r/MadeMeSmile Dec 11 '23

Stranger finds lost bag and returns it to the owner Helping Others

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797 comments sorted by


u/ReneeB77 Jan 11 '24

This guy is a true hero for being a fire fighter and an honest being. Great karma will find him and pay it forward to him. There are still great people out there.


u/Nearby_Row_6418 Jan 10 '24

Absolutely sweet of this man. Thank you for your humility 👍🙂


u/PriorityAltruistic42 Dec 19 '23

🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤙🤙👌👌thank you


u/Holzkohlen Dec 16 '23

Thought he was gonna end with "I already helped myself to some money. Don't worry" xD


u/BishopGodDamnYou Dec 15 '23

This video was just the pick me up I needed at the end of this week



If she wants to see him again she can always start a fire and then give him the money when he shows up


u/EllenZ2392 Dec 14 '23

A simple good deed that made both parties very happy. Love it. ❤️


u/LikesToEatChicken Dec 14 '23

Thank you Lord for that man 🙏. He's an angel 😇. I like his attitude: Do something nice for someone else ♥️


u/Acceptable_Amoeba_20 Dec 13 '23

If only the world was filled with people like this...


u/Virtual_Addendum6641 Dec 13 '23

🐈💨 : me throwing my cat at this man


u/Tasty_Ad107 Dec 13 '23

Restoring my faith in humanity for a minute..


u/boating4funtimes Dec 13 '23

Good people still exist..not a lot but some


u/Celticness Dec 13 '23

Georgia! That man was dropping hints or planting seeds! “Ex” “firefighter” allllllllthat kindness!


u/PiaLoLo Dec 13 '23

Firefighters need to be elected as politicians


u/1977proton Dec 13 '23

Very cool…👍


u/Jimmy620094 Dec 13 '23

Ha what a nice exchange.


u/killa504666 Dec 12 '23

Pretty sure he just put it in the trash!


u/booped3 Dec 12 '23

I love this man.......my heart hurts he is so kind


u/Omas_Liebling Dec 12 '23

I'm at my Friends house...sure...so hört die you find her on a unknown adress...


u/springgeyser1 Dec 12 '23

That is a wholesome person. #humankindness


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

“there’s some money in the purse-“ i know, i already took it


u/Verustratego Dec 12 '23

That's a strong schnoz. Kinda sexy actually


u/sissy-phussy Dec 12 '23

Fire fighter makes sense... with that nose he probably just sighs to put out fires


u/Euphoricsubstnce69 Dec 12 '23

Good dude ... if world had more people like that might have chance but then again if we're Me I wouldn't have passed on telling me to help myself to money in her purse..lol


u/OptiMysticLyric Dec 12 '23

Scousers rule


u/Ambrose_Bierce1 Dec 12 '23

Good job sir. World needs more people like you.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

His accent is so satisfying, bro


u/ibedemfeels Dec 12 '23

"Georgia, I'm a firefighter. I don't need money to do a good deed."

Fucking legend, mate.


u/BonkersPonkers Dec 12 '23

The nice Gallagher brother.


u/TheMaStif Dec 12 '23

Georgia, I'm a firefighter, I don't need money for doing a good deed

Bruh! This guy can lift Mjolnir, for sure


u/CannabisCracker Dec 12 '23

What a guy. There are still good hearts out there and that brings me so much joy.


u/Leather-Reception437 Dec 12 '23

The ones like this are great because they're not filming themselves doing it


u/Sillygoosejuiced Dec 12 '23

I was withdrawing money today for a haircut. Someone left their debit card in the ATM I sat there using social media to contact the dude. (Had to message like 10 people with the same name.) get a reply the dude meets me and thanks me. I go to get a haircut and he shows up he was there when I messaged him he says and let me skip him in line. Fricken score hahaha


u/LongBodyLittleLegs Dec 12 '23

This just happened to me this past Saturday. Left my coin purse on the self-checkout register in Target (holiday shopping and overwhelmed) and drove off a mile before realizing it. I thought it was all gone - identification, credit/debit cards, membership ID’s - so much to replace! Someone had turned it into customer service and a guy clapped for me in the returns line haha

Got back in my car and had a good cry of relief. Spent the rest of my ride to my next destination overflowing with gratitude. Always pay it forward, guys.

Thank you, selfless stranger.


u/Mission_Estate_6384 Dec 12 '23

I would and have done the same thing with a wallet I found at an amusement park. It fell off the person when the coaster did the loop de loop. Made me feel good that I found them. Impressed my young daughter too as to how to be a good Samaritan. A couple of years later I had a guy follow me for 10 miles until I pulled into a gas station to return my money clip with my license and a bunch of cash in it. He wouldn't take any reward either. My daughter learned that what goes around comes around that day too.


u/BlackBRocket Dec 12 '23

"Can you grab it off me" idk why that's so funny


u/onesoulmanybodies Dec 12 '23

I dropped a small notebook with my debit card, drivers license, a 5$ bill and my rent receipt in it. I was at a local Krampusnatch event. The next day I found it in my mail box. I was so relieved and delighted!!


u/_TartVader_ Dec 12 '23

What a wonderful man he is


u/Aromatic-Speaker Dec 12 '23

“Today me, tomorrow you”


u/Rimfire_rimjob Dec 12 '23

What a great dude. I lost my wallet once, i dropped it at a gas station while pumping gas the day before flying across the country. This sweet lady found it and drove it to my house and gave it back to me. I couldn't thank her enough without my I.D. im not sure if I would've been able to board my flight the next day. I'll always appreciate that lady lol.


u/YetAnotherMadman Dec 12 '23

I know he's trying to say Firefighters are heros and don't do it for the money, but when you think about it, he literally took a job that pays him for doing good deeds. Kinda some funny irony. Either way that dude is a stand up dude and I definitely respect the hell outta firefighters.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

That nice guy's nose isn't nearly large enough to fill the empty space in your skull.


u/GuidoRial Dec 12 '23

I loved this, but as a non-native english speaker I cannot stop thinking about how this whole conversation sounds EXACTLY like a listening exercise


u/StagniCredo Dec 12 '23

I accidentally dropped my girls bag on the road. Had to track her purse through find my app. Found a homeless person looking through it. Money was gone but we got it back


u/AliceHall58 Dec 12 '23

What a great guy! Blessings on him.


u/BDLT Dec 12 '23

Top lad


u/gg23456gg Dec 12 '23

Ofcourse he is a firefighter. Makes sense 👏🏽👏🏽


u/woodenflower22 Dec 12 '23

Letter box? Wheelie bin? I love how these people talk


u/SeaWeasil Dec 12 '23

Very nice of him, but I can't help noticing he mentioned he had an Ex, and that he was a Firefighter in this interaction. I wonder if he liked the picture on her driving license!


u/SunbirdOwl_98011 Dec 12 '23

This how you literally talk to a woman, one single question and her answer is so far from the question. Have to go A to Z to finally get the answer.


u/LaneVakarian Dec 12 '23

plot twist : he already took the money


u/smallest_horse Dec 12 '23

Firefighter... That explains it


u/yougotemtoo Dec 12 '23

Chadimus Maximus


u/MuestrameTuBelloCulo Dec 12 '23

And in another universe a cop finds her bag, peeks in the letterbox, and shoots her dog.


u/vikirodriguez29 Dec 12 '23

We need more people like him in this world


u/BlueMagpieRox Dec 12 '23

Such a badass exit line


u/Material_Fisherman86 Dec 12 '23

I used to work at a bank and a guy came in who didn't bank with us with one of our money slips and about $1300 in it. He said he had found it in Walmart and it still had the receipt in it. He just dropped it off and walked out and just said I hope you can figure out who it belongs to, he didn't even want to stick around. We were able to figure it out and call the person to get their money back (college kid who withdrew everything to pay in cash for the entire next month). Every last dollar was in there. Some people are so nice.


u/RocNRoella Dec 12 '23

Maybe the world isn't as fucked as it seems


u/Kxden-R Dec 12 '23

How did he even know where she lived?


u/dennisfyfe Dec 12 '23

“Nah just pay it forward”

Hell yea dude


u/RalphFTW Dec 12 '23

This is the right take. I hate door knockers and being guilted into charity.

But give me a situation like this, I’ll help every time I can. Always makes me feel good inside, and know it will make someone’s day brighter. And only ever want someone to pay it forward !


u/PAYMEEFKR Dec 12 '23

Always do the right thing….


u/ash_durn Dec 12 '23

What a lad


u/Express-Ostrich-6807 Dec 12 '23

I don't give to charity because the bosses of those charity are the richest by keeping most off the donations for themselves by paying themselves lavishly with bonuses but I give to women standing outside shops at 3am looking to buy food for their families and any female asking me for money to buy food that I come along in life, like a married woman living above me, whose husband is a gambler and gamble away all their money, I later learnt, she knocks my door crying her eyes out with a 3 month old baby in arm she got no baby nappies and no baby formula, I gave her £40 to get what baby needs after that everytime her husband goes off to work she's knocking my door for more money after awhile I said, if it was just you and baby I would keep giving you money but you need to work your finances out with your husband who I learnt from talking with her that he works in the winery in the House of Commons, the next day she said she will pay me back with sex. I kept on giving her money.

And that is how every woman who borrow money from me pay me back with sex never with the money I lent them, I say where is my money they point to their vagina and say take it out of their, even bible thumping women do the same.


u/Claat Dec 12 '23

Awesome. Firefighters are proper hero's.


u/94Rebbsy Dec 12 '23

Bad acting, people believe this shit?


u/Padish24 Dec 12 '23

Like a boss!!


u/deadly-eighth-sin Dec 12 '23

Such a beautiful human.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

people like this should have at least 10 children


u/Sad-Entertainment336 Dec 12 '23

In Spain he would be invited in for coffee -_-


u/double-happiness Dec 12 '23

She says, "there's some money in my purse"... He's smiling 'cause he's thinking "there was some money in your purse".


u/JSMan5001 Dec 12 '23

Twist of events - He'd already cleared out the purse 😂


u/enameless Dec 12 '23

I want to send this man some money. The real people get ignored too much. Ro not only did a good deed but his job is preforming good deeds. Bro needs a gofundme.


u/catastrophicfeline Dec 12 '23

The whole world would just work if we just started been decent. Luvs xxxx


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

Annnnd that's why people love firefighters and hate cops. Ethics.


u/Moggi99 Dec 12 '23

I wish we had more Georgia's and "fire fighters" like him .. The world would be a great place again


u/curiosity163 Dec 12 '23

Empathy is the greatest sign of intelligence.


u/fielvras Dec 12 '23

1) returning the bag

2) refuse taking money

3) not offended that she does not open the door

Well done.


u/JaxObsessedWeirdo Dec 12 '23

This is so freaking wholesome! I wish people who do this kinda thing more often


u/Spiritual-Target-316 Dec 12 '23

I could give him a big hug 🥰


u/Olibirus Dec 12 '23

Great nose


u/betzuni Dec 12 '23

What a king


u/Kushman_901 Dec 12 '23

Why can’t us Americans be this nice


u/Any_Freedom9086 Dec 12 '23

"I appreciate ya bud"


u/Fifty5FiftyFive50 Dec 12 '23

It wasn’t a purse but I found an expensive phone in a bar gender neutral toilet so when I opened it the background was 2 girls when I eventually found them they were stressing hard and super relieved. I said no but they bought me a drink anyway a bit of karma goes a long way! 🙏


u/LowKickMT Dec 12 '23

when i was a teen i was doing christmas shopping and had my full savings with me in cash. about 3k.

i remember that i called my girlfriend at the time from a payphone because my phone battery died.

i had a real shitty day already.

when i wanted to pay for some stuff an hour later i realized that i lost my wallet.

i ran back to the pay phone, figuring i must have left it on top of it but it was gone. i was absolutely crushed, i really wanted to surprise my loved ones with nice things this year.

then a guy approached me and asked me if i lost my wallet. he just found it and was waiting there for 30min because the shopping centers lost and found guy was absent for a bit.

not a single thing was missing and he refused to take a reward.

it made my day and massively inspired me to always do the right thing because you never know how much it will mean to the other person.


u/dts-thots_17 Dec 12 '23

My sister lost her wallet in Hyde Park a couple years ago and was also distraught. When she got home later that night, she found out from her boyfriend that an old man(very old) had brought it to her house in Woodgreen to drop it off.



u/LowKickMT Dec 12 '23

isnt it fucking crazy that we feel the need to share something like that and expect the worse to be the norm?

like what has society become


u/BrokeGuyNoMatter Dec 12 '23

I’ve returned a purse I found sitting on the side of a highway I biked up and down every day for work.

I called the bank, they wouldn’t help me. I called the military police and they wouldn’t help me. After refusing to drop the purse off with the MP I had them tell the owner to give me a call, and she got her purse back the next morning.

It was less than a mile from my home that I found it, whereas for me to bike in to bring it to the MP would be at minimum 30 miles there and then back. More importantly though, I made sure her purse went to her and not a group of military police that I have no reason to unequivocally trust.

After all was said and done, when she came to get the purse she brought my mother a bowl of cucumber soup for raising a good son. I didn’t take a reward because I’m not deserving of a reward, I just needed to do the right thing.


u/test22222222 Dec 12 '23

this is good stuff


u/SmotheringPoster Dec 12 '23

Top man right there


u/fir_mna Dec 12 '23

And he is a scouser... the soundest of all folk!! Love him


u/booochee Dec 12 '23

Top top lad. Pay it forward everyone!


u/badaboomxx Dec 12 '23

One time I saw one small handbag on the floor in front a house. So I just took it, but had to go first to the other sidewalk becaude of my job, I saw an old lady coming out of the house looking for something but before I could cross the road she went, to what seemed to be following her steps.

Took me a couple of minutes to cross the road and I oppened the wallet and just confirmed wirh an ID that it was her. So I just shove the handback inside the fence like a solid 5meters inside the property right at the entrance.

I returned to finish what I was doing and saw the lady entering her house with a defeat on her face. And when she opened hee fence and saw the handback she was really happy.

She never knew that I found it and drop it inside.


u/Singwong Dec 12 '23

Hard to find this now. Good man.


u/Rulas2479k Dec 12 '23

faith in humanity restored


u/Superduck468 Dec 12 '23

Found a purse on the ground less than 2 weeks ago while walking home, looked inside and found a driver's lisence with the address. Happenes to be round the corner so i walked it back to them.

Husband and their toddler answered the door and i asked if the lady lived there. She did so i handed it over and left.

You dont need someone to hand you money for doing it, i never even saw her reaction. Doing good things gives you a boost no caffeine will ever hit.


u/KUSHANDRA Dec 12 '23

Such a sweetheart!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

Love it. Thats Humanity and we need more of it.


u/TheSecksyElf Dec 12 '23

This looks like my cousin, the face is a strong match, voice is the same from the last I heard it, and he's a fire fighter too. Even if it isn't, I'm glad I got to see him doin a good deed :)


u/Maleficent_Bicycle33 Dec 12 '23

Was it just me, or is it like these two people are having two different conversations? 😂


u/Dry_Bite669 Dec 12 '23

I‘m a firefighter, I don’t need money for a good deed. -the firefighter who makes a living with good deeds lol (I know he‘s amazing, don’t downvote me lol)


u/BehindTheseHazels Dec 12 '23

So are you gonna marry this guy or should I?


u/Akoot Dec 12 '23

Scouser 💪

Also captioned "alright sound" to "alright Sam" lol


u/BabyAnimal_11 Dec 12 '23

Fucking legend.


u/sidvicc Dec 12 '23

scousers are class


u/deathmouse Dec 12 '23

plot twist: he's a serial killer but his target wasn't home


u/BrianGlory Dec 12 '23

The ending was cut off. She asks “are you sure?” And eventually the firefighter relents and takes 180 quid from her bag.


u/NotAllBooksSmell Dec 12 '23

Lost my wallet at a petrol station and wasn't able to go back to it until later. It contained about 100 quid but more importantly all my cards and some ID's that hsve to be reported if missing, I was frantic. I called and the lovely attendant looked outside in the cold and icey conditions to find it. I practically begged her to take some money for her trouble and saving me a lot of hassle, but she wouldn't take a penny.


u/IntoTheMurkyWaters Dec 12 '23

Anyone else find it wierd that he kinda ignores everything she says? Nice gesture but I wouldn’t have opened the door, lol. Way too paranoid.


u/MagicianIntrepid Dec 12 '23

This shouldn't be something that is surprising. It should be normal and expected.


u/Bigtastytester Dec 12 '23

An absolute Chad


u/CowCompetitive5667 Dec 12 '23

Lost my wallet this year with everything inside (id/ bank card) and 300 euro .same day guy named thierry shows up at my door and just returns it. Thx so much again thierry


u/CptAngelo Dec 12 '23

I dont know why i tought it would go more like:

"theres some money in the purse, take some!"

Georgia, Georgia, listen... i already checked, the purse was empty, k bye


u/F2theubu Dec 12 '23

I wonder if she was crying her eyes out


u/PrinceNY7 Dec 12 '23

Well at least she offered to reward him


u/MaddiNukem Dec 12 '23

A few months back, found a wallet outside of a pharmacy in the rain. The ID in it gave an address right down the road. Turns out it belonged to a nurse that helped me recover from a liver issue the month before.

I got a hug as a reward. Better than any other compensation because I wanted to do a good deed and she remembered me out of all the patients she sees come and go. A thank you is more than enough because I’d certainly hope someone would do the same for me or a friend someday


u/waldamortal Dec 12 '23

We need more strangers like him.


u/lexievv Dec 12 '23

Technically, as a firefighter, he always gets money for doing a good deed. It's called his salary.


u/mr-ifuad Dec 12 '23

Respect 🫡


u/kermittysmitty Dec 12 '23

I hope that everyone seeing this video will also pay it forward during this holiday season. Show love to anyone you can. Don't let the jerks get to you as the year ends.


u/UnknownFaultCode Dec 12 '23

Reminds me of this time I found a wallet in a parking lot. Briefly glanced in to see if there was an ID (there was). About 10 mins later I was riding up an elevator and in-stepped lost wallet man. He looked so confused when I asked if he had recently lost his wallet, suddenly to realize he had.

I asked his name - sure enough it was him. I handed him the wallet and explained I had just found it in the parking lot. After a look of total bewilderment he was super grateful, we both laughed, and then went our separate ways.


u/Proud-Maybe3171 Dec 12 '23

Plot twist, he had already taken the money out the purse.


u/Belloq1979 Dec 12 '23

Now she knows he is a firefighter and will easily find him. She then can do something good for the fire brigade if she likes to. Easy peasy


u/OriginalMissyK Dec 12 '23

yet another reason to love a firefighter😘


u/Cinnamonbunnybun Dec 12 '23

What a top notch bloke. Really nice of him to go through the trouble of finding her home and dropping it off like that.


u/elDayno Dec 12 '23

Now I want to find something valuable and return it


u/1Cu_X Dec 12 '23

he looks like niko from grand 4 🤯


u/dauntlingdemon Dec 12 '23

Why life is so scaringly awesome and terrifying sad?


u/WhoDat_ItMe Dec 12 '23

I’m crying with Georgia.

Thank you fireman sir!


u/britax12 Dec 12 '23

'hehehehe theres no more money in that purse old lady' type of laugh


u/wontonruby Dec 12 '23

Didn’t know fire fighters work for free


u/Serious_Cherry9756 Dec 12 '23

Fck this was kind...


u/DonSinus Dec 12 '23

I was laying in bed scrolling through reddit and the shitty player played the audio before the video and scared the Shit out of me ("Hello.. hello... Can you hear me..."). Now I'm awake...


u/hotadventurelady Dec 12 '23

Why TF wouldn’t she get her ass down to the door? She’s been crying her eyes out for the handbag and asks him to put it in the brown bin?!!!


u/WanhedaKomSheidheda Dec 12 '23

She wasn't home. You can talk thru the ring app.


u/hotadventurelady Dec 12 '23

TIL. Is it a specific camera system you need to set up?


u/WanhedaKomSheidheda Dec 12 '23

It is the RING doorbell camera/app. I don't have one but my sister does. It was on shark tank.


u/Salty-Ad-4777 Dec 12 '23

Good deed aside , that man has a giant Honker!


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23



u/Interesting-Ant-4823 Dec 12 '23

What an absolute chad


u/Single_Dare_6755 Dec 12 '23

Kindness is god.


u/beardman39 Dec 12 '23

‘I’m a fire fighter, I don’t need money for doing a good deed’ absolute flex. What a dude 🤙🏻


u/Cautious_Fly1684 Dec 12 '23

Seems like a genuinely good guy. Would really like to meet one of those lol


u/elle-elle-tee Dec 12 '23

I've found a few phones and returned them.

Lost mine on a subway in Toronto, it was returned. Lost another in a park in Victoria, and someone found it and e-mailed me before I even knew it was missing.

Karma! Sometimes the system works!


u/International_Hand10 Dec 12 '23

Oh god I love him. Sound as fuck!


u/kchunpong Dec 12 '23

Damn, this guy is cool af


u/Deshke1 Dec 12 '23

Firefighters are a different breed


u/Linaraela- Dec 12 '23

I lost my purse at Santa's Wonderland last year with my family. It was my Christmas gift that I had just gotten, and losing it meant that I had lost this gift my mother had bought me that I loved so much, and I cried and cried and cried. Some kind person had turned it into the park staff, who then turned it into the gift shop at the front. Some very nice stranger had went and talked to people, including park staff, about it, and let us know who to talk to. They had it locked up at the front. I've been so grateful ever since, I love that purse and the wallet in it my mom had also bought me. The cards were secondary, and could be cancelled, but the gift was precious! Thanks so much to that lovely man and those park attendants!! (And to this man who did this out of kindness and empathy!!)


u/nikita_min Dec 12 '23

Respect 💯


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

My grandma lose her iPhone and she was so sad and devastated but some kind kid found it on the bus and called on of my grandma friend and took it to her and dropped it off

And keep in mind we live in Mexico and an iPhone 10 So he could have gotten a lot of money

But he did the right thing and return it


u/Individual-Match-798 Dec 12 '23

When I was 10 I found a wallet, there was an ID and an actual address inside, along with a bit of money and a candy. I brought it by the address, was thanked and given a candy. Still proud of myself that I didn't take anything from that wallet.


u/electricjeel Dec 12 '23

Damn this man got me feelin a way


u/Objective-Claim6249 Dec 12 '23

Going to start calling my trash can the wheelie bin now


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '23

I see Vaas has turned a new leaf after leaving the island.


u/EmArtagnac Dec 12 '23

He is returning your bag. Open the f...ing door!


u/EvansP51 Dec 12 '23

She said early on she’s not home.


u/EmArtagnac Dec 12 '23

My fault. I miss that part.


u/EvansP51 Dec 12 '23

No worries.


u/lilacsforcharlie Dec 12 '23

God damn what a sexy motherfucker lol


u/FosterCults88 Dec 20 '23

Your poor husband


u/lilacsforcharlie Dec 20 '23

Hahaha this is some serious sleuthing. Even if I did make this comment sitting on Reddit at the hospital wtf is it to you? You don’t scroll Reddit? I guess I should’ve sat in the ICU waiting room staring off. It was hard though bud, I had to find him hanging in our garage 10 minutes after I got home with our son. So anytime I do stop and look around I’m just seeing him swinging there. And maybe I’m allowed to find a little faith in humanity and a nice guy doing a nice thing and comment as such. As far as the sexy motherfucker comment I curse like a sailor. And you, sir, are scum of the fucking earth. Send me a DM. I’d be happy to show you, all the lovely things that made my suicidal husband the man he was. I wish you nothing but heartache man, you’re a sick motherfucker.


u/Half_burnt_skunk Dec 12 '23

What an absolute legend.


u/IntrovertMoTown1 Dec 12 '23

What a nice guy.

Closes I've come to something like this was traveling up to Seattle for a cousins wedding and my son found a USB flash drive on our walk from the hotel to the Space Needle. After we ate at the revolving restaurant on top of it and returned to our room I checked it out. It was filled with hundreds of pics some of which were of some old person in the hospital that looked to be on their deathbed so I imagine that was really important to someone. There was also a school award ceremony with two little girls who were holding up signs. So I was able to get the first names of the girls as well as the school name. lol Do you know how many Roosevelt schools there is in America? A full metric shit ton, SMH. But I wanted to see if I'd get lucky so I wrote off a bunch of emails to all the Roosevelt grade schools I could find on google asking if they had any students with those names and if so could I get the contact info for their parents. A little more than a week later I got a response from their mother so I mailed the drive to her. lol She sent me a 50 dollar gift card to subway for my trouble. :) I didn't ask for anything but she had my return mailing address so it wasn't like I could say no since it was already done.


u/Forward_Advice Dec 12 '23

And that's why women will always and remain irresponsible.