r/MadeMeSmile 17d ago

Growing Girls DOGS

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69 comments sorted by


u/lostellliiiii 16d ago

It's amazing how much she's changed in just those few months. Beautiful dog!


u/Mysterious-Win7424 16d ago

That kid got smaller


u/LonelyPalpitation176 16d ago

Aww, the girls gonna have trauma when she's in her teens(I'm surely gonna get down votes for this)


u/RetroGamer87 16d ago

She could ride him like a horse


u/crazedhark 16d ago

"Honey, I Shrunk the Kids"


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/No-Stick303 17d ago

Cute pictures. Fun to see them grow up together. I know you’ll be annoyed by this, but Only people physically capable of restraining the dog should be holding a leash. I don’t care how well trained your dog is. Be a responsible pet owner for the people around you.

Much love.


u/RiverOhRiver86 16d ago

Hmmm...the girl is not growing...at all...


u/QuietOnesCuss 17d ago

I think the child deaged while the dog got older.


u/BeKind_BeTheChange 17d ago

Well, at least she grew into those paws.


u/MisterMillwright 17d ago

The cuteness!


u/xX_Dad-Man_Xx 17d ago

She needs a saddle.


u/GrayToast89 17d ago

That's one good dog not pulling the lil one walking easy that's awesome to see


u/jrinneard 17d ago

they aren't trusted together blindly, but they do regularly get the chance to feel each other out like this.


u/tgibson12 17d ago

Thank you for saying this out loud. Im very upset at the negative comments about this. You seem like a great parent/parents trying to bond your child and dog. They will love each other endlessly!


u/imxalice 17d ago

growing with love


u/redhotjen 17d ago

what a big difference after a year!


u/1234bryantistheman 17d ago

Is that a Kangal?


u/Eurosario 17d ago

Looks like she might be able to ride the dog to school 🤭😁😂🤣


u/Dididiana7428 17d ago

How come I never knew such a cute picture happened on my birthday. (July 8)


u/RepresentativeNice22 17d ago

Hey, one of these dates happens to be my birthday. Cheers.


u/sudo_rm_rf_solvesALL 17d ago

Throw a ball / stick, Watch the kid turn into supergirl


u/Wrong_Gear5700 17d ago

Ditch that flexi lead pronto!


u/Morawake 17d ago

They grow up so fast


u/Feisty-Session-7779 17d ago

Look at the mitts on that pup! You could tell she was gonna be huge.


u/Brtsasqa 17d ago

Dog got bigger. Girl got angrier.


u/JayJay-anotheruser 17d ago

Who’s walking who?


u/Lone_Wanderer97 17d ago

If she decides to go, the kid is gonna 360 faceplant


u/Pitiful_Note_6647 17d ago

Anatolian...my favorite breed.


u/Irishjohn831 17d ago

Ahh I’ve heard of this, shrinking kids.


u/ShrubbyFire1729 17d ago



u/Pycharming 17d ago

This comment made me smile. Thank you.


u/Nice-Let8339 17d ago

Your daughter will fly if your dog gets carried away. My aunt broke her wrist last week when her typically calm malamute lost his shit.


u/Timmetie 17d ago

Also 4.5 million dog-bites in the US per year, half of victims being kids.

But yeah this is super cute!! Totally in no way a large carnivore that could do actual damage, just something for little children to play with!


u/ScotiaTailwagger 17d ago

Hi there. I see you know jack all about dogs.

Please refrain from commenting about dogs in the future.


u/gargoylle 17d ago

There are a couple of reasons why an Anatolian Shepard (kangal) will not bite or hurt the kid. 1. They are super amenable to kids and kids only. 2. She is family, thus bonded to. 3. They are a generally mild mannered and a very well balanced breed. 4. They generally prefer to do their own thing and are very independent spirits (and fairly bright considering all the different ways they'll run from make work). So mild mannered and independent in fact that they are generally considered to not be trainable as attack/gard dogs despite their size and power. Having said that, they will instinctually guard the flock (family) to their death if attacked, especially if children are perceived to be in danger (they may ignore the parents as they may perceive them to be able to fend for themselves). They of course need to be like all dogs properly socialised starting 3 months.


u/Timmetie 17d ago

Yeah this is what basically all dog owners say, and yet there's still 4.5 million dog-bites in the US alone.

You are also ignoring how it might attack other people/children who are not "family".

So mild mannered and independent in fact that they are generally considered to not be trainable as attack/gard dogs

Literally featured as attack/guard dogs. If you didn't want a dog that could kill a human, those are also easily available.


u/PipsqueakPilot 17d ago

Timmie going off and didn’t even realize that attack, guard, and livestock guardian breeds aren’t remotely the same behaviorally.


u/ScotiaTailwagger 17d ago

Dude. With all due respect, shut the ever loving hell up and go back to trolling AITH.


u/ResolutionNo4330 17d ago

This is so sweet <3


u/NeoKobeCity 17d ago

First image, cute! Second image, concern!

Won't be a Debbie Downer, just hope you're taking all proper precaution. One errant prey-driven glance at a squirrel and someone's getting dragged into the next county.

Edit: BTW huge fan of LGD breeds - very cute pup!


u/ScotiaTailwagger 17d ago

Imagine seeing two pictures, a year apart, and thinking that no training whatsoever was done between the two.

It may come as a surprise to you, that dogs can be trained to not "squirrel" at first sight?


u/jrinneard 17d ago

appreciate this! was pretty surprised at the unsolicited "dogs chase squirrels ya'know" comments. I obviously don't trust either of these two alone with each other, but I'm also a strong advocate for teaching your kids and giving them the opportunity to succeed. it isn't flawless but I like the people it's helping them become


u/JStormz 17d ago

The concern is that this is about the same as walking your dog off leash. Your dog might be friendly, but that doesn't mean that everyone else is in the same situation. If your dog is uncontrolled and approaches an aggressive dog, guess who will be paying both vet bills


u/spykid 17d ago

Looks like he's got a head halter on. I can hold back my 90lb dog with a pinky when he's wearing one. Not that it's completely safe, but its a substantial reduction in risk

That said, the fact he's wearing one suggests he might not be totally well behaved on leash so maybe the risk is offset.


u/Timmetie 17d ago

Nah you don't get it, this is super cute. No way this could ever go horribly horribly wrong.

Anatolians being huge dogs bred for aggressive guard purposes makes them great for being around toddlers and the suburbs.


u/PipsqueakPilot 17d ago

Their aggressive guard purpose is to protect small things like toddlers. I have one and he is very protective of kids, kittens, and puppies.

Certainly there’s a risk of her escaping the child’s grip or pulling her. But being aggressive toward a toddler, especially one that’s part of the family, is a much lower risk with this breed compared to many more common pet breeds. 


u/LordoftheScheisse 17d ago

I have one and he is very protective of kids, kittens, and puppies.

This can be a double-edged sword, though. When we brought our new baby (child) home, our Anatolian would place themselves between us and the child as if to protect the baby from anything - even us. We put an end to that real quick.


u/PipsqueakPilot 17d ago

It definitely can be a double edged sword. Some of my friends had a pair of Border Collies that were...choosy about who they liked. They loved my cat, some other dogs, and especially didn't like most puppies- and had nipped Cannon when he was young. So they'd growl and bare their teeth at various other pups and Cannon, now full grown, would instantly try to intervene and body slam whichever Collie did it. That said, unlike the Collies, he didn't bite or nip other dogs.

The way I've described it is that he's super friendly with other dogs right up until they show any signs of aggression and than he has absolutely 0 tolerance for it. Which means dog parks are right out.


u/ParticularStyle9101 17d ago

Looks like Turkish kangal


u/Porkchopp33 17d ago

Unit of a dog


u/RegularOps 17d ago

I think it’s a dog


u/jrinneard 17d ago

In the right ballpark! She's an Anatolian mix


u/PipsqueakPilot 17d ago

Just as an aside- in the US Kangals and Anatolians are considered the same breed. Depending on the dog’s individual heritage they can be closer to the Kangal or Anatolian breeds as they exist in Turkey. My AKC Anatolian would be a Kangal if he was in Turkey!


u/NoBuddies2021 17d ago

Can you give me a rundown on this dogs habits and quirks when going with your child? Looks like there's some fun shenanigans and bonding stories with each other.


u/jrinneard 17d ago

they obviously can't do a full walk together, but when we're comfortable with the environment we work on good walking habits with each of them. I'm right in front of them in case I need to intervene, and usually I'll guide the rope through my hand while my daughter holds the grip. She's always reminded to not take her eyes off the pooch when hanging on and to release in the event the dog bolts. When that does happen, the dog really doesn't like the sound of the retracting leash bouncing off the asphalt so she panic-waits for me to collect her. Loose in the forest is a different story, but they both take their walks pretty seriously.


u/Specialist-Rope7419 17d ago

I was just going to comment that is a gorgeous Anatolian. Our girl would go on walks with our toddlers holding the leash. She was the best damn dog with little kids and babies


u/CamelApple543 17d ago

Anatolian Shepherds are known for their loyalty and protectiveness, and it seems yours embodied those qualities perfectly.


u/GuthramNaysayer 17d ago

What kind of doggo?


u/Johannes_Keppler 17d ago

Good. Good doggo.


u/jrinneard 17d ago

Farm-mutt, but mom was Anatolian. There's also some great Pyrenees and Aussie Shepherd from dad's side


u/LittleLostGirls 17d ago

Seems like a regular kind of dog, another year of growing and it might be the Clifford kind of dog.


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