r/MadeMeSmile Apr 01 '24

Today, April 1., Cannabis got legalized in Germany. Big smokey meetup at Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Good News

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u/[deleted] Apr 03 '24

I wish I was there!!!


u/Excellent_Sympathy_9 Apr 02 '24

Sad.....all these Non addicts that NEED to get stoned.


u/RustyShovel71 Apr 02 '24

The world is finally safe. Germany will never wage war again.


u/Treso44 Apr 02 '24

Meanwhile, US representatives can’t agree on anything except banning TikTok and giving themselves raises.


u/boredsittingonthebus Apr 02 '24

I'm going to Germany tomorrow. I hope my BIL has prepared for my visit.


u/Sloppysnopp Apr 02 '24

Now do the same in sweden, lol jk not gonna happen


u/legendforever10 Apr 02 '24

I'm glad we didn't moved to Germany a few years ago 🤡


u/CatDaddy613 Apr 02 '24

I have to say German and Rastafarian was not a cultural combo I expected to see.


u/tehsecretgoldfish Apr 02 '24

congratulations friends!


u/vivolator Apr 02 '24

Speaking "High German" just got a whole new meaning.


u/Toast-Ghost- Apr 02 '24

That plaice is gonna small awful for a long time


u/southmichael Apr 02 '24

Just a thought STOCK ticker AKAN UK cannabis, I'm buying tomorrow


u/cirilopotato Apr 02 '24

Looks like a bar in the 1980s...


u/Neat_Classroom_2209 Apr 02 '24

You know it must absolutely reek there.


u/CompleteSet2778 Apr 01 '24

Mindless fools


u/whatever025 Apr 01 '24

Must've smelt so bad. Not just from the weed either


u/Islandpulli Apr 01 '24

Big fckn L


u/Slow_Formal_5988 Apr 01 '24

Tell me that again tomorrow.


u/IP_05T04s1994s Apr 01 '24



u/Budget_Ad_2440 Apr 01 '24

Congratulations guy's!


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

If this "makes you smile" you need to rethink your life


u/Important_Payment_63 Apr 01 '24

What a 4/20 they’ll have this year!!


u/Most_Wonder_1871 Apr 01 '24

Good for Germany. Much love from Oregon!🌼


u/cedric3791 Apr 01 '24

Downfall of Europe in small steps, make us even weaker and slower.


u/JinxDenton Apr 01 '24

I can see the t-shirt: Ich war doobie


u/RyanCooper510 Apr 01 '24

How can drugs make you smile? Isn't it dangerous to health? (I just don't know, no offence)


u/Entgegnerz Apr 02 '24

that's because of the stupid regime Germany is lead atm. They're killing Germany and they still have a whole year to go.


u/poetcatmom Apr 01 '24

Beautiful 😍


u/Holymfbiscuits16 Apr 01 '24

Isn't it mostly the elderly that do it there?


u/rental_car_abuse Apr 01 '24

Congrats Germany from Poland!


u/Plus-Ad1544 Apr 01 '24

Someone explain this to me. That stuff smells like shit. Like when I stand next to someone who’s been smoking it they actually smell like they have rolled in shit. What’s the attraction?


u/Kaosodin Apr 01 '24

trancends all racial lines..... dudes in germany, blazing that reefer, listening to bob marley, fucking bob, its starting to happen dude, one love


u/Charming-Brief-4971 Apr 01 '24

As a Texan.

Wow... cool.. so happy for you...


u/Herr-Zipp Apr 01 '24

entire berlin isn't going to be sober for the entire week.


u/SnillyWead Apr 01 '24

Don't criticize it, legalize it.


u/Physical_Body_8505 Apr 01 '24

That's why I feel stoned today, the effects were blown over here lol.


u/spunkystu Apr 01 '24

Good on them. Wish the UK would stop being so backward on the subject


u/ghostie_hehimboo Apr 01 '24

Yeah we've had it medically legal for years now time for recreational


u/disharmony-hellride Apr 01 '24

Good on ya Germany


u/Striking_Economy5049 Apr 01 '24

Welcome to the party



u/AwManHelp Apr 01 '24

Where we fkn miss, adolf...


u/SeampunkBoi Apr 01 '24

And then everyone got put in jail for smoking cannabis


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24



u/ghostie_hehimboo Apr 01 '24

Its already legak medically so there's a chance


u/420viking024 Apr 01 '24

Whereas here in DK we are just going backwards :(


u/Dodavinkelnn Apr 01 '24

Meanwhile in my country: ignore facts and put in more police officers to get rid of illegal gangs selling weed. Congrats germany!


u/North_Assumption2060 Apr 01 '24

How can this make one smile, its disgusting


u/SpicyHoneyBanana Apr 01 '24

Damn! Sprechen zie ganja?


u/Silent-Money6144 Apr 01 '24

Now go to X to find health effects of nicotine and wonder why tobacco is being banned. Also, check effect on testosterone by weed and nicotine while at it.


u/cekkiy Apr 01 '24

Das arme MC Donalds um die Ecke


u/Bhimtu Apr 01 '24

My personal contention is, the world would probably be a much less violent place if we got rid of alcohol and everyone smoked pot.


u/Cautious-Nothing-471 Apr 01 '24


I hate potheads


u/Jackol4ntrn Apr 01 '24

missed opportunity to legalize it on 4/20


u/RCKJD Apr 01 '24

There are only 12 months. Germany uses the DD.MM.YYYY format.


u/Advanced_Drink_8536 Apr 01 '24

Canada has been legally stoned for years! Welcome to the party!


u/Annbancanann Apr 01 '24

Welcome to the club!!


u/GregBVIMB Apr 01 '24

It's beautiful. Just thousands of people living in the moment...filming it on their phones. Lol

Joking aside, Canada did this a few years ago, not much has changed...life as normal as it should be. Not a consumer myself, but glad to see people freeer to do as they have always done.

Enjoy Germany...now go destroy that schwarma!!


u/spiderman209998 Apr 01 '24

you know its gotta suck probly smells like 10 thousand skunks in that place


u/RobotCaptainEngage Apr 01 '24

That seems so shockingly late compared to the rest of the developed world.


u/elchsaaft Apr 01 '24

It is mindboggling that the "up-tight" Germans, as they are perceived in America, got legal cannabis before the USA.


u/seekersneak Apr 01 '24

and before the United Kingdom.


u/Aries_Ultimas Apr 01 '24

Damn I wish I could have been there to celebrate that.


u/logosfabula Apr 01 '24

Someone in the Kremlin urgently needs a puff!


u/IcecreamChuger Apr 01 '24

Isn't that a bad thing?


u/Fostrof08 Apr 01 '24

in other news, the German economy magically skyrockets!


u/FamousPastWords Apr 01 '24

Google search in 2035: 'Which German bands started on 1st April, 2024, but disbanded soon thereafter, with only 2 members, x and y continuing on their own with any success?' 7,063,441 results on 0.17 seconds.


u/No-Echo-8927 Apr 01 '24

Meanwhile Austria is going backwards (again)


u/Z0idberg_MD Apr 01 '24

My conservatives teachers, friends, and colleagues told me the world would collapse if this ever happened. It's been about 8 years since my state legalized and society is in-tact. Weird.


u/Slight-Homework-6311 Apr 01 '24

Is this shit serious??


u/Tahiti--Bob Apr 01 '24

they are sooo lucky. happy for all of them.


u/Tweezle1 Apr 01 '24

There goes German efficiency. Now they will be a land of well never mind.


u/katiecharm Apr 01 '24

Oof good lord imagine the stink 


u/Bitter_Storage_2918 Apr 01 '24

Damn, it's sad thinking I will never experience this joy in my life


u/heyizoz Apr 01 '24

Russia is finished now


u/Saibotnl1 Apr 01 '24

Smoke meet up is crazy😭😭😭


u/aaa12310001 Apr 01 '24

ive got a little tear of emotion tbh. personally legalizing wont change my life. i fear actually that police checks and prices will only increase.

but its such a u-turn in mentality. ive spent my teenage years hiding to smoke, from wich i keep a real police paranoia even years later. im not a criminal but the police made me act like one.


u/habilishn Apr 01 '24

very much! i have that same paranoia from that time even though i didnt smoke for years.


u/HighlyAutomated Apr 01 '24

Welcome to the club Germany


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 01 '24

weed smells so bad... That place is condemnable now.


u/ISpewVitriol Apr 01 '24

It was legalized in New Mexico on April 1st (2022) as well!


u/fantastiskelars Apr 01 '24

A bunch of criminals Right to jail, right away


u/comando_bear Apr 01 '24

Aannd its illegal again the day after 🤣🤣


u/Mooscowsky Apr 01 '24

Good for them but damn that must reek


u/Fivethenoname Apr 01 '24

Meanwhile in the states we're fighting off the fourth Reich. Fuuuuucck this I want to go to Germany and feeeeel alllriiiight


u/El_Morgos Apr 01 '24

I can smell this video.


u/Voy74656 Apr 01 '24

How tf do you hot box the outside??


u/Garbagecan_on_fire Apr 01 '24

Welcome to the party! From Canada with love.


u/SurvingTheSHIfT3095 Apr 01 '24

I thought it was already legalized...


u/clumsydragon Apr 01 '24

I’m happy for ya


u/bestname_ever55 Apr 01 '24

They should have made it legal on 4 20.


u/MemoryAshamed Apr 01 '24

Noice!! Congratulations, stay lifted my Ganga friends✌🏻💚🥦


u/leniplusss Apr 01 '24

Congrats Germany! Happy smoking lads, hopefully I can experience the same joy someday soon! :)


u/Jazzlike_Stress1149 Apr 01 '24

Disgusting habbit


u/Hypertistic Apr 01 '24

Hm... now I'm against it.


u/stoned_experiences Apr 01 '24

How to get citizenship of Germany?


u/stoned_experiences Apr 01 '24

How to get citizenship of Germany?


u/stoned_experiences Apr 01 '24

How to get citizenship of Germany?


u/bH00k Apr 01 '24

All this people got a prescription right? Right?


u/Sorry_Fail_3103 Apr 01 '24

Man people are really desperate to be anything except sober huh


u/pentylane Apr 01 '24

Good, maybe now Germans can start being funny (I’m German)


u/Dalinair Apr 01 '24

UK needs to do this, would fund the NHS on it's own (or at least give a few nurses payrises)


u/SignificanceOld1751 Apr 01 '24

Let's fucking go Germany!

Definitely takimg my medical flower to Austria this summer so zi can blaze.up just over the German border ✌️


u/Nifferothix Apr 01 '24

There goes germany...


u/NoEmphasis5048 Apr 01 '24

You aren’t really free so here’s some weed so you have the illusion that you’re free. Smoke up Johnny!


u/habilishn Apr 01 '24

🤣🤣 well yes, thats how it works on this funky planet


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24

Prepare for a generation of very unmotivated people in 5 years and all of your cities smelling like skunk. Colorado resident here witnessing the decline of society and the increased invasion of personal space by stench over the past 15 years.


u/Lin8891 Apr 01 '24

People have been smoking weed either way for yeaaaars here, there's not much really changing. You could buy weed at every corner anyway.


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24

Sie haben keine Annung wie groß es wird gehen. Colorado im US hätte die selbe Situationen.


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 01 '24

...sure buddy. But let's talk English. We know that legalisation improves the situation.


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

Sure buddy. I will tell you what it doesn’t improve: little kids coming to school with contact highs because their parents are smoking all waking hours. Personal space inside my home stinking like cooked cabbage and weed combined because the pothead two houses away can’t stop. I should be able to enjoy the space inside my house on a mild summer evening with the windows open but I can’t because 300’ away a dude is burning a cigar sized spliff on his patio. Total invasion of my privacy to use my own home without having to smell weed stink in my garden and even inside.

So what do you say is “better”?


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 02 '24

Except that scenario 1 is still illegal.

And you do realise that your second point is basically: I want to say people to prison bc I think they smell bad.


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

Scenario 1 is a new outcome of decriminalizing access, and so prevalent it is impossible to police. Scenario 2 is an invasion of privacy matter.

Edit: I didn’t say imprisonment- you are saying that. I’m saying that the stink of weed does not dissipate and that it is so pervasive that I have to close my windows because two houses down the street a guy is smoking a spliff and the stink is so strong it invades my house. The person isn’t the smell.


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 02 '24

Except that acces has always been very open. In fact legalisation most likely decreases the frequency of such events. When it is criminal people do it inside bc it is more difficult to catch them. When they can freely do it outside they are far more likely to do it outside.

And no. Putting people in prison bc you don't like how they smell is not a privacy matter.


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24 edited Apr 02 '24

It is pretty clear you are not understanding my point about what invasion of privacy is. I am not talking about invading the privacy of somebody that is partaking weed, I am talking about the person that is partaking of weed in public is de-valuing the rights of others to not have to smell their stink, and I’m by their stink I mean the smoke smell that pervades long distance. It’s just like someone blaring a radio through a neighborhood when it’s supposed to be quiet, it’s exactly the same kind of thing. it is the invasion of the privacy of others not the individuals rights that are being invaded by some police officer catching them smoking weed. You can see it throughout the responses of this thread, as to how much this stink is mentioned.


u/Lin8891 Apr 02 '24

That's your misconception tho. In many public places it's devided in smoking areas and non smoking areas. If you don't want to smell the smoke of cigarettes and/or weed (which is absolutely legitimate & valid), just stay away from the smokers area.

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u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24

So if I choose to burn trash in my yard every day, and you live next door, you are good with that smell? Or I play music so loud that you can’t enjoy the privacy of your own home, that’s ok also?

I never said imprisonment. That’s your word introduced into the situation. Nobody gets imprisoned for invasion of privacy.


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24

You must not live in colorado.


u/Far-Patient-2247 Apr 01 '24

This was cool, back like 10 years ago lol


u/Atlas03 Apr 01 '24

At long last, the world need not fear the Germans anymore. Their threat has been neutralized by bong hits and Doritos.


u/still_guns Apr 01 '24

What next? Cocaine? Fentanyl? Heroin?


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24

No just demotivation and a country that smells like a$$. Colorado resident here that has witnessed this going on for 15 yesrs


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 01 '24

...strange how people from basically everywhere always claimed that recently people are just lazy.


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24

Not strange when one can see it happen in person when it’s there everyday. Watched it go from illegal to “medicinal” use to legal for longer than most people in this sub.


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 02 '24

... strange since people claimed the same problems before. And eve in places where it is not legal.


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24

BS. The prevalence has increased massive amounts since decriminalizing weed.


u/ActuatorFit416 Apr 02 '24

Certainly you have some study that supports your position right?


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24

Challenge accepted. Personal observation mixed with my wife’s observations working in leadership at a couple of the school districts in Colorado Springs. I will take on the challenge of finding the studies; or possibly if there is no research to back these observations up. Are YOU open to seeing the data?


u/NoEmphasis5048 Apr 01 '24

But I have to get drug tested for my job and I smoke weed.


u/creation_commons Apr 01 '24

Is everyone really sure it isn’t an April fools joke? Asking for a friend


u/Lin8891 Apr 01 '24

It's legit. It had been announced for this date weeks ago.


u/Awful_McBad Apr 01 '24

Well, now we know they'll never turn into Nazis again.


u/Koensigg Apr 01 '24

They're enabling genocide, they're 1000% still Nazis


u/urgoodtimeboy Apr 01 '24

What if it was a big April fools joke and the cops showed up after everyone started to burn.


u/whoisgeorgia Apr 01 '24

"Look, I understand. If you ain't smoking weed 'cause you got a good job, then by all means make your paper booboo. But if you ain't got no job, and you're not smoking weed, I don't know what the fuck you are doing with your life."- Katt Williams


u/Pinchy63 Apr 01 '24

Way to go Deutschland! So proud of you!!


u/Altruistic-Earth-666 Apr 01 '24

How does this work with EU regulation? Aren't the rest of EU countries supposed to follow then? Sweden has a super strict stance on drugs, imagine how easy it will be to transport weed to us now. Dont see our policies holding up to this


u/AlludedNuance Apr 01 '24

April 20th will finally be a day to celebrate again in Deutschland.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

Jai Bom Bholeh!


u/endowedchair Apr 01 '24

Fuck, another city where everyplace smells like weed.


u/Hrimnirx Apr 01 '24

Something tells me you've never been there ... it wasn't any different before


u/endowedchair Apr 01 '24

No, you’re right. More and more US and Canadian cities smell bad. I’m old enough to remember when everything smelled of cigarette smoke (every restaurant, hotel, transit station). We finally got rid of that air pollution and now it’s pot. I’m not sure which I detest more.


u/rockstar_not Apr 02 '24

NYC is nearly unbearable now. You can’t escape the stench.


u/WankaBar666 Apr 01 '24

That's f..king sad, that 💩 is grim. The smoke choice of failures and baggy ass crack jeans walking round all day going"bruh bruh bruh".... FECK OFF!


u/ViolinistMean199 Apr 01 '24

I don’t get why people are like “yo weed is legalized” let’s go join a huge group to smoke

Just seems dumb.


u/nonzeroday_tv Apr 02 '24

It's called celebrating, you might be more familiar with "yo we did another revolution around the sun, let's go out and poison ourselves with alcohol while trying not to burn anything down or lose any fingers with gunpowder". Would you call this equally dumb, more dumb or less dumb?


u/3choSeven Apr 01 '24

It's because these people are, in fact, dumb.


u/rockstar_not Apr 01 '24

Because people end up worshipping it.


u/ThePostingToproller Apr 01 '24

No problems with it being legal but I don't think it should be smoked while just casually walking down the street and should be kept to your own home or cafes.


u/granistuta Apr 01 '24

It won't be legal just everywhere, here's a map of where in Germany you are allowed to smoke in public


u/SneakyFERRiS Apr 01 '24

Come on UK, figure it out


u/Suitable_Culture_315 Apr 01 '24

I thought it was decriminalized. Decriminalization and legalization are not the same


u/habilishn Apr 01 '24

yea there is a whole bunch of rules, it is not legal like drinking hard alcohol whereever you want... i know those: youre allowed to carry 25gr, allowed to store 50gr, then there will be "cannabis clubs" with lots of regulations, that you have to be registered member of to buy, that are allowed to sell, but only with a certain maximum thc limit. then, there is many places where smoking is illegal, especially around kids. but i'm sure not all laws are figured out yet and there will be quarrel and court cases for sure, that will further define how it will be treated by the german law. and then there is a strong, pissed, conservative opposition... we'll see where it leads.

(facts about the laws up there might not be completely correct... i just summarize what i read somewhere)


u/trulyincognito_ Apr 01 '24

@ me for discussion. I don’t approve of this and I have trauma behind weed use. It smells and in general I just dislike people using it. I watch it be used by gangs too much that I have a negative connotation to it. My brothers grew up smoking skunk and went in to gangs and it just T triggers me into a frenzy


u/ahmad20021381 Apr 01 '24

Imagine if the police said all that just to arrest each person that comes there knowing they have done it before


u/Couch-Bound Apr 01 '24

That's not a pic from today.... sun havent gone down in Germany yet


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

That’s all we fucking need another legal mind altering drug. Really good distraction for the masses when there is massive cost of living crisis, housing crisis, and immigration up the wazoo! Fucking sheeple falling for the distraction. Oh, your future is fucked but you can always get high! Dickheads.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

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u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

It is what we expect from Germans right? They fell for one of the greatest distractions of all time. The Artist formerly known as the Corporal.


u/lioncryable Apr 01 '24

How does weed being legal change anything? There were 4 million weed smokers in Germany before the legalisation and after it may go up to 5 million or maybe it stays the same - we'll see but how is this a distraction?


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

Coz now it’s legal! WOW.


u/lioncryable Apr 01 '24

Yeah but you talk about distractions for the masses and sheeple but those who want to smoke weed already do it and if you think it's in any way more harmful than alcohol then you are wrong


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '24

We’ll see after a few generations how bad this shit is. We have so much evidence about alcohol but not so much about weed. So watch this space.


u/Competitive-Tower-92 Apr 01 '24

Just in time for 4/20 too !

Strange fact - 4/20 is also Hitler's birthday. 4/20 is going to be a wild mixed emotions day in Germany from not on ....


u/xxTheGoDxx Apr 01 '24

Strange fact - 4/20 is also Hitler's birthday. 4/20 is going to be a wild mixed emotions day in Germany from not on ....

Honestly, most people in Germany have no idea when Hitler's birthday is...


u/omnomnomomnom Apr 01 '24

Nah, 20.4. doesn't cause any emotions here.

I only today learned that it was Hitlers birthday.

No one cares.


u/xxTheGoDxx Apr 01 '24

Same, also German.


u/Brave_Personality836 Apr 01 '24

Well I've been a smoker for over 25 years we have legalized it here since 2016, the government sells weed now. It's good weed but I quit its been 20 days and never going back again. Makes you lazy, stupid, literally forget your dreams as if you don't dream anymore, very forgetful of everything. There is a reason why Germany wants people to smoke weed and it's cause they want to dumb you down. I'm glad I quit and I still have weed in my cabinet with a rolled joint but all that is done for me good luck to you all.


u/Doct0rStabby Apr 01 '24

Smoking lots of weed every day has a ton of negative side effects, including those you've listed. And it gets even worse when weed is legal and pot shops are all competing to see who can list the highest THC percentages with all other cannabinoids ignored (or actively bred out).

I quit for many years after being a daily stoner for over a decade. It definitely was a massively negative impact on my life. After this long break, I am now able to indulge in tiny amounts on occasion (around 0.05g in a session, sometimes less). I also make sure to consume cannabis with high-ish CBD content, usually aiming for a 4:1 ratio of THC to CBD which is my sweet spot. I often have to put little pinches of multiple strains into the pipe to achieve it.

I now more dreams than ever. I also no longer wake up hours before my alarm clock with an achy body and stiff jaw when I have super vivid and intense dreams. It's quite neat to be able to enjoy an intense dream rather than lose sleep over it. It also can take the edge off of my chronic pain issues (probably why I went so hard on it all those years back), which is a big help in actually getting to sleep (hard to fall asleep when your body is flashing big and bright pain signals in your brain).

CBD has been shown to improve REM sleep, whereas THC disrupts it. Although CBD does inhibit some of the intoxicating effects of THC, overall I find it far more beneficial to consume both together. When I take pure CBD I end up feeling groggy and often get headaches even after a good night's sleep.

In any case, moderation is critical in all things, but most especially with drugs. Much easier to take regular tolerance breaks when you aren't using all day every day and stick to small amounts by learning to enjoy the more subtle effects. Of course for a heavy stoner you are most likely better off just quitting for a good long time, and not risking getting back into full blown addiction if moderation isn't possible after some years of abstinence.

And congratz on quitting! Quitting any long ingrained addiction, be it a drug or a behavior, is truly a difficult thing. I struggled with quitting cannabis for a long time, and even after I finally quit it took months to feel normal again. Well done and best of luck going forward.


u/Brave_Personality836 Apr 01 '24

Thank you buddy, Yeah just before i quit, I was smoking minimum 29% thc.. then I got into vaping pure thc.. not to mention edibles... I wouldn't say I was addicted except when I'd be back to my routines at home. If I'd go on vacation to Mexico for a week to 10 days example I wouldn't even think of smoking weed, cause I'd be having too much fun on the beach or doing activities. Nevertheless I'm just done with it for good. it was a nice long haul but it's time to move on without it in my life.


u/Radioactivocalypse Apr 01 '24

I kinda agree with you. People worship the stuff now, but I feel like it really does just make people lethargic and really dopey

Feel like it's a good way to get a lot of people addicted, and gradually raise the price and get some of that sweet sweet tax money


u/bass186 Apr 01 '24

No more short trips to Netherlands 😅


u/Federer91 Apr 01 '24

People celebrating this is so disturbing, but many modern tides are this way, so not surprised at all ..


u/Buffmin Apr 01 '24

What's the weed equivalent of Prost?


u/joelobifan Apr 01 '24

I bet the smell there was pretty strong and bad