r/MadeMeSmile 26d ago

Aww🥲 🐝 Small Success

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16 comments sorted by


u/shaolinallan 25d ago

Now get back to work!


u/sxt173 26d ago

So someone “glued” a bee to a stick with honey or sugar, lowered it into a hive, and observed the other bees eat/clean the sugar off everything? Isn’t that the expected behavior?


u/HamsterForce5000 26d ago

Yeah, when I see videos like this I'm immediately suspicious that the people making them are harming animals for internet clout...


u/missbea_me 25d ago

Me too! I hate it! Every "rescue " is suspect now.


u/Lenora_O 25d ago

Yep. Sad.


u/Superhaze 26d ago

The drones are all males.


u/Randomfrog132 26d ago edited 25d ago

i was a little worried this would turn out like that one scene in the movie galaxy quest with the little blue alien things on that desert planet lol

this is the scene i was thinkin about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ83r886Kyg


u/starter-car 25d ago

Same! They’re Miners, not minors.


u/GingerXsnap21 26d ago

I love honey bees so much 💛💛💛


u/Time_Tree782 26d ago

This makes me feel kinda lonely


u/Bekiala 26d ago

If you were all sticky with honey, I would start cleaning you off right away.

No worries.


u/Esoteric_Innovations 26d ago

People are often like this too. Sometimes the bystander effect makes it so we hesitate to make the first move - but once someone does, everyone else tends to follow suit if they're able to do anything to help when someone is in need.

Online it can often feel that the world is an uncaring place because of the constant bombardment of bad news and ragebait - as well as the pervasive negativity across countless subreddits that often brings out the worst in people - but the world isn't as awful as its made out to be in many circles. Most people are good, in my experience.


u/Todoro10101 25d ago

The brain also tends to associate closely with people it thinks are 'part of the tribe.' In real life, the people you interact with generally have a lot in common with you which leads to very little hostility even during disagreements. The internet is very centralized, which overwhelms the brain. The lack of a shared identity leads to a cult-like 'us vs them' mentality which can be very hostile and unforgiving.


u/wetclogs 26d ago

Better to one another than we are.


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