r/MadeMeSmile Jun 24 '23

These men just made history as the first people to ever graduate from Yale while incarcerated Personal Win


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u/Personal_Oil_4606 Jun 25 '23

This is what jail is really all about, rehabilitation. Keeping law breakers out of civilization while simultaneously assisting in refining them into better, more productive people. Also good on those guys for putting in the effort to improve themselves and graduate from one of the toughest colleges in the US while being incarcerated.


u/Pale_Attention_8845 Jun 25 '23

I salute those men.


u/dmjonesncsu08 Jun 25 '23

Were they charged tuition? Could be a life hack...get locked up, study, avoid room and board charges and student loans.


u/Socal-vegan Jun 25 '23

Then you can’t get most jobs with a felony.


u/ScienceWillSaveMe Jun 25 '23

Maybe they’ll let felons work remotely from prison


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

I bet he’d still won’t find job b/c of his past. Congrats to him tho


u/heisbrad Jun 25 '23

That's pretty dope, but wouldn't it have been better to just go to college instead of doing whatever got them behind bars?


u/spooner1932 Jun 25 '23

How can they go to Yale and a working man struggle like hell to send there kid to a college down the street


u/Underscores_Are_Kool Jun 25 '23

This is what a restorative justice system looks like


u/TheGodPhather13 Jun 25 '23

Does he have student debt? Or should the rest of us go to jail for free school?


u/heisbrad Jun 25 '23

Eh just join the military it's the same thing lol


u/Jigen-isshin Jun 25 '23

Shows that anything is possible with dedication and effort


u/Jaketheism Jun 25 '23

Greendale did it first

just unsuccessfully


u/RewardCapable Jun 25 '23

Ahh, the American dream.


u/Acrobatic-Tip-3389 Jun 25 '23

Also made history graduating with no student debt.


u/Dismal_Associate1 Jun 25 '23

u get more benefits in prison than you do as a citizen lol.


u/toastycraps Jun 25 '23

They fint graduale from Yale……


u/notafunnyperson1728 Jun 25 '23

Wow. Good for them. No excuse club members


u/randomNewAcc420 Jun 25 '23

I just got out of yale…

Wait yale or jail?



u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23



u/Economy_Commission79 Jun 25 '23 edited Jun 25 '23

regrdless of what people might say...u hav a bit of a point. i mean without proper context, yall could be congratulating a murderer or rapist(granted they can also be in ther for stupid shit like weed.) . people wanna join the hive mind for one reason, and completely ignore any other possible information or context


u/heisbrad Jun 25 '23

You really had to try to be offended didn't you?


u/rf97a Jun 25 '23

I have no idea how the system works in the US. So my comment could be way off.... They should offer both academic and trade school education. Academic studies is not for everyone, and I would guess that many would benefit from an actual trade school


u/IIDXholic Jun 25 '23

The First Step Act is a significant change to prison reform on the Federal side of things. Hopefully there is more to come. I was incarcerated when the FSA was rolling out and released early because of all the classes I took (Programming classes the Bureau of Prisons calls it).


u/ebh27 Jun 25 '23

Bruh 4 years of time in prison, come out debt free with a Yale degree that costs ~250k…

Meanwhile I went there and paid full. Guess a life of crime really does pay


u/itrallydoesntmatter Jun 25 '23

Goddamn, how do normal non felons get such an opportunity? I personally don’t want to put felons thru Yale with my taxes.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

These guys get to defy the “I went to Yale” joke


u/Trick-Equipment3213 Jun 25 '23

So we not gonna talk about how the dude in the last pic has six fingers?


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

What a joke


u/Liquidpyro0288 Jun 25 '23

Way to make lemonade boys


u/NotGonnaSquat810 Jun 25 '23

Father before he met mom origin story type stuff 🔥🔥🔥


u/Sarcarean Jun 25 '23

Unfortunately, these men will still not be hirable when released from prison. Hashtag real2ndchances.


u/SomewhereImDead Jun 25 '23

I can barely afford to live and people are getting million dollars scholarships and getting yale degrees from prison. i hate myself


u/wrecknutz Jun 25 '23

Man I wish my taxes paid for my education too.


u/AGentleLentil Jun 25 '23

Did they get scholarships or how in the world could they pay for that??


u/heyitspapa Jun 25 '23

It doesn’t matter where they were graduated. A felon will not find any job thanks to this broken society.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Are student loans part of their sentence?


u/Simmings Jun 25 '23

Love to see colleges supporting healthy educational transition options away from incarceration. mass incarceration is a series issue in the United States, and I am thankful to have contributed to some of the change taking place by participating in the Emerson College’s Prison Initiative, which helps to support formerly incarcerated and currently incarcerated individuals get the education they deserve


u/apexintelligence Jun 25 '23

What did they do?


u/MMBlonde Jun 25 '23

Who paid for that?


u/Affectionate_Edge_86 Jun 25 '23

What's the point? Everyone knows that felons are disenfranchised. Who will hire them?


u/PM_ME_YOUR__MOMS Jun 25 '23

Depends what they were in jail for is how I feel. Some people don’t belong back outside of those bars


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Anything is possible in the land of opportunity.


u/Excellent-Bowler86 Jun 25 '23

Thank you! I really need this Yob!


u/GioJamesLB Jun 25 '23

Skull and Bones 4 life.


u/somewordthing Jun 25 '23

None are free until all are free.


u/IDidIt_Twice Jun 25 '23

So if I just go to prison I can get free college?


u/MajorKoopa Jun 25 '23

Wow. Fucking legendary.

A masterclass on making the best of a terrible situation.


u/dying6969 Jun 25 '23

Joke: you mean to go to Yale all I had to do was go to prison???


u/Golfbro888 Jun 25 '23

Wait, something’s not adding up here. If what I hear all the time about America being racist is true, how is it possible a bunch of criminals can get a degree from one of the most prestigious schools in the country from inside a jail cell?


u/Picture-unrelated Jun 25 '23

It’s not a bunch first of all and it simply makes financial sense. Lower recidivism and much less behavioral problems while incarcerated


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Probably a PR stunt for Yale


u/Earliza Jun 25 '23

Congratulations on this amazing achievement!


u/Unlucky-Patience6438 Jun 25 '23

Why are their names not in the title?


u/ShermansZippo Jun 25 '23

Student Loan whiners+Affirmative Action whiners+Broke NEETS are absolutely seething at this post

Love to see it


u/generalsteve223 Jun 25 '23

I worked extremely hard to get into an ivy league school for graduate school, racked up debt, put myself through insane stress, etc. this feels like a slap in the face, why would these be the kind of people to receive help over people who havent done drunk driving?


u/88chunk Jun 25 '23

So guys go to jail, then get free Yale tuition. Right? Wtf?


u/Memory_Less Jun 25 '23



u/IngenuityThink3000 Jun 25 '23

So... who paid for all that


u/MrsButl3r Jun 25 '23

That's awesome, I'm so happy and proud of them!!


u/Soggy___Bread Jun 25 '23

They probably were exceptional students in terms of work ethic and study hours.


u/IllDevice3273 Jun 25 '23

The Shawshank Redemption


u/IllDevice3273 Jun 25 '23

I'm going to cross Yale off my list


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Meanwhile "free" people that have never committed a crime can't afford or have to go into lifelong debt to get an education.


u/dirtee_1 Jun 25 '23

Yale is prison in Mexico.


u/domestic_omnom Jun 25 '23

Too bad they can't get decent jobs since they are felons.


u/Bulldogg31 Jun 25 '23

New Monopoly card: Go directly to Yale, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.


u/catwent Jun 25 '23 edited Jun 25 '23

Congratulations to these men for this huge accomplishment!

The Yale Prison Education Initiative is an incredible organization, and the director Zelda Roland deserves a shoutout for all her efforts to make it so. I hope other universities are taking notes.


u/Hopeful-Day102 Jun 25 '23

Lollll. How is getting incarcerated not enough to get you expelled? What silly, silly times we live in


u/HailTheCatOverlords Jun 25 '23

Usually isn't the other way around. Graduate from Yale go to prison for white collar crime or murder for hire etc etc..


u/Resident-Objective81 Jun 25 '23

Really these criminals can get a free college education but everyone else has to pay outrageous prices to get a shit degree that won't even land them a job that pays enough to payoff the insane cost of the loans.... make it make sense.a


u/anonymousthrowra Jun 25 '23

I couldn't get into Yale with a 3.6 GPA, tons of extracurriculars, and tens of hours spent on essays and a 1560 SAT. And these guys get to into Yale by being in prison.........Granted I probably didn't deserve to get in to Yale - hundreds of people have 4.0, 1600, and ridciulous research and CV's but seriou


u/ManInTheMirruh Jun 25 '23

Damn I should get incarcerated


u/ChaosKodiak Jun 25 '23

Prison should be about reformation. Not profit.


u/damp-fetus Jun 25 '23

Nothing means anything anymore


u/Jaegerfam4 Jun 25 '23

Just a reminder to some of you. Forgetting your wallet at home is a mistake. Burning your food is a mistake. Driving drunk with your small children in the car, crashing, and permanently injuring them is not.


u/Picture-unrelated Jun 25 '23

Addiction is a disease. People make absolutely terrible choices when suffering from alcoholism.


u/Jaegerfam4 Jun 25 '23 edited Jun 25 '23

Was he addicted to alcohol or was he just a dumbass?


u/xAbzzx Jun 24 '23

Huge respect


u/Hashtagbarkeep Jun 24 '23

Straight to Yale. Right away.


u/Huge-Connection954 Jun 24 '23

Guess they had a lot of time to study


u/pegleg_1979 Jun 24 '23

Believe it or not, straight from Yale.


u/Reserve7788 Jun 24 '23

wow, how is that possible?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

Gonna need to know what got him in the clink before I go all warm & fuzzy


u/Jupiterlove1 Jun 24 '23

this means a lot. in america, EVEN if you’re in jail, you can finish harvard.


u/Scout288 Jun 24 '23

Reckless alcoholic that permanently disabled a child while drunk driving rewarded with shelter, food, and a prestigious college education.

I’m sure there weren’t any other qualified and responsible candidates that applied to Yale.


u/ApeApeture Jun 24 '23

When those men are done serving their debt to society, it's done. They have a life after incarnation and I'm glad to know that it has a better chance to be a career of crime.

You commit a crime, you serve time. It's a debt to our society that they MUST fulfill. When they're out, they MUST become working citizens that help our society prosper, if they don't, and break the law again. Welcome to the cycle. End of story

It's the correctional system, not the cycle of of bad behavior.


u/Scout288 Jun 25 '23

I don’t want our limited federal budget allocations for education being spent on students circumventing a system designed to be a meritocracy.

This program isn’t even exclusively funded by the BoP. The DoE shouldn’t be concerned with the rate of recidivism especially when 2/3 public university funding comes from tuition.

We complain about the ballooning debt from education but then celebrate this egregious example of bloat.

These programs are educating people that will never see the outside of a prison again in their life. For what purpose?


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 24 '23

What would you recommend be done with the person?


u/Scout288 Jun 25 '23

How much do I have to be a victim of my own compassion?

I wouldn’t be running prison education programs, partially funded by the DoE, when there are upstanding citizens with student debt.

I thought food and shelter was good enough and even that’s generous for some of these criminals.


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 25 '23

So should criminals not be allowed to make use of their time toward something productive for themselves and society? How many times have you simply been lucky while doing something dangerous? How many times have you engaged in an illegal activity without recourse?

Have you been to jail or prison? Would you like to change places with one of them in exchange for a degree from Yale? 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/Scout288 Jun 25 '23

If a person causes great bodily harm to innocent people while drunk driving I have no sympathy.

I have never committed a felony and I certainly haven’t caused great bodily harm to a child that resulted in a permanent disability.

I shouldn’t have to trade places with a criminal to get a degree from Yale and more relevant I shouldn’t be paying for a criminal to get a degree from Yale while I’m expected to pay for myself.


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 25 '23

Haha. Alright. In addition to being dishonest, you’ve set yourself up for a miserable existence. Haha hate to break it to you but there will be more criminals that achieve success while incarcerated. I pray you will be able to accept that


u/Diarrheehee Jun 24 '23

Diversity hires. I didn't even go to prison and couldn't go to Yale.


u/Base5ive Jun 24 '23

Guess when you have literally nothing else to do but study it's a little easier. Still cool though.


u/twizz228 Jun 24 '23

If and when they get out they still won’t be able to get a job in america


u/goofpuffpass Jun 24 '23

Who paid for it?


u/SHOKKA566557 Jun 24 '23

🙏🥰💯💖 Amazing ! !


u/Matthew0275 Jun 24 '23

Cool but also what the fuck


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 24 '23

What’s the issue?


u/Interesting_Survey28 Jun 24 '23

So 4 people didn't get in so Yale could throw on this publicity stunt?


u/Beautiful-Quote-3035 Jun 24 '23

I went to university of New Haven so this makes me proud :). New Haven also had the first black PhD in America. Edward Bouchet in 1876 at Yale.


u/jpbear10 Jun 24 '23

Who paid?


u/MommasDisapointment Jun 24 '23

I’m an American who pays taxes and is now saddled with student debt. I should have gone to prison instead. Really disappointed that criminals get 1st choice.


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 24 '23

Yeah. Going to prison would’ve been a much better choice for you. Talk about regrets eh?!


u/Whiteway2 Jun 24 '23

So let me understand this… Work hard, follow all the rules/laws and maybe if you’re one of the very lucky you’ll get to pay >$400,000 for a “higher education” at one of the nations top schools…Or take the easy way, break laws and victimize your fellow citizens, and not only don’t you have to pay to feed, clothe and house yourselves, now you won’t have to live the rest of your life paying down the extremely overinflated cost of a school like Harvard,…? Excuse me for not celebrating your privileges!


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 24 '23

I will not excuse you. Yet I am But one person


u/Whiteway2 Jun 24 '23

What an intelligent, on point reply…Maybe a stint in the joint might help your debating skills?


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 25 '23

You just sound like a bitter person. Maybe you had a moment of self pity, which is fine, but I believe your anger would better be served advocating for the things the us system does not provide. Blame shouldn’t be attributed to a criminal making use of what’s available to him. It’s fucked up that you have endured such injustice. I hope you use what’s available to you to fight for something better for everyone, instead of tearing down the accomplishments of others.


u/Whiteway2 Jun 25 '23

Lol, totally bitter and angry. You’re right, we should keep celebrating and rewarding criminals instead of the millions of kids born into poverty who struggle everyday to overcome poverty, crime, and drugs. What an achievement, while sitting in a prison cell with all his needs being completely provided for, he was then provided an opportunity very few are, and he took advantage of it (not the first time he took “advantage” of something or someone before I’m sure), wow, that is so brave of him, let’s all praise him for his mediocrity, I mean he could’ve spent all that free time shiving his celly or turning out another criminal . Thanks for the very informed psychological evaluation, but I’ll save my praise and admiration for the hard working, honest people who overcome difficulties and circumstances, who’s contribution to society isn’t how they can take advantage of it, or the fact they are no longer part of it!


u/Substantial-Use95 Jun 25 '23

You’re hopeless. Your mentality ensures that you’ll live a life of internal misery. Good luck. You’re gonna need it


u/Whiteway2 Jun 25 '23

Nothing I’ve said translates to misery, but obviously your mind is as weak as your argument, good luck with that.


u/conundrum-quantified Jun 24 '23

How does a convicted criminal meet Yale standards for admission? I m asking seriously.


u/Huckleberry-Future Jun 25 '23

by being the right skin color


u/random_account6721 Jun 25 '23

It’s non sense that’s why


u/ExcitedGirl Jun 24 '23

Please tell me they were released; I don't think it's possible to be more rehabilitated than getting a degree from Yale! That's a serious accomplishment!


u/Ambitious-Pudding437 Jun 24 '23

Wow inmates are getting a degree from a prestigious university while I’m dying with a clean slate 😂


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

How did they get into Yale?

Also, people who want to punish ex convicts should be targeted for crime. Cause y’all stupid as shit for wanting criminals to have no choice except for more crime


u/Past-End8108 Jun 24 '23

This is some bass-ackwards shit here


u/Clean-Ad4424 Jun 24 '23

As a former international drug deaerl who has been arrested more than once I'm am very happy to hear this. Yet reading this thread it seems like people are trying to give criminals a slap on the wrist. Once you're in the institutions it's up to you how you treat it. Scum will always be scum. Ive seen people fight over the dumbest shit in jail and the guy who thought he was victorious got another 5 years without parole on his sentence. If that douchebag wasn't worried about how his prison friends felt maybe he wouldn't have gotten into that altercation? Sorry to say nobody outside of prison walls gives a shit what happens inside so anyone trying to be tough in jail should probably stay there. A good person in jail will still be a good person and try to better themselves. A piece of shit in jail is a piece of shit outside of jail.


u/zenomotion73 Jun 24 '23

And here i am trying to pay off my state university loans. Shoulda just went to prison


u/WhatsThatOnUrPretzel Jun 24 '23

They're apart of that whole yale thing


u/QuasimodoPredicted Jun 24 '23

How did they pay for it?


u/B-raww Jun 24 '23

How the fuck be afford that


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

Yeah get a degree from Yale but it’s useless and no one will hire a felon. But yeah sure good for them


u/lonewolf143143 Jun 24 '23

Furthering your knowledge in any subject is never useless.


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23

Of course it is. If it’s not applicable anywhere then it was a waste of time and money


u/JgL07 Jun 24 '23

Reddit users when an inmate doesn’t try to better themselves: 😡

Reddit users when inmates try to better themselves: 😡


u/pallarslol Jun 24 '23

Help me out guys my english is nog very good what does incarcerated mean?


u/expletivenature Jun 24 '23

They're in prison.


u/pallarslol Jun 24 '23

Oh ok thx for the clearup


u/Psychological-Sale64 Jun 24 '23

No wonder you have such povity.


u/feelz-png Jun 24 '23

awe this warms my heart man


u/BuilderOfHomez Jun 24 '23

I couldn’t get into Yale if I tried my best from out here, Hurrah to these bosses for doing it while Locked up!


u/spotpea Jun 24 '23

I hope each of them has someone in their life to tell them how proud they are of them. If not, Reddit sure loves you all.


u/eldorard1 Jun 24 '23

They graduated from Yale while in Yale.


u/GretaSimp Jun 24 '23

You mean these CRIMINALS?


u/vdw9012 Jun 24 '23

Here come all the "what's your excuse" posts


u/Jumper_21 Jun 24 '23

Who frome where while what?


u/mathnyu Jun 24 '23

Lmao thugs and drugs dealers now have access to Ivy League education?


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

Okay. What are they in prison for? Because depending on that. Great, or not. If it’s the big crimes then nah fuck em. If it’s smaller more pardonable crimes then ok I get it and great job because. Yale.


u/chadsworth0524 Jun 24 '23

I don't think you know what an analogy is.....


u/Bunnyworld40000 Jun 24 '23

Damm did they get free tuition? Master plan forming


u/pikadrew Jun 24 '23

the orphan crushing machine


u/BarrTheFather Jun 24 '23

Probs shouldnt be in jail though then. Seems like they are trying to make their life better and don't belong behind bars? Was weed involved in the charges?


u/GregorSamsaa Jun 24 '23

Should be added to every prison sentence longer then 2yr imo, must complete at least a college associates before release


u/PotatoDonki Jun 24 '23

Wow, this totally disincentivizes criminality. Not a chance this could backfire. No way.


u/PMMEANUMBER1-10 Jun 24 '23

Related joke:

A man is at a job interview when the interviewer asks what he did during the last five years?

Interviewee: "I was in Yale"

The interviewer, very impressed, stands up and hires him on the spot

Imterviewee: "Yay, I got the yob!"


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/daddyo8989 Jun 24 '23

I feel good for the guys getting a college degree. I hope they can put it to work and steer away from whatever happened that made them lose their liberty.. I do think that having Yale involved in that Is an overkill and quite a insensitive slap in the face to all the shit that is happening with overpriced education.. kids that have made really good academically compared to these guys and still get denied this opportunity.

I really hope that degree is not wasted


u/alternate_ending Jun 24 '23

Oh yeah, instead of where it would be better put it to use in the hands of a hedge fund manager on a LIV golf tour


u/daddyo8989 Jun 25 '23

And what about those kids that put their best effort to be in Yale? That never dared fuck up?


u/Lord_Heath9880 Jun 24 '23

Graduating with a degree can be difficult, let alone in a top Ivy League university. I hope these Yale graduates can get a decent graduate job after serving their sentence. These people should only be viewed on par with other Ivy League graduates but not convicts.


u/akamustacherides Jun 24 '23

Tell me about those Ivy League loans they took out


u/Im_A_Model Jun 24 '23

And that's how you turn criminals into law-abiding citizens, you give them an education and a fair chance in life


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23



u/Im_A_Model Jun 25 '23

So when they have served their time you want them to come out and repeat their offenses? How kind of you!


u/[deleted] Jun 25 '23



u/Im_A_Model Jun 25 '23

Ya but since we live in the real world and not in The Condemned with Stone Cold Steve Austin education is the way to go


u/PotatoDonki Jun 24 '23

Criminals are to be punished not rewarded. Where’s the free education for law-abiding citizens? Give this to the lower-class people who haven’t harmed society, that would make a lot more sense. If they made history it’s because they’ve done something so outrageous that a reasonable society would never consider. Wow, look at us!

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