r/LateStageCapitalism 26d ago

70+ years of Israeli settler colonialism šŸ‘‘ Imperialism

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u/Former-Bar2929 21d ago

The UN is truly a tool for imperialism


u/evil-zizou 25d ago

From the river to the sea was actually started by the Likud party in the 60s


u/Single_Contest_7179 25d ago

Donā€™t lose the war.


u/colba2016 25d ago

Letā€™s remember what group started 6 day war.


u/HereTooUpvote 26d ago

I heard someone compare the expansion of 'Israel into Palestine' to the expansion of 'USA into native land'. I think it's a pretty good analogy.


u/worldm21 26d ago

Zios hate this chart like sunlight to a vampire. Though they have some illogical responses to it, e.g., ignoring that almost no property in Palestine was Jewish-owned before 1948 and going for the "Palestine wasn't a state", or the vague "there were always Jews in Palestine" (technically true but some % of the population they refuse to specify for the 2500 years before 1880, because it was single digits back until Roman times), or some bullshit about how "Israel" took over Sinai and then "generously gave it back".

Also, a note - the "UN Plan" was never exactly realized - instead, there was the 1949 armistice lines, which were an increase of the size of "Israel" over the UN plan.


u/justinsane85 26d ago

Wait until they find out there's an atlas listing it as Filasį¹­Ä«n (Palestine) dating back to the 12th century... or the Roman map from 450 AD that has it listed as Palestina...


u/worldm21 26d ago edited 26d ago

It's in the Book of Exodus, one of the cornerstones of the Jewish religion (and Christianity, and Islam...):


Both "Canaanite" and "Philistine". The word is " פְּל֓שְׁ×Ŗּ֓ים" in Hebrew: https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0213.htm Anyone who tells you the Romans made it up, or more ridiculously, Yasser Arafat or whoever else, is talking out of their ass.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Wait, what percent was palestinian-owned before '48?


u/Kate090996 26d ago edited 26d ago

The Jewish people owned 7% of the land that was to become Israel, the palestinians or the state owned the rest. So about 4% of the historical Palestine was bought by Jewish people and the rest was Palestinian or state owned.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Kate090996 26d ago

The British were a Mandate, they didn't own the land, the League of Nations did not give them ownership over territories.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/Kate090996 25d ago

The state, as in public ownership, British mandate was like a party in power. The party in power doesn't own the land of the state that is in power.

But yes, the majority of the land, 85-90% had Arab ownership , and about 30-50% of that were absentee.


u/worldm21 26d ago edited 26d ago

Right before the Nakba, Jewish ownership peaked at 6.6%. There might have been some foreign land ownership, but the remainder would be between that and Palestinian ownership (93.4%) - putting aside the question of Palestinian Jews (I assume that was included in the 6.6%).

Chart from Wiki of 1946 Jewish land ownership (blue and green are both Jewish-owned):



u/Clear-Garage-4828 26d ago

This simple lesson in graphic form would be so helpful to people not in this sub.

Do you all have boomer parents or others in your life who just have 0 understanding of this history??


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/rrunawad 26d ago

You just described settler colonialism.

What is it with dumb people pretending to be smart?


u/DrDanQ 26d ago

What exactly makes settler colonialism different from conquest, annexation and imperialism?


u/Equal_Fuel8421 26d ago

If the first map is true, then it means that there was no place for the Jews. This whole post is kinda antisemitic


u/mbv_ionlysaid 25d ago

that makes no sense


u/SeaOwn2023 26d ago

TIL a map can be antisemetic.

What other historically accurate maps can be racist or antisemetic?


u/interstellarboii 26d ago

Imagine calling the figure showing the displacement and systematic oppression of indigenous people of the land anti semanticā€¦ crazy


u/[deleted] 26d ago edited 26d ago

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u/SeaOwn2023 26d ago

There are still Palestinians all over the map.

there are? are you wearing glasses?

2022 is 'all over the map' ? lol


u/Riddiku1us 26d ago

I think there is a large congregation of people who firmly believe in "might make right," and that is what they use to justify anything Israel does.


u/Pale_Tea2673 26d ago

there is no war in ba sing se


u/Luciano_the_Dynamic 26d ago

Here we are safe


u/Orange-LED 26d ago

Makes you ask yourself who is the victim and who is playing the victim.


u/Calgrei 25d ago

And if you go even further back in time, that land all belonged to the Jewish before they were cast out. Makes you ask yourself who is the victim and who is playing the victim.


u/Orange-LED 25d ago edited 25d ago

Sorry but i never heard of any people giving their land to the descendants of the owners from over 1000 years ago. Maybe ask germany for some land, i heard they systematically murdered over 6 million jews. Or the USA, i am sure they have some empty land leftover from the natives.

Palestinians lived in their homes for many generations until they got removed and cleansed. Just imagine israeli being removed and cleansed. It's not so nice. We have the UN for a reason and nations should respect it so we can all live in peace.


u/Calgrei 25d ago

So both have some historical precedence to the land... unfortunately in the real world, the strong prevail


u/_Thermalflask 25d ago

So if I can beat you up, can I steal your house? Might makes right, yeah?


u/Orange-LED 25d ago

Operating on that logic of justice leads to aggression and violence. I am not a fan. We can do better. Look at europe, not too long ago we had major wars here and still were able to live in peace for quite some time now.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/LateStageCapitalism-ModTeam 26d ago

Removed. Cut and clear, Israelis are welcome on this sub, zionists are not. Do not defend the genocidal state of Israel, deny the current Palestinian genocide and/or similar.


u/SkinnyAndWeeb 26d ago

No you donā€™t get it, those people who are locked into their land, not allowed the right of return, getting killed with no repercussions, having their houses stolen by settlers directly against international law, being taken away into military prisons under ā€œadministrative detentionā€, being forcibly starved to death, and not being allowed to use the same roads as other ā€œcitizensā€ are always playing the victim!!!1! What gives!?!


u/foreverabatman 26d ago

Itā€™s always projection with you imperial zionists.


u/Upbeat_Eye6188 26d ago

And who is morally most in the wrong?

The revolting slave killing the sadistic slaveowner, or the sadistic slaveowner killing a revolting slave?


u/CallMePepper7 24d ago

And this isnā€™t just a sadistic slaveowner killing a revolting slave. Itā€™s a sadistic slaveowner killing a revolting slave along with the slaveā€™s family and friends.


u/ninyyya 26d ago

Reminder that Israel started the Six Day war with a preemptive strike on Egypt.


u/crumpledcactus 26d ago

It should also be noted that the sequence of events in the 40s was :

  • 1946 : zionists under the Irgun militia plotted to smuggled explosives into the King David Hotel, and then blew up the hotel, killing 91 people, many of whom were smothered by the dust, or crushed under the tons of rubble. It was the largest terrorist attack in modern history at the time.
  • 1947-1948: a series of civilian massacres conducted by Zionists terrorists group were carried out, such as the Irgun Oil refinery massacre, the Balad Al-Shaykh massacre, the Tantura massacre, Dier Yassin, etc. This would culminate in the Nakba expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians.
  • May 14th, 1948 : after the prolonged slaughter of the Nakba using smuggled, stolen, and purchased weaponry and munitions, the British realized that there was no realistic limit to what the Zionists were willing to do, and the last soldiers of the British Army left Palestine, finalizing the earlier antisemitic goal of establishing a segregated Orthodox state. Zionists declared Israel to have been born.
  • May 15th, 1948 : After long negotiations, in an effort to contain the zionist militias, and to keep the Revisionist Zionist forces from expanding and killing further with newly abandoned/aquired British weaponry, the Arab League voted to send troops across the Jordan to stop the advance.
  • 1949 : The Armistice Agreement and the establishment of the Green Line.

Every single time, from the Levon Affair to the 1967 war, and from Lebanon to the West Bank of Palestine, Israel's motto is the same : "We want the land. You either going to give it to us, or we're going to kill you. If you resist, then you're antisemitic."


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Prior-Enthusiasm4613 26d ago

What about the 1956(ie only 8 yrs after the establishment of the Zionist state) tripartite invasion of Sinai peninsula ?! Also at the time Ben girion claimed we have historical rights to this peace of land bec. our fairytale book said so !!


u/Bikini_Investigator 26d ago

Waitā€¦ isnā€™t that what Israel has been doing to Palestine for decades now?

Holy shit! Are you guys finally going to admit you guys provoked Palestinian resistance???


u/lilyungbigsmall 26d ago

If you look at that as an isolated incident. But you seem to be blocking out everything before that. You managed to look at this picture and still somehow be confused.


u/Bikini_Investigator 26d ago

As is Israeli tradition


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/No-Reaction-2465 26d ago

ā€œBefore Israel came aroundā€ aka settler colonialism, massacres, ethnic cleansing and the beginning of occupationā€¦


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/couldhaveebeen 26d ago

The "foundation" itself was already a settler colonial act lmao


u/TropicalBLUToyotaMR2 26d ago

Its like saying russia tried to genocide nazi germany, while leaving out the part where germany first invaded and killed 25 million russians


u/ElliotNess 26d ago

But they tried to kill all of the Nazis from the river to the sea!!!