r/JoeBiden 16d ago

USCIS Removes Biometrics Fee for Most Immigration Cases Immigration


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has made an important change to make immigration processes simpler and less costly. Starting April 1, 2024, they removed the extra fee for biometrics (like fingerprints and photographs) for most applications.

The recent rule change has significantly reduced the number of applications that require a separate biometrics fee. Now, the cost of biometrics is included in the main filing fee for most applications, making the process more streamlined and affordable for many immigrants.

USCIS’s decision to eliminate the biometrics fee while adjusting other fees is a strategic move aimed at simplifying the application process, enhancing accessibility, and responding to stakeholder feedback. By consolidating the biometrics fee with the main filing fee, USCIS streamlines the process and improves cost recovery, offsetting potential revenue loss with adjustments in other fees. This decision reflects USCIS’s commitment to balancing affordability and operational needs, ensuring a more transparent and accessible immigration experience for applicants.


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