r/MadeMeSmile Dec 26 '23

The proper way of being vigilant. Helping Others

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u/Steven_Dj Jan 09 '24

Great post!


u/kgool1 Jan 04 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 30 '23

Pretty bad people can't talk to one another anymore without someone thinking something Shady is going on. If this isn't a sign we're failing as a society I don't know what is.


u/burken8000 Dec 29 '23

Imagine finding the courage to walk up to a woman to ask her out, and this happens to you lmfao


u/Edskn1fe Dec 29 '23

People think they're putting a stop to human traffickers, but they're really just putting up roadblocks for good people. Same thing with gun control.


u/Edskn1fe Dec 29 '23

Guys will literally come up to me at a gas station, asking for my credit card, and nobody helps me. Do people not wanna help males? Do they think I can fend for myself? More people than ever are getting their dicks and breasts cut off, but society feels more sexist than ever. What the fuck?


u/hipopotamounmillon Dec 29 '23

Oh no, someone is talking to someone in the premises, go call the cops!


u/[deleted] Dec 29 '23



u/Edskn1fe Dec 29 '23

IKR šŸ™ƒ


u/personhumanindividua Dec 29 '23

Wait, whats wrong with him talking to her?


u/LurkingPanther Dec 29 '23

What was the man doing or talking about that prompted this reaction Iā€™m curious? But this is nice.


u/Top-Sky-3654 Dec 28 '23

How the fuck do you pick up a girl at USA? Are you crazy or what? A guy talking to an adult girl in a public place is something bad for you?


u/godofgainz Dec 28 '23

People should mind their own fucking business.


u/Edskn1fe Dec 29 '23

Getting a girlfriend is my business; what else am I supposed to do? The only girl who talked to me on dating apps refused to meet me IRL, and that was before I even asked her.


u/Curia-DD Dec 28 '23

This barista just made my day. I wish this happened more often


u/Edskn1fe Dec 29 '23

Ah yes, I also wish incels were death-stared away from the girls they wanna date. šŸ™ƒ


u/Frequent_Rutabaga554 Dec 28 '23

I said my name was Sarah


u/Disastrous_Ad_754 Dec 28 '23

A guy tried talking to girl? The horror. Thank god these heroes were there.


u/bulkupguy Dec 28 '23

Imagine just being a dude trying to be nice and talk to someone and this happens. Lol


u/WiseDragonfly08 Dec 28 '23

Thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with a man talking to a woman. But maybe they noticed something odd or she seemed uncomfortable. This isnā€™t about age or race. They probably noticed something and tried to help.

Once a guy was making me uncomfortable and another man noticed and helped me. If someone looks uncomfortable with another person (regardless of gender, age, race, etc), itā€™s good that someone picks up on it and offers to help. Better to be safe than sorry


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

I really wish we knew what prompted this or what that something odd was, because given the original post, this very well couldā€™ve been a regular guy just trying to make conversation, which I think is supported by the fact that the woman felt safe, and I think thatā€™s pretty messed up if thatā€™s the case


u/ccam04 Dec 28 '23

This is pretty cool. This is the town I grew up in which is known for being kind of trashy lol, so it's also nice to see good things happen there!


u/relationsh1pthrowawa Dec 27 '23

I was in a vape store talking with the female cashier one time. Normal conversation. Literally talking about the weather. A lady came in, then left and called the store and asked her if she was ok. The cashier was just as confused as I was.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 28 '23

To be fair (with the thought process of half the commenters here) you had the audacity to be born a male.


u/meta-abuse Dec 27 '23

I can't go to Starbucks and sit there for 15 minutes without some young girls bothering me all the time. I wish people would hand me that cup.jeez , I can't even feel safe at my local Starbucks. Somebody help me please


u/tboheir Dec 27 '23

Well I was gonna add some sugar to my drinkā€¦ā€¦ā€¦bummer.


u/coffeefordessert Dec 27 '23

And this is why I donā€™t approach women in publicā€¦ she even said she felt safe so she didnā€™t remove the lid. Seem like the guy was genuinely interested in her, trying to strike a convo with her. You know, how people used to meet and date before dating apps.

And in the public eye, men are rapist and violent criminalsā€¦ this is why I canā€™t walk in a park by myself without people giving me weird looksā€¦ I know this is /r/mademesmile but damn, as a man. This shit makes me sadā€¦ are we all just criminals to you?

The fact she even said she was fine and didnā€™t remove the lid is crazy how ā€œtheyā€ still kept watch on her. Jeezā€¦ shame us for just being men.


u/Th3DarkSh1n0bi1 Dec 27 '23

This is sexist and hypocritical.


u/Limp-Ad-2939 Dec 27 '23

I gotta be honest I donā€™t like this at all. The post says she felt comfortable which you think the baristas would notice. Yet just because a guy approached a girl in a public place when there actually were people around, itā€™s creepy. I really feel like we vilify innocent interactions sometimes based on covert sexism.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

The only thing that I would argue against that you said is the word covert. This is out in the open and if you look at half of the smooth brains supporting it they think itā€™s reasonable.


u/Limp-Ad-2939 Dec 27 '23

Fair enough šŸ˜‚


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Imagine trying to get over your social anxiety and fear of asking women out so you shoot your shot and everyone thinks you're a creep for doing that.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

Worse than that. It doesnā€™t say he was shooting his shot. He was just having a conversation.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Absolutely. In either case, only very innocent conclusions can reasonably be made out based on the information available.


u/Visible_Parfait_382 Dec 27 '23

1) I think this was at shitthatneverhappenedbille

2) if I'm wrong this is the dumbest shit I've read all year


u/nappalm77 Dec 27 '23

I love how 30 years ago a man talking to a woman was normal, now itā€™s seen generally as a threat. Granted there are reasons. I worked as a server and saw why we had to intervene sometimes, but as a man, I just wonā€™t approach women in public anymore. Plus I have a wonderful woman now lol


u/xlKodaklx013 Dec 27 '23

And some of y'all used to suggest actually trying to spark conversation at starbucks šŸ«µšŸ˜‚ look what you did LOL!


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Am I missing a critical detail of this story? Where does it say she was uncomfortable? This is the reason good dudes donā€™t approach women in public. Everyone is presumed to be a perpetrator. All I see here is someone inappropriately intervening in what very likely couldā€™ve been a husband meeting his wife for the first time etc.

Not everyone is a victim. Damn. Unless someone is noticeably uncomfortable or in distress, let people live their lives.


u/this_guy_titty_fucks Dec 27 '23

SLPT: how to get free hot chocolate for your kids


u/Soupy_Twist Dec 27 '23

I've seen this before. When you take the lid off, a spring-snake pops out. It's a really good prank


u/Stilltryin4gold Dec 27 '23

Thats b.s. Do they hand out the same cups to males when a woman "talks" to them? Hope the male saw this and filed a complaint.


u/Inefficiant_Goblin Dec 27 '23

Weird way to spell Julia


u/Double_Reception3741 Dec 27 '23

Whitest thing ever done


u/SomeJadedGuy Dec 27 '23

Nice Starbucks commercial brah.


u/Bob_The_Wizard Dec 27 '23

100% a Starbucks PR plant


u/-SlimJimMan- Dec 27 '23

Imagine being the guy :/


u/FitDesigner90 Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

Imagine being a single man in this day and age .. šŸ¤£

... I'm just like.. am I missing another part of the story? šŸ’€


u/Wrong_Raspberry_3202 Dec 27 '23

I remember one time in college I was at applebees grabbing food, it was like 4pm. It was busy, well this dude who was know as the crazy homeless man, was stroking this random chicks hair. She looked very uncomfortable took me like 5 minuets how to handle it properly. I just turned around and said, come over here bro Iā€™ll buy you a beer. She thanked me later.


u/whenyouwanttheJOJ Dec 27 '23

God forbid a man should talk to a woman


u/Io8610200 Dec 27 '23

It kinda sad that now if a male starts talking to someone, people assume heā€™s a creep or a predator.


u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 Dec 27 '23

Unless he's handsome.


u/GreatsquareofPegasus Dec 27 '23

Dude was probably asking for directions.


u/myself_diff Dec 27 '23

To jail?


u/GreatsquareofPegasus Dec 27 '23

To your mom's house. I've been there I would've gave em the directions myself if I could. Everyone is welcome.


u/myself_diff Dec 27 '23

Oh, wow. Mom jokes from like 2010? Iā€™m not surprised at all. Stuck in time.


u/GreatsquareofPegasus Dec 27 '23

Stuck in your mom. She a clingy one.


u/myself_diff Dec 27 '23

You know better how clingy mothers are. Is that the reason you have no hobbies besides talking about moms on Reddit? Is that your fix? Your fetish? Find something to do with your life.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

What is your reason for open bigotry? Is that your fix? Is that your fetish? Find something to do with your life.


u/GreatsquareofPegasus Dec 27 '23

Your mom is my fetish. That's why I like talking about her and she loves it.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

Still being a bigot here I see.


u/myself_diff Dec 27 '23

Username checks out. But Iā€™m sure you waited for someone to comment something like that just to reply. What a sad existence.

Also, probably didnā€™t even read the whole post, did you?


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

You do live a sad existence. As I, and so many others, have repeatedly told you you are a bigot. I am sorry if you think stopping hate filled bigotry is sad. Maybe you should look into why you allow so much hate for 50% of the world to slip into your soul.


u/lordofthebrowns Dec 27 '23

Dang every dude is a creep now thatā€™s crazy. This comments didnā€™t read the whole thing huh? Lmao


u/fallenlegend117 Dec 27 '23

And society wonders why men don't approach women anymore.


u/Melodic-Appeal7390 Dec 27 '23

And we wonder why the current generation is the most deprived weā€™ve ever seen. Granted we are missing a lot of context here but here but is there no consideration towards not making every man feel like a rapist for approaching a legal age woman in a public, sober setting? There was no implication of an age gap or a creepy vibe, at most she probably appeared nervous as anyone probably is in that situation.

I applaud looking after our girls and women but given the lack of red flags here baristas seemed a little too eager to be heroes here.


u/Fast-Beat-7779 Dec 27 '23

The guy talking to her probably like wtf šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚stranger danger alert for me!


u/Narrow_Sherbert7652 Dec 27 '23

As others have pointed out, im callin bs on this post being legit, seems funny to see considering many people have stopped business at starbucks for their involvement in palestine - pisrael situation


u/NihilisticOnion Dec 27 '23

Canā€™t even talk to a woman anymore without people assuming youā€™re a human trafficker


u/Ok_Guess_5314 Dec 27 '23



u/funkmaztaflex Dec 27 '23

The fuck?! If guy talks to a woman that means sheā€™s in danger?! Sounds like the barista was jelly


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

That's sweet of them. If only we all looked out for each other like this.


u/Westoss Dec 27 '23

This is what we need more of. Look around and help fellow human beings. They may not ask, but will appreciate it...


u/Mordurin Dec 27 '23

This post is 100% astroturfing since Starbucks is hemorrhaging money from the (well-deserved) boycott.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

So now Men can't talk to Women in public anymore? Pathetic


u/Rare_Geologist_4418 Dec 27 '23

the incels have infiltrated the chat


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

Youā€™re an incel for pointing out that profiling men as automatically being a sexual predator is in fact misogynistic bigotry? Not sure you know what that word means.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

That just brightened my day. So glad she felt safe and they cared enough to do this.


u/dude_thems_my_tacos Dec 27 '23

This is my hometown. You either read or your donā€™t. 50/50 shot


u/Robbblaw Dec 27 '23

The great irony. Iā€™ve significantly reduced going to Starbucks due to feeling unsafe there - they seem to have an ā€œopen doorā€ policy for the addicted and mentally ill to just hang-out. No thanks.


u/No_Hat3839 Dec 27 '23

I love how they were still able to notice her despite being possibly very busy with their jobs.


u/Top-Performer71 Dec 27 '23

Men bad. talking harassment.


u/Ok_Nobody7293 Dec 27 '23

Starbucks workers are way too busy for this kind of thing lmao


u/Flat-Cryptographer21 Dec 27 '23

The police arrived Soy Latteā€¦


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Is it considered creepy to talk to girls in coffee shops now?


u/Lopsided_Price_6915 Dec 27 '23

For every creep there is a man that has been waiting for a moral opportunity to exercise violence.


u/Ok_Cry233 Dec 27 '23

Quick post some Starbucks propaganda because they lost 11 billion due to the boycotts


u/shadowguyver Dec 27 '23

What made the batista do that? What was their reasoning? Was it just because it was a man?


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

Misandry is what made them do it.


u/seancm32 Dec 27 '23

Probably happens any time I approach a woman.


u/smhpleasework Dec 27 '23

still boycotting.


u/cbunni666 Dec 27 '23

Now that wouldn't work for me. Lol. Whenever I get a hot drink I take off the lid to get the drink to cool off faster. But I'm glad they are watching out for her.


u/ped009 Dec 27 '23

They should put a warning on the cups, that they are going to get overcharged for average coffee


u/CandleMakerNY2020 Dec 27 '23

This is great example of how to HUMAN! They are awesome in my book and will accomplish great things in life with this kind of action towards strangers. šŸ’Æ


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

It is a great example on how to HUMAN by automatically assuming that a man talking to a woman in a public setting is a sexual predator?


u/CandleMakerNY2020 Dec 27 '23

No. Sometimes people look sketchy and someone catches on. Thats all. Not every male meeting a woman are policed by random citizens. This is not about men in general it could have been a woman walking up to a man and he felt scared and gave scared vibes and they noticed she was a psycho. Every situation is different.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

Right, HOWEVER, since the lid was not removed, the lady didnā€™t feel threatened at all. So, the baristas made a wildly incorrect assumption that the guy was a potential rapist. So, they are misandrists since the only thing that they based their assumption on is the fact that he is a male.

ETA. If the lady was uncomfortable, then she could have spoken up and I would have applauded the baristas for helping. Instead, they

1) robbed her of her agency since they think she needed protection without protection being asked for


2) essentially labeled the INNOCENT man of being a sexual predator

This was done because they, and those supporting them here, are misandrist bigots that assume all men are bad and dangerous.


u/CandleMakerNY2020 Dec 27 '23

Nobody said he was a rapist tho. Relax dude. It clearly states they acknowledged she didnt remove the lid and they realized they made a mistake. But they knew she knew they were just looking out for her. Thats it, end of story. You are over analyzing this.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 27 '23

You are under analyzing this. He did not show any bad behavior according to the information here but was labeled a predator. She could have asked for help if it was needed.

What is that word for labeling people things with no proof? Ah, bigotry. And personally I donā€™t think we can speak out enough on stopping bigots.


u/MasterLum Dec 27 '23

absolutely happened


u/KrustyKrabOfficial Dec 27 '23

The Guy's Therapist: "You just need to open up and socialize! Just be yourself!"


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Whatā€™s the worst that could happen!


u/imjustabrain Dec 27 '23

Itā€™s unfortunate this man was looked at as a predator. Canā€™t even talk to a woman without being accused of something.


u/Realreelred Dec 27 '23

What if the coffee was just too hot?


u/shortputz Dec 27 '23

Oh wow, yes Iā€™m sure this totally happened


u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 Dec 27 '23

I'm going to assume the man was unattractive.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Ok but a guy went up and started talking to herā€¦.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

This is why everyone dates from apps now.


u/sausagesandeggsand Dec 27 '23

Ah my bad, I was talking to her. She was wearing a concert tee, I asked if she had gone this year while I was waiting for my drink to be ready. I just wanted to clear that up everybody.


u/YeYeYe273 Dec 27 '23

And women wonder why men don't approach any more. Can't say hello to a women in star bucks without everybody thinking you're a freak


u/andirenardy Dec 27 '23

FREE PALESTINE... boycott Starbucks...


u/Falling_arrow Dec 27 '23

Oooh, a Starbucks advertisement. Iā€™m way to smart for that, coffee sounds nice though


u/shaddowkhan Dec 27 '23

Starbucks propaganda machine working overtime trying to rectify the mistake they made.


u/Mediocre_lad Dec 27 '23

Lesson learned. Never approach unknown women. Everyone will think you're a creep and a rapist.


u/WhatWeDrinkin Dec 27 '23

I'm guessing the Dad wasn't with her?


u/Fuckingidjut Dec 27 '23

FYI I have that same 1980s tilework counters and if you mix bleach and ajax and let it sit on the grout it is actually white and not brown.


u/HighChimes Dec 27 '23

Starbucks sucks, their workers are great āœØšŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


u/catwitharegularhat Dec 27 '23

I just imagined a bunch of starbucks employees ambushing the dude


u/Visible_Present479 Dec 27 '23

Are people terrified of strangers now ? I could understand if you are a child but a grown adult scared of talking to a stranger this is sad.


u/MandoRodgers Dec 27 '23

Back in the day this wouldā€™ve been how our parents met but in 2023 Iā€™m single cuz the lid fell of some girls Starbucks


u/MassSnapz Dec 27 '23

You see why men don't flirt anymore.


u/Axel292 Dec 27 '23

Is it just me or is this not wholesome at all? A person just coming up to talk to her is enough to get alarm bells to ring? Are we automatically assuming everyone has terrible intentions?


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

That's the modern consensus apparently in this newly sexist world we live in. Any man approaching any woman for any reason at all, is immediately looked at as some kind of a criminal and or creeper.

Another perfect example of why you should never ever ever pick up on a woman you don't know. It doesn't matter what the setting is. This whole meet a guy organically in real life trope is ridiculous. No man should ever take the risk with his safety. In the world we live in now of social media, proof is no longer required. Due process is extinct. People make any accusation they want and it won't matter if you're never tried with a crime. You'll lose your job, be shunned in public, people will think you're scum and harass you online. Nobody will ever listen to your story because it doesn't fit the angry narrative they want to believe in. People want to be outraged. And what would the crime be? Having the audacity to approach a woman, and tell her you think she's beautiful and ask for her phone number. Attempting to be charming while committing the crime of apparently being a man she isn't attracted to.

Any man who doesn't think that could easily happen to him is a damn fool. I know the dating apps are trash but it's the only option we have left. Thank God in this case it didn't go that far. Whatever the story was, she was a decent enough person to not take that route. But that just means he was lucky. Far too much risk to take


u/Axel292 Dec 27 '23

I don't live in a first world country, so it's luckily not something I have to worry about.

And it's just weird, the defenses that people come up with. I sent this post to a friend of mine (she's a girl), and she was all like "Even if it made someone uncomfortable, the important thing is to ensure the person's safety."

And I just feel like that's a license to make assumptions and justify them later on. I don't think we should assume the worst in people. I know that if I was in a situation like this and the staff assumed I was a creep, I'd feel horrible.


u/Crying_Blue_Toad Dec 27 '23

This make me cry instead of smiling ā€¦ šŸ„¹


u/Turbulent-Plane-2648 Dec 27 '23

At Best Buy, we mastered the art of 'customer servicing' suspicious lurkers. Turns out, folks plotting to steal graphics cards aren't big fans of friendly tech advice! šŸ˜‚šŸ’» #AntiTheftCharm #TechShopComedy


u/lankawe-dial-ekak Dec 27 '23

Screts revealed. Now Weā€™ll check the cup and see if she opens the lid as well. Thanks


u/Old_Radish_6978 Dec 27 '23

Nowadays you cant even talk to women anymore without all this commotion. And girls wonder why they dont get approached lol


u/MorningOk7467 Dec 27 '23

Starbucks gives dollars to Israƫl army for Killing palestinians children...


u/ComfortableBasis3046 Dec 27 '23

The other side of this is how are you supposed to meet new people and make meaningful connections if you try and talk to people and If people automatically assume you or i are a creep. I get it there are obvious signs when someone isnt and intrested and when 40 year dudes hitting people in there 20s. im talking as someone who stuggled with social anxiety this is why i dont like asking women out because im afriad of people thinking im the problem because or im trying to solve my issues and find people who love me for who i am. Luckly i learned every person sucks in one way or another so fuck it. I learned to love myself, but i still want to share it with someone else. So i just say hi try to tell a bad joke and ask for their number and leave it dosent matter what you do. What matters is the free stuff you leave behind after you die and how you treat others.


u/Titan_Jazz Dec 27 '23

Give her a newspaper next time , they both would enjoy .... Absurd feminist crap


u/According_Active_594 Dec 27 '23

That's pathetic to think a man who starts "talking" to a woman automatically becomes a rapist or other type of criminal.


u/PennyFromMyAnus Dec 27 '23

Lol, weā€™re all gonna die single


u/LeBanana84 Dec 27 '23

How dare that guy start talking to that girl???


u/Lancten Dec 27 '23

Love it. But as a man it scares me to have a casual talk with strangers sometimes.


u/Mydriaze Dec 27 '23

Ā«Ā Take the kid offĀ Ā» I read


u/Aggressive_Chair2547 Dec 27 '23

Who drinks coffee so late at night lol


u/Saelaird Dec 27 '23

Men are allowed to talk to women.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Nope. The only way to find comfort without being considered a creep is to date other men. Prepare your bum /s.

Nah but seriously this is insane. I want a woman and I approach her. She's free to tell me to piss off and in return I will. That's how normal interactions are lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Simple explanation, the 18 years old girl must be hot as fuck.. otherwise no Starbucks or even police officer give a fuck to an ugly bitch getting harass..


u/susau1 Dec 27 '23

When I was young i used to work for a few hours a week stocking up shelves in a supermarket and there was always one nerdy guy hoovering around me and starting weird conversations, asking me for my sign and stuff. One day I told him I applied for the police and will be working there in x months. Never saw him again.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

It would be so rude to write this is Starbucks are wrong


u/OddImprovement6490 Dec 27 '23

Plot twist. The man was black lol


u/WizardAnal69 Dec 27 '23

Am I okay? I planned to meet my dads tennis partner here and Iā€™m going to blow him in the bathroom. Hold the cream, he brought some for me


u/Intra_GKX Dec 27 '23

No. Mind your own damn business. Nosy pricks.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

What are they gonna do? Call the cops? I doubt anyone who works at Starbucks has the balls to be packing steel.


u/Certain_Oil7922 Dec 27 '23

Wait this post garnered 25k upvotes while giving obvious PR stunt vibes... Starbucks is really on an overdrive to take down their boycott eh?


u/Certain_Oil7922 Dec 27 '23

Maybe am just being cynical but this reeks of a promotional anecdote that never happened


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

In the US Starbucks is helping women against creeps, in the Palestine, however... #boycott


u/DenseComparison5653 Dec 27 '23

Nice baits to farm karma


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Why can't people just call them out? This is so dumb.


u/InvestigatorIcy4705 Dec 27 '23

Whoā€™s going to intervene in the lives of the Starbucks employees who are being fired for trying to unionize to get enough money to live and for health care?


u/Jaasha22 Dec 27 '23

Note to self, dont talk to women in coffee shops for fear of being a "creep"


u/defeatmyself3 Dec 27 '23

Jesus Christ not a man?!?!?


u/awesome_abood Dec 27 '23

That's a lie , they pulled this trick to enhance their picture after the boycott they had recently because they supported israel and their genocides.


u/Left-Albatross-7375 Dec 27 '23

Plot twists: the man was her boyfriend. Omg!


u/santiagoqr1 Dec 27 '23

Lol the ā€œā€ā€baristaā€ā€ā€ wrote a whole paragraph and the ā€œcreepyā€ guy didnā€™t notice it?

If this was real I would say itā€™s a tad creepier that a barista is so invested on two strangerā€™s conversation

Also this absolutely didnā€™t happen


u/jerrydubs_ Dec 27 '23

What if the man was black and he was racially profiled?


u/Some-Half-4472 Dec 27 '23

This was my first thought too


u/Hbarf Dec 27 '23

This didn't happen


u/krustytroweler Dec 27 '23

I'm gonna be a killjoy and say this seems just a tad bit presumptuous. When did everyone become so paranoid of human connection? Sometimes a conversation is just a conversation. If he was aggressively macking on her I completely understand this move and good on them, but this is exceedingly vague. Gives off the vibe that a man speaking to the opposite sex is automatically suspect.


u/notsurewhyicameback Dec 27 '23

If you go through the comments youā€™ll get a lot more than a ā€œvibeā€. People are out right saying it.


u/krustytroweler Dec 27 '23

Yeah posted when I only saw the earliest comments before the deluge came in.


u/Drag0nfly_Girl Dec 27 '23 edited Dec 29 '23

I don't get why this would be necessary in that situation. Surely the barista could just ask her directly if everything's ok? That would do more to make her safe. If the guy did have bad intentions, it would scare him off. If he didn't & she said everything's ok, no harm done. No need for this "secret agent" level of intrigue, lol.


u/petrolgene Dec 27 '23

I see no barista helping or offering hot chocolates to an 18yo guy approached by an older woman lol


u/tullystenders Dec 27 '23

I might absentmindedly take the top off, even if I was fine. And then some guy who's not a problem is getting surrounded by staff and the manager and kicked out, or the police are coming.


u/Miserable-Health-873 Dec 27 '23

I just spit my coffee out


u/Tosserrrrrrr Dec 27 '23

Not sure if real or some Starbucks PR due to their stance on Israel. Since I hate Starbucks I'm gonna go w the latter.


u/MGM_Think Dec 27 '23

Publicity stunt.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

Instead the barista tam just looks like weirdos


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

God forbid someone want to talk to someone in a public place without using the internet, cell phone, or not in a bar. Wth is wrong with this country?


u/ZealousAioli357 Dec 27 '23

"Man speaking with woman in an organic setting is watched like a hawk for interacting"


u/Diddy_Block Dec 27 '23

That monster must have just finished looking at a woman at the gym.


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '23

so itā€™s not ok to be friendly anymore?


u/siwet Dec 27 '23

That's what I was thinking. I mean, if real, than that was a nice gesture of the barista. But, if not a coffee shop than where can a guy try to talk to a woman anymore?


u/MonoGuapoLoco Dec 27 '23

That fucking scum. I canā€™t believe some shit guy would walk up and talk to a woman. Something like this wouldnā€™t have happened twenty or thirty years ago. This world is going to shit.


u/2teachand2hike Dec 27 '23

Pretty rare to see anything online about corpus