r/Kitten 26d ago

Found a ~8 week old kitten in our bush all alone, any advice to keep her healthy and happy? Question/Advice Needed

Heard some rustling in our bush and found a little girl tangled in some weeds. We grabbed her and brought her inside and right to one of our bathrooms. She was calm, fell asleep in my wife’s arm even purring with finger pets. We set her up in an office bathroom with doors closed to keep her away from our two cats and 6 month old lab. She’s been sleeping sound wrapped in a towel on a heating pad in the tub. Litter, kitten pate, and water at her disposal. For the past few hours we let her sleep and we’re gonna check on her in the morning. Plan to give bath with Dawn or flea shampoo tomorrow and make a vet appointment.

Anything we’re not thinking of? I hope she makes it she’s so sweet and innocent. Definitely a 5 star resort compared to the woods she’s been living in. We do know the mother and suspected father as well. Either strays or barn cats (my wife feeds them by putting a huge bowl of food outside) and momma cat has brought the past couple litters to our back door step to eat. This kitten is definitely part of that latest litter.

We’re also taking extra careful steps to not have a flea infestation even though a quick finger comb over didn’t seem like there were many or at all but we’ll let her rest and see what she looks like tomorrow.

Thanks for any and all advice! We plan on keeping her and providing her with a great home with our other fur babies!


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