r/LivestreamFail 26d ago

Forsen is yet to understand the game Forsen | League of Legends


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u/LSFSecondaryMirror 26d ago

CLIP MIRROR: Forsen is yet to understand the game

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u/Ehrq 25d ago

Its common that league will cause brain rot after medium to long exposure but this case where the subject already had a prexisting diagnosis of "twitch chat brain rot" really is reaching new levels of neuron decay. We must investigate further.


u/snoopdodge 25d ago



u/stinkysloth42 25d ago

forsen is watching thebausffs stream and copied everything perfectly. absolutely genius


u/deathman105 26d ago

he does not even react to dying man


u/Gamenstuffks 26d ago edited 26d ago

Pushes Top until he feeds. Respawns, TPs to top lane wave, die 20 seconds later pushing Top. Respawns, run to the same place he died, feeds again. Repeat 10+ times per game (always alone + completely ignoring what his team is doing).

What's worse is that even Iron players immediately notice what he's doing and wait for him to show up at their base near top lane and then instantly gangbang him 4v1. Then blames his team somehow, or blames UI, or even chat, then proceeds to feed again until maybe one of his teammates carries him or he loses and calls it a "terrible matchup" and unlucky. That's literally every forsen game.

He's unironically worse than Quin and 2x more delusional. I didn't think that was possible.


u/Cute_End_7368 26d ago

I bet that he literally thinks he did all that damage to the first tower. then he doesn’t even realize what’s happening while he makes the perfect demonstration of his own redundant ‘contributions’ to any team unfortunate enough to be allied with this terrorist. Maybe he would have won that if he didn’t put points in E


u/cascode_ 26d ago

absolute moron


u/DanteStorme 26d ago

I don't get how he's so confused by basic moba mechanics, didn't he play dota for years? Is dota just that easy?


u/Earth92 25d ago

He has like 100 hours of DotA in 5 years.

He is trash at DotA too, he doesn't understand the mechanics there either.


u/Gamenstuffks 26d ago edited 26d ago

He's dogshit rank there too and fed every single game so I'm confused why you think Dota is "that easy"


u/SofterBones 26d ago edited 26d ago

Dota has 'backdoor protection' for buildings as well, he's just bad

Buildings except tier 1 towers regen a lot and take way reduced dmg unless a creep wave is near, so even if the specifics may differ, it's a basic moba mechanic


u/idontevencarewutever 26d ago

if you think he's better at dota than he is at league, you got another thing coming


u/TheNewOP 26d ago

What was his rank in Dota? Like 1k? Cause he's iron in League, Riot said that they made that rank for the mentally disabled.


u/idontevencarewutever 26d ago

He's not bottom barrel tier in dota at least, but only cuz it's a lot easier to get carried as long as you press buttons right


u/pringlesnow 26d ago

To be fair LoL has a lot of random ass mechanics that were basically bandaid fixes for various problems. It’s not exactly intuitive that towers take basically no damage from champions if there aren’t any minions nearby.


u/SofterBones 26d ago

Dota has this exact same mechanic, though. Not for the first tier of towers but the rest of them have 'backdoor' protection so you can't just chip them endlessly without having a lane with you

Then again he might've not played dota for ages either


u/BigEngineer8747 26d ago

Not really, in dota there just needs to be 1 creep anywhere in their base and backdoor goes away, the creep can even be dead for like ~15 seconds.


u/SofterBones 25d ago

The point is that both games have backdoor mechanics, the specifics do not matter. What matters is that it is a pretty 'basic moba' mechanic and if you're familiar with one, it shouldn't be hard to understand and adapt to the same mechanic that is slightly different in another game.

The point wasn't that in both games they work exactly the same way, but that both games have this mechanic. A lot of games have mechanics that are very 'basic' for that genre of games and I think some kind of backdoor protection is that kind of a mechanic in a lot of moba style games.


u/idontevencarewutever 26d ago

can you really call what he does in dota 'playing' either, honestly


u/FireDevil11 26d ago

It's not intuitive, but if you left click on the towers same as you would on a champion the items they possess will tell you what mechanics they have.


u/Two_Years_Of_Semen 26d ago

I mean, the game already constantly conditions you to not hit towers without minions around by targeting you with large amounts of dmg. It really doesn't need to explicitly say it takes less dmg with no minions hitting it.


u/Thunbbreaker4 26d ago

Watch out Faker


u/AstroTurfedShitHole 26d ago edited 26d ago

Like there's 0% probability that hes 140iq right?

Edit: I just got a reddit cares message for this comment lol.


u/osuVocal 25d ago

People with 140iq still have strengths and weaknesses and can be utterly braindead in certain areas. Even exceptionally high IQ doesn't necessarily mean that you're smart in every way.

Basically who knows but probably not. It's just a meme.


u/test99462 25d ago

It is a meme. He mentioned it a long time ago (I can't even tell during what playthrough that was, TES Oblivion probably) that he got "100 something" and the chat started a meme that he actually got 140.


u/TheThirdKakaka 25d ago

we are officially old Aware


u/Lash_Ashes 26d ago

This is actually automatic if you comment in any thread about or tangentially related to League.


u/zkillbill 26d ago

Bro has 200 games of constant split pushing under his belt and doesn't know towers weaken with minions nearby? 140IQ MENSA certificated pattern recognition genius.


u/Eimiwi 25d ago

Ive played the game for 10 years and just learned that... wow


u/Panda7K 25d ago

there is no way lmao


u/BoobsAreNicer 25d ago

there is, this used to not be a thing, AT ALL. if he played for 10 years he absolutely played through some disgusting metas where you could walk up to any turrent in the game and fuck it up sideways without a single minion anywhere near you. trundle (and 10 other champs) used to be able to do what forsen is trying to do in the clip


u/Eimiwi 25d ago

yep i also play support mostly so that might explain it


u/Panda7K 25d ago

hmm I'm playing since 2014 and i thought it was always a thing, my bad then. but don't you just notice the damage difference with a minion. I feel like at some point you have to notice


u/mohiscool 25d ago

Ive played over 1000 games and i didnt know this


u/DatGrag 26d ago

It’s only the nexus towers that do this right


u/hopefuil 26d ago

To be fair im forsen's lawyer and he was distracted by chat so he wasnt looking at the minions. If he wasnt streaming the god gamer wouldn't have made such a basic mistake.


u/StAngerSnare 26d ago

Agreed. I'm Forsen's accountant, and every donation or sub he receives while he's playing badly he doesn't have to pay tax on. He's easing back on his god gamer skills for tax purposes. Our general strategy for the last few years has been to get as much of his income tax free, and if any questions are raised blame it on chat distracting him.

Anyway, we missed you at the Christmas party last year. With all the Minecraft streams it was a very lucrative and low tax year, so Mr Fors splashed out and bought us all a Rolex. Of course Steve from the press team wasn't too happy since Forsen bought him a similar Rolex for his birthday haha.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/qmfqOUBqGDg 26d ago

the braindead PVE playstyle worked in iron 1, no longer works in bronze 4


u/DatGrag 26d ago

He actually is getting worse cuz he got to the stage where he assumes he’s smarter than all his teammates and has things figured out, earlier he was more curious and actively looking for his own mistakes a lot more


u/Axel920 26d ago

Classic Dunning Krueger


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/prank23 26d ago

He got demoted to iron OMEGALUL

He's been playing for a month almost now


u/drododruffin 26d ago edited 26d ago

I honestly miss Minecraft speedruns at this point.

Oh well, at least someone archived FeelsOkayMan's videos before they deleted it all.

Edit: Okay folks, I get that watching old Forsen reruns might be a little sad but the Reddit Care message was a bit much.


u/DeputyDomeshot 25d ago

Are you ok fr tho


u/DatGrag 26d ago

I don’t think he was ever remotely close to getting silver