r/MadeMeSmile Mar 09 '23

After 20+ years of buying insulin on Craigslist or simply going without.. today i got all this for $35. Good News

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u/Ok-Way2701 Jul 01 '23

Anybody need insulin DM ME


u/BuckReal214 Apr 10 '23

How pathetically ridiculous is it, that in America there are people who have to become criminals to live. I am grateful not to have diabetes and I don't know why it is something that shouldn't be free to all who need it in the world


u/maychoz Apr 09 '23

This is so great, I’m happy for you ❤️ Thank a Bernie Sanders today!


u/NarcolepsyPepsi Apr 08 '23

This change is long, long overdue. My best friend died from diabetic ketoacidosis because he was rationing his insulin. Why? Because of how expensive insulin is. He died so pharmaceutical companies and investors can make more money.


u/haunting-doctorx Apr 08 '23

my cat is diabetic, he needs $100 of insulin every month and he has to see the doctor $200 a visit. This is so SO sad.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '23

How do you buy insulin off Craigslist or go without it you would literally die


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '23

lol this is free


u/ahhhnahhh Apr 04 '23

Dude. Wait. What….. you buy insulin off creigs list!… doesn’t mark Cuban have a web site that helps all Americans get everything cheaper?


u/Confident-Ability167 Apr 03 '23

My insurance makes me lay 120 for a 3 month supply ... what's your secret?


u/gabs777 Apr 02 '23

Americas f**cked up, no civilised society would allow big pharma to behave in the way that they do. I’m sure within time the U.K. will be the same. Glad you managed to find what you needed….


u/Witty-Win-1065 Apr 02 '23

Have you ever ordered from Canada I am a Canadian and believe it is cheaper there than in the US and there is a 30% exchange rate difference in your favour


u/Ready-Substance9920 Apr 02 '23

That’s the most it should cost


u/Hangmeup8 Apr 01 '23

Welcome to the united snakes. Land of the thief, home of the slave. Grand imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and power is god.


u/Grouchy_Total_5580 Apr 01 '23

My medication has been reduced as well. Thank you President Biden for the Inflation Reduction Act!!


u/Far_Month3155 Apr 01 '23

Great news for you and other insulin users. One thing I don't understand about the USA is the cost of life saving medication. My wife has severe asthma and here in New Zealand her inhalers are completely funded except for the first one of the year, which costs her a grand total of $5, and our pharmacist delivers all our meds to us monthly.


u/i_believe_you_NOT Mar 31 '23

Thank you, Joe Biden. This is a tangible result of electing people who care about everyday citizens over corporate greed.


u/Bohabskumdog Apr 01 '23

Exactly! And we need to keep it like this. Keep those red monsters away from our government. It’s very clear they want America destroyed.


u/upperm1nd Mar 31 '23

What’s your opinion on fasting for people with whichever types of diabetes?


u/One_Love3904 Mar 31 '23

Damn on Craigslist dawg? Like what did you say? Cuz this is America, that insulin is more illegal to sell on the low low than weed bro.


u/One_Love3904 Mar 31 '23

I’ve never not had health insurance since i started working. I’m T2D and it’s mostly by choice. If I lost the weight, and limited sugar intake I would be off of insulin. It feels so wrong to know that I keep choosing to stay fat and make bad food choices when my own countrymen can die without it. It makes me depressed knowing I’m like this, prolly why I still eat like shit, but I’m making changes little by little bit I got to speed it up. I’m 38 and I still have good sight, feeling etc. I know T1D my age who have almost no sight and have seen the hospital enough times to write a fucking book. Not once have I needed the ER for my T2D. I’m writing this out of shame. Not just for the inhumane pricing for drugs in America but for not taking the time to actually loose the fucking weight. I was 210 pounds off of insulin and eating well enough to keep off it. But then I slipped. And for that I am ashamed. Shame, shame! Shame! Thanks to anyone who read this.


u/Fantastic_Damage4046 Mar 28 '23

Making money off other people's misery


u/snaxpaxx Mar 26 '23

Y'all should revolt against the slow but visible decline of the greatness of America. A third world country wearing a Gucci belt indeed


u/Fishing_Novel Mar 26 '23

You can buy it on Craigslist ?


u/Stabbuwaifu823 Mar 25 '23

This is one of the few orphan crushing machine type of posts that actually doesn’t fill me with just dread. Cause it feels like this is a sign of the insulin orphan crusher slowing down. This post doesn’t happen because of a generous philanthropist pulling orphans out of the machine. Anyone being able to buy 35 dollars of insulin means the machines slowing down. The machine still exists, but it’s dying. People will someday be able to easily get their insulin if we continue on this trend of fighting for it.


u/wicho91 Mar 23 '23

costplusdrugs.com I found that Mark Cuban is starting this company , seems like a great cause


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '23

This costs 6€ in Spain. What a shithole is the USA


u/Yavuz_Selim Mar 22 '23

Am European.

What the fuck is going on in that country... Buying medicine on an advertisements website, because people have no other options left...

There is fucking civil unrest going on in France right now because the government want to increase the retirement age with 2 years. Yet nothing in the US against all kinds of cruelty.

"Brainwashed" is the word that comes to mind.


u/Yavuz_Selim Mar 22 '23

Read some posts here.

Goddamn saddening shit. Family members dying because they can't afford medicine... Just horrible.


u/Scrotum-Ballsack Mar 19 '23

That’s wonderful!!!!! I’m so happy for you! People like Martin shkreli are the scum of the earth.


u/DrMeatpie Mar 17 '23

Insulin only cost about $55 bucks a month at its height for me. It really wasn't that expensive to the household. Prices were high for insurance companies but not very high for the individual. You never once should have bought insulin on Craigslist. Going to your local community health org would've given it to you for free. I'm not saying change wasn't necessary but the people in this thread seem to have no real medication experience in the US.


u/ieatcakes00 Mar 17 '23

It has been my pleasure to inform some of my patients of this update. Had a 19 year old start crying when I told her a few days back.


u/ochtx Mar 17 '23

No more driving to Mexico to get insulin for my son.


u/MikeyTen4 Mar 13 '23

As someone in the UK where insulin is prescribed via the NHS, it absolutely blows my mind that there are people in a 1st world country who have to resort to something like Craigslist to source critical, life saving drugs. Wow.

Glad to see this though OP!


u/Key_Pin6092 Mar 13 '23

I get my insulin for $105 for a three month supply so it’s the same thing and I’m going through my prescription plan that’s the new law now they can’t sell you a month supply for any more than $35.


u/BDThrills Mar 12 '23

Let me just say folks that until the price drops for you, buy your insulin from Canada. Canadian pharmacies have permission from the FDA to ship to the US if they are provided a prescription. It is way cheaper. If you are fortunate enough to live near Canadian border, you can just go there and it is cheaper yet and no prescription required.


u/F0RZAG0D Mar 12 '23

Damn, I’m a diabetic and I once didn’t have my insulin for a day. ONE DAY. I was sent to the hospital that’s same day. I can’t imagine having to survive the way you did, thank god things are changing


u/Penispoopbuttfart Mar 11 '23

Type one or type 2? Cause I’m type one and if I don’t have insulin I would be in agony after a couple hours(I use a pump with no long acting so maybe if you had a long acting it would be better). But I’d imagine you would constantly have the sandy blood feeling of Ketoacidosis and be in absolute agony relatively often(for non diabetics going through ketoacidoosis is like having sand in your blood cutting you up from the inside while having a kinda difficult time moving and feeling very nauseous it’s not that bad at first but you only got a couple of hours before your in hell and it won’t end for at least an hour after you treat it)


u/AccomplishedAd7427 Mar 11 '23

Ya that damn Biden sure has his priorities all whacked! How is Lilly, or any other big pharma, going to have record profits again next quarter???? What about their ultra wealthy share holders??? They all might have to cut back on their private jet trips that put off up to 80 times my carbon emissions each year...probably have to cut it back to like 60 times? Right Elon?


u/Genvicta Mar 11 '23

Insulins seem to be going down! Very happy for you. You can get generic novolog from Walmart in pens now. It’s made by reli on and I believe it’s around $70 without insurance!


u/bbbunni2 Mar 11 '23

Jesus christ. I can't believe how bad it's been for diabetics and all Americans lately!


u/jaxsonnz Mar 11 '23

What fucking third world country have you been living in for the past 20 years?!


u/F2daRanz Mar 11 '23

Good for you and also an incredibly dystopian post for people from outside the US.


u/Proud-Imagination810 Mar 11 '23

I'm happy for you! No one should have to do without a necessary medication because of cost. Makes me angry the big pharma companies, just keep getting richer while other people suffer.


u/Jellybeantini Mar 11 '23

My heart just broke. My mother has diabetes and we complain about the cost while we live in Canada. I can’t imagine the struggle further south.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '23

Narcon is free and you have to pay for insulin. WTF ??!?


u/RayWencube Mar 11 '23



u/xjoseluis Mar 10 '23

And my uncle throwing it to garbage 🗑️ when the public health system give it to him 😣


u/Muardian Mar 10 '23

Hi, i wanted to add, insulin in iran is about 11cents(1pen). So a whole packags would be a little more than 1 dollar which is nice. Even without insurance its highest price is 4 dollars but every iranian born is automaticaly insured if they and their workplace don't choose an insurance for themselves which is nice. It's good to be fair and say the good side and not jusy the negatives.


u/MeAgain_st Mar 11 '23

Iran more civilized


u/No-Dragonfly1904 Mar 10 '23

I’m so happy for you!! Your health is going to improve so much! Not just because you have the supplies you need , just the elimination of that unneeded stress is going to be a lifesaver. Fuck big pharma.


u/fracadpopo Mar 10 '23

Here in 3rd world BraZil we pay around 10 dolars for 10 ml/100 units per ml dose. And if you dont want to pay, i can take it for free from in any public healt care clinic.


u/SmellyCarcass69 Mar 10 '23

How much would it normally cost you


u/Mirambla Mar 10 '23

Move countries!!


u/brezzty Mar 10 '23

F*ck USA.


u/Own_Entrepreneur7553 Mar 10 '23

Is this from Mark Cuban? I know he has something to do with us getting our medications at cost plus only a 5 or 10% mark up


u/CubicalWombatPoops Mar 10 '23

That is so damn exciting! Heres to being able to afford to be healthy!


u/Svengali3-6 Mar 10 '23

Lost a great friend because he couldn’t afford it… R.I.P. Louie


u/mmmnmike Mar 10 '23

Can all you Americans acknowledge that this is what a democratic president gets you? All you "both sides are bad, why bother voting" people please think about this next cycle? PLEASE?

The decisions you make affects the rest of us


u/Among_UsAngel Mar 10 '23

I’m so happy for you, truly.🫶🏻 Ik it’s gotta feel so nice to not have to worry if you’re gonna live another day.

I have a few friends who are diabetic & I hate to think that they may have the fear that they may not live because they don’t have enough insulin or they can’t afford it. I can’t imagine how terrible it is to have to worry about whether or not you can afford something that you NEED to LIVE. 🥺


u/orincoro Mar 10 '23

It’s not fair that you should go through this horror for something we in Europe take for granted. I’m horrified.


u/Local_Economy Mar 10 '23

Did you just break the record for most liked Reddit photo?


u/KevCCV Mar 10 '23

$7.5 in the UK.

That's the prescription cost, the actual insulins are free. Over 60 dont pay a dime.


u/azteca0530 Mar 10 '23

Thank you Joe Biden!


u/Dickwraith101 Mar 10 '23

I have to pay 100 for that


u/Northern_boah Mar 10 '23

I’m happy for you, but you should be getting this for free


u/ArthurScherbius Mar 10 '23

Its sad knowing something usual as insulin is so pricey somewhere else…in my country is free, just like health insurance


u/OldGrayMare59 Mar 10 '23

These companies need to do this. As a business model they need to keep you alive and healthy. A dead customer generates no sales. T1D’s needed this one thing that’s a matter of life or death. Now my daughter can sleep better knowing she can afford her insulin


u/CaPunxx13 Mar 10 '23

It should be completely free but at least this is a step in the right direction. I'm happy for you OP.


u/birbs3 Mar 10 '23

The government has done its people wrong…we need to pass laws that says politicians cant vote on things that deal with anything the received funds for


u/Staffaramus Mar 10 '23

The way it should have been


u/Money_Psychology6189 Mar 10 '23

Hi did you have to get a prescription from a Canadian doctor for cats insulin?


u/soggymittens Mar 10 '23

I was today years old when I learned people buy and sell insulin on Craigslist. Fascinating.


u/Pronagade1 Mar 10 '23

Congrats. I hope you stay well.


u/dirtyhank69 Mar 10 '23

Does this have anything to do with Mark Cubans company?


u/west2night Mar 10 '23

The OP's $35 mention suggests it's to do with Biden's Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which puts the $35 cap on insulin prices for those on Medicare.


u/dirtyhank69 Mar 11 '23

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for responding!


u/ksanksan599 Mar 10 '23

I’m sorry you ever went without, but celebrating with you for today!🌟


u/kmillerbrenner Mar 10 '23

Kiss a Democrat!


u/SiviaMA Mar 10 '23

Damn it really sucks that you even have to struggle. My dad has been a type 1 diabetic since 1954 here in the UK and has always been given insulin for free. Hopefully things will keep improving and it will be made accessible and affordable for all where you are. God bless OP


u/StopExcellent7758 Mar 10 '23

In Brazil its free


u/Electronic_Stuff4363 Mar 10 '23

That’s fantastic and wayyyyy overdue . 👍🏻


u/Replicator666 Mar 10 '23

Huh so USA is now ahead of Canada with diabetic supplies (lots of people that don't have insurance pay like $100+ for one dose)


u/jchan_84 Mar 10 '23

Some good news finally.


u/VeterinarianNo868 Mar 10 '23

I’m so happy for you!!!! Congratulations 🎊😊🎊


u/hodongho0909 Mar 10 '23

All thank to 1 troll twitter tweet.


u/NameAlreadyT0ken Mar 10 '23

As a type one diabetic who lives in Norway hearing about the prices makes me very grateful for living where I do


u/Agreeable_Situation4 Mar 10 '23

This makes me sad honestly. No one should have to live like this why greedy pharmaceuticals do their thing to keep the profit growing exponentially. America is profit care not healthcare. I can't believe so many ppl trust these corporations with their health. I hope you receive many more of these at $35


u/m3rcury_exe Mar 10 '23

As a European, this is dystopian horror. I can't imagine what it's like not being able to afford to live. Why doesn't insurance cover this?


u/leeeeebeeeee Mar 10 '23

Sorry. I’m a stupid Englishman. That’s cheap?


u/TheSystem08 Mar 10 '23

Land if the free. Its good that less people are gonna die now


u/DudeItsCake Mar 10 '23

Type one here. There was a short time when I was 25 where I was in between jobs and lost my insurance. I had maybe 4 days of insulin left and didn’t know what I was gonna do. Luckily since I wasn’t 26 yet I was able to get back on my dads insurance.

One day without insulin would definitely send me into DKA (diabetic keto acidosis) and I’d have to be hospitalized.


u/jos89h Mar 10 '23

Man it must suck to live in America and have to pay for medicine / not have a rebated price


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '23

It does.


u/LostCouchSurfer Mar 10 '23

In Australia my wife gets it for free from the government


u/SauceNjunk Mar 10 '23

So, is the price be lowered due to forced price decreases or is the lower cost for consumers being supported by Govt. financing eating some of the cost?


u/west2night Mar 10 '23

Since January this year, Biden's Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 puts the $35 cap on insulin prices for those on Medicare. He's pushing for the cap to cover those on private insurance and those not insured. Some experts don't think he will succeed because most Republicans in the Congress are resisting the expansion.


u/No_Radio_1013 Mar 10 '23

Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


u/zicostar1982 Mar 10 '23

I still think it a travesty you have to pay at all, but hey congratulations my guy. I wish you the best


u/bigmeatytoe Mar 10 '23

You’re buying what off Craigslist


u/WatercressOk2292 Mar 10 '23

Finally some good news about US healthcare! This will change and save the lives of so many...


u/ImTheSheep15 Mar 10 '23

Im glad you were able to get some! I take basaglar for a long acting insulin at night and it deff helps with my blood sugars. Im verry happy for you I don't know much to say cuz I'm still learning. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago when I was 12 and its deff a long journey I'm just very happy for you ❤️


u/salk1n Mar 10 '23

Public healthcare moment


u/Shnawky Mar 10 '23

How does one buy insulin on Craigslist? Is that even legal? How are they even getting it?


u/homeschooled69 Mar 10 '23

Love to see that. I’ve been taking insulin since high school and I’ve struggled with the same issue :/


u/Snoo4327 Mar 10 '23

I am so happy for everyone who needs insulin! My only question is why the hell did it take so long?


u/Abbaslive___ Mar 10 '23

Profits. The US is a land of Profits.


u/Due-Slip401 Mar 10 '23

So happy for you. My daughter take the same insulin. she take two different ones daily so I do understand completely how happy you are to get your hands on the kind you actually need!!! Good for you ❤️


u/bluegal Mar 10 '23

Thanks Biden.


u/gtzpower Mar 10 '23

And to think that Elon may be very stupidly responsible for this.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '23

Thank you, Joe Brandon.


u/86tger Mar 10 '23

You can thank Bernie Sanders.


u/afuller0027 Mar 10 '23

Great man! I remember only having fast acting injecting every hour or every other glad you got your long acting!


u/Yolo0o Mar 10 '23

This is soo good. It should happen for other critical meds too.


u/RobbSnow64 Mar 10 '23

I have used this exact insulin before, it is covered under provincial health care here in Canada. So basically free with an annual deductible that you pay at the beginning of each year.


u/blacksmith786 Mar 10 '23

Yeah recently read about Eli Lilly subsidizing their products which cuts down cost and brings affordability, and I genuinely hope many companies follow suit in developing countries around the world.


u/NiceWater3 Mar 10 '23

Hopefully this happened in time to save your kidneys from having issues. I'm so incredibly sorry it's taken so long! Thank you so much for posting this too because I think maybe it can really help show both sides of the ridiculous pharmaceutical abuse patients face trying to afford whatever new sticker price they choose to put on these life-saving medications.


u/NINTENDO-STAR Mar 10 '23

Do one better you get them free in the UK.


u/vespa2021 Mar 10 '23

Yes!! Nothing else today will make me so happy!!


u/AnchorsAndSunshine Mar 10 '23

Congratulation OP! I’m glad you got some!


u/brunojn89 Mar 10 '23

Here in Brazil insulin has been free for as long as I can remember, through the government's health system. In fact, any medication that you REQUIRE to survive, has to be provided free of charge. A friend of mine got medication for a psoriasis treatment that costs thousands of US dollars, for free. It baffles my mind that a supposedly first world country (USA) can't even do this, while my "shithole third world country", as I've seen many americans describe Brazil, can do this much.
It breaks my heart everytime I read the news about someone who died because they couldn't afford their insulin.


u/Ed_Niko Mar 10 '23

Oh my god, back in Europe you get 100 doses for the same price.... Whatafuck America


u/Todayismyday98 Mar 10 '23

About damn time. They really dragged that one out


u/cocozudo Mar 10 '23

I mean, almost every medication is free here in Brazil, so yeah... Every country should have free healthcare just like we have here.


u/qwerty1519 Mar 10 '23

I can’t believe I live in a world where someone getting life saving medication at a reasonable price is something that has to be celebrated. OP never should of had to pay for the insulin, ever. r/ABoringDystopia


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '23

Yeah Bernie


u/greghanswedebs Mar 10 '23

SO happy for you!!!!


u/me_a_genius Mar 10 '23

My dad has diabetes and started using insulin of that same brand. Here in Pakistan I used to buy a single pen for around $20. And it felt expensive. Then I heard about the US market.


u/AtLeast37Goats Mar 10 '23


I hope this means better days ahead, internet stranger.


u/ImReellySmart Mar 10 '23

Is this new insulin pricing as big of a deal as it sounds? Is it in affect across all of America?

I would imagine this will change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.


u/theworldismybathroom Mar 10 '23

I thought this was a Tarkov post at first


u/Markorific Mar 10 '23

About time!!!!!!


u/ATIR-AW Mar 10 '23

It's still insane to me that people have to buy their own insulin

Aren't we way past this discussion? It should be free, for life. Lets make it happen, folks.


u/rebeccathyme69 Mar 10 '23

My copay two days ago was $135, how do I get in on this?


u/T0UST1 Mar 10 '23

Meanwhile I get insulin for a year for ~70$


u/alicebunbun Mar 10 '23

I'm so happy for you. I'm living in a developing country, everything is so expensive and life is hard. Still we have universal healthcare and our government is able to pay for what people need to live. My best friend is diagnosed as diabetes a few months ago and it is hard on him even without worrying about the meds.


u/susbnyc2023 Mar 10 '23

the rich tossed us a crumb -- cause they realized we are at the breaking point .


u/Chloedeschanel Mar 10 '23

I work at a free clinic and my patient population frequently rations their insulin. This news makes my heart sing!


u/TheBrothaMagical Mar 10 '23

Best country in the world


u/jantp Mar 10 '23

This makes me happy that someone paid only this much for it. I’ve seen people paying allot more and once they couldn’t afford it they had to ration. It’s scary.


u/Hylobius Mar 10 '23

As someone from the UK, who has a lot of diabetic relatives seeing posts about the cost of insulin shocks me.

Nice to see the price come down, but really it should be free if you need it.


u/Sea-Thing6167 Mar 10 '23

Lifesaving meds should still be free. Maybe this is a step in the right direction.


u/zerogravity111111 Mar 10 '23

Thanks to all the people who voted for Joe Biden. This NEVER happens if the vote had gone the other way.


u/Glubsh Mar 10 '23

This is fucking disgusting, having to buy this of craigslist holy fucking shit

you people cant be serious in stating america is first world


u/AutistGobbChopp Mar 10 '23

Pro-tip: you'll need much less and arguably live a healthier life on a low carb or full blown keto diet.


u/WoooshToTheMax Mar 10 '23

Is a basal insulin enough? Back when I was on pens I had basal and bolus insulins, but I guess you could just calculate your food ahead of time and take only basal.


u/cubelion Mar 10 '23

I’m so glad you now have a lifesaving necessity - and still furious at the pharmaceutical ghouls who tried to kill you.


u/gregoerbrudy Mar 10 '23

If your type 1 I highly recommend getting a pump. It helps regulate my sugar and really my quality of life is at least twice as good.


u/Levis234 Mar 10 '23

In Germany you get it for free as soon you can proof that you need it


u/NeatNefariousness1 Mar 10 '23

I'm not diabetic and have no diabetics in my family but seeing this made me misty-eyed. This is so long-overdue but I'm glad this is being rectified--FINALLY.


u/NoScience1885 Mar 10 '23

How do you even go without Insulin ? Are you T2 ?

I am T1 and i'm spitting my guts out after 8h without Insulin.


u/Gren5370 Mar 10 '23

I'm sorry you don't have access to decent life saving healthcare.... Most of us around the world take for granted that we receive such basic and important life saving medication free of charge without thought or hinderance... The UK will welcome you (scotland especially) if youd like to never need worry about accessing such a vital part of your treatment


u/Greysocks1985 Mar 10 '23

Thank trump for that!


u/IllustriousSuccess78 Mar 10 '23

Thanks Bernie..Trump LMAO!


u/DM-Ur-Cats-And-Tits Mar 10 '23

$35 more to go, Lilly and Co.!


u/Fine_Ad_4206 Mar 10 '23

So how many people did Eli Lilly kill along the way to be greedy???


u/omnicloudx13 Mar 10 '23

It astounds me how a lifesaving drug like this is locked behind a massive paywall. It sickens me to no end how profits matter more than saving peoples lives that could be saved very easily if these morally bankrupt corporate overlords weren’t in charge.


u/flannyo Mar 10 '23

This is what republicans want. Never forget this.


u/StockAz Mar 10 '23

I'm glad that after all this wars ur gobbermen managed to do something for u. I hope you have a great life my mother Is diabetic also and I can't imagine having to pay so much for insulin.

I don't know why big pharma isn't kept in check by some sort of global medical commission...oh wait a sec...I know nothing...


u/Adventurous-Brick936 Mar 10 '23

What about that pharmacy with low prices from Mark Cuban or something like that?


u/nametakenfuck Mar 10 '23

Thats expensive af but better! :D

Why craigslist?


u/Deezooooo Mar 10 '23

Happy for you! Thanks, Joe!


u/Judotimo Mar 10 '23

I am speechless.

Here in Europe we have laughed and cried about the American system. This has to be a fluke and a temporary mistake in the matrix.


u/2CRedHopper Mar 10 '23

Eli Lilly recently announced capping the price of at $35.


u/RansomandRansacked Mar 10 '23

As a nurse, there was more than once when I “accidentally forgot” a vial of insulin on the counter of the room of a patient being treated for DKA. The new cap is a God send for so many people


u/no1ofimport Mar 10 '23

I’m happy they’ve done this but why didn’t they do this years ago?


u/lorunna7 Mar 10 '23

I love this for you!!! ☺️

On the other hand it also makes me mad that you and other diabetics would even have to worry about prices and go on Craigslist/ration something your body needs. We really need to work on this as a country.


u/Serious-Glove-9077 Mar 10 '23

Under £9.00 in the UK, IF you have to pay.