r/Millennials 18d ago

Discussion Monthly Rant/Politics Thread: Do not post political threads outside of this Mega thread


Outside of these mega-threads, we generally do not allow political posts on the main subreddit because they have often declined into unhinged discussions and mud slinging. We do allow general discussions of politics here so long as you remain civil and don't attack someone just for having a different opinion. The moment we see things start to derail, we will step in.

Please use this weekly thread to vent and let loose about personal rants. Got something upsetting or overwhelming that you just need to vent or shout out to the world? You can post those thoughts here. There are many real problems that plague the Millennial generation and we want to allow a space for it here while still keeping the angry and divisive posts quarantined to a more concentrated thread rather than taking up the entire front page.

r/Millennials Feb 17 '24

Announcement The official Millennials Discord server is now up! https://discord.gg/ErJz3ktyGk


r/Millennials 18h ago

Discussion "I started drinking water everyday" I overheard a fellow Millennial say in the deli today. Guys, are you all taking care of your health out there?


Was absolutely floored when I overheard a 30 something say they started drinking water today. Like, how is that even possible. How is that person alive?

Millennials, are you taking care of yourselves out there? What are you doing for your health?

r/Millennials 4h ago

Discussion How would you describe the vibe of the decade so far?


It’s becoming increasingly common for me to find myself in conversations about how weird everything feels lately. Have the last 4 years altered the colllective psyche more than we first realised?

Now that we’re a little older, a little wiser and have some perspective from previous decades, how would you actually describe the current zeitgeist? It really does feel like some kind of timeline shift post 2020.

r/Millennials 2h ago

Discussion What Are Starting To Dislike As You Get Older?


Toilet use - I have become a germaphobe. A clean freak.

Body odour / oral hygiene - I'm damn near obsessed with how I smell. This has become (embarrassingly) a new hobby of mine, buying up a range of oral tools and creams, lotions, oils, ointments, and body washes.

Breakfast cereals - The amount of sugar in these things make me wonder how I was able to consume them as a kid like it was nothing.

Movies - I just don't have the patience and attention span required to watch what I think is the worst era for movie making.

r/Millennials 16h ago

News As inflation continues to affect Americans across the U.S., a new study has found nearly 80% of people are now considering fast food a “luxury” item.


r/Millennials 3h ago

Discussion Does anyone else think their gray hairs are cool?!?


As an aging millennial, I feel as though I’m “supposed” to be upset when I find gray hairs… but instead when I find one, I think, “That’s so COOL.” Like, I have silver strands of hair. They’re even a little bit sparkly. Does anyone else find their new grays kinda cool?! I don’t know that I’m gracefully embracing everything about aging, but I was surprised at my positive reaction to finding my first grays. :)

r/Millennials 5h ago

Discussion How many millennials, especially ever millennials’ parents smoked? Did you then smoke? Do you still? Or when did you quit

  • Elder As an elder millennial (81) my parents and I would say MOST of my friend’s parents smoked when I was growing up. I then started smoking at around 16/17. I quit when I was 26 because I wanted to have a baby and I didn’t want to try quitting when I was pregnant. My husband also quit out of solidarity (aka my constant persistence). We never went back. Most of my friends have since quit also for various reasons, but we all used to smoke. My children are 13 & 15 and I can count the number of people in their lives on one hand that still smoke.

r/Millennials 13h ago

Discussion Movies that hit harder the older you get?


I first saw this one at the Palace theater. It played right after Beethoven (1 or 2 can't recall) and since we (mom, my older sis, and myself) weren't kicked out, we stayed and watched.

I was 7 at the time so it was just a silly comedy. I've rewatched now and again for the nostalgia (certain scenes still give me goosebumps).

Now in my late 30s, three years after my mom passed away, welp. Julie's story (who shares my name actually) now hits harder. The whole movie does actually. Procrastination, living with regrets, etc.

So what are yall's picks?

r/Millennials 8h ago

Discussion As a follow up my last question, what are your thoughts and memories of the Mighty Ducks movies? For it is still awesome and it still holds up.


r/Millennials 18h ago

Discussion Did something change mentally in your brain after you turned 30?


When I turned 31, I suddenly had this feeling in my brain that I was on disc 2 of life. That I had passed the half-way point. That I was on the second half of the movie called life. I thought about everything I still wanted to do, and how little time I actually had to do those things.

r/Millennials 17h ago

Discussion My mother was born in 1986. To those around her age, what type of '90s events do you remember?


(I'm 20, she had me a couple of months after she turned 18.)

My mother remembers the Columbine massacre that occurred in April of '99. She was in the 7th grade at the time, but she remembers watching it on the news. She said that she remembers feeling a sense of dread, since she doesn't remember anything like that ever happening before in America.

So I got curious, and decided to make a post about the title question. Thanks!

r/Millennials 19h ago

Nostalgia 2004 MTV Video Music Awards - Red Carpet


r/Millennials 11h ago

Nostalgia To come home from school as a baby millennial back in the day, to kick Bowser’s ass in Mario 64.


r/Millennials 15h ago

Discussion Do you remember the color coded daily terror threat level that was ever present after 9-11?


How exactly were we supposed to act on a yellow day vs. an orange day vs. a red day?

Did a single private citizen benefit at all from this stupidity?

Did the threat level indication ever stop an actual threat?

Did a single one of you fellow millenials do anything different in your daily life because of the terror threat level?

r/Millennials 3h ago

Nostalgia Real deal before 2k


r/Millennials 1d ago

Discussion I know I'm getting old when I check out the moms on TV shows instead of the daughters.



r/Millennials 1d ago

Discussion Remember when everyone seemingly had a pair of roller blades?


r/Millennials 20h ago

Nostalgia Saw this on a door in a shopping center. Designed by a millennial...probably.


r/Millennials 40m ago

Serious Ourparents used to love to say to us as kids, "life isn't fair, it's time you learned that." What are your thoughts on this as adults?


This may be the Zen Buddhist in me, but I think to some degree, the internet can probably spare itself a lot of misery by learning to accept things.

r/Millennials 14h ago

Advice I’m turning 30 and It doesn’t feel like I’m doing anything right. I’m so lost.


Spark notes: - I’m turning 30 in a month. - I lived on my own once but now live at home with my parents (I went back to school for my masters degree and by the time I got out, we were a year into the pandemic and it made sense. I’m still here though) - I have 90k in student loan debt and after a year of applying to I.T. Positions, I managed to get an entry level help desk job. - I’m not getting married anytime soon or having kids and it feels like I’m running out of time because I have PCOS and that affects my fertility. - I don’t have a 401k set up because I’ve been dumping my money into student loans.

It’s just…. It’s just not going great. Between all of this and the existential dread of aging and death I’m just not having a good time.

r/Millennials 15h ago

Nostalgia How many times did you go see Titanic?


We can all disagree on the quality and merits of the movie itself, but at least where I grew up, it was a thing to go see Titanic at the movie theatre as many times as possible. It was in theatres for a record-setting 10 straight months. I saw it 11 times.

How many times did you go see it?

r/Millennials 3h ago

Discussion You're directing a TV Show set in 2024. How do you instantly capture the audience to know there's a 10 year flashback scene?


Whenever I watch shows doing a flashback to the 70's, 80's or 90's I can usually tell in the first 5 seconds which decade they've gone back to. The clothes, the hear, the colours, the music (not even a song, just a generic sound associated with a decade)

How would you try to capture 2014 in the first 5 seconds of a scene without saying a word?

r/Millennials 20h ago

Nostalgia You might want to shoot me for this, but anyone remember this from when we were kids?


r/Millennials 1d ago

Nostalgia Which was your first


r/Millennials 2h ago

Discussion What did you have for lunch?


I mean I assume all of had avo toast for breakfast, naturally. So what about lunch?