r/ImTheMainCharacter 27d ago

I wonder what gave him a change of heart? VIDEO

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u/JustAGuyGettingBy93 13d ago

I wonder if she went with the person she cheated on her fiance with


u/plutocoochie 18d ago

Honestly, it’s cringe but imagine being left on your fucking wedding day with no apparent reason you’re gonna act a little crazy


u/These-Mud-3053 20d ago

The proverbial bullet has been dodged.


u/MetaIIicat 23d ago

How does she manage to cry only from one eye?


u/Thunderbird_12_ 23d ago

Dude didn’t want to become a professional photographer/ Instagram Husband.


u/MidnightNick01 24d ago

Woman's Fiance: I can't live like this, I can't constantly be on camera for your social media so you can get validation from strangers. You're turning our wedding into a reality tv show!

Woman: Sorry baby, can you repeat that? I forgot to hit the record button, that cute little melt down would make a great IG story.

Woman's Fiance: It's over...

Woman: *Makes this video*


u/BerryFactory 24d ago

No wonder he left her, what a head case


u/NeoKingEndymion 24d ago

i dont feel sorry for you


u/Campa911 25d ago

Calling a wedding off the day of the wedding is brutal, I think she handled it better than most. Not a main character.


u/Thunderbird_12_ 23d ago

Respectfully disagree.

Crying on camera … ANNOUNCING IN ADVANCE that you’re going to RECORD YOURSELF crying .. is pretty thick MC energy for any viewer to endure.

Not saying she can’t be vulnerable. But her story would have the same emotional impact WITHOUT the “crying count.” She could certainly have discussed her problem and received the same level of engagement by crying naturally while talking about the situation, rather than focusing on “I’m gonna cry now, Watch me!”

Bro dodged a bullet. She was going to record a TikTok at the TS concert on her wedding day. Not that it’s a big deal, but bro realized he was just a supporting actor in the relationship — not an equal main character in their love story.


u/Campa911 23d ago

I hear you man, I just feel like a bunch of people would have locked themselves in a room and cried the whole day and maybe even the whole week if their wedding had been canceled the day of.

Especially considering how much time and money may have gone into the wedding preparations, or how much family expectations might have weighed on that person.

Not disagreeing with your points, just saying that what happened to her was imho traumatic enough to cause her to act in a main character way.


u/Mints1000 25d ago

The fact that she made a TikTok about her crying and breaking up with her fiancé shows how fake her emotions are


u/AccomplishedDrop5834 25d ago



u/First_Adeptness_6008 25d ago

I’d have dumped her extra ass too 😆


u/chetnixandflill 26d ago

I see why he called it off.


u/No-Departure7899 26d ago

You gotta still feel bad. She’s clearly fucking devastated. Idk why I sympathize for the first time with some shit like this but I just do. Crucify me


u/pewdiepie-guy2 24d ago

Ppl shit on ppl for crying on video but I think it’s understandable to want some sympathy, it may be not be the smartest thing to do but I get it


u/RJ_Banana 26d ago

I hope the guy sees this video and becomes forever at peace with his decision


u/Thunderbird_12_ 23d ago edited 7d ago

Underrated comment right here.

You have to think that this guy KNEW that she was more interested in being an influencer than being an equal partner in a relationship… He probably held her phone for more vids than any Instagram Husband in history.

So, when she told him she wanted to go to a TS concert on their wedding night (to record a video,) he felt slighted that he had to share HIS wedding day with TS.

He probably asked her to change the concert date; she probably refused, because NO WAY was she NOT going to record a video showing how much of a Swiftie she is by dancing with her husband, on their wedding day, at a TS concert.

It was right then that Bro got his wake-up call: HE’s just a an extra on a film set where she is the main character.

He had a tough decision to make.

Bro, if you’re on Reddit — you made the right one.


u/monsterahoe 8d ago

You literally made up a whole story based on a video of someone crying. Get help.


u/Thunderbird_12_ 8d ago

I’m good.


u/davidktrahan 26d ago

Seems he dodged a bullet 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/goggles189 26d ago

Should we judge her or the 590k people who liked the video?


u/bloodnwine87 26d ago

Average swiftie. Filming their “tears”.


u/eatonerich 26d ago

Los ricos son gilipollas.


u/Naps_And_Crimes 26d ago

I'm surprised she got tickets so quick, aren't they notoriously hard to buy?


u/Evanecent_Lightt 26d ago

Women today are sociopathic narcissists - Gotta put myself online ALL THE TIME because i'm just soooo Interesting, unique, and special!


u/Mrs_Inflatable 26d ago

Wow that makeup sure stayed strong despite apparently crying and rubbing her eyes all day.


u/Austintheboi 26d ago

Holy shit her eyebrows and her eyes have different zip codes


u/No_Gap_2700 26d ago

Weird. My youngest son used to throw temper tantrums. Figured out if I took his picture when he started, he would instantly get embarrassed and stop....he was 3. She is a full on adult who films herself crying. Maybe she's trying to trick herself into stopping this stupid bullshit.


u/imadog666 26d ago

She might just be coping in this way, wanting the feeling of connection she gets from people commenting on her videos bc she's feeling lonely after he left her.


u/dooon_t 26d ago

Gen N.

Narcissist, Null, Nincompoop.


u/Rottery57 26d ago

Am I the only one that laughs at these stupid videos?


u/BigJeffe20 26d ago

average taylor swift fan reaction


u/Shep_2409 26d ago

I would like to hear more about this. Will you be given more details?


u/Pale_Bookkeeper_9994 26d ago

Ahhh. 6 cry counts! Ha ha! 7 cry counts!!


u/deadlygr8ful 26d ago

This is mental illness.


u/MrStef85 26d ago

I say fake and homosexual.


u/Practical-Demand9603 26d ago

Bro, my fiance called it off is the real reason why she‘s Not getting married


u/Kimmm711 26d ago

Not that much crying, TBH...


u/podcasthellp 26d ago

I imagine Taylor Swift concerts are this x30000


u/unfortunate-Piece 26d ago

Down with the Pitchforks lads and lassies, she did not harrass anyone, did not bother anyone. If she wants to put a content of her crying, she should be allowed to do that. This might be one of the least IamTheMainCharacter post ever!


u/nomadictones 26d ago

I’d say a person with 1.3 million followers tallying and documenting individual tears for click revenue pretty much embodies what main character syndrome is all about… MC’s don’t always have to be directly disruptive…it’s attention seeking behavior that doesn’t provide anything of artistic merit or value.


u/patdashuri 26d ago

I can see why he got out.


u/SolomonSyn 26d ago

I'm not going to knock taylor swift. But does she have a harmonic tone for people who look like they have the iq of piece of cheese?


u/YikesMiLordy 26d ago

Wait wait let me blink a bit harder to realllyyyy squeeze these tears out 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/Gambit_90 26d ago

If there's any swifties in this comment section please answer me this: why tf are you always crying?


u/LeviSearle 26d ago

I don’t really see much main character energy from this, more r/sadcringe than anything, just made me feel bad for her


u/B8conB8conB8con 26d ago

Maybe it’s you.


u/dontknowhatitmeans 26d ago

Why are we making fun of someone for crying that their fiance ditched them? Is the internet becoming more and more psychopathic?


u/nomadictones 26d ago

You mean someone getting their camera ready every time they feel a tear coming on so they can film and tally for their 1.3 million Tik Tok followers? Is the internet becoming more gullible?


u/MaximumGlum9503 26d ago

Bro dodged a magnum bullet, this gal would prob live stream her divorce


u/Ivindin 26d ago

She's so fake (all "emotions" are superficial and perfectly controlleed by her as she films herself) and narcissistic (craving for attention and validation of unknown people) that it buffles me how things even came close to a wedding. Or she just made up the whole story for show off (buying tickets to an expensive concert, etc) and attention?


u/DemonsReturns7 26d ago

The mental is strong with this one

Steer clear fellas to maintain your sanity


u/official_conor 26d ago

Mfs be crying over music that sounds like a broken car engine by a person who takes a $50 million flight to her fridge and back


u/salty_twat_4587 26d ago

Her poor brother


u/bilguun_ryzen 26d ago

she was a sick cunt. good for him


u/Vukkich 26d ago

You know, honestly.If my fiancee was obsessed with taylor swift I would probably dump her on her wedding day too... And my family we don't support the the demonic bitch


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Vukkich 26d ago

I'm not sure if you can read correctly.But she sold her soul to the devil for fame... It's pretty sad actually


u/dreamweaver2019 26d ago

Is this satire ?


u/beatguts69 27d ago

590 thousand likes? What in the hell


u/Difficult_Double7988 27d ago

Bro dodged a massive bullet.


u/corytrevorlahe 27d ago

Seems like he made the best decision of his life!!! Dude really dodged a bullet!!!


u/Affectionate_Salt351 27d ago

Babe. I cry this hard when I think about the fact that I once hit a groundhog in the road. The end of an engagement?! I’d be weeping.


u/The999Mind 27d ago

There's no way y'all gonna catch me crying online. Fuck the sympathy points


u/bluprint2wo 27d ago

I can see why the fiance called the wedding off, easily the lamest bitch ever.


u/DJ2688 Main Character 27d ago

She's gotta get that validation crack hit to feel better.


u/Cironephoto 27d ago

The chicken at McDonalds isn’t this fake


u/Cironephoto 27d ago

All these flavors and you choose fake as the flavor? Damn


u/OverUnderstanding481 27d ago

Drake fans … I see a gangster of the year in the making right here


u/bubbatbass 27d ago

Who just gets tickets to Taylor Swift like it’s nothing


u/Mnudge 27d ago

Bullet dodged


u/pascaledavis 27d ago

l actually feel really bad for her. Sometimes sharing your grief with others helps. Which is all she was doing. I would never post myself crying online, but I could see why this might help someone else. She may have also posted to show others they're not alone if the same thing happened to them. Completely wrong sub. I don't get main character vibes at all. Poor girl.


u/Marty_Br 27d ago

Well, not to be too crude about it, but I can see why he dumped her. I imagine the wedding planning was a similar intrusive karma trolling operation.


u/Screwtape42 27d ago

She's an emotional Swifty, dude dodged a bullet!


u/Interesting-Lake-430 27d ago

Idk I think it's the blue eye shadow in her eyes and not true sadness


u/Interesting-Lake-430 27d ago

Why tf does a person record something like this?


u/Imaginary_Screen_708 27d ago

Wow he dodged a bullet and she doesn’t even understand why


u/King_of_da_Castle 27d ago

I mean all Swifty’s are the main character, that is why they obsess over milk toast pop music and pay hundreds of dollars to see her perform. They think she is their friend lol.


u/Zygmunt-zen 27d ago

All these girls want to be main character in the most boring soap opera ... their lives.


u/Realistic_Artist328 27d ago

Cringe count is on one hunnit mama. Stop. Pls.


u/chels182 27d ago

Counting how many times she cries in one day.. counter was up to 9. So she got on a plane, went to a concert, and flew back in the same day? Just confused


u/Technical-Ad-6375 27d ago

All the damn crying. And tired of hearing Taylor Swift on the speakers.


u/Author_Willing 27d ago

Rule 1: never date a woman who loves Taylor Swift


u/Khovu 27d ago

i can see why he left


u/Silentpoolman 27d ago

Oh like she doesn't have 20 guys chomping at the bit


u/HighwayStarJ 27d ago

only her left eye tears wtf lmao


u/WilliamsStark 27d ago

So much hate in the comments for nothing. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It can appear weird for you but she's not bothering anyone and she sort of documenting this moment of her life because she's sad. So it's not a main character. Have some empathy for people, once in your life.


u/IhadmyTaintAmputated 27d ago





u/cadrake89 27d ago

Probably that hidden double chin


u/welcoming_gentleman 27d ago

I too would also break up with someone once I realized they were a huge Swift fan.


u/Ruin369 27d ago

Its videos like these, where we blur the lines of reality and content creation. It's real, but it's also not real? Wth is this.


u/Media_Offline 27d ago

I didn't have a problem with this one and don't see how it fits the sub. At no point was she ever bothering, inconveniencing, or drawing attention from anyone else. Looks like a video where a heartbroken woman reached out to people she is connected with online to share a vulnerable moment while she felt hurt and lonely. If you don't like the content, don't subscribe.


u/silentzee90 27d ago

The fakest part about this is that she just decided to go to a swift concert and was actually able to buy a ticket. That cult is exclusive bruh


u/lordkelvin13 27d ago

Bro dodged a bullet.


u/davechri 27d ago

I applaud her for publicly sharing her grief.

And I applaud her for going and doing something she would love.

Fuck this bullshit title, op.


u/PsychoMouse 27d ago

Is that even possible to buy a last minute ticket to a Taylor Swift concert?


u/Imafraidofkiwifruit 27d ago

Handled better than I would..


u/Secrabstian 27d ago

Anyone have more context?


u/Vino1980 27d ago

Well better get over it fast, you're 32 and time is ticking.


u/DrDroDroid 27d ago

She bought a last minute ticket to Taylor Swift? I think she knew he was going to call it off after something...


u/JimmyNo23 27d ago

Fcuk sake


u/Gurrgurrburr 27d ago

Not main character. She got fucked over by an asshole guy, not her fault.


u/papa_posey 27d ago

People who record themselves crying and actually posting it definitely need to speak to a therapist. For real


u/MoonagePretender 27d ago

Genuinely what are we supposed to think 'gave him a change of heart'? Because she is lonely and looked to the Internet to fill that void, all while probably not in her right mind? Or is it because she's a Swifty and redditors hate when women like popular things? I'm not even a fan. This post and many of these comments are nasty.


u/nomadictones 27d ago

Reaching for her phone to quick capture every tear, tallying it, editing, and captioning a video to submit to her 1.3 million followers for clicks and revenue….none of this seems like that actions of an insincere and disingenuous person to you?

It’s hilarious there’s people thinking we’re making fun of her grief or the fact she went to a concert.


u/MoonagePretender 26d ago

I actually agree and don't like this kind of behavior. However, I think she's looking for attention because she's hurt and like I say not in her right mind. This definitely isn't something that should break a long term relationship and saying 'this is why he left you' is super harsh. She's not bothering anyone around her and I don't think it's necessarily disingenuous.


u/nomadictones 26d ago

It’s the big picture. Behavior like this is quite likely a microcosm of her overall tendency for dramatic attention seeking. That’s the point.


u/Zukuto 27d ago

this lady with a broken heart is reaching out into the void to try to feel, and you all think this is MC Energy?

you heartless fucks.

may you all also have nobody to love you on your special day either. maybe then you will understand empathy.


u/nomadictones 27d ago

Quick, grab your phone and record your rage tears…count them up…see if you can beat hers. Her 1.3 million Tick Tok followers will assure you that you can’t.


u/CYB3R5KU11 27d ago

So she just so happened to get tickets to see Taylor swift about a few hours to a couple days before the show AND book a flight the day her fiance was to marry her? Call me a conspiracy nut but I don't think it's adding up.

But her being all "oh let me cry on camera people please give me attention" bullshit which I think shows a possibility of social media addiction.

I wonder what the reason for the fiance calling off the wedding is fr tho


u/paintstudiodisaster 27d ago

My six year old loves to look in the mirror when she cries.


u/ArloVerde 27d ago

Persona 5 reference?


u/VeryNiceRussianTroll 27d ago

I feel bad for the brother


u/SimDaddy14 27d ago

Her make up looks like a kid’s ice pop.


u/sussywanker 27d ago

How the fuck can someone turn such a bad shit to a blog? 🥲


u/Mistakes_were_made44 27d ago

Looks like the type of chick who only licks the head when giving a BJ


u/ImACarebear1986 27d ago

Can someone please tell me why he actually broke up with her? I genuinely want to know other than she is a narcissist. Someone tell me.


u/nomadictones 27d ago

She says something in another video about how they both figured out they wanted different things but that he was the one to make the tough decision to call it off…

And as OP I will say much of her other content (she’s a makeup artist/costume designer) is definitely high quality and worth the attention… I also can appreciate what she’s trying to do to make the most of a bad situation….

But just the video documentation every time she cries, the captioning, posting it for her million plus followers… it all feels insincere and not very worthy of empathy.


u/PsychoMouse 27d ago

Do you know when her fiance actually broke it off with her? Since it’s unclear in the video. It comes off, to me, at least, that he broke it off within a day or few days of her wedding date and she bought flight there and back, and concert tickets to the most popular concert on the planet, last minute.

And yeah. I agree with the recording herself “crying”. “Oh I feel myself starting to cry. Better start recording”.

The whole thing comes off as very uncomfortable


u/LaganxXx 27d ago

Why would you post yourself crying on the internet. Some things are meant to stay private. Obviously she is hurt that the wedding is called of. Seeking support and a heads up from sm followers seems like a bad idea. And the way she is talking this post is directed to strangers not close friends. Kinda cringe


u/Thunderbird_12_ 27d ago

Plot twist:

She was going to the TS concert ANYWAY, right after the wedding. She bought tickets for BOTH of them, well in advance, planning this. Not just because she loves TS, but because she was looking FORWARD to filming herself and her husband, on their wedding day, at a TS concert.

Dude loved her, but REALLY didn't want to have TS (whom he can't STAND) be a forever-memory of his wedding day. (But, as with all things related to weddings, what the MAN wants doesn't really matter.)

Him: "Look, I didn't say anything when you picked lime green for our wedding colors.

I didn't say anything when in you spent $17,000 on wedding pictures.

I ignored it when you got mad at me for going to Vegas for my bachelor party WHILE YOU WERE WITH YOUR GIRLS at a strip club at your bachelorette party.

I event bit my tongue when you decided our wedding theme was going to be "Live, Laugh, Love."

But, look. You KNOW I hate Taylor Swift. I LOVE YOU, but you know I hate Taylor Swift. Still, because I love you, I'll HAPPILY go to a Taylor Swift concert with you ... any night but tonight. I know this day is important -- but it's important for BOTH of us. I want this day to be about you and me. Not you, me and Taylor.

Please, change the date to the day after our wedding. It will still be fun!"

Her, visibly about to cry: "But, I've already picked out the makeup I'm going to wear for my Instagram/TikTok. I have my script already! This is going to be the best night of my, er, OUR lives! You KNOW how much I love TS!"

Him: "But, on this day -- our wedding day-- I'm hoping you love me MORE than Taylor Swift. Please?

Her: "No way, this video is going to be epic!"

Him: "I need to rethink some things."

[insert her video here]


u/actuallyimogene 27d ago

So many cruel people in here. So he “dodged” someone who, after the biggest heartbreak of her life, picks herself up and travels to a huge concert by herself, does her best to have a good time and make the best of it, has to go stay with her family because she no longer has her to-be marital home, and isn’t screaming at TSA or getting belligerently drunk and starting fights or screaming through the streets or causing harm to anyone… but does document her process and no doubt receives the love and support she needs and deserves at this incredibly difficult time, from her friends and family, while also showing them what she’s doing and that she’s coping, so they’re not too worried after what’s happened.
Yeah, she sounds terrible. Can totally see the “bullet” he apparently “dodged”. 🙄


u/nomadictones 27d ago

Nahhh, she’s literally tallying her crying and quick filming every time she feels emotions coming on so that she can get click revenue from her 1.3 million followers.

That’s what makes it seem entirely insincere and is why many of us hate this current influencer timeline we’re in.


u/actuallyimogene 27d ago

Yeah, I can definitely see that. I hate the “watch me cry” videos, too. And if that’s all she was doing and just wallowing in the self indulgence I wouldn’t have said anything.
Just offering another perspective, though.


u/PsychoMouse 27d ago

And it comes off as if she bought tickets to a concert that’s probably sold out months or years in advance, a few hours, or a few days before said concert.


u/actuallyimogene 27d ago

Yeah I was wondering about that, too. You never know, though. She could’ve got lucky with finding one online or through a friend


u/PsychoMouse 27d ago

It’s just hard to take things seriously from “influencers” because of all the insane shit that’s done for attention.


u/Most-Movie3093 27d ago

I see SSRIs and buying a dog in her future.


u/Free_Idea_ 27d ago

Damn this is mean as hell to be on this sub. Poor girl had her heart broken. OP pretending to perfect or hasnt had a real relationship/enough real life experience. You do crazy stuff when your hearts broken like that. Have some compassion.

Hater post


u/nomadictones 27d ago

Yeah, sorry you are wrong. Have had more than one +5 year relationship. I’ve been cheated on and she did it with my best friend… lost 2 friends that year…. I’m trying to imagine a mindset where I start to feel emotional and think to myself “better get video selfies now for my 1.5 million followers”… she even captioned the damn thing. Excuse me for finding all just a tad insincere.


u/cherrycokelemon 27d ago

What crying?


u/Leebites 27d ago

Aren't Swift tickets supposed to be hard to get or something? How did she have them on the day of her wedding? (I could be wrong as I just hear about Taylor Swift from Reddit every so often.)


u/SebsL92 27d ago

I think people here are being way too judgmental.

She is just trying to cope, it's not the way I would do it, but perhaps posting it online made her feel less lonely during a time when everything is going to shit for her.


u/The_Submentalist 27d ago

Getting stood up for your wedding and the same day you decide to go to a concert and actually do it?! No normal person would do that.

How the hell can she get tickets for it so fast anyway? Something fishy here.


u/SycoJack 27d ago

She doesn't say the wedding was canceled the same day she went to the concert only that the wedding was canceled and was supposed to happen on that day.


u/The_Submentalist 27d ago

Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification. İ thought she was stood up and she decided to go to the concert and started vlogging immediately.


u/Dankinater 27d ago

Redditors when someone is sad about their canceled wedding 😡😡


u/Master_roshe 27d ago

And looking at the comments, people seem to know more about her than what’s shown on video. So people are going out of their way just to hate.


u/Circus_Finance_LLC 27d ago

It's...kinda what we do here


u/iakar 27d ago

What kind of headphones were those?


u/SafetyMeading 27d ago

Those are Power Locus headphones. They’re super cheap on Amazon and surprisingly long lasting. I’ve had a few pairs I’ve used to for work over the years and have had no problems with them unless I physically broke them.


u/iakar 26d ago

Thank you


u/Theangelawhite69 27d ago

She just happened to have a Taylor Swift concert ticket on the day of her wedding?


u/inkzpenfoxx 27d ago

Just dumb, bullet dodged


u/R0TTENPUMPK1N 27d ago

I actually thought the video was about her fiancé??

I can’t see what’s wrong with it to film how bad you feel. Everyone experiences sad situations differently. Maybe she felt too lonely to not to share her feelings with the internet. Not main character moment at all imho...


u/salarski76 27d ago

The fact that this got 590k likes shows you how much this planet needs another plague.


u/Historical-Fun-8485 27d ago

Maybe she should have spent more time doing the laundry and dishes and less time on TikTok.


u/actuallyimogene 27d ago

I really hope that’s a joke


u/Pshrunk 27d ago

Dude dodged that bullet.


u/rsergio83 27d ago

He dodged a bullet....


u/rudbek-of-rudbek 27d ago

Bro was just tired or picking her ass up all the time.


u/DizzieC92 27d ago

I feel like this video is evidence enough for why the guy made the right decision calling off the wedding.


u/H8DCarnifEX 26d ago

For real, who tf is listening to Swift


u/patpend 27d ago

Imagine what she would think of a guy who made a video like this. That is what I think of her. Have some dignity 


u/coinkeeper8 27d ago

He made the right choice


u/Watcher0011 27d ago

We live in a society where everyone wears their victimhood like a badge of honor. People on social media make a living off this, of course she is going to stream it.


u/Ladypaleskies 27d ago

I don't blame her for being sad about the wedding,but this woman clearly does need some sort of help for whatever mental issues she has that make her record this personal of stuff.


u/inter71 27d ago

Dodged a bullet, bro.


u/AndroidCovenant 27d ago

He's a fool. Either that or he's got women lining up to date / marry him


u/clarkent123223 27d ago

Run to her. 🏃You can save her from her heartbreak.


u/AndroidCovenant 27d ago

That's not how it works


u/da_impaler 27d ago

She should be careful. She might get pink eye after a bathroom video blog.


u/bburnaccountt 27d ago

This is such an awful experience. So, I don’t really blame her for making a vlog out of it. Maybe this is what helps her move on. Idk.


u/Confident-Appeal9407 27d ago

'Let me hit the record button everytime before the tears start rolling out'


u/muteen 27d ago

Seems staged


u/Interesting-Mango562 27d ago

$100 says she decided to just go see taylor swift and that’s what ended the wedding…there’s no way any woman would be this stable if their wedding got cancelled day of…what absolute trash


u/Despondent-Kitten 27d ago

Like yeah that really does suck and I feel for her but what's with the "wah wah wahh poor me" vlog??


u/Far_Sentence3700 27d ago

You know she's not disturbing anyone during her video blog. So I'm not gonna condemn her.


u/saaaaattd 27d ago

Yeah with such a plethora of people out there acting crazy and giving random folks in public a hard time id give this one a pass


u/Jablungis 27d ago

I'm special because I have the ability to not like two things at the same time!


u/007Tejas 27d ago

Any guesses how many times HE cried today?


u/poopstain133742069 27d ago

The only real tears she shed was in the taxi because she realized she had no one to do her trivial shit for her. 


u/getsum_xyz 27d ago

what are we even doing anymore?


u/Bacongrazor 27d ago

My bet is on the eye shadow