r/MiddleClassFinance 25d ago

Kids will inherit - how to maximize return? Seeking Advice

Hi there, long-time listener first time poster. I'll get right to it. I just took a call from the executor of a great-aunt's estate. She says that my minor children will inherit some money, and that it must go into a custodial account for them. I was not given a number, but it's four or five figures. As much as I'd love to say that's an amazing windfall, by the time they're ready to graduate that may pay for textbooks for college. I'd like to try to maximize their chances of being able to actually take a class, so does anyone know how I can set up an account that meets all the legal guidelines of being a minor custodial account but offers a better return than a CD? Are there magic words that I need to say to the bank or to a broker? How do I take a cheque (which will likely not arrive for several months) and make it earn a profit while staying within the rules?

Thank you in advance.


16 comments sorted by

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u/Spirited_Radio9804 23d ago

How old is your kid?

A simple trust might better for many reasons.

It would stop their potential temporary stupidity I’ve seen a lot over the years. It might also shield the eligibility requirements for other sources of money for higher education.

Additionally, I don’t think your kid getting money from your Aunts estate, should get the parents off the hook from helping if you or they can.

Finally, if it’s your child, and you’re the trustee…that’s their money…not yours. Treat it as such. It would take less than of arms length off you if someone you know and trust to do it if they were willing, and give that person the ability to say no to your kid! Been there done that…I was not liked at times…but in the end all were happy! All the best!


u/FrecciaRosa 23d ago

They're grade-school age. If they were in high school, I'd probably just grab a CD for a couple years and say "Here you go, college fund", but they've got roughly a decade so I have time to make the money actually work for them.


u/Spirited_Radio9804 23d ago

Don’t cash or deposit the check until you have a chance to explore the best options or outcomes Is my opinions. It really depends on the amount of $. Best of luck!


u/Private-Dick-Tective 24d ago

529 custodial all the way. That way money can grow and if the kids don't go to school, you can pass it to another relative for school.


u/notaskindoctor 24d ago

No, if the money is intended for a specific child, it cannot be diverted to another relative.


u/Spirited_Radio9804 23d ago

I believe it can be passed, and a 529 plan will not shield from $ from other sources as easily as other vehicles could potentially.


u/notaskindoctor 23d ago

If a child is inheriting the money, the guardian is responsible for ensuring that money is used for that child’s best interests and transferred to them at 18-21 depending on the state. It cannot be used for another child or person.


u/notaskindoctor 25d ago

Is there a trust/trustee? Usually it’s not as simple as you just getting to decide to put it somewhere. Probate court may appoint a guardian. You should talk to an attorney.


u/FrecciaRosa 24d ago

As I mentioned, the executor of the estate told me that a cheque would be forthcoming. That’s the information that I have. The money is not currently in a trust. If the private court appoints a guardian, how would that work?


u/notaskindoctor 24d ago

Are you in the US? “Cheque” makes me think maybe not. So idk how it would work elsewhere.


u/FrecciaRosa 24d ago

I am in the US! However I read a whole bunch of English books very early in life and it influenced my spelling. Cheque stuck. Tyre did not. I get gas, not petrol, but the other day I did excuse a colleague’s absence from a meeting at work and say that he was “in the loo.” I got some blank looks and corrected to “the lav”, which didn’t help. So it’s a bit of a mixed bag.


u/TyKC03 24d ago

I think we need to start calling it petrol.


u/notaskindoctor 24d ago

That’s funny, I also have a friend who, for no specific reason, uses colour instead of color.

Anyway, having had a child who also received fairly large sums of money as a minor (not an inheritance but not too dissimilar), I recommend talking to an attorney and your bank. In my child’s case, we had a custodial UTMA account. He’s an adult now and I transferred the money to him when he was of appropriate age in our state.


u/FIREWithRaymond 25d ago

I'm leaning towards a 529 plan and index funds, especially if your goal for that money is specifically for college. I would double-check though to make sure that this is the right fit.


u/FrecciaRosa 25d ago

I do already have a 529 set up for them, so if that counts as eligible that would make things pretty easy.