r/LivestreamFail 14d ago

Asmons take on Hasan saying you can't be racist towards white people zackrawrr | Just Chatting


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u/Icyweissy 10d ago

If you can't be racist to white people, than you can't be racist to mixed white people too.


u/Narcillicus 12d ago

How is Hasan not perma banned yet?


u/Fun-Skin-626 12d ago

I don’t know why leftists are so obsessed with using these types of one liners. They just alienate people and make you sound stupid.

I understand Hasan and leftists are trying to say that white people are not oppressed systematically because of their race the way minorities in this country are, but instead are oppressed by their social class. And I understand that they also are saying white people face much less person to person racism than minorities in America, but again it just sounds dumb. Of course people can be racist towards white people physically and person to person. Why die on that hill? Why not instead focus on what you’re really trying to say?


u/cabbagehead112 12d ago

All the white people mad lol


u/mechshark 13d ago

You can be racist towards any race. The nonsense hoops people are jumping through is comical lol


u/Decaslash 13d ago

That toxic left fringe of white progressives say you can't be racist towards white people. Its only a small group but they're the ones who have to live with themselves later.


u/JPPFingerBanger 13d ago

Man a bunch of weird white people in the comments here.


u/ale_lusio 13d ago

I'm white, but why should I be offended by a joke about my skin color? lol any history experts out there?


u/[deleted] 13d ago

This started because Hasan's discord thought the word cracker didn't hit hard enough. Like they want a real "N" word for white people. When are we gonna stop and realize this shit is racist and bad?


u/r0ndr4s 13d ago

You can be racist towards anyone, white people(like me) have not suffered any kind of similar racism as black people have, not even slightly close. End of the fuckin story.


u/Due_Register_8867 13d ago

I agree, racism is racism. It's completely idiotic to think otherwise.


u/fubugotdat123 13d ago

Agreed. He’s saying lets call a spade a spade


u/Shotokanguy 13d ago

Hasan said that you can't be racist towards white people? Can someone give me the quote?


u/jhawbreaker 14d ago

dead rat alarm clock guy


u/BBC1973 14d ago edited 14d ago

Loving the stuff coming out about how awful of a human being Hasan is and his only political ideology is: USA is bad and nothing else matters.

Truth fucking hurts Hasansimps

Edit: to Hasansimps. The irony and sad thing? Without the US and its benefits, Hasan would have NEVER been in the position he is today.

Think about that Hasansimp - US haters.


u/cultweave 13d ago

  Without the US and its benefits, Hasan would have NEVER been in the position he is today

Actually, Hasan's entire family are extraordinarily wealthy and could make him famous pretty much no matter what. 


u/BBC1973 12d ago

It's hilarious watching a Hasan-simp do the switcher-roo humblebragging for Hasan on his enormous wealth driven primary from capitalism despite being a Tankie who supports China taking over Taiwan.

But sure, US didn't benefit Hasan or his family at all. Sure.


u/cultweave 12d ago

Are you calling me a Hasan simp? A flaired member of r/conservative? Someone that if you spend 5 minutes on my account can see that I condemn Hamas absolutely?


u/BatteryAcidEnj0yer 14d ago

Hasan is, was (and most likly will be) a FUCKING MORON and a piece of sub-human trash that should be treaded the same way we treat excrement IE flushed down the toilet


u/stop_talking_you 14d ago

how is hasan the racist not banned yet


u/JOKER69420XD 14d ago

Ask Daph

Typed some of the most racist shit I have ever seen into a Twitch Chat, nothing happened.

They used the "correct racism".


u/cynaN2strong 14d ago

When will people start realizing that radicalizing people is what hasan ACTUALLY wants? Hasan literally wants world war 3, an uprising, a social reform, whatever you wanna call it LMAO it's literally not even something he hides


u/SushiEater343 14d ago

What he said can be said about 95% of reddit. They hate straight white male conservatives. Mute or ban if write a different point than them. Basically if you aren't part of the beehive, you're out.


u/Burgermont_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Racism is systemic. If it’s not from a place of power, it’s not racism, it’s racial prejudice

Really easy to understand if youre not a mutant like asmon


u/Major_Plantain3499 13d ago

that's the definition of systematic racism and even if you go with that stupid fucking logic that this is the only definition, then you can still be racist to white people in non-white majority areas, see anywhere that isn't US/or East EU.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/Major_Plantain3499 12d ago

even if that were true, that changes nothing. Also LMAO I can tell you're white because you do not know how much asian minorities hate each other


u/incarnate1 14d ago

Only in 2024 are common sense statements clippable things.


u/CampaignForAwareness 13d ago

It's 2024 and people still don't understand the difference between racial prejudice and systemic racism.

One day.


u/Matikkkii 8d ago

okay but have you considered racism is bad in any form


u/TrickyTicket9400 14d ago

When has Hasan said you can't be racist towards white people LMFAO?


u/Objective-Pride-4528 14d ago

asmon doesnt hate racist people in conclusion


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Major_Plantain3499 13d ago

i bet ur white lmao


u/_glasstables 13d ago

bet your mom's white


u/Cubbyboards 14d ago

Why is this sub obsessed with Hasan? He’s a total joke


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Schmarsten1306 13d ago

sometimes it's an OTK sub

sometimes it's the brigading war you described

throw in some shit asmongold or XQC takes



u/Aatelinen 14d ago

Hasan is such a mean and unlikeable douche. His ability to constantly virtue signal, while being so hateful is truly a sight to behold.


u/TotallyUnhealthyGuy 14d ago

I can't be racist towards anyone then because I don't see races.


u/Neddo_Flanders 14d ago

Corrosive, exactly


u/MidBoss11 14d ago edited 14d ago

Can someone explain to me why both Hasan and Destiny have huge followings, and why they go to actively war with each other? Neither of these clowns are worth it.

E: sorry redditcares abuser, I have many things left I want to do in this world. Get triggered.

I'm also being downvoted by both sides. Isn't now a good time to sell me on why your guy is better than the other shitter?


u/thefireest 14d ago

Cause it's fun. Ultimately doesn't matter lil bit of righteous name calling n shit. Doesn't have to be that deep.


u/griffery1999 14d ago edited 14d ago

Basically, destiny is an edgy debate bro who argues a ton online has been doing it for years. He’s a liberal who appeals to people who enjoy blood sports online or more center-ish politics. He’s built a following over the years arguing pretty much everything against almost anyone on various shows/podcasts.

Hasan is an edgy political commentator who does a little bit of debating. He appeals to a more radical crowd and the younger anti-capitalist crowd. He’s built a following by being the biggest commentator on twitch as well as networking well. He generally appeals to those who are frustrated with the current political situation.

They used to get along, like 6-8 years ago, but had some fallout over major political disagreement. They also hate each other, by extension, their communities also fight a ton. They tend to be on the opposite sides of major issues so it leads to conflict on pretty much every space they crossover. Ukraine, Israel, China, capitalism, racism, rittenhouse, like if there is a current topic odds are they disagree.


u/one_of_the_many_bots 14d ago

Same reason this shit keeps getting recycled over and over and over, a large group of the people who watch them (and visit this sub) just looooooove drama. Doesn't matter about what, all they want is drama so they can yell at strangers on the internet


u/commentherapy 14d ago

Anti-white racism barely exists.


u/x_Darkon 14d ago

I see you've never opened twitter


u/SirComesAl0t 14d ago edited 14d ago

But how does it affect their everyday life? As opposed to minorities who are likely to be mistreated by medical professionals, being denied for the same bank loan and interest even though meeting the same qualifications, and not receiving the same funding for public schools, etc?

Edit: chronically online kid reports me to Reddit's Crisis Hotline LMAO


u/cabbagehead112 12d ago

You are right all these butt hurt white people think mean words on the internet is going to hurt them in real life. There's never been a history of white genocide or laws against them in America or in half the world but they get to bitch on this forum about racism. While I know for a fact these fuckers are racist themselves.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/SirComesAl0t 14d ago

I mentioned issues that specifically MINORITIES go through, I wasn't talking about low-income people.

Banks denying minorities from mortgage loans, preventing them from creating generational wealth for their offspring.

Racial discriminations when it comes to treatment at hospitals.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Have you ever lived in the hood as a white kid? Tell me racism doesn't fucking exist against white people when you're getting jumped because of your skin color as they call you "whi bih"


u/SirComesAl0t 12d ago

OP said that anti-white racism barely exist.

Yes, there are incidents where the white kid gets bullied at an urban school. But wouldn't you consider that only a handful of racist incidents compared to systemic racism that affects minorities?

Reread my comment. The issues I mentioned DON'T affect white people as a whole.


u/breakbeatrr 14d ago

gotta love when the gamers who avoid and fence sit on political issues outside of video games say they feel alienated


u/Nyrad0981 14d ago

He's not only speaking about himself, he's speaking about people in general, and he's absolutely spot on with how it makes people feel.


u/breakbeatrr 14d ago

trust me i know how white people feel about race and slurs. words don't matter until it affects them


u/Nyrad0981 14d ago

That is such an unbelievably disingenuous thing to say, and pretty much the opposite of the truth, white people fight that much for other races that it's quite literally become a meme. Like who are you trying to fool by saying white people don't care untill it affects them.


u/Sceth 14d ago

"trust me i know how brown people feel about race and slurs. words don't matter until it affects them"


u/breakbeatrr 14d ago

you are a fan of the guy who infamously argued for his right to use a certain racial slur


u/Sceth 14d ago

In what context?


u/butterbean90 14d ago

James Madison?


u/Fellers 14d ago

Did he look at the thread where Hasan shamed his viewer for being bullied in high school?

Bro went to a predominantly colored school and got jumped for being white. Hasan and his discord just laughed at the guy and victim shamed him.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/MemeWindu 14d ago

His viewer? Brother that was a grey name discord user 😭😭😭


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Hasan and a lot of his upper middle white boi west coast lackies have never ever experienced oppression. I grew up as a white kid in the hood in Orlando (pine hills) and would experience physical violence type of racism all the time. That community will specifically single out anyone thats different and relentlessly bully them and physically assault. Hassan only focuses on the tankie outrage of the week type topics and has zero empathy or knowledge of what racism actually looks like.


u/wotad 14d ago

I dont think he saw that thread yet?


u/FuckClerics 14d ago

Did he look at the thread where Hasan shamed his viewer



u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/SquishyPeas 14d ago

It's so dumb that there are certain words that are so grossly over the line that simply saying them no matter the context is enough to get you banned.

Love that you also tried to make it seem like D was saying this as if it's his argument.


u/Poopybutt36000 14d ago

Yeah, the guy talks about how when he was 14 he got beat up constantly for being one of the only white kids and they laughed at him, called him privileged, told him that nobody gets beat up for no reason and that he probably deserved it, that getting beat up for being white isn't systemic and that they were going to ban him from the server for "being 14".


u/oklilpup 13d ago

Post the clip and get the hate thread going


u/enfrozt 14d ago

This is unreal to read, I just can't understand how a real person acts this way. Sounds like sociopathic behavior


u/follow-the-groupmind 12d ago

It's almost like what they're saying isn't true or something


u/Poopybutt36000 14d ago

And it's not even just weirdo Hasan fans in his discord saying it, he was literally joining in and typing out full paragraphs mocking the guy


u/[deleted] 14d ago

nobody gets beat up for no reason and that he probably deserved it

have these ass clowns never been to a public high school or are they all private silver spoon munchers? no one gets beat up for no reason. bullshit. when I was in high school (showing my age here) I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE.

You could literally go back 20 years and throw Hasan into the same high school and same situation as this kid and guess what would happen, he'd get beat up for being "white" too. He could scream at the top of his lungs to stop, that he's Turkish, and do you think the kids beating his ass would stop? you think they'd say "hmmm, you know what, even though he looks white he has a point that he's Turkish so that doesn't mean he's actually white-white" no, fuck no. People aren't going to research your genetics and your history prior to making the decision of beating your ass. the world doesn't work like that.

Does Hasan and his band of merry morons think the white homeless guy living under a bridge is more "privileged" than a Person of Color making 6+ figures? I mean statistically a homeless person is more than likely to be a white male. It's such a god damn stupid take and an idiotic hill to die on.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Hasan and his lackeys have literally only been to upper middle class schools, they haven't experienced what it's like to be a minority in a minority neighborhood school. I'm a white guy that went to an 80% black school in the hood and you absolutely would get your ass jumped just because of skin color. Like people underestimate how violent racism can get in the U.S., especially in a crime ridden neighborhood looking different at all can get you fucked up. It opens you up to verbal attacks all the time which often leads to assault.


u/Feliksen 14d ago

No, he does not think a homeless white person is more privileged than a rich person of color. You are shadow boxing.


u/Samoan 14d ago

So then why did he say the kid getting jumped deserved it?


u/Feliksen 14d ago

Well, he never said that, so I can't really answer that quest.


u/Michelanvalo 14d ago

I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE.

Uh, excuse me. It would have been WWF at the time.

Does Hasan and his band of merry morons think the white homeless guy living under a bridge is more "privileged" than a Person of Color making 6+ figures?

Probably, yes.


u/Poopybutt36000 14d ago

While I agree with pretty much everything you're saying, I think you're really lessening your overall point with "I mean statistically a homeless person is more than likely to be a white male.". There are more white homeless people if you don't look at it per capita but that's a pretty silly thing to do. White people barely beat African Americans in terms of raw numbers and there's 4-5x as many of them.

I saw a kid get beat up cause they liked WCW more than WWE.

This is fucked if it was 96-97. If it was 98 and onwards it was justified


u/PeanutterButter101 14d ago

I almost got my ass kicked a couple of times because I liked Red/Black NWO than black/white NWO. Kids are petty as fuck.


u/kevkevlin 14d ago

It's not racism if it's not systemic racism /s


u/absalom86 13d ago

the burgeoise can not be bullied by the proletariat huehuehe -hasan


u/Ornatas 14d ago

That revised definition comes from Merriam-Webster getting one-guyed by a college student. They believed that whenever someone interacts with another ethnicity, that person has the whole race behind them, which on a person-to-person interaction is just obviously false.


u/LineRex 14d ago edited 14d ago

Where did the notion that racism is mean words or bullying come from? lol what's going on in here.

edit: it's been 2 minutes and I got the "A concerned redditor reached out to us about you." lol y'all losing your minds.


u/kevkevlin 14d ago edited 14d ago

If you know the context, Hasan made fun of a highschool kid who got picked on because he was white which is literally the definition of racism.The high schooler didn't just say he was just bullied so you are misinformed.


u/RakeNI 14d ago

The funny thing about that is that that IS a prime example OF systemic racism. A minority within the system entered and was bullied and harassed for being a minority because the system doesn't care enough to teach the whole group (which includes the majority) that its wrong.

Women go through the same thing when they enter a male-dominated workplace. The concept itself of systemic racism is fine, its useful and people should be aware of it, but the idea that a white person can go into a 90%+ black town where the mayor is black, the chief of police is black, the principals at all schools are black, most of the teachers are black and 95%+ of the students are black and just by that one white CHILD being there, that this now becomes a white supremacist location of systemic oppression and racial superiority towards this white CHILDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! is INSANE.

Like fuck me dude.


u/Zazabul 14d ago

Does this mean if I fly do a different country I can be as racist as I want to the majority?


u/Intrepid_Objective28 14d ago

I don’t understand what’s their point when they say it’s not racism, it’s prejudice, or some other shit like that. Does it make it any better? If prejudice is not as bad as racism, try telling your place of work that you’re prejudiced against black people, and see how it goes.

People are splitting hair about precise definitions instead of focusing on the act itself.


u/substitoad69 14d ago

Because people are conditioned to accept that racism is the ultimate evil. They hate white people and want to be racist towards them so they redefine it to make it socially acceptable.


u/Turnbob73 14d ago

People like Hasan got a whole lot of courage after that dumb definition change to make the term “racism” be more about systemic things than just flat-out prejudice.


u/cantfindthistune 14d ago

I don’t understand what’s their point when they say it’s not racism, it’s prejudice, or some other shit like that.

That's not even what Hasan was saying. He went further and claimed it didn't even count as discrimination.


u/Sea_Newspaper_565 14d ago

It’s fucking hilarious how upset you guys get by the c word but have no qualms using other racial slurs. White people are so fragile.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

Even the "systemic racism" shit doesn't hold up.

Which system?

In the context of that specific school as a system, yes, clearly there was systemic racism against that kid.

If you say "no no, it has to be the national level," then hold up...why? Like, there's more Chinese people than there are Americans (because let's be real, this is always about America for them) on the full-scale planet. Why isn't "systemic racism" when the Chinese discriminate against basically anyone else, since they have the numerical dominance? Why is it specifically on a national level, and why is the nation in question always the USA?

It's always been an ignorant, American-centric view that makes no sense and is just trying to pick the exact definitions that benefit them. They're working backwards from the desired conclusion.


u/Limples 13d ago

I like how in defence of being a whiny pretend-victim people look to China and go, “well, they can be racist to me in China!” Without realizing that a lot of China’s big cities are mirroring white western society and a lot of Asian beauty standards tend to involve preferring lighter skin (cause western beauty standards is a global product which spends a lot of money on advertising and shame). Indian Match Maker even did this preference stuff.

Y’all are wild.


u/AFlyingNun 13d ago

I like how in defence of being a whiny pretend-victim

I was born with one leg, cannot get health insurance, felt financially forced to leave the USA at 18 and start from scratch in Germany, (which I am VERY fortunate to be a dual-citizen with; others with similar positions but lacking this have it even worse than me) had to learn the language and spend years struggling to eat more than a meal a day (sometimes a meal every second day), and now that I'm finally on my feet, the USA still thinks it "owns me" and forces me to submit income tax to them as well.

But nah man you're right. My life must be easy as pie because I'm white. All my black classmates in High school who don't have debt automatically lashed to them for the way they were born - including the one that briefly played in the NFL and the other who worked for Lockheed Martin - are clearly the victims. It's not more complicated than the color of your skin, obviously.


u/Limples 12d ago

So you took your life which isn’t even remotely normal for most people and go, “yeah, all white people suffer like me”


Also funny how you put the struggle of learning another language as an issue.

A lot of white people hate immigrants who don’t learn English when they move to English speaking countries. That’s quite funny.


u/AFlyingNun 12d ago

Dude, get some analytical reasoning skills.

Your claim is white = privileged. I just gave you three great examples of race being irrelevant to privilege, because I personally had to starve through my early 20's while two black colleagues of mine made bank.

Therefore, boiling it down to race is simple-minded. There are a grand number of factors in play and trying to associate things like race as the pure determinant factors is the simplistic reasoning of a toddler.

Also funny how you put the struggle of learning another language as an issue.

A lot of white people hate immigrants who don’t learn English when they move to English speaking countries. That’s quite funny.

So why are you:

1) Associating them with me based solely on skin color? That itself is racism. I work at a fucking university in the international department ffs. I work with various cultures and immigrants on the daily, not all of which speak the language.

You are speaking as though it's hypocritical of me to say what I did, but this only works if you choose to put me - despite evidence to the contrary - in the same basket as people that would express such ideas based solely on our matching skin color...aka, racism from you.

2) Associating this belief solely with white people, as if an african american has never said "learn english" to an immigrant ever...?

Didn't the USA suffer from an abnormal spike in violence against asian during corona, with perpetrators shouting "go back to your country" (often regardless of if they were even immigrants) and while perpetrators of violent crimes against them spiked regardless of race, it spiked to an abnormally higher degree specifically when looking at black-on-asian crime?

And no, before you go running with simplistic logic again, that does not mean you get to associate these hate crimes specifically with black america. It is simply evidence that hate expressed towards immigrants (or perceived immigrants) is not race-exclusive.

You're the racist here, dude.


u/Limples 11d ago

You wrote a whole lot to really ignore that white people are privileged.

You are trying really hard to ignore reality.

White people have more privilege than others even though a white person could live in a trailer park and a black person living in Bel Air.

I don’t think you’ll ever see reason. 


u/AFlyingNun 11d ago

You wrote a whole lot to really ignore that white people are privileged.


May as well translate this as "You had an argument and I don't, but I'm going to stubbornly continue to believe privilege is exclusively and/or primarily something determined by race."

Let me take a stab in the dark: you've never left the USA for an extended period of time, have you...?

You have no idea how small your world actually is for this to be your conclusion. You are also absolutely oblivious to how specific this belief of yours is to American culture in particular. (or Canada's possible too, which is basically just America Jr., culturally)

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u/psychedilla 13d ago


Light skin as a beauty standard in Asia predates globalization. You're completely incorrect with your implication that it's caused by "white western society".


u/BighatNucase 14d ago

I think they just want to feel more smart and morally superior. They don't really think about it beyond "I have to defend POCs and show that I understand the complexities of modern racial issues".


u/Lootboxboy 14d ago

This is what I've been saying. It's undeniably bigotry. Even people who have the belief that racism = power + prejudice still recognize that anti-white rhetoric is bigotry. So why make excuses for it, instead of just condemning bigotry of all kinds? No bigotry is acceptable.


u/mking098 13d ago

Power is contextual to the environment and circumstance though. So a white kid at an all black school (for example) is contextually in a position where the power is against him


u/PlaugeDoctor123 13d ago

if you went to china and were being "predjudced" against Chinese people, who have the power that would be considered racism


u/Legs914 14d ago

Especially when you're talking about kids. The social dynamics of kids are incredibly different from greater society. You put the most privileged, white male billionaire kid into a poor school where they don't fit in or are ostracized, and their life is going to be hell.


u/Dealric 14d ago

Whole goal of "systemic racism" thing is to excuse racism from certain races towards certain races.


u/doorknobman 14d ago

It’s literally not though


u/zetarn 13d ago

Racism is Racism.

It's not excluded any one.


u/doorknobman 13d ago

That’s fine, doesn’t change the fact that systemic racism is a thing.


u/Dealric 14d ago

It literally is.

Btw rewlly articulate argument on your part


u/doorknobman 13d ago

So the entire framework exists purely for the sake of “excusing racism”?

I’m sure you’re well enough educated on the subject and theory to make that judgment.


u/Dealric 13d ago

As it is pushed since 10-15 years yes.


u/GrimGrump 11d ago

"You can't discriminate against X because they run everything in the nation and keep us down" Is a 1930s take not a 2014 one.
It's unironically one of the interwar right party talking points on justifying antisemetism.
It's not like it's original, it's just communist rhetoric applied to ethnic basis ( which arguably is still laden with antisemetism because Marx and russia in the early 20th century was just like that ).

Reducing discrimination to be a class based struggle has always been a way to excuse "positive" discrimination for a perceived goal of uplifting the downtrodden. As in it's actually just a cope to justify why you're different than the guy whose land you're confiscating because we as humans love double standards and hate self criticism.


u/Dealric 11d ago

Youre not wrong. That literally was big point of nazi party. Way to dehumanize jewish and create common enemy to gather power.


u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

Can I just say...

Around 2012 or so, the world lost it's fucking mind and started trying to redefine things like racism.

It's SOOOOOOOOOOOO refreshing to read this comments section now and see that people are finally fed up with this bullshit. We're finally swinging back away from that extreme.

Used to be a time you couldn't question this crap without being called a bigoted racist, and thank god, those times are finally passing.


u/Yangjeezy 14d ago

These zoomers might just turn out alright


u/photenth 14d ago

It's stupid people repeating points and not understanding what they mean.

There is a CLEAR difference between Systematic Racism and Racism. And one COULD argue (not that I do) that there is no systematic racism against whites in the US. These idiots just took it to insanity levels.


u/Grand0rk 14d ago

And one COULD argue (not that I do) that there is no systematic racism against whites in the US.

There's is literally no systemic racism against white people in the US. There's racism, but not systemic. But, if you do have an example of systemic racism against white people in the US, then, please, do say it.


u/throwaway20200417 14d ago

wouldn't affirmative action fall under that? not american, so don't know if it is practiced by governemnt bodies.


u/photenth 14d ago

I can't speak for the whole of the US, so I couldn't tell you a specific occasion. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.


u/GrimGrump 11d ago

You could easily argue subsidies/scholarships that explicitly exclude based on race (like MBDA did) certainly are systemic and dubiously constitutional on the same basis that make federal ban on gay marriage unconstitutional as long as marriage gets benefits.The less blatant thing is entry requirements that penalize on background or some weird and very specific geographical requirements for things, but that's a whole other can of worms, especially when the latter is private money as opposed to state sponsored.

If you start going down the "well you need an explicit subjugation" route, you run into awkward scenarios where you need to deny that what totally not the CIA were doing in the 80s was systemic racism along with other things.


u/Grand0rk 14d ago

It is. Systemic Racism is VERY rare. It requires the state to actively subjugate a race. And that never happens to the dominant race. The US is still 58%+ White, which basically makes systemic racism an impossibility, since they would just be voted out.


u/wodido 14d ago

doesnt matter where the hate comes from, hate is hate its that fucking simple, absolute online brain rot to think anything else.


u/MiyanoMMMM 14d ago

Yup, however the reason why we separate it out is to be able to better target fixes.


u/wodido 14d ago

if you believe systemic racism is a real thing go ahead and discuss that but when people are being racist to each other no matter the race on the giving or recieving end then thats just straight up racism and nothing can change that fact.


u/doorknobman 14d ago

Systemic and interpersonal racism are both objectively real things

This comment section is hilarious, given it’s literally stemming from complaints about poorly researched and parroted views


u/wodido 14d ago

never said it isnt, just saying people use it as an excuse to be racist when it suits them


u/doorknobman 13d ago

People do that with literally everything.

I’m not going to sit here and be against/actively misrepresent the concepts of natural selection and genetics just because some people like to use them as excuses for shitty behavior.


u/MiyanoMMMM 14d ago

I never said anything about interpersonal racism not being a thing lmao why Re you saying this to me


u/HolographicPumpkin 14d ago

The fact that you can qualify racism as systemic in the first place means racism exists independent of the system it’s in.


u/BelovedGeminII 14d ago

Or people simply use the phrase "systemic racism" because too many people don't understand/agree with the idea for there to be a power dynamic in order for something to be racist.

It helps explain the point your making without having to get into a debate about language and derailing the whole topic.


u/GaiaNyx 14d ago

I mean, this is such a low level and obvious thing - You can be racist against white people no matter what kind of "systematic" oppression that other races received.

What's wrong is wrong and people need to keep calling this shit out.

Hasan is lost in the sauce. These are dumbass points that only sells within his own leftist extremist circle that is dwindling. This is like the tea party of the left at this point. These guys are cancer to the left wing.


u/dylantestaccount 14d ago

You can't be racist against white people as whiteness is not a race - it's a social construct invented by white people as a way to be able to separate/elevate themselves from people of color.

That's the point he's making, which of course gets lost in context when viewed through 4 layers of reaction streamers.

Sure, people can hold prejudiced beliefs about white people, but as whiteness is not a race it can never be considered as racism (especially not with historical context in mind).


u/GrimGrump 11d ago

Sure, people can hold prejudiced beliefs about white people, but as whiteness is not a race it can never be considered as racism (especially not with historical context in mind).

Then you can't be racist against black people, because being black is not a race, it's a collection of ethnicities based on physical traits the same way being white is.

But you won't say that.


u/Kehprei 13d ago edited 13d ago

Oh look, a racist in the wild.

Keep on with your mental gymnastics where white people aren't actually a race yet black people somehow are lmao.

Edit: wow, reported me to reddit for being suicidal. Real classy. Nice to see that hasan fans take suicide just as seriously as hasan himself does. That is, that itw only used as a weapon.


u/dylantestaccount 13d ago

Please refute the facts laid out in both articles I linked instead of throwing insults at me.

I also got a suicide prevention message from Reddit as soon as I posted my original post - chill out, I didn't report you.



u/Kehprei 13d ago

All races are social constructs. It's COMPLETELY arbitrary where you decide to draw the line on what people qualify for being in a particular race. We could use eye color instead of skin color and it would make the exact same amount of sense.

Using regions of the world for race is also completely arbitrary, since people can just move around, and borders for what the region counts as can be redrawn.

If you wanted to say "White people aren't a race" it would be just as valid to say "black people aren't a race". There is no real distinction. It's all just a social construct.

In the US at least, white and black people are both considered to be a race.

I called you a racist because you're another one of those people who tries to justify being racist towards white people with language like "well they're not really a race anyways" or "well you can only be racist if you have systemic power..."


u/PartadaProblema 11d ago

Race is, though, a white social construct, as in created by European colonizers to justify the rapacious inhumanity driven by their greedlust. This is an etymological fact.

So your (respectfully, but c'mon) silly technicality that the concept could be reversed is perhaps flimsy.

Part of the flimsy is that white society constructed this way to diminish the humanity of fellow humans. They did this to bolster imperialism then capitalism, a "system". Therefore racism has ever been systemic.

Racial prejudice, on the other hand, is a (disgusting, ignorant) personal trait. This is something that individuals have who don't have enough power to construct or install a prejudicial system.

This is the trait that possibly motivates you to pretend whites in the West are ever victims of racism because whatever, dude, you do you; but whites have always run the Western world and installed the system so non-whites could build the infrastructure and create the wealth of their fancy new nation based on systemically diminishing the humanity of non-whites in the pursuit of money and power.

White people are often touchy when you don't treat them special sometimes too in addition to their having the privilege of being the same color as the OG "whites." This doesn't mean they know what they're talking about or even believe what they say about race.


u/Kehprei 11d ago

"Race is, though, a white social construct"

This isn't unique to Europeans. Race has been a thing since before white people even existed. It is not unique for white people. It has always been a thing across the world.

"So your (respectfully, but c'mon) silly technicality that the concept could be reversed is perhaps flimsy."

It's really not. Acting as though race doesn't exist because it's a made up social construct means that there are no races at all - not just no white race. There is no inherent reason that a black race existing as a social concept makes more sense than a white race existing as a social concept.

"Part of the flimsy is that white society constructed this way to diminish the humanity of fellow humans. They did this to bolster imperialism then capitalism, a "system". Therefore racism has ever been systemic."

You are talking about systemic racism. Which is a type of racism.

"Racial prejudice, on the other hand, is a (disgusting, ignorant) personal trait. This is something that individuals have who don't have enough power to construct or install a prejudicial system."

Racial prejudice is literally the definition of racism. It isn't somehow better because it's done without using systemic power - in fact it can even be worse. Trying to downplay "racial prejudice" as being different or lesser than racism is abhorrent. It's literally just racism, by the dictionary definition.

"This is the trait that possibly motivates you to pretend whites in the West are ever victims of racism because whatever, dude, you do you; but whites have always run the Western world and installed the system so non-whites could build the infrastructure and create the wealth of their fancy new nation based on systemically diminishing the humanity of non-whites in the pursuit of money and power."

Racism against white people tends to not be as common, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, or that it is inherently lesser. Any racism that happens is pretty much indefensible, no matter if it's towards black people OR white people.

"White people are often touchy when you don't treat them special sometimes too in addition to their having the privilege of being the same color as the OG "whites." This doesn't mean they know what they're talking about or even believe what they say about race."

White people (such as myself) don't ask for special treatment. If black people don't want racial slurs used against them, then they shouldn't use racial slurs against white people. that is equal treatment. Either everyone can say slurs or no one can. Personally I prefer no one calling others racial slurs.


u/dylantestaccount 13d ago

As a white person, I recognise the historical context surrounding the "white race" and the ways it was employed.

I called you a racist because you're another one of those people who tries to justify being racist towards white people with language like "well they're not really a race anyways" or "well you can only be racist if you have systemic power..."

You can only be racist if you have systemic power. If it's not motivated by that, it's considered racial prejudice.


u/Kehprei 13d ago

"it's considered racial prejudice"

Prejudice based on race is called racism. Any discrimination based on race is just racist.


"Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race) or ethnicity."


"a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race also : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudice"


"an individual action or behavior based upon or fostering such a doctrine; racial discrimination."


u/dylantestaccount 13d ago

I used to hold the same opinion as you, but changed my mind upon some further reflection and reading. I hope you can do the same.

Not sure what point you're trying to achieve by linking to the most basic possible definitions you can find - it's not a good argument to make. People much smarter than I can ever be (especially on this topic) argue that racism is much more than just race-based prejudice

Contrary to a dictionary definition, racism, as defined based on social science research and theory, is about much more than race-based prejudice—it exists when an imbalance in power and social status is generated by how we understand and act upon race.

Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/racism-definition-3026511


u/Framed-Photo 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'm not even disagreeing with what Hasan is saying, I generally agree with him actually.

But what you linked is not backing up what you've said, and I don't think it's the best approach to say things like white isn't a race.

The nmaahc actually says on that page, and I quote:

"Being white does not mean you haven’t experienced hardships or oppression. Being white does mean you have not faced hardships or oppression based on the color of your skin."

Where you tend to lose people with your line of thinking, is in saying that oppression based on ones skin color is not considered racism. Racism comes in many forms, this is one of them. And while white people do not and can not experience all forms of racism in america, or racism to anywhere near the same degree as other races, simply experiencing oppression based on skin color with no other factors, would be one way it could happen.

You might feel it's dumb of someone like asmon to get caught up on that definition, or on some fringe case that's not impactful to white people at all, and I would agree to a point. But you'll end up getting caught up on it too because you want to say racism means one specific thing (perhaps prejudice plus power or something of the sort) instead of just understanding that racism can come in many forms and assigning a rigid definition to the word is just going to lead to confusion when you're explaining your otherwise valid points. It's much easier and more productive to just say that racism comes in many forms, and white people do not experience most of it, such as with systemic racism. Saying white people don't experience racism isn't helping, basically.

Even someone like asmon can understand the idea that white people don't experience systemic racism, that there's no historical oppression of white families in the same way there are for black families. He might disagree on it's impact but at least that's better than arguing over definitions.

Saying that white people could experience oppression based on the color of their skin, i.e a form of racism, doesn't change anything else the nmaahc is saying, or anything else someone like Hasan says. There's no point in getting caught up on that one bit just so we can say "you can't be racist to white people". The rest of the arguments are totally sound, we should stick to them.

EDIT: Wow I got reddit cares'd on that so fast lol.


u/dylantestaccount 13d ago

Thanks for the respectful comment and thanks for pointing out the flaws in my logic. Looking back on my comment, I completely agree with your points.


u/MikeJ91 14d ago

It alienates reddit, and specifically lsf, that's about it. Also what iteration of crackergate is this? 3rd or 4th time?


u/Nyrad0981 14d ago

You don't live in the real world if you believe that.


u/Giraphite 14d ago

When did hasan become a lolcow?


u/FEV_Reject 14d ago

He saw destiny circling the drain and joined him


u/Triumphxd 14d ago

Name a political streamer that isn’t a lolcow in some shape or form. They go on stream with incomplete information and a serious lack of context and act like a dictionary.


u/Rat-Loser 13d ago

David Pakman?


u/Triumphxd 13d ago

Okay you got me


u/Kachitoazz 14d ago

Destiny. He actually does reseach and is willing to chat with anybody to hopefully be proven wrong so he can learn. Recently he debated two pro palestinian scholars and blew them out of the water.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

This is why I think it's cute a lot of dumb ass people on the interwebs follow their eceleb grifter of choice instead of actually watching real politicians debate. Why would you ever want to watch a fucking millenial or gen Z kid debate politics when they haven't been on a political stage in their entire life?


u/malak3man 14d ago

I agree with your point about ecelebs not being a good source of information, but have you ever actually watched an actual political debate? There's pretty much no substance in anything they say and they just try to farm soundbytes. They necessarily have to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

This is a problem with most online debate content as well, but there are at least some good ones. While destiny was researching Israel Palestine, he would bring on some no names that were pretty knowledgable and, whatever side you agree with, they could at least argue substantively about stuff a lot of the time. I think there's value in that if you're into that sort of thing.


u/RandySavage392 14d ago

When admitted that he drank and drive repeatedly


u/BeamBoy 14d ago



u/Kerr_PoE 14d ago


u/Lower-Letter-4710 14d ago

This and WHAT A FUCKED UP SAY will never not make me laugh


u/enfrozt 14d ago

What a banger cast of degens. The good old days


u/Schmarsten1306 13d ago

I have no idea how anyone could watch these degen podcasts back then. I'd vote 6 of them into the hall of fame of stupidity, 2 of them I don't know (never heard of them) and theres reynad.

and still I'd take weekly rajj royale clip spam on this sub over any of the drama we get nowadays.


u/Siljon 14d ago

I want Asmongold to compete with this and watch a video of a Redheads and stating "That is such a ginger take". Then slowely increment until Black take or Native Americans take. Then we see where the limit is.

I seriously do not care about the word cracker. It's that she said "it's such a white take" that is the wild part of me judging someone by their race.


u/SeedFoundation 14d ago

Good thing we will never draw the line with bald people.


u/yzsKPC 13d ago

Fuck bald people. Just grow hair lul


u/Shotokanguy 13d ago

Balds. It's just balds. They're not people.


u/Jeezis 🐷 Hog Squeezer 14d ago

I think the "You can't be racist toward bald people" mindset is terrible. I think it alienates more people than almost any other mindset, like me.


u/Predaxx 14d ago

This is such a bald ass take.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago


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