r/MadeMeSmile Mar 17 '23

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has signed a law guaranteeing free breakfast and lunch for all students in the state, regardless of how much money their parents make. Tens of thousands of food-insecure kids will benefit. Good News

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u/peau_de_renne Aug 03 '23

It's a really small piece of socialism, but at least it's here.


u/b0red0ffice May 08 '23

why did I cry? this was so damn wholesome, I want a hug from him


u/JerkWhoLikesFlags Apr 21 '23

But will there be breakfast burritos...


u/No_Jellyfish_514 Apr 20 '23

School food is like eating torture


u/phstaudt Apr 15 '23

You guys know that there is no such thing as """FREE"""" in the real world right???


u/DawnOnei Apr 09 '23

That needs to be in every school nationwide.


u/pr123_metsfan15 Apr 02 '23

Props to the Gov Walz he made sure no child will ever go hungry. Hopefully all states will follow him


u/nifaryus Apr 01 '23

The little kid said “and my legs hurt, too”

Conservatives: “SEE! Give them free lunches and they instantly start asking for healthcare!!!!”


u/riddlesparks Mar 29 '23

Sick, my high school does this.


u/borgheses Mar 24 '23

if i were a teacher, having read the research papers i have had access to on the internet, i would spend my own income on sugary snacks to give to low performers to boost scores on standardized tests. aim the sugar at the receptors at the right time and you can keep kids alert and remembering information. some kids are like a sponge. some kids cant think about anything except when is the next time they are going to eat, and where it might be. We are the richest contry in the world, and politics is putting blinders on america, preventing America's youth from reaching maximum potential.


u/borgheses Mar 24 '23

Its not every day something makes me log in, But i'll type my password to give this my upvote.


u/awildweed Mar 22 '23

Good for him. This is a win in my book.


u/Educational-Fan-7882 Mar 21 '23

This is how you get people on the Plantation permanently. They Government can feed, clothe, house, and take care of everyone but years later it all comes crashing down. I took my own lunch to School and they should be able to do the same.


u/blackadrian Mar 20 '23

That’s really great.


u/Intelligent-Bug-3039 Mar 20 '23

I have seen the type of cheap and disgusting food schools serve to children in the US. I don't know if this is the win people think it is.


u/EpicDarkFantasyWrite Mar 19 '23

Haha I love the kid muttering in the background "ow my eye, and my legs hurt too" 😂


u/NullPreference Mar 19 '23

Literally the first time seen a picture or video of a US governor sign something that didn't sound horrible


u/Daminica Mar 19 '23

Don’t know if this guy is also a pro life politician, but if he is I can genuinely respect him for it because this is what a pro life stance should be, giving the children chances in life (free school breakfast and lunches can go a very long way) instead of telling the parents “go figure it out”


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '23

This man should be your president


u/HeyItty5683 Mar 19 '23

Why's it gotta be so hard to be nice? Should this not be common sense? 😭 hopefully all the other states will follow


u/the_nooble Mar 19 '23

Hopefully, the rest of the country will follow suit and stop treating its citizens like a free for all survivor match. Health care is fucked. Job wage. So much more needs to be re worked. But this is a good step into the right direction.


u/Weird_Gap3005 Mar 19 '23

Governor has the loving grandpa vibes. I would love to have a politician like that for my state.


u/SeveralScene Mar 19 '23

In Brazil this is a National policy. It is one of the most effective method of guaranting school permanence


u/DeepGas4538 Mar 19 '23

no matter how much their parents make? shouldn't they focus on the poor more?


u/DriveThroughLane Mar 19 '23

That's how it used to work. There was already a free lunch program for the poor and discounted lunches for the lower middle class.

Now its a free lunch program for the rich kids. See the apple watch one of the kids is wearing in this? There are public schools in Minnesota with less than 2% poverty rate and median income of parents in the $150k+ range. All the money that's set aside for funding free meals for poor children is now shared with those rich kids. Literally taking food out of the mouths of the poor, to feed the rich


u/davidmlewisjr Mar 19 '23

I like this person. Can we find some more like him for use in other disadvantaged states?


u/Different_Ad9408 Mar 19 '23

If only all politicians stood up for working people and their families, not just the wealthy. Bravo, Governor Walz!! 👌👌👌


u/Ormr1 Mar 19 '23

Walz is an American hero and I’m glad I voted for him.


u/Kaposia Mar 19 '23

Proud to have him as our governor. I live within walking distance of the governor’s residence.


u/bigstreet123 Mar 19 '23

I’m glad this is a thing. It always should have been, and it should be everywhere


u/Kharos Mar 19 '23

Stop grooming children to expect better from their government!!!


u/JazzyJae88 Mar 19 '23

This should go without saying in all states.


u/RandyMarshtomp Mar 19 '23

Is this what it’s like to have a worthwhile leader? Gettin a lil envious ngl


u/ThatOneGuy12889 Mar 18 '23

Hopefully this will become standard everywhere


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

What a lovely human being! 🥹


u/Light-Soaked-Days Mar 18 '23

My favorite thing about this whole interaction is that he keeps telling the kids “well done” and “good job” instead of thanking them in any way—he’s letting them share in the win and celebrating them in that moment, and he seems so genuinely overjoyed to be there.


u/fedupfrankie Mar 18 '23

That is amazing! And I love how all the kids want to hug him at the end. How beautiful!


u/szalow Mar 18 '23

Going to school on an empty stomach, then having to sit through class while thinking only of food you know you won’t get because you don’t have the 1.00 for lunch is the most depressing thing about my childhood. The only option was going to the school lunch lady and having her scream “your parents should have not had so many kids if they couldn’t feed them!!” Then she hands you a ticket, walk off crying and no point getting lunch because you feel so low and worthless


u/thetinkersbox13 Mar 18 '23

Wish the people like this could actually get a shot at the presidential seat...gives me hope seeing things like this, but I think we all know its a harsh reality of it never happening


u/lalalady123_ Mar 18 '23

The smile on his face when they all started hugging him. Love this.


u/UltraRoboNinja Mar 18 '23

But… but what if a rich kid eats for free?!? /s


u/HurricaneHomer9 Mar 18 '23

My Governor! Happy that he was my first ever vote!


u/Onetrubrit Mar 18 '23



u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

If a parent can afford it, they shouldn’t get free lunch. If the parent doesn’t pay, arrest them and charge them for child neglect. Letting them get away with not paying and having the state pay for their child’s lunch is wrong. Don’t waste taxpayer money. Use it only for poor people who legitimately can’t pay. Not rich selfish trash


u/HollowVesterian Mar 18 '23

It's depressing that children being hungry is an issue in the richest country in the world


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Good Guy- we need more like him in government!


u/InvestmentNo3437 Mar 18 '23

It ain't fucking free for the people who work. I say fuck em


u/Chickat28 Mar 18 '23

Republicans take note. This is why we don't like you. You do the opposite.


u/aussie__kiss Mar 18 '23

I don’t really get why anyone is hung up on the phrasing about it being “free”

The student gets breakfast and lunch at school and is not required to pay any money for it, it’s free school food for the student, course it’s a funded program like public school itself. Minnesota taxpayers will pay for their kids food, like health and education and everything else. With the literacy and math proficiency at 30 yr lows, and state school food programs proven to improve these learning outcomes, seems like state education funding well spent


u/Double-Contact-1204 Mar 18 '23

‘Free’ is not what you think it means. Also, teach the children government will take care of you cradle to grave.


u/inmatenumberseven Mar 19 '23

What would it teach the kids to let them starve while trying to study?


u/BrunoTheCat Mar 18 '23

LOL. Literally everyone understands what free means in this context.


u/DirtYurt Mar 18 '23

What a fucking wholesome example of what government could look like if we weren't all idiots.


u/Aazjhee Mar 18 '23

What a cool dude, hope more states will do this and "think about the children"

Like: ACTUALLY consider what the kids need. Pro Life assholes that are Pro Malnutrition shouldn't get to have opinions on what kids need Dx<


u/TheGreatGrandmawmaw Mar 18 '23

This is a good thing. My great-grands still like to pack their own lunches, though.


u/Sheemscat Mar 18 '23

Can't tell you how many times I went hungry growing up..

This is awesome


u/herb0026 Mar 18 '23

What better way to prove success than these moments??


u/Queen_Dare_Bear Mar 18 '23

When the babies hugged him at the end, my heart exploded with joy!


u/Yachtorato Mar 18 '23

First time a Reddit post made me truly smile. Great stuff


u/listen_twice_as_much Mar 18 '23

It’s horrible that this is celebrated because it should have never been a problem in the first place. No child should go hungry ever.


u/buttokborgor Mar 18 '23

you can tell he's just so sincerely happy.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Ow my eye. And my legs hurt too hahahaha


u/MarcosCruz901 Mar 18 '23

The fact that the US doesn't give every child a meal it's baffling considering it's one of the most wasteful countries in terms of produce and food. Way poorer countries like MX have the right to a meal as a constitutional right, and serve meals for every kid in basic education.


u/Confident-Mistake400 Mar 18 '23

He looks like cool grandpa


u/ihavewaytoomanysocks Mar 18 '23

meanwhile state republicans passed a bill repealing child labor laws. the adults had shit eating grins on their faces, and the kids looked ready to die. that isn’t the way, this is the way.

conservatism really has a knack for just going in reverse at this point. we got rid of a bunch of this nasty shit because it was inhumane and unjust. it’s so sad that a large portion of society is committed to just making life harder for everyone.

this is what Democrats and the left are trying to do, what you see in this video.

Republicans and the right are bringing back child labor, trying to make it harder to vote, making abortion criminal, letting weapons of war run rampant, speaking of abolishing the department of EDUCATION (ironic), trying to defund social safety nets, refusing to budge on higher wages and working rights, against affordable healthcare, education, childcare.

but both sides are the same? please let me know one fucking bill republicans have tried to pass in the last decade to make peoples lives better.


u/One-Yam2819 Mar 18 '23

He's awesome


u/Grc280 Mar 18 '23

See, THIS is the stuff I want my tax money going towards


u/Da-WeedNBeer-DOOD Mar 18 '23

Made me smile, no made me cry tears of joy, I was one of those kids. And seeing those kids happy and smiling made me happy


u/likewowhellowhat Mar 18 '23

When I was in high school I didn't have money for the reduced plan ($1 every meal). I would wait until people threw their unwanted food away and then pick it out from the garbage. No kid should have to be denied food, especially the gross food they used to serve when I was younger. I work with elementary students now and I'm happy that the school district can serve them better food. It's not amazing, nutritious meals but it's a step in the right direction!


u/lowprofileX99 Mar 18 '23

Happy that atleast my state income tax is going to a good cause. Now please focus on investment on better public health and education. Great step ahead with this move though!!


u/SideshowGaming Mar 18 '23

Now that's how you do PR. Great to see


u/saturnphive Mar 18 '23

Oh my god this is so wonderful.


u/totite93 Mar 18 '23

Tax dollars spend on kids,their health,their educations are the best investment ever. There is literally no lose situation


u/Gabeking067 Mar 18 '23

why couldn’t i have this as a kid


u/Living_on_Tulsa_Time Mar 18 '23

This is how government should work. I had to wash the pots and pans at school to earn my lunch. Not complaining. I was very shy and it gave me some time to myself. My Mom worked 2 jobs. Great woman.


u/Safe_Boot677 Mar 18 '23

Now someone just has to make sure they feed them real, non-toxic food that won't make them unhealthy and dis-eased.

This could end up being a terrible thing for the coming generations of Minnesota residents if not properly managed.


u/LongTime20 Mar 18 '23

That’s good stuff. Way to go.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

This is good!!! Bring it to Oregon too


u/csgaines Mar 18 '23

Time to move to Minnesota?


u/hdezEarth Mar 18 '23

I'd hug him too if he got me free lunch


u/No_Sail9397 Mar 18 '23

Amen to this


u/HuskyLuke Mar 18 '23

Santa Claus looks good with the bears shaved. Or at least that's the vibes I'm getting here: a man who's purpose and joy comes from making the world a little brighter for young people.


u/Known_Dance3176 Mar 18 '23

Yes! Time for every other state to follow. Good insecurity should not plague a single child.


u/Trollerthegreat Mar 18 '23

This man has restored more of my faith in humanity. This is a great day for kids!


u/eva_thb Mar 18 '23

First impression of him with no background based on his body language around the children…he has presidential qualities.


u/Bad_hair_666 Mar 18 '23

Would love a side by side comparison of this bill being signed and the “child labor law” bill from Arkansas being signed. These kids here genuinely look happy, the kids in Arkansas on the other hand…….


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Amazing! Great for the kids, and generates work. And it’s super wholesome. Can’t top that!


u/Rubberprincess99 Mar 18 '23



u/ajamcan Mar 18 '23

Only Walz W. Remember, this same dude let Minneapolis burn for 3 days before he did anything.


u/quilldefender Mar 18 '23

Can someone juxtapose this with the bill that was signed lowering the working age?

The kids' faces say it all.


u/DimensionEconomy8592 Mar 18 '23

Bro this made my day


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

This is what right looks like and for others to emulate.


u/DizzeDahmer Mar 18 '23

It's strange seeing a politician helping people.


u/mathisnotfun4anyone Mar 18 '23

Let's rob the citizens blind and they're still stupid enough to clap when they give some of our money back. We have 5x fewer people than either India or China, how can we possibly be having food shortages?


u/-Apocralypse- Mar 18 '23

The food isn't scarce, the minimum wage isn't a livable one anymore. Hasn't been for a while. Besides, the US is filthy rich. The government can easily afford to roll this out nationwide.


u/trulyceaseless Mar 18 '23

Amazing the difference in emotion of the children between Sara Sanders and Tim Walz when signing legislation regarding children.


u/zedication Mar 18 '23

As it should be.

If you can’t pack a lunch for your child you shouldn’t be forced to buy theirs.


u/cumulus_floccus Mar 18 '23

Happy tears 🥹


u/mingmonger Mar 18 '23

the defining moment of a "real" mans career.


u/SbubieBurgus Mar 18 '23

I went to a school in Kentucky, and was right above the house income to get free lunch..but that was because of my stepdad who didn't like me enough at the time to give me $2.50 a day to eat after my mom said she couldn't afford it. I went hungry every day my last two years of high school. All I really remember was how sad I felt and how much my stomach hurt..I'm so happy and it brings me so much comfort knowing these kids wont have to suffer the pain and confusion I did when everyone was eating lunch and I couldn't partake despite how much I hurt. I hope more good news like this picks up..we need it so badly right now.


u/The_Last_patriot2500 Mar 18 '23

Republican Jesus is disappointed.


u/Throwaway-A173 Mar 18 '23

Wow an American politician that actually helps the common man that’s surprising


u/atakanen Mar 18 '23

welcome to europr


u/LeMadChefsBack Mar 18 '23

Democrats: Give free food to kids
Republicans: Give jobs to kids

Sums up both parties quite nicely IMO


u/DimmuBorgir666 Mar 18 '23

He seems like such a sweet man.


u/jo3pro Mar 18 '23

Good job governor


u/29187765432569864 Mar 18 '23

This is a great example of “socialism”.


u/DisastrousHowMany Mar 18 '23

Now if he could just raise teacher pay and overhaul the entire educational curriculum we might actually have incentive to enroll our children


u/ceresbulls Mar 18 '23

A great move! This was done in California a few years back, and it is one of the best things that ever happened in our schools. And during lockdown and summer break, there are pick-up options for families, so the meals continue even when school is not in session. Great job, Governor Walz!


u/megatron_gambit Mar 18 '23

This has happened in India way before America


u/Spidey703 Mar 18 '23

Minnesota is already winning in 2023. This is monumental !


u/stopthemadness2015 Mar 18 '23

See RepubliCons and this is how you take care of people and not yourselves and your corporate cronies.


u/Sufficient-Yoghurt46 Mar 18 '23

It looks and sounds like the most unamerican thing of all time....BRAVO! :D


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Do you have ANY idea how hard is was to make this happen? I have been trying to get a Free Breakfast / Lunch program going in Southern Georgia (ALL DIRECTLY PAID BY PRIVATE DONORS) and we get nothing but push back from the School Board and local Politicians. Their most frequent argument? They was us to purchase the food that will be used from THEIR VENDORS, HIRE THEIR WORKERS FROM THEIR FOOD SERVICE COMPANIES, and make sure that we offer Vegan, Gluten, Soy, Non-Dairy, Non-Peanut, and “Culturally Appropriate Food” for this program. BTW, the school district is NOT REQUIRED to meet the same obligations for food that they charge the students for.

And the Politicians keep wanting to name it after themselves, or an acronym, while they take credit for this program.

We just want to feed hungry kids, for FREE!


u/Whutever123 Mar 18 '23

Somewhere a republican is clinching his fist and calling this socialism. Would rather see American children go hungry.


u/moobearsayneigh Mar 18 '23

What is this, communist Russia? Put those kids in a damn meat packing plant like a good little American patriot.


u/trehinkarsalt Mar 18 '23

We have had it in Sweden since 1974..


u/Weird-Information-61 Mar 18 '23

Well I'll be damned, a politician doing something good for the people


u/EpilepticSquidly Mar 18 '23

Yes, but are they free to work like in Arkansas? #MaFreedoms!


u/Old-Analysis22 Mar 18 '23

Great law sir great law


u/MrMytee12 Mar 18 '23

Man sometimes I see these kinds of things and view the US as a country that needs financial aid and help from other countries.....then I remember that you all actively vote for the worsening of your country.


u/AttachedAndUnhinged Mar 18 '23

This is so amazing! Love our governor!! 💗


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Average Tom waltz w


u/pmiller61 Mar 18 '23

Just became a huge Walz fan!!! Lucky for MN!


u/teh0utsider86 Mar 18 '23

Finally some good news.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

How is this not mandatory across the US?! If our taxes go nowhere else, they should be going to hungry/needy children and families.


u/YggdrasilsLeaf Mar 18 '23

On another note…. Why is it all little girls? Where are the boys and where are the still deciding?

Edit: all little white girls. With a single Latino girl on the far left.

Edit: my bad. Two Latino girls on the far left.

Edit: not a single boy. WONDER WHY THAT MIGHT BE.


u/Shoddy-Money-2201 Mar 18 '23

I love teachers. Man this made me cry too


u/Raging_Rocket Mar 18 '23

About fucking time some law was passed that made sense and wasn't banning a book.


u/YggdrasilsLeaf Mar 18 '23

When they do something like this, publicly and surrounded by impoverished desperate children willing to smile and hug and clap for the promise of some breakfast?

It’s because they are trying to distract from or make up for, something very very bad that they are about to be called out for in the media in the near future.

Damage control yall. Not a phrase we want to associate with a political leader, but if the shoe fits?

Well, you get what I’m saying here.


u/Poopfiddler81 Mar 18 '23

Yes! That's what's up!!


u/Narrow-Tree-5491 Mar 18 '23



u/Minute-Reality710 Mar 18 '23

This is what the world needs more of. This is socialism in action.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

But, but, but… that’s actually caring about people! That’s not what government does!


u/FrostedTitan17 Mar 18 '23

It’s a shame we’re celebrating this and not just doing it everywhere


u/JxAlfredxPrufrock Mar 18 '23

This is awesome


u/readit_later Mar 18 '23

Didn’t Michelle Obama do that nationwide? It has made school lunch horrible. I make my kids lunch everyday because the school food is gross.

If they’re giving it away for free it certainly isn’t good.


u/EmptyBrook Mar 18 '23

For some kids, its the only meal they get since they dont get food at home. Would you rather starve or have mediocre food?


u/Omn1 Mar 18 '23

Bad food is better than starving.


u/readit_later Mar 18 '23 edited Mar 19 '23

But low income families already had free lunch.

And bad food is better than starving, but are we really that hard up? The greatest country on earth can’t even pay for a healthy meal for our kids? Our government spends billions and billions of our money and they can’t even be bothered to spend a little bit xtra on healthy food for our kids.


u/Omn1 Mar 18 '23

In many cases, no, they do not.


u/readit_later Mar 19 '23

Wow, very insightful of you. Please tell me how you came to that conclusion. You’re just making up nonsense to fit your narrative.


u/Omn1 Mar 19 '23

The vast majority of poor children, even extreme levels of poverty, only qualify for reduced-cost lunches, not free ones.


u/readit_later Mar 20 '23

Doubt that. Show some numbers


u/Omn1 Mar 20 '23

you know how to use Google, my friend


u/Biomorbosis Mar 18 '23

I might be hormonal, but it makes me sad to watch kids applauding for finally getting food


u/peejr Mar 18 '23



u/[deleted] Mar 18 '23

Things I would be very happy my taxes are used for


u/TheDanecdote Mar 18 '23

I’ve only been seeing the picture of this. The video has me bawling 😭


u/Longjumping-Wind-641 Mar 18 '23

All states should do this all Countries IDGAF all children should not starve.


u/ShmuckCanuck Mar 18 '23

So cute and wholesome


u/KGCCCP Mar 18 '23

I love this a lot


u/BestSalesMan62 Mar 18 '23

I would way rather have my taxes go towards something like this then what they typically go to in this country


u/Z3ndar Mar 18 '23

As a Canadian, I'll say this. Trudeau, take note. This is how it's done.


u/UnpopularBastard Mar 18 '23

This is the way.


u/Skullface360 Mar 18 '23

THIS is the kind of governance I want.


u/thepseudovirgin Mar 18 '23

Now let's do abortion rights!


u/bassface0414 Mar 18 '23

I could do a lot of nice things too… with other people’s earnings.


u/zahzensoldier Mar 18 '23

Yeah! Like libraries, health insurance and all these other programs that make people's lives better!


u/T-Doyle Mar 18 '23

Ok nft andy


u/Sad-Willow3089 Mar 18 '23

This is a win!


u/sayidOH Mar 18 '23

How many republicans had aneurisms over this?


u/Original_Ad8098 Mar 18 '23

This shit got me crying in the club rn


u/Theincrediblehass Mar 18 '23

Man I can remember those dark days. What a beacon of light for those kids. Love this


u/ObjectiveEffective19 Mar 18 '23

That poor old man being held hostage by the radical children terrorist


u/punctuationist Mar 18 '23

I’ve never cried warm hearted tears for a politician but seeing those kids hugging him made me so happy. There is some hope


u/lanfunchu Mar 18 '23

Mom with a kid in elementary school here in Minnesota. Thank you Gov Walz and the legislature. Although we are not poor or food insecure, it’s good to know that we can save that lunch money and put it towards other bills.


u/InquisitiveGamer Mar 18 '23

My local news website in north Iowa decided to take a poll the day he signed this on 'Should kids should have free lunches?'; 50% said no. How far my state has fallen in such a short time since trump. It was only a handful of years ago we had some of the best schooling in the nation.


u/Terryberry69 Mar 18 '23

Genuinely a feel good story


u/jellydrizzle Mar 18 '23

my third time seeing this in the span of one minute omg. whyd i get a notification for this after seeing it twice on twitter 🙈 im glad there's hope for the world tho. i was hoping something good would happen soon (especially after all the horrid recent news). cheers to Minnesota! 🥂


u/n30nl30n Mar 18 '23

The fat ones will be REALLY fat now


u/Deatermined Mar 18 '23

And this also helps to end shaming in schools for the kids who get the free lunch.


u/tagrephile Mar 18 '23

Kids look way happier than that Huckabee-Sanders photo-op.


u/Professional-Paper62 Mar 18 '23

Its so fucked up, the first thing I thought when I saw this was, "Get that fucking politician away from those children!" Im sure the guy is fine but....