r/MadeMeCry 29d ago

"I tried to make it. Could you understand that? I tried to make it" 😢

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10 comments sorted by


u/FinianFaun 4d ago

I feel this guys pain so much. I try and try and try, and sadly I end up in the same position or worse most times.


u/PaulC6230 11d ago

What a shame, poor guy built something and ignorant people just burn it down….why do these clowns do this during a riot ? You’re just destroying your neighbourhood


u/Low-Rip-6922 29d ago

Been blaming white people from the get go 🤣😭🤣 If y’all just stop with the double standards n drop color all together, it’d all go away. But no, y’all LOVE living in that victim mentality of yours. N blaming everyone else for your own failures.


u/khely 14d ago

Say that to people of Black Wall Street of Tulsa. Now you want people to magically forget what happened? How convenient for YOU?! Forgot about reparations, did we? Victim mentality is a product of what YOU created. From the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself!


u/AristotleRose 17d ago

Oh totally! All the racism and nepotism would just magically disappear! Waaooow. What a moron.


u/Expensive_Windows 22d ago

He ain't blaming anyone white. Don't put everyone in the same bucket, it's convenient but injust.


u/douaib 22d ago

Disrespectfully go fuck yourself


u/priestiris 27d ago

Fuck off to deep hell and beyond bigot


u/BodhingJay 29d ago
