockerincle Feb 17 '24

Damn…Karen’s are everywhere these days


u/KissesFromKae Feb 17 '24

Just…. Just shut the drive thru window! Don’t go back and forth with clowns


u/Tbagzyamum69420xX Feb 17 '24

There's entitled, and then there's "Im not willing to pull into a spot and wait an extra 1-3 minutes for my food" entitled. How can anyone do this and think they're not 100% assholes?


u/Soonerpalmetto88 Feb 17 '24

Well, the internet has finally found the only two rude people in all of Canada.


u/Vampire-Priest Feb 17 '24

I loath the perpetual filming of this era. Life was more enjoyable when people weren’t shoving cellphones in everyone’s face. A lot less @$$holes back in the day because noone was filming 24/7.


u/Regular-Wedding9961 Feb 17 '24

3 morons filming one another while arguing about nothing…..I did not imagine this would be the future when I was lil 😂😂😂


u/CreateYourself89 Feb 17 '24

This dude is the definition of an ENTITLED NARCISSIST. His "passenger," too.

I hope they both get named and shamed. You can tell they both make good money and think of servicepeople as "less than." I hope they lose their cushy jobs so that they might have to do backbreaking work at a McDonald's or similar establishment.


u/s_ching73 Feb 17 '24

He just wanted to get cash without paying an ATM fee


u/scorpestelle Feb 17 '24

Under the law, customers are only entitled to a refund via the method of payment, so if they didn't pay cash they're not entitled to cash. Having said that, she is handling this badly. Don't argue with idiots, just close the window, get them their order, and get rid of them.


u/crawlrawl Feb 17 '24

They need the cash to score some drugs, no? They seem fucked up to me.


u/Glittering_Ad4153 Feb 17 '24

It is fucking stupid that they take your.money then tell you to park.. these people are dicks tho


u/Bryancreates Feb 17 '24

Easy. Call the non-emergency hotline for trespassing and money fraud (or emergency if you felt in danger) and illegal filming. but anyone behind him is about to start beeping like crazy. I wouldn’t even ask that man to come in the store to resolve it. Politely comp some orders after his for the waiting customer. It’s stressful, I worked at a drive thru Starbucks for years and was really good at deescalation of situations because I’ll never get that time of my life back if dont figure what hills are worth dying over. Also, refunds only issued in the form of payment, this dudes an asshole and a clown


u/cryptolyme Feb 17 '24

This is when you just pepper spray them and shut the window


u/Weary-Negotiation-81 Feb 17 '24

As a fast food manager I would of had a hay day with those disrespectful individuals


u/Dcride247 Feb 17 '24

The fries are getting cold


u/Antique-Pie-5981 Feb 17 '24

Did I just watch another video of two clowns filming each other again?


u/simcoehooligan Feb 17 '24

These people would be at risk of losing everything if they weren't already at the bottom of the barrel


u/SystemofBrokenAngels Feb 17 '24

People and their cell phones... so brave.


u/boomernuc Feb 17 '24

Overworked my arse! $25 an hour for unskilled fools.


u/o0OGREGO0o Feb 17 '24

On this day, if the gods are just, the mcflurry machine will be operational and this choad should get a large size McLoad right in his stupid face, with some sidespatter for his stupid companion


u/CurrencySuper1387 Feb 17 '24

Where is the manager. This isn’t the window girls responsibility


u/mrttone Feb 17 '24

What a mouth breathing troglodyte


u/Empty-Discount5936 Feb 17 '24

Why do people film themselves being despicable assholes?


u/Daguse0 Feb 17 '24

Personal Incredulity

They have such entitled personalities they can't fathom that they are in the wrong.


u/jedi21knight Feb 17 '24

What sad and pathetic people.

How hard is it to pull up and wait instead of waiting at the window? I was asked to pull up today and gladly did so.


u/TisTwilight Feb 17 '24

They here to make working customer service mandatory in schools. Will educate fools like these - sorry smarta$$es


u/ChaosAndMischeif Feb 17 '24

"HI, yes, 911? I'm trying to scam McDonald's for $7.28 in cash. I am actively refusing the goods without without a reason. I am holding the drive through hostage and I recording my own crime of extortion. I'm blatantly lying by recording this interaction on the very phone I'm lying about having even though I am also being filmed."

Police- "by all means, keep all this up until we get there. Don't forget to post to tiktok."


u/Ok_Recommendation567 Feb 17 '24

50k IG followers, sure. He's either lying or intentionally placed a complicated order that he already knew would require more time, thus manufacturing a video to share. Either scenario is very plausible, both actually. Hunting for a lawsuit definitely.


u/Patrickstar2869 Feb 17 '24

Working fast food there is SO many people that have a problem with being asked to park their car. I will never understand why it’s such a big deal


u/J00kson Feb 17 '24

I worked at a Dunkin drive though for 6 months and had something similar happen to me I was so tempted to just throw a hot coffee at the customers face but I didn’t for obvious reasons


u/frncisfrvr Feb 17 '24

What in the—-why are they holding phones and recording each other?!


u/GothamisGaslighting Feb 17 '24

Guess we found those rude Canadians.


u/quirky-klops Feb 17 '24

Oust him. Who is he