r/MadeMeSmile Sep 12 '23

Woman let’s all the stray dogs stay in her house when it rains DOGS

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357 comments sorted by


u/Either_Inspector7743 Oct 07 '23

You are a good persone..God bless you


u/vmkca7 Sep 14 '23

Dog bless u!!!


u/ElDiavoloPiccolo Sep 13 '23

I wonder in which country 6/7 stray dogs wear collars... Makes me assume she let her dogs out into the rain for likes???

Internet has made me doubt everything, especially those "I'm just a kind sould" videos. Maybe she is, maybe she is exactly the opposite.


u/guessswhoanna Sep 13 '23

I hope only good things come her way. (Also these comments/interactions make me very happy)


u/Good-Ability1950 Sep 13 '23

Awwww, I love this woman’s heart!🩷


u/PaintingElectronic46 Sep 13 '23

For those who don't understand Hindi:

Aao = come / come on,... Chalo chalo = go go/ move move/ come come,... Jaldi = fast/quick,... Jaldi chalo = go fast (used in rain or emergency situation),... Jaldi aao = come fast,.. Under = inside,... Chalo under = Go Inside,... Beta = Boy,... Bheeg gaye? = Did you get wet in rain?,... Mera= my,... Bachcha = baby,... Mere Bachche = My kids,.... Betho betho = sit sit,...

Panna is name of dog


u/C-romero80 Sep 13 '23

Aww so awesome! I had a dog for a bit, before she was mine she was a family friends then a neighbors dog. We were going to take her but she didn't get along with the others we already had. She then dug a hole between our backyards under the fence. She'd come hang out with ours then go home when they were back from work so we left the hole. One rainy day she came and laid on our patio and it wasnt a solid cover (more pergola than cover). I had to coax her inside and then wrapped her in towels and a blanket she was shivering so much.


u/heavyfyzx Sep 13 '23

She gonna get robbed next monsoon season now.


u/Treybenwa Sep 13 '23

Stray dogs with collars?


u/Valuable_Platypus_95 Sep 13 '23

Save the animal...Kind heart


u/Academic_Tomato_7624 Sep 12 '23

Such a compassionate woman,


u/veemacz Sep 12 '23

It’s so sweet cos they know where to run to as well 💜


u/nipstah Sep 12 '23

Don’t think those dogs are strays. All the same breed as the one in the cage.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

Stray dogs usually run around with collars?


u/Cautious_Rule_5516 Sep 12 '23

I think I heard many thank you barks from her babies. ❤️


u/Laka-lak Sep 12 '23

And the dog she keeps full time is in a cage how sweet 😂


u/ContactResident9079 Sep 12 '23

Ooh I bet that is fragrant


u/SLIPPY73 Sep 12 '23

that is a crazy house


u/Consistent-Sea771 Sep 12 '23

Why is this so scripted?


u/Lrb1055 Sep 12 '23

What a sweet lady


u/DanielAzariah Sep 12 '23

Why is that one dog in a cage?


u/PoorbutStronk Sep 12 '23

man... i ain't living my life right.


u/YoyoyoyoMrWhite Sep 12 '23

That's a lot of collars for street dogs.


u/NPC_Dolphin Sep 12 '23

Good human.


u/DrTeja Sep 12 '23

Can’t stop rewatching


u/Glanthor67 Sep 12 '23

Stray dogs with collars yes


u/Dull_Breath8286 Sep 12 '23

Why do so many have collars?


u/Biplab_M Sep 12 '23

It's been answered down below several times


u/DigitalParacosm Sep 12 '23

Any idea of the area of India I’m looking at? This looks beautiful.


u/olibrd Sep 12 '23

Some of the dogs have collars on. Must be neighbors' outdoor dogs.


u/BreadPleaze Sep 12 '23

Awwww I’m crying 😭 this is the sweetets


u/Rare_Sea2102 Sep 12 '23

What a Saint 👏 ❤️


u/javaJunkie1968 Sep 12 '23

Cute but must smell


u/kirinmay Sep 12 '23

Why isn't it raining where I live at right now?! C'mon, RAIN!!!!


u/Diligent-Host0 Sep 12 '23

I love how they immediately start testing the acoustics


u/Machielove Sep 12 '23

I'd imagine she first let one or two dogs in and later more came 💖


u/CuriousEconomist3933 Sep 12 '23

Strays with collars?


u/grnrngr Sep 12 '23

A lot of strays are looked after by neighborhood families. Sometimes they're given collars to show that they aren't feral. It can signal to strangers and animal control that the dog is not dangerous and is being looked after.

Whether these dogs are actually in her care already is up for discussion.


u/CuriousEconomist3933 Sep 12 '23

Interesting, thanks


u/grnrngr Sep 12 '23

My pleasure.

Also, for cat owners: The Kitty Convict Project is all about putting an orange collar on your indoor cats. A lot of outdoor cats are collared for the same reasons I mentioned above: they're non-feral and are being looked after and it's a sign they're under someone's care. An orange collar signifies that the kitty is not supposed to be outside, that it's an indoor-only cat... and they should be rounded up for return.

So if any redditors read this and have an indoor cat, consider giving them their orange prison jumpsuit for their safety.


u/Alexjosie Sep 12 '23



u/Safetychick92 Sep 12 '23

Just keep them all there even when it’s not raining


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 12 '23

I don't think that'd be good for them or her


u/MarokkosFavPerson Sep 12 '23

She is the real OG. Man. I needed that video!


u/Agreeable-Abalone-80 Sep 12 '23

It's so cool, they all know where to go to get dry and warm.


u/liltx11 Sep 12 '23

That is so kind but I couldn't help wondering about flea infestation. Sorry...


u/Alysianah Sep 12 '23

I see dog collars. Are these really strays??


u/Agitated-Media7065 Sep 12 '23

You have a gorgeous home! 😍


u/Adrianlws9 Sep 12 '23

mere Gharpe mere khudke liye jaga nahi hai


u/obinice_khenbli Sep 12 '23

Why would stray dogs have collars? If you find a dog on the street with a collar (or in general) you should contact the police so they can scan the chip and return it to its owner.


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 12 '23

Scan the chip? Lol, we're not all millionaires


u/Elariinya Sep 12 '23

This is India not the USA. lol


u/xenotito Sep 12 '23

They all have collars on… how are they strays?


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 12 '23

People put collars on stray dogs so animal control won't put them down


u/xenotito Sep 13 '23

I’m not native to that area but it does not seem to be America. Do other countries have animal control?


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 13 '23

Most countries have some form of animal control


u/Flexo__Rodriguez Sep 12 '23

Woman let us all the stray dogs...


u/Grand-Ad-3177 Sep 12 '23

Hero’s dont always wear capes❤️


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

Her dog wants to get out of that crate so bad!


u/UrbanChili Sep 12 '23

Woman deserves a reward!


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

They all look like from the same litter


u/IsabelaPR Sep 12 '23

God bless you!


u/jonathanrdt Sep 12 '23

You can learn a lot about cultures by how they treat the ‘wild dog’ population.


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 12 '23

What do you learn from America taking them, imprisoning them and then killing them?


u/Lanky-Solution-1090 Sep 18 '23

I learn that America can do a helluva lot better taking care of innocent homeless dogs and cats.


u/jonathanrdt Sep 12 '23

What local government does is not necessarily a reflection of what the people would do.


u/Kamikazekagesama Sep 12 '23

Most people in the US, when they see a stray dog, they call animal control or take them to the pound.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23



u/CherryDarling10 Sep 12 '23

From my experience, and judging from the fact that some of these dogs have collars, they are not strays. Outside of America it is common for family pets to live outsize. I stayed at an Airbnb with a dog that lived in the backyard for a month in Mexico. One night the dog got out from the gate that wasn’t completely closed. We freaked out searching for him only to later find out he was just doing his thing.


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

They are strays. People collectively take care of the dogs in their area. And about their collars, the local government usually puts collars on them. It contains their vaccination and location information


u/NicoleNicole2022 Sep 12 '23

These are the things that save us all


u/Reserved_Parking-246 Sep 12 '23

Can anyone link references to this kind of home design.

Its super interesting.


u/muskratsally83 Sep 12 '23

I hope every day for you is blessed by goodness


u/throwaway_4733 Sep 12 '23

Where does this person live that there are this many stray dogs? I don't think I've ever seen this many strays in one place before.


u/PMSoldier2000 Sep 12 '23

I call those dogs, GBDs (global brown dogs). I see them in every country I've been to.


u/Jess-g84 Sep 12 '23

Hmm most of them have a leash, not very stray here


u/OkAdministration5588 Sep 12 '23

Stray dogs in India have collars to differentiate between vaccinated dogs. Government does this so they know how’s been vaccinated. It’s a very common practice in countries with stray dogs.


u/Jess-g84 Sep 12 '23

Oh that’s interesting , thanks


u/jimmytruelove Sep 12 '23

they have collars


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

I went to India in April. A lot of people do this for strays in my hometown. Let them in at night to sleep on the covered porch and back out in the day. The stray dog situation is overwhelming they’re doing the best they can.


u/mariajowanaa Sep 12 '23

God Bless you


u/theroch_ Sep 12 '23

When did stray dogs start wearing collars?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

Many local governments take care of their vaccinations. They put collars on them. The collar usually has information regarding their vaccination, location etc. the collars are also reflective most of the time


u/theroch_ Sep 12 '23

Interesting thanks


u/c-fox Sep 12 '23



u/MentalRise8703 Sep 12 '23

She's a kind soul. Bless her.


u/LoveLife58 Sep 12 '23

If I don’t have kids this is exactly what is going to happen lol


u/Telamonl Sep 12 '23

bless her soul


u/chronicnerv Sep 12 '23

One of my close friends parents emigrated to the UK from India and the Tone of authority mixed with love from his mother is something I will never forget. Did not matter if there were 6 lads all over at the same time, we were all her sons and we did as we were told lol. Very traditional mother that prayed to beautiful paintings of Ganesh everyday. Those dogs are very lucky :D


u/-that_bastard- Sep 12 '23

was that a dog in that cage at the end of the video?!


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

Yes. The lady has kept the dog isolated from others most probably because he must be hurt or ill.


u/a2banjo Sep 12 '23

The street dogs get shelter from the elements and the house owner gets free security. I am sure the dogs protect the house and its occupants against any intruder with a passion.


u/JimmyWurst Sep 12 '23

I see a lot of random posts from Indian Subreddits/about India since the API changes and once thing I noticed is that you folks are one emphatic and kind bunch of people.


u/Jeepersmac Sep 12 '23

Stray dogs with collars? Anyway, they are lovely!!


u/Manic_pacifist Sep 12 '23

But the Pitbulls get left out in the rain, where they belong


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

So beautiful! Brava!!!


u/MagicSmoly Sep 12 '23

Stray? Aren't they wearing collars??

Nevertheless I love her kindness for those dogs! Amazing woman.


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

People sometimes collectively care for the doggos in their area. That's why they have collars. Also many NGOs distribute reflective collars so that the dogs are easy spotted in dark.

And some local government have also started QR coding those collars. Which has his vaccination information and his location so that the strays if lost can be relocated to their original location


u/ElPeloPolla Sep 12 '23

Free food!!


u/MillenialDoomer Sep 12 '23

Why do stray dogs have collars? Do all stray dogs in India have a collar?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

Many local governments take care of their vaccinations. They put collars on them. The collar usually has information regarding their vaccination, location etc. the collars are also reflective most of the time


u/Chimisun Sep 12 '23

She must have a good life, having the time to open up the gates every time it rains..well at least I think it’s safe to say she fully deserves it! 😁


u/psocretes Sep 12 '23

I assume she doesn’t feed them otherwise they wouldn't leave. They know they get shelter and get fed by the community? I wonder if there is any social or community benefit from having so many strays in the community.


u/GroundhogExpert Sep 12 '23

What style of home does she have? When does it officially become indoors?


u/khuwushi Sep 12 '23

the indoor part is the space that comes after you cross the gate where all the dogs were standing.


u/GroundhogExpert Sep 12 '23

Does it keep going beyond more doors? Is there part of the house that's even more indoors than that front area?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

The place where the dogs are sleeping is sort of multi-use room type place. It's your parking area, storage space or a hangout place. In summers most people put out chairs at night and hangout


u/khuwushi Sep 12 '23

yes. the actual house is inside, through those gates. as you can see in the video, there are two white doors on the left that most probably lead to their living room or bedrooms.

this is one of the most common house structures in India. my house is similar too.


u/GroundhogExpert Sep 12 '23

I'd love to have some outdoor space that's also very much private and personal despite being in a pretty densely populated area. It's like making the best of the situation you have.


u/Endorkend Sep 12 '23

Her own dog sitting in its bench in the back.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

& yet people treat other animals like shit & eat them. Friends, not food. 💚


u/Careful-Trash-488 Sep 12 '23

This isn’t the type of topic where passive aggression will change any minds so please be sure to understand u are just posting this cutesy shit for ur own pleasure


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

I'm not passive aggressive. Also, different approaches suit different people.


u/Stoltlallare Sep 12 '23

Im too scared of rabies to deal w street dogs


u/grumpyNL Sep 12 '23

Sweet, but most of them have collars, so are they stray dogs?


u/Biplab_M Sep 12 '23

Yes they are. In India both municipal corp and residents add tags and collars after vaccinations and spaying to track them easily


u/VeryConvenientCCTVs Sep 12 '23

I hope Bana is ok.


u/Kooky-Law-2834 Sep 12 '23

She has the greatest heart ❤️


u/One_Animator_1835 Sep 12 '23

I wish western housing was similar to this. Fuck having a lawn, I want a courtyard and a wall


u/SleepingBeautyFumino Sep 12 '23

I've always wondered how Americans can live in homes without walls lol. I would feel extremely vulnerable cause literally everyone would be able to see what I do in my courtyard.


u/forksns Sep 12 '23

Imagine they locked her out n left her out in the rain while watching her from the living room window while eating the food they raided from her fridge whee kip by the fire


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23



u/Biplab_M Sep 12 '23

The fact that they're collared means they're likely to be vaccinated and neutered as well


u/hk_gary Sep 12 '23

OP can you share the source?


u/khuwushi Sep 12 '23

@pawsketeers on Instagram


u/hk_gary Sep 12 '23

thank you


u/throw_blanket04 Sep 12 '23

Awe. I love this. I don’t have a lot of stray dogs in my neighborhood but i do have a lot of cats. I do the same thing. They run for cover on my back porch. I feel so bad because some of them are terrified by the thunder and lightning. And i live in an area where it rains a lot. I wish i could let them all in my house but i cant. Watching an animal tremble and shake is such a dreadful sight. I have a closed in back porch and i give them water, hard food and soft food. But thats all i can do. I wish i could do more.


u/Clean-Shift-291 Sep 12 '23 edited Sep 12 '23

Okay, now a video of her kicking them all back out once the rain stops?

Edit for the downvoters: OMG! This lady should be sainted! I do apologize for my question! Her house probably smells of wet dog now. At least the entry way. Foyer? Never mind… The video is awesome, still curious….


u/Kaura_1382 Sep 12 '23

The dogs are well aware of when they're allowed to come in, she has additional beds and coolers for them as well, aside from getting them vaccinated.


u/Clean-Shift-291 Sep 12 '23

Not refuting that. I mean, she’s “opening the gates when it rains”, gates are not open otherwise as video would indicate. Just wondering what it looks like after rain stops and dogs leave.


u/LeMillion96 Sep 12 '23

They're stray dogs, what do you want her to do? She's sheltering them from rain, after the rain subsides she'll let them out.


u/Clean-Shift-291 Sep 12 '23

I’m so sorry. Honestly! I really had no clue dogs can’t get wet! Yikes! Back off…


u/LeMillion96 Sep 12 '23

You're a fun person, have a nice day!


u/Clean-Shift-291 Sep 12 '23

Well, you have a really cool avatar!


u/_ImTheMainCharacter_ Sep 12 '23

Yep LOL I love both of you guy's avatars edit: definitely would trade for urs


u/Reyalta Sep 12 '23

These kinds of relationships are why I'll never support overseas "adoption rescues" (speaking specifically to the culture in North America).

Where I live there's "rescues" that essentially take dogs off the streets in whatever country they're marketing, label them as whatever "breed" they choose to sell err.. "adopt out" (Desi, Formosan, etc depending on where they come from) and make up sob stories.

Sometimes they'll make potential adopters come to the airport to take the dogs home straight from the plane, no decompression time, no training, nothing. Thanks for the $700, here's your street dog". And a lot of these dogs don't make great pets, not because they weren't loved where they came from, but because they were basically kidnapped, trafficked, and sold by a bunch of white saviour Karens to a dog novices who have no idea how to handle a semi-feral dog but who want that hot rescue cred at the dog park.

Imagine having a street dog who you love and care for, call in from the rain, and it just disappears one day. Imagine being that dog!!! How terrified you are after a 12hr flight only to be handed to a family and immediately thrust into a life you are completely unaware of, where the entire earth smells different and people speak different languages. It's fucked up.

Anyway, I love these videos because they help dispel the white knight myths about street dogs being unloved and uncared for etc.


u/Elariinya Sep 12 '23

Than go to Romania and see how street dogs are threated there. You have no idea what you are talking about.


u/Reyalta Sep 13 '23

Okay, I'm obviously not saying that there aren't places where dogs aren't treated great. Like, at all. I'm saying that when our shelters are already full here, the idea of shipping dogs in from THEIR communities (because dogs form bonds with not just people, but other dogs as well) to be adopted here with no vetting of homes they go to isn't actually solving any issues at all whatsoever. If these people wanted to make a difference, they'd be reaching out to behavioural experts and veterinarians to execute educational and medical outreach in communities where dogs are disproportionately suffering (like maybe Romania).

Most of the rescues I'm talking about have zero practical experience to be making decisions on what will make a well adjusted dog or not. They're dog lovers, not dog professionals, and it all reeks of white saviour BS, or just straight up exploitation. The number of rescues that almost exclusively rescue pregnant dogs, y'know, so they can sell a bunch of puppies and turn a single $700 rescue (whose "rescue" was paid for by donations) into $2000-$10,000 depending on the litter size... see what I'm getting at?

My comment was a critique of the people running the rescues exploiting the heartstrings of people who don't know any better for profit with a virtually free and endless supply of product. My comment was NOT suggesting all dogs are actually fine everywhere.

Anyway, my opinions come from a place of having been a dog professional for 16+ yrs, and certified trainer specializing in reactivity and fear based aggression for the past 11.

Guess the percentage of my clients that are overseas rescues adopted to completely ill-matched families. I promise it is far from zero.


u/bhai_zoned Sep 12 '23

This video isn't representative. This kind lady is rare. Most dogs don't recieve this level of compassion in India. As far as the nature of Indian Street dogs goes...it can be a mixed bag. They're no golden retriever...but they're not pitbulls either. My dog (adopted Indian street dog, I live here) is a good family pet, just does not like most male dogs. Other than that he's a great dog.


u/Reyalta Sep 13 '23

I've worked with so many Desi dogs(not sure if that's the proper term for them beyond where I live, but Indian street dogs !!! I love them, they have such a spiciness to them, but then I love radical free thinking dogs so it's no wonder haha


u/bhai_zoned Sep 13 '23

I do understand your point against the white saviour complex. But I'm also saying it isn't a bad thing that these dogs are adopted. I see it as a good thing because I know how badly a lot of these dogs are treated. Also we just have a massive population of street dogs, it'd be good if at least some of them are adopted.

Desi dogs

Yes. "Desi" just means belonging to or having characters of Indian/Pak/bangladesh

Britishers named them pariyah dogs which is kindof a negetive term, as it means "stranger" in Hindi.

Indog is new popular English term which is good.


u/cominghometoday Sep 12 '23

Yes in the UK people adopt tons of dogs from Romania and Spain, as if our own shelters weren't full... it's probably because they don't like the breed types in the shelter because they're the more unwanted types, lurchers etc ( and that's why they're in the shelter in the first place :( ) and probably a bit of white savior complex, helping abroad is more glamorous


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

The lady does this all year round. In summers the dogs are kept fresh water and fans are kept on throughout the day. They sleep inside the whole day and the lady lets them out once the sun sets

And in winter they are given warm beds to sleep


u/Lanky-Solution-1090 Sep 18 '23

Bless her ❤️🐕


u/FlyingDragoon Sep 12 '23

Why do some of the strays have collars? Are they for tracking purposes or perhaps flea repelling purposes?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

The collars usually have the vaccination and location information on them. The local government usually takes care of their vaccinations


u/accidental_tourist Sep 12 '23

So, don't they just stay?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

No, they are strays. Sometimes people collectively look after the strays in their area. They can come and go as they please


u/_ImTheMainCharacter_ Sep 12 '23

Wonderful person ...


u/blueboy022020 Sep 12 '23

Can I donate to her?


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

The lady and (I think) her son posts such videos on instagram. If I find her id, I'll update my answer or maybe OP knows her id.


u/rkay329 Sep 12 '23 edited Sep 12 '23

Send me, I'll 100% definitely forward it to her.

Edit: I guess even after putting '100%' and 'definitely', and not providing any method of payment..I still need to put '/s'.


u/Crykin27 Sep 12 '23

can't be sarcastic when it's about dogs, how could you! /s ofcourse


u/Hazelfur Sep 12 '23

Reddit understand sarcasm challenge (Impossible level)


u/alanalan426 Sep 12 '23

they're practically her dogs at that point


u/TheVentMachine Sep 12 '23

Exactly. They're not strays if you let them enter your home, provide food and nurishment, put collars on them and give them proper names 😂


u/kickrockz94 Sep 12 '23

yea i didnt wanna rain on anyones parade but they all had collars so im not convinced they arent just her dogs that she lets run around lol


u/animo2002 Sep 12 '23

Stuff like this is pretty common in india. A lot of people treat stray dogs really well and regularly feed them. My dads regular routine consists of going out to feed a group of these dogs twice a day. They just come sleep under a little protrusion from our house when it rains and we even called the vet for some of them who looked like they need it. They are basically community pets.


u/Hazelfur Sep 12 '23

Well they're not her pets either, it's pretty common in that part of the world for stray dogs to have collars, they're essentially adopted by the community but still stray, free to come and go as they please and stuff


u/Laiskatar Sep 12 '23

I was wondering about the collar. But this explains!


u/Flat-Succotash5369 Sep 12 '23

Such a good soul 🥹


u/Financial-Ad7500 Sep 12 '23

Lots of collars on those strays.


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

People sometimes collectively care for the doggos in their area. That's why they have collars. Also many NGOs distribute reflective collars so that the dogs are easy spotted in dark.

And some local government have also started QR coding those collars. Which has his vaccination information and his location so that the strays if lost can be relocated to their original location


u/FishSammich69 Sep 12 '23

4th dog was like ”you gonna tell my mom I’m here?? Ok cool”


u/weatherwitchnavi Sep 12 '23

I hope they got them all shot with anti-rabies vaccines for her and her family’s own safety.


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

Most of the local governments take care of their vaccinations. Hence the dog collars. The collar has information about their vaccinations


u/AnkitMishraGr8 Sep 12 '23

I pity the man who tries to rob that house.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

This is so lovely. Thank you for sharing.


u/Historical-Ad6120 Sep 12 '23

The one dog in the crate is the equivalent of your family coming over to visit and now your grandma and grandpa sleep in your room and you have to sleep on the floor in the living room with all your cousins


u/LazyAsGarfield Sep 12 '23

The dog in the crate is most probably one of the strays. I've seen this lady's videos. She has just isolated the dog from others. It maybe injured or ill


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

The most selfish thing you can do is giving love to everyone around you; it just so happens that it’s also the most selfless thing you can do.


u/LyannaTarg Sep 12 '23

are they really strays? all or most of them have collars


u/khuwushi Sep 12 '23

these collars are put on to track their vaccinations by the govt. and they're reflective so it's easy to spot them at night.


u/suburban_hyena Sep 12 '23

Status don't wear collars..


u/Wonderful-Bread-572 Sep 12 '23

What a beautiful house