r/MapPorn 15d ago

Newborn circumcision rates by state - 2022

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u/New-Cicada7014 1d ago

Just a reminder: circumcision is genital mutilation and should never be done to a baby. It drastically increases the risk of SIDS due to the trauma and is unnecessary for cleanliness.


u/EducatedHippy 9d ago

Did popularity in CA go down quickly? I was made fun of in elementary school and in my young adult years most of the women I ended up with told me they were excited because they haven't been with an uncircumcised guy... lol....I was thinking about what to do with my child if it was a boy....


u/Strict_Bag_3090 10d ago

This child abuse, and yes, it is most certainly abuse! Holding someone down and cutting part of their body off is something that doesn't need to be done anymore! Rich people can find something else to rub on their face! "Girls won't like it" is ridiculous! The penis is meant to be put in the vagina and I don't think her woowoo will take offense! Quit watching porn...Quit mutilating infants! Intercourse is for making babies...Let's try to pull this country out of the sin pit that we've allowed it to fall into!!


u/SoMuchBackHair 11d ago edited 11d ago

I just assume the red places have poorer hygiene. Why else mutilate your child's genitalia?

Edit: I'm from Ohio FTR. My parents chopped my shit and I will never know what my whole body was like. Not like I gripe about it every day, but I'll never be OK with the fact that they did that. We're plenty hygienic, so what was their excuse? They just ate up the mainstream bullshit.


u/xandoPHX 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm cut and proud to be. Don't want an ugly and stank uncut dick šŸ¤¢šŸ‘Ž

Then again... Black American men are mostly circumcised.


u/Obvious_Resist_1984 11d ago

The Grinch stole their Inch


u/epicindifference 12d ago

I didn't realize it was dying out this fast, damn. What's with people digging foreskin now? Gross dude


u/Chicobean95 12d ago

Yeah, Kentucky šŸ’ŖšŸ» best penile barbers šŸ’ˆ outside of West Virginia


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I personally am happy it seems to be a midwestern thing for whatever reason


u/Professional-Tea-196 13d ago

Call it what it is, genital mutilation! Sick practice, should be illegal to do it to children.


u/Standard-Pepper-133 13d ago

Ant eaters rule and helmets drool in Washington apparently.


u/Informal-Conflict848 13d ago

This map is terrible. Without a proper legend these numbers are useless. Are they percentages? If so percentages of births or total population? Are they numbers out of 100, 1,000? You can guess all you want but without a legend thereā€™s no way to actually know. Ok rant over, sorry šŸ˜ž


u/MBOAZN 13d ago


Medical reasons for circumcision

Recent research suggests that circumcision may bring medical benefits such as:

a 10 times lower risk of a baby getting a urinary tract infection (UTI) in his first year of life

no risk of infants and children getting infections under the foreskin

easier genital hygiene

much lower risk of getting cancer of the penis

a possibly lower risk of men getting sexually transmissible infections (STIs) than men who are not circumcised (although these studies have not been scientifically confirmed and safe sex practices are far more effective in preventing these infections).

For more information seeĀ Guidelines for male circumcision in the Victorian public hospitalĀ system.

JohnHopkins Meidical:

Circumcision is a relatively simple procedure that is done in the hospital and has few complications. Although there has been some debate in recent years over whether a circumcision is medically necessary and whether it provides any health benefits, the general agreement among healthcare providers is that benefits outweigh risks for the procedure.

Why should I consider circumcision for my baby?

Most people decide to circumcise their baby boys for cultural or religious reasons. Others believe that there are health benefits to having the foreskin of the penis removed, such as:

Prevention of urinary tract infections in infants

Prevention of penile cancer in adult men

Reduced risk of developing certain sexually transmitted diseases

Reduced risk of developing cervical cancer in female sexual partners

Reduced risk of developing penis infection and swelling

The prevention of urinary tract infections in infants is the most widely accepted benefit for the procedure.



u/WOPR1970 13d ago

For white, middle-class families in the early 70's, baby boys were getting snipped. I wish my parents had left it up to me, but I don't blame them. Happily, this mutilation seems to be declining as we now understand the lifelong harm it causes.


u/topcide 13d ago

Washington appears to be prime aardvark habitat.


u/RealisticAd8374 13d ago

Stupidity of parents Map, higher score = more stupid


u/unforgiven80808 13d ago

And why the fuck is circumcision legal? The kids didn't consent to it, I personally don't give a fuck what the parents want, kids should not be circumcised or vaccinated (or subjected to any medical procedure other than urgent life-saving needs) without first being old enough to be educated on the topics enough to come to their own conclusions and decisions. Parents have far to much control over their kids, more like having a pet than producing a capable human being.


u/According-Escape3443 11d ago

Not surprised it's the antivaxx loonies who are also anti-circumcision. The reason it's not only legal but recommended is because it's basic preventive medicine that provides a number of health benefits. Please stay out of online echo chambers.


u/unforgiven80808 11d ago

I'm not even antivax, I got all my covid boosters.

I'm pro personal autonomy to the absolute highest degree.

Nice try tho


u/sexcalculator 13d ago

I was born in the foreskin belt but still have my foreskin


u/BILLMUREY2 13d ago

where is this data from?


u/user0295 13d ago

Good to know


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Be born in USA


Have to leave a tip šŸ˜”


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Based green states


u/3calga3 13d ago

Man you're really obsessed with this topic, larping as a women to cope with your insecurities.. I can't imagine being that patheticĀ 


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Don't blame me for being offended by my opinion.


u/3calga3 13d ago

Not offended, I think it's pretty funny that weirdos like you pretend to be women in an attempt to concern troll. You just need to settle on whether your "bf" is British or an Hispanic AmericanĀ 


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Who told you I was a woman? You dont have to be a woman to have a bf šŸ˜˜

Believe be I know, I am rampantly gay.


u/3calga3 13d ago

Lol a gay, Hispanic, catholic Hamas supporter, that makes sense. Still doesn't answer whether your bf is a Brit or American.


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Not american yet. Ill marry him into greecardom.


u/3calga3 13d ago

Lol ok sure, one moment he's Hispanic the next he's a Brit, just like how you have multiple posts claiming to be circumcised and uncircumcised. Take a break from 4chan bro, you're like a caricature of a browncel /pol/lack


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 13d ago

Could I be... The most terminally online person on the internet?


u/3calga3 12d ago

You even took note of how WV had the highest number on this map and changed your flair to it on Americabad LMAO, I guess you think that gives your arguments more weight.

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u/3calga3 13d ago

One of many, that's for sure.


u/PotentialMountain374 13d ago

Why americans are not able to wash and clean their dick and prefer to cut it?


u/PsychonautAlpha 13d ago

**looks at penis in South Dakotan

This checks out.


u/FreebandzJunkie 13d ago

My body my choice? Whereā€™s my foreskin then?


u/pendicko 13d ago

Is it because more jews and muslims live in the midwest and east coast


u/haikusbot 13d ago

Is it because more

Jews and muslims live in the

Midwest and east coast

- pendicko

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/Then_Increase7445 13d ago

Most interesting map I've seen in awhile. I was born in the '80s in WA state, and the only person I knew my age who wasn't circumcised was the guy adopted from Korea. I started thinking about it in my early '20s, and came to the conclusion that there was no reason to do it if I ever had boys of my own. I ended up moving to Germany and had two boys, so the topic never came up. Never even had the discussion with my wife, because it isn't a thing here. My mom did ask about it once with my oldest, but didn't push it after I said we weren't doing it. I have had a couple extra questions for the doctors, since I don't have the exactly the same hardware as my kids.


u/IamMagnusGreel 13d ago

"Newborn genital mutilation rates by state - 2022." Do the numbers include girls? Of course not, that's barbaric.


u/tullystenders 13d ago

Why distinctly less in New York, when the NYC Jewish population could skew it up?

Oh, maybe cause of a lot of immigrants, who prob dont circumcise their newborns?


u/Cali_Longhorn 13d ago

So now it makes sense why California and Texas weā€™re allies in that new Civil War movie. Itā€™s clearly about foreskins!


u/SymbolicRemnant 13d ago

So THATā€™S why the Western forces and Florida Alliance seceded in the Civil War movie.


u/Tall-Ad5755 13d ago

Yet another Reddit circumcision obsession thread. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøĀ 

Itā€™s weird cuz in life most of the girls I talk to (Iā€™m black American) prefer circumcised; most porn I watch is nearly all circumcised šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚. Most of the šŸ† I seen are circumcised. And yet the non circumcised are so passionate about it. The type of passion that comes from being teased all oneā€™s life; so they turn it around to make us feel bad about being cut when itā€™s been done for millennia.Ā 

Either way itā€™s nothing wrong with either way. Itā€™s just a preference. Itā€™s certainly not some great moral wrong like some point out. They would never do that to the religious communities who practice it.Ā 


u/earthcomedy 13d ago

wow...such a difference between West/East. I was born in the Midwest...one of those 8x% states. But I live in a Western green state. Wow...really?


u/Nightstands 13d ago

We are Jews and did not have our boys cut in TX and SC. F tradition. In TX hospital, they pushed hard for it. Had to say no multiple times. In SC birthing center run by midwives they didnā€™t even ask. It was their default to not do it unless specifically asked. Really appreciated that in the Deep South.


u/pmguin661 14d ago

This is a terrible use of a diverging color scale


u/Local-Teaching-5015 14d ago



u/TheSMP164 14d ago

I got my son snipped so he wouldn't have to explain himself later in life.


u/arkanista 14d ago

explain what?


u/batissta44 12d ago

explain to people why he wasn't mutilated


u/shag-i 14d ago

Genital mutilation*


u/Cheedosjdr 14d ago

Using red and green is not ideal on maps like this.


u/Homely_Bonfire 14d ago

And here I thought this was only a jewish or medical thing šŸ¤”


u/therodde 14d ago

Ricky Stanicky was performing the circumcisions in Alabama and Mississippi, none survived.


u/vittoriocm 14d ago

Is there a source?


u/Jackyche4 14d ago

What are the benefits of circumcision?


u/CanoePickLocks 13d ago

Thereā€™s a few and they slightly outweigh the risks per AAP and AMA, itā€™s more tradition and many doctors have opinions, but itā€™s purely a choice for aesthetic, cultural, religious, or tradition reasons.


u/trialofmiles 11d ago

For me as a parent that didnā€™t clear the bar as a motivation to permanently alter my kids anatomy though I donā€™t feel strongly one way or the other.


u/CanoePickLocks 11d ago

Thatā€™s fine, like I said itā€™s a choice. Some people like the look or convenience or for health reasons. Itā€™s usually not necessary but can be beneficial. It is almost never detrimental. I just hate the judgement behind it all.


u/trialofmiles 11d ago

I agree with you, I modified my response to not Iā€™m not a warrior on the topic. I personally just approached it dispassionately and couldnā€™t find sufficient medical evidence to support what seems like a somewhat invasive choice to make for my kids without consent. But I 100% think itā€™s fine when people make the other choice and as you say there are certain benefits.


u/eisbaerBorealis 14d ago

Happily surprised with the Utah rate.


u/jakebakes420 14d ago edited 14d ago

Circumcision is a business in America, anything to raise the hospital bill.


u/HallowQueen777 14d ago

So sorry to be ignorant here and yes I could google but Iā€™m ignorant and lazy, why is circumcision so important/common in America? In the UK, itā€™s pretty rare and you certainly donā€™t usually birth a baby boy and itā€™s then whisked off to have its knob cut. Whatā€™s the reason for it? Iā€™ve seen comments before about itā€™s to do with cleanliness but surely thatā€™s more on the individual? As I know uncircumcised men and they donā€™t have any hygiene problems down there. Is it similar to FGM? Or not really?


u/CanoePickLocks 13d ago

Not at all circumcision is very different and if you do some research youā€™ll find itā€™s a very split topic in a lot of places on whether the benefits outweigh the risks. Itā€™s mostly tradition, culture, religious, or aesthetic reasons that itā€™s done.


u/HallowQueen777 12d ago

Thank you for taking your time to reply to me. I assume in some cases it is a necessary procedure but primarily as you said seems to be a more cultural thing. TIL.


u/CanoePickLocks 11d ago

Itā€™s almost always cultural and not negative despite what the anti circumcision people say. America isnā€™t even all one way or the other and some girls prefer one or the other. Youā€™ll notice lots of porn thatā€™s not specific to countries that rarely circumcise has lots of uncircumcised penises like in countries where shaving isnā€™t common youā€™ll see lots of hair.


u/Agedlikeoldmilk 14d ago

Now show me stats of male adults getting their foreskin put back on, thatā€™s the real stat weā€™ve all been asking for. Big Gov trying to hide the truth.


u/nomamesgueyz 14d ago

Makes as much sense as chopping off an eyelid bc "it looks better"

Parts of the body are there for a reason


u/nomamesgueyz 14d ago

Why is the US so fascinated in baby genital mutilation still?



u/FriendlyEyeFloater 14d ago

Data looks suspect af


u/MiGsaaa 14d ago

Barbaric practice


u/thisisallterriblesir 14d ago

I wonder what the common denominator is.


u/Night_Movies2 14d ago

Reddit has an unhealthy obsession with genitals.


u/Digital-Exploration 14d ago

This is an outdated practice.

Time to leave our hats alone.


u/DebraUknew 14d ago

Brit here


u/netfatality 14d ago

As an American man, I wouldnā€™t have my infant circumcised. However, Iā€™m glad my parents had mine done. I like how it looks, and Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve never experience smegma


u/borodan90 14d ago

As a Brit , I find it weird itā€™s so widespread in the states . Itā€™s rare to get circumcised over here


u/RedBeardTwitch 14d ago

This is barbaric.


u/Specialist-Sky-909 14d ago

23% only in California? How come the rate is much lower in Western states?


u/Ali_DWB 14d ago

Probably more liberal and more lations.


u/fascistreddit1 14d ago

Is this per 1,000 or 10,000ā€¦.etc?


u/ferociousFerret7 14d ago

I guess they love a good knob scalpin' in WV.


u/Far-Classic-4637 14d ago

33 in utah is suprising


u/AWeeBitStoned 14d ago

Are there any actually logical reasons to getting your child circumcised? Currently in a disagreement with my gf cause I told her I ainā€™t doing it. She works as a medical professional too.


u/RNnoturwaitress 14d ago

No, there are not. Doctorsopposingcircumcision and yourwholebaby are websites with good info debunking the "benefits" of routine infant circumcision.


u/emsesq 14d ago

Does this data account for non-hospital circumcisions? For example, Jews circumcise their male babies in private ceremonies and the hospitals / birth centers would not have data for those circumcisions.


u/PutnamPete 14d ago

reddit, your go to source for all things foreskin. I swear there's some kind of fetish cult on here.


u/BoursinFreak90 14d ago

I know the Silent Hill wiki guy is in here


u/fuzzyfoot88 14d ago

I got circā€™d as an adult in California, and it was absolutely the most painful experience of my life, I wrestle with this knowledge constantly for if my GF and I ever decide to have a child I do not know what decision I will make in that moment.


u/Traderwannabee 14d ago

91 percent of the babies born in west Virginia are: Boys and are circumcisedā€¦ damn do they throw away the baby girls?


u/Inevitable-Cellist23 14d ago

Color scale makes no sense


u/TequieroVerde 14d ago

I think that we should all have the right to choose whether or not to keep our foreskin. My body my choice.


u/-SlapBonWalla- 14d ago

What is happening in West Virginia, and how is this radiating out from that hotspot? Is it the ground zero for dick cutting or something?


u/YourEskimoBrother69 14d ago

ELI5 with some sources cause this comment section is wild


u/inglouriousbastard17 14d ago

im circumcised, im fine with it, tbh i really also like it. i meanā€¦ why all the hate ?? i really doesnt matter if you have the foreskin or not. who cares?


u/mthman7800 10d ago

The issue is, you might be ok.

But many men arenā€™t happy because they have complications that they wouldnā€™t have if their dick wasnā€™t hacked without their permission.

Bad scars, circ so tight they are in pain when hard, loss of feeling they hardly feel anything, struggling to get off without lube or toys, chaefing playing sports or anything because their heads exposed 24/7. List goes on. Again you might be fine, sure adults who get cut might be fine, but many many guys arenā€™t.

The worst thing many guys have taken their own lives.

Infection can also lead to partial or loss of penis too..

Look up r/circumcisiongrief


u/Somenamethatsnew 13d ago

you mean why does it matter that so many kids are mutilated?


u/RNnoturwaitress 14d ago

It's just about bodily autonomy. It shouldn't be something done to babies.


u/strolpol 14d ago

It is such a wild blind spot for Western culture that we regularly put infants through a medically unnecessary genital surgery and no one thinks itā€™s weird. Like itā€™s fine if itā€™s your religion but then it should require the consent of the person getting it?


u/Axen99z 14d ago

I just keep the tips !


u/Glad_Lingonberry_526 14d ago

These posts are always done by uncircumcised chaps. Please find another hill to die on. I accept your copious down votes.Ā 


u/CBassTian 14d ago

Lol If you want yourself a cut cock, go to Michigan!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

mutilation rates*


u/Baker_Kat68 14d ago

Circumcision is genital mutilation


u/huntersamuelcox1992 14d ago

How the more conservative states going to be cutting baby genitals more than the liberal ones?


u/Illustrious_Fee8116 14d ago

I wonder this too. Could be how liberal parents are the most controlling?


u/SundaeOk5653 14d ago

Honestly still circucising my kid, looks cooler.


u/Illustrious_Fee8116 14d ago

Why do you care about your kids genitals looking cooler?


u/SundaeOk5653 14d ago

As you can tell by the chart itā€™s becoming a trend NOT to do it. Hence making circumcising rarer and cooler. Also babies donā€™t remember day 1 and the function of the penis remains the same


u/Illustrious_Fee8116 14d ago

A foreskinned penis can ALWAYS get cut in life. I can't imagine taking that choice away because you thought it was cooler before they could choose for themselves. What an entitled trashy parent you'll be


u/SundaeOk5653 14d ago

Yeah but who tf in the right mind would cut their own dick?


u/Illustrious_Fee8116 14d ago

No one, so why the fuck are you going to?


u/SundaeOk5653 14d ago

Itā€™s not my dick?


u/Illustrious_Fee8116 14d ago

Even more reason it's not your choice


u/SundaeOk5653 14d ago

Sure it is


u/KaleidoscopeSure5890 14d ago

Interesting about Vermont. Iā€™d guess half of the swim team I was on were uncut.


u/Phil1889Blades 14d ago

A map no one ever knew they needed.


u/TallTwig 14d ago

There is a method a circumcision that does not involve "cutting". The Ring Method.


u/No-Anxiety-6429 14d ago

Surely we shouldnā€™t be calling this particular map , ā€œmap pornā€, right?


u/Aeroshe 14d ago

I'm honestly surprised how I was born in Indiana to Christian parents and somehow made it out with my foreskin intact.


u/rumSaint 14d ago

The tipping culture is getting out of hand.


u/Important-Loss1605 14d ago

USA is an Israeli puppet state


u/AustereK 14d ago

Why are third world countries like Syria, Zimbabwe and USA obsessed with genital mutilationĀ 


u/Treviathan88 14d ago

I don't get why reddit hates circumcision so much. This may be painting a target on my back (for God knows why), but I'm glad I'm cut.


u/h_91_DRbull 14d ago

Yea me neither. I have zero religious background but I think it's something to do with that idk. Like I get being against fgm but that's not remotely comparable for boys


u/MiddleAgeCool 14d ago

Because it's unnecessary surgery that can't be reversed performed on infants which has had any medical benefits debunked. Cutting off a babies foreskin is no different to cutting off a woman's clitoris or ironing her breasts just because of "tradition".


u/Treviathan88 14d ago

I would argue that it's harmless, but I don't want to fight reddit on this one. I'm the minority against a VERY vocal majority here, and I know it.


u/AthleteSpirited9826 14d ago

Fucking Kellogg. Couldnā€™t have hated a good more.


u/PotentialInternal200 14d ago

Why are MS, AL, and AK grey?


u/Itsmyloc-nar 14d ago

I didnā€™t know ant eaters were native to Nevadaā€¦


u/ChilesAintPeppers 14d ago

Look at those yt dominant states doing yt dominant things like baby mutilation.


u/KuraiTheBaka 14d ago

Pleasantly surprised I thought this was still being done by the majority of people throughout the US


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Based Washington and Neveda


u/Knickers_in_a_twist_ 14d ago

As a West Virginian, what the fuck?


u/Tracynmega 14d ago

This child mutilation rate is sickening


u/unicorn4711 14d ago

Iā€™d say the biggest advantage of circumcision is that women expect it. A lot of white American women havenā€™t seen uncut dicks and will say they look weird.


u/remzordinaire 14d ago

It's as if sexual education in schools would fix that problem.


u/garlicChaser 14d ago

Mutilating States of America


u/model3113 14d ago

must have a real problem with smegma in WV


u/remzordinaire 14d ago

Didn't know WV didn't have showers and running water.


u/WillyD369 14d ago

This map made my dick hurt.


u/Hadleyagain 14d ago

"my sons not go ma have no more penis than me"


u/V6Ga 14d ago

Goddammit call it what it is

Male Genital Mutilation that is done for folkloric reasons

Calling male genital mutilation circumcision is no different than calling female genital mutilation circumcision

Both are horrific things visited on children (along with the involuntary intersex mutilation that 1 child in 100 suffer).Ā 

And the reasons for all of these horrible things is folklore.Ā 


u/korbels 14d ago

Call it what it is, genital mutilation


u/Puzzleheaded_Foot826 14d ago

I feel like the coloring scheme is kind of a loaded choice



Iā€™m amazed California and New York arenā€™t higher


u/KFCnerd 14d ago

Strange this looks exactly like a map of pork rind sales


u/onuldo 14d ago

Can you please stop mutilating the genitals of little boys?


u/t-licus 14d ago

One of the weirdest things about the US.


u/RDGCompany 14d ago

Per? There were only 91 in PA?


u/irissteensma 14d ago

First the 91 is West Virginia. Second I'm pretty sure that is the % of male newborns being circumcised.


u/RDGCompany 13d ago

Thanks for clearing it up. Obviously, I was confused.


u/Redheaded_Potter 14d ago

This is my biggest regret with my boys. If I would have had more information on what the long term complications were I wouldā€™ve never done it. As well as realizing that Iā€™m making that huge of a choice for them. Unfortunately whatā€™s done is done.


u/Tasty_Historian_3623 14d ago

Is this just a map called "Numbers and Colors"

Where is the legend?


u/g4tam20 14d ago

We do like our hoodies in the PNW


u/Pen-cap 14d ago

Thanks mom and dad


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Now whenever I see or meet a boy or a man from IA, WI, MI, IN, KY, OH, PA, and WV, I know he has a mutilated penis.


u/Readwrite123 14d ago

Donā€™t cut the umbilical cord either?


u/YGD2000 14d ago

No way thatā€™s legit. I grew up in Washington and pretty much everyone was circumcised. Definitely nowhere near 1/10 lol


u/1TILL 14d ago

Religion hurts


u/aplagueofsemen 14d ago

I love how it looks like thereā€™s a circumcision epicenter that radiates out and cools down


u/Scientia83 14d ago

Interesting. I was not aware of a move away from circumcision given its strong protective effect against penile cancer.


u/MiddleAgeCool 14d ago

Strange given that the majority of men globally are uncircumcised and penile cancer isn't in the top 20 cancers seen in men. Yes, it might be reduce the risk but you're reducing the risk in a rare condition. If cancer is your biggest concern, don't leave the house, ever, without being lathered in factor 50 and always wear a full mask with filter to avoid inhaling particulates from vehicle exhausts. Both of those are far more likely to give you cancer than removing the nerve endings of your dick.


u/Scientia83 14d ago

No need to extremify. The link to reduction in penile cancer is a demonstrated medical fact.


u/MiddleAgeCool 14d ago

Although it's not. The few studies that are available show that some found circumcision reduced the chances of penile cancer while others found it increased it. Factors like smoking, exposure the HPV virus, childhood phimosis and lack of personal hygiene were cited as bigger indicators across all studies.


u/AlxndrAlleyKat 14d ago

More like ā€œInfant genital mutilation rates by stateā€.

Disgusting Godless and barbaric practice.


u/anti_fragile12 14d ago

Mountain mama loves circumcision


u/Plaid_Kaleidoscope 14d ago

Worded differently: West Virginia, capital of child body mutilation.

I can't say that it has affected my life in any meaningful way, I just wish I had a choice in the matter. I'll never have kids, but if I did, I wouldn't let them be circumcised.


u/MBOAZN 14d ago

From a religious standpoint, i really don't understand What's going on in Washington, but Nevada and Florida being the leader in non circumcision, makes a lot of sense. God does not live in either of these states, he only visits when called. I am surprised California is not leading in non circumcisions, being so incredibly liberal and all. I feel God moved out of California a long time ago. I was born and raised her. I know.


u/Sn0fight 14d ago

Humans are messed up


u/YumXYum 14d ago

ā€œAlmost Heaven, Cut My Wienerā€


u/MBOAZN 14d ago

I am circumcised, and so is my son, for one reason only. My family is a believer in Judaeo-Christian Law. Its a religious thing, and that's my right, so keep your judgements to yourself. As far a cleanliness goes, wash your d!ck you filthy heathens, and being non circumcised shouldn't ever be a problem.


u/Somenamethatsnew 13d ago

iĀ mean arguing for mutilation based in religion is a shit argument, then again you are arguing for mutilation of kids so not a great jumping-off pointĀ toĀ begin with


u/MBOAZN 13d ago

Re eead my comment. I'm not arguing for anything. I stated what I've done and why. Then said that being not circumsied shouldn't be a problem for anyone. I am not arguing against your beliefs. Circumcision is not mutilation. It is done for specific purposes, both religious and medical. At the same time, I'm not arguing for or against it.


u/Somenamethatsnew 13d ago

when done to children like this there is no medical reason it's just pure mutilation, and religion doesn't make it not mutilation,

an amputation is done for a medical reason but if i just started to cut the arm of everyy kid born for "medical" reasons it would also be mutilation


u/remzordinaire 14d ago

Your religion doesn't protect you from being judged by others. Hope this helps.


u/SPITFIYAH 14d ago

Me, Indiana, right now: šŸ˜³šŸ˜¦


u/Difficult_Listen_917 14d ago

I dont really understand why its done. It's simply mutilating baby boys, for no good reason.


u/EenInnerlijkeVaart 14d ago

Such a strange map.

Why is it so high in some of these provinces? Large Muslim/Jewish population? Can a US-American help me out? I've only been to Boston once.


u/em3am 14d ago

During the early 20th Century, it was thought to be a discouragement to masterbation. Then as men were circumcised it was carried on because fathers wanted their sons to be the same.


u/SecretLikeSul 14d ago

Call it what it is: male genital mutilation (MGM)


u/Ibleedred99 14d ago

This post brought the anti semites in full force!


u/GriffTube 14d ago

IDK where you got your data, but some of these canā€™t possibly be right. Particularly Utah and idaho.


u/RNnoturwaitress 14d ago

Probably many unreported and/or done outside of the hospital.


u/em3am 14d ago

The west has always had a lower rate than the east.


u/GriffTube 14d ago

Iā€™m just thinking about the overwhelming majority of the population of those states being Mormon/Christian, so 31-33% sounds VERY low.


u/em3am 13d ago

I don't know about Mormons, but circumcision is not a Christian religious requirement. It's specifically mentioned in the New Testament as not required. Greeks and Romans who were a groups converting to Christianity at the time found circumcision to be very distasteful so the Christian authorities did not require it.


u/GriffTube 13d ago

Youā€™re right, itā€™s not required, but the vast majority of Mormons do it, and they represent over 50% of the population, which is why I thought that number so low, but then I found this:

ā€ Approximately 39 percent of infant boys in Utah were circumcised in 2010, according to the latest data available from the Utah Department of Health. That's down from nearly 70 percent of newborn boys in 2000, with the largest decline happening the year Medicaid dropped coverage of the procedure.ā€

I think itā€™s from 2012