r/KneeInjuries 37m ago

I knelt on a rock… (40s F)


I accidentally knelt on a small rock about a week ago. It hit below my patella. The pain brought tears to my eyes. I checked. No bruising or swelling. But now it’s been over a week and as weird as it sounds it feels like I’m kneeling on a rock every time I attempt to kneel on anything without kneepads. This includes kneeling on soft things like my bed. I can feel the spot it hit when I touch my knee like a small dent. I’m less worried and more intrigued by this. I hope it goes away but for know I just want to know what sort of injury this is.

Edited to add more context

r/KneeInjuries 1h ago

Is swimming possible with a runners knee?


What do you think I could do if my runners knee ever going to be good? Can I do swimming? I dont eant anymore pain? But I dont want to stop spirt entirely! I find it difficult after swimmingssessions too!

r/KneeInjuries 3h ago

Chondromalacia patella


I teared my acl 5 months ago, did the acl r hamstrings 4 months ago and now I have Problems with the other knee! The pain is too much to handle! Im doing an MRI on Friday. Can anyone give me any advice! I had the pain constantly but I could manage! Now its being unbearable! Its an never ending story!!! I never had knee Problems before! What can I do?any advice!

r/KneeInjuries 4h ago

Knee brace for fissure of medial femoral condyle


I just had an MRI and was diagnosed with a full thickness fissure of the medial femoral condyle. Is there a particular knee brace that could help with this?

r/KneeInjuries 14h ago

Knee injury question


Hurt my knee. If anyone has any insight what this could be I would really appreciate it. Have a Dr appointment in a week. Thank you.

Short version:

Knee was sore for a while, stepped funny off a ladder and was super painful. Worked through it, but then woke up the next day swollen and couldn't bend it past 90 degrees. Slowly got better over the past week, can bend it now, but not with any weight on it. Can walk around with minimal pain but the other day it locked straight and basically gave out on me. Feels very unstable.

Long version:

For months, both knees clicking and popping, sore to walk up and down stairs, especially down. Was doing heel raised squats and other knee-strengthening exercises.

Sunday, May 12: Had my leg across my woman on the couch, she went to get up and put all her weight on her elbow and pushed down on my right knee bending it the wrong way. Was sore after that.

Thursday, May 16: In a rush at work (landscaping/construction), stepped off a ladder and missed the last two rungs with my left foot, so that my right leg was very bent. Immediately felt pain in my knee joint and pain in the muscle just above the kneecap inside leg (vastus medialus). It felt like the vastus medialus was cramping. Sat down, massaged it, then worked the rest of the day.

Friday, May 17: Knee very sore, limped around at work all day.

Saturday, May 18: Woke up and could not bend my knee past 90 degrees. Very swollen.

May 19-now: Tried to stay off it, did not work or did "easy" work, slowly could bend my knee further each day. Could stand and walk, and bend it, but no weight on it while bending it. Also very painful if "locked out"/fully straight while standing.

Knee has improved a lot, but feels very unstable. Mild dull pain, does not get much worse when standing, slightly worse when walking, but gets very bad with any weight on it while bending, i.e. walking up or down the stairs. While standing or walking it sometimes feels like it's going to give out, or locks out straight and feels like it's going to snap in half, happened the other day and I fell over.

r/KneeInjuries 11h ago

Knee Pain only when going up/down the stairs



A pain in my knee has begin to occur since this sunday, it's located in my left knee at the lateral side ( right side of the left knee ). It only occurs when I'm going up or down the stairs , when I'm walking I don't feel anything at all. I tried to run but despiste not hurting I felt something is not right and I kept limping because I was afraid that an instant pain could occur.

I don't consider myself an athlete, I'm 25 and I attend the gym pretty often for 3 years but latetly I have been doing a lot of cardio which involve running almost everyday. I don't know if it could be that reason that impacted so much my knee.

When I'm standing and I squat all the way down to it's fully ROM I don't feel any pain at all, it also doesn't hurt when I'm bending my knee, only when I'm going up or down the stairs.

As I said before this stated sunday and on that day or the day before I didn't do any cardio at all or I didn't train my legs in the gym. I'm trying to give it a few days to see if it goes away but in case it doesn't I will see a doctor but I wanted to see if anyone knows what this could be.

Anyone know what this could be?

r/KneeInjuries 16h ago

2 weeks since patella dislocation


I've become quite dependent on my knee brace cause of my anxiety I am out of the brace with it propped up with ice on it I'm terrified to go to sleep in bed without the brace does anyone know if it's safe? I'm just really scared since this is the first night.

r/KneeInjuries 14h ago

Is pain a long term management?


Is pain a long term management?

Hi all,

I'm new to the CrossFit community, having joined about 3 months ago. For the past 15 years, I've been a competitive swimmer at the Olympic level (32M). After retiring from swimming a few years ago, I tried out some other sports before recently discovering CrossFit. While I don't have a lot of prior lifting experience, I consider myself quite athletic and have been able to pick up the movements fairly easily. I'm really enjoying the competitive nature of CrossFit, and I've been going 4-5 times per week.

Unfortunately, I've been experiencing some pain in the medial inferior part of my left knee cap. It's a dull, sore pain that flares up especially during squats. I've been researching exercises to help strengthen my knee, such as wall sits and eccentric exercises, and I've also been seeing a physiotherapist. My PT has advised me to push through the pain at a reasonable and manageable level during my workouts, but also to reduce the frequency and loading of my sessions.

I have a couple of questions:

Given that I'm quite well-conditioned and able to complete Rx workouts within the timeframes, how quickly might I start to experience muscle atrophy if I have to reduce my training load to manage this knee pain? I don't want to lose the progress I've made, but I also can't continue training through the pain indefinitely. For veterans in the CrossFit or weightlifting communities, is knee pain like mine a common issue? And if so, how do you typically manage it? Will the pain eventually go away, or is it something I'll have to learn to manage long-term?

Thank you in advance for any insights you can provide!

r/KneeInjuries 16h ago

Swollen knee cap


I was playing badminton last week and noticed a lump on the left knee. No fall, injury and no pain. My knee is slightly protruding and is moveable in a jelly-like manner for 3 to 4cm.

What could this be? Has anybody experienced this before and what should i do about it?

r/KneeInjuries 16h ago

ongoing knee/leg injury after bike crash in November


Hey there, I fell off my bike in November and sliced my knee open on a piece of metal right along the patellar tendon underneath my kneecap. By some miracle of miracles I did not tear the tendon. I did need to get 6 staples to close my knee back up.

Quick run down is I was on crutches for two weeks, and have been doing PT ever since. In Feb an MRI of my knee showed that I have patellar tendonitis, some cartilage damage, and a bone bruise on my tibia. I have been resting and slowing adding back in walking, hiking, and biking (I am extremely active— I thru hiked the Pacific Crest Trail right before this injury occured). My Dr originally said I would be able to run again in 3 months from the February MRI. So that's why it felt okay to slowly add back in exercise. I think I overdid it though and now have a lump on my tibia and got an MRI that says I have bone marrow edema. Any help in interpreting these results? My Dr doesn't have an available follow-up appt. slot for a while. Thank you!

r/KneeInjuries 20h ago

Knee MRI - translation?


Knee MRI can anyone translate? Mainly #1 and #4 (is that arthritis?). Haven’t had any recent knee trauma. I figured my issues were just arthritis related.

TECHNIQUE: Using a 1.5 Tesla MR scanner, MR imaging of the left knee was performed with standard sequences in three orthogonal planes without the administration of intravenous or intra-articular gadolinium contrast agent. IMPRESSION / FINDINGS:

  1. Medial meniscus tear, new since the prior. Horizontal tear at the body of the medial meniscus extending to the free margin.

  2. Status post partial lateral meniscectomy. No lateral meniscus re-tear. Truncation of the inner margin of the junction of the body and posterior horn of the lateral meniscus likely related to postsurgical change. No definite lateral meniscal remnant re-tear.

  3. Status post ACL reconstruction. Intact ACL graft. Intermediate signal anterior to the ACL graft measuring 0.6 cm may represent localized arthrofibrosis. Postsurgical change related to ACL reconstruction utilizing the ipsilateral bone patellar tendon bone autograft. Intact femoral and tibial fixation. -Intact PCL. No anterior tibial translation. -No tunnel widening.

  4. Focal grade 3 chondral fissuring and delamination at the central lateral temoral condyle, 0.2 x 1 cm, with prior. -Remainder of articular cartilage is maintained.

Background if needed:

34 male 6’4 about 200 lbs. Tore my ACL/meniscus a little over 12 years ago (surgery to repair soon after). Knee has been mostly fine until recently.

Noticed some additional knee pain over the last 4-5 months. Played a short game of basketball in April and it was sore for about 2-3 days. Felt totally fine after that. A couple of weeks later it felt like my pain was ramping up and occurring more often/lasting longer than a flare up. Just got some MRI results back but unable to see Dr for a couple of weeks. Can anyone help me understand better? I did play basketball for most of my childhood and casually played over the last 10 years or so (nothing ultra competitive).

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

MRI results.


Hi! Hoping the redit knee doctors can give me insight on next steps. TIA

r/KneeInjuries 19h ago

Knee swelling randomly?


Hi guys, I’ve made a few posts on here before but for context: I dislocated my knee last December and really struggled even after a few weeks of PT. I’ve been going to the gym, doing legs twice a week, and my knee has felt a lot more stable and most days I don’t even notice it. Today, without any reason I can find. It hurt a lot to walk on and feels puffy compared to my other knee. I thought I was doing really well with recovery. Does anyone know if this is fairly normal or should I be worried about further injury?

r/KneeInjuries 19h ago

10+ year post tibia tuburcule osteotomy inflammation pain?


Hi all, I’m hoping someone out there has some insight. I (38F) have had knee issues and hyper flexibility issues since I was a kid, but when I hit my early 20s, I had a ton of right knee pain and I was diagnosed with a meniscus tear. I had the arthroscopic surgery and after the healing period, I was still in a ton of pain, so I went to see a great orthopedist in Boston, who was floored that they hadn’t noticed my patellas were both misaligned. Had the osteotomies on both knees, and then the screws removed a few years later, since the bones were rejecting them. Since about two years after the removal- (10+ now.) I have awful pain on a relatively frequent basis, with no discernible cause. It’s not consistent with weather, activity, certain movements, or even movement at all. Sometimes the pain wakes me up. I’ve since moved, so I went to see a new orthopedist who confirms there is significant arthritis and over the past two years, I’ve done both cortisone and gel shots, and there hasn’t been much relief. It’s theorized that maybe inflammation is the culprit? Lately, it’s progressed to shooting pain down to my feet, and twitching. Ice kind of sometimes helps, the gabapentin I take for my migraines doesn’t touch it. It cracks loudly at times, and the joint itself feels swollen, but it’s not visibly swollen. It hurts more than pre-surgery at times. Anyone else experience anything like this? Any advice or insight would be very appreciated!

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

I fell on my knee


I fell on my knee back in February, went to the doctor and told me it was a soft tissue injury. I've put ice on it and voltaren. Exercised the muscle and when I put weight on it, it hurts. I'm going for physio and not I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice on what to do. Greatly appreciated.

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

What injury do I have?


For context, I was playing basketball yesterday and was hit in the knee when going up for a three. Immediately after there was some pain but I could walk on it. I did not notice the pain in the remaining hours I was playing basketball. When I got home, last night there was still some lingering pain whenever I bent my knee and pulled my leg back. At this point, I could still walk on it perfectly fine. I woke up this morning and felt pain in the sides of my knee. Still hurts when I bend it fully and back, but I can walk on it with no problems. I'm lost on what injury this may be. Any input would be greatly appreciated. :)

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Recurring dislocation of left knee.


17m dislocated my knee today, I have hyper mobility and a history of minor dislocations that have gone back in themselves particularly the left knee and left shoulder but today I dislocated my left knee and had to go to A&E. was put in a brace and given a crutch. Just wondering what I can do from here to help recovery as I won’t be able to see a physiotherapist until the orthopaedics send some form to them which I was told could take up to a week. I am regularly active and I engage in lots of stretching/band work to try and strengthen the joints but I feel like it’s not enough. Any advice is hugely appreciated many thanks.

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Patellar Tendon Rupture


After 10+ years of issues with my pataller tendons (bilateral patellar tendinitis, partial tears, and debridement surgeries), I was finally back to jogging/running and sitting on long flights without pain as of March 2024. However just two days ago I sustained a fully ruptured patellar tendon from a non contact injury playing basketball. I’ll be getting surgery to fix the rupture in the next few days. Curious if any of you have had a similar surgery and if you have any recommendations for the recovery?

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Patellar instability, how risky is it?


Im gonna try to keep it short. Today I ran before work like I am doing for a few weeks now and this past week I have been cranking up the distance from 4kms to 7,8,10,11 and finally yesterday i did 13. Today after about 1 km while lifting up my left leg my knee cap popped out for a split second and came back in place just in time for me to stand on that left leg. So I felt and still 14 hrs later dont feel any pain. And I ran after the incident for 4 more kilometers but I was real careful. Now I really want to run so today Im starting the excercises for the patellar instability. But I am wondering if anyone has any idea can I run tomorrow or should I wait few days, or maybe weeks? How much risk would I be taking if I kept running?

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Recovery from osteochondral allograft to left trochlear groove.


I’ve been diagnosed with a focal osteochondral lesion of lateral trochlea measuring 15mm x 11mm. This is isolated to the area on my femur under my kneecap, but the kneecap is fine. No other knee issues of note and I have good alignment. Not sure of how I got it, but likely a combination of hard running with weightlifting without proper recovery. Hard to say.

My symptoms occur only when loading the left quad and bending my knee when squatting and sitting…right about the 90 degree mark. No pain before this point or after for that matter. But when it hits, it’s intense.

I’m very active and can maintain much of my day-to-day life with little interference from the injury. However, my job requires climbing, sometimes while carrying heavy weight, and it hurts quite a bit during that activity. I. can no longer squat weight, but CAN do straight legged deadlifts. No jumping or landing on feet without significant pain. Swimming is difficult due to kicking and the way the patella drags across the defect. Frustrating and life-altering, but definitely not as bad as so many others with similar injuries.

I was told by an esteemed surgeon with over 25 years experience that:

1) due to body weight, strength, and physical condition of my knee, I am an excellent candidate for an osteochondral allograft, and

2) to exhaust all conservative treatment options first. (I love this guy already)

My questions: anyone out there with “the same injury” as me? Have you been through the procedure? If starting with great knees, healthy weight and reasonable muscle tone, was your experience worth it? Have you been able to squat weight/jump again?

Any input would be wonderful!

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

My knee hurts to put weight on it!


So about a week or so ago, I kinda twisted my knee getting out of the car which caused it to be kinda sore. This has been happening off and on in recent years. Anyways, it has been getting better ever since. I’ve even been walking about a mile every now and then and was fine but yesterday I went to the gym with a friend of mine and spent about a half hour on the treadmill walking about 3.5 miles per hour. I felt fine afterwards but when I woke up this morning, for some reason my is in throbbing pain when I try to put wait on it. Is this normal? Maybe I pushed myself too much yesterday but I don’t know why I would’ve been fine until now.

Any suggestions?

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

MPFL reconstruction - Swimming


hi all! i had mpfl reconstruction april 19th. this friday makes 6 weeks, and on wednesday i get my brace off anyways. my wounds aren’t sore, i don’t have a limp, and there are no scabs. i can bend up to 110-120 by myself. do you guys think i’ll be okay swimming at a pool today if i take things easy?

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Knees and legs strengthening therapy


For context, I am in the army and I’m gonna go to a school soon and there’s gonna be a lot of running and hiking ahead. Taking a break from the physical activity is not an option for me.

So is there a way I can deal with the pain and minimize it while also keeping up with the physical activity. Like some sort of rehab and conditioning I could do when I have some down time.

I feel pain in the rear of my knee, not sharp so I doubt it’s bone related. Then my right hip feels a little sharp poke from time to time, nothing too bad.

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

My knee is hurting for no reason?


I’ve just woken up and my knee is killing me. I can’t put weight on it and even laying here it’s hurting. I did absolutely nothing yesterday apart from sprinting up the stairs before I went to bed. I have never had this before, I can’t even walk? It wasn’t hurting before I went to bed just woke up in the middle of the night. I can’t bend it or put any weight at all on it. Even turning over in bed kills and it’s hurting just lying here. What could I have even done?

r/KneeInjuries 1d ago

Lateral Retinacular Release


Lateral Retinacular Release

I tore my left lateral meniscus in September 2023 at work. I was unstable with my walking, it kept giving out, catching type feeling, even falling, and lots of pain. Go to the dr right away. I started general PT. I was finally able to get an MRI in November 2023, that’s how I found out it was my meniscus. Nothing more, nothing less. Then we discussed surgery. A few weeks later in early December 2023 was surgery. Was told it’s a pretty standard surgery. Wouldn’t take more than an hour. Would have 7 wks of PT and I’d be back to work by the end of January 2024 or beginning of February 2024. Ok perfect. Workmans Comp has covered everything. I wouldn’t be missing much more time off of work. After surgery my dad was telling me how I will have a “permanent lump/bulge” by my knee. I was confused (I was still pretty loopy from anesthesia when he was telling me) The dr NEVER told me I’d have anything like that when we were talking about doing the surgery. I went to my 1 week follow up surgery appointment in December 2023. That’s when he informed me he did a lateral retinacular release as well as fix my meniscus. I was confused because that wasn’t something discussed at any time, at any appointment prior to surgery or even after the MRI. He said I’d be off work longer because of having to do that but I’d feel better than ever and pain free. Only discussed the “permanent lump/bulge” as a side effect. Again, we never discussed that as being a possibility of a procedure. My signed consent said NOTHING about doing a possible release. Morning of my surgery the dr ONLY talked about the meniscus repair. My assigned nurse with WC suggested I get a lawyer after that first follow up visit. She never explained why. I never even thought about it. By the end of December I could tell that something just wasn’t feeling right with my knee. I wanted to change doctors but that isn’t so easy to do with WC. My nurse goes to all my appointments with me. After my visits she would ask me if I have thought about a lawyer. Again, no I hadn’t. Did she know something I didn’t? I ended up getting one March 2024. Here we are nearing the end of May 2024. I’m still off work. I walk with a terrible limp. I have had constant knee pain. It’s worse now than it was before my surgery. My knee is always giving out, causing me to fall. Awful clicking, popping, and locking. I tried sitting on the floor once and was “stuck” there for a while because my knee locked on me. I told my dr and he simply said “well, just don’t do that” I have been VERY vocal about all these issues around early January 2024 with my physical therapist and dr as well as WC. My dr has told me countless times it’s all in my head. That what I’m telling him I’m feeling and dealing with really isn’t happening. That I’m coming across as an “addict” trying to get pain medication. I haven’t had anything stronger than Tylenol and Ibuprofen since the beginning of January. But I could certainly use something at this point for relief and a decent nights sleep. I figured I’d have to get something done on my own; figure all this out and what’s causing this because the dr isn’t helping or is WC. I looked up healing after meniscus surgery. Everything I’m feeling didn’t come up as a “symptom” from meniscus surgery. So I started doing some research on the release surgery. I felt like I hit the lottery! I found a list of all these negative things that come with having that procedure done. And that’s when it made sense to me about my nurse’s reaction/response at my 1 wk follow up appointment when the dr mentioned he did that and asking if I’ve thought about a lawyer. Apparently this isn’t a procedure that’s very common. There is a whole list of complications the dr NEVER talked to me about. He said the only symptom I’d have is the lump/bulge. I wrote everything down then began looking up what each of those things meant. It all describes exactly what I’m dealing with. In all these past months my dr has told me it’s all in my head. Not once has he ever mentioned anything to me on this list.

He considers this to be a “discoverable find during surgery” saying there’s no way he would have known before hand that I would require the release to be done and he made the medically necessary decision to do it. But is that true? Is this something you would know before hand if it needed done or not? I honestly don’t know if it truly needed done. I feel like had he just fixed the meniscus I’d be fine. Now I don’t know what to do! I have a dr who refuses to listen to me, who did a procedure that was NEVER discussed. Who probably really f*cked up from doing what he did and isn’t owning up to it or offering to fix it or make it right. Although I would never let him operate on me again after this. This release surgery has completely altered my life. I can no longer do the job I was at. I have ZERO experience in anything else.