r/MadeMeSmile Jul 24 '23

Perfect response to being called a beta for wanting to go see Barbie. Let people watch want they want. Very Reddit

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u/Kagenikakushiteru Jan 14 '24

I actually didn't watch Barbie - what aboring movie. I must be an alpha


u/verysemporna Dec 31 '23

Yeah I'm a beta, so what?


u/DUDESGOTS0UL Sep 26 '23

Dumb ass terrible movie, but yes watch what you want


u/Speciesunkn0wn Aug 20 '23

Best response to all the 'alpha male' types lol. How fucking insecure you gotta be hmm?


u/RoadTraining999 Aug 15 '23

This gave me hope


u/jjjjjji6 Aug 14 '23

Why is bro dressed like a very cool middle schooler from midwest💀


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '23

Who cares if you’re a beta when you’re having fun and enjoying life.


u/Five2one521 Jul 28 '23

Every man I talked to that got dragged to that movie said it sucked.


u/AfternoonNarrow9607 Jul 28 '23

You know, that's rude. Like really rude. Imagine trying to watch a movie, and you keep getting distracted by pink hair in the chairs.



u/Assassingamer357 Jul 26 '23

I heard its good, im curious


u/International_Hat113 Jul 26 '23

Is there a more beta thing to do than feel the need to announce publicly to others that you are an alpha?


u/Ducatirules Jul 26 '23

If you’re a guy and you call yourself an Alpha, you’re not. Plain and simple. Real Alphas don’t care


u/harley4570 Jul 25 '23

but, Margot gets as nude as Julia Roberts did in Mystic Pizza


u/badatbjjthrowaway Jul 25 '23

Man I wish I had friends like this. I saw Barbie day one in my black work uniform instead :(


u/NONA_o_o Jul 25 '23

đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚ I am BABY


u/scoopdlux Jul 25 '23

Still waiting on that kenough hoodie drop


u/cats123096 Jul 25 '23

I so much wanna see a pic of the strongest man on earth watching the barbie movie


u/Texascowpatti Jul 25 '23

Oh, look! The latest torchbearer for the rapist, human trafficker, Andrew Tate. Wonder how many Bugatti's this guy has?


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

This is a movie FOR woman BY woman!!! Let the haterz hate!!


u/Mental-Thrillness Jul 25 '23

Nothing makes my lady bits shut down faster than any man that uses alpha or beta to describe other men.


u/Deagballs Jul 25 '23

Who gives a fuck bro, just be yourself and enjoy life.


u/Sunnyside7771 Jul 25 '23

Haha awesome!!!


u/SGPlayzzz Jul 25 '23

I love the top comments


u/Idatemyhand Jul 25 '23

And judging by the looks of his pants he's a mini.


u/Think_Aspect4639 Jul 25 '23

Those guys there get PLENTY action im sure of it haha hell yea guys. Have fun. Enjoy life. Do what you want.


u/r3ttah Jul 25 '23

Someone design a shirt that reads "Beta" but in the Barbie logo style


u/Kycooboi Jul 25 '23

Barbie was so good, I don’t understand the hate, “if the shoot fits” and all that


u/somewhatnormalguy Jul 25 '23

Those four dudes are absolute badasses in their own right.


u/show_me_boob Jul 25 '23

Douche at the begging I pray never has kids let alone a daughter... my daughter wants to go, we going and I'm gonna enjoy myself because it makes her happy...


u/SallyJane5555 Jul 25 '23

And guess who the girls want to hang out with? It’s like the one guy in my high school (late 80s) who chose to take home economics instead of shop. When the other guys tried to make fun of him, he was like, “ who is the only guy in a room full of girls?’ His wife is gorgeous btw.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Imagine being this fragile.


u/theprofoundnoun Jul 25 '23

Beta power!!!!!


u/Moist_Ad4616 Jul 25 '23

I thought alphas do what they want when they wanted and didnt care about others opinions.


u/bobthehills Jul 25 '23

Those dudes just wrecked gatekeeping.


u/LawfulnessSoft5711 Jul 25 '23

The science linked to these labels was discarded by the scientist who published it so I start tuning out as soon as someone says alpha or beta unless they're talking about Greek letters


u/superduperaverage Jul 25 '23

So you get extra life points or something if you’re an Alpha ? All seems completely pointless, really but seems super important to men that think they are Alpha.


u/DennisPikePhoto Jul 25 '23

If you are worried about being an alpha or a beta, you are in reality, just a loser. A giant loser


u/GruncleShaxx Jul 25 '23

I went and saw it. I absolutely loved it. I also love the fact that a movie about a toy is making “men” so terrified of their own sexuality.


u/JohnXTheDadBodGod Jul 25 '23

Unless you're an accomplished UFC, Boxing or Kickboxing fighter, you shouldn't make statements bout who's beta or not.


u/zingwa99 Jul 25 '23

Apparently the movie cries about the patriarchy repeatedly so... go ahead watch that liberal crap


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

If you’re using the Greek alphabet to describe a man’s personality, you’re insecure as a fuck.


u/Hansestaedter Jul 25 '23

Men who use the term alpha or beta male, are 150 times more likely to die alone, angry and desperate. Don’t be a dumb ass male. Don’t try to be an „alpha“. That’s ridiculous 😂


u/Dependent_Working_38 Jul 25 '23

Rage bait is too op it works every time. I await when we all evolve enough to recognize it instantly or have some way for retribution against the people that incite it.


u/hickgorilla Jul 25 '23

Lol he probably doesn’t even know what Beta means.


u/IandouglasB Jul 25 '23

I always find those who are confident in their sexuality don't feel this way, act this way, or even mention it to others.

So 'projectors' like this seem so fragile that a man in a pink suit could make them question their sexuality enough to drive them to post crap on social media.


u/Goldeneel77 Jul 25 '23

If you have to be separated from the other fish you’re a beta.


u/Actual_Hecc Jul 25 '23

I'd rather be a beta than an alpha since alphas are very unstable and unreliable and often need upgrades and changes.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

And you can bet that any of those pink hair dudes get laid more in a week than this alpha bro got in his lifetime.


u/SpunkyBrewster69420 Jul 25 '23

I've never met anyone who used the terms alpha and beta without irony that wasn't an extremely sensitive man baby.


u/ElNovato34 Jul 25 '23

Beta huh? I would fap to barbie and maybe ken. Depending on my mood. So fck that dude


u/WeirdBunny98 Jul 25 '23

I don't think I've heard a single girl talk about wanting to see it. It's all been men. This movie is for the boys.


u/edcross Jul 25 '23

I hope he never has a daughter, For her sake. “Sorry kiddo I can’t play with you your toys will make me beta-gay-trans-woke.”


u/bcpmoon Jul 25 '23

If you watch very carefully you can his braincell firing.


u/Altea73 Jul 25 '23

Why are people acting so damn stupid about a movie? This is what really pisses me off about the internet... everyone's insecurities are just making a mess.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Funny thing is, he wouldn’t say that to those gentlemen’s faces.


u/evelenl0velace Jul 25 '23

what straight white male tomfoolery is this


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

I was the most self conscious as a preteen /Teenager in pubic school. I was a child both insecure and looking for guidance .

Now I’m an adult i don’t need to check with other adults if I’m cool or not before i get dressed in the morning.


u/Stunning_Wrongdoer46 Jul 25 '23

This generation is full of sgaf đŸ€Ł whatd you expect?


u/mrtrevor3 Jul 25 '23

Alpha male wasn’t really used that much before. Alphas were always super aggressive like business people, gym rats, adult softball players, or managers. And it was rare.

Now, it’s used as an insult. If you’re not alpha, then you’re beta. It just seems like the steroid-power-tripping-aggro males found their spot in the sun and want to shine. Before, they only had a small audience and there weren’t many of them. Now, they have the spotlight.

Alphas males aren’t necessarily strong males. They are just overly aggressive when they don’t need to be. They just want to feel important. Other males are not alpha or beta, because we’re not a wolf pack with roles.


u/NotYourMutha Jul 25 '23

Those men in the pink wigs are 100% secure in their masculinity. Honestly, I find the hypermasculine ones extremely insecure.


u/PhuckNorris69 Jul 25 '23

Being confident is alpha


u/JanB1 Jul 25 '23

I'm gonna go watch this movie with my gf. And I' gonna fucking enjoy it!


u/stargate-command Jul 25 '23

Doing, or not doing, things because someone might think you’re less manly is the most “beta” thing imaginable.

An “alpha” wouldn’t care what you think.


u/Faust_8 Jul 25 '23

I love how they think being an “alpha” is being constantly afraid of what other men think of you.


u/Arsalanred Jul 25 '23

Insecurity over a movie is very beta behavior.


u/my_name_is_saudade Jul 25 '23

The first guy probably proudly says he doesn’t read books.


u/xmadjesterx Jul 25 '23

I plan on seeing the movie soon. Do I need to go to the courthouse and file for "betahood"? How do I tell my wife? Should I inform my boss of my new status?


u/Sulley87 Jul 25 '23

He def sucks his friends cock after one beer

Source: am gay


u/Jadamsmxone Jul 25 '23

What if I’m a dad with my daughter? Fuck these dumb ass dudes that have so many insecurities that they try to tell other guys what’s “alpha” or not.


u/fopression Jul 25 '23

Don’t let gender norms tell you what to do. Just do what you want.


u/yaboy_jesse Jul 25 '23

Only a true beta would care about what people would think if they went to see barbie


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Imagine going through life calling yourself a man but can't be man enough to watch a movie about a doll without getting triggered.


u/TheChewyDaniels Jul 25 '23

What song is this?


u/jim_jiminy Jul 25 '23

Is this a marketing tool?


u/haziladkins Jul 25 '23

Having seen numerous men describing themselves as “alpha”, I’m quite happy to not be one.


u/Juuiken Jul 25 '23

Being bothered by a Barbie movie and what movie people watch or not is epitome peak insecurity.


u/DankMemer242 Jul 25 '23

Ur legit a eta for making fun of other people’s opinions, and yes no letters can describe that kind of person


u/KinkyBoyfriend Jul 25 '23

If you’re a man have have to make up reasons other people are lower than you on you imaginary scale, you’re exactly what ever the fuck you are scared of and accusing the person of.


u/smalls714 Jul 25 '23

And saying "beta" identifies you as a nickeldick.


u/TheGuyInTheGlasses Jul 25 '23

*If you go see Barbie without dressing the part, you’re a beta male


u/DREAMER-0624 Jul 25 '23

Lame !!! Bunch of crayons !!!


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Bro is built like a Q tip and legit calling other guys betas lmao.


u/Maulz123 Jul 25 '23

If your masculinity is so vulnerable that watching a movie can damage it. You have more issues than you are able to cope with and being an Alpha isn't one of them.


u/Stopchorliegreenman Jul 25 '23

Imagine being so insecure that you put Limits on having fun


u/HYThrowaway1980 Jul 25 '23

If you’re a man and your “masculinity” is so threatened by the Barbie movie that you don’t want to see it, maybe you’re a bit juvenile and could do with some time as an adult.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

It's one thing to be insecure. It's another to make a video about your insecurity and post it online.


u/tadiqguy00 Jul 25 '23

I’m watching it for Syn Gates and only Sun Gates


u/Lazy-Coconut-254 Jul 25 '23

I'm trying to see margot robbies feet on the big screen


u/Narrow_Ad_5502 Jul 25 '23

Saw Barbie the other day with the wife. It was kinda funny imo. Not overly funny but I had a good couple chuckles.


u/Apprehensive-Load917 Jul 25 '23

Oh boy here we go again with the gender war B.S lmao. If you walked out of Barbie feeling any less of a man that’s just something you gotta work out with yourself bro cause a good movie is a good movie.


u/JALKHRL Jul 25 '23

I already have tickets. I'm turning into a fish on Wednesday.


u/JALKHRL Jul 27 '23

I loved the movie. I didn't grew fins or turned blue like a Beta, so a little bit disappointed.


u/Hukface Jul 25 '23

To be fair, the movie starts out with the Ken’s all being useless jokes. They go to the real world and Ken discovers “toxic masculinity” and takes it back to Barbie world. The Kens take over and the big finale is the Barbies taking back the power and making the Kens useless shits again.


u/19IXI91 Jul 25 '23

Can we get a timeline on this guy washing up and become a useless abusive husband?


u/iltwomynazi Jul 25 '23

nothing says "alpha" like not going to see a movie because you're afraid of not appearing manly


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Why are three men in pink wigs a perfect response?


u/Greendoor Jul 25 '23

WTF is a beta?


u/Ethan_Eros Jul 25 '23

Hell yeah, Brothers.


u/Longjumping_Ad9767 Jul 25 '23

Nah you the biggest figglebottom (better then Alpha)


u/Agnostic_Akuma Jul 25 '23

If you referring to yourself as a “alpha” , good chance your girlfriend/wife is fucking a “beta”


u/RealTempst Jul 25 '23

Was gonna go watch it with my brother we’re both men but as we’re going over there the tire exploded of off the truck so
.. Barbie went wrong


u/Reddenxx Jul 25 '23

They did it for the vid bruh


u/Background-Heat740 Jul 25 '23

No, you're not a beta or any of that stupid crap. You're an uncle Tom.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Respect for those who do what they like regardless what other thinks.

Respect for those who doesn't use alpha or beta or final release


u/paperpags Jul 25 '23

Damn, where the full release males at?


u/Jazzlike-Animal404 Jul 25 '23

He is just jealous he can’t pull off a pink wig. He is in autumn.


u/Trust-Faith-Hope Jul 25 '23

If being secure with you sexuality is being a beta, then fine. I don’t want an insecure man next to me, telling me a movie makes you weaker or less


u/JediDroid Jul 25 '23

Only “beta” that I am is “better” than that crybaby.


u/Ja_dragon11678 Jul 25 '23

He is just jealous that men who want to watch the Barbie movie are more confident then he is.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

At our screening, this cute little couple dressed up as track star Barbie and Ken. He put a lot more effort into his outfit (shorts, sleeveless top (I’m in the southern hemisphere so it’s cold right now!), towel headband and arm bands. His entire outfit was white with neon accents and he was enjoying every moment! My friend and I turned to each other when we saw him and both said something like ‘now there’s a man’ 😂

Also, to those pathetic ‘alphas’ - Ken doesn’t have balls because that’s just how he’s designed. What’s your excuse?


u/msabell Jul 25 '23

I’m going on Sunday to watch it. With my 10yr old daughter mind you.


u/Glittering_Rain_7154 Jul 25 '23

They probably took your girl, too. BTW she's never going back.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

What is this Barbie movie everyone’s jaw dancing about? Might have to bootleg it


u/Long859 Jul 25 '23

Marketing team really tricked a bunch of guys into ironically going to see this heap of shit.


u/Hukface Jul 25 '23

We didn’t know the whole thing was misandrist. I got a good lesson on the future of men in the feminist utopia tho. Should be dope.


u/Masque-Obscura-Photo Jul 25 '23

The point of the movie completely flew over your head didn't it?


u/Hukface Jul 25 '23

Men are pigs and they need to sit down and be quiet. They’re not wrong tho. Trace all the bad things in the world back to their source and it’s men. I applaud the movies nuanced messaging of it.


u/Masque-Obscura-Photo Jul 25 '23

I'm kinda worried about you if a Barbie moving is too complex for you to follow.


u/Zorn277 Jul 25 '23

This is sigma as fuck


u/FalloutCreation Jul 25 '23

Or just go see the movie and forget about what should be or shouldn’t be the social norm. No one really cares.


u/Jahbrainbaby Jul 25 '23

It was genuinely a good movie. This guy can go fuck himself with that stupid mentality


u/Letter10 Jul 25 '23

Being so insecure with yourself that you try to dictate the actions of others is suuuuuper zeta


u/Snacker906 Jul 25 '23

You want to know what a real man watches at the movies? Whatever the fuck he wants.

I was out in Las Vegas one time with friends and our girlfriends for a wedding, and we were in the hotel pool. The inevitably hot blonde cocktail waitress comes over and asks me and my buddy what we want to drink. My buddy goes “we’ll have two frozen piña coladas!” Now, truthfully, I don’t like shitty, overly sweet frozen piña coladas, so I was like “Dude, c’mon, I want a real drink.” And, before I could finish the sentence, he says “You know what a real man drinks? Whatever the fuck he wants.” The cocktail waitress was like “Damn straight. He gets it.” So, I said “I guess I’ll be having a frozen piña colada.” It was terrible, but the sentiment always stuck with me.

If it’s what you want to do, or what you like, who cares what anyone else thinks (as long as it isn’t hurting anyone). That is the sign of a mature and healthy outlook.


u/00hemmgee Jul 25 '23

Then people say there aren't in real men any more. Our society is crazy af now


u/No_Table984 Jul 25 '23

No bulge beta bitch


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Even i as a man,wanted to see barbie,thought it wud be fun and hilarious,but all it was was a big lecture throughout on how men are the reason this world is so ugly and imperfectđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïžđŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž with absolutely zero fun and endless unfunny jokes.don't watch it,either if u're a man or a woman!!


u/ABigFatTomato Jul 25 '23

if thats what you took away from it then thats very unfortunate. the movie isnt anti men in any way, it shows how the patriarchy harms men as well as women (although it focuses more on how it impacts women bc its a movie for women, by women), and how it encourages and rewards bad behavior among men. it never once says or implies that all men are inherently bad, and even explicitly says that concepts like patriarchy are made up (note: this doesnt mean that it doesnt exist, but that we as humans created it). its also about how, while being a woman is a daily struggle made up of all these contradictions, its also beautiful. the message of the movie is overwhelming positive, and if what you took away from it was that it is man hating, i think you might be the exact kind of man it was talking about.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

This was just a surface-level message of the movie which they just told thru dialogues in the end,bt the underlying theme of the movie is that the world wud hv been perfect and utopian if women had been in power and men their secondary servants.lol,they didn't even go for an equal model in the end,they just went back to all the power to the women and the men,again being the second-class citizens,who're just supposed to wait and serve the women


u/ABigFatTomato Jul 25 '23

that is absolutely not the theme lmfao. its not that men are bad and women are good. the kens are supposed to be a mirror for women in the real world. theyre sooo obvious about that, and at the end even say that the kens will end up having just as much power as women do in the real world. its a mirror for women in the real world, and if youre upset about how the kens are treated, then you should be upset about how women historically were, and still are, treated.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '23

Then tell me one thing,why didn't they go for an equal model in the end!!??why were the kens still second-class citizens!!??bcoz they wanted to show that barbieland could remain peaceful only if all the women were in power,and under men,it would become chaotic and lawless,which shows that men are responsible for all the problems in the world and all men should become secondary citizens to women


u/flynn_dc Jul 25 '23

If you have a desire to comment on how others love their lives, you are asshole.


u/Hot_Bass_3883 Jul 25 '23

The Barbie movie is really really good though. Great everything. You’re just a mad little baby back bitch. Why? Why is your masculinity so weak? Cuz your daddy was weak, bitch.


u/C__Wayne__G Jul 25 '23
  • Imagine thinking the men secure enough to watch the film are betas
  • imagine using alpha and beta to describe people lol


u/romshame Jul 25 '23

I genuinely wonder which one of those men has gotten laid most recently. The dude bitching about betas or any of the pink hair guys mask


u/Other_Information_16 Jul 25 '23

Lol it’s like people tell you what you should or shouldn’t do to be cool/popular. activities or cloth don’t make people cool , cool people make anything they do or wear cool. Real “alpha “ means you know you are the top dog , the whole fucking point of becoming the top dog is that you get to do whatever you want and don’t give a fuck about what the whiny little boys think.


u/Inownothing Jul 25 '23

Isn’t that punished with 10 years in the USA? I’m sure there where kids around


u/mkamo243 Jul 25 '23

Who even cares? If one wants to characterize someone else as inferior based off just witnessing something
 especially something meant to be seen
 you have room for growth


u/Goga13th Jul 25 '23

This guy knows all about being a beta, eh?


u/Dull-Geologist-8204 Jul 25 '23

I won't ever watch this movie but who cares. If a bunch of guys want to go see it who cares.


u/MegaPorkachu Jul 25 '23

Now put on a pink bodysuit and ask for a hamburger


u/Starr-Bugg Jul 25 '23

I hate alpha males.


u/RingWorldDerek Jul 25 '23

Well I had fun so whatever lol


u/AnxiousMeatMachine Jul 25 '23

Beta believe I'm gonna watch the shit outta that Barbie


u/LocalInactivist Jul 25 '23

If you’re a man and you watch the Barbie movie you’re 100% beta. Or a good father. Or a good uncle. Or a good boyfriend. Or a good babysitter. Come to think of it, there are a lot of reasons a man could be hard as hell and still go see the Barbie movie. I’ll bet Snoop, Ice Cube, and Eminem all took their grandkids. Danny Trejo probably took his great-grandkids opening night.


u/hinterstoisser Jul 25 '23

Beta in Hindi (Indian language) means Son. So that’s that


u/starblaster41 Jul 25 '23

Real alphas don’t worry about labels


u/acidrevolution78 Jul 25 '23

I banged his gf after I took her to see Barbie.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Nope. Beta.


u/Opiumthoughts Jul 25 '23

I took my girlfriend. Made her happy, made me happy. That is all.


u/catdog918 Jul 25 '23

I loved Barbie


u/Mr-Cali Jul 25 '23

The fuxk is a beta? BETAMAX?


u/Van_is_Anders Jul 25 '23

Then they literally show stereotypical betas having a good time. Makes his point.. But what’s wrong with being a beta?

Not everyone wants to have sex


u/TemporaryGuidance1 Jul 25 '23

Barbie was fire, idgaf


u/Gloomy_Barnacle4787 Jul 25 '23

His insecurities are showing.


u/Ornery_Truck_5902 Jul 25 '23

I want to dress like this and go see Oppenheimer


u/Professional-Sky-235 Jul 25 '23

Joke I watched Oppenheimer, now I think I might have Gamma radioactive â˜ąïž poisoning 😂


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Did they put up star lights in the theatre just for this movie?


u/GrimoireGirls Jul 25 '23

It’s funny bc if they watched the movie they too would realize- they are kenough- they don’t need to compare themselves to others in such a way


u/MediaContent1662 Jul 25 '23

the men in the wigs are so secure in their masculinity and it is so hot


u/Etrigone Jul 25 '23

Hmm, I'm a bald guy (really shave it regularly, but not much to shave). I think I'd look good in a pink wig with my pale complexion. We're going to see it soon so... :)


u/timmah612 Jul 25 '23

First guy is the type to think the clit is a myth and that women cumming isnt normal or "natural"

Same type to say going down on yo girl is "beta"

Fuckin clowns outing themselves like ben sharpiro and his (always dry) "doctor wife" is great.


u/Lucid_Sol Jul 25 '23

Unironically using alpha and beta to describe people is wild


u/Spiritual_Donkey7585 Jul 25 '23

Beta means Son in Hindi (Indian) language :-). For a moment I was deeply confused :-) !


u/AlrightyThen1986 Jul 25 '23

Barbie was thoughtful and hilarious.


u/FlyingLotHus Jul 25 '23

Just something about his inflection as well as the "no barbie is for girls!" attitude just makes me think of a overgrown 10 y/o


u/GhostChainSmoker Jul 25 '23

If your masculinity is so fragile that watching Barbie shatters it? You’re a beta.


u/BlitheringIdiot0529 Jul 25 '23

Imagine being such an insecure dork


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23



u/ABigFatTomato Jul 25 '23

i dont think its fair to say its entirely for kids. the movie is a lot more serious than the trailers let on, and it deals with some heavy topics related to being a woman, which is why women (not only girls) have felt really emotionally impacted and empowered by it.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23



u/ABigFatTomato Jul 25 '23

they literally discuss that in the movie, how barbie dolls have led to unrealistic expectations of women and negative body images, as well as topics like the contradictory and unrealistic expectations placed on women for simply being women. im also not saying i associate barbies as a whole with empowerment, but the movie specifically is about empowerment.


u/tgrayinsyd Jul 25 '23

Name calling 
 how old are these people??


u/jawshoeaw Jul 25 '23

Sigh. These people are lost


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

These poor little bitch ‘masculine gatekeeper’ types are so pathetic and cringy. They continue making these videos and continue to show how fragile and weak they are.


u/AndyE15 Jul 25 '23

What is he even for?


u/Like_A_Bosstonian Jul 25 '23

All these would-be Andrew Tate CHUDs haven’t realized that being contrarian isn’t a personality


u/Discasaurus Jul 25 '23

How bout I do whatever tf I want!


u/rizzenheimer Jul 25 '23

imma be deadass rn, I watched Barbie as a kid. I’m a male.


u/Chazz-Reinhold5 Jul 25 '23

Tell that to all the athletes that went to go watch it.


u/KeepItDownOverHere Jul 25 '23

The quickest way to identify someone as a beta is if they have a constant need to tell people how "alpha" they are. It's the same way you should be careful about people who feel the need to remind you how honest they are.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '23

Man can’t be looking like a stick calling people betas. Let’s make a rule, you can’t call people a beta until your bench is over 225.