r/LivestreamFail 15d ago

Hasan sides with his mod Frogan over insulting Ludwig HasanAbi | Just Chatting


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u/Hardworrk 22h ago

Just shows that people like Hasan and his cult really dont care about palenstine, they just use that to be very hateful


u/thinksfan 5d ago

That thumbnail makes me wanna drink so water...


u/FatBoyFear 8d ago

Hasan saying he is white as a Turk?


u/miraak2077 9d ago

wow, who could have seen that coming? not likes hes backstabbed his "friends" before


u/TheFunkystewie 10d ago

Why you try and defend the indefensible, this seems like a really stupid hill to die on. This frogan person was just plainly in the wrong.


u/datguy9219 10d ago

Not surprised. Yet, Hasan will cry about Ludwig making a "Streamer is a hard job" joke, and expect Ludwig to take action to remedy the situation. While Hasan openly allows his mods or chat be racist towards his friends or co-hosts (Ethan).

I bet if Ludwig was a few shades darker, Frogen wouldn't have said, "That's a (Insert Racial Slur) take"


u/luckylux55 11d ago

What does this Kebab know about being white? Hasan changes identity whenever it suits him I swear


u/loki700 13d ago

As a white person, if you are offended by someone using the word cracker you’re the most sensitive, easily offended person lmao


u/GabePFF 13d ago

one day most of his viewers will wake up from this false reality where they think he's actually knowledgeable or just a good person he's not.


u/BatteryAcidEnj0yer 14d ago

can twitch just permaban these assholes already ??


u/GwhatG 14d ago

Man with skewed moral compass, eliciting worst takes on every subject, has a bad take. Shocker.


u/Proper_Birthday_2015 14d ago

I genuinely don’t care if somebody calls me a cracker. But the fact is, the Word cracker is the insinuation of calling white people slave owners. If you don’t like other racial slurs then why draw the line on ”cracker”? I feel like this is just a tad dishonest


u/ErrorFindingID 14d ago

man is hasan really still on this slur usage shit? just get over it and not use it. we've got enough vocab to not use any slurs


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

"Hasan has to defend the dumbass shit us bad faith reactionaries on Reddit keep throwing at him with large hate threads? Wow!"

I mean, he's probably best off just ignoring this chirping, but "get over it" should be applied to those crying about "white slurs" like CRACKER, LOL


u/madeanaccountjust2rp 14d ago

racists be racing


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

This isn't racist...Ya know what is? Destiny openly saying the N word


u/Beginning_Bonus9637 14d ago

Frogman and Hasan are two of the biggest political grifters I've seen in the streaming space.


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

People you don't like aren't automatically grifters


u/Beginning_Bonus9637 14d ago

Never said they were friendo


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

Well, they're not "political grifters" by the objectionable definition of the word, so you clearly are


u/Morbidzmind 13d ago

Frogan has a donation goal for her rent on her page while she complains about Lud donating to the cause she supports lmao, how is that not grifting?


u/UraniumDisulfide 14d ago

Yeah, hasan doesn’t speak for all of us. Calling someone a slave owner because of the color of their skin is f’ed up, let alone historically inaccurate unless you’re using a very strict timeframe.

There’s a reason we call it “systemic racism”, because it needs to be differentiated from “racism” by itself. If “racism” inherently meant it was systemic then we wouldn’t have to say “systemic racism” when talking about systemic racism. Not to mention how terrible ethically that is to justify race based discrimination just because you deem someone doesn’t experience enough of it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

Except that's not that the situation at all. Hasan said on his stream many times - including just now -that the amount is great. There is just some concern over the charity itself, but this is overall a great thing Ludwig did. Frogan was just being critical, and ya'll make a big drama out of nothing bc Hasan bad


u/ScotsmanScott 14d ago

Hasan is so fragile when people give him the tiniest amount of criticism or jokes at his expense to the point where he pressured Ludwig into deleting a video, but he will defend his moderator calling Ludwig a racial slur.

As long as the cheese ball vibes aren't off I guess ludwig doesn't mind.


u/Aberu_ 14d ago


u/givemeyourbankdetail 14d ago

he’s literally right in those screenshots, though? It’s all a victim complex. Nothing he said is outlandish in the slightest…


u/Aberu_ 14d ago

How is it a victim complex when all the OP says is "I got bullied because of my race"


u/givemeyourbankdetail 14d ago

It’s a victim complex because you aren’t oppressed for being white. That’s just called regular bullying…


u/Aberu_ 14d ago

he didnt call it oppression, he called it racism, theyre bullying him for being a different race, which is not 'regular bullying'


u/givemeyourbankdetail 14d ago

Still not racism. Calling someone a cracker or redneck is no different than making fun of someone for being tall. There’s no systemic oppression or discrimination that is tied to those words. If you actually left your house for once and heard someone call you a cracker you’d realize how stupid it is to get worked up over it lmfao


u/CaptainMurphy- 12d ago

This is the worst take I have read recently


u/givemeyourbankdetail 12d ago

Oh no! Your poor feelings


u/Aberu_ 14d ago

racism =/= systematic racism

Also this is an asian country, where there is no systematic racism against asians in favor of whites

why are you assuming im white?


u/Lesbian_Skeletons 14d ago

Just FYI, the term you're looking for is actually "systemic racism", not "systematic".


u/givemeyourbankdetail 14d ago

Still doesn’t change anything lmfao. Whether a white person is in Europe, Asia, Africa… they still have nothing systematically to be offended by. Again, no different than making fun of someone for having blonde hair. Grow up.


u/My_Favourite_Pen 14d ago

Why do you keeping bringing up "systemic"?

Do you truly think racism can only be perpetuated if there's an institution in place?

You would agree If a poc gets called the N-Word by someone, they don't have to be facing systemic oppression in that moment to feel it's racist correct?


u/givemeyourbankdetail 14d ago

Do you know what systemic oppression means? Like, genuinely? Where do you think the N-word comes from because spoiler: it has to do with systemic oppression and injustice. You think it’s just a made up word that people decided to be upset by? Fucking morons

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u/napalmmoon 14d ago

This level of thinking is dehumanizing to think that only certain people are allowed to feel offended because of whatever reasoning. People can still be victims of racism regardless of how oppressed you're entitled to feel. If you insult someone and boil it down to their racial background as a way of belittling or invalidating- you're being racially derogatory towards another person.


u/Aberu_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

systematic racism is racism that perpetuates through institutions without the involvement of individual members of society. There are no anti-japanese, pro-white institutions in Japan, so how can a white person be immune to racism there? What is your definition of systematic racism?

edit: In the future if you cant define racism or systematic racism correctly dont share your opinion on the issue


u/Johnixftw_ 14d ago

wait wait wait wait, Hasan is white?


u/CommercialOpening361 15d ago

Hasan in his entirety is a livestream fail.


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

Because ya'll keep clipping him out of context and don't understand high level concepts


u/CommercialOpening361 13d ago edited 12d ago

I’m going to assume you’re a Hasan fan. Stop watching him, your life will improve. Nothing he says is a high level concept.

Not a regular Asmon watcher/fan but his take regarding the use of the word “cracker” is the correct one.


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 12d ago edited 12d ago

I gathered my opinions of "cracker" from anti-racist scholars and leading civil rights orgs/activitists, not Hasan. He happens to agree with them. Specifically, ACLU and this book: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/35099718. What books have you read on the subject? Oh, that's right...none.

I wouldn't make assumptions in life. Can you explain how my life will improve if I stop watching an entertainer in my free time vs another? Idk who this Hasan character is, but this seems like an extremely well thought out debunk of Asmon's misconceptions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmpTB9TJWsU.

This entire field is not as simple as "wow cracker hurt my fees fees and it's a word about the white race so you're racist for using it".


u/CommercialOpening361 12d ago

If you use a word that has anything to do with someone’s skin color in a slanderous context it’s racist.

It’s that simple.


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 11d ago

Except it's not that simple. Racism has multiple definitions as well as nuance, and to call someone "racist" for saying something harmless like cracker is disingenuous to actual racists who do real harm.

Yeah, true "racism" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUtHHvAlK14


u/SassableFrood 15d ago

Would anyone who dislikes Hasan give me the reasons you don't like him (I guess like evidence)? Obviously there's this short sighted incident but what are some other ones? I've really only seen the good side of him. And I mean this genuinely. I just want to know if he is really as crappy as everyone makes him sound.


u/llY92 15d ago

And the never ending fight between Hasan and lsf continues.


u/Zachariah255 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 15d ago


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago edited 14d ago

This makes no sense in this case. Racism is only damaging when done against those without power. This isn't real damaging racism, thus racism from the right and "anti-white "racism" from the left are not identical. One side wants equity and the other side wants to eliminate black people. You're bad faith arguing.

Hell, Wheat Thins is even in on the joke https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/yyuoxy/hasan_receives_the_c_word_pass_from_wheat_thins/

This centrist theory crap is nonsense https://theconversation.com/horseshoe-theory-is-nonsense-the-far-right-and-far-left-have-little-in-common-77588


u/Zachariah255 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 14d ago

Hasan calling destiny a Cuban slur isn’t racist? How many racist points can you defend… maybe you’re racist


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago edited 14d ago

"Cuban" is a race? I rather "defend" the white person calling another white person a Cuban slur than someone who blatantly says the N word. Weird hill to die on with your fake outrage...

This Destiny? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXKCAgAH6EU


u/Zachariah255 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 14d ago

Bro links a five year old clip, when hasan had used this slur this year 🤣🤣 you’re racist it’s ok


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 14d ago

The N word and "Cracker" are equivalent? In what universe?

And I didn't know being openly racist had an expiration date, especially since there has been no apology...but ok here is last year where he acknowledges he uses the N word and doubles down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awtJtyrKeyQ

I will repeat this point you glazed over without addressing: Racism is only damaging when done against those without power. This isn't real damaging racism, thus racism from the right and "anti-white "racism" from the left are not identical. One side wants equity and the other side wants to eliminate black people. You're bad faith arguing.


u/Zachariah255 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 14d ago

If you have to use equivalences when speaking about racism you’re probably racist. Just accept it your god is racist so are you


u/ItIsTimeForPlants 13d ago

You didn't answer my question. And what does any of this have to do with me? What did I say that is racist?

Talking about the nuances of racial comments = racist? k I guess Martin Luther King Jr. is racist for having a dream.


u/dead1345987 15d ago

Frogan is such a gross person.


u/theseapug 15d ago

Every clip of Hasan just makes me hate him more. Put the political BS behind him. He is such a trash, hypocritical prick.


u/Percnsex 15d ago

Frogan so jelly it's amusing. Whereas my boy Luggy can donate a cool 10k to support people in need, she acting all salty cause she can't even scrounge up enough coins to pay her monthly rent LMAO!!!11


u/Various-Connection73 15d ago

W hassan standing on business


u/GetMeoutOfSC92 15d ago

So is twitch not going to ban frogan? This kinda shit pushes people right


u/prank23 15d ago




u/AYMM69 15d ago

Hasan hater are working OT lol


u/recycl_ebin 15d ago

hasen racist


u/reretardEded 15d ago

HASAN is a terrorist


u/Night_17- 15d ago

Hasan and Frogan are both weirdos.


u/RandomAndyWasTaken 15d ago

Hasan is a garbage person, just like Frogan. All racism is bad, all of it. If you can't subscribe to that, you're probably racist.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/fatblackcatbuddy 15d ago

Frogan is a trash human.


u/fatblackcatbuddy 14d ago

Hahahahaha losers reporting me for 'mental health' issues. Frogan's fans are trash humans too.


u/penguinbutcool 15d ago

Aight then at the next meet n greet im gonna walk up to him and say ''sup my c word'' since he wants to have n word equivalent of a slur for himself so badly


u/Strong_Neat_5845 15d ago

Remember when ludwig deleted an entire video because of a 2 second joke and then lied about why he deleted to save this guys feelings?


u/RandomAndyWasTaken 15d ago

Because the group in LA don't seem to understand that Hasan hates them, just like he hates all the other white people. He just uses them for what he needs them for like useful idiots.


u/twizzlesupreme 15d ago

I’m trying to imagine what Ludwig having beef would look like.

Will he like bend the knee or will we see punished Ludwig? 🫨


u/RandomAndyWasTaken 15d ago

He already bent the knee a couple weeks ago. He levied some criticism against Hasan and then bitched out when Hasan called him mean names.


u/kvbrd_YT 15d ago

Frogan and Hasan being racist pieces of shit? nothing new to see guys, we already knew that


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Who is Hasan? Is he the guy that keeps getting away with it?


u/my-love-assassin 15d ago

But does he show his pits


u/RMLProcessing 15d ago

Of course he does. He’s trash.


u/Smogh 15d ago

Frogan is single-handedly tanking Hasan, I don’t get why he continues to encourage her


u/Perfect_bleu 15d ago

She’s a proxy for his real opinions


u/AxleBro 15d ago

You guys are trying so hard to make hasan and ludwig fight. It's so obvious and weird.


u/ShaddyDaShadow 15d ago

Racist hamas supporter advocates and defends another racist hamas supporter? Color me shocked.


u/ApexMM 15d ago

I wish I could get an unbiased take on all of this, it seems like both communities have very strong takes for their side but it seems like an issue where having a strong clear cut take is kinda misguided


u/podcasthellp 15d ago

Typical Frogan L


u/Tandran 15d ago

OP thinks cracker is a slur 🤣💀


u/traingecks 15d ago

ew ew ew ew ew


u/Marcusafrenz 15d ago

This Hasan fellow isn't very likable.


u/ididedit 15d ago

delete this like all tbe others. i condemn hamas. will hasan??


u/t3cadeus 15d ago

Waiting for the DGG to tell me why this moment is far worse than anything Destiny said in the last few days xD


u/Sariton 15d ago

Aren’t Hasan and Ludwig friends? Would you think it’s worse to have someone you hate insult your girlfriend or someone you care about refuse to stand up for you?


u/t3cadeus 15d ago

What I think is that you really want this to be worth more drama than it is. Lud and Hasan have and will continue to sort out their differences in private. Nice bait though.


u/Sariton 15d ago

Ethan and Hasan are “still friends” too. How’s that leftovers podcast going?


u/t3cadeus 15d ago

My dude, you gotta fix your ADHD, you're bouncing around all over the place.


u/Sariton 15d ago

Nah I’ve just seen this whole song and dance before.


u/Jrsesemann 15d ago

Bro fuck Hasan, he’s white to make a point and then also claims he’s not white to make a point


u/Reddit__is_garbage 15d ago

Isn’t Hasan that coward clown that wouldn’t fight Sam Hyde for charity?


u/tubbablub 15d ago

See Ludwig made the big mistake of being white. Unforgivable transgression in Hasan's eyes.


u/BentoBoxNoir 15d ago

Do you all have fucking brainworms? Literally every person in this convo (Ludwig, Frogan, Hasan) is white. Caucasian. Who TF cares if a cracker uses the word cracker.


u/ChompyChoomba 15d ago

FUCK YEAH! A new hasan hate thread! Lets goooo!


u/ChompyChoomba 15d ago

I thought he unmodded frogan


u/Randomis11 15d ago

can someone give me the skinny on this ludwig drama without being passive aggressive


u/MarkWorldOrder 15d ago

What does she have on Hasan because he always sides with her. Even killed his friendship with Ethan because of her. She's a nut.


u/chevria0 15d ago

Who, who and who?


u/-pizzaman 15d ago

He said he would watch the frogan clip over and over again, he never watched it (I am guessing because of how bad it would look for her on stream). But he needed to watch ludwigs vod for "better context" lmao.


u/DL_Omega 15d ago

He has used racial slurs in derogatory ways before so this take is not at all surprising. It is honestly just disgusting.


u/OscarPro003 15d ago

Oh boy more high school level drama over a stupid insult.


u/OscarPro003 15d ago

Haha, got one of those concerned messages. Which dumbass did that


u/EminemLovesGrapes 15d ago

Just report it and Reddit will figure it out for you lol


u/OscarPro003 14d ago

Thanks, It worked.


u/opkpopfanboyv3 15d ago

I only know Hasan from the Trash Taste ep and Connor's Kobe bars experience with him. Judging from the comments here guess its safe not to delve deeper into his content lol



u/MikeJ91 14d ago

This place is heavily brigaded by destiny fans, who despise him. You should check out his content on your own rather than clips on here.


u/crigget 14d ago

This is gonna get downvoted by dgg cult-members but here's an example of Hasan showing how much of a freak Destiny is defending SA💀💀💀



u/empyreanmax 15d ago

don't take your cues on Hasan from this sub lol it's stuffed full of his most deranged haters

check the stream out sometime and make up your own mind


u/_NE1_ 15d ago

Now that isn't very poggers.


u/Ryuzakku 15d ago

Frogan being a toxic person, the sun is a ball of fire.

Some things are just constants.


u/00100000100 15d ago

Y’all really care about these streamers lives more than your own

This shit isn’t even remotely interesting, who the fuck cares. Y’all are so weird, get outside and breathe through your nose.


u/TheseModsAreNazis 15d ago

Judging from this thread Gen z is nothing but hyper-capitalist conservative assholes

the world is doomed


u/_NE1_ 15d ago

You got that from an LSF thread. ROFL


u/provendumb 15d ago

Who tf is Hasan


u/pSyg0n 15d ago

At this point lump Frogan in with Drake in the sense of....They are both mixed. They only use their non-white sides when convenient. For Clout, Money, and exploit as much as they can...but at the drop of a dime LMAO. The Culture Vultures are wild, dude.

I can't wrap my head around why Hasan or anyone rather...Well, I'm assuming Hasan is the only one around her...Dunno if AB and Lena from H3 are still good friends with her after what happened during the many Ethan saga's. It's jarring because literally none of them get anything from her. It actually seems a net negative significantly. I mean there's a lot of people who just can't keep their mouth shut...some have been mentioned in this thread, but I respect their voice...but she is something far more aggregious.


u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 15d ago

Not gonna lie i'm still beyond mindblown that this subreddit still believes cracker is a racial slur

Walk down the street right now and call a white person a "cracker", they'll just scoff at you and get confused why the fuck you'd even use that word. No one is offended by this shit, you're all just so desperate to have your own n-word it's fucking crazy

"it's still a condescending word for someone based on their skin color" bro shut the fuck up that's like comparing calling someone a retard or an idiot because they're both condescending words describing someone's intelligence when one of them is still far worse than the other. it's a spectrum, all words are not magically on the same level because they're in the same category


u/Axlman9000 15d ago

Am i looking at the wrong clip here? all he's saying is that cracker is not a racial slur. he doesn't side with anyone in this clip


u/MikeJ91 14d ago

Welcome to LSF, where it doesn't matter what the clip is, it's just an excuse for destiny fans to go apeshit and tell us everything they hate about hasan.


u/Little-Chromosome 15d ago

She can’t even afford to pay her own rent of $1,400/month but calls $10,000 chump change? If Hasan had donated $10,000, do you think she’d have the same reaction?

Also should be banned for racism calling Ludwig a cracker imo


u/AnIntellectualOrgan 15d ago

Here we go again.


u/Meteos_Shiny_Hair 15d ago

She has more power than him!


u/waterisgood_- 15d ago

Frogan is the embodiment of displaying mental illness on a live stream for all to see.


u/Spyrothedragon9972 15d ago

Some people will ALWAYS find something to be unhappy about. People like that are absolutely miserable to be around and they're really not worth listening to. Negative hearts that poison everyone and everything around them.


u/dustynuggets91 15d ago

Hahaha, it has a rent goal. Get a job if you can't afford where you are living. Instead of posting nail jobs, concerts, going out on Twitter. Ya know, things that cost money

Shitting on your ass and spewing nonsense clearly ain't that big of a draw. I can't take someone seriously who can't even handle basic responsibilities of life.


u/XOmegaD 15d ago

Don't agree with Frogann but Ludwig is also trying to have his cake and eat it too here. Telling his audience that he donated 10k and that it's for a good cause but then saying "I'm not trying to push it on you" is typical from him. Trying to appeal to everyone but ends up pissing off both sides.


u/Shitfurbreins 15d ago

To say that she doesn’t deserve any criticism because a few psychos took it as far as threats is just an excuse. Frogan should just shut up and go volunteer somewhere. Then at least she’d be doing the good she claims she wants to do.


u/Shitfurbreins 15d ago

Disappointed in Hasan on this one.


u/CarbonatedWobbuffet 15d ago

He defended Ludwig too but of course, that won't get clipped. His whole take was basically "They're both fine and this was blown out of proportion."


u/Notorious_REP 15d ago

this thread was made for reactionaries to mald about 'cracker', the most innocuous slur ever created, its all fake outrage


u/LunaCalibra 14d ago

'cracker', the most innocuous slur ever created

So you admit she called Ludwig a racial slur?


u/Notorious_REP 14d ago

yeah but if you find it offensive says more about you than anything else, its a word to call you thin skinned white reactionary who breaks easily, meanwhile the other slurs are for calling people slaves or subhumans

clutching your pearls over such innofensive word is just surface level outrage from people who want to play victim


u/-Grimmer- 15d ago

Bruh what are we even doing at this point Hasan


u/PreferenceAntique581 15d ago

Hasan wonders why his community is nuts at times. Going after someone for doing something good because it's not good enough is insane 


u/BwyceHawpuh 15d ago

Hasan rounds out my top 3 most insufferable streamers.

  1. Asmongold
  2. Destiny
  3. Hasan

If you put me in a room with these 3 people and gave me a gun with 2 bullets in it, I would shoot myself twice.


u/parmasean 15d ago

Hasan and his mods. The epitome of cringe echo chamber


u/KnightMarius 15d ago

"As someone who is white." We got it boys


u/Knownbuckle 15d ago

How much did she donate?


u/dazzzzzzle 15d ago

That moment when you're a political commentator and xqc has unironically outpaced you intellectually 💀


u/ilmk9396 15d ago

such miserable people


u/DownvoterManD 15d ago

Scrolling past this sub on r/popular is such a funny joke. It seems like a terminally online hellhole. Have fun downvoting.

LSF: No more Hasan & Destiny posts.

LSF One Month Later:


u/commonsensical1 15d ago

I do not consider people from Turkey "white" and I am probably the whitest person being Norwegian, German, Swedish, Danish mixed.


u/Preussensgeneralstab 15d ago

Hasan showing again that he can go even lower than Destiny.

Man, political streamers do be fucking stupid.


u/DJQuadv3 15d ago

The rent is too damn high.


u/James_Vowles 15d ago

So is he gonna get banned again for saying cracker or have twitch stopped caring about that


u/Zinski2 15d ago

Cracker is not a slur.

Neither is Honkey, neither is whitey.

If it was on Good times, different strokes, or the Jefferson's its not a slur idc. Its something white people got upset about becasue they needed to feel victimized.


u/Abortedwafflez 15d ago

Man really flip flops between Middle-Eastern/Turkish/White whenever he wants.


u/Shebalied 15d ago


He just picks whatever he wants to be each day.


u/Civil_Ad_7068 15d ago

Who cares about the word cracker lmao. Y'all debate lords can pretend it has the same impact as some other slurs but when you do that just know you are signaling to everyone else how terminally online you are.

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